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Patterns in substrate, canopy openness, tree species composition and structure were studied in a swamp forest in southeastern Brazil (Itirapina, SP), using a fine spatial scale (∼0.05 km2). Sixty quadrats of 10 m × 10 m were divided into three sample plots, located in the centre and at both ends of the forest remnant (upstream and downstream), encompassing different environmental conditions. In each quadrat we quantified and identified individuals with CBH (circumference at breast height) ≥ 10 cm, the chemical properties of the soil, the drainage (flooded area) and the percentage of canopy openness. We keep 5124 individuals distributed over 37 species and 25 families. The downstream site presented a lower frequency of flooding, canopy openness, species richness (15 species) and density of individuals. In the central site we found different patterns of drainage and light incidence, the greatest species richness (31 species) and density of individuals, but smaller trees both in height and in diameter. The upstream site was subject to higher frequency of flooding, with intermediate values for density and species richness (27 species). Floristic and structural variation between and within sites reflects the different environmental conditions related to substrate and canopy openness. However, a larger number of species were correlated with drainage pattern (21 species) rather than with canopy openness (14 species), suggesting that the main factor responsible for the spatial organization of the plant community in swamp forests is soil drainage.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the relative contributions of environmental factors and geographic distance to palm community structure at the mesoscale, and how do they depend on the length of the environmental gradient covered? How do soil and topography affect variation of the canopy and understory palm community structure at the mesoscale? How does fine‐scale variation within the broad edaphic/topographic classes affect palm community composition? Location: Reserva Ducke, terra‐firme forest, Manaus, Brazil. Methods: Palms were sampled in 72 plots 250 m × 4 m, systematically distributed over an area of 100 km2. Soil, topography and distance to watercourses were measured for all plots. The relationship between community structure axes, summarized by NMDS ordinations, and environmental predictors, was analysed with multivariate regressions. Matrix regressions were used to determine the proportions of variance explained by environmental and geographic predictors. Results: Floristic variation at the mesoscale was mostly related to environmental variation, and the proportion of variance explained depended on the amplitude of the environmental gradient. Soil was the main predictor of floristic change, but its effects differed between life forms, with the understory palm community structured within one of the edaphic/topographic classes, in association with distance to watercourses. Conclusions: Dispersal limitation does not explain palm composition at the mesoscale, and the amplitude of environmental gradients covered by the analysis can be as important as the scale of analysis, in determining the relative contributions of environmental and geographical components to community structure. Soil and topography can predict a large proportion of palm composition, but gradients differ in scale, with some environmental gradients being nested within others. Therefore, although all environmental gradients are nested within distance, they do not necessarily coincide.  相似文献   

Abstract. The observed distribution of a species along an environmental gradient is strongly affected by environmental variability within a quadrat. Because a quadrat does not represent a point along an environmental gradient, but rather a range of conditions, it is likely to contain species not typically associated with the mean conditions in the quadrat. Systematic relationships exist between a species' true distribution, the observed distribution as a function of mean quadrat environment, and the frequency distribution of the environment within that quadrat. The observed species habitat breadth increases and the observed maximum abundance decreases as within-quadrat environmental heterogeneity increases. If species distributions or beta diversities are to be compared among species or coenoclines, they should be correctedforintra-quadratheterogeneity.Wederive simple corrections for environmental heterogeneity. The distributions of hardwood forest understory species along a soil acidity gradient in the North Carolina piedmont are presented as an example.  相似文献   

Establishing which factors determine species distributions is of major relevance for practical applications such as conservation planning. The Amazonian lowlands exhibit considerable internal heterogeneity that is not apparent in existing vegetation maps. We used ferns as a model group to study patterns in plant species distributions and community composition at regional and landscape scales. Fern species composition and environmental data were collected in 109 plots of 250 × 2 m distributed among four sites in Brazilian Amazonia. Interplot distances varied from 1 to ca 670 km. When floristically heterogeneous datasets were analyzed, the use of an extended Sørensen dissimilarity index rather than the traditional Sørensen index improved model fit and made interpretation of the results easier. Major factors associated with species composition varied among sites, difference in cation concentration was a strong predictor of floristic dissimilarity in those sites with pronounced heterogeneity in cation concentration. Difference in clay content was the most relevant variable in sites with uniform cation concentrations. In every case, environmental differences were invariably better than geographic distances in predicting species compositional differences. Our results are consistent with the ideas that: (1) the relative predictive capacity of the explanatory variables depend on the relative lengths of the observed gradients; and (2) environmental gradients can be hierarchically structured such that gradients occur inside gradients. Therefore, site‐specific relationships among variables can mask the bigger picture and make it more difficult to unravel the factors structuring plant communities in Amazonia.  相似文献   


Background: Functional trait-based approaches have been used to identify patterns of plant species diversity and composition related to environmental variability/changes. Bryophytes are rapidly affected by perturbations and thus their traits and distribution are expected to show well-defined relationships with environmental variability.

