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《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):676-680
Alternative reproductive tactics occur when individuals of the same species follow alternative ways to maximize reproductive success. Often younger and smaller males follow tactics that result in lower fitness than that of dominant larger males. The relative plasticity hypothesis predicts that hormone levels change as males change tactics, but direct tests of this hypothesis are missing. It has been demonstrated in a number of studies that males following different tactics also differ in hormone levels (unpaired data), but not that individual males change their hormone levels as they change tactic (paired data). We compared hormone levels in the same individuals before and after they changed their tactic, using field samples collected over a period of 6 years. We studied male striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) following three alternative reproductive tactics: 1. alloparental philopatric males; 2. solitary roaming males, and 3. group-living dominant breeders. Testosterone levels increased and corticosterone levels decreased when philopatric males became roamers or breeders. The increase in testosterone levels tended to be higher in philopatric males that became roamers than in philopatric males that became breeders. Testosterone levels decreased when roamers became breeders. Prolactin levels increased when males of any other tactic became breeders. Thus, males significantly changed their hormone profiles as they changed tactics. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that changes in hormone levels are associated with the switch from one alternative reproductive tactic to another.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics can be maintained through differentevolutionary avenues. They can be genetically or stochasticallydetermined, in which case they must yield equal fitness, ortheir use can be conditional, in which case the fitness payoffof alternatives may differ. We attempted to assess the reproductivesuccess of alternative reproductive tactics employed by wildmale and female burying beetles in natural associations on carcassesplaced in the field. A beetle's reproductive tactic was definedby its potential involvement in care of larvae, and parentagewas assessed using oligolocus DNA fingerprinting of offspringand potential parents. Both in males and in females, alternativetactics yielded significantly different reproductive benefits:subordinate females (brood parasites) and males (satellite males)had considerably lower reproductive success than dominant oruncontested individuals. Joint breeding was too infrequent forstatistical inferences, generating intermediate offspring numbers.About 15% of offspring were sired by males not present on thecarcass, suggesting that mating away from reproductive resourcescan produce reproductive benefits to males. Our results, inconcert with the observation that beetles using one tactic canbe manipulated into employing the alternative, support the notionthat Nicrophorus vespilloides uses alternatives conditionally,opportunistically employing lower-benefit tactics when moreprofitable tactics are not available, or as additional "on-the-side"tactics to bolster reproductive success.  相似文献   

One explanation for hybridization between species is the fitness benefits it occasionally confers to the hybridizing individuals. This explanation is possible in species that have evolved alternative male reproductive tactics: individuals with inferior tactics might be more prone to hybridization provided it increases their reproductive success and fitness. Here we experimentally tested whether the propensity of hybridization in the wild depends on male reproductive tactic in Calopteryx splendens damselflies. Counter to our expectation, it was males adopting the superior reproductive tactic (territoriality) that had greatest propensity to hybridize than males adopting the inferior tactics (sneakers and floaters). Moreover, among the territorial males, the most ornamented males had greatest propensity to hybridize whereas the pattern was reversed in the sneaker males. Our results suggest that there is fluctuating selection on male mate discrimination against heterospecific females depending on both ornament size and the male’s reproductive tactic.  相似文献   

