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Soil structure and plant growth: Impact of bulk density and biopores   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Compacted soils are not uniformly hard; they usually contain structural cracks and biopores, the continuous large pores that are formed by soil fauna and by roots of previous crops. Roots growing in compacted soils can traverse otherwise impenetrable soil by using biopores and cracks and thus gain access to a larger reservoir of water and nutrients. Experiments were conducted in a growth chamber to determine the plant response to a range of uniform soil densities, and the effect of artificial and naturally-formed biopores. Barley plants grew best at an intermediate bulk density, which presumably represented a compromise between soil which was soft enough to allow good root development but sufficiently compact to give good root-soil contact. Artificial 3.2 mm diameter biopores made in hard soil gave roots access to the full depth of the pot and were occupied by roots more frequently than expected by chance alone. This resulted in increased plant growth in experiments where the soil was allowed to dry. Our experiments suggest that large biopores were not a favourable environment for roots in wet soil; barley plants grew better in pots containing a network of narrow biopores made by lucerne and ryegrass roots, responded positively to biopores being filled with peat, and some pea radicles died in biopores. A theoretical analysis of water uptake gave little support to the hypothesis that water supply to the leaves was limiting in either very hard or very soft soil. The net effect of biopores to the plant would be the benefits of securing extra water and nutrients from depth, offset by problems related to poor root-soil contact in the biopore and impeded laterals in the compacted biopore walls.  相似文献   

Influence of root density on the critical soil water potential   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Estimation of root water uptake in crops is important for making many other agricultural predictions. This estimation often involves two assumptions: (1) that a critical soil water potential exists which is constant for a given combination of soil and crop and which does not depend on root length density, and (2) that the local root water uptake at given soil water potential is proportional to root length density. Recent results of both mathematical modeling and computer tomography show that these assumptions may not be valid when the soil water potential is averaged over a volume of soil containing roots. We tested these assumptions for plants with distinctly different root systems. Root water uptake rates and the critical soil water potential values were determined in several adjacent soil layers for horse bean (Vicia faba) and oat (Avena sativa) grown in lysimeters, and for field-grown cotton (Gossypium L.), maize (Zea mays) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) crops. Root water uptake was calculated from the water balance of each layer in lysimeters. Water uptake rate was proportional to root length density at high soil water potentials, for both horse bean and oat plants, but root water uptake did not depend on root density for horse bean at potentials lower than −25 kPa. We observed a linear dependency of a critical soil water potential on the logarithm of root length density for all plants studied. Soil texture modified the critical water potential values, but not the linearity of the relationship. B E Clothier Section editor  相似文献   

Droogers  P.  van der Meer  F.B.W.  Bouma  J. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):83-91
The capacity of a soil to supply roots with water and nutrients for crop growth is important when defining sustainable land management which implies maintenance of production and reduction of production risks. Not only the amount of available water is important but also its accessibility, which differs among different soil structures. Different structures within one soil series were associated with three types of management: (i) conventional, temporary grassland (Conv), (ii) biodynamic, temporary grassland (Bio) and (iii) conventional permanent grassland (Perm). Transpiration of barley plants, under identical circumstances, and the associated rooting patterns, were measured in five large undisturbed cores from each of the three soil structures. Management had significantly changed bulk density, organic matter content and porosity. Measured transpiration showed significant differences with highest amounts for Perm followed by Conv and lowest amounts for Bio. Rooting pattern characteristics, defined as the relation between a series of hypothetical extraction zones around each root and the volumes of excluded soil were determined for the three structures. These rooting pattern characteristics were most favourable for Perm, followed by Bio and Conv, respectively. The water supply characteristics, defined as the number of days the soil can satisfy a transpiration demand of 5 mm d-1 as a function of a hypothetical extraction zone, reflects the capacity of the soil to supply roots with water. These water supply characteristics combined with the rooting pattern characteristics were used to quantify the accessibility of soil water. Accessibility was highest for Perm and Conv with 95% and 94% respectively, followed by Bio with 68%. When used in a simulation model and compared with simulations implicitly assuming total accessibility, measured transpirations were better simulated by introducing the expression for water accessibility.  相似文献   

