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Ontogenetic behavior of Hudson River Atlantic sturgeon and Connecticut River shortnose sturgeon early life intervals were similar during laboratory observations. After hatching, free embryos were photonegative and sought cover. When embryos developed into larvae, fish left cover, were photopositive, and initiated downstream migration. Free embryos may remain at the spawning site instead of migrating downstream because the risk of predation at spawning sites is low. The two species are sympatric, but not closely related, so the similarities in innate behaviors suggest common adaptations, not phylogenetic relationship. Atlantic sturgeon migrated downstream for 12 days (peak, first 6 days), shortnose sturgeon migrated for 3 days, and year-0 juveniles of both species did not resume downstream migration. Short or long migrations of larvae may reflect different styles related to the total migratory distance from spawning sites to juvenile rearing areas. Atlantic sturgeon need to move a short distance to reach rearing areas and they had a long 1-step migration of 6–12 days. In contrast, shortnose sturgeon need to move a long distance to reach all rearing areas. This may be accomplished by a 2-step migration, of which the brief migration of larvae is only the first step. Early migrant Atlantic sturgeon were nocturnal, while late migrants were diurnal, and shortnose sturgeon were diurnal. These diel differences may also be adaptations for long (Atlantic sturgeon) or short (shortnose sturgeon) migrations. Cultured shortnose sturgeon, and possibly Atlantic sturgeon, have a dominance hierarchy with large fish dominant when competing for limited foraging space. Social behavior may be more important in the life history of wild sturgeons than is generally recognized.  相似文献   

We collected the first life history information on shortnose sturgeon ( Acipenser brevirostrum ) in any of the rivers to Chesapeake Bay, the geographic center of the species range. In the Potomac River, two telemetry-tagged adult females used 124 km of river: a saltwater/freshwater reach at river km (rkm) 63−141 was the foraging−wintering concentration area, and one female migrated to spawn at rkm 187 in Washington, DC. The spawning migration explained the life history context of an adult captured 122 years ago in Washington, DC, supporting the idea that a natal population once lived in the river. Repeated homing migrations to foraging and wintering areas suggested the adults were residents, not transient coastal migrants. All habitats that adults need to complete life history are present in the river. The Potomac River shortnose sturgeon offers a rare opportunity to learn about the natural rebuilding of a sturgeon population.  相似文献   

We observed Suwannee River Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the laboratory and found free embryos (first interval after hatching) hid under rocks and did not migrate. Thus, wild embryos should be at the spawning area. Larvae (first interval feeding exogenously) initiated a slow downstream migration, and some juveniles (interval with adult features) continued to migrate slowly for at least 5 months, e.g., a 1-step long larva-juvenile migration. No other population of sturgeon yet studied has this migration style. A conceptual model using this result suggests wild year-0 sturgeon have a variable downstream migration style with short-duration (short distance) migrants and long-duration (long distance) migrants. This migration style should widely disperse wild fish. The model is supported by field studies that found year-0 juveniles are widely dispersed in fresh water to river km 10. Thus, laboratory and field data agree that the entire freshwater reach of river downstream of spawning is nursery habitat. Foraging position of larvae and early juveniles was mostly on the bottom, but fish also spent hours holding position in the water column, an unusual feeding location for sturgeons. The holding position of fish above the bottom suggests benthic forage in the river is scarce and fish have evolved drift feeding. The unusual migration and foraging styles may be adaptations to rear in a river at the southern limit of the species range with poor rearing habitat (low abundance of benthic forage and high summer water temperatures). Suwannee River Gulf sturgeon and Hudson River Atlantic sturgeon, A. o. oxyrinchus, are similar for initiation of migration, early habitat preference, and diel migration. The two subspecies differ greatly for migration and foraging styles, which is likely related to major differences in the quality of rearing habitat. The differences between Atlantic sturgeon populations show the need for geographical studies to represent the behavior of an entire species.  相似文献   

During sampling efforts to study the more abundant Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, between May of 2009 and November of 2011, four shortnose sturgeon were captured in gill nets near the mouth of the Saco River, Maine. Two of these individuals were tagged with acoustic transmitters to monitor their movement within the Saco River. Additionally, six shortnose sturgeon that had been tagged with acoustic transmitters in the Merrimack River, Massachusetts were detected on the acoustic array deployed within the Saco River and its estuary over this time period. These incidences represent the first verified documentation of shortnose sturgeon within this estuary.  相似文献   

