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Although several approaches to the control of human parasites are possible, the prevention and therapy of the corresponding diseases still remain a difficult task. The development of vaccines has been hampered by the poor immunological response to or the high variability of parasitic antigens. Problems also arise for chemotherapy where differences in the biochemistry of host and parasite must be exploited. The increasingly difficult search for new drugs is always challenged by the appearance of resistance.  相似文献   

During the past several years, the use of animals for toxicity testing has come under critical surveillance. For ethical and economic reasons, various techniques have been developed and proposed as potential alternatives for some of the whole animal toxicity assays. One assay proposed as an alternative to animal testing is the luminescent bacteria toxicity test (LBT), provided under the trade name of Microtox®. The sensitivity and specificity of the LBT was compared with two commonly used toxicity tests–-the L-929 Minimal Eùgle's Medium (MEM) elution cytotoxicity test and the Draize test. Cytotoxicity and LBT test data from 709 medical device and biomaterial extracts were compared using a positive/negative ranking system which provided a measurement of false positive and false negative results. These data were compiled from nine separate laboratories producing or using a wide variety of biomaterials and medical device products. The LBT was more sensitive than the tissue culture assay and displayed few false negatives. LBT EC50 values were compared with eye irritancy categories for a group of 34 chemicals and 27 personal care products. As with tissue culture, the LBT was more sensitive and produced minimal false negatives. The data from this study indicate the LBT has potential as a rapid, simple method to screen biomaterials and personal care products for toxicity and irritancy.  相似文献   

The agar-slant medium of Sellers was evaluated as an identification aid in the differentiation between gram-negative bacilli of medical interest (Enterobacteriaceae excluded) and some of their saprophytic associates. With Sellers medium, a larger number of bacterial species and genera could be differentiated than with the oxidation-fermentation medium of Hugh and Leifson. Some species whose reclassification was recently suggested reacted on Sellers medium accordingly. Sellers medium (in a single tube) was found to be a distinct aid in the identification of a number of gram-negative bacteria which usually required several tests and an assortment of media.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activity of two serine derived gemini cationic surfactants, amide (12Ser)2CON12 and ester (12Ser)2COO12, was tested using sensitive, E. coli ATCC 25922 and S. aureus ATCC 6538, and resistant, E. coli CTX M2, E. coli TEM CTX M9 and S. aureus ATCC 6538 and S. aureus MRSA ATCC 43300 Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria strains. Very low MIC values (5 μM) were found for the two resistant strains E.coli TEM CTX M9 and S. aureus MRSA ATCC 43300, in the case of the amide derivative, and for S. aureus MRSA ATCC 43300, in the case of the ester derivative. The interaction of the serine amphiphiles with lipid-model membranes (DPPG and DPPC) was investigated using Langmuir monolayers. A more pronounced effect on the DPPG than on the DPPC monolayer was observed. The effect induced by the surfactants on bacteria membrane was explored by Atomic Force Microscopy. A clear disruption of the bacteria membrane was observed for E. coli TEM CTX M9 upon treatment with (12ser)2CON12, whereas for the S. aureus MRSA few observable changes in cell morphology were found after treatment with either of the two surfactants. The cytotoxicity of the two compounds was assessed by hemolysis assay on human red blood cells (RBC). The compounds were shown to be non-cytotoxic up to 10 μM. Overall, the results reveal a promising potential, in particular of the amide derivative, as antimicrobial agent for two strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

In vitro activity of cefepime against etiologically significant strains of gramnegative microflora of patients treated in the Reanimation and Intensive Care Unit after cardiosurgical operations was evaluated. Sixty four strains of gramnegative aerobic bacteria isolated within the period from October 2001 to April 2002 were tested. The isolates susceptibility was determined by the disk diffusion method. Cefepime had an obvious advantage over the 3rd generation cephalosporins. Low incidence of cefepime resistant strains of the problem organisms in the Reanimation and Intensive Care Unit should be taken into account in empirical therapy of infections due to such pathogens.  相似文献   

Over thirty years of studies have established that conjugative transfer of plasmid-encoded resistance to drugs and heavy metals can take place at high frequency between various organisms under laboratory conditions. The detected transfer frequencies in soil, in aquatic environments, and in the urogenital and respiratory tracts of healthy animals and man have generally been low. However, the conversion of bacteria from susceptible to resistant to antibiotics has been observed often during antimicrobial therapy. This has formed a challenge for the antibacterial treatment of pathogenic bacteria and called for the evaluation of the extent of conjugative transfer in various environments. Several biochemical and physicochemical factors inhibit conjugation, show preferential toxicity against plasmid-bearing cells, or stimulate plasmid curing. These factors include various agents such as detergents, anesthetics, mutagens and antibiotics which affect membrane potential, membrane permeability, protein synthesis and the processing of DNA. The application of the data on these agents, summarized in this review, might be helpful in preventing drug multi-resistance from spreading. Also these data might be valuable in studies which use conjugation as a tool or which treat the molecular mechanisms involved in conjugation.  相似文献   

A series of 4,4′-bis-[2-(6-N-substituted-amidino)indolyl] diphenyl ether have been synthesized and tested for their in vitro antibacterial activity including a range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens and cytotoxicity. Most of these compounds have mainly shown anti-Gram positive bacteria activities especially against drug resistant bacterial strains MRSA, MRSE and VRE. The anti-MRSA and anti-MRSE activities of compound 7a and 7j were more potent than that of the lead compound 2, levofloxacin and vancomycin. Interestingly, 7j had greatly improved anti negative bacterial activity, especially for the producing NDM-1 Klebsiella pneumonia strain and less toxic than that of the lead compound 2.  相似文献   

Plate count-monensin-KCl (PMK) agar, for enumeration of both gram-negative bacteria and Escherichia coli, is composed of (per liter) 23.5 g of plate count agar, 35 mg of monensin, 7.5 g of KCl, and 75 mg of 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide (MUG). Monensin was added after the medium was sterilized. The diluent of choice for use with PMK agar was 0.1% peptone (pH 6.8); other diluents were unsatisfactory. Gram-negative bacteria (selected for by the ionophore monensin) can be used to judge the general quality or sanitary history of a commodity. E. coli (differentiated by its ability to hydrolyze the fluorogenic compound MUG) can be used to assess the safety of a commodity in regard to the possible presence of enteric pathogens. Pure-culture studies demonstrated that monensin completely inhibited gram-positive bacteria and had little or no effect on gram-negative bacteria. When gram-negative bacteria were injured by one of several methods, a few species (including E. coli) became sensitive to monensin; this sensitivity was completely reversed in most instances by the inclusion of KCl in the medium. When PMK agar was tested with food and environmental samples, 96% of 535 isolates were gram negative; approximately 68% of colonies from nonselective medium were gram negative. PMK agar was more selective than two other media against gram-positive bacteria and was less inhibitory for gram-negative bacteria. However, with water samples, KCl had an inhibitory effect on gram-negative bacteria, and it should therefore be deleted from monensin-containing medium for water analysis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The oxidation of methanol in gram-negative bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Abstract This is a brief review of the structure and interaction of methanol dehydrogenase and its electron acceptor cytochrome c L , their regulation by modifier protein, and the synthesis and assembly of the 'methanol oxidase' system.  相似文献   

Most plants co-exist with fungal and bacterial endophytes. Generally, endophytes are beneficial microorganisms that colonize the internal tissues of their host plants. Plants derive several advantages from endophytic colonization, such as the biocontrol of phytopathogens and growth-promoting factors. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge of endophytic bacteria and their potential as natural biocontrol agents for plants.  相似文献   

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