Abstract. Stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, soil water potential and concentration of abscisic acid (ABA) in the xylem sap were measured on maize plants growing in the field, in two treatments with contrasting soil structures. Soil compaction affected the stomatal conductance, but this effect was no longer observed if the soil water potential was increased by irrigation. Differences in leaf water potential did not account for the differences in conductance between treatments. Conversely, the relationship between stomatal conductance and concentration of ABA in the xylem sap was consistent during the experiment. The proposed interpretation is that stomatal conductance was controlled by the root water potential via an ABA message. Control of the stomatal conductance by the leaf water potential or by an effect of mechanical stress on the roots is unlikely.  相似文献   

共生条件下三种荒漠灌木的根系分布特征及其对降水的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
徐贵青  李彦 《生态学报》2009,29(1):130-137
以全根系挖掘法,对共生于原始盐生荒漠生境中的多枝柽柳[Tamarix ramosissima (Ledeb.)]、梭梭[Haloxylon ammodendron(C. A. Mey.)Bunge]、琵琶柴[Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim.]的根系分布特征进行了研究;对降水引发的湿润-干旱周期中植物同化枝水势、蒸腾速率的变化过程进行了跟踪观测,并据此计算3种植物的水分胁迫效应指数和土壤-植物系统导水度,以最终确定3种植物用水策略和其对降水的响应特征.研究结果表明,多枝柽柳的吸收根系分布范围从地下50cm到310cm,单株平均总吸收根表面积为30249.2cm2;梭梭的根系分布范围0~250cm,单株平均总吸收根表面积12847.3 cm2;琵琶柴的根系分布范围0~80cm,单株平均总吸收根表面积361.8 cm2.多枝柽柳为深根植物,主要利用地下水和深层土壤水,在降水引发的湿润-干旱周期中,其植物水分生理参数对降水无响应.琵琶柴为浅根植物,对降水响应极为显著.梭梭的根系分布特征介于多枝柽柳和琵琶柴之间,对地下水和降水都有利用,对降水响应显著.3种荒漠灌木对降水的响应差异显然与其根系分布、水分利用策略密切相关,在未来降水发生变化的情景下,根系分布特征的差异将决定着植物在水分资源竞争中的地位.具有较强根系形态可塑性的物种,如梭梭,将具有明显的竞争优势.  相似文献   

Lamont  Byron B. 《Plant and Soil》2003,248(1-2):1-19
Hairy rootlets, aggregated in longitudinal rows to form distinct clusters, are a major part of the root system in some species. These root clusters are almost universal (1600 species) in the family Proteaceae (proteoid roots), with fewer species in another seven families. There may be 10–1000 rootlets per cm length of parent root in 2–7 rows. Proteoid roots may increase the surface area by over 140× and soil volume explored by 300× that per length of an equivalent non-proteoid root. This greatly enhances exudation of carboxylates, phenolics and water, solubilisation of mineral and organic nutrients and uptake of inorganic nutrients, amino acids and water per unit root mass. Root cluster production peaks at soil nutrient levels (P, N, Fe) suboptimal for growth of the rest of the root system, and may cease when shoot mass peaks. As with other root types, root cluster production is controlled by the interplay between external and internal nutrient levels, and mediated by auxin and other hormones to which the process is particularly sensitive. Proteoid roots are concentrated in the humus-rich surface soil horizons, by 800× in Banksia scrub-heath. Compared with an equal mass of the B horizon, the A1 horizon has much higher levels of N, P, K and Ca in soils where species with proteoid root clusters are prominent, and the concentration of root clusters in that region ensures that uptake is optimal where supply is maximal. Both proteoid and non-proteoid root growth are promoted wherever the humus-rich layer is located in the soil profile, with 4× more proteoid roots per root length in Hakea laurina. Proteoid root production near the soil surface is favoured among hakeas, even in uniform soil, but to a lesser extent, while addition of dilute N or P solutions in split-root system studies promotes non-proteoid, but inhibits proteoid, root production. Local or seasonal applications of water to hakeas initiate non-proteoid, then proteoid, root production, while waterlogging inhibits non-proteoid, but promotes proteoid, root production near the soil surface. A chemical stimulus, probably of bacterial origin, may be associated with root cluster initiation, but most experiments have alternative interpretations. It is possible that the bacterial component of soil pockets rich in organic matter, rather than their nutrient component, could be responsible for the proliferation of proteoid roots there, but much more research on root cluster microbiology is needed.  相似文献   