Intra-sexual dimorphism is found in the weapons of many male beetles. Different behavioral tactics to access females between major and minor males, which adopt fighting and alternative tactics, respectively, are thought to maintain the male dimorphism. In these species major males have enlarged weapons that they use in fights with rival males. Minor males also have small weapons in some of these species, and it is unclear why these males possess weapons. We examined the hypothesis that minor males might adopt a fighting tactic when their status was relatively high in comparison with that of other males (e.g., ownership of a territory). We observed the behavioral tactics of major and minor males of the beetle Librodor japonicus, whose males have a dimorphism of their mandibles. Major males fought for resources, whereas minor males adopted two status-dependent tactics, fighting and sneaking, to access females, depending on their ownership of a sap site. We suggest that ownership status-dependent mating tactics in minor males may maintain the intra-sexual dimorphism in this beetle.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is thought to be responsible for the evolution of many extravagant male ornaments and displays, but the costs of being too selective may hinder the evolution of choosiness. Selection against choosiness may be particularly strong in socially monogamous mating systems, because females may end up without a partner and forego reproduction, especially when many females prefer the same few partners (frequency-dependent selection). Here, we quantify the fitness costs of having mating preferences that are difficult to satisfy, by manipulating the availability of preferred males. We capitalize on the recent discovery that female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) prefer males of familiar song dialect. We measured female fitness in captive breeding colonies in which one-third of females were given ample opportunity to choose a mate of their preferred dialect (two-thirds of all males; “relaxed competition”), while two-thirds of the females had to compete over a limited pool of mates they preferred (one-third of all males; “high competition”). As expected, social pairings were strongly assortative with regard to song dialect. In the high-competition group, 26% of the females remained unpaired, yet they still obtained relatively high fitness by using brood parasitism as an alternative reproductive tactic. Another 31% of high-competition females paired disassortatively for song dialect. These females showed increased levels of extra-pair paternity, mostly with same-dialect males as sires, suggesting that preferences were not abolished after social pairing. However, females that paired disassortatively for song dialect did not have lower reproductive success. Overall, females in the high-competition group reached equal fitness to those that experienced relaxed competition. Our study suggests that alternative reproductive tactics such as egg dumping can help overcome the frequency-dependent costs of being selective in a monogamous mating system, thereby facilitating the evolution of female choosiness.

Being highly selective in partner choice may be problematic, because widely preferred mates are rapidly claimed. However, this study of the socially monogamous zebra finch reveals that females have evolved effective ways of coping with this situation.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics occur when individuals of the same species follow alternative ways to maximize reproductive success. Often younger and smaller males follow tactics that result in lower fitness than that of dominant larger males. The relative plasticity hypothesis predicts that hormone levels change as males change tactics, but direct tests of this hypothesis are missing. It has been demonstrated in a number of studies that males following different tactics also differ in hormone levels (unpaired data), but not that individual males change their hormone levels as they change tactic (paired data). We compared hormone levels in the same individuals before and after they changed their tactic, using field samples collected over a period of 6 years. We studied male striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) following three alternative reproductive tactics: 1. alloparental philopatric males; 2. solitary roaming males, and 3. group-living dominant breeders. Testosterone levels increased and corticosterone levels decreased when philopatric males became roamers or breeders. The increase in testosterone levels tended to be higher in philopatric males that became roamers than in philopatric males that became breeders. Testosterone levels decreased when roamers became breeders. Prolactin levels increased when males of any other tactic became breeders. Thus, males significantly changed their hormone profiles as they changed tactics. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that changes in hormone levels are associated with the switch from one alternative reproductive tactic to another.  相似文献   

The conditional expression of alternative phenotypes underlies the production of almost all life history decisions and many dichotomous traits, including male alternative reproductive morphs and behavioral tactics. Changes in tactic fitness should lead to evolutionary shifts in developmental switch points that underlie tactic expression. We used experimental evolution to directly test this hypothesis by rearing ten generations of the male-dimorphic mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus in either simple or three-dimensionally complex habitats that differed in their effects on morph fitness. In R. echinopus, fighter males develop weapons used for killing rivals, whereas scrambler males do not. Populations evolving in complex 3D habitats, where fighters had reduced fitness, produced fewer fighters because the switch point for fighter development evolved to a larger critical body size. Both the reduced mobility of fighter males and the altered spatial distribution of potential mates and rivals in the complex habitat were implicated in the evolutionary divergence of switch point between the habitats. Our results demonstrate how abiotic factors like habitat complexity can have a profound effect on evolution through sexual selection.  相似文献   

