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A rapid, simple, and reliable method is presented for the isolation and subsequent ligation of DNA from agarose gels. The technique involves the use of low melting temperature agarose, but with the inclusion of bovine serum albumin or gelatin to the ligation reaction.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic separation of nucleic acids, including small DNA fragments in the range 50-1000 bp, is presently carried out in polyacrylamide gels or in gels containing high concentrations of agarose. We have developed an alternative gel matrix composition which is inexpensive, nontoxic, easy to prepare, and highly transparent to visible and uv light. The composition combines a soluble nonionic polysaccharide such as hydroxyethylcellulose, methylcellulose, or galactomannan with a minimum but sufficient concentration of agarose to form a gel which immobilizes the "liquid phase sieve." These mixtures do not replace polyacrylamide for resolving fragments smaller than approximately 75 nucleotides. However, the new gels show DNA fragment resolution (band separation versus distance traveled) and optical clarity superior to those of conventional agarose.  相似文献   

A procedure for quick and simple elution of DNA from agarose gels is presented. After electrophoresis, bands of interest are cut out of the gel and the slices are equilibrated in a neutral salt buffer. The slices are then frozen and centrifuged through a filtration assembly whereby the DNA-containing buffer is squeezed out. The method is simple, quick, and suitable for the safe handling of small amounts of DNA (less than 1 microgram). The isolated DNA is susceptible to any enzymatic reaction and also to chemical sequencing. The method is most useful for rapid preparation of specifically end-labeled DNA fragments (e.g., for sequencing), but may also be utilized for any other preparative applications.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple, reliable, and rapid method for recovering DNA from agarose gels. While many methods for DNA extraction have already been described, few provide quantitative recovery of large DNA molecules. These procedures generally require costly apparatus, extended elution times, or considerable handling of the sample after elution. Our method employs a novel electroelution chamber constructed from acrylic plastic. Gel slices containing DNA are placed in the chamber between platinum electrodes. Voltage is applied and a continuous flow of buffer sweeps the eluted DNA from the chamber into an external receptacle. Elution is complete in 7 min. Concentrated DNA is obtained by butanol extraction and alcohol precipitation in 1 h. Recoveries, quantitated by counting radiolabeled DNA or by densitometry of analytical gels, were 94 to 100% for fragments of 4 to 50 kb. The eluted DNA was undegraded and could be digested with restriction enzymes, ligated, end-labeled, or used to transform cells as efficiently as noneluted DNA. Complete elution of a 100-kb plasmid, a 194-kb concatemer of bacteriophage lambda, and of 440- and 550- chromosomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was also achieved using the same process. This method is suitable for routine use in a wide range of cloning applications, including the electrophoretic isolation of large DNA molecules.  相似文献   

A method for the recovery of DNA from agarose gels.   总被引:54,自引:37,他引:54       下载免费PDF全文
We describe a quick and versatile method for the isolation of DNA from agarose gels. The DNA is electrophoresed into a trough containing hydroxyapatite, where it is bound. The hydroxyapatite is taken out and the DNA eluted with phosphate buffer. By putting the hydroxyapatite on a small column of Sephadex G50, elution and subsequent removal of phosphate can be performed in one step. The DNA recovered can be used equally well in enzymatic incubations as DNA not purified through agarose gel electrophoresis. Several applications of this technique are described.  相似文献   

A rapid and inexpensive method for the electroelution of DNA fragments from agarose gels is described. DNA fragments were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by staining with ethidium bromide. Selected DNA fragments were placed into electroeluter tubes capped with dialysis membrane and electroeluted into a small volume of buffer using a conventional horizontal gel electrophoresis apparatus. The method successfully eluted and concentrated DNA fragments with molecular weights ranging from 2.7 to 13.9 MDa in 3 h.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable method for the recovery of specific fragments of DNA from agarose gels is presented. The electroelution of the DNA onto the NENSORB cartridge matrix with the subsequent elution of the bound DNA by a methanol (50% v/v) wash has been shown to result in the quantitative recovery of the restriction fragment. Of importance is the fact that the DNA purified by this procedure is a viable substrate for further digestion by a second restriction endonuclease. The method does not require either phenol extraction or extensive desalting of the sample.  相似文献   

