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The three-dimensional structure of the channel-forming trans-membrane domain of virus protein "u" (Vpu) of HIV-1 was determined by NMR spectroscopy in micelle and bilayer samples. Vpu(2-30+) is a 36-residue polypeptide that consists of residues 2-30 from the N terminus of Vpu and a six-residue "solubility tag" at its C terminus that facilitates the isolation, purification, and sample preparation of this highly hydrophobic minimal channel-forming domain. Nearly all of the resonances in the two-dimensional 1H/15N HSQC spectrum of uniformly 15N labeled Vpu(2-30+) in micelles are superimposable on those from the corresponding residues in the spectrum of full-length Vpu, which indicates that the structure of the trans-membrane domain is not strongly affected by the presence of the cytoplasmic domain at its C terminus. The two-dimensional 1H/15N PISEMA spectrum of Vpu(2-30+) in lipid bilayers aligned between glass plates has been fully resolved and assigned. The "wheel-like" pattern of resonances in the spectrum is characteristic of a slightly tilted membrane-spanning helix. Experiments were also performed on weakly aligned micelle samples to measure residual dipolar couplings and chemical shift anisotropies. The analysis of the PISA wheels and Dipolar Waves obtained from both weakly and completely aligned samples show that Vpu(2-30+) has a trans-membrane alpha-helix spanning residues 8-25 with an average tilt of 13 degrees. The helix is kinked slightly at Ile17, which results in tilts of 12 degrees for residues 8-16 and 15 degrees for residues 17-25. A structural fit to the experimental solid-state NMR data results in a three-dimensional structure with precision equivalent to an RMSD of 0.4 A. Vpu(2-30+) exists mainly as an oligomer on PFO-PAGE and forms ion-channels, a most frequent conductance of 96(+/- 6) pS in lipid bilayers. The structural features of the trans-membrane domain are determinants of the ion-channel activity that may be associated with the protein's role in facilitating the budding of new virus particles from infected cells.  相似文献   

The HIV-1-encoded protein Vpu forms an oligomeric ion channel/pore in membranes and interacts with host proteins to support the virus lifecycle. However, Vpu molecular mechanisms are currently not well understood. Here, we report on the Vpu oligomeric organization under membrane and aqueous conditions and provide insights into how the Vpu environment affects the oligomer formation. For these studies, we designed a maltose-binding protein (MBP)-Vpu chimera protein and produced it in E. coli in soluble form. We analyzed this protein using analytical size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), negative staining electron microscopy (nsEM), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Surprisingly, we found that MBP-Vpu formed stable oligomers in solution, seemingly driven by Vpu transmembrane domain self-association. A coarse modeling of nsEM data as well as SEC and EPR data suggests that these oligomers most likely are pentamers, similar to what was reported regarding membrane-bound Vpu. We also noticed reduced MBP-Vpu oligomer stability upon reconstitution of the protein in β-DDM detergent and mixtures of lyso-PC/PG or DHPC/DHPG. In these cases, we observed greater oligomer heterogeneity, with MBP-Vpu oligomeric order generally lower than in solution; however, larger oligomers were also present. Notably, we found that in lyso-PC/PG, above a certain protein concentration, MBP-Vpu assembles into extended structures, which had not been reported for Vpu. Therefore, we captured various Vpu oligomeric forms, which can shed light on Vpu quaternary organization. Our findings could be useful in understanding Vpu organization and function in cellular membranes and could provide information regarding the biophysical properties of single-pass transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Vpu is an accessory viral protein almost unique to HIV-1 among primate immunodeficiency viruses, and has two major functions: degradation of the CD4 molecule in endoplasmic reticulum and enhancement of virion release from cells. Recent identification of a novel host restriction factor, tetherin, as a Vpu-antagonist suggests that Vpu contributes to virus spread by facilitating progeny virion production. This review focuses on the two distinct functions of Vpu and summarizes current knowledge on its virological role in the HIV-1 life cycle.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domain of the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu is involved in the binding and degradation of the viral receptor CD4. In order to analyze previous structural models in the context of membrane environments, regions of Vpu(CYTO) incorporating particular conformational features have been synthesized and labelled with (15)N at selected backbone amides. Well-oriented proton-decoupled (15)N solid-state NMR spectra with (15)N chemical shifts at the most upfield position indicate that the amphipathic helix within [(15)N-Leu 45]-Vpu(27-57) strongly interacts with mechanically aligned POPC bilayers and adopts an orientation parallel to the membrane surface. No major changes in the topology of this membrane-associated amphipathic helix were observed upon phosphorylation of serine residues 52 and 56, although this modification regulates biological function of Vpu. In contrast, [(15)N-Ala 62]-Vpu(51-81) exhibits a pronounced (15)N chemical shift anisotropy.  相似文献   

