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The normal ranges of hematological cell profiles and biochemistry are documented in adult non-pregnant, pregnant, juvenile, and neonatal baboons. Despite the extensive use of the baboon as a model for the study of various aspects of pregnancy, there is no data from paired mothers and their fetuses at different stages of gestation. Hematologic and biochemical profile data were obtained from eight non-pregnant female baboons, 37 mothers and 38 fetal baboons at 30 +/- 2, 90 +/- 2, 125 +/- 2, and 175 +/- 2 days of gestation (mean +/- range; dGA; term, 180 dGA). Changes observed in fetal and maternal blood during normal baboon pregnancy were similar to those reported in human pregnancy. The level of alkaline phosphatase was two times higher in fetal blood circulation than that reported in human pregnancy.  相似文献   

We describe the reproductive parameters of tufted capuchins (Cebus apella nigritus) in the Iguazú National Park, NE Argentina. We obtained data on six different groups (33 individually recognized adult females) studied for periods of 2–9 years. Estimated birthrate is 0.59 infants per female per year in unprovisioned groups. A group that was provisioned for 6 years during the winter period of low fruit availability (May–August), showed a similar birth rate of 0.61, but a lower infant mortality rate than unprovisioned groups. The birthrate estimated for this population is higher than the one reported for white-faced and wedge-capped capuchins. The mean interbirth interval is 19.35 months, but a female can have infants in successive years, even when her previous infant has survived. The modal age at first delivery is 7 years, which is similar to the one observed in wedge-capped capuchins. When young adult females come into estrous they avoid copulating with the alpha male that sired them, thus providing evidence for a behavioral mechanism of inbreeding avoidance. Births are very seasonal at Iguazú, occurring during the spring and summer months (October–February) when food availability is at its peak. Tufted capuchins at Iguazú are more seasonal breeders than other capuchin populations, probably as a result of their more seasonal environment. The secondary sex ratio does not deviate significantly from 1:1, despite the known ability of capuchins to adjust secondary sex ratio to local conditions.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a widely distributed zoonosis that affects several species of domestic and wild animals. Under captive conditions, Leptospirosis is a potential problem because the physical conditions in most zoos and research centers cannot prevent the captive animals from being exposed to rodents, raccoons, opossums, and other local wildlife that are known carriers. Yet, despite the potential risk, animals that are destined for reintroduction into the wild are not routinely tested for anti-Leptospira antibodies before their release. The purpose of this study was to determine the occurrence of anti-Leptospira antibodies in captive New World monkeys that were housed in the Wild Animals Screening Center in Salvador, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 44 monkeys (28 Callithrix jacchus, eight Callithrix pennicilata, and eight Cebus sp.). The animals were screened for antibodies with the microscopic agglutination test. Twenty-five (56.8%) primates were seroreactive, with Icterohaemorrhagiae being the most frequent serogroup. None of the monkeys, however, presented clinical signs of leptospirosis. Thus, seroreactivity with low titers in asymptomatic animals, as observed in this study, suggests exposure to the agent. The unexpected predominance of the serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae further suggests that exposure to this serogroup occurred in captivity. Therefore, the dangerous possibility cannot be ignored that reintroduced monkeys will carry the leptospiral serovars into wild populations. In conclusion, primates exposed to urban serovars before their release from captivity represent a potentially significant health risk to wild populations.  相似文献   

Cannell [Journal of Archaeological Science 29:335-339, 2002] argued that sex-based differences among humans in terms of the mass of chosen throwing stones could be used to infer body mass and patterns of sexual dimorphism in early hominids from Olduvai and Koobi Fora by examining the mass distributions of unaltered stone tools at those sites. We examined this hypothesis in tufted capuchin monkeys using a comparative approach, by investigating the relationships among body mass, sex, stone weight preference, and accuracy in a throwing task. The subject sample consisted of nine monkeys trained to perform an aimed-throwing task in which a food reward could be obtained by throwing a stone into a bucket. We found that 1) the subjects showed a strong mean stone mass preference; 2) the females chose heavier stones than the males, in terms of absolute mean selected stone mass and selected stone mass relative to body mass; 3) subjects threw more accurately when they used stones of preferred mass vs. stones of nonpreferred mass; and 4) overall, the males were more accurate in the throwing task than the females. We conclude that capuchins are highly selective when choosing throwing stones, and that this confers an advantage for throwing accuracy. Our results indicate that the sexually dimorphic pattern in stone mass preference observed among humans does not generalize to Cebus apella. We suggest that researchers examining this pattern in humans in an attempt to explain early hominid patterns of dimorphism and behavior should take into account not only stone weight preference, but also its adaptive advantage.  相似文献   