The orientation of DNA fragments in the agarose gels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A microscopic method of measuring the orientation of nucleic acids in the agarose gels is described. A nucleic acid undergoing electrophoresis is stained with the dye ethidium bromide and is viewed under high magnification with a polarization microscope. A high-numerical-aperture microscope objective is used to illuminate and to collect the fluorescence signal, and therefore the orientation of the minute quantities of nucleic-acid can be measured: in a typical experiment we can detect the orientation of one-tenth of a picogram (10(13)g) of DNA. Polarization properties of the fluorescent light emitted by the separate bands corresponding to different molecular weights of the DNA are examined. A linear dichroism equation relates the measured fluorescence to the mean orientation of the absorption dipole of the ethidium bromide (and therefore DNA) and to the extent to which it is disorganized. As an example, we measured the orientation of phi X174 DNA RF/HaeIII fragments undergoing electrophoresis in a field of 10 V/cm. Ethidium bromide bound to the fragments with an angle of the absorption dipole largely perpendicular to the direction of the electrophoretic current. The dichroism declined as the molecular weight of the fragments decreased which is interpreted as an increase in the degree of disorder for shorter DNA.  相似文献   

A rapid method for extracting DNA from agarose gels   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A method for obtaining high recovery of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from agarose gels using an agarase extraction procedure is presented. This DNA is physically intact and biologically active. The DNA obtained with this procedure should be useful for a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

Long DNA can be recovered from agarose gels after electrophoresis by freezing the gel slices and manually squeezing out liquid containing the DNA. With this method the recoveries of phage T7 DNA (molecular weight 25 × 106) and the open and closed forms of circular phage PM2 DNA (molecular weight 6 × 106) were about 70%. Sedimentation analysis shows that the extruded DNA has not sustained double- or single-stranded breaks. The extruded DNA can be used without further purification as substrate for the restriction endonuclease HindII,III, from Hemophilus influenzae, for DNA·DNA hybridization and for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

从琼脂糖凝胶中高效回收DNA技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用两只离心管制成的凝胶过滤装置,从电泳后的琼脂糖凝胶中回收DNA片段的简易方法。它依次包括以下步骤:凝胶过滤装置的制作、凝胶切割、凝胶低温冷冻、低温高速离心、ddH20洗胶、DNA纯化和回收效果检测等。用此方法回收的DNA片段产率高、质量纯,可直接用于分子生物学实验的后续操作,如载体连接、PCR模板获得、DNA探针制备、基因测序等。其优点是:DNA片段的回收率高(90%以上),质量好;操作简便,耗时短;回收装置简单,成本低廉,可进行商品化开发。  相似文献   

Agarose gel electrophoresis is a powerful technique for the separation of nucleic acids on the basis of their size and conformation. The development of methods to recover size-fractionated nucleic acids molecules from agarose gels has greatly facilitated recombinant DNA technologies. Although several methods for recovering DNA and RNA molecules have been developed during the past fifteen years, none of them has been universally accepted. In this review we describe, discuss and evaluate the most common procedures with which we have had experience. Our evaluation is based on the criteria of yield, purity, speed, simplicity and low cost. We have considered three different approaches to the problem of recovering nucleic acids: chemical gel dissolution, physical gel disruption and physical extrusion from intact gels.  相似文献   

We developed a rapid, convenient, simple, and inexpensive method for isolating pure DNA from agarose and polyacrylamide gels using cotton wool tubes. DNA fragments ranging in size from 193-23,130 bp can be easily recovered within 2 hours by centrifugation through cotton wool from gel slices. The recovery rate of this method is 35% to 50%, when estimated for isolation of lambda DNA-HindIII fragments. We have also recovered 700-bp polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products using cotton wool tubes from electrophoresis on both a 0.8% agarose gel and a 6% polyacrylamide gel, in which satisfactory yields of more than 50% were obtained. The DNA thus recovered in this way is biologically active and can be used as a substrate for further experimental procedures without additional purification steps.  相似文献   

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