对不同林龄杉木人工林(5、8、21、27和40年生)土壤硝化与反硝化过程及功能微生物丰度进行研究。结果表明: 土壤净硝化速率随林龄的增加波动变化,8、27年生杉木人工林土壤净硝化速率显著低于5、21和40年生。27年生杉木人工林土壤氨氧化古菌(AOA) amoA基因丰度显著低于40年生,其他林龄AOA amoA基因丰度之间无显著差异。不同林龄杉木人工林的氨氧化细菌(AOB) amoA基因丰度、反硝化功能基因丰度以及反硝化潜势均无显著差异。逐步回归分析表明,土壤氨氧化微生物AOA amoA基因丰度受土壤理化性质的影响不显著,土壤总碳和土壤pH是影响AOB丰度的重要因子。反硝化功能基因narGnirKnosZ随土壤pH的增加而增加,编码亚硝酸盐还原酶(NIR)的功能基因(nirKnirS)受土壤总碳的影响。林龄可通过影响AOA amoA基因丰度影响土壤净硝化速率。林龄直接作用于反硝化潜势,或间接影响土壤微生物生物量碳、土壤pH及反硝化功能基因丰度(narGnirK),进而影响反硝化潜势。相较于反硝化过程,土壤硝化作用及AOA amoA基因丰度对杉木林分发育更加敏感,可适当延长轮伐期以降低土壤硝化作用造成的氮流失风险。  相似文献   

Water uptake profile response of corn to soil moisture depletion   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The effects of soil moisture distribution on water uptake of drip‐irrigated corn were investigated by simultaneously monitoring the diurnal evolution of sap flow rate in stems, of leaf water potential, and of soil moisture, during intervals between successive irrigations. The results invalidate the steady‐state resistive flow model for the continuum. High hydraulic capacitance of wet soil and low hydraulic conductivity of dry soil surrounding the roots damped significantly diurnal fluctuations of water flow from bulk soil to root surface. By contrast, sap flow responded directly to the large diurnal variation of leaf water potential. In wet soil, the relation between the diurnal courses of uptake rates and leaf water potential was linear. Water potential at the root surface remained nearly constant and uniformly distributed. The slope of the lines allowed calculating the resistance of the hydraulic path in the plant. Resistances increased in inverse relation with root length density. Soil desiccation induced a diurnal variation of water potential at the root surface, the minimum occurring in the late afternoon. The increase of root surface water potential with depth was directly linked to the soil desiccation profile. The development of a water potential gradient at the root surface implies the presence of a significant axial resistance in the root hydraulic path that explains why the desiccation of the soil upper layer induces an absolute increase of water uptake rates from the deeper wet layers.  相似文献   

Soil depth, plant rooting strategies and species' niches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Application of computer assisted tomography to gamma and X-ray attenuation measurements and Na+-LIX microelectrodes were used to determine the spatial distributions of soil water content and Na+ concentrations respectively near single roots of eighteen day old lupin and radish plants. These quantities were monitored at root depths of 3, 6 and 9 cm and at zero, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hour intervals from the diurnal commencement of transpiration. The plants were subjected to two levels of transpirational demand and five Na+ soil solution concentration levels. Water extraction rates for the lupin and radish roots increased continuously with time but were substantially reduced with increasing Na+ concentration in the treatment. Water uptake was uniform along the length of the essentially constant diameter lupin roots but decreased along the tapering radish roots as the diameter and hence the surface area per unit length of the roots decreased. The accumulation of Na+ at the root surfaces of both plants increased gradually with time in a near linear fashion and was slightly higher under the higher transpiration demand. These increases were not exponential as would be expected with non-absorption by the roots and this is considered to be due to back diffusion at the relatively high water contents used. At these water contents matric potentials had a much smaller influence on transpiration than osmotic potentials. The relationships between leaf water potentials (Ψ1) and osmotic potentials at the root surfaces were linear with the decreases in Ψ1 almost exactly reflecting the decreases in Ψπ indicating rapid plant adjustment. Leaf water potentials decreased progressively with time and the relationships between leaf water potential and the transpiration rate were also linear supporting the suggestion of constant plant resistances at any given concentration.  相似文献   

