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Biodiversity and the natural environment have suffered a huge negative impact around the world as a result of excessive exploitation by humans and the often short-sighted economic policies of national governments. Some scientists have asserted that the resolution of this problem may lie in a proper examination and understanding of human knowledge of, and attitudes toward, the environment. In this study, we examine the distribution of environmental awareness and attitudes in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria across sociodemographic categories. We found that contrary to a number of findings from studies in other parts of the world, older respondents were the most concerned about the environment and youths were not more knowledgeable than older individuals about environmental issues. Male respondents had more knowledge than females but gender did not affect other aspects of environmental attitudes. However, occupation and education both had marked effects on environmental knowledge and attitudes. Our study suggests that given the current socioeconomic situation in Nigeria, and limited knowledge of environmental issues, the most effective strategy for promoting environmentally responsible behavior and positive attitudes regarding less obvious issues such as biodiversity loss might simply be to increase exposure to straightforward messages emphasizing their relevance.  相似文献   

环境因子和外源化学物质对果树UFGT基因的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,花色苷对果树叶片和果皮着色的作用虽备受关注,但对其合成途径中UDP-葡萄糖:类黄酮-3-O-葡萄糖基转移酶基因(UFGT)的研究以及环境因子和外源化学物质对该基因的影响仍缺乏系统评述。文章描述了UFGT基因的基本特性,并基于国内外相关研究进展,介绍了UFGT基因在果树花色苷合成及果皮着色等方面的作用,重点总结分析了环境因子和外源化学物质对UFGT基因的影响,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望,以期为进一步研究UFGT基因提供参考依据。  相似文献   

植物在应对不同环境胁迫时会做出不同的应对措施,其中一种常见的方式是产生次生代谢产物。萜类化合物为植物次生代谢产物中种类最多、结构最复杂的一类化合物,几乎存在于所有植物中,发挥着重要的生物功能,很多具有显著的药理活性,如免疫调节、抗肿瘤、降血脂、保肝等。该文对近年来国内外有关环境温度、紫外线辐射、光照、干旱、臭氧及植物生长发育阶段等环境因素对植物萜类化合物合成影响的研究进展进行综述,探究植物萜类化合物受环境因子影响产生应激反应的一般性规律。  相似文献   

曲江勇  刘迺发 《四川动物》2012,31(4):518-523
采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和直接测序的方法,测定了雉鸡甘肃亚种9个种群118个样本的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区(D-loop)1150个碱基长度的基因序列,43个变异位点产生51个单倍型。环境因子与种群遗传变异的相关性研究表明,序列变异与经度(r=0.725,P<0.05)、年平均温度(r=0.833,P<0.05)呈显著正相关,核苷酸多样性与经度(r=0.686,P<0.05)、年平均温度(r=0.844,P<0.05)呈显著正相关。片段化与低温是导致雉鸡甘肃亚种遗传多样性的主要因素。序列变异及核苷酸多样性与温度的变异系数呈显著负相关(r序列=-0.679,P<0.05;r核苷酸=-0.669,P<0.05)。温度越稳定地区雉鸡甘肃亚种的遗传多样性越高。  相似文献   

佛教和道教作为中国历史上源远流长的两个宗教体系,其宗教文化中蕴含着丰富的生态智慧.剖析其基本教义中的朴素自然观与环保实践方面的异同,从生物学的角度挖掘其中蕴含的生态意识,用现代生态学原理加以解释,得出其中科学的、合理的成分,一方面为我国当前的全民素质教育与可持续发展教育提供生动、科学的教育素材;另一方面为国家制定相关的宗教、环保政策与措施提供理论依据,尤其能够在宗教地区的自然保护区建设及环保工作与宗教活动之间起到桥梁和纽带作用.  相似文献   

盐地碱蓬甜菜红素苷的鉴定及环境因素对其积累的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以C3盐生植物盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)为材料研究了体内红色素的理化性质、随发育时期的变化及光照、温度、盐分对红色素积累的影响。结果表明:该红色素溶于水而不溶于有机溶剂,光抑制其积累,在酸性条件下稳定,为红色,在碱性条件下不稳定,为黄色,最大吸收峰为538nm。根据这些特性,初步确定该类红色素为甜菜红素苷(betacyanin)。黑暗、低温、高盐环境有利于盐地碱蓬甜菜红素苷的积累,其中萌发期黑暗是诱导甜菜红素苷积累的重要因子。  相似文献   

