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 The genital disc of Drosophila, which gives rise to the genitalia and analia of adult flies, is formed by cells from different embryonic segments. To study the organization of this disc, the expressions of segment polarity and homeotic genes were investigated. The organization of the embryonic genital primordium and the requirement of the engrailed and invected genes in the adult terminalia were also analysed. The results show that the three primordia, the female and male genitalia plus the analia, are composed of an anterior and a posterior compartment. In some aspects, each of the three primordia resemble other discs: the expression of genes such as wingless and decapentaplegic in each anterior compartment is similar to that seen in leg discs, and the absence of engrailed and invected cause duplications of anterior regions, as occurs in wing discs. The absence of lineage restrictions in some regions of the terminalia and the expression of segment polarity genes in the embryonic genital disc suggest that this model of compartmental organization evolves, at least in part, as the disc grows. The expression of homeotic genes suggests a parasegmental organization of the genital disc, although these genes may also change their expression patterns during larval development. Received: 4 February 1997 / Accepted: 22 May 1997  相似文献   

 Genetically mosaic flies were constructed which lack a functional decapentaplegic (dpp) or wingless (wg) gene in portions of their leg epidermis, and the leg cuticle was examined for defects. Although dpp has previously been shown to be transcribed both ventrally and dorsally, virtually the only dpp-null clones that affect leg anatomy are those which reside dorsally. Conversely, wg-null clones only cause leg defects when they reside ventrally – a result that was expected, given that wg is only expressed ventrally. Both findings are consistent with models of leg development in which the future tip of the leg is specified by an interaction between dpp and wg at the center of the leg disc. Null clones can cause mirror-image cuticular duplications confined to individual leg segments. Double-ventral, mirror-image patterns are observed with dpp-null clones, and double-dorsal patterns with wg-null clones. Clones that are doubly mutant (null for both dpp and wg) manifest reduced frequencies for both types of duplications. Duplications can include cells from surrounding non-mutant territory. Such nonautonomy implies that both dpp and wg are involved in positional signaling, not merely in the maintenance of cellular identities. However, neither gene product appears to function as a morphogen for the entire leg disc, since the effects of each gene’s null clones are restricted to a discrete part of the circumference. Interestingly, the circumferential domains where dpp and wg are needed are complementary to one another. Received: 25 March 1996 / Accepted: 13 June 1996  相似文献   

 We have studied the role of the wingless gene in embryonic brain development of Drosophila. wingless is expressed in a large domain in the anlage of the protocerebrum and also transiently in smaller domains in the anlagen of the deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum. Elimination of the wingless gene in null mutants has dramatic effects on the developing protocerebrum; although initially generated, approximately one half of the protocerebrum is deleted in wingless null mutants by apoptotic cell death at late embryonic stages. Using temperature sensitive mutants, a rescue of the mutant phenotype can be achieved by stage-specific expression of functional wingless protein during embryonic stages 9–10. This time period correlates with that of neuroblast specification but preceeds the generation and subsequent loss of protocerebral neurons. Ectopic wingless over-expression in gain-of-function mutants results in dramatically oversized CNS. We conclude that wingless is required for the development of the anterior protocerebral brain region in Drosophila. We propose that an important role of wingless in this part of the developing brain is the determination of neural cell fate. Received: 7 October 1997 / Accepted: 30 December 1997  相似文献   

The expression of two temperature-sensitive reporter genes, hsp70 and an hsp70-LacZ fusion, in free-ranging adult Drosophila melanogaster indicates that natural thermal stress experienced by such small and mobile insects may be either infrequent or not severe. Levels of the heat-shock protein Hsp70, the major inducible Hsp of Drosophila, were similar in most wild Droso- phila captured after warm days to levels previously reported for unstressed flies in the laboratory. In a transgenic strain transformed with an hsp70-LacZ fusion (i.e., the structural gene encoding bacterial β-galactosidase under control of a heat shock promoter), exposure to temperatures ≥32°C in the laboratory typically resulted in β-galactosidase activities exceeding 140 mOD450 h–1μg–1 soluble protein. Flies caged in sun frequently had β-galactosidase activities in excess of this level, whereas flies caged in shade and flies released and recaptured on cool days did not. Most flies (>80%) released on warm, sunny days had low β-galactosidase activities upon recapture. Although the balance of recaptured flies had elevated β-galactosidase activities on these days, their β-galactosidase activities were <50% of levels for flies caged in direct sunlight or exposed to laboratory heat shock. These data suggest that even on warm days most flies may avoid thermal stress, presumably through microhabitat selection, but that a minority of adult D. melanogaster undergo mild thermal stress in nature. Both temperature-sensitive reporter genes, however, are limited in their ability to infer thermal stress and demonstrate its absence. Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 21 December 1999  相似文献   

