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The mechanism of action of a novel CFTR activator UCCF-029 on NIH3T3 cells stably expressing ΔF508-CFTR was investigated and its effects compared to those of genistein, a known CFTR activator. This study shows that UCCF-029 and genistein have differing efficacies. The efficacy of UCCF-029 in the presence of forskolin (10 μM) is 50% that of genistein; however, the EC50’s for both drugs are comparable; 3.5 μM for UCCF-029 and 4.4 μM for genistein. Using NIH3T3 cells stably transfected with K1250A-CFTR we find that CFTR channel open time is unaffected by UCCF-029 or genistein, supporting the hypothesis that these compounds stabilize the open state by inhibiting ATP hydrolysis at NBD2. Our data suggest that the ability of UCCF-029 to augment ΔF508-CFTR channel activity necessitates further interest.  相似文献   

The activity of breast milk BSDL was assayed with or without phospholipids as extra-intestinal effector candidates. Phosphatidic acid, lysophosphatidic acid and platelet activating factor but not phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine stimulated BSDL activity at least as efficiently as taurocholate. The apparent dissociation constants of PA and LPA at saturating concentrations of three different substrates were between 0.1 and 13.4 μM and that of PAF was below or equal to 200 pM. Kinetic data suggested the existence of at least one binding site for each of these effectors. PA, LPA and PAF are likely extra-intestinal modulators of BSDL activity.  相似文献   

 Bacterial bile salt hydrolysis is considered a risk factor for the development of colon cancer because of the risk of forming harmful secondary bile salts after an initial deconjugation step. In this study, the influence of enhanced bacterial bile salt transformation by the bile salt hydrolase-active Lactobacillus reuteri was studied in batch culture using the microbial suspension of the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem; (SHIME), which was supplemented with oxgall at 5 g/l or 30 g/l. Changes in the fermentative capacity of the microbial ecosystem and the (geno)toxic properties of the SHIME supernatants were investigated. Increasing concentrations of oxgall inhibited the fermentation. Transient cell toxicity was observed for samples supplemented with 5 g oxgall/l, while samples with 30 g oxgall/l exhibited toxicity. The results of the haemolysis test suggest that the detrimental effects were probably due to the membrane-damaging effects of bile salts. In all cases, the adverse effects could be counteracted by the addition of 7.5 ± 0.5 log10 CFU L. reuteri/ml. Plausible mechanisms for the protective properties of L. reuteri could involve a precipitation of the deconjugated bile salts and a physical binding of bile salts by the bacterium, thereby making the harmful bile salts less bioavailable. Received: 15 July 1999 / Received revision: 10 January 2000 / Accepted: 14 January 2000  相似文献   

The bile salt-activated farnesoid X receptor (FXR; NR1H4) controls expression of several genes considered crucial in maintenance of bile salt homeostasis. We evaluated the physiological consequences of FXR deficiency on bile formation and on the kinetics of the enterohepatic circulation of cholate, the major bile salt species in mice. The pool size, fractional turnover rate, synthesis rate, and intestinal absorption of cholate were determined by stable isotope dilution and were related to expression of relevant transporters in the livers and intestines of FXR-deficient (Fxr-/-) mice. Fxr-/- mice showed only mildly elevated plasma bile salt concentrations associated with a 2.4-fold higher biliary bile salt output, whereas hepatic mRNA levels of the bile salt export pump were decreased. Cholate pool size and total bile salt pool size were increased by 67 and 39%, respectively, in Fxr-/- mice compared with wild-type mice. The cholate synthesis rate was increased by 85% in Fxr-/- mice, coinciding with a 2.5-fold increase in cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (Cyp7a1) and unchanged sterol 12alpha-hydroxylase (Cyp8b1) expression in the liver. Despite a complete absence of ileal bile acid-binding protein mRNA and protein, the fractional turnover rate and cycling time of the cholate pool were not affected. The calculated amount of cholate reabsorbed from the intestine per day was approximately 2-fold higher in Fxr-/- mice than in wild-type mice. Thus, the absence of FXR in mice is associated with defective feedback inhibition of hepatic cholate synthesis, which leads to enlargement of the circulating cholate pool with an unaltered fractional turnover rate. The absence of ileal bile acid-binding protein does not negatively interfere with the enterohepatic circulation of cholate in mice.  相似文献   