Soil water dynamics in an oak stand   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A model describing water uptake by plants with particular attention to the soil-root interface under transient conditions is derived and discussed. Field data on a daily scale enable the unknown parameters of the model to be determined with the help of an identification technique. The model is then used to analyse the experimental results presented in part I of this paper. The loss of total conductivity of the soil-tree system under drought conditions whereas the metabolism of the trees seems to remain unaffected can be explained by the increase of the soil-root resistance. In fact this resistance becomes the limiting factor when the volumetric soil water content decreases (below =0.33 for the superficial layer and 0.36 for the deeper one in the studied case). Such values can be frequently encountered at the end of summer.  相似文献   

Summary A Forest Site Quality Index (FSQI) formulated to predict site quality in Ridge and Valley terrain based on the topographic parameters of aspect, slope inclination and slope position was used to verify moisture gradients along the southeast face of Potts Mountain in Craig County, Virginia. A gradient of site quality index values representing xeric to mesic sites was established in both recently clearcut and adjacent uncut second-growth forest stands. Soil moisture content was determined gravimetrically at ten day intervals from May to October, 1981. Plant moisture stress measurements were taken in conjunction with soil moisture sampling using the pressure chamber technique on three dominant hardwood tree species.For both clearcut and uncut forest stands, a general gradient of increasing soil moisture availability with increasing FSQI was evident, although differences were not large between index values of 8 and 11 in either stand type. Soil water potential and predawn plant water potential exhibited a strong seasonal trend, their direct relationship suggesting that available soil water is probably the critical factor controlling base P levels. Growth limiting stress levels began in late July and continued for the remainder of the growing season.Funding for this research was granted through Cooperative Research Agreement # 18-882, USDA SE Forest Experiment Station and the Forestry Department of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061.  相似文献   

