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盐生盐杆菌的质粒及其物理图谱   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈萍  陈娅静 《遗传学报》1994,21(5):409-416
本文用4种不同的方法对10株盐生盐杆菌是否含有质粒进行了检测,其中6株含有质粒,均属大质粒。几种检测方法中,以TENS法效果好。J7菌株含有1种CCC结构十分稳定的质粒,称之为PHH205,其分子量较小,约为16.7kb;拷贝数较高,为49个/每个细胞。该粒在宿主的对数生长后期出现拷贝数高峰。通过限制性酶切分析,确定了5种酶在PHH205上的切点,其中BamHI,HindIII和XbaI3种酶为单  相似文献   

杨洋  沈萍 《遗传学报》2004,31(5):525-532
将来源于嗜盐古生菌——盐生盐杆菌(Halobacterium halobium)基因组的RM07 DNA片段以正反两个方向分别插入大肠杆菌启动子探针载体pKK232-8携带的报告基因——氯霉素抗性基因(cat)的上游,得到RM07-cat融合的质粒pRM07-1( )和pRM07-1(-),将其分别转入大肠杆菌HB101,进而检测了不同转化子菌株的氯霉素抗性水平和细胞内氯霉素乙酰转移酶蛋白质浓度。结果表明:正向的RM07片段在真细菌(大肠杆菌)中具有启动子活性,能够驱动cat报告基因的表达;而反向的RM07片段在大肠杆菌中不具有启动子活性。对RM07片段进行了定点诱变分析,检测了特定核苷酸突变对启动子活性的影响,结果进一步精确定位了RM07片段中对在大肠杆菌中的启动子功能有重要作用的关键碱基,并且通过改造RM07片段的碱基组成成分大幅提高了其在大肠杆菌中的启动子活性。  相似文献   

随着能源紧缺的日益加剧,以及化石燃料燃烧引起的环境问题逐渐突显,氢能作为一种清洁可再生能源越来越受到青睐。生物制氢与热化学及电化学制氢相比其反应条件温和、低耗、绿色,是一项非常有应用前景的技术。生物制氢从广义上可以分为暗发酵和光发酵产氢两种,其中暗发酵微生物可以利用有机废弃物产生氢气以及有机酸等副产物,光合细菌在光照和固氮酶的作用下可以将暗发酵产生的有机酸继续用于产氢,因此两种发酵产氢方式相结合可以提高有机废物的资源化效率。将近年来暗发酵-光发酵两阶段生物制氢技术进行整理分析,从其产氢机理、主要影响因素、暗发酵-光发酵产氢结合方式(两步法、混合培养产氢)几个方面进行阐述,最后指出该技术面临的挑战。  相似文献   

绿藻光合生物制氢技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氢能作为可再生、环境友好的能源,已成为营造可持续发展的经济节约型社会的理想能源。绿藻因能利用光能分解水产氢,被称为最有应用前景的方法之一。本文将综述绿藻光合产氢的原理,介绍该生物制氢技术的研究现状和最新进展,并对其发展趋势做以展望。  相似文献   

本文简要综述了在嗜盐菌中发现的四种含视黄醛的膜蛋白:bR,hR,sR-Ⅰ和sR-Ⅱ;着重介绍了对它们的结构和功能的研究状况,同时展示了这四种蛋白质在结构和功能方面的相似之处。  相似文献   

具有真细菌基因启动子活性的盐生盐杆菌质粒DNA片段   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
孙广秀  江爱民 《遗传学报》1997,24(4):380-384
利用大肠杆菌启动子探测质粒pKK232-8为载体、用两组限制性内切酶BamHI-SalI和HindⅢ-SalI分别消化盐生盐杆菌J7(Halobacteriumhalobium)的质粒pHH205,在体外进行重组,转化E.coliHB101感受态细胞,在含氨苄青霉素和氯霉素的选择平板上筛选转化子,并从随机挑选的20株转化子中,获得抗氯霉素水平达到110μg/ml的转化子T1和T2,所含重组质粒分别被命名为pJH和pJB。经限制性酶切分析及杂交分析表明,pJH质粒上插入了一段来源于pHH205质粒的DNA片段,其大小为800bp左右。通过重新转化实验进一步表明,该DNA片段在大肠杆菌中具有启动子功能,从而证明,在古细菌(盐生盐杆菌)的质粒DNA中存在具有真细菌(大肠杆菌)基因启动子活性的DNA片段。  相似文献   

当前,全球能源系统的主体是"碳基能源"——石油和煤等。这些不可再生的资源已日渐枯竭,而且大量使用会破坏地球生态系统。因此,用"氢基能源"逐步取代"碳基能源"已成为发达国家能源战略的首选目标,有的国家甚至将这一目标定在本世纪中叶。对于中国等发展中国家,大力开发生物质能等新的可再生"碳基能源",同时加速发展"氢基能源",争取提前进入氢能时代,才能实现可持续发展,甚至跨越式发展。制氢技术包括非生物制氢和生物制氢。非生物制氢目前已小量生产和应用,生物制氢的研究也有相当长的时间,其中影响生物制氢进入实用的主要因素是能耗和生产成本过高。因此,如果作为一个孤立的技术系统,生物制氢只能作为战略性项目。首先介绍了生物制氢的主要原理、目前限制生物制氢产业化的关键限制因子;提出了从系统论的原理出发,通过技术集成,突破生物制氢成本的"瓶颈",达到环保和资源利用的双重目的,使其提前实用化;最后,重点阐述了以海水为介质的高盐有机废水的生物制氢技术的研究进展,尤其介绍我国在相关方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

盐生盐杆菌DNA 片段RM07的-35、-10区缺失分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RM07DNA片段分离自嗜盐古菌——盐生盐杆菌R1,该片段不仅在嗜盐古菌内具有启动子功能,而且在大肠杆菌中也具有启动子活性。序列分析表明其上确实含有细菌启动子的-35、-10保守区。进一步通过缺失分析证实该片段就是在大肠杆菌中具启动功能的DNA片段:仅含-10区而缺失-35区的RM07a片段基本上无启动活性;而含-35和-10区的0.1kb片段RM07b具有高于RM07的启动活性。研究结果还表明,RM07片段在大肠杆菌中的启动活性是受环境因素调节的,尤其是对氯化钠浓度的提高具有明显的相关性。因此RM07片段有可能成为构建双功能表达载体的新启动子资源,同时对进一步揭示古菌的融合特征及水平基因转移具有特殊意义。  相似文献   

汤桂兰  孙振钧 《生物技术》2007,17(1):93-97,F0004
氢是一种理想的清洁能源,生物制氢是在新能源的研究利用中占有日趋重要的位置。该文综述了国内外光合产氢和发酵产氢的机理、研究现状及存在的问题,并对其进一步发展进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

盐生马齿苋解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用光学显微技术对生长在内蒙古赤峰盐碱地上马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea)的营养器官进行了形态解剖学研究,并用黑土地上生长的马齿苋作了对照。结果表明,不同生态环境中生长的马齿苋解剖结构显著不同,盐生马齿苋具有适应盐渍环境的结构特征,这些特征表现为:营养器官通气组织发达;根的次生结构中木栓发达;根、茎的薄壁组织中含有大量的黏液细胞和糊粉粒;叶片表皮的角质膜厚;叶肉中含晶细胞、叶绿体及贮水组织丰富;而这些特征是黑土地上生长的马齿苋所不具备的。  相似文献   

Abstract In Halobacterium halobium and some related strains, a site-specific endonuclease activity was found. This activity requires 3 M NaCl and 5–10 mM Mg2+ ions for function. The 3 cleavage sites in plasmid pBR322 were mapped, but no homology between these sites was found. H. halobium DNA is resistant to cleavage, which may be due to a modification of the DNA. The behaviour of the endonuclease can be explained by the presence of a Type I or Type III-like restriction-modification system.  相似文献   

AIMS: Isolation and characterization of unsaturated fatty acids during bacteriorhodopsin preparation from Halobacterium halobium. METHODS AND RESULTS: Halobacterium halobium was cultivated in a composite medium. Cells were collected by centrifugation followed by ultrasonic disruption, and the resulting suspension was subject to centrifugation for preparation of both pellet and supernatant. The pellet was saved in order to prepare bacteriorhodopsin, while the supernatant was used for the isolation of crude fatty acids by saponification and extraction. Crystallization then took place in acetone at -16 degrees C to remove fatty acids in which the carbon chain length was shorter than 13. The sample was obtained after purification and analysed by gas chromatography. The results demonstrated that Halobacterium halobium could synthesize multiple unsaturated fatty acids, particularly the three important polyunsaturated fatty acids arachidonic acid (1.12%), eicosapentaenoic acid (16.76%) and docosahexaenoic acid (9.38%). CONCLUSION: Important unsaturated fatty acids were isolated and characterized from the waste, which was produced during the preparation of bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Halobacterium halobium has already been used for decades to prepare bacteriorhodopsin. We found that several important unsaturated fatty acids could be extracted from the bacterial waste, which extends its application scope and might bring additional benefits to humanity.  相似文献   

Abstract A purple mutant of Halobacterium halobium was isolated in a previous study. The 'in vitro' absorption spectra of the cells gave a broad shoulder around 570 nm. The amounts of bacteriorhodopsin were high under any growth condition (including aerobic) inhibitory for the wild-type strain. The mutant grew faster under illuminated microaerophilic conditions and showed faster proton extrusion than the wild-type strain. This evidence shows that the mutant has a constitutive bacteriorhodopsin production not influenced by the oxygen concentration in the medium. However, some stimulation by light was found.  相似文献   

Hydrogen gas can be produced electrochemically by leading a current through two electrodes immersed in a NaCl solution. Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) a protein found in the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium, is known to pump protons across the membrane upon illumination. In this study, the effect of BR on photoelectrochemical hydrogen production was investigated. A batch type bio-photoelectrochemical reactor was designed and constructed. The photoelectrochemical hydrogen production experiments were performed with free H. halobium packed cells or immobilised H. halobium cells. The cells were either immobilised in polyacrylamide gel (PAG) or on cellulose acetate membrane (CAM). Experiments were also performed with purple membrane fragments of H. halobium immobilised on cellulose acetate membrane. It was found that the presence of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) in the reactor enhances the hydrogen production rate upon illumination. Immobilisation increased the amount of hydrogen produced per mole of BR. Compared to control experiments without BR, the power requirement of the photoelectrochemical reactor per amount of hydrogen produced decreased fourfold when purple membrane fragments immobilised on CAM were used. The presence of BR regulates the pH of the system, increases the hydrogen production rate and causes light-induced proton dissociation, which lowers the electrical power requirement for the electrochemical conversion.  相似文献   

Halobacteria detect changes in light intensity by retinal proteins, the number and identity of which are not yet unequivocally established. The sensory receptors are different from those for light energy conversion. The cells having no preferred swimming direction spontaneously reverse about every 10 s. An oscillator model has been proposed to explain this periodicity. Depending on wavelength and sign, a stimulus leads either to one prolonged interval between two reversals, the attractant response, or to a shortened interval, the repellent response. Sensory signals generated by stimulation of P-565 and of P-370 are integrated at a common link. Signals from other receptors may be processed by separate links. The nature of the sensory signals is not known, but the membrane potential can be excluded as a candidate. On the basis of the oscillator hypothesis the output signals of the integration links act on the oscillator and thus shift the time at which it triggers a reversal of the flagellar motor. Experiments indicate that cGMP and calcium play antagonistic roles in the oscillatory activity. Reversible methylation of specific membrane proteins influences the time during which successive signals are integrated. This reaction is assumed to terminate the lifetime of the excitatory signals and thus to allow the system to adapt.  相似文献   

In Halobacterium halobium, nicotine is known to block the synthesis of retinal. Cells grown in the presence of nicotine do not show any photophobic response. Addition of retinal1 or retinal2 restored the photophobic responses to light-increase in the UV and to light-decrease in the green-yellow part of the spectrum. The action spectra of the two retinal2-photosystems were red-shifted by 15–20 nm, compared with the corresponding retinal1 systems. We conclude that each of the two photosystems, PS 370 and PS 565, has its own photosensory pigment with retinal as the chromophoric group.  相似文献   

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