哺乳动物胚胎发育受遗传和表观遗传的共同调控.精子作为重要的雄性生殖细胞,通过受精过程,将这些信息传递给卵子,进而影响子代的发育.精子中携带有丰富的表观遗传信息,其中小非编码RNAs(small noncoding RNAs,sncRNAs)在精子发育不同阶段发挥重要的作用,包括调控基因表达、介导蛋白质翻译,以及参与精子...  相似文献   


Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, social economy develops in an unparalleled speed, while it certainly fosters the consumption of natural resources and the pressure to protect the ecological environment. Hence, there is a two-way relationship between the well-being of humans and the natural environment. In this study, link analysis techniques along with multivariate statistical analysis were employed to discover the effects of environmental risk factors on city life cycle, where suicides, immigration, and emigration were considered as the fundamental indicators of how cities evolve. Association rules, classification trees, MANOVA, and linear discriminant analysis were applied to data on air quality, socioeconomic development, and demographical factors belonging to the cities of Turkey. The results indicate that socioeconomic development levels of cities differ along attraction and life satisfaction dimensions. People tend to choose a city with better development level and better air quality in order to increase their life satisfaction. Additionally, developed cities are less likely to have issues with air quality and citizens who live in a poorly developed city are least satisfied with their lives.  相似文献   

环境因子对大石鸡种群遗传结构的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
卫明  侯鹏  黄族豪  刘迺发 《生态学报》2002,22(4):528-534
大石鸡是我国特有种 ,仅分布于青海东部 ,甘肃中部 ,宁夏六盘山以西 ,是我国北方干旱和半干旱荒漠环境指示鸟类。研究其遗传多样性与环境变化的关系 ,不仅是生态遗传学的前沿领域 ,而且在进化生物学和保护生物学领域都有重要的理论意义。采用聚合酶链式反应 ( PCR)和直接测序的方法 ,测定了甘肃境内由北向南的 5个大石鸡 ( Alectorismagna)种群 (兰州、榆中、定西、武山和礼县 )的线粒体 DNA( mt DNA)控制区 ( D-loop) 4 5 7~ 4 5 8个碱基长度的基因序列。结果表明兰州、榆中、定西、武山和礼县种群的平均碱基含量中 A( F=0 .30 F0 .0 1( 4 ,32 ) =3.97)、T( F=6 .4 4>F0 .0 1( 4 ,32 ) =3.97)差异极显著。 5个种群的基因变异率分别为 0 .32± 0 .2 7%、0 .4 8± 0 .4 5 %、0 .6 2± 0 .4 3%、0 .4 4± 0 .2 4 %、0 .1 7± 0 .1 4 % ,种群内的平均基因变异率为 0 .4 1± 0 .1 7% ,种群间的平均基因变异率为 0 .4 6± 0 .1 0 % ,种群内和种群间的平均基因变异率差异不明显( F=2 .5 90 .0 5 )和无霜期 ( r=-0 .81 0  相似文献   

Kurdish  I. K.  Antonyuk  T. S.  Chuiko  N. V. 《Microbiology》2001,70(1):91-95
Dependence of motility and chemotaxis was studied in two strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum upon several environmental factors. In both strains, chemotaxis was found to increase with an increasing concentration of the attractant (glucose) to 5.5 × 10–2 M. Both motility and chemotaxis reached their maximum in the two- to three-day cultures at neutral pH. The maximum motility of these bacteria occurred at 40°C. The maximum values of chemotaxis in these microorganisms were, however, observed at 20–25°C. Chemotaxis in acidic or alkaline media and at low temperatures was found to be markedly weaker. Nonoptimal values of these parameters in soil may be a limiting factor for the interaction of the given bacteria with soybean roots.  相似文献   

生态因子对生物的生长、发育、生殖和分布有着直接和间接的影响.在1998~2005年对扬子鳄繁殖研究中心内自然环境下鳄卵及其繁殖地环境因子进行调查,包括窝卵数、产卵时间、出壳时间、孵化期内温度、湿度的变化情况、雏鳄孵出后的存活数量以及巢区的植被盖度.调查发现天气状况直接影响母鳄产卵时间、卵的孵化质量与雏鳄的出壳数量.盖度相对大于0.5的窝巢中多数卵基本能正常发育,盖度小于0.5的窝巢中可能只有少数几枚卵发育正常.  相似文献   

