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R K Mortimer 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:329-Suppl:334

J Chant  I Herskowitz 《Cell》1991,65(7):1203-1212
Yeast cells choose bud sites on their surface in two distinct spatial patterns: axial for a and alpha cells and bipolar for a/alpha cells. We have identified four genes, BUD1-BUD4, necessary for the axial pattern by isolating mutants of alpha cells that do not exhibit this pattern. Mutations in BUD1 (which is the same as the previously identified gene RSR1) or BUD2 lead to a random budding pattern in all cell types; mutations in BUD3 or BUD4 lead to a bipolar pattern in all cell types. These observations indicate the existence of a basal budding pattern, requiring no BUD products, that is random; BUD1 and BUD2 act on this basal pattern to create the bipolar pattern; the further action of BUD3 and BUD4 leads to the axial pattern. These studies thus identify a set of gene products that directs cell morphogenesis to a genetically programmed site.  相似文献   

Redundancy is a salient feature of all living organisms' genome. The yeast genome contains a large number of gene families of previously uncharacterized functions that can be used to explore the functional significance of structural redundancy in a systematic manner. In this work, we describe results on a three-member gene family with moderately divergent sequences (YOL055c, YPL258c and YPR121w ). We demonstrate that two members are isofunctional and encode a hydroxymethylpyrimidine phosphate (HMP-P) kinase (EC, an activity required for the final steps of thiamine biosynthesis, whose genes were not previously known in yeast. In addition, we show that the three genes are each composed of two distinct domains, each corresponding to individual genes in prokaryotes, suggesting gene fusion during evolution. The function of the carboxy-terminal part of the proteins is not yet understood, but it is not required for HMP-P kinase activity. Expression of all three genes is regulated in the same way. Several other examples of gene fusions exist in the same biosynthetic pathway when eukaryotic genes are compared with prokaryotic ones.  相似文献   

Liu B  Kanazawa A  Matsumura H  Takahashi R  Harada K  Abe J 《Genetics》2008,180(2):995-1007
Gene and genome duplications underlie the origins of evolutionary novelty in plants. Soybean, Glycine max, is considered to be a paleopolyploid species with a complex genome. We found multiple homologs of the phytochrome A gene (phyA) in the soybean genome and determined the DNA sequences of two paralogs designated GmphyA1 and GmphyA2. Analysis of the GmphyA2 gene from the lines carrying a recessive allele at a photoperiod insensitivity locus, E4, revealed that a Ty1/copia-like retrotransposon was inserted in exon 1 of the gene, which resulted in dysfunction of the gene. Mapping studies suggested that GmphyA2 is encoded by E4. The GmphyA1 gene was mapped to a region of linkage group O, which is homeologous to the region harboring E4 in linkage group I. Plants homozygous for the e4 allele were etiolated under continuous far red light, but the de-etiolation occurred partially, indicating that the mutation alone did not cause a complete loss of phyA function. The genetic redundancy suggests that the presence of duplicated copies of phyA genes accounts for the generation of photoperiod insensitivity, while protecting against the deleterious effects of mutation. Thus, this phenomenon provides a link between gene duplication and establishment of an adaptive response of plants to environments.  相似文献   

To become polarized, cells must first ‘break symmetry’. Symmetry breaking is the process by which an unpolarized, symmetric cell develops a singularity, often at the cell periphery, that is used to develop a polarity axis. The Caenorhabditis elegans zygote breaks symmetry under the influence of the sperm-donated centrosome, which causes the PAR polarity regulators to sort into distinct anterior and posterior cortical domains. Modelling analyses have shown that cortical flows induced by the centrosome combined with antagonism between anterior and posterior PARs (mutual exclusion) are sufficient, in principle, to break symmetry, provided that anterior and posterior PAR activities are precisely balanced. Experimental evidence indicates, however, that the system is surprisingly robust to changes in cortical flows, mutual exclusion and PAR balance. We suggest that this robustness derives from redundant symmetry-breaking inputs that engage two positive feedback loops mediated by the anterior and posterior PAR proteins. In particular, the PAR-2 feedback loop stabilizes the polarized state by creating a domain where posterior PARs are immune to exclusion by anterior PARs. The two feedback loops in the PAR network share characteristics with the two feedback loops in the Cdc42 polarization network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

用日本脑炎病毒(JEV)E蛋白基因片段构建酵母双杂交诱饵载体,并检测其表达产物对酵母细胞有无毒性作用及对报告基因有无激活作用。用RT—PCR从JEV感染的鼠脑中扩增出JEV E蛋白基因片段,克隆入pUCl9质粒,经测序正确后,再亚克隆入酵母双杂交诱饵载体pGBKT7中。将重组质粒导入酵母菌AHl09,检测其表达产物在酵母细胞中对报告基因有无激活作用。成功获得JEV E蛋白基因片段,表达的E蛋白对酵母菌AHl09无毒性,对报告基因亦无激活作用。为利用酵母双杂交GAL4系统3进行JEV细胞受体蛋白的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

D Blinder  S Bouvier  D D Jenness 《Cell》1989,56(3):479-486
The alpha factor pheromone inhibits the division of yeast a cells. A general method was developed for isolating mutants that exhibit constitutive activation of the pheromone response pathway. A dominant allele of the STE4 locus was recovered in addition to recessive mutations in the SCG1 gene. SCG1 and STE4 are known to encode G alpha and G beta homologs, respectively. Analysis of double mutants suggests that the STE4 gene product functions after the SCG1 product but before the STE5 product.  相似文献   

The loss of functional redundancy is the key process in the evolution of duplicated genes. Here we systematically assess the extent of functional redundancy among a large set of duplicated genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We quantify growth rate in rich medium for a large number of S. cerevisiae strains that carry single and double deletions of duplicated and singleton genes. We demonstrate that duplicated genes can maintain substantial redundancy for extensive periods of time following duplication (~100 million years). We find high levels of redundancy among genes duplicated both via the whole genome duplication and via smaller scale duplications. Further, we see no evidence that two duplicated genes together contribute to fitness in rich medium substantially beyond that of their ancestral progenitor gene. We argue that duplicate genes do not often evolve to behave like singleton genes even after very long periods of time.  相似文献   

Li J  Yuan Z  Zhang Z 《PLoS genetics》2010,6(11):e1001187
The frequent dispensability of duplicated genes in budding yeast is heralded as a hallmark of genetic robustness contributed by genetic redundancy. However, theoretical predictions suggest such backup by redundancy is evolutionarily unstable, and the extent of genetic robustness contributed from redundancy remains controversial. It is anticipated that, to achieve mutual buffering, the duplicated paralogs must at least share some functional overlap. However, counter-intuitively, several recent studies reported little functional redundancy between these buffering duplicates. The large yeast genetic interactions released recently allowed us to address these issues on a genome-wide scale. We herein characterized the synthetic genetic interactions for ~500 pairs of yeast duplicated genes originated from either whole-genome duplication (WGD) or small-scale duplication (SSD) events. We established that functional redundancy between duplicates is a pre-requisite and thus is highly predictive of their backup capacity. This observation was particularly pronounced with the use of a newly introduced metric in scoring functional overlap between paralogs on the basis of gene ontology annotations. Even though mutual buffering was observed to be prevalent among duplicated genes, we showed that the observed backup capacity is largely an evolutionarily transient state. The loss of backup capacity generally follows a neutral mode, with the buffering strength decreasing in proportion to divergence time, and the vast majority of the paralogs have already lost their backup capacity