HIV‐1 Vpu is an 81‐residue protein with a single N‐terminal transmembrane (TM) helical segment that is involved in the release of new virions from host cell membranes. Vpu and its TM segment form ion channels in phospholipid bilayers, presumably by oligomerization of TM helices into a pore‐like structure. We describe measurements that provide new constraints on the oligomerization state and supramolecular structure of residues 1–40 of Vpu (Vpu1–40), including analytical ultracentrifugation measurements to investigate oligomerization in detergent micelles, photo‐induced crosslinking experiments to investigate oligomerization in bilayers, and solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance measurements to obtain constraints on intermolecular contacts between and orientations of TM helices in bilayers. From these data, we develop molecular models for Vpu TM oligomers. The data indicate that a variety of oligomers coexist in phospholipid bilayers, so that a unique supramolecular structure can not be defined. Nonetheless, since oligomers of various sizes have similar intermolecular contacts and orientations, molecular models developed from our data are most likely representative of Vpu TM oligomers that exist in host cell membranes.  相似文献   

Type 1 interferon (IFN) inhibits the release of HIV-1 virus particles via poorly defined mechanisms. Here, we show that IFNalpha induces retention of viral particles on the surface of fibroblasts, T cells, or primary lymphocytes infected with HIV-1 lacking the Vpu protein. Retained particles are tethered to cell surfaces, can be endocytosed, appear fully assembled, exhibit mature morphology, and can be detached by protease. Strikingly, expression of the HIV-1 Vpu protein attenuates the ability of human cells to adhere to, and thereby retain, nascent HIV-1 particles upon IFNalpha treatment. Vpu also counteracts the IFNalpha-induced retention of virus-like particles assembled from the Ebola virus matrix protein. Furthermore, levels of IFNalpha that suppress replication of Vpu-defective HIV-1 have little effect on wild-type HIV-1. Thus, we propose that HIV-1 expresses Vpu to counteract an IFNalpha-induced, general host defense that inhibits dissemination of enveloped virions from the surface of infected cells.  相似文献   

Virus protein U (Vpu) is an accessory membrane protein encoded by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Various NMR and CD studies have shown that the transmembrane domain of Vpu has a helical conformation and that the cytoplasmic domain adopts the helix-loop-helix-turn motif. This 3.5-ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of Vpu in a lipid/membrane environment has fully reproduced these structural characteristics. Membrane propensities of two amphipathic helices in the cytoplasmic domain are further compared here to understand better their complicated orientational behavior known from experiment. This study first reveals that the highly conserved loop region in the cytoplasmic domain can be closely associated with the membrane surface. It is known from the simulation that Vpu is associated with 34 lipids in this Langmuir monolayer. The lipids that are located between the Vpu transmembrane helix and the first helix in the cytoplasmic domain are pushed up by Vpu. These elevated lipids have increased P-N tilt angles for the head groups but unchanged acyl-chain tilt angles compared with lipids that do not interact with Vpu. This study verifies the significance of applying MD simulation in refining protein structure and revealing detailed protein-lipid interaction in membrane/water environment. Figure XZ view of a snapshot of Vpu/DLGPC/water system after 3.5 ns NP(N)gamma T MD simulation. Coloring scheme: Vpu, red; C, green; H, pink; N, blue; O, orange; P, magenta; water, light blue  相似文献   