Previous structure-activity studies of the active ileal bile salt transport system have demonstrated that a single negative charge on the side chain is essential for active transport. Furthermore, mutual inhibition studies between different pairs of bile salt substrates indicated that dihydroxy bile salts had a greater apparent affinity for the transport system than the trihydroxylated compounds and triketo bile salts had the least such affinity. In this study, a series of cationic bile salt derivatives (cholamine conjugates) were prepared with one, two, and three alpha-hydroxyl groups on the steroid moiety. Based on the previous observations one would expect (1) no active transport of any of the cholamine conjugates by the ileal transport system; (2) interaction of these compounds with the transport system in such a way as to inhibit the transport of bile salts, with inhibition potency of the transport of any single bile salt inversely related to the number of hydroxyl groups present on the cholamine conjugate; and (3) transport of triketo anionic bile salts to be most readily inhibited, trihydroxy compounds less readily inhibited, and dihydroxy bile salts least inhibited. Using everted gut sac preparations it was demonstrated that all three aforementioned expectations did occur. Furthermore, reversible inhibition of ileal absorption of taurocholate and the bile salt derivative taurodehydrocholate could be demonstrated in vivo. The dihydroxy cholamine conjugates were better inhibitors than the trihydroxy compound. Relative specificity for the bile salt system of these cationic bile salt derivatives was demonstrated in the in vivo preparation by comparing its inhibition of taurodehydrocholate absorption with their lesser capacity to inhibit glucose transport.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide, which is produced by cytokine-activated mononuclear cells, is thought to play an important role in inflammation and immunity. While the function of nitric oxide as a direct cytotoxic effector molecule is well established, its function as a transducer molecule in immune cells is not. By use of whole-cell patch clamp recordings, we show that nitric oxide activates cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator CI- currents in normal human cloned T cells by a cGMP-dependent mechanism. This pathway is defective in cystic fibrosis-derived human cloned T cells. These findings not only delineate a novel transduction mechanism for nitric oxide but also support the hypothesis that an intrinsic immune defect may exist in cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

The interactions of the bile salt sodium taurocholate (TC) in 50 mM Trizma-HCl buffer and 150 mM NaCl (pH 9) at 37 degrees C with membranes composed of sphingomyelin (SM) were studied by dynamic light scattering, cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and turbidity measurements. Small unilamellar SM vesicles were prepared by extrusion. Below the CMC of TC, taurocholate addition leads to vesicle growth due to incorporation of the taurocholate molecules into the vesicle bilayer. At around half the CMC of the bile salt, the SM vesicles are transformed into SM/TC mixed worm-like micelles, which are visualized by cryo-TEM for the first time. Further increase in the taurocholate concentration leads to the rupture of these structures into small spherical micelles. Interestingly, large non-spherical micelles were also identified for pure taurocholate solutions. Similar threadlike structures have been reported earlier for the bile salt sodium taurodeoxycholate [Rich, A., Blow, D., 1958. Nature 182, 1777; Blow, D.M., Rich, A., 1960. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 82, 3566-3571; Galantini, L., Giglio, E., La Mesa, C., Viorel-Pavel, N., Punzo, F., 2002. Langmuir 18, 2812] and for mixtures of taurocholate and phosphatidylcholate [Ulmius, J., Lindblom, G., Wennerstr?m, H., Johansson, L.B.-A., Fontel, K., S?derman, O., Ardvisson, G., 1982. Biochemistry 21, 1553; Hjelm, R.P., Thiyagarajan, P., Alkan-Onyuksel, H., 1992. J. Phys. Chem. 96, 8653] as determined by various scattering methods.  相似文献   

The F508 mutation leads to retention of cystic fibrosistransmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the endoplasmic reticulum and rapid degradation by the proteasome and other proteolytic systems.In stably transfected LLC-PK1(porcine kidney) epithelial cells, F508 CFTR conforms to thisparadigm and is not present at the plasma membrane. WhenLLC-PK1 cells or human nasal polyp cells derived from a F508 homozygous patient are grown on plastic dishes and treated with an epithelial differentiating agent (DMSO, 2%for 4 days) or when LLC-PK1 cellsare grown as polarized monolayers on permeable supports, plasmamembrane F508 CFTR is significantly increased. Moreover, whenconfluent LLC-PK1 cells expressingF508 CFTR were treated with DMSO and mounted in an Ussing chamber, afurther increase in cAMP-activated short-circuit current (i.e., ~7µA/cm2;P < 0.00025 compared with untreatedcontrols) was observed. No plasma membrane CFTR was detected after DMSOtreatment in nonepithelial cells (mouse L cells) expressing F508CFTR. The experiments describe a way to augment F508 CFTR maturationin epithelial cells that appears to act through a novel mechanism andallows insertion of functional F508 CFTR in the plasma membranes oftransporting cell monolayers. The results raise the possibility thatincreased epithelial differentiation might increase the delivery ofF508 CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi, where theF508 protein is shielded from degradative pathways such as theproteasome and allowed to mature.