Morphological structures used as weapons in male–male competition are not only costly to develop but are also probably costly to maintain during adulthood. Therefore, having weapons could reduce the energy available for other fitness‐enhancing actions, such as post‐copulatory investment. We tested the hypothesis that armed males make lower post‐copulatory investments than unarmed males, and that this difference will be most pronounced under food‐limited conditions. We performed two experiments using the male‐dimorphic bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini, in which males are either armed “fighters” or unarmed “scramblers.” Firstly, we tested whether fighters and scramblers differed in their reproductive output after being starved or fed for 1 or 2 weeks. Secondly, we measured the reproductive output of scramblers and fighters (starved or fed) after one, two or three consecutive matings. Scramblers sired more offspring than fighters after 1 week, but scramblers and fighters only sired a few offspring after 2 weeks. Scramblers also sired more offspring than fighters at the first mating, and males rarely sired offspring after consecutive matings. Contrary to our hypothesis, the fecundity of starved and fed males did not differ. The higher reproductive output of scramblers suggests that, regardless of nutritional state, scramblers make larger post‐copulatory investments than fighters. Alternatively, (cryptic) female choice generally favours scramblers. Why the morphs differed in their reproductive output is unclear. Neither morph performed well relatively late in life or after multiple matings. It remains to be investigated to what extent the apparent scrambler advantage contributes to the maintenance and evolution of male morph expression.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants exhibit a variety of reproductive systems where unisexual (females or males) morphs coexist with hermaphrodites. The maintenance of dimorphic and polymorphic reproductive systems may be problematic. For example, to coexist with hermaphrodites the females of gynodioecious species have to compensate for the lack of male function. In our study species, Geranium sylvaticum, a perennial gynodioecious herb, the relative seed fitness advantage of females varies significantly between years within populations as well as among populations. Differences in reproductive investment between females and hermaphrodites may lead to differences in future survival, growth and reproductive success, i.e. to differential costs of reproduction. Since females of this species produce more seeds, higher costs of reproduction in females than in hermaphrodites were expected. Due to the higher costs of reproduction, the yearly variation in reproductive output of females might be more pronounced than that of hermaphrodites.


Using supplemental hand-pollination of females and hermaphrodites of G. sylvaticum we examined if increased reproductive output leads to differential costs of reproduction in terms of survival, probability of flowering, and seed production in the following year.

Key Results

Experimentally increased reproductive output had differential effects on the reproduction of females and hermaphrodites. In hermaphrodites, the probability of flowering decreased significantly in the following year, whereas in females the costs were expressed in terms of decreased future seed production.


When combining the probability of flowering and seed production per plant to estimate the multiplicative change in fitness, female plants showed a 56 % and hermaphrodites showed a 39 % decrease in fitness due to experimentally increased reproduction. Therefore, in total, female plants seem to be more sensitive to the cost of reproduction in terms of seed fitness than hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):205-210
Two alternative reproductive tactics (amplexus and spermatophore transfer interference) and three sexual interference tactics (spermatophore transfer interference, pseudofemale behaviour, amplexus interference) are described for male red-spotted newts, Notophthalmus viridescens. The two reproductive tactics yield equal insemination rates for males displaying these behaviours. The three sexual interference tactics decrease the potential fitness of amplectic males either directly, by displacing them from receptive females and/or duping them into fruitless spermatophore depositions, or indirectly, by increasing the time spent in amplexus with no concomitant increase in probability of successful insemination.  相似文献   

When individuals in a population differ in physiological conditionand residual reproductive value, selection should favor phenotypicplasticity in reproductive investment such that individualsare able to adopt the reproductive tactic that results in thehighest fitness under given conditions. Here we examined reproductivetactics in relation to the elaboration of condition-dependentsexual ornamentation (carotenoid breast coloration) in a Montanapopulation of the house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). Malesused distinct reproductive tactics depending on elaborationof their sexual ornamentation. Males with red pigmentation (maximum ornament elaboration) paired with females that nestedearlier, but these males did little provisioning of incubatingfemales and nestlings. In contrast, males with yellow colorationpaired with females that nested later, but these males fedfemale and nestlings more. Consequently, for red males offspringrecruitment was primarily affected by earlier nest initiation, whereas in yellow males it was affected most by male provisioning.In males with intermediate plumage coloration, all measuredcomponents, nest initiation, provisioning of incubating female,and nestling feeding, strongly contributed to offspring recruitment.The fitness consequences of alternative reproductive tacticsof males were influenced by breeding experience and fidelityof their mates. Among first-time breeders, red males achievedthe highest fecundity because of the advantage gained throughearly nesting and pairing with more experienced females andbecause of compensation by their mates for low male provisioningof nestlings. Among experienced breeders, males with intermediateplumage coloration achieved the highest fecundity because ofthe combined benefits of relatively early pairing and high parental care. High variation in sexual ornamentation in a Montana populationof house finches may favor distinct associations of sexualdisplays with a particular set of reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   