 In Drosophila a remarkable feature of oogenesis is the regression of the nurse cells after dumping their cytoplasmic contents into the oocyte. We have studied the nature of this process at the late stages of egg chamber development. In egg chambers DAPI staining shows highly condensed chromatin from stage 12 and TUNEL labelling shows DNA fragmentation up to stage 14. Gel electrophoresis of the end-labelled DNA, extracted from isolated egg chambers at the same stages of development, shows a ladder typical of apoptotic nuclei. This provides evidence that, during Drosophila oogenesis, the nurse cells undergo apoptosis. Apoptotic nuclei have also been detected in dumping-defective egg chambers, indicating that the cytoplasmic depletion of nurse cells is concurrent with but apparently not the cause of the process. Received: 12 December 1997 / Accepted: 6 January 1998  相似文献   

The imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster are an excellent material with which to analyze how signaling pathways and Hox genes control growth and pattern formation. The study of one of these discs, the genital disc, offers, in addition, the possibility of integrating the sex determination pathway into this analysis. This disc, whose growth and shape are sexually dimorphic, gives rise to the genitalia and analia, the more posterior structures of the fruit fly. Male genitalia, which develop from the ninth abdominal segment, and female genitalia, which develop mostly from the eighth one, display a characteristic array of structures. We will review here some recent findings about the development of these organs. As in other discs, different signaling pathways establish the positional information in the genital primordia. The Hox and sex determination genes modify these signaling routes at different levels to specify the particular growth and differentiation of male and female genitalia.  相似文献   

 The homeotic gene teashirt (tsh) is known to regulate segmental identity of the trunk region of the Drosophila embryo. Here we report a requirement for tsh function in the development of adult head structures. Animals homozygous for a viable tsh allele or heterozygous for various embryonic recessive lethal alleles displayed miniaturized maxillary palps, a phenotype characteristically induced by dominant gain-of-function mutations of Antennapedia (Antp) homeotic gene. Animals transheterozygous for tsh and Antp mutations displayed an enhanced antenna-to-leg and a striking reduced-eye phenotype suggesting aggravated ANTP misexpression in eye-antennal discs of these animals. In agreement with this, in the developing eye-antennal discs of the tsh mutant animals a significant amount of ANTP protein was detected overlapping the domains where tsh is normally expressed. These results suggest that tsh specifies adult head segments by repressing Antp expression. Received: 7 December 1996 / Accepted: 8 April 1997  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of aldehyde oxidase (AO) activity was determined in wing discs of Drosophila melanogaster larvae homozygous for the mutants apt 73n, Beaded, and vestigial (vg) in order to determine if reduction in field size in the pouch could be related to alterations of the wild-type AO pattern, as suggested by the Kauffman (1978) hypothesis. The pattern in wild-type discs was resolved into six areas for comparison with mutant discs. vg discs developed at 25° C showed restriction of the pattern into a small area on the anterior side of the disc, and comparison of vg and wild-type prepupal wings allowed positive identification of the AO pattern elements which remained. AO patterns in vg wing discs grown at 27°, 29°, and 31° C were progressively more complete and similar to wild-type, reflecting the reduction in cell death in discs grown at higher temperatures. These results show that cell loss during the third instar in vg development at 25° C is responsible for the alteration of the AO pattern, rather than field size reduction, and that determination of the pattern must take place much earlier than the time of its first appearance during the third larval instar, and before cell death in vg discs begins. Thus mutants acting at earlier stages will be necessary for further tests of the Kauffman hypothesis.  相似文献   

We describe the cloning and characterization of a new gene family of adenylyl cyclase related genes in Drosophila. The five adenylyl cyclase-like genes that define this family are clearly distinct from previously known adenylyl cyclases. One member forms a unique locus on chromosome 3 whereas the other four members form a tightly clustered, tandemly repeated array on chromosome 2. The genes on chromosome 2 are transcribed in the male germline in a doublesex dependent manner and are expressed in postmitotic, meiotic, and early differentiating sperm. These genes therefore provide the first evidence for a role for the cAMP signaling pathway in Drosophila spermatogenesis. Expression from this locus is under the control of the always early, cannonball, meiosis arrest, and spermatocyte arrest genes that are required for the G2/M transition of meiosis I during spermatogenesis, implying a mechanism for the coordination of differentiation and proliferation. Evidence is also provided for positive selection at the locus on chromosome 2 which suggests this gene family is actively evolving and may play a novel role in spermatogenesis. Received: 26 September 1999 / Accepted: 27 October 1999  相似文献   

In a study of the regulation of enzyme patterns in imaginal discs the aldehyde oxidase pattern was determined for some homoeotic mutations of D. melanogaster. Earlier indications that suggested that this pattern follows the determinitive state of compartments within imaginal discs were confirmed by the aldehyde oxidase (AO) pattern of both the wing and haltere discs from en1; bx3, en1; pbx, and en1; bx3 pbx larvae and the antennal discs from Antp73b and ssa larvae. We additionally analyzed whether AO activity depended on the determinative state of an entire compartment or was expressed autonomously in clones. Homozygous engrailed clones were induced by mitotic recombination. From the AO clones found in normally negative areas of the posterior compartment it was concluded that enzyme activity depended upon the determinative state of the cells and was not a function of the compartment as a whole. The results are described with reference to a scheme in which compartmental and subcompartmental selector genes are thought to determine a binary code on which AO patterns depend.  相似文献   