Aim: To quantify the impacts of fragmentation on the diversity and structure of epiphytic bryophytes to vertical and horizontal environmental gradients in an Atlantic Forest remnant.

Methods: Six functional traits related to water relations and light tolerance were recorded and one of them, the leaf lobule area in liverworts, was selected for morphometric measurements along the gradients analysed. Functional diversity and composition metrics of bryophytes along gradients were compared.

Results: Functional diversity changed little along the vertical and horizontal gradients. Conversely, the functional composition of traits changed markedly. Traits related to water storage, such as the presence and area of lobules, and to protection against excess light incidence, such as dark pigments, were more numerous in the canopy and at the fragment edge.

Conclusions: Functional composition is more correlated with the vertical and horizontal gradients than functional diversity. The lobule of liverworts stood out as the most relevant trait to explain the adaptive strategies of bryophytes.  相似文献   

西双版纳不同演替状态热带次生林土壤节肢动物群落特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用样地调查法,对西双版纳4种不同演替状况热带次生林:中平树(Macavanga denticulate)、崖豆藤(Millettia laptobotrya)、野芭蕉(Musa acuminata)与黄竹(Dendrocalamus membranaceae)林的土壤节肢动物群落结构与季节变化进行了研究.结果表明,4类不同演替状况次生林土壤节肢动物群落在数量优势类群组成上无较大差异,蜱螨目为所有4类林地的突出优势类群,膜翅目、弹尾目和鞘翅目在不同林地中分别为不同数量等级的次优势类群,而在常见和稀有类群的组成上,各林地表现出较大的差异.土壤节肢动物类群数、个体数和DG多样性指数以正向演替的崖豆藤林最高,偏途演替的黄竹林最低,但中平树、崖豆藤和野芭蕉林的差异不大.4类林地土壤节肢动物类群数和个体数的垂直分布分别以凋落物层和土壤表层(0~5cm)最高,其它各层分布因林地不同各异,并存在明显的季节差异.各林地土壤节肢动物个体数和类群数的季节消长总体表现出干季和雨季初期与末期高于雨量最大的雨季中期,由于不同林地植被结构、凋落物数量和质量以及土壤水热状况不同,其季节变化显现样地差异,除了受林地降水量和温度变化影响外,食物的丰欠和栖息场所的干扰状况也有重要的影响作用.  相似文献   

Question: Do traits of liana regeneration differ among secondary forest types of varying land‐use history and primary forest? Location: Eighty kilometers north of Manaus, Brazil. Methods: We compared plant functional traits and growth rates of liana regeneration (<1.7‐m length) among two secondary forest types and primary forest. Secondary forest types were: Vismia (on land formerly clear‐cut, used for pasture and intensively burned) and Cecropia (no pasture usage or intensive fires after clear‐cut). Results: A principal components analysis indicated that most of the primary forest species exhibited a similar habit and were characterized by short shoots and small, round leaves with low specific leaf area, whereas secondary forest species had a broad range of trait values. At the plot level, primary and secondary forest communities were separated mainly by plant length and leaf size. Plant size varied more within secondary than within primary forest plots. The two secondary forest types could not be separated based on the traits of liana regeneration. Relative growth rate (RGR) did not correlate significantly with any measured plant trait, except for a negative relation to initial length. RGR increased with decreasing canopy cover and was highest in Vismia forest plots. Conclusion: Plant functional traits of liana regeneration were more similar in the primary forest and differed substantially from secondary forests, yet canopy cover only partly explained the observed differences.  相似文献   