We have developed a system to analyze the specific protein kinase activity of herpes simplex virus 1 Us3 in vitro and shown that Us3 directly phosphorylates viral proteins UL34, ICP22, and Us9 and the cellular protein Bad, previously reported to be putative substrates. Using this system, we determined the phosphorylation sites of UL34 and identified UL31 as a previously unreported, novel substrate of Us3. This system will be useful for further identification of Us3 substrates and their phosphorylation sites, clarification of the role of Us3 in viral replication, and identification of additional Us3 function(s).  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu protein binds to the CD4 receptor and targets it to the proteasome for degradation. This process requires the recruitment of human betaTrCP, a component of the Skp1-Cullin-F box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complex, that interacts with phosphorylated Vpu molecules. Vpu, unlike other ligands of betaTrCP, has never been reported to be degraded. We provide evidence that Vpu, itself, is ubiquitinated and targeted for degradation by the proteasome. We demonstrate that the mutant Vpu2.6, which cannot interact with betaTrCP, is stable and, unlike wild-type Vpu, is not polyubiquitinated. These results suggest that betaTrCP is involved in Vpu polyubiquitination.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpu protein acts as an adaptor for the proteasomal degradation of CD4 by recruiting CD4 and beta-transducin repeat-containing protein (betaTrCP), the receptor component of the multisubunit SCF-betaTrCP E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. We showed that the expression of a Vpu-green fluorescent fusion protein prevented the proteosomal degradation of betaTrCP substrates such as beta-catenin, IkappaBalpha, and ATF4, which are normally directly targeted to the proteasome for degradation. Beta-catenin was translocated into the nucleus, whereas the tumor necrosis factor-induced nuclear translocation of NFkappaB was impaired. Beta-catenin was also up-regulated in cells producing Vpu+ human immunodeficiency virus type 1 but not in cells producing Vpu-deficient viruses. The overexpression of ATF4 also provoked accumulation of beta-catenin, but to a lower level than that resulting from the expression of Vpu. Finally, the expression of Vpu induces the exclusion of betaTrCP from the nucleus. These data suggest that Vpu is a strong competitive inhibitor of betaTrCP that impairs the degradation of SCFbetaTrCP substrates as long as Vpu has an intact phosphorylation motif and can bind to betaTrCP.  相似文献   

Addition of Vpr C-terminus to various cell types provokes cell apoptosis. This property was recently shown useful to develop inhibitors of cell proliferation. In that context, we investigated the cellular uptake of rhodamine- and fluorescein-labeled Vpr(52–96) peptides to understand the mechanism of Vpr C-terminus entry into cells. Dynamic light scattering data indicated that this peptide spontaneously formed polydispersed aggregates in cell culture medium. The fluorescently labeled Vpr(52–96) peptide was efficiently internalized, appearing either as large fluorescent patches in the cytoplasm or in a more diffuse form throughout the cell. Using isothermal titration calorimetry, we demonstrated that Vpr(52–96) can tightly associate with heparin, a glycosaminoglycan analog of heparan sulphate, suggesting a central role of the ubiquitous cell surface-associated heparan sulphate proteoglycans for the internalization of Vpr C-terminus. Fluorescently-labeled transferrin and methyl-β-cyclodextrin showed that the Vpr C-terminus was mediated through clathrin- and caveolae/raft-dependent endocytosis. We found that Vpr C-terminus uptake was partly blocked at 4 °C suggesting the importance of membrane fluidity for Vpr C-terminus entry. In fact, atomic force microscopy and liposome leakage further indicated that the Vpr peptide can destabilize and disrupt model membrane bilayers, suggesting that this mechanism may contribute to the passive entry of the peptide. Finally, using fluorescence lifetime imaging, we found that the Vpr(52–96) peptide was stable in cells for at least 48 h, probably as a consequence of the poor accessibility of the peptide to proteolytic enzymes in aggregates.  相似文献   

To identify molecular interaction partners of the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), we applied a yeast two-hybrid screen on a bovine brain cDNA expression library and identified the potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 1 (KCTD1) as a PrP(C) interacting protein. Deletion mapping showed that PrP(C) specifically binds KCTD1 through the unstructured PrP(51-136) region. We further confirmed the interaction between PrP(C) and KCDT1 protein by co-immunoprecipitation in vivo and by a biosensor assay in vitro. Interestingly, the binding of an insertion mutant PrP(8OR) to KCTD1 is higher than that of wild-type PrP(C), suggesting an important role for an unstructured region harboring octapeptide repeats in the KCTD1-PrP(C) interaction. Our results identify a novel PrP(C)-interacting protein and suggest a new approach to investigating the unidentified physiological cellular function of PrP(C).  相似文献   



The membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of HIV-1 gp41 is particularly conserved and target for the potent broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bnMAbs) 2F5, 4E10 and 10E8. Epitope focusing and stabilization present promising strategies to enhance the quality of immune responses to specific epitopes.


