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Entry of prebound diphtheria toxin at low pH occurred rapidly in the presence of isotonic NaCl, NaBr, NaSCN, NaI, and NaNO3, but not in the presence of Na2SO4, 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid neutralized with Tris, or in buffer osmotically balanced with mannitol. SCN- was the most efficient anion to facilitate entry. Uptake studies with radioactively labeled anions showed that SCN- was transported into cells 3 times faster than Cl-, while the entry of SO2-4 occurred much more slowly. The anion transport inhibitors 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid and piretanide inhibited entry at low pH even in the presence of permeant anions. When cells with bound toxin were exposed to low pH in the absence of permeant anions, then briefly exposed to neutral pH and subsequently exposed to pH 4.5 in the presence of isotonic NaCl, toxin entry was induced. The data indicate that efficient anion transport at the time of exposure to low pH is required for entry of surface-bound diphtheria toxin into the cytosol. Since insertion of diphtheria toxin into the membrane occurs even in the absence of permeant anions, the results indicate that low pH is required not only for insertion of fragment B into the membrane, but also for the subsequent entry of fragment A into the cytosol.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody that blocks the binding of diphtheria toxin to Vero cells was isolated by immunizing mice with Vero cell membrane. The antibody inhibits the binding of diphtheria toxin and also CRM197, a mutant form of diphtheria toxin, to Vero cells, and consequently inhibits the cytotoxicity of diphtheria toxin. This antibody does not directly react with the receptor molecule of diphtheria toxin (DTR14.5). Immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting studies revealed that this antibody binds to a novel membrane protein of 27 kDa (DRAP27). When diphtheria toxin receptor was passed through an affinity column made with this antibody, the receptor was trapped only in the presence of DRAP27. These results indicate that DRAP27 and DTR14.5 closely associate in Vero cell membrane and that the inhibition of the binding of diphtheria toxin to the receptor is due to the binding of the antibody to the DRAP27 molecule. Binding studies using 125I-labeled antibody showed that there are many more molecules of DRAP27 on the cell surface than diphtheria toxin-binding sites. However, there is a correlation between the sensitivity of a cell line to diphtheria toxin and the number of DRAP27 molecules on the cell surface, suggesting that DRAP27 is involved in the entry of diphtheria toxin into the target cell.  相似文献   

Purification of diphtheria toxin receptor from Vero cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diphtheria toxin receptor has been solubilized from Vero cell membranes with octyl beta-D-glucoside. CRM197, the product of a mutated diphtheria toxin gene, was used for the identification of the receptor. The binding activity of the solubilized receptor was assayed by precipitating the receptor with acetone in the presence of phospholipids and carrier proteins. The solubilized receptor was purified by the combination of several chromatographic steps in the presence of the detergent, resulting in about a 10(6)-fold purification of the receptor. The purified receptor showed essentially a single band of 14.5 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When partially purified receptor fractions were subjected to ligand blotting analysis using 125I-CRM197 as the probe, the 14.5-kDa protein and a few minor protein bands were identified as diphtheria toxin-binding molecules. These results show clearly that the 14.5-kDa protein is the diphtheria toxin receptor, or at least the major diphtheria toxin-binding molecule. When partially purified receptor was applied to a Sephacryl S-300 column in the presence of detergent, the receptor was eluted in the fractions corresponding to the 60-90-kDa size range. This suggests that the protein forms a complex with itself or with another protein.  相似文献   

Two substances possessing the ability to bind to diphtheria toxin (DT) were found to be present in a membrane fraction from DT-sensitive Vero cells. One of these substances was found on the basis of its ability to bind DT and inhibit its cytotoxic effect. This inhibitory substance competitively inhibited the binding of DT to Vero cells. However this inhibitor could not bind to CRM197, the product of a missense mutation in the DT gene, and did not inhibit the binding of CRM197 to Vero cells. Moreover, similar levels of the inhibitory activity were observed in membrane fractions from DT-insensitive mouse cells, suggesting the inhibitor is not the DT receptor which is specifically present in DT-sensitive cells. The second DT-binding substance was found in the same Vero cell membrane preparation by assaying the binding of 125I-labeled CRM197. Such DT-binding activity could not be observed in membrane preparation from mouse L cells. From competition studies using labeled DT and CRM proteins, we conclude that this binding activity is due to the surface receptor for DT. Treatment of these substances with several enzymes revealed that the inhibitor was sensitive to certain RNases but resistant to proteases, whereas the DT receptor was resistant to RNase but sensitive to proteases. The receptor was solubilized and partially purified by chromatography on CM-Sepharose column. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting analysis of the partially purified receptor revealed that a 14.5-kD protein is the DT receptor, or at least a component of it.  相似文献   