蒸腾作用是植物水分关系中的一个重要部分,它基本上是蒸发的物理过程,因此受环境因子的影响,同时它也是受植物体本身结构特点影响的生理过程。对植物的蒸腾强度测定,有利于了解植物与环境之间的关系。千里香[Murraya paniculata(L.)Jack]是一种主要生长于石灰岩地区的具有重要药理作用的植物。其生长地的土壤浅薄,而基岩本身又易透水,故石灰岩地区蓄水保水能力较差,土壤常较干燥,测定千里香植物的蒸腾强度,有利于了解石灰岩地区植物的某些特点。  相似文献   

苔藓植物对环境变化的响应和适应性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苔藓植物作为环境变化的指示植物在世界范围内已得到广泛应用.本文从温度、水分、干旱、光照、海拔以及着生基质等方面就苔藓植物对环境因子变化的响应和适应性进行了综述,以期促进苔藓植物的多样性保护以及环境污染和气候变化的苔藓生物监测研究.  相似文献   

目的:了解哮喘儿童父母的对疾病知识的掌握情况以及儿童的服药依从情况和影响因素,为提高哮喘儿童的控制率提供参考依据。方法:选择2015年1月-2015年12月于上海市第十人民医院儿科门诊诊治的支气管哮喘儿童93例,调查其哮喘控制情况、哮喘服药依从性和父母基本情况与相关知识。依从性与知识知晓率的比较采用双向有序的检验,影响因素采用有序结果的累积优势Logistic回归分析。结果:本次调查93例哮喘儿童中,哮喘完全控制率为23.7%,儿童服药依从性好的比率为25.8%,哮喘儿童父母相关知识知晓率高的比率为25.8%,儿童哮喘控制率与服药依从性之间存在相关性(P=0.029),哮喘儿童服药依从性与哮喘儿童父母相关知识知晓率之间存在相关性(P=0.035)。哮喘儿童的服药依从性受到儿童性别(OR=1.153,95%CI:1.04-1.96)、家族史(OR=1.402,95%CI:1.20-2.33)、知识知晓率(OR=1.828,95%CI:1.05-3.17)和病程(OR=0.758,95%CI:0.35-0.97)等因素的影响(P0.05)。结论:哮喘儿童的服药依从性受到儿童性别、家族史、知识知晓率和病程等因素的影响,要充分发挥儿童父母的作用,从医院内干预逐渐进入家庭干预,通过对父母或者监护人的认知或用药知识的提高,切实提高哮喘儿童的用药依从性和哮喘的控制率。  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a leading threat to freshwater biodiversity worldwide. A central unanswered question of invasion ecology is why some introduced populations establish while most fail. Answering this question will allow resource managers to increase the specificity and effectiveness of control efforts and policy. We studied the establishment of spiny water flea (Bythotrephes longimanus) in the United States and Canada by modeling introduction failure caused by demographic stochasticity, environmental variation, and seasonal environmental forcing. We compared predicted establishment rates with observed invasions of inland lakes in Ontario, Canada. Our findings suggest that environmental forcing can cause “windows” of invasion opportunity so that timing of introductions might be a greater determinant of population establishment than demographic stochasticity and random environmental variation. We expect this phenomenon to be exhibited by species representing a wide range of life histories. For spiny water flea in North America, a large window of invasion opportunity opens around the fourth week of May, persists through the summer, and closes with decreasing water temperatures in autumn. These results show how timing of introductions with respect to seasonally forced environmental drivers can be a key determinant of establishment success. By focusing on introductions during windows of invasion opportunity, resource managers can more effectively control invasion rates.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported wide distribution of anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) bacteria in various ecosystems. However, little is known about the distribution of anammox bacteria under varying environmental conditions in intensive aquaculture systems. In Yangcheng Lake, a famous crab farm situated in the Yangtze River Delta, sediment samples were collected in October (feeding period) and January (nonfeeding period) to analyze the distribution and diversity of anammox bacteria and their relationships with environmental factors. Based on the functional biomarker of Anammox bacteria, hzo gene, anammox bacterial clone libraries were constructed and their abundances were determined by quantitative PCR (qPCR). The Anammox bacteria were detected in the lake with the abundances ranging from 0.70 × 105 to 6.05 × 105 copies per gram of sediment. Sequences from eight clone libraries yielded seven unique operational taxonomic units (OTUs), distantly related to the Candidatus Jettenia genera with a similarity of about 91%. The Anammox bacterial community structures, diversities and abundances varied spatiotemporally with environmental conditions. In October, the level of the nitrogen compounds, the diversity, evenness and abundance of Anammox bacteria were higher than in January. The predominant OTU of samples changed from HZO-OTU-1 (34.25%) in January to HZO-OTU-2 (28.90%) in October. Moreover, the site (SW) nearing to sewage inlet was lack of HZO-OTU-7 in January. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the pore water NO2? concentration, ammonium to nitrogen oxides ratio (NH4+/NOx?) and total organic carbon to total nitrogen ratio (TOC/TN) contributed most to Anammox bacterial community structures variances. Pearson correlations analysis revealed that the Anammox bacteria abundance had positive co-relationships with TN, NH4+, NO3? concentrations, and negative correlation with TOC/TN in porewater.  相似文献   