华北山区典型人工林土壤水势动态和水分运移规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大规模植树造林工程有效缓解了我国北方水土流失等问题,但伴随植被生长和降水格局变化,水循环过程发生明显改变。土壤水分运动是水循环的关键过程,研究变化环境下人工林植被土壤水分运移规律,对植被生态恢复具有重要意义。基于2014-2018年多时间尺度(半小时、天、月和年)华北山区崇陵流域典型人工侧柏林和荒草土壤剖面水势监测数据,阐明不同植被覆盖下土水势动态变化规律,提出土壤水分运移和植被水分利用模式。研究结果表明:侧柏林土壤水势日变幅显著低于荒草植被,但土水势日变幅随土壤深度增加而减小的速率90 a侧柏依次大于60 a侧柏和荒草;月、年尺度侧柏林不同深度土水势变化对降水的响应大于荒草地,其中60 a侧柏林年均土水势与年降雨量显著线性相关(P<0.05)。由水势梯度和零通量面多年平均变化可知,90 a侧柏林0-50 cm土壤水呈下渗趋势,根系水力提升促使50-100 cm土壤水向上蒸散;60 a侧柏林0-20 cm、70-100 cm以及枯水年30-70 cm土壤水均以蒸散为主,根系可同时吸收利用表层和深层土壤水分;荒草地0-20 cm土壤水分蒸发强烈,且为根系主要吸水深度,20-100 cm土壤水稳定下渗。相比60 a侧柏林和荒草,90 a侧柏林的土壤调蓄能力增强,与荒草互被可减少植被间水分竞争,充分利用土壤水,从而减少流域内地表径流和土壤侵蚀量。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌与植物共生对植物水分关系的影响及机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1885年Frank首次提到菌根(mykorhiza)概念以来,大量的试验证实了丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)与植物根系之间形成具有一定结构和功能的共生体,促进植物生长并提高干旱耐受能力,在干旱生态系统中发挥重要的作用。该研究多集中在对宿主植物生理生态的影响及其机制方面,然而菌根共生对宿主植物水分吸收和信号产生、传递的影响研究少而分散,缺少系统总结。综述了最近四十多年丛枝菌根真菌与植物共生体对宿主植物干旱适应性影响研究进展,讨论了菌根共生对植物根冠通讯的影响及机理。干旱胁迫下AMF与植物共生,通过影响宿主植物一系列生理生态过程,提高宿主植物横向根压和纵向蒸腾拉力。经典的Ohm吸水模型是该方向最有代表性的研究成果,该模型揭示了菌根共生的根外菌丝具有不同于根细胞的细胞结构和水分运输性能,这为宿主植物提供一种特殊的快速吸水方式,可提高植物对土壤水分的吸收和运输能力。研究表明,AMF会影响宿主植物根冠通讯过程,如诱发信号级联反应,诱导根系尽早感知水分胁迫并产生非水力根源信号,提高宿主对干旱的耐受性。讨论了AMF在根冠通讯分子机制研究方面存在的问题及可能的解决途径,展望了AMF在干旱农业生产中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Moran  C. J.  Pierret  A.  Stevenson  A. W. 《Plant and Soil》2000,223(1-2):101-117
Plant performance is, at least partly, linked to the location of roots with respect to soil structure features and the micro-environment surrounding roots. Measurements of root distributions from intact samples, using optical microscopy and field tracings have been partially successful but are imprecise and labour-intensive. Theoretically, X-ray computed micro-tomography represents an ideal solution for non-invasive imaging of plant roots and soil structure. However, before it becomes fast enough and affordable or easily accessible, there is still a need for a diagnostic tool to investigate root/soil interplay. Here, a method for detection of undisturbed plant roots and their immediate physical environment is presented. X-ray absorption and phase contrast imaging are combined to produce projection images of soil sections from which root distributions and soil structure can be analyzed. The clarity of roots on the X-ray film is sufficient to allow manual tracing on an acetate sheet fixed over the film. In its current version, the method suffers limitations mainly related to (i) the degree of subjectivity associated with manual tracing and (ii) the difficulty of separating live and dead roots. The method represents a simple and relatively inexpensive way to detect and quantify roots from intact samples and has scope for further improvements. In this paper, the main steps of the method, sampling, image acquisition and image processing are documented. The potential use of the method in an agronomic perspective is illustrated using surface and sub-surface soil samples from a controlled wheat trial. Quantitative characterization of root attributes, e.g. radius, length density, branching intensity and the complex interplay between roots and soil structure, is presented and discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