An important component of sexual selection arises because females obtain viability benefits for their offspring from their mate choice. Females choosing extra-pair fertilization generally favor males with exaggerated secondary sexual characters, and extra-pair paternity increases the variance in male reproductive success. Furthermore, females are assumed to benefit from 'good genes' from extra-pair sires. How additive genetic variance in such viability genes is maintained despite strong directional selection remains an evolutionary enigma. We propose that sexual selection is associated with elevated mutation rates, changing the balance between mutation and selection, thereby increasing variance in fitness and hence the benefits to be obtained from good genes sexual selection. Two hypotheses may account for such elevated mutation: (1) Increased sperm production associated with sperm competition may increase mutation rate. (2) Mutator alleles increase mutation rates that are revealed by the expression of condition-dependent secondary sexual characters used by choosy females during their mate choice. M Petrie has independently developed the idea that mutator alleles may account for the maintenance of genetic variation in viability despite strong directional selection.  相似文献   



Animals utilize a wide variety of tactics to attract reproductive partners. Behavioral experiments often indicate an important role for visual cues in fish, but their molecular basis remains almost entirely unknown. Studies on model species (such as zebrafish and medaka) allow investigations into this fundamental question in behavioral and evolutionary biology.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Floral polymorphism is frequently attributed to pollinator-mediated selection. Multiple studies, however, have revealed the importance of non-pollinating visitors in floral evolution. Using the polymorphic annual daisy Ursinia calenduliflora, this study investigated the importance of different insect visitors, and their effects on fitness, in the maintenance of floral polymorphism.


The spatial structure of a discrete floral polymorphism was characterized based on the presence/absence of anthocyanin floret spots in U. calenduliflora. A 3-year observational study was then conducted in polymorphic populations to investigate differences in visitation rates of dominant visitors to floral morphs. Experiments were performed to explore the floral preference of male and female Megapalpus capensis (the dominant insect visitor) and their effectiveness as pollinators. Next, floral damage by antagonistic florivores and the reproductive success of the two floral morphs were surveyed in multiple populations and years.

Key Results

Floral polymorphism in U. calenduliflora was structured spatially, as were insect visitation patterns. Megapalpus capensis males were the dominant visitors and exhibited strong preference for the spotted morph in natural and experimental observations. While this may indicate potential fitness benefits for the spotted morph, female fitness did not differ between floral morphs. However, as M. capensis males are very efficient at exporting U. calenduliflora pollen, their preference may likely increase the reproductive fitness of the spotted morph through male fitness components. The spotted morph, however, also suffered significantly greater costs due to ovule predation by florivores than the spotless morph.


The results suggest that pollinators and florivores may potentially exert antagonistic selection that could contribute to the maintenance of floral polymorphism across the range of U. calenduliflora. The relative strength of selection imposed by each agent is potentially determined by insect community composition and abundance at each site, highlighting the importance of community context in the evolution of floral phenotypes.  相似文献   



We used behavioural and genetic data to investigate the effects of density on male reproductive success in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Based on previous measurements of aggression and courtship behaviour by territorial males, we predicted that they would sire more offspring than non-territorial males.


Microsatellite analysis of paternity showed that at low densities territorial males had higher reproductive success than non-territorial males. However, at high density territorial males were no more successful than non-territorials and the sex difference in the opportunity for sexual selection, based on the parameter I mates, was low.


Male zebrafish exhibit two distinct mating tactics; territoriality and active pursuit of females. Male reproductive success is density dependent and the opportunity for sexual selection appears to be weak in this species.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics are often correlated with phenotype, density, environment, or social context. Male horseshoe crabs(Limulus polyphemus) have two mating tactics that are associatedwith phenotype. Males in good condition arrive at the nestingbeach and spawn while attached to females, whereas those inpoorer condition come ashore unattached and crowd around thenesting couples as satellites, fertilizing eggs through sperm competition. The correlation between mating tactic and phenotypemay be due to males choosing tactics based on condition, orit may be that males that have not found a female choose tocome ashore as satellites. To distinguish between these twopossibilities, I conducted an experiment on male horseshoe crabsin the field at Seahorse Key on the northern Gulf coast ofFlorida. I prevented males from attaching to females by placingsmall plastic bags over the claws they use to attach. The resultsshowed that males in poor condition came ashore as satellites,whereas males in good condition remained at sea. This meansthat mating tactics are cued by information about the male'scondition and not about whether he found a female. The evolutionof phenotype-correlated mating tactics can be represented bya model in which the fitness of each tactic changes with conditionand fitness curves cross. I hypothesize that male horseshoecrabs in good condition have higher fitness when attached and that males in poorer condition to better when unattached.  相似文献   