 Adult muscle development in Drosophila is intimately associated with the development of the nervous system and epidermis. During metamorphosis, myoblasts from the wing imaginal disc reach target sites on the developing pupal epidermis and begin the formation of multinucleate myofibres of the dorsal thorax. The paths taken by pupal myoblasts could be specified by the nervous system and/or the epidermis. Using genetically marked donor pupal wing and leg discs transplanted onto pupal hosts, we have generated animals that have ectopic wings or legs and have examined the formation of adult muscle types. We show that thoracic myoblasts migrate over both host and donor epidermis when the transplant site on the host is thoracic. However, when the transplant site is on the abdomen, thoracic myoblasts do not migrate over abdominal epidermis. Our results show that the epidermis plays an important role in determining the migration pattern of myoblasts. Since muscles are multinucleate cells that form by the fusion of myoblasts, one way in which their molecular characteristics could be achieved is by some myoblasts acting as ”founders”. These myoblasts could influence the pattern of gene expression of those nuclei that fuse with them. We have examined, again using disc transplant experiments, if myoblasts on discs have the capacity to express fibre-specific genes as distinct from this property being conferred by other extra-discs myoblasts. Our results demonstrate that disc-associated myoblasts can indeed fuse with each other to express fibre-specific genes. We synthesize the results presented here with those from earlier experiments to suggest a mechanism for muscle patterning in the adult thorax. Received: 8 January 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 22 January 1996  相似文献   

In the embryonic ventral neuroectoderm of Drosophila melanogaster the proneural genes achaete, scute, and lethal of scute are expressed in clusters of cells from which the neuroblasts delaminate in a stereotyped orthogonal array. Analyses of the ventral neuroectoderm before and during delamination of the first two populations of neuroblasts show that cells in all regions of proneural gene activity change their form prior to delamination. Furthermore, the form changes in the neuroectodermal cells of embryos lacking the achaete-scute complex, of embryos mutant for the neurogenic gene Delta, and of embryos overexpressing l’sc suggest that these genes are responsible for most of the morphological alterations observed. Received: 20 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 November 1999  相似文献   

The genes decapentaplegic, wingless, and Distalless appear to be instrumental in constructing the anatomy of the adult Drosophila leg. In order to investigate how these genes function and whether they act coordinately, we analyzed the leg phenotypes of the single mutants and their inter se double mutant compounds. In decapentaplegic the tarsi frequently exhibit dorsal deficiencies which suggest that the focus of gene action may reside dorsally rather than distally. In wingless the tarsal hinges are typically duplicated along with other dorsal structures, confirming that the hinges arise dorsally. The plane of symmetry in double-ventral duplications caused by decapentaplegic is virtually the same as the plane in double-dorsal duplications caused by wingless. It divides the fate map into two parts, each bisected by the dorsoventral axis. In the double mutant decapentaplegic wingless the most ventral and dorsal tarsal structures are missing, consistent with the notion that both gene products function as morphogens. In wingless Distal-less compounds the legs are severely truncated, indicating an important interaction between these genes. Distal-less and decapentaplegic manifest a relatively mild synergism when combined. Correspondence to: L.I. Held  相似文献   

 Hikaru genki (HIG) is a putative secreted protein of Drosophila that belongs to immunoglobulin and complement-binding protein superfamilies. Previous studies reported that, during pupal and adult stages, HIG protein is synthesized in subsets of neurons and appears to be secreted to the synaptic clefts of neuron-neuron synapses in the central nervous system (CNS). Here we report the analyses of distribution patterns of HIG protein at embryonic and larval stages. In embryos, HIG was mainly observed in subsets of neurons of the CNS that include pCC interneurons and RP5 motorneurons. At third instar larval stage, this protein was detected in a limited number of cells in the brain and ventral nerve cord. Among them are the motorneurons that extend their axons to make neuromuscular junctions on body wall muscle 8. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that these axonal processes as well as the neuromuscular terminals contain numerous vesicles with HIG staining, suggesting that HIG is in a pathway of secretion at this stage. Some neurosecretory cells were also found to express this protein. These data suggest that HIG functions in the nervous system through most developmental stages and may serve as a secreted signalling molecule to modulate the property of synapses or the physiology of the postsynaptic cells. Received: 28 May 1998 / Accepted: 4 August 1998  相似文献   

 By using high resolution two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis coupled with computer-analysis we have established a quantitative Drosophila wing imaginal disc protein database of third instar larvae as a reference to be used for comparative purposes in genetic studies. A general catalogue integrated by 1,184 35S-methionine-labelled polypeptides from wing imaginal disc has been obtained. The level of expression for all the proteins has been quantitatively determined. The quantitative reproducibility of the analysis system has been estimated and all the controls studied as database reference to interpret the results of experiments with mutant discs. One example, corresponding to iro 1 mutation, has been used to show how some of the changes observed with mutant discs clearly extend out of the limits defined by the controls. This enables us to generate comparative parameters for the study of proliferation, morphogenesis and differentiation of Drosophila and opens the possibility of rapidly defining the nature and quantity of changes in patterns of gene expression in developmental genetic studies. Received: 21 June 1996 / Accepted: 27 September 1996  相似文献   

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