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The goal of the present report was to determine how well surnames assess the degree of European admixture in urban Aymara. Reflectances, which were measured at three wavelengths (425 nm, 545 nm, and 685 nm) and on two sites (the medial surface of the upper arm and the forehead), were used as genetic markers. The sample consisted of 556 Andean Indians of Aymara ancestry (305 males, 251 females; 10.0–29.9 yr) residing in La Paz, Bolivia (average altitude of about 3600 m). The first component from a principal components analysis was demonstrated to assess the underlying genetics of pigmentation, after controlling for tanning and vascularity, the two primary environmental modifiers of skin color. The scores associated with the first principal component were there-force entered into a discriminant function analysis, which indicated that surnames provide a useful indirect index of the degree of European admixture in urban Aymara. However, these results also suggested that the relationship between, surnames and ethnicity is not equally strong across all surname categories. In particular, the likelihood of correctly predicting surname category from reflectances was about twice that expected by chance alone in individuals with two Aymara or two Spanish surnames but was slightly less than would be expected by chance alone in those with mixed surnames. In addition, the findings of this study suggested that there may be significant genetic differences between rural and urban Aymara.  相似文献   

A previous application to a Cherokee hybrid population of two methods for measuring admixture proportions by use of gene identity probabilities was examined. The results suggest that neither procedure has been correctly applied, and that underlying statistical difficulties limit their reliability.  相似文献   

Understanding the adaptive response to environmental fluctuations represents a central issue in evolutionary biology. Population admixture between divergent ancestries has often been considered as an efficient short‐term adaptation strategy. Cattle populations from the West African Bos taurus × Bos indicus hybrid zone represent a valuable resource to characterize the effect of such adaptive admixture at the genome level. We here provide a detailed assessment of the global and local genome ancestries of the Borgou breed, one of the most representative cattle of this hybrid zone. We analysed a large data set consisting of 38 100 SNPs genotyped on 203 Borgou and 591 individuals representative of all the different cattle ancestries. At the global genomic level, we show that Borgou is a stabilized admixed breed whose origin (c. 130 years ago) traces back to the great African rinderpest pandemic, several centuries after the last admixture events, the West African zebus originate from (c. 500 years ago). To identify footprints of adaptive admixture, we combined the identification of signatures of selection and the functional annotation of the underlying genes using systems biology tools. The detection of the SILV coat coloration gene likely under artificial selection may be viewed as a validation of our approach. Overall, our results suggest that the long‐term presence of pathogens and the intermediate environmental conditions are the main acting selective pressures. Our analytical framework can be extended to other model or nonmodel species to understand the process that shapes the patterns of genetic variability in hybrid zones.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the Dexter, a minority cattle breed with complex demographic history, was investigated using microsatellite markers and a range of statistical approaches designed to detect both admixture and genetic drift. Modern representatives of two putative ancestral populations, the Devon and Kerry, together with the different populations of the Dexter, which have experienced different demographic histories, were analysed. Breed units showed comparatively high levels of genetic variability ( H E = 0.63–0.68); however, distinct genetic subgroups were detected within the Dexter, which could be attributed to known demographic events. Much lower diversity was identified in three small, isolated Dexter populations ( H E = 0.52–0.55) and higher differentiation ( F ST > 0.13) was found. For one of these populations, where strong selection has taken place, we also found evidence of a demographic bottleneck. Three methods for quantifying breed admixture were applied and substantial method-based variation in estimates for the genetic contribution of the two proposed ancestral populations for each subdivision of the Dexter was found. Results were consistent only in the case of a group consisting of selected Traditional Dexter animals, where the ancestor of the modern Kerry breed was also determined as the greater parental contributor to the Dexter. The inconsistency of estimation of admixture proportions between the methods highlights the potentially confounding role of genetic drift in shaping small population structure, and the consequences of accurately describing population histories from contemporary genetic data.  相似文献   

qpAdm is a statistical tool for studying the ancestry of populations with histories that involve admixture between two or more source populations. Using qpAdm, it is possible to identify plausible models of admixture that fit the population history of a group of interest and to calculate the relative proportion of ancestry that can be ascribed to each source population in the model. Although qpAdm is widely used in studies of population history of human (and nonhuman) groups, relatively little has been done to assess its performance. We performed a simulation study to assess the behavior of qpAdm under various scenarios in order to identify areas of potential weakness and establish recommended best practices for use. We find that qpAdm is a robust tool that yields accurate results in many cases, including when data coverage is low, there are high rates of missing data or ancient DNA damage, or when diploid calls cannot be made. However, we caution against co-analyzing ancient and present-day data, the inclusion of an extremely large number of reference populations in a single model, and analyzing population histories involving extended periods of gene flow. We provide a user guide suggesting best practices for the use of qpAdm.  相似文献   