在摇瓶中用液体培养基培养长春花(Catharanthusroseus(L.)G.Don)激素自养型细胞系C20hi,比较了不同初始糖浓度、接种量、初始pH值、光照时间、光质和摇床转速对该培养细胞生长、阿玛碱积累和释放的影响。结果表明,此细胞系具有较强的环境耐受性;一定范围内初始糖浓度增加,有利于细胞生长和生物碱生成;最适的接种量是60gFW/L;一定范围内改变培养基pH值,对生物碱生成没有显著影响;照光后生物碱生成量下降,红光较蓝光更有利于生物碱生成;最适的摇床转速是120r/min。  相似文献   

环境因子调控植物花青素苷合成及呈色的机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花青素苷(anthocyanin)是决定被子植物花、果实和种皮等颜色的重要色素之一。花青素苷的合成与积累过程往往与植物发育过程密切相关,由内外因子共同控制。环境因子通过诱导植物体内花青素苷合成途径相关基因的表达来调控花青素苷的呈色反应。该文追踪了国内外相关研究,认为光是影响花青素苷呈色的主要环境因子之一,光质和光强均能在一定程度上影响花青素苷的合成,其中光质起着更为关键的作用;低温能诱导花青素苷的积累,高温则会加速花青素苷的降解;不同的糖类物质均能影响花青素苷的合成,大部分结构基因和调节基因的表达均受糖调控。关于花发育与花青素苷呈色的关系、观赏植物花色对环境因子的响应以及花青素苷抵御逆境的机理尚待深入研究。因此,综合考察花发育与植物花青素苷合成及其呈色之间的关系,特别是光周期对花发育的影响导致花青素苷合成及呈色的机理是花色研究的一个重要课题。利用环境因子调控花色将会极大地提高花卉的观赏价值。  相似文献   

采用多元逐步回归分析对分布于浙江、福建、湖南、湖北和贵州5个省内6类不同居群药用植物雷公藤(Tripterygium wilfordil)的160株个体进行了雷公藤红素含量和环境因子的相关性分析。结果表明,在空间分布上,各居群间的雷公藤红素含量差异较大,其中湖南黄岩居群雷公藤红素含量最高,为1.0585×10^-2g·g^-1,贵州雷山和福建泰宁居群最低,分别为4.9889×10^-3g·g^-1和4.9887×10^-3g·g^-1;而在居群内的雷公藤红素含量相对一致,基本呈正态分布。实验结果表明,雷公藤中雷公藤红素的积累在很大程度上受环境因子的影响。进一步利用SPSS软件对各个环境因子作逐步回归分析,表明年均日照时长(X)、年均降雨量(X2)和土壤含氮量(蚝)是影响雷公藤中雷公藤红素含量(Ⅵ的主导因子,且各因素均与雷公藤红素含量呈负相关。经检验,回归方程为Y=19.308-0.01X1-0.02X2—0.062X5,雅达到0.917,F检验回归方程的线性关系显著。研究结果表明,环境因子,特别是日照、水分和土壤含氮量能够影响雷公藤中雷公藤红素的含量。该文还对提高雷公藤中药用成分雷公藤红素含量的研究策略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:探讨喝含糖饮料后是否影响大学生金钱表征和金钱捐献意向。方法:170名大学生,随机分成三组,喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组。在抄写完一段文字后,填写自编问卷一和PANAS量表。结果:(1)饮用含糖饮料后并非显著性地影响到对金钱表征;(2)喝含糖饮料在一定程度上能够增加金钱捐献意向,但喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组,三组被试金钱捐献意向未达显著性差异水平;(3)喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组三组被试在积极情绪和消极情绪维度上均未达到显著性水平。结论:喝含糖饮料并未显著地影响其金钱表征或促进其金钱捐献意向。  相似文献   

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