不同氮效率水稻生育后期根表和根际土壤硝化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验研究了不同氮效率粳稻品种4007(氮高效)和Elio(氮低效)生育后期在N0(0 kgN hm-2)、N180(180 kgN hm-2)和N300(300 kgN hm-2)水平下根表、根际和土体土壤pH值、铵态氮(NH+4-N)和硝态氮(NO-3-N)含量、硝化强度和氨氧化细菌(AOB)数量.结果表明无论是齐穗期、灌浆期还是成熟期,根表土壤pH值均显著低于根际和土体土壤.土壤pH值范围在5.95至6.84之间变化.土壤NH+4-N含量随水稻生长显著下降,且随施氮量增加而显著增加.根表土壤NH+4-N有明显亏缺区,且随距水稻根表距离增加,NH+4-N含量逐渐升高.土壤NO-3-N含量随水稻生长显著增加,施氮处理均显著高于不施氮处理,但N180和N300处理差异不显著.NO-3-N含量表现为根际>土体>根表.水稻根表和根际土壤硝化强度随水稻生长显著下降,而土体土壤硝化强度随时间延长小幅增加.施氮显著提高4007水稻根表土壤在齐穗和收获期硝化强度以及Elio在齐穗期根际硝化强度,但在施氮处理N180和N300中无显著差异.在整个采样期间,土壤硝化强度均表现为根际>根表>土体.水稻根表和根际AOB数量随水稻生长而显著降低,而土体土壤AOB数量无显著变化.例如,根表土壤AOB数量在齐穗期、灌浆期和收获期分别为16.7×105、8.77×105个g-1 dry soil和8.01×105个g-1 dry soil.根表和根际土壤AOB数量无显著差异,但二者显著高于土体土壤AOB数量.就两个氮效率水稻品种而言,土壤pH值基本无差异.4007土壤NH+4-N含量均显著高于Elio.在齐穗期水稻根表、根际和土体土壤NO-3-N含量在N180水平下均表现为Elio显著高于4007.而在灌浆期和收获期,水稻根表、根际和土体土壤则表现为4007显著高于Elio.在所有采样期,两个水稻品种土体土壤硝化强度和AOB数量在3个施氮量下均无显著差异.Elio根表和根际土壤硝化强度和AOB数量在水稻灌浆期之前一直显著高于4007,而在灌浆期之后则显著低于4007,且最终产量和氮素利用率(NUE)显著低于4007,这可能是由于4007灌浆期后硝化作用强,根际产生的NO-3-N含量高,从而4007根吸收NO-3-N的量也高造成的.因此水稻灌浆期和收获期根表和根际硝化作用以及AOB与水稻高产及氮素高效利用密切相关.  相似文献   

根系吸水是树木水分关系的重要环节, 在树木生理活动中发挥着至关重要的作用。深层土壤中的水资源含量一般相对较高, 常可为树木生长供给大量水分, 并在旱季保障其生存与正常生长。因此, 了解树木对深层土壤水的吸收利用特征与机制, 可帮助深入认识树木与环境的互作机制、树木的生长与生存策略、物种间的共存与竞争机制等内容, 同时还可帮助构建既能降低外部水资源投入, 又能避免水分生态环境负面效应的人工林绿色栽培制度。基于已有研究, 该文对树木吸收利用深层土壤水的特征与机制进行了综述。首先, 探讨了深层根系和深层土壤的界定, 指出对于除寒温带针叶林以外的其他主要森林植被类型, 可以1 m作为树木深根系和深土层的平均划分(参考)标准, 并明确了全球范围内树木深根系的成因。其次, 对已有研究中观察到的树木对深层土壤水的吸收利用特征及其影响因素进行了归纳与总结, 并从深根系性状调节、整株水力特性协调两方面探讨了树木高效吸收利用深层土壤水的机制, 如可通过深根系的空间、时间和效率调节策略来促进对深土层水分的吸收。最后, 提出了树木利用深土层水分对人工林培育的几点启示, 包括水分管理.中应使林木适度利用深层土壤水, 选用合适的灌水频率、合理的树种混交能促进深层土壤水分储库“缓冲”作用的发挥, 基于树木土壤水分利用深度的间伐木选择技术等, 并指出了该领域现有研究的不足以及今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

Kato Y  Okami M 《Annals of botany》2011,108(3):575-583

Background and Aims

Increasing physical water scarcity is a major constraint for irrigated rice (Oryza sativa) production. ‘Aerobic rice culture’ aims to maximize yield per unit water input by growing plants in aerobic soil without flooding or puddling. The objective was to determine (a) the effect of water management on root morphology and hydraulic conductance, and (b) their roles in plant–water relationships and stomatal conductance in aerobic culture.


Root system development, stomatal conductance (gs) and leaf water potential (Ψleaf) were monitored in a high-yielding rice cultivar (‘Takanari’) under flooded and aerobic conditions at two soil moisture levels [nearly saturated (> –10 kPa) and mildly dry (> –30 kPa)] over 2 years. In an ancillary pot experiment, whole-plant hydraulic conductivity (soil-leaf hydraulic conductance; Kpa) was measured under flooded and aerobic conditions.