Male–male competition over fertilization can select for harmful male genital structures that reduce the fitness of their mates, if the structures increase the male's fertilization success. During secondary contact between two allopatrically formed, closely related species, harmful male genitalia may also reduce the fitness of heterospecific females given interspecific copulation. We performed a laboratory experiment to determine whether the extent of genital spine exaggeration in Callosobruchus chinensis males affects the fitness of C. maculatus females by injuring their reproductive organs. We found that males with more exaggerated genital spines were more likely to injure the females via interspecific copulation and that the genital injury translated into fecundity loss. Thus, as predicted, reproductive interference by C. chinensis males on C. maculatus females is mediated by exaggeration of the genital spine, which is the evolutionary consequence of intraspecific male–male competition. Harmful male traits, such as genital spines, might generally affect the extent of interaction between closely related species.  相似文献   



Intralocus sexual conflict can inhibit the evolution of each sex towards its own fitness optimum. In a previous study, we confirmed this prediction through the experimental removal of female selection pressures in Drosophila melanogaster, achieved by limiting the expression of all major chromosomes to males. Compared to the control populations (C1-4) where the genomes are exposed to selection in both sexes, the populations with male-limited genomes (ML1-4) showed rapid increases in male fitness, whereas the fitness of females expressing ML-evolved chromosomes decreased [1].

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we examine the behavioural phenotype underlying this sexual antagonism. We show that males expressing the ML genomes have a reduced courtship level but acquire the same number of matings. On the other hand, our data suggest that females expressing the ML genomes had reduced attractiveness, stimulating a lower rate of courtship from males. Moreover, females expressing ML genomes tend to display reduced yeast-feeding behaviour, which is probably linked to the reduction of their fecundity.


These results suggest that reproductive behaviour is shaped by opposing selection on males and females, and that loci influencing attractiveness and foraging were polymorphic for alleles with sexually antagonistic expression patterns prior to ML selection. Hence, intralocus sexual conflict appears to play a role in the evolution of a wide range of fitness-related traits and may be a powerful mechanism for the maintenance of genetic variation in fitness.  相似文献   

Tonic immobility and escape are adaptive anti-predator tactics used by many animals. Escape requires movement, whereas tonic immobility does not. If anti-predator tactics relate to weapon size, males with larger weapons may adopt tonic immobility, whereas males with smaller weapons may adopt escape. However, no study has investigated the relationship between weapon size and anti-predator tactics. In this study, we investigated the relationship between male weapon size and tonic immobility in the beetle Gnathocerus cornutus. The results showed that tonic immobility was more frequent in males with larger weapons. Although most studies of tonic immobility in beetles have focused on the duration, rather than the frequency, tonic immobility duration was not affected by weapon size in G. cornutus. Therefore, this study is the first, to our knowledge, to suggest that the male weapon trait affects anti-predator tactics.  相似文献   



Exaggerated male ornaments and displays often evolve in species where males only provide females with ejaculates during reproduction. Although "good genes" arguments are typically invoked to explain this phenomenon, a simpler alternative is possible if variation in male reproductive quality (e.g. sperm number, ejaculate content, mating rate) is an important determinant of female reproductive success. The "phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis" states that female preference for male ornaments or displays has been selected to ensure higher levels of fertility and has driven the evolution of exaggerated male traits. Females of the stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni must mate frequently to maintain high levels of fertility and prefer to mate with males exhibiting large eyespan, a condition-dependent sexual ornament. If eyespan indicates male reproductive quality, females could directly increase their reproductive success by mating with males with large eyespan. Here we investigate whether male eyespan indicates accessory gland and testis length, and then ask whether mating with large eyespan males affects female fertility.  相似文献   

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