The critical thermal maximum (CTmax) and the associated hematological response of juvenile (~145 g, n = 8 for both species) Atlantic Acipenser oxyrinchus and shortnose Acipenser brevirostrum sturgeons acclimated to 15°C were determined using a heating rate of 8°C h?1. The critical thermal maximum averaged 30.8°C and 31.6°C for Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, respectively, and values fell within the range noted for other sturgeon species. Oxygen‐carrying capacity (hemoglobin and hematocrit) measures were generally unaffected by thermal stress. Plasma lactate levels increased from 0.5 mm to 4 mm following temperature stress in both species. Both plasma glucose and potassium levels increased following CTmax, however, these levels were about double in the shortnose sturgeon. Lastly, plasma sodium and chloride levels were significantly depressed (by more than 10%) following thermal stress in shortnose sturgeon, whereas only chloride levels decreased in Atlantic sturgeon. Taken together, while CTmax values were similar, thermal stress resulted in different hematological profiles; these differences are consistent when compared to other stressors, and may be related to the phylogenetic position and thus could reflect the evolutionary history of these two species.  相似文献   

1981年1月,葛洲坝水利枢纽截流,中华鲟被大坝所阻而滞留在宜昌以下的江段。 1981年秋季在葛洲坝枢纽的坝下江段采集到中华鲟的Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ期卵巢和Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ期精巢,1982年秋季又采集到中华鲟产出的卵和早期鱼苗。研究结果表明,中华鲟在坝下江段不仅能发育成熟,而且能自然产卵。为了保护和增殖中华鲟,人工繁殖放流的方法是切实可行的。同时,必须严禁滥捕,以保护中华鲟资源。    相似文献   

Dams can impede access to habitats that are required for the completion of life history phases of many migratory fish species, including anadromous sturgeons. Various forms of fish passage have been developed to permit migratory fishes to move above dams, but many dams still lack such structures. Translocation of ripe, mature fish above dams has been used as a first step to determine the efficacy of potential fish passage systems. The anadromous Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, inhabits the Gulf of Mexico and coastal rivers from Florida to Louisiana, and requires upriver spawning habitats to complete its life cycle. Historic overfishing and other anthropogenic threats, including dam construction, led to species declines and subsequent listing as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In the Apalachicola River, FL, the 1957 completion of Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam (JWLD) created Lake Seminole and blocked Gulf Sturgeon from accessing 78% of historic riverine habitat—including potential spawning habitat—in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin. The objective of this pilot study was to determine the efficacy of passage around JWLD through the trap-and-transport of 10 male Gulf sturgeon from the Apalachicola River to the reservoir above the dam. Through the use of acoustic telemetry, we were able to assess the ability of these fish to navigate Lake Seminole, access potentially suitable spawning habitat in the Flint and River, and complete their seasonal outmigration to the Gulf of Mexico. In this study, 2 translocated sturgeon moved 69 km upstream into potential spawning habitat in the Flint River, but 6 fish fell back through the lock/spill gates at JWLD within days of translocation. Four sturgeon appeared to remain trapped in the reservoir, and their long-term survival was deemed unlikely. Given our low sample size, and examination of male fish only, we cannot conclude that a trap-and-transport program would ultimately fail to restore spawning above JWLD, but our findings suggest that the risk of adult mortality is nontrivial. Alternatively, we suggest future studies examine the population level trade-offs associated with translocation of adults or consider alternatives such as a head-start program to rear and release juvenile sturgeon above JWLD to study viability of their passage in addition to effects on overall recruitment in the population.  相似文献   

In vivo experiments were conducted to examine the haematology of juveniles from two relic bony fishes, Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrhinchus and shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum . Oxygen transport characteristics (haematocrit, haemoglobin and mean erythrocytic haemoglobin concentration), ionic composition (Na+, Cl, K+ and osmolality), metabolite concentration (lactate, cortisol and glucose) and protein content in blood were measured or calculated at rest and during recovery from forced activity. Under resting conditions, plasma osmolality and concentrations of Na+, Cl, lactate, cortisol and total protein were significantly different between Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon. All other resting variables were not different between species. Following forced activity, plasma lactate levels were significantly higher in both species than at rest. Plasma cortisol levels in both species were only significantly higher 1 h following forced activity compared to resting values. Plasma lactate levels were significantly higher in Atlantic sturgeon than in shortnose sturgeon, but these levels returned to resting levels by 1 h in both species. Cortisol increases were greater in shortnose sturgeon than in Atlantic sturgeon. In general, oxygen transport characteristics, blood glucose, plasma protein and plasma osmolality were not altered by forced activity in either sturgeon species. Overall, both species had reduced responses ( i.e . the magnitude of changes in measured variables) to forced activity compared with teleosts.  相似文献   

Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) experienced severe declines due to habitat destruction and overfishing beginning in the late 19th century. Subsequent to the boom and bust period of exploitation, there has been minimal fishing pressure and improving habitats. However, lack of recovery led to the 2012 listing of Atlantic sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act. Although habitats may be improving, the availability of high quality spawning habitat, essential for the survival and development of eggs and larvae may still be a limiting factor in the recovery of Atlantic sturgeon. To estimate adult Atlantic sturgeon spatial distributions during riverine occupancy in the Delaware River, we utilized a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach along with passive biotelemetry during the likely spawning season. We found that substrate composition and distance from the salt front significantly influenced the locations of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River. To broaden the scope of this study we projected our model onto four scenarios depicting varying locations of the salt front in the Delaware River: the contemporary location of the salt front during the likely spawning season, the location of the salt front during the historic fishery in the late 19th century, an estimated shift in the salt front by the year 2100 due to climate change, and an extreme drought scenario, similar to that which occurred in the 1960’s. The movement of the salt front upstream as a result of dredging and climate change likely eliminated historic spawning habitats and currently threatens areas where Atlantic sturgeon spawning may be taking place. Identifying where suitable spawning substrate and water chemistry intersect with the likely occurrence of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River highlights essential spawning habitats, enhancing recovery prospects for this imperiled species.  相似文献   

Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, is a relatively small (130 cm, 16 kg) and now rare sturgeon restricted to the Yangtze River Basin. It behaves as a resident freshwater fish, does not undertake long distance migrations (except for spawning), and lives in a variety of habitats. It historically spawned in the upper Yangtze River, but the spawning sites are unknown. Acipenser dabryanus reaches maturity earlier than do other Chinese sturgeons, which gives the species aquaculture potential, and artificial spawning has been carried out. However, the native population in the Yangtze has sharply declined in the last two decades due to overfishing, pollution and habitat alteration and destruction, especially since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam, which was built in 1981 across the Yangtze River at Yichang, Hubei Province. Since 1981, Dabry's sturgeon rarely occurs below the Gezhouba Dam because downstream movements are blocked. Clearly, conservation of Dabry's sturgeon must be emphasized. Conservation methods may include protecting habitats, controlling capture and stock replenishment.  相似文献   

The state of natural spawning of sturgeons in the Lower Volga River was investigated through genetic monitoring of juveniles (larvae, fingerlings, subadults) captured at seven traditionally used monitoring locations. Sampling was performed during the period 2017–2019. In total, 460 individuals were caught and genotyped using a set of six microsatellite loci (Afug41, Afug51, Afug135, An20, AoxD161, AoxD165) and mtDNA control region sequencing. The observed species-specific microsatellite alleles revealed the presence of juvenile sturgeons originating from natural spawning also included some hybrids between Acipenser stellatus and A. ruthenus. Thus, the majority of sterlet breeding takes place in natural spawning grounds but also sterlet hybridizes with a small number of stellate sturgeons. Juveniles of other sturgeon species were not identified, and it is concluded that natural spawning activities of Russian sturgeon, beluga and ship sturgeon were insignificant or even absent in the Lower Volga during the observation period.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, are the most marine-oriented of North American sturgeons. However, their estuarine/marine distribution and the seasonality of estuarine use are largely unknown. We used acoustic telemetry to document the timing of green sturgeon use of Washington estuaries. In the summers of 2003 and 2004, uniquely coded acoustic transmitters were surgically implanted in green sturgeon captured using commercial gillnets. All sturgeon tagged were greater than 1.2 m total length. They were caught, tagged, and released in both Willapa Bay (n = 49) and Columbia River (n = 11) estuaries. We deployed an array of four fixed- site acoustic receivers in Willapa Bay to detect the estuarine entry and exit of these and any of over 100 additional green sturgeon tagged in other systems during 2003 and 2004. Green sturgeon occurred in Willapa Bay in summer when estuarine water temperatures exceeded coastal water temperatures by at least 2°C. They exhibited rapid and extensive intra- and inter- estuary movements and green sturgeon from all known spawning populations were detected in Willapa Bay. We hypothesize that green sturgeon optimize their growth potential in summer by foraging in the relatively warm, saline waters of Willapa Bay and we caution that altering the quality of estuarine habitats could negatively affect this species throughout its range.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of North American sturgeons and paddlefish to fishing mortality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sturgeons and paddlefish exhibit unusual combinations of morphology, habits, and life history characteristics, which make them highly vulnerable to impacts from human activities, particularly fisheries. Five North American sturgeons (shortnose, Gulf, pallid, Alabama, and green sturgeon) are listed as endangered or threatened by management authorities. Managers have instituted fishery closures for the three other species of North American sturgeons (Atlantic, white, and shovelnose) and paddlefish because of low stock abundance at some point in this century. Reproductive potential in four species I examined (Atlantic, white, and shortnose sturgeon, and paddlefish) is more sensitive to fishing mortality than it is for three other intensively-fished coastal species in North America: striped bass, winter flounder, and bluefish. The sturgeons and paddlefish are generally longer-lived than the three other coastal species, and also have an older age at full maturity, lower maximum fecundity values, and older ages at which 50% of the lifetime egg production is realized with no fishing mortality.  相似文献   