This study tested the "challenge hypothesis" and rank-based predictions for temporal steroid production in male tufted capuchin monkeys, Cebus apella. Fecal samples (n = 209) collected from six wild males were analyzed for testosterone and cortisol concentration by enzyme immunoassay. The temporal pattern in male steroid production was compared to female sexual activity and rates of male aggression. The top-ranking adult male did not differ from other adult males in testosterone or cortisol concentration. Mean adult testosterone was significantly higher than mean subadult testosterone throughout the year. There was a clear elevation of testosterone and cortisol in both adult and subadult males during the peak of adult female sexual activity after the birth season. In fact, the magnitude of increase in testosterone was higher than predicted for a species with low male-male aggression. However, there was no difference between nonbreeding baseline testosterone levels during the birth season, and the "breeding" baseline of testosterone in males found during asynchronous female sexual activity. Of all behavioral indices examined, the distribution of female-maintained consortships was the best predictor of mean adult male testosterone concentrations. Although in many species, elevated testosterone coincides with increased male-male aggression, in the present study, the sustained high-magnitude increase in steroids during the peak of adult female sexual activity was associated with a relatively low rate of male-male intragroup aggression.  相似文献   

Health and disease are critical factors for understanding primate evolution and for developing effective conservation and management strategies. However, comprehensive health assessments of wild primate populations are rare, in part because of the difficulty and risk of chemically immobilizing subjects to obtain the necessary biological samples. We report here the results of a health assessment, as well as the methods and drug dosages used to capture white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. We captured and measured 24 capuchins as part of an ongoing radiotelemetry study, and collected biological samples from 9 of them for a comprehensive health survey. Telazol® was very effective for immobilizing and capturing capuchins, although the doses we used were higher than those recommended for captive capuchins. High Telazol doses immobilized individuals quickly, ensuring that we were able to find and recover the sedated monkeys. The capuchins were generally in good condition, and had few ecto-, hemo-, or intestinal parasites. However, all but 1 of the adults had substantial dental abnormalities. In addition, 1 juvenile had indeterminate genitalia that we believe to be the result of hypospadias. Seven of the capuchins tested positive for exposure to Herpesvirus tamarinus and all individuals tested positive for exposure to Cebus cytomegalovirus. Hematology, serum chemistry, and plasma mineral levels from the wild individuals were, for the most part, comparable to those recorded for captive Cebus capucinus, and contribute to establishing baseline health values for the species.  相似文献   

Positional behavior of two platyrrhine monkeys, Alouatta palliata and Cebus capucinus, was observed at La Pacifica and Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. Frequency data for locomotion, postures, support diameters, orientation of supports, and use of canopy were recorded on focal males and females. Alouatta palliata is a frequent user of arboreal quadrupedalism (47%) and climbing (37%), with bridging (10%) representing the next most frequent type of locomotion. Intraspecific comparisons show the smaller-sized females of Alouatta to prefer very small diameter supports, the lower canopy, and to climb more frequently than the larger males—a pattern opposite to that which has been documented to occur with increasing body size across species. A more limited study on Cebus capucinus shows this species to be highly quadrupedal (54%) with moderately high locomotor frequencies for climbing (26%) and leaping (15%).  相似文献   

The rhesus macaque breeding colony of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) was established in 1932 from a founding stock of 100 animals. This population has remained closed to new animal introductions for almost 70 years. A serologic survey was performed to determine the prevalence of antibodies to selected viruses as a first approach to identifying viral pathogens endemic in this population. Banked serum samples were tested for antibodies to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), simian T-lymphotropic virus (STLV), simian type D retrovirus (SRV), cercopithecine herpesvirus type-1 (B virus), rhesus cytomegalovirus (RhCMV), measles virus (MV), and hepatitis A virus (HAV). All samples were negative for antibodies against the simian retroviruses. The overall prevalence of antibodies was 95% for RhCMV, 45% for B virus, 35% for HAV, and 1% for MV. Prevalence was found to vary by age group.  相似文献   