Gene frequencies and admixture estimates in a Mexico City population   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Five hundred and ten students of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México were tested to determine the distribution of ABO, MN, Rr-Hr blood groups, and serum haptoglobin, albumin, and Factor Bf types. Based on the results we found that the proportion of Indian and White genes are of 56.16 and 43.84%, respectively in the dihybrid model and 2.93, 56.22, and 40.85% for Blacks, Indians, and Whites in the trihybrid one. The present study reveals a higher proportion of Indian genes in the Mexico City population than estimated in previous publications. Reasons why the present results apply to a much larger group of Mexico City mestizos than the previous ones are given.  相似文献   

Measurements of human crania from five archaeological sites were subjected to canonical analysis. The five sites form a temporal sequence, ranging from prehistoric (ca. 1600 A.D.) to late historic (1830 A.D.), and belonging archaeologically to the Coalescent Tradition, which in South Dakota encompasses the historic Arikara Indians and their prehistoric ancestors. One canonical variate in each sex arranges the sites in their appropriate temporal sequence, presumably reflecting systematic microevolutionary change. The hypothesis that the morphological change resulted from gene flow from either White or Mandan Indian sources was tested using a two-group discriminate function. The function is found to effectively discriminate a Mandan sample and prehistoric Arikara, but becomes progressively less effective on the historic Arikara crania. This would suggest that Mandan gene flow into Arikara populations is responsible for the observed temporal variation. A similar analysis using British White crania suggests the possibility of slight White influence, but the effect is minimal compared to Mandan.  相似文献   

Shriner D 《Heredity》2011,107(5):413-420
Principal components analysis of genetic data is used to avoid inflation in type I error rates in association testing due to population stratification by covariate adjustment using the top eigenvectors and to estimate cluster or group membership independent of self-reported or ethnic identities. Eigendecomposition transforms correlated variables into an equal number of uncorrelated variables. Numerous stopping rules have been developed to identify which principal components should be retained. Recent developments in random matrix theory have led to a formal hypothesis test of the top eigenvalue, providing another way to achieve dimension reduction. In this study, I compare Velicer's minimum average partial test to a test on the basis of Tracy-Widom distribution as implemented in EIGENSOFT, the most widely used implementation of principal components analysis in genome-wide association analysis. By computer simulation of vicariance on the basis of coalescent theory, EIGENSOFT systematically overestimates the number of significant principal components. Furthermore, this overestimation is larger for samples of admixed individuals than for samples of unadmixed individuals. Overestimating the number of significant principal components can potentially lead to a loss of power in association testing by adjusting for unnecessary covariates and may lead to incorrect inferences about group differentiation. Velicer's minimum average partial test is shown to have both smaller bias and smaller variance, often with a mean squared error of 0, in estimating the number of principal components to retain. Velicer's minimum average partial test is implemented in R code and is suitable for genome-wide genotype data with or without population labels.  相似文献   

Measurements in populations which serve as valid indicators of biological relationship should be proportional to genetic distance. In order to test the utility of discrete cranial traits for estimating genetic distances among populations, estimates of admixture are obtained for gene frequency data and nonmetric cranial data in São Paulo mulattos (M). The gene frequency data serve as a control that the three populations are related as stated: estimates of admixture are obtained by using São Paulo whites (W) and blacks (B) as parental populations and by estimating the parameter of admixture, m, in the model pM = (1 ? m) pW + mpB (Elston, 1971) where the p's are either gene frequencies or nonmetric trait frequencies. A test of goodness of fit of the model provides a means of ascertaining whether or not the data fit this linear model. While the gene frequency data indicate distances among the three populations which are highly compatible with the linear model of admixture, the nonmetric data show significant deviations from the model. This implies that the frequencies of the nonmetric traits in the populations used in this analysis are not a linear function of genetic distance. This discourages the use of nonmetric traits in making quantitative conclusions about genetic relationships. It also suggests the need for investigation of the use of other skeletal characters for estimating genetic distance, as well as approaches for such investigations through the study of hybrid individuals.  相似文献   