In sodium-free buffer of low ionic strength, the uptake of chloride and sulfate in Vero cells was found to occur mainly by antiport which was very sensitive to inhibition by 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid. Efflux of anions from the cells appeared to energize the uptake. While the uptake of Cl- occurred over a wide pH range, that of SO4(2-) showed a clear maximum at pH 6-7. The rate of efflux of 36Cl- and 35SO4(2-) was strongly increased by the presence of permeant anions in the efflux buffer. Preincubation of the cells at slightly alkaline pH strongly increased the rate of C1- efflux into buffers nominally free of permeant anions, as well as the efflux by exchange. This increase did not occur if the cells were depleted for ATP during the preincubation. Depolarization of the cells reduced the rate of efflux into buffers without permeant anions, indicating that the efflux is at least partly due to net, electrogenic, anion transport. The efflux by antiport was not affected by manipulations of the membrane potential, indicating electroneutral exchange. The uptake and efflux were increased to the same extent with increasing temperature, the activation energies were Ea = 25 kcal/mol of Cl- and Ea = 12 kcal/mol of SO4(2-). Similar anion antiport appears to occur in L, baby hamster kidney, and HeLa S3 cells.  相似文献   

When cells with surface-bound diphtheria toxin were exposed to pH 4.5, the toxin became shielded against lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination, indicating that the toxin was inserted into the membrane. Cells thus treated had strongly reduced ability to take up 36Cl-, 35SO4(2-), and [14C]SCN-. The reduction of chloride uptake was strongest at neutral pH, whereas that of sulfate was strongest at acidic pH. Lineweaver-Burk plots indicated that the toxin treatment reduced the Jmax but not the Km for the anions. The toxin also inhibited the NaCl-stimulated efflux of 35SO4(2-), indicating that the toxin inhibits the antiporter. No inhibition was found when toxin-treated cells were not exposed to low pH, whereas exposure to pH 4.5 for 20 s induced close to maximal inhibition. Half-maximal inhibition was obtained after exposure to pH 5.4. The concentration of diphtheria toxin required to obtain maximal inhibition (0.3 micrograms/ml) was sufficient to ensure close to maximal toxin binding to the cells. Even in ATP-depleted cells and in the absence of permeant anions, low pH induced inhibition of anion antiport in toxin-treated Vero cells. There was no measurable inhibition of anion antiport in cells with little or no ability to bind the toxin.  相似文献   

Vero cell cultures are used in the quality control of Diphtheria vaccines: to estimate vaccine potency and to determine residual toxicity and reversion to toxicity. The impact of replacing foetal calf serum containing medium (SCM) by serum free media (SFM) on the sensitivity of Vero cells to Diphtheria Toxin was studied. Compared to SCM, SFM showed an eight-fold decrease in sensitivity to Diphtheria Toxin. This decrease was almost immediate, indicating that this phenomenon was not caused by a change in membrane structure or protein expression. We investigated the effect of SFM on Diphtheria Toxin in order to determine the cause of the decrease in sensitivity. Our results show that oligopeptides, which are often used in SFM as part of the replacement of foetal calf serum, are the most likely cause.  相似文献   

The mechanism of NH4Cl-mediated protection of Vero cells from diphtheria toxin was studied. In the presence of protective concentrations of NH4Cl, Vero cells bound, internalized, and degraded radiolabeled diphtheria toxin at the same rate and to the same extent as did the control cells. However, in experiments where specific antibody was added to NH4Cl-treated cells, a fraction of potentially lethal toxin molecules was maintained in a position accessible to antibody neutralization. This suggests the existence of two processing mechanisms for diphtheria toxin: a non-productive bulk degradation pathway and a productive NH4Cl-sensitive pathway by which active fragment is eventually delivered to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

We studied the binding of 125I-labeled diphtheria toxin (DTX) to receptors on monolayer cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) and Vero cells. The number of DTX receptors detected on the cell surface was shown to be dependent on the cell density (number of cells per unit area). Cells at low density (less than 23,000 cells per cm2 for CHO-K1 cells; less than 80,000 cells per cm2 for Vero cells) had more receptors for DTX than cells at higher densities. The difference in receptor number between low- and high-density cells was 33-fold for CHO-K1 cells and 19-fold for Vero cells. We estimated the maximum number of DTX receptors on low-density CHO-K1 and Vero cells to be 50,000 and 370,000 per cell, respectively. The cell density at which the binding of DTX was reduced to 50% of maximum was considerably lower for CHO-K1 cells than for Vero cells (33,000 vs. 220,000 cells per cm2, respectively). Vero cells grown on a surface that had been conditioned by high-density cells bound less DTX, suggesting that interaction of these cells with the underlying extracellular matrix might regulate the number of cell surface receptors for DTX. Low-density cells were more sensitive to DTX than high-density cells, suggesting that low-density cells possessed an increased number of functional receptors that actively transported DTX to the cytosol. CHO-K1 and Vero cells were equally protected by SITS (4-Acetamido-4'-Isothiocyano-Stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic Acid), a compound that has been shown to inhibit the binding and entry of DTX in Vero cells, suggesting that intoxication of CHO-K1 and Vero cells is mediated by a similar mechanism. The data illustrate the importance of taking into account the cell density when measuring the number of DTX receptors on adherent cells.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were used in an experiment that was designed to serve as a model of a possible approach to reducing the amount of carcass fat in meat animals. The objective was to reduce the number of adipocytes in transgenic mice thereby restricting the capacity to accumulate lipid. Our approach employed the technique of genetic ablation. The promoter for the adipocyte lipid binding protein gene was used in an attempt to direct expression of diphtheria toxin genes specifically to adipocytes. Three diphtheria toxin genes were used; they encode, respectively, an extremely cytotoxic wild type toxin, a less toxic attenuated toxin, and a nonfunctional toxin. While it was not possible to accurately assess effects of the transgenes on lipid accumulation, several informative observations were noted. A large percentage of transgenic founder mice that harbor either wild type or attenuated toxin genes are morphologically abnormal, die as neonates, or exhibit reproductive abnormalities including sterility or failure to transmit the transgene to offspring. In contrast, mice that harbor the nonfunctional toxin gene or are nontransgenic rarely have these same abnormalities. These results suggest that the trans-genic mice are expressing the transgenes in cells other than adipocytes and that the aberrant production of functional toxin is responsible for the congenital abnormalities. The production of morphological and reproductive abnormalities in transgenic animals should be useful for investigating normal developmental processes.  相似文献   

A number of monoclonal antibodies against diphtheria toxin were isolated. Some of their properties were determined. Antibody 2 reacts with the region of between 30 and 45 kDa from the NH2 terminus of toxin. Antibody 7 reacts with the COOH-terminal 17-kDa region of toxin. These two antibodies show sharp contrasts in their effects on toxin action in cultured cells. When antibody 2 or 7 and toxin were mixed, incubated at 37 degrees C, and then added to sensitive Vero cells, antibody 7 blocked toxin action, but antibody 2 did not. When antibody 2 or 7 was added to cells to which toxin had been prebound at 4 degrees C, and the cells were then shifted to 37 degrees C, antibody 7 did not block toxin action, but antibody 2 inhibited intoxication. Antibody 7 blocked binding of 125I-toxin to cells and did not block degradation of toxin associated with cells. Antibody 2 did not block binding of 125I-toxin to cells, and was able to bind to cells in the presence of toxin. The results obtained from the effect of antibody 2 on degradation of 125I-toxin associated with cells resemble those seen with amines, which block toxin action but do not inhibit binding of toxin to cells. These facts show that antibody 2 does not block binding of toxin to cell surfaces, but blocks the entry of toxin into the cytosol at a step after binding of toxin to the receptor. Antibodies 14 and 15 react with fragment A of diphtheria toxin, but have no effect on any activity of toxin. The other monoclonal antibodies have effects on toxin binding and entry intermediate between those of 2 and 7.  相似文献   

A previous study on cleavage of disulfide bonds in endocytosed model compounds had shown that an initial phase of cleavage was totally inhibited by membrane-impermeant sulfhydryl inhibitors and thus was mediated by cell surface sulfhydryls (Feener, E. P., Shen, W.-C., and Ryser, H. J.-P. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 18780-18785). This paper uses the same inhibitors (5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) and p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid) to examine the role of surface sulfhydryls in the cytotoxicity of diphtheria toxin (DT). Since the interchain disulfide of endocytosed DT must be cleaved prior to translocation of chain A from endosomes to cytoplasm, it was postulated that surface sulfhydryls might mediate the cleavage of that disulfide bond as well. Both sulfhydryl blockers did indeed markedly inhibit DT cytotoxicity. This effect was not due to inactivation of unbound DT, inhibition of receptor-mediated endocytosis, or impairment of acidification of endosomes. We conclude that cell surface sulfhydryls susceptible to blockage by 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitro-benzoic acid) and p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid are required for the cytotoxicity of DT and, most likely, for the reductive cleavage of DT's interchain disulfides. Ricin cytotoxicity was not decreased; this is consistent with the view that ricin reaches the cytoplasm from a late endocytic structure and with the finding that endocytosed disulfides are also cleaved in a cell fraction containing elements of the Golgi apparatus (Feener, E. P., Shen, W.-C., and Ryser, H. J.-P. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 18780-18785).  相似文献   

When Vero cells with surface-bound 125I-labeled, nicked diphtheria toxin were exposed to pH 4.5, two polypeptides of Mr 20,000 and 25,000 became protected against externally applied Pronase E. The 20-kDa polypeptide appears to be the toxin A-fragment, whereas the 25-kDa polypeptide must be derived from the B-fragment. Permeabilization of the cells with saponin allowed efflux of the 20-kDa fragment to occur, whereas most of the 25-kDa polypeptide remained associated with the cells. A number of compounds and conditions which protect cells against diphtheria toxin prevented the protection against Pronase E. Protection of the 25-kDa polypeptide occurred even when the transmembrane proton gradient (delta pH) was dissipated by acidification of the cytosol, whereas protection and release of the A-fragment were prevented under these conditions. Electrical depolarization and ATP depletion of the cells did not inhibit protection and release of the A-fragment. The data indicate that delta pH is required for the transfer of the A-fragment to the cytosol, whereas the insertion of part of the B-fragment into the membrane occurs at low pH, even in the absence of a delta pH.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were used in an experiment that was designed to serve as a model of a possible approach to reducing the amount of carcass fat in meat animals. The objective was to reduce the number of adipocytes in transgenic mice thereby restricting the capacity to accumulate lipid. Our approach employed the technique of genetic ablation. The promoter for the adipocyte lipid binding protein gene was used in an attempt to direct expression of diphtheria toxin genes specifically to adipocytes. Three diphtheria toxin genes were used; they encode, respectively, an extremely cytotoxic wild type toxin, a less toxic attenuated toxin, and a nonfunctional toxin. While it was not possible to accurately assess effects of the transgenes on lipid accumulation, several informative observations were noted. A large percentage of transgenic founder mice that harbor either wild type or attenuated toxin genes are morphologically abnormal, die as neonates, or exhibit reproductive abnormalities including sterility or failure to transmit the transgene to offspring. In contrast, mice that harbor the nonfunctional toxin gene or are nontransgenic rarely have these same abnormalities. These results suggest that the transgenic mice are expressing the transgenes in cells other than adipocytes and that the aberrant production of functional toxin is responsible for the congenital abnormalities. The production of morphological and reproductive abnormalities in transgenic animals should be useful for investigating normal developmental processes.  相似文献   

We have used electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques to study the binding of divalent cations to diphtheria toxin (DT). Addition of DT to Mn(II) solution at a stoichiometry of 2:1 (DT:Mn) induces a 79% loss in the intensity of the ESR spectrum of Mn(II) suggesting a strong binding of Mn(II) to DT. Inclusion of Ca(II) at a ratio of 1:2:1 (Ca:DT:Mn) in the reaction mixture restores the intensity of the Mn(II) signal to 64%. This indicates that Ca(II) and Mn(II) share same binding site(s) in DT. The results presented in this communication suggest that DT is a Ca(II) binding protein.  相似文献   

Inhibition of protein synthesis in Vero cells was measured at different periods of time after treatment with diphtheria toxin and the related plant toxin modeccin. Diphtheria toxin acted much more rapidly than modeccin. Cells were protected against both toxins with antiserum as well as with agents like NH4Cl, procaine, and the ionophores monensin, FCCP, and CCCP, which increase the pH of intracellular vesicles. Antiserum, which is supposed to inactivate toxin only at the cell surface, protected only when it was added within a short period of time after modeccin. Compounds that increase the pH of intracellular vesicles, protected even when added after 2 h, indicating that modeccin remains inside vesicles for a considerable period of time before it enters the cytosol. After addition of diphtheria toxin to the cells, compounds that increase the pH of intracellular vesicles protected only approximately to the same extent as antitoxin. This indicates that after endocytosis diphtheria toxin rapidly enters the cytosol. At 20 degrees C, the cells were more strongly protected against modeccin than against diphtheria toxin. The residual toxic effect of diphtheria toxin at 20 degrees C could be blocked with NH4Cl whereas this was not the case with modeccin. This indicates that at 20 degrees C the uptake of diphtheria toxin occurs by the normal route, whereas the uptake of modeccin occurs by a less efficient route than that dominating at 37 degrees C. The results indicate that after endocytosis diphtheria toxin rapidly enters the cytosol from early endosomes with low pH (receptosomes). Modeccin enters the cytosol much more slowly, possibly after fusion of the endocytic vesicles with another compartment.  相似文献   

Maurocalcine (MCa) is a 33-amino-acid residue peptide toxin isolated from the scorpion Scorpio maurus palmatus. External application of MCa to cultured myotubes is known to produce Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. MCa binds directly to the skeletal muscle isoform of the ryanodine receptor, an intracellular channel target of the endoplasmic reticulum, and induces long lasting channel openings in a mode of smaller conductance. Here we investigated the way MCa proceeds to cross biological membranes to reach its target. A biotinylated derivative of MCa was produced (MCa(b)) and complexed with a fluorescent indicator (streptavidine-cyanine 3) to follow the cell penetration of the toxin. The toxin complex efficiently penetrated into various cell types without requiring metabolic energy (low temperature) or implicating an endocytosis mechanism. MCa appeared to share the same features as the so-called cell-penetrating peptides. Our results provide evidence that MCa has the ability to act as a molecular carrier and to cross cell membranes in a rapid manner (1-2 min), making this toxin the first demonstrated example of a scorpion toxin that translocates into cells.  相似文献   

The orientation of many membrane proteins is determined by the asymmetric distribution of positively charged amino acid residues in cytoplasmic and translocated loops. The positive-inside rule states that loops with large amounts of these residues tend to have cytoplasmic locations. Orientations of constructs derived from the inner membrane protein leader peptidase from Escherichia coli were found to depend on the anionic phospholipid content of the membrane. Lowering the contents of anionic phospholipids facilitated membrane passage of positively charged loops. On the other hand, elevated contents of acidic phospholipids in the membrane rendered translocation more sensitive to positively charged residues. The results demonstrate that anionic lipids are determinants of membrane protein topology and suggest that interactions between negatively charged phospholipids and positively charged amino acid residues contribute to the orientation of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Ion channel and membrane translocation of diphtheria toxin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Diphtheria toxin is the best studied member of a family of bacterial protein toxins which act inside cells. To reach their cytoplasmic targets, these toxins, which include tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins and anthrax toxin, have to cross the hydrophobic membrane barrier. All of them have been shown to form ion channels across planar lipid bilayer and, in the case of diphtheria toxin, also in the plasma membrane of cells. A relation between the ion channel and the process of membrane translocation has been suggested and two different models have been put forward to account for these phenomena. The two models are discussed on the basis of the available experimental evidence and in terms of the focal points of difference, amenable to further experimental investigations.  相似文献   

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