The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl? channels are constitutively activated in sweat ducts. Since phosphorylation-dependent and -independent mechanisms can activate CFTR, we sought to determine the actual mechanism responsible for constitutive activation of these channels in vivo. We show that the constitutively activated CFTR Cl? conductance (gCFTR) in the apical membrane is completely deactivated following α-toxin permeabilization of the basolateral membrane. We investigated whether such inhibition of gCFTR following permeabilization is due to the loss of cytoplasmic glutamate or due to dephosphorylation of CFTR by an endogenous phosphatase in the absence of kinase activity (due to the loss of kinase agonist cAMP, cGMP or GTP through α-toxin pores). In order to distinguish between these two possibilities, we examined the effect of inhibiting the endogenous phosphatase activity with okadaic acid (10?8 M) on the permeabilization-induced deactivation of gCFTR. We show that okadaic acid (1) inhibits an endogenous phosphatase responsible for dephosphorylating cAMP but not cGMP or G protein-activated CFTR and (2) prevents deactivation of CFTR following permeabilization of the basolateral membrane. These results indicate that distinctly different phosphatases may be responsible for dephosphorylating different kinase-specific sites on CFTR. We conclude that the phosphorylation by PKA alone appears to be primarily responsible for constitutive activation of gCFTR in vivo.  相似文献   

Stool specimens from 3 healthy volunteers were cultured under anaerobic conditions in brain heart infusion broth with and without the addition of cholate, deoxycholate or chenodeoxycholate. The initial pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.5, 6.3, 7.3 (unadjusted), 8.0, and 9.0. Cell-free extracts prepared from the resulting bacterial growth contained increased levels of NAD- and NADP-dependent 3α-, 7α-, and 12α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductases when the initial pH was 8.0 or 9.0 and depressed levels of these activities when the initial pH was 5.5 or 6.3 (as compared to control values obtained at 7.3). At pH 5.5 all activities except NAD-dependent 7α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase were absent. A powerful selective effect was imposed on NAD-dependent 7α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase when deoxycholate or chenodeoxycholate were incorporated into the medium. Thin-layer chromatography of ether extracts of cholate-containing, acidified spent bacterial medium showed measurable amounts of deoxycholate only when the initial culture pH was alkaline or neutral (optimal at pH 8). The percent hydroxyl group estimations at the 3α-, 7α-, and 12α-positions revealed an increase in disappearance of OH groups at all three positions with increasing initial pH value. The order of extent of bioconversion was 7α-OH > 12α-OH > 3α-OH; at pH 8 and 9, approximately 90% 7α-OH bioconversion was observed. Spent bacterial media and a number of commercial secondary bile salts were all negative in the Ames' assay for mutagenicity.  相似文献   

Deuterium NMR of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid was studied. Molecular sizes obtained from deuterium spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) data of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid in methanol and in water are in accordance with monomeric and tetrameric structures in the two media, respectively. The deuterium T1 and intensity of 3α,12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid in aqueous solution at pH 8.0–8.8 were studied as functions of NaCl and lecithin concentrations. The results indicated that tetramers are in equilibrium with larger aggregates when secondary micelles are formed in the precense of NaCl, and that 3α, 12α-dihydroxy-7,7-dideutero-5β-cholanoic acid forms mixed micelles with lecithin with a molecular ratio of 2 : 3.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an apical membrane chloride channel critical to the regulation of fluid, chloride, and bicarbonate transport in epithelia and other cell types. The most common cause of cystic fibrosis (CF) is the abnormal trafficking of CFTR mutants. Therefore, understanding the cellular machineries that transit CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface is important. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) plays an important role in CFTR-dependent chloride transport. The present study was designed to observe the affection of VIP on the trafficking of CFTR, and channel gating in human bronchial epithelium cells (HBEC). Confocal microscopy revealed CFTR immunofluorescence extending from the apical membrane deeply into the cell cytoplasm. After VIP treatment, apical extension of CFTR immunofluorescence into the cell was reduced and the peak intensity of CFTR fluorescence shifted towards the apical membrane. Western blot showed VIP increased cell surface and total CFTR. Compared with the augmented level of total CFTR, the surface CFTR increased more markedly. Immunoprecipitation founded that the mature form of CFTR had a marked increase in HBEC treated with VIP. VIP led to a threefold increase in Cl(-) efflux in HBEC. Glibenclamide-sensitive and DIDS-insensitive CFTR Cl(-) currents were consistently observed after stimulation with VIP (10(-8) mol/L). The augmentation of CFTR Cl(-) currents enhanced by VIP (10(-8) mol/L) was reversed, at least in part, by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H-89 and the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, H-7, suggesting PKA and PKC participate in the VIP-promoted CFTR Cl(-) currents.  相似文献   