Both the optimal marker density for genome scans in case-control association studies and the appropriate study design for the testing of candidate genes depend on the genomic pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD). In this study, we provide the first conclusive demonstration that the diverse demographic histories of human populations have produced dramatic differences in genomewide patterns of LD. Using a panel of 66 markers spanning the X chromosome, we show that, in the Lemba, a Bantu-Semitic hybrid population, markers 2 cM. Moreover, analysis of Bantu and Ashkenazi populations as putative parental populations of the Lemba shows a significant relationship between allele-frequency differentials and the LD observed in the Lemba, which demonstrates that much of the excess LD is due to admixture. Our results suggest that demographic history has such a profound effect on LD that it will not be possible to predict patterns a priori but that it will be necessary to empirically evaluate the patterns in all populations of interest.  相似文献   

As an area of contact between Asia and Europe, Central Asia witnessed a scenario of complex cultural developments, extensive migratory movements, and biological admixture between West and East Eurasians. However, the detanglement of this complexity of diversity requires an understanding of prehistoric contacts of the people from the West and the East on the Eurasia continent. We demonstrated the presence of genetic admixture of West and East in a population of 35 inhabitants excavated in Gavaerk in southern Xinjiang and dated 2,800–2,100 years before present by analyzing their mitochondrial DNA variations. This result indicates that the initial contact of the East and the West Eurasians occurred further east than Central Asia as early as 2,500 years ago. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The population of Cabo Verde was founded in the fifteenth century (1462), on the basis of slaves brought from the West African coast and a few Europeans, mainly from Portugal. The polymorphism of six red cell enzymes (ADA, AK1, ALAD, ESD, GLO1, and PGD) and ten plasma proteins (AHSG, BF, F13A, F13B, GC, HP, ORM, PLG, TBG, and TF) was studied in a sample of 268 individuals from Cabo Verde (West Africa). There is no statistical evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the two groups of islands which constitute the archipelago, Barlavento and Sotavento. The gene frequency distribution observed in Cabo Verde differs, in many markers, from that of West African populations, suggesting an important European influence. The proportion of Caucasian genes in the population of Cabo Verde has been calculated to be M = 0.3634 ± 0.0510, and the considerable dispersion of the locus-specific admixture estimates seems to indicate random drift has also played a role in the evolution of the allele frequencies in the archipelago. Partition of the variance of the mean estimate in evolutionary and sampling variance shows the evolutionary variance is more than ten times higher than the sampling variance. When dendrograms are constructed on the basis of different genetic distances, the population of Cabo Verde clusters with Afro-Americans, forming a different group from the populations of the African continent. This is interpreted as a consequence of the importance of Caucasian admixture both in Afro-Americans and in the population of Cabo Verde. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies have concluded that the global pattern of neutral genetic diversity in humans reflects a series of founder effects and population movements associated with our recent expansion out of Africa. In contrast, regional studies tend to emphasize the significance of more complex patterns of colonization, gene flow, and secondary population movements in shaping patterns of diversity. Our objective in this study is to examine how founder effects, gene flow, and European admixture have molded patterns of neutral genetic diversity in the Americas. Our strategy is to test the fit of a serial founder effects process to the pattern of neutral autosomal genetic variation and to examine the contribution of gene flow and European admixture to departures from fit. The genetic data consist of 678 autosomal microsatellite loci assayed by Wang and colleagues in 530 individuals in 29 widely distributed Native American populations. We find that previous evidence for serial founder effects in the Americas may be driven in part by high levels of European admixture in northern North America, intermediate levels in Central America, and low levels in eastern South America. Geographically patterned admixture may also account for previously reported genetic differences between Andean and Amazonian groups. Though admixture has obscured the precise details of precontact evolutionary processes, we find that genetic diversity is still largely hierarchically structured and that gene flow between neighboring groups has had surprisingly little impact on macrogeographic patterns of genetic diversity in the Americas.  相似文献   

