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Retinoic acid (RA) plays a critical role in cell growth and tissue development and is also a regulatory factor of pituitary function. However, whether RA is generated in the pituitary gland and plays a role as a paracrine and/or autocrine factor is generally unknown. RA is synthesized from retinoids through oxidation processes. Dehydrogenases that catalyze the oxidation of retinal to RA are members of the retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (RALDH) family. Recently, we demonstrated that RALDH2 and RALDH3, but not RALDH1, were expressed in the developing anterior pituitary gland of rats, but the expression of RALDHs in the adult pituitary gland was not determined. Therefore, we have now examined the expression of RALDH1, RALDH2, and RALDH3 mRNAs in the pituitary gland of adult rats. Analysis by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction of adult pituitary glands has revealed a high level of RALDH1 mRNA but not of RALDH2 mRNA or RALDH3 mRNA. We have also detected mRNA expression for RALDH1 in the anterior pituitary gland by in situ hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probes. Double-staining for RALDH1 mRNA and pituitary hormones or S-100 protein, a marker of folliculo-stellate cells (FS-cells), has revealed RALDH1 mRNA expression in a portion of prolactin-producing cells, marginal layer cells, and FS-cells. Our results suggest that RA is generated in the adult anterior pituitary gland, and that it may act locally on pituitary cells. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (18790149) and by the Foundation of Growth Science.  相似文献   

An analysis of secreted proteins by the signal sequence trap method using a cDNA library of the rat pituitary anlage at embryonic days (E) 13.5 revealed the abundant expression of delta-like protein 1 (Dlk1) in the pituitary gland. Dlk1, an epidermal growth factor-like repeat protein in preadipocytes, functions in maintaining the preadipose state. Expression of Dlk1 mRNA in the pituitary at E13.5 and in the adult pituitary was confirmed by in situ hybridization. The expression pattern of Dlk1 during pituitary development was also studied by immunohistochemistry. Dlk1 protein first appeared in Rathke’s pouch and the infundibulum at E11.5; as development proceeded, expression became restricted to the pars distalis and pars tuberalis (PT). Dlk1 was expressed in most ACTH cells during the embryonic stages, but its expression was limited to only a few ACTH cells in the adult pituitary. It was also expressed in a small population of TSH, GTH, and PRL cells throughout development, whereas it was present in the cytoplasm of most GH cells at all developmental stages. Similarly, Dlk1 was localized in the cytoplasm of PT cells during development. These findings provide new insights into the mechanism of Dlk1 regarding its regulation of pituitary hormone-secreting cells during development.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have indicated that 19-dayold fetal long bones of the rat contain an adenylyl cyclase-stimulating activity antigenically related to parathyroid hormone-related peptide. To ascertain its origin, Northern blotting and in situ hybridization histochemistry were performed. Results demonstrate that mRNA of parathyroid hormone-related peptide is present in RNA extracted from fetal long bones of the rat and that cells responsible for its production are localized in the periosteum. These cells are not mature osteoblasts because they do not synthesize mRNA of osteocalcin. Thus the present study shows that parathyroid hormone-related peptide could be produced locally, at least in part, in the skeleton of fetal rats.  相似文献   