Background Measuring core body temperature in a manner that is safe for animals and veterinary personnel is an important part of a physical examination. For nonhuman primates, this can involve increased restraint, additional stress, as well as the use of anesthetics and their deleterious effects on body temperature measurements. The purpose of this study was to compare two non‐invasive methods of infrared tympanic thermometry to standard rectal thermometry in adult squirrel monkeys. Methods Tympanic temperatures were collected from 37 squirrel monkeys and compared to rectal temperatures using a human and veterinary infrared tympanic thermometer. Results Compared with rectal temperature measurements, the human tympanic thermometer readings were not significantly different, while the veterinary tympanic thermometer measurements were significantly higher (P < 0.05). There were no differences between sexes. Conclusions The tympanic thermometer designed for use in humans can be used in adult squirrel monkeys as an alternative to rectal thermometry for assessing core body temperature.  相似文献   

Capuchins and chimpanzees are the only nonhuman primates apart from baboons known to prey systematically upon relatively large vertebrates. Vertebrate predation is common and well documented in Pan troglodytes, rare in Pan paniscus, and commonly reported but infrequently studied in Cebus. Food-sharing is common in both Pan species but rarely reported for wild capuchins. I present data on vertebrate predation and food-sharing by white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) from ongoing field studies at Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. We have observed 106 successful predation events resulting in the capture of 156 prey items during 2929 observation hr (5.35 prey per 100 hr). Squirrels and nestling coatis comprised half of the prey taken; the remainder were mainly nestling birds and eggs. Adult males took 52% of all prey and 67% of squirrels. Squirrels are actively hunted and about 65% of them are adults. I estimated that the average capuchin group kills 43–50 squirrels annually, mostly during the dry season. Capuchins hunt squirrels in groups 81% of the time, and 17% of hunts are successful. There is no evidence for cooperative hunting, but occasional collaboration is suggested. Rates of food-sharing were low (1.7 per 100 hr), and meat was the only food shared between adults. I compare predation and food-sharing in C. capucinus with published data for Pan troglodytes, primarily in Gombe and Taï National Parks. I discuss sex differences, hunting strategies, the relationship between hunting and food-sharing, and various ecological and social factors that may promote vertebrate predation in Pan and Cebus.  相似文献   

Transfer index and mediational learning in tufted capuchins (Cebus apella)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transfer index (TI) is a discrimination reversal paradigm that requires the achievement of a given prereversal criterion of accuracy. The mediational learning (ML) paradigm is a modification of the TI procedure that features the presentation of three different reversal conditions designed to assess whether prereversal learning is based on purely associative processes or mediated by the use of a strategy (win-stay/lose-shift). These two paradigms have been used with apes and several Old World monkey species, proving to be effective tools for the comparison of species on the basis of their transfer abilities and the nature of their learning processes. However, among New World monkeys, only the squirrel monkey has been tested. Capuchin (Cebusspp.) adaptability and their mastery in using tools have led to controversial interpretations of their cognitive and learning skills. We evaluated their mode of learning and the transfer of learning using the TI and the ML paradigms. We tested four tufted capuchins (Cebus apella)in a WGTA using a variety of stimulus object pairs. The results show that they possess rather good transfer abilities and one subject showed an associative learning mode. None of the subjects showed evidence of learning mediated by a win-stay/lose-shift strategy.  相似文献   