Aiba  Shin-ichiro  Kitayama  Kanehiro 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(2):139-157
We studied forest structure, composition and tree species diversity of eight plots in an environmental matrix of four altitudes (700, 1700, 2700 and 3100 m) and two types of geological substrates (ultrabasic and non-ultrabasic rocks) on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. On both substrate series, forest stature, mean leaf area and tree species diversity (both 4.8 cm and 10 cm diameter at breast height [dbh]) decreased with altitude. The two forests on the different substrate series were similar at 700 m in structure, generic and familial composition and tree species diversity, but became dissimilar with increasing altitude. The decline in stature with altitude was steeper on the ultrabasic substrates than on the non-ultrabasic substrates, and tree species diversity was generally lower on ultrabasic substrates than on non-ultrabasic substrates at 1700 m. The forests on non-ultrabasic substrates at higher altitudes and those on ultrabasic substrates at the lower altitudes were similar in dbh versus tree height allometry, mean leaf area, and generic and familial composition at 1700 m. These contrasting patterns in forest structure and composition between the two substrate series suggested that altitudinal change was compressed on the ultrabasic substrates compared to the non-ultrabasic substrates. Tree species diversity was correlated with maximum tree height and estimated aboveground biomass, but was not with basal area, among the eight study sites. We suggest that forests with higher tree species diversity are characterized by greater biomass allocation to height growth relative to trunk diameter growth under more productive environment than forests with lower tree species diversity.  相似文献   

大兴安岭冻土湿地植物群落结构的环境梯度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用除趋势典范对应分析法(DCCA),对大兴安岭24个冻土湿地植物群落进行排序,对划分出的3个不同类型多年冻土区的湿地植物群落的物种多样性,以及生活型和水分生态型等生态特征进行了环境梯度分析。结果表明:随着纬度的降低,年平均气温和年平均日照时间逐渐增大,年平均降水量和年平均湿度逐渐减小,调查的24个冻土湿地可划分为3组。从大片多年冻土区到大片-岛状多年冻土区,再到稀疏岛状多年冻土区,灌木多样性逐渐减小(p0.05),草本植物多样性逐渐增加(p0.05);中生植物种类所占比例分别为38.5%、55.9%和64.4%,沼生植物的重要值逐渐减小(p0.05),中生和旱生植物的重要值逐渐增大(p0.05),表明冻土湿地的土壤水分条件逐渐中生化,甚至出现旱生化趋势。地面芽植物在3个多年冻土区的湿地植物群落中始终占优势地位,高位芽和地下芽植物次之,反映了该区冬季漫长、严寒而潮湿,夏季较短的气候特征。大片-岛状多年冻土区作为大片多年冻土区和稀疏岛状多年冻土区的过渡区,其湿地植物群落的物种多样性和生态特征与稀疏岛状多年冻土区更相近。  相似文献   

裸肉足虫作为联结微生物和大中型土壤动物的重要环节, 在土壤生态系统物质循环和能量流动过程中起着重要作用。为探明裸肉足虫群落沿海拔梯度的分布特征及其主要驱动因子, 作者在长白山北坡选择不同海拔梯度(700 m、1,000 m、1,300 m、1,600 m、1,900 m和2,200 m), 采用最大可能数法对裸肉足虫进行了培养计数, 并采用平板培养、标记、分离再培养的方法进行了分类鉴定, 分析比较了不同海拔梯度裸肉足虫的群落组成和结构特征。结果表明: 长白山北坡裸肉足虫物种丰富, 不同海拔梯度裸肉足虫丰富度指数存在显著差异, 且与土壤酸碱度呈极显著正相关关系。其中林分较为单一的岳桦(Betula ermanii)林带(1,900 m)裸肉足虫丰富度最低, 位于植被交错带的针阔混交林带(1,000 m)裸肉足虫丰富度最大, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在不同海拔梯度间不存在显著性差异, 但变化趋势与丰富度一致。聚类分析结果显示, 1,300 m、1,600 m和1,900 m海拔带以及700 m和2,200 m海拔带裸肉足虫群落组成较为相似。典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis, CCA)显示, 裸肉足虫群落组成和结构主要受土壤酸碱度、铵态氮以及碳氮比的影响, 而海拔和土壤含水量对其没有显著影响。综上, 裸肉足虫群落多样性随海拔梯度的增加并未呈现递减或单峰的变化趋势, 土壤的基本理化性质是驱动裸肉足虫群落分布的主要因素; 此外, 地上植被也可能通过凋落物和根系分泌物间接影响裸肉足虫的群落组成和多样性。  相似文献   