Catches for the last 25 years are analyzed for beluga Huso huso, stellate sturgeon A. stellatus and Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, which are the three commercially important species of sturgeons found in the Caspian Sea Basin. Population sizes for generations born between 1961 and 1970 are estimated, and found to depend on natural reproduction and the number of young fish stocked annually from sturgeon hatcheries located in the Volga River Delta. A ban on sea fishing from 1962 to 1991 positively impacted the number and total biomass of commercial stocks. Sturgeon growth rates depend on water levels in the Caspian Sea. In order to preserve Caspian Sea sturgeon populations, it will be necessary to coordinate efforts of all countries surrounding the Caspian Sea to achieve rational harvests, preserve juveniles, and produce at least 100 million juveniles annually from hatcheries.  相似文献   

长江中华鲟繁殖群体资源现状的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
根据1994—1998年获得的246尾标本,对中华鲟繁殖群体的性比、性腺发育成熟个体比例、年龄结构、体长和体重特征等进行了研究。并结合历史资料,对其种群资源现状进行评价,提出了相应的资源保护措施建议。  相似文献   

Green and European Atlantic sturgeon are listed as a vulnerable and a critically endangered species, respectively. These anadromous species inhabit different continents but have many similar life history traits and demographic characteristics, including wide geographic ranges, similar migratory and foraging behavior, age and size structures of reproductive stocks and, historically, diverse population structures. The differences are limited to tetraploid genome and much larger egg size and lower fecundity in green sturgeon, reflecting the adaptations to different geomorphology and biota of the Pacific region. Both species have been affected by over-harvest and habitat losses but the severity of these impacts have been greater and lasted longer for the European Atlantic sturgeon, resulting in loss of diversity and extirpation of all but one stock. From the comparison of human impact on two species we conclude that preventive actions should be taken at the early warning signs of changes in population and recruitment. These should mitigate multiple factors of human activity affecting sturgeon stocks and their habitats.  相似文献   

Historically, five acipenserid species migrated from the Black Sea into the Danube River: beluga Huso huso, Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, stellate sturgeon A. stellatus, ship sturgeon A. nudiventris, and perhaps European Atlantic sturgeon A. sturio. The freshwater sterlet A. ruthenus thrived in the Danube and its tributaries. Presently, only three anadromous species occur in the Romanian part of the Danube, Huso huso, A. gueldenstaedtii, and A. stellatus, while A. ruthenus lives in the Danube and its tributaries. Extreme depletion in the number of sturgeons was caused by many, primarily anthropogenic, factors which affected the Danube and the Black Sea shelf during recent last decades. Measures necessary for saving anadromous sturgeon species in the lower Danube are recommended.  相似文献   

Atlantic sturgeon migrate between ocean and freshwater habitats to spawn, and juveniles spend several years in fresh/brackish water before returning to the ocean. Because strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) ratios are diagnostic for freshwater and marine environments, we examined the utility of energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) to quantify Sr/Ca ratios of Atlantic sturgeon pectoral fin spines. Atlantic sturgeon spines from wild adults and experimental juveniles were analyzed along a linear transect from the primordium to the outermost point. To verify the technique hatchery juvenile Atlantic sturgeon were held in experimental tanks at <0.5, 13?C15, or 33?C35?? and sampled after 5?months. Sr/Ca ratios of experimental hatchery fish increased with salinity, and Sr/Ca ratios in wild adults varied predictably along the measurement transect. However, the ratio decreased in the outermost region of the spine in mature fish collected during a return to freshwater for spawning. Therefore EDXRF is a useful tool to track individual movements of Atlantic sturgeons and other diadromous fish.  相似文献   

Historically, shortnose sturgeon inhabited most major rivers on the Atlantic coast of North America south of the Saint John River, Canada. Today, only 16 populations may remain. Major anthropogenic impacts on shortnose sturgeon are blockage of spawning runs by dams, harvest of adults (bycatch and poaching), dredging of fresh/saltwater riverine reaches, regulation of river flows, and pollution. The pattern of anadromy (adult use of salt water) varies with latitude. The pattern may reflect bioenergetic adaptations to latitudinal differences between fresh and salt water habitats for thermal and foraging suitability. The greater adult abundance in northern and north-central populations likely reflects a historical difference with southern populations that is currently accentuated by increased anthropogenic impacts on southern populations. Adult abundance is less than the minimum estimated viable population abundance of 1000 adults for 5 of 11 surveyed populations, and all natural southern populations. Across the latitudinal range, spawning adults typically travel to about river km 200 or farther upstream. Dams built downstream of spawning reaches block spawning runs, and can divide amphidromous populations into up- and downstream segments. Conservation efforts should correct environmental and harvest impacts, not stock cultured fish into wild populations.  相似文献   

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