Key Results

Adventitious root emergence and lateral root proliferation were restricted even under nearly saturated conditions, resulting in a 72–85 % reduction in total root length under aerobic culture conditions. Because of their reduced rooting size, plants grown under aerobic conditions tended to have lower Kpa than plants grown under flooded conditions. Ψleaf was always significantly lower in aerobic culture than in flooded culture, while gs was unchanged when the soil moisture was at around field capacity. gs was inevitably reduced when the soil water potential at 20-cm depth reached –20 kPa.


Unstable performance of rice in water-saving cultivations is often associated with reduction in Ψleaf. Ψleaf may reduce even if Kpa is not significantly changed, but the lower Ψleaf would certainly occur in case Kpa reduces as a result of lower water-uptake capacity under aerobic conditions. Rice performance in aerobic culture might be improved through genetic manipulation that promotes lateral root branching and rhizogenesis as well as deep rooting.  相似文献   

Soil water status and its effect on plant water status are commonly evaluated for water stress diagnosis in annual crops. We investigated the application of this method to vineyards, using the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) to characterise the soil water deficit experienced by the plant. The stability of the relationship between FTSW and predawn leaf water potential (Ψp) was analysed over two years (2000–2001), in two contrasted soils in vineyards in south eastern France, both planted with the cultivar Syrah, but grafted on different rootstocks (SO4 and 140Ru). FTSW was determined from soil moisture measurements performed with a neutron probe down to 2.5 m, under the rows and between the rows (3 replicates in each case). Vertical and horizontal variations in soil water content were analysed and the upper and lower limits of total vine’s transpirable soil water (TTSW) were calculated for each soil. The lower limit was also compared with the value of soil moisture content determined at −1.5 MPa in the laboratory. FTSW could be calculated for the soil depth analysed, without distinguishing horizontal position (row or inter-row). The lower limit of TTSW for vine was higher than the soil water content at −1.5 MPa, except in the upper horizons (0–0.2 m) which are prone to soil evaporation. A single relationship between Ψp and FTSW was obtained for the two vineyards and for the two years of measurement. This relationship was similar to that established by Lebon et al. (2003) on Gewürztraminer/SO4 in a vineyard in northern France. FTSW can therefore be used as an indicator of the water deficit experienced in vineyards, provided that TTSW is correctly estimated.  相似文献   

Background and AimsPrevious laboratory studies have suggested selection for root hair traits in future crop breeding to improve resource use efficiency and stress tolerance. However, data on the interplay between root hairs and open-field systems, under contrasting soils and climate conditions, are limited. As such, this study aims to experimentally elucidate some of the impacts that root hairs have on plant performance on a field scale.MethodsA field experiment was set up in Scotland for two consecutive years, under contrasting climate conditions and different soil textures (i.e. clay loam vs. sandy loam). Five barley (Hordeum vulgare) genotypes exhibiting variation in root hair length and density were used in the study. Root hair length, density and rhizosheath weight were measured at several growth stages, as well as shoot biomass, plant water status, shoot phosphorus (P) accumulation and grain yield.Key ResultsMeasurements of root hair density, length and its correlation with rhizosheath weight highlighted trait robustness in the field under variable environmental conditions, although significant variations were found between soil textures as the growing season progressed. Root hairs did not confer a notable advantage to barley under optimal conditions, but under soil water deficit root hairs enhanced plant water status and stress tolerance resulting in a less negative leaf water potential and lower leaf abscisic acid concentration, while promoting shoot P accumulation. Furthermore, the presence of root hairs did not decrease yield under optimal conditions, while root hairs enhanced yield stability under drought.ConclusionsSelecting for beneficial root hair traits can enhance yield stability without diminishing yield potential, overcoming the breeder’s dilemma of trying to simultaneously enhance both productivity and resilience. Therefore, the maintenance or enhancement of root hairs can represent a key trait for breeding the next generation of crops for improved drought tolerance in relation to climate change.  相似文献   

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