The effects of human impact and environmental heterogeneity on the tree species diversity were assessed in 20 fragments of tropical montane seasonal forest in southeastern Brazil. Previous surveys of the tree community, soils and topography of the fragments provided the bulk of the data. The diversity parameters used were the means of species richness, Shannon diversity (H′), and Pielou evenness (J′) obtained from “bootstrap” sub-samplings of 1,000 trees. Morphometric variables obtained for the fragments included total, edge, and inner areas. Investigation forms were used to survey the history of human interventions and prepare an impacts matrix containing scores assigned to assess the extent, severity and duration of selected impacts. Scores for overall environmental impacts were obtained from the ordination scores produced by a multivariate analysis of the impacts matrix. A multivariate analysis of the standard deviations of soil variables was used to identify the variable which contributed most to soil heterogeneity. The same procedure was repeated for the variables related to topography and ground-water regime. The three species diversity parameters were related to the proportions of edges, the overall impacts scores, and the standard deviations of two selected soil and topographic variables. The species diversity in the fragments increased with increasing heterogeneity of both soil chemical properties and topographic features, and decreased with increasing proportion of forest edges. The evenness component of species diversity also increased with increasing severity of overall environmental impacts. This probably occurred because the 20 fragments did not include highly disturbed forests in the range and the intermediate disturbance effect on species diversity was therefore detected.  相似文献   

Elevational patterns of tree diversity are well studied worldwide. However, few studies have examined how seedlings respond to elevational gradients and whether their responses vary across climatic zones. In this study, we established three elevational transects in tropical, subtropical and subalpine mountain forests in Yunnan Province, southern China, to examine the responses of tree species and their seedlings to elevational gradients. Within each transect, we calculated species diversity indices and composition of both adult trees and seedlings at different elevations. For both adult trees and seedlings, we found that species diversity decreased with increasing elevation in both tropical and subalpine transects. Species composition showed significant elevational separation within all three transects. Many species had specific elevational preferences, but abundant tree species that occurred at specific elevations tended to have very limited recruitment in the understory. Our results highlight that the major factors that determine elevational distributions of tree species vary across climatic zones. Specifically, we found that the contribution of air temperature to tree species composition increased from tropical to subalpine transects, whereas the contribution of soil moisture decreased across these transects.  相似文献   

Aim  We assessed the rates of turnover of tree species with distance (beta diversity) in wet forests of the Western Ghats (WG) complex of India to see whether climate, topographic variation or species traits influence beta diversity.
Location  The Western Ghats is a chain of mountains about 1600 km in length, running parallel to the western coast of the Indian Peninsula from above 8° N to almost 21° N latitude.
Methods  We used data from 60 small plot inventories concentrated in three regions: the southernmost part of the Western Ghats (SWG) (8°24' to 9°37' N), the Nilgiri Hills (11°12' to 11°14' N), and the central Western Ghats (CWG) (12°32' to 14°51' N). We used Sorensen's index (SI) to estimate the similarity in species composition between two plots and regressed SI against the logarithm of the distance between plots to assess beta diversity. A bootstrapping procedure provided confidence intervals for regression coefficients. To test for the effects of climate, we regressed seasonality differences between plots against SI for low-elevation (< 800 m) plots along the north–south axis, and all plots in the SWG. We assessed the impact of the rainfall gradient in the Kogar region.
Results  Among all three regions, beta diversity was highest along the latitudinal axis, and along the rainfall gradient in the Kogar region. Differences in seasonality between sites were strongly related to beta diversity along the north–south seasonality gradient and within the SWG. Within the three regions, beta diversity was highest in the region with the strongest rainfall gradient and lowest for the topographically heterogeneous SWG. Beta diversity did not differ between forest strata and dispersal modes.
Main conclusions  We conclude that climate, particularly seasonality, is probably the primary driver of beta diversity among rain forest trees of the Western Ghats complex.  相似文献   

Butterfly assemblages were monitored by transect counts in a riverine area along Tamagawa River (RIV), a residential area on the plain (RES1), a residential area on the hill (RES2), the core area of the city (COR), the Tama Experimental Station of Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (TES) and Tokyo Metropolitan Sakuragaoka Park (MSP) in Tama City, Tokyo, in 2005. The butterfly assemblages in forest‐dominated TES and MSP were more species‐rich than those in the other areas. The assemblage in the grassland‐dominated RIV was characterized by the highest abundance of individuals. Species richness and abundance were lowest in COR. Ordination of the areas by detrended correspondence analysis placed RIV, MSP and TES in increasing order of scores along axis 1, and RES1, RES2 and COR had higher scores along axis 2 than RIV, TES and MSP. In axis 1, grassland species had low scores and forest species high scores; the two groups were generally separated, coinciding with Tanaka's classification. However, the scores for two “forest species”, Papilio xuthus and Ypthima argus, were low and those for two “grassland species”, Potanthus flavus and Anthocharis scolymus, were high, challenging the validity of the classification. Most species recorded in this study were “seminatural type”, with relatively few “natural type” species, according to Sunose's classification. Most “urban type” species occurred in several different habitats and were not specific to highly human‐dominated RES1, RES2 and COR.  相似文献   