Biliary excretion of certain bile acids is mediated by multidrug resistance associated protein 2 (Mrp2) and the bile salt export pump (Bsep). In the present study, the transport properties of several bile acids were characterized in canalicular membrane vesicles (CMVs) isolated from Sprague--Dawley (SD) rats and Eisai hyperbilirubinemic rats (EHBR) whose Mrp2 function is hereditarily defective and in membrane vesicles isolated from Sf9 cells infected with recombinant baculovirus containing cDNAs encoding Mrp2 and Bsep. ATP-dependent uptake of [(3)H]taurochenodeoxycholate sulfate (TCDC-S) (K(m)=8.8 microM) and [(3)H]taurolithocholate sulfate (TLC-S) (K(m)=1.5 microM) was observed in CMVs from SD rats, but not from EHBR. In addition, ATP-dependent uptake of [(3)H]TLC-S (K(m)=3.9 microM) and [(3)H]taurocholate (TC) (K(m)=7.5 microM) was also observed in Mrp2- and Bsep-expressing Sf9 membrane vesicles, respectively. TCDC-S and TLC-S inhibited the ATP-dependent TC uptake into CMVs from SD rats with IC(50) values of 4.6 microM and 1.2 microM, respectively. In contrast, the corresponding values for Sf9 cells expressing Bsep were 59 and 62 microM, respectively, which were similar to those determined in CMVs from EHBR (68 and 33 microM, respectively). By co-expressing Mrp2 with Bsep in Sf9 cells, IC(50) values for membrane vesicles from these cells shifted to values comparable with those in CMVs from SD rats (4.6 and 1.2 microM). Moreover, in membrane vesicles where both Mrp2 and Bsep are co-expressed, preincubation with the sulfated bile acids potentiated their inhibitory effect on Bsep-mediated TC transport. These results can be accounted for by assuming that the sulfated bile acids trans-inhibit the Bsep-mediated transport of TC.  相似文献   

Previous studies have linked certain types of gut mucosal immune cells with fat intake. We determined whether fat absorption activates intestinal mucosal mast cells (MMC), a key component of the gut mucosal immune system. Conscious intestinal lymph fistula rats were used. The mesenteric lymph ducts were cannulated, and the intraduodenal (i.d.) tubes were installed for the infusion of Liposyn II 20% (an intralipid emulsion). Lymphatic concentrations of histamine, rat MMC protease II (RMCPII), a specific marker of rat intestinal MMC degranulation, and prostaglandin D(2) (PGD(2)) were measured by ELISA. Intestinal MMC degranulation was visualized by immunofluorescent microscopy of jejunum sections taken at 1 h after Liposyn II gavage. Intraduodenal bolus infusion of Liposyn II 20% (4.4 kcal/3 ml) induced approximately a onefold increase in lymphatic histamine and PGD(2), ~20-fold increase in lymphatic RMCPII, but only onefold increase in peripheral serum RMCPII concentrations. Release of RMCPII into lymph increased dose dependently with the amount of lipid fed. In addition, i.d. infusion of long-chain triacylglycerol trilinolein (C18:2 n-6, the major composite in Liposyn II) significantly increased the lymphatic RMCPII concentration, whereas medium-chain triacylglycerol tricaprylin (C8:0) did not alter lymph RMCPII secretion. Immunohistochemistry image revealed the degranulation of MMC into lamina propria after lipid feeding. These novel findings indicate that intestinal MMC are activated and degranulate to release MMC mediators to the circulation during fat absorption. This action of fatty acid is dose and chain length dependent.  相似文献   

The unconjugated bile salt, sodium deoxycholate, at a concentration of 0.5 mM was shown to inhibit the intestinal uptake of the amino acids L-glycine, L-leucine, L-proline, L-lysine and L-tyrosine in rats in vitro. This effect was acutely reversible except for the basis amino acid L-lysine and is therefore not simply due to tissue damage. These results, and the recent finding that sodium deoxycholate inhibits intestinal absorption of amino acids in vivo, suggest that impaired intestinal amino acid transport may contribute to hypoproteinaemia in patients with bacterial overgrowth in the upper small intestine in whom deoxycholate is present in the small intestinal lumen in excessive concentrations.  相似文献   

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