The aim of this work was to design and evaluate novel immunogens based on the gp41 MPER with the potential to elicit cross-clade neutralizing antibodies. For that purpose, gp41 was truncated N-terminally in order to dispose immunodominant, non-neutralizing sites and enhance the exposure of conserved regions. To stabilize a trimeric conformation, heterologous GCN4 and HA2 zipper domains were fused based on an in silico “best-fit” model to the protein’s amino terminus. Cell surface exposure of resulting proteins and their selective binding to bnMAbs 2F5 and 4E10 could be shown by cytometric analyses. Incorporation into VLPs and preservation of antigenic structures were verified by electron microscopy, and the oligomeric state was successfully stabilized by zipper domains. These gp41 immunogens were evaluated for antigenicity in an immunization study in rabbits primed with homologous DNA expression plasmids and boosted with virus-like particle (VLP) proteins. Low titers of anti-MPER antibodies were measured by IgG ELISA, and low neutralizing activity could be detected against a clade C and B viral isolate in sera.


Thus, although neutralizing titers were very moderate, induction of cross-clade neutralizing antibodies seems possible following immunization with MPER-focusing immunogens. However, further refinement of MPER presentation and immunogenicity is clearly needed to induce substantial neutralization responses to these epitopes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12929-014-0079-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone-related protein plays a major role in the pathogenesis of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. Under normal physiological conditions, parathyroid hormone-related protein is produced in a wide variety of tissues and acts in an autocrine or paracrine fashion. Parathyroid hormone-related protein and parathyroid hormone bind to and activate the same G-protein-coupled receptor. Here we present the structure of the biologically active NH2-terminal domain of human parathyroid hormone-related protein(1-34) in near-physiological solution in the absence of crowding reagents as determined by two-dimensional proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. An improved strategy for structure calculation revealed the presence of two helices, His-5-Leu-8 and Gln-16-Leu-27, connected by a flexible linker. The parathyroid hormone-related protein(1-34) structure and the structure of human parathyroid hormone(1-37) as well as human parathyroid hormone(1-34) are highly similar, except for the well defined turn, His-14-Ser-17, present in parathyroid hormone. Thus, the similarity of the binding affinities of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone-related protein to their common receptor may be based on their structural similarity.  相似文献   

A model for the cytoplasmic domain of the M2 proton channel of influenza A virus was formulated based primarily on the cytoplasmic domain of the Vpu protein of HIV-1 using sequence similarity and structure prediction techniques. The model consists of a pair of antiparallel helices followed by a strand parallel to the first helix. Structural analogies with other proteins contribute support for features of the model and suggest ways in which the M2 cytoplasmic domain can interact with other viral and cellular factors.  相似文献   

The structure of the membrane anchor domain (VpuMA) of the HIV-1-specific accessory protein Vpu has been investigated in solution and in lipid bilayers by homonuclear two-dimensional and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, respectively. Simulated annealing calculations, using the nuclear Overhauser enhancement data for the soluble synthetic peptide Vpu1-39 (positions Met-1-Asp-39) in an aqueous 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) solution, afford a compact well-defined U-shaped structure comprised of an initial turn (residues 1-6) followed by a linker (7-9) and a short helix on the N-terminal side (10-16) and a further longer helix on the C-terminal side (22-36). The side chains of the two aromatic residues (Trp-22 and Tyr-29) in the longer helix are directed toward the center of the molecule around which the hydrophobic core of the folded VpuMA is positioned. As the observed solution structure is inconsistent with the formation of ion-conductive membrane pores defined previously for VpuMA in planar lipid bilayers, the isolated VpuMA domain as peptide Vpu1-27 was investigated in oriented phospholipid bilayers by proton-decoupled 15N cross polarization solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The line widths and chemical shift data of three selectively 15N-labeled peptides are consistent with a transmembrane alignment of a helical polypeptide. Chemical shift tensor calculations imply that the data sets are compatible with a model in which the nascent helices of the folded solution structure reassemble to form a more regular linear alpha-helix that lies parallel to the bilayer normal with a tilt angle of 相似文献   

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