Abstract. The wet to moist bryophyte‐dominated vegetation of Sassendalen, Svalbard, was classified into seven communities. These communities were grouped into (1) Cardamino nymanii‐Saxifragion foliolosae marsh; (2) Caricion stantis fen; (3) Luzulion nivalis snowbed – including manured vegetation corresponding to moss tundras. All communities have a basically arctic distribution. Marshes are developed in habitats with a water table above the bryophyte vegetation surface and fens on sites with a water table level high above the permafrost but below the bryophyte surface. Moss tundras normally have no standing water table, but in Sassendalen they have a low water table due to their development on less steep slopes than in their normal habitat near bird cliffs. CCA confirms that the standing water level is the prime differentiating factor between the alliances, while aspect favourability and permafrost depth differentiate between the fen communities and temporary desiccation is important for the Catoscopium nigritum community. Carex subspathacea is a characteristic fen species in the absence of other Carex species dominating elsewhere in the Arctic. Arctic marshes are linked to an extremely cold environment. They have a very low species diversity with a few species dominating; Arctophila fulva, Pseudocalliergon trifarium, Scorpidium scorpioides and Warnstorfia tundrae are character species. Moss tundra as defined here appears to be restricted to Svalbard and, probably, neighbouring Novaya Zemlya. This may be due to the absence of rodents and the high seabird density, which is related to the mild sea currents reaching further to the north here and which implies manuring of surrounding ecosystems. Manuring in a very cold environment produces moss carpets with a thin active layer and accumulation of thick peat layers without a standing water level. In Sassendalen the role of arctic seabirds is replaced by Svalbard reindeer which are nonmigratory and are concentrated to favourable grazing areas where their manuring effect is intense. Their long‐term manuring effect probably explains the occurrence of moss tundras in this weakly rolling landscape where seabird colonies are absent.  相似文献   

A soil arthropod community was studied in a dry evergreen forest over a 3-year period from May 1998 to April 2001. Population abundance, species composition, and community structure were investigated over the 3-year study period. The soil arthropods consisted of Acari (75.38%), Collembola (16.11%), and others (8.51%), and their abundances showed a clear difference between the rainy and dry seasons. Population abundance of Collembola and Acari were low during drought conditions. The humidity was the most important factor determining distribution, abundance, and survival of soil Collembola in this tropical forest. High predation and low accumulation of organic matter caused low population abundance of Collembola in the tropical habitat. The collembolan community was dominated by a few dominant species over the study period. The pattern of seasonal changes in numbers of Collembola was similar over the 3-year study period. The species composition of the collembolan community was constant and persistent throughout a 3-year study period. Thus, the collembolan community showed constancy in its species composition with seasonal variability over the 3-year study period.  相似文献   

Experimental approaches to study seed dispersal of the Brazil nut tree have hitherto relied on exposed seeds deposited on the forest floor. Here we use a new method to study the natural dispersal by large rodents such as agoutis; tracking experimentally manipulated and tagged fruits containing individually marked seeds. Fruit manipulation did not deter agoutis from handling fruits. We found that agoutis usually moved intact fruits away from their original location below the parent tree before either hiding them or gnawing through the pericarp to access the seeds inside. Most fruits were moved to distances of 15–30 m from their original position, but some fruits could be taken as far as 60 m. A large number of seeds extracted from manipulated fruits appeared to be eaten immediately. Only 27 out of 1740 experimental seeds were found buried in shallow caches, generally within 5 m of the opened fruit. Fruit removal distance accounted for a disproportionate amount of total seed movement and seeds in the current study were dispersed significantly farther than in a previous experiment using exposed seeds, suggesting that classic dispersal experiments of this character may severely underestimate seed dispersal distances. We therefore conclude that the new method provides a more realistic and accurate approach to investigate natural seed dispersal of Brazil nuts and that the removal of fruits from underneath parent trees before being opened is the key to the significantly increased distances at which seeds are dispersed. Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

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