Studies of hybridization have increased our understanding of the nature of species boundaries, the process of speciation, and the effects of hybridization on the evolution of populations and species. In the present study we use genetic and morphological data to determine the outcome and consequences of secondary contact and hybridization between the butterfly species Lycaeides idas and L. melissa in the Rocky Mountains. Admixture proportions estimated from structure and geographical cline analysis indicate L. idas and L. melissa have hybridized extensively in the Rocky Mountains and that reproductive isolation was insufficient to prevent introgression for much of the genome. Geographical patterns of admixture suggest that hybridization between L. idas and L. melissa has led to the formation of a hybrid zone. The hybrid zone is relatively wide, given estimates of dispersal for Lycaeides butterflies, and does not show strong evidence of cline concordance among characters. We believe the structure of the Lycaeides hybrid zone might be best explained by the patchy distribution of Lycaeides, local extinction and colonization of habitat patches, environmental variation and weak overall selection against hybrids. We found no evidence that hybridization in the Rocky Mountains has resulted in the formation of independent hybrid species, in contrast to the outcome of hybridization between L. idas and L. melissa in the Sierra Nevada. Finally, our results suggest that differences in male morphology between L. idas and L. melissa might contribute to isolation, or perhaps even that selection has favoured the spread of L. melissa male genitalia alleles.  相似文献   

DNA diversity and population admixture in Anatolia   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Turkic language was introduced in Anatolia at the start of this millennium, by nomadic Turkmen groups from Central Asia. Whether that cultural transition also had significant population-genetics consequences is not fully understood. Three nuclear microsatellite loci, the hypervariable region I of the mitochondrial genome, six microsatellite loci of the Y chromosome, and one Alu insertion (YAP) were amplified and typed in 118 individuals from four populations of Anatolia. For each locus, the number of chromosomes considered varied between 51-200. Genetic variation was large within samples, and much less so between them. The contribution of Central Asian genes to the current Anatolian gene pool was quantified using three different methods, considering for comparison populations of Mediterranean Europe, and Turkic-speaking populations of Central Asia. The most reliable estimates suggest roughly 30% Central Asian admixture for both mitochondrial and Y-chromosome loci. That (admittedly approximate) figure is compatible both with a substantial immigration accompanying the arrival of the Turkmen armies (which is not historically documented), and with continuous gene flow from Asia into Anatolia, at a rate of 1% for 40 generations. Because a military invasion is expected to more deeply affect the male gene pool, similar estimates of admixture for female- and male-transmitted traits are easier to reconcile with continuous migratory contacts between Anatolia and its Asian neighbors, perhaps facilitated by the disappearance of a linguistic barrier between them.  相似文献   

Summary A method has been developed which enables the estimation of the plant gene flow parameters p (pollen dispersal), s (seed dispersal) and t (outcrossing rate) from a selection-free continuously structured population in equilibrium. The method uses Wright's F-coefficients and introduces a new F-function which describes the genetic similarity as a function of the spatial distance. The method has been elaborated for wind pollinated plant species but can be modified for insect pollination and for animal species. In practice allozymes will provide for the necessary neutral genetic variation. The more loci used and the more intermediate the gene frequencies, the more reliable the results. For the estimation of p and t together (when the outcrossing rate is not known) at least two chromosomally unlinked loci are required. The method for estimating s depends on whether the plant species is annual or perennial. The mechanism of selfing has been analysed by the explanation of the value of t by three components: population density (d), pollen flow (p) and relative fertilization potential of own pollen (Z). The concepts of neighbourhood size and isolation by distance, developed by Wright, who used a single gene flow parameter , have been extended to the situation which is realistic for seed plants, using all three parameters p, s and t. When p is large with respect to s, s largely determines the value of the neighbourhood size, whereas p is the most dominating factor in isolation by distance. The use of local effective population size and mean gene transport per generation instead of neighbourhood size and neighbourhood area, respectively, is proposed to avoid confusion. Computer simulations have been carried out to check the validity and the reliability of the method. Populations of 200 plants, using two or three loci with intermediate allele frequencies, gave good results in the calculation of p with known value of t and of s and Ne. With unknown t, especially with lower values of t, larger populations of at least 1,000 plants are necessary to obtain reasonably accurate results for p and mean gene transport per generation M.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 81  相似文献   

The contribution of a parental population in the gene pool of a hybrid population which arose by hybridization with one or more other populations is estimated here at the population level from the probability of gene identity. The dynamics of accumulation of such admixture is studied incorporating the fluctuations due to finite size of the hybrid population. The method is illustrated with data on admixture in Cherokee Indians.  相似文献   

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