Summary Organotypic cultures, in defined medium, of pituitary primordia obtained from 15-day-old rat fetuses were performed in order to study the in vitro differentiation of melanotrophic cells. The morphological and ultrastructural features of the transplants resembled those of the gland developing in vivo. In situ hybridization on semi-thin sections, using a 35S-labelled oligonucleotide probe, revealed pro-opiomelanocortin-mRNA-containing cells on the first day of culture in the anterior lobe and after 2–3 days in the intermediate lobe. Immunoperoxidase labelling of adjacent sections showed that the same cells reacted with antibodies against -melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), 3 and adrenocorticotropic hormone in both lobes. The pro-opiomelanocortin-mRNA-containing cells formed progressively conspicuous areas in the intermediate lobe, which was almost uniformly labelled after 6 days. In the anterior lobe, these cells remained scattered in small cell groups, and colloidal gold immunolabelling showed the progressive disappearance of MSH labelling from the secretory vesicles in cells exhibiting morphological features of adult corticotrophic cells. Both the MSH content of the explants and MSH release into the culture medium increased with time. Treatment with the dopamine agonist bromocriptine induced a strong dose-dependent decrease in MSH secretion, which was significant after 3 days in culture, indicating that dopamine D2 receptors are able to regulate hormonal release of melanotrophic cells at early stages. This system constitutes a suitable model for further studies of factors controlling cell differentiation and cellular interactions involved in histogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly in anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats were studied by immuno-electron microscopy and radioimmunoassay. Three weeks after gonadectomy, rats received intravenous injections of sheep anti-laminin IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, and glands were fixed and processed for microscopy 1 h later. Peroxidase reaction product uniformly labeled all perivascular and glandular epithelial basement membranes. In addition, reaction product was also found in abnormally multi-layered basement membranes seen especially beneath gonadotrophs, and unusual basement membrane-like structures projecting between gonadotrophs were also labeled. Pituitary sections from gonadectomized rats labeled with pre-embedding immunoperoxidase and post-embedding immungold techniques also localized intracellular laminin within biosynthetic organelles and light body vesicles of gonadotrophs. Neither abnormal basement membrane structures nor intracellular laminin were detected in pituitaries of nongonadectomized, control rats. Radioimmunoassays of pituitary homogenates showed nearly twice as much soluble laminin ( 15 ng/gland) in gonadectomized rats than in controls ( 8 ng/gland), which paralleled gland growth, but serum laminin concentrations did not differ ( 10 ng/ml in both groups). When anterior pituitary glands of gonadectomized rats that received injections of anti-laminin IgG-HRP were fixed 5 days after injection, lengths of unlabeled basement membrane were distributed between labeled lengths. This indicated that new basement membrane was spliced into old by a process similar to that seen in normal development. Supplementation of gonadectomized rats with testosterone, however, arrested laminin biosynthesis and basement membrane assembly and reversed glandular hypertrophy. These results indicate that, in an absence of sex hormone feedback, renewed synthesis of basement membrane components occurs in the anterior pituitary and is probably necessary to support the additional growth and differentiation of gonadotrophs and other pituitary cells.  相似文献   

Neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) can undergo post-translational modifications, such as the addition of polysialic acid chains, thus generating PSANCAMs, which are expressed mainly during development. Since polysialylation considerably modifies NCAM adhesivity, expression of NCAMs and PSANCAMs has been investigated in the developing hypophysis by immunohistochemistry. At embryonic day 13 (E13), an antibody against NCAM outlined all cellular profiles in the entire Rathke's pouch; this labelling persisted until adulthood. NCAM expression increased in all lobes during development and concerned all pituitary cell types. In contrast, at E13, PSA-NCAMs were only detected in the neural lobe, solely constituted of pituicytes at this stage, and the tuberal lobe, the only lobe expressing hormonal mRNA at the same stage. PSA-NCAMs expression increased in the neural lobe at E17 with the arrival of the neurosecretory fibres and persisted into adulthood. In the anterior lobe, PSA-NCAMs appeared at E15 where their distribution was similar to that of the differentiating corticotrophic cells; at subsequent stages, their expression extended to the whole anterior lobe. Only two cell types, corticotrophic and somatotrophic cells, remained labelled in the adult gland. In the intermediate lobe, melanotrophic cells never expressed PSA-NCAMs but these were expressed on folliculo-stellate cells at birth, preceding the onset of innervation. These results suggest that NCAMs and PSA-NCAMs play a role in pituitary histogenesis, cell differentiation and neurointermediate lobe innervation.  相似文献   

Alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases (ADHs and ALDHs) may be of interest in the pathology of Parkinson's disease (PD) because of their role in protection against toxins and in retinoid metabolism, which is required for growth and development of the mesencephalic dopamine system. In the present study, the spatial and temporal expression patterns of Adh1, Adh3, Adh4, and Aldh1 mRNAs in embryonic C57BL/6 mice (E9.5-E19.5) and Sprague-Dawley rats (E12.5-P0) have been investigated by using radioactive oligonucleotide in situ hybridization. High expression of Aldh1 mRNA was found in the developing mesencephalic dopamine neurons of both mice and rats. Expression of Adh1 and Adh4 mRNAs was observed in adrenal cortex and olfactory epithelium in mice. Additionally, Adh1 was expressed in epidermis, liver, conjunctival, and intestinal epithelium. In rat embryos, expression was less extensive, with Adh1 mRNA being found in liver and intestines. Adh3 expression was ubiquitous in both mouse and rat embryos, suggesting a housekeeping function of the gene. Consistent with previous studies in adult rats and mice, our data suggest that Adh3 is the only ADH class present in rodent brain. Adh and Aldh gene activity in mouse and rat embryos indicate the possible involvement of the respective enzymes in retinoid metabolism and participation in defense against toxic insults, including those that may be involved in the pathogenesis of PD. This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Parkinson Foundation, the Swedish Brain Foundation, Karolinska Institutet funds, AstraZeneca, and the US Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium content and pineal concretions were studied in young (2–3 months) and old (28 months) Wistar rats. Samples, deep-frozen by liquid propane/isopentane and freeze-dried were analysed by means of X-ray microanalysis in a scanning electron microscope. Total semi-quantitative measurements revealed that pineals of old rats showed a marked increase of calcium compared with the pineals of young rats. It is thus suggested that a calcium-rich environment is responsible for the growth of pineal concretions, which only appear in old rats. Pineal calcifications in rats could thus be an indicator of aging and/or of a degenerating state.  相似文献   

Summary As previously reported, in anterior pituitary cells of the rat, secretory granules are linked with adjacent granules, cytoorganelles, microtubules, and plasma membrane by thin filaments, 4–10 nm in diameter. The quick-freeze, deep-etching method revealed that some of the filaments linking adjacent secretory granules show 5 nm-spaced striations on their surface which are known to be characteristic of actin. Immunocytochemistry showed that actin is localized in the cytoplasm beneath the plasma membrane, and around or between secretory granules. The heavy meromyosin decoration method demonstrated that actin filaments are mainly located in the cytoplasm beneath the plasma membrane, while some actin filaments are connected with the limiting membrane of the secretory granules. The actin filaments associated with the secretory granules are considered to be involved in the intracellular transport of the granules, while those localized in the peripheral cytoplasmic matrix might control the approach of the secretory granules to the plasma membrane and their release.This study was supported in part by grants from the Research Fund of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Summary The characteristic ultrastructure of thyrotrophs of the rat anterior pituitary was observed by immuno-electron microscopy and enzyme cytochemistry with increasing time after thyroidectomy (TX). The rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) became dilated, the intracisternal granules reacted to serum raised against thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) around 21 days after TX, and lysosomes and peculiar structures with positive acid phosphatase activity were present. The administration of thyroxine (T4) to the thyroidectomized rats resulted in the reformation of secretory granules, a reduction of dilated cisternae of rough ER and the activation of the lysosomal systems. Morphological features indicating that the TX-cells might be derived from growth hormone (GH) cells or cells other than TSH cells, previously suggested by some researchers, were not recognized in the present study. The amount of serum and pituitary TSH was measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA), and correlated well with the morphological changes. These results indicate that the TX-cells are hypertrophied hyperfunctioning TSH cells that have been affected by the lack of negative feedback of thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Submandibular gland responses to sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve stimulation were studied in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Morphologically, the acinar cells in control glands were relatively uniform in size and contained electron-lucent granules. The granular ducts were distinguished by the presence of electron-dense granules. With the exception of intracellular lipid droplets and the presence of a few autophagosomes in diabetic glands, no consistent differences in acinar cell structure were observed. In contrast, the diameter of the granular ducts and the granule content of their cells were less in diabetic glands. At 3 weeks sympathetic flow rate, salivary protein concentration, and total protein output were unaffected by diabetes. Sympathetic flow rate was greater at 3 months, and the concentration of protein in the saliva was lower. In 6-month diabetic rats flow rate remained increased, but protein concentration and total protein output were reduced. The decrease in salivary protein concentration at 3 and 6 months was accompanied by a reduction in secretory granule release from acinar and granular duct cells. No consistent differences in flow rate, protein concentration, protein output, or secretory granule release were observed following parasympathetic stimulation. We conclude that the effects of diabetes on nerve-stimulated flow rate and protein release depend on the duration of diabetes and the type of stimulation, and are independent of one another.  相似文献   

Summary The spontaneous dwarf rat is a novel experimental model animal on the study of pituitary dwarfism. The fine structure of the anterior pituitary cells was studied in the immature and mature dwarf rats. Pituitary glands were removed from 5-, 10-, 20-day-old immature dwarfs, adult (45 days-16 weeks) dwarfs and normal 3-month-old rats and processed for electron-microscopic observation. In the control animals, growth hormone cells were readily identified by their ultrastructural characteristics, such as the presence of numerous electron-dense secretory granules, 300–350 nm in diameter, well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and a prominent Golgi complex. In contrast, growth hormone cells were not found in the anterior pituitary gland of the spontaneous dwarf rat at any age examined. Other pituitary cell types, i.e., luteinizing hormone/ follicle stimulating hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone and prolactin cells, appeared similar in their fine structure to those found in the control rats. In the pituitary gland of dwarf rats, a number of polygonal cells were observed either with no or relatively few secretory granules. The rough endoplasmic reticulum was arranged in parallel cisternae and the Golgi complex was generally prominent in these cells. In addition, many were found to have abundant lysosomes. A few minute secretory granules were occasionally observed; however, the immunogold technique failed to localize growth hormone or prolactin in the granules. The nature of these cells remained obscure in this study. Since their incidence and fine structural features, other than the secretory granules, were quite similar to those of the growth hormone cells in normal rats, we postulate that these cells are dysfunctional growth hormone cells. These results suggest that the cause of the growth impairment in the spontaneous dwarf rat is due to a defect in the functional growth hormone cells in the pituitary gland, and since other pituitary cell types appeared normal, the disorder seems to be analogous to the isolated growth hormone deficiency in the human.  相似文献   

Summary Spot 35 protein is a Ca-binding protein originating from the rat cerebellum; it is now referred to spot 35-calbindin. This protein is expressed in immature pituicytes of the neurohypophyseal anlage in the E11–E18 rat embryo. The gene expression of spot 35-calbindin was detected by in-situ hybridization analysis only at stage E11–E12. Profiles of spot 35-positive nerve fibers of a neurosecretory nature were found in anlage at stage E16. At this stage, some immature pituicytes are partially immunopositive for spot 35-calbindin only in their peripheral cytoplasm; others are immunonegative. At birth and thereafter through adulthood, abundant nerve fibers are the sole structures immunoreactive for spot 35-calbindin; all the pituicytes are immunonegative, resulting in a light-microscopic appearance of numerous immunonegative round profiles, corresponding to pituicytes, and capillaries embedded in the granularly immunostained neurohypophysis. The present findings suggest that, during specific embryonic stages, immature pituicytes exert some as yet unidentified roles related to Ca-mediated functions involving the expression of spot 35-calbindin.  相似文献   

Prosaposin is the precursor of four sphingolipid activator proteins (saposins A, B, C, and D) for lysosomal hydrolases and is abundant in the nervous system and muscle. In addition to its role as a precursor of saposins in lysosomes, intact prosaposin has neurotrophic effects in vivo or in vitro when supplied exogenously. We examined the distribution of prosaposin in the central and peripheral nervous systems and its intracellular distribution. Using a monospecific antisaposin D antibody that crossreacts with prosaposin but not with saposins A, B, or C, immunoblot experiments showed that both the central and peripheral nervous systems express unprocessed prosaposin and little saposin D. Using the antisaposin D antibodies, we demonstrated that prosaposin is abundant in almost all neurons of both the central and peripheral nervous systems, including autonomic nerves, as well as motor and sensory nerves. Immunoelectron microscopy using double staining with antisaposin D and anticathepsin D antibodies showed strong prosaposin immunoreactivity mainly in the lysosomal granules in the neurons in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. The expression of prosaposin mRNA, examined using in situ hybridization, was observed in these same neurons. Our results suggest that prosaposin is synthesized ubiquitously in neurons of both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Funding: This study was supported by the Ehime University INCS and in part by grants-in-aid for Scientific Research to S.M. (Exploratory Res. 19659380) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and to AS (Priority Areas 18023029) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Semi-thin sections of three-dimensional reaggregates from adult female rat pituitary, cultured in serum-free defined medium, were stained for prolactin, gonadotropin, thyrotropin, growth hormone and S-100, using the double immunolabelling technique. The frequency of juxtaposition between lactotrophs and gonadotrophs was enumerated and compared with the expected frequency at random distribution of polygonal cell profiles in a hexagonal configuration. The proportions of lactotrophs and gonadotrophs in the aggregate sections were determined using stereometrical analysis. The observed frequency of juxtaposition did not differ significantly from the expected frequency. Hence, no reason was found to assume a selective adhesion between lactotrophs and gonadotrophs in adult female rat pituitary reaggregates. A constant proportion of lactotrophs was found to meet the criteria of a cup-shaped morphology, and 70%±9% (mean ±S.D.) of these so-called cupshaped lactotrophs were found to be juxtaposed at their concave side to gonadotrophs. Administration of 0.01 nM 17-oestradiol to the culture medium resulted in a significant reduction of the proportion of cup-shaped lactotrophs but did not affect the selectivity of juxtaposition to gonadotrophs. The selectivity of juxtaposition between cup-shaped lactotrophs and gonadotrophs may be the morphological correlate of the functional relationship between these cells, which are known to be involved in an intra-pituitary paracrine communication system.  相似文献   

Thirteen adult female Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) were sacrificed in the early and the late follicular phase, and in the mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, and also after castration. Pituitary LH content correlated significantly with plasma estradiol levels but not progesterone levels in the cycling monkeys. Pituitary LH species were fractionated by isoelectrofocusing (1EF). Pituitary LH species were separated into six fractions by IEF. High alkaline LH and alkaline LH were the most abundant species in the late follicular phase and the mid-luteal phase, respectively. Neutral LH and acidic LH were the most abundant in the early follicular phase and in the castrates. Pituitary LH thus changed qualitatively and quantitatively during the menstrual cycle and after castration.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves in the secretion of saliva from submandibular glands of rats have been tested by electrical stimulation of either nerve for 1 h unilaterally in separate animals. The flows of saliva thereby induced and their protein content were monitored. Structural changes in each gland were assessed by light- and electron microscopy and compared with the unstimulated contralateral control gland, and the extent of the changes was determined morphometrically. Sympathetic nerve stimulation induced a relatively low flow of saliva that was rich in protein and was accompanied by extensive degranulation from both acinar and granular duct cells. In contrast parasympathetic nerve stimulation induced a considerable flow of saliva that had a low protein content and no detectable degranulation occurred from the secretory cells. It is possible, therefore, that some protein in parasympathetic saliva may have arisen from a non-granular pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic studies have been carried out on the innervation of the mammalian anterior pituitary and parathyroids. The total area of grid squares (2.25·10–2mm2) examined was 2000 per gland and species. In the pituitary pars distalis and in the parenchyma of the parathyroid gland we did not observe a single axon profile. According to the equation proposed by Hennig (1963) we have calculated that there might be—if any—0.133 mm of nerves per 1 mm3 tissue in those two endocrine glands (level of significance 0.95). Comparing these results to the degree of innervation in brown adipose tissue containing more than 160 mm nerve per 1 mm3 tissue we can not imagine that such a small degree of innervation is of any biological importance.In the pituitary pars tuberalis two types of axon terminals have been found both inside and outside the basement membrane surrounding the epithelial complexes. One type contains synaptic and two populations of smaller dense-cored vesicles, the other one contains a population of larger granules which have some properties of the classical elementary granules. Further investigations have to clarify the functional significance of those nerve endings.This investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

By means of in situ hybridisation studies, it is shown that parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) mRNA is strongly expressed in the developing enamel organs of rat teeth. In particular, the cervical loop hybridises strongly with the PTHrP probe and expression is maintained at this site throughout life in the permanently erupting incisor teeth. In mature molar teeth, expression is downregulated to low levels and confined to the epithelial cell rests of Malassez and/or cementoblasts which may derive from these. The gene is also expressed at low levels in the tissue overlying the erupting molars and, thereafter, in the junctional epithelia and connective tissue cells of the epithelial attachment on all tooth surfaces. The premise that PTHrP may undergo post-translational processing and that the resultant products could act in different ways raises the possibility of its exerting multiple paracrine actions during tooth development. These could include the control of cell division and local vascular dilation during development.  相似文献   

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