An effective health care program entails the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of medical problems. A knowledge of baseline values in clinically normal individuals is essential for determining the limits between good health and disease and for understanding the changes produced by pathogenic agents. However, very little information is currently available concerning the blood chemistry and haematological values of different species of monkeys, particularly new-world primates. The values of some haematological and chemical parameters in Cebus apella were determined. The aim of the present work was to verify the effect of age and sex on normal blood values. Blood samples were collected once a year for two successive years from 36 monkeys living in large captive social groups. Significant differences between males and females were found for AST, GGT, urea nitrogen and creatinine, erythrocytes, haemoglobin and haematocrit. Significant differences between juveniles and adults were found for calcium, AST, alkaline phosphatase, inorganic phosphorus, glucose, neutrophils, lymphocytes and serum protein parameters.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in primate species expresses the effects of phylogeny, life history, behavior, and ontogeny. The causes and implications of sexual dimorphism have been studied in several different primates using a variety of morphological databases such as body weight, canine length, and coat color and ornamentation. In addition to these different patterns of dimorphism, the degree to which a species is dimorphic results from a variety of possible causes. In this study we test the general hypothesis that a species highly dimorphic for one size-based index of dimorphism will be equally dimorphic (relative to other species) for other size-based indices. Specifically, the degree and pattern of sexual dimorphism in Cebus and several other New World monkey species is measured using craniometric data as a substitute for the troublesome range of variation in body weight estimates. In general, the rank ordering of species for dimorphism ratios differs considerably across neural vs. non-neural functional domains of the cranium. The relative degree of sexual dimorphism in different functional regions of the cranium is affected by the independent action of natural selection on those regions. Regions of the cranium upon which natural selection is presumed to have acted within a species show greater degrees of dimorphism than do the same regions in closely related taxa. Within Cebus, C. apella is consistently more dimorphic than other Cebus species for facial measurements, but not for neural or body weight measurements. The pattern in C. apella indicates no single best measurement of the degree of dimorphism in a species; rather, the relative degree of dimorphism applies only to the region being measured and may be enhanced by other selective pressures on morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:243–256, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was developed for detecting mycobacterial antibodies in the sera of 22 Macaca fascicularis following a natural outbreak of tuberculosis. EIAs were conducted using four antigens (lysozyme, triton, or deoxycholate extracts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis or a purified protein derivative) and two conjugates (protein A or antihuman). Mycobacterial antibodies were detected in two of two culture-positive monkeys, in nine of ten tuberculin test-suspect monkeys (culture-negative), and in five of ten tuberculin test-negative monkeys (culture-negative). Results indicate EIA may be of practical value in detecting monkeys exposed to M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Mice were exposed in the far field in an anechoic chamber to 2,880-MHz pulsed microwaves 3 to 7.5 h daily, 5 days/week for 60 to 360 h. Three experiments were performed at average power densities of 5 mW/cm2 and six at 10 mW/cm2, corresponding to averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g, respectively. Each experiment consisted of eight mice, with a concurrently sham-exposed group of eight. In two of three studies at 5 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in bone marrow cellularity in the microwave-exposed groups compared to the sham-exposed groups. Significant differences were occasionally seen in erythrocyte, leukocyte, and platelet values from microwave-exposed groups, but were not consistently observed. In one of six groups exposed at 10 mW/cm2, mean bone marrow cellularity was reduced significantly in the microwave-exposed mice; in another group, the lymphocyte count was increased. In only one exposure (10 mW/cm2 for 360 h) was any significant effect noted on serum proteins: a reduction to 5.1 +/- 0.3 g/dl in the exposed versus 5.6 +/- 0.4 g/dl in the sham-exposed mice. This was due to a decrease in alpha and beta globulins, with no effect on albumin or gamma globulin concentrations. No effect on bone marrow granulocyte/macrophage colony-forming units (CFU) was revealed following exposure of mice to pulsed microwaves at 5 mW/cm2. In one of four exposures at 10 mW/cm2, there was a significant increase in CFU-agar colonies. No significant effects of exposures at 10 mW/cm2 were observed on in vivo and in vitro assays of cell-mediated immune functions. No exposure-related histopathologic lesions were found from examination of several tissues and organs. Results of these series of exposures of mice at SARs of 2.25 and 4.50 mW/g indicated no consistent effects on the hematologic, immunologic, or histopathologic variables examined.  相似文献   

A 3.3% seroprevalence of simian T-lymphotropic virus (STLV) was found in a closed breeding and research colony of rhesus and cynomolgus macaques in Thailand. Epidemiology of STLV within the colony was assessed by means of a retrospective analysis of banked and freshly collected serum samples, and a review of the animals' medical records. Evidence was found that the virus had been imported into the colony by some of the original animals, and was subsequently transmitted both vertically and horizontally. The cell-associated nature of STLV was demonstrated by iatrogenic transmission of the virus following a whole blood transfusion, but there was no transmission to animals that received only serum from the same infected donor. Transmission by all routes was infrequent, as indicated by the overall seroprevalence of 3.3% (14 of 420 samples) after the colony had been closed for 11 years. Maternal-infant transmission appeared to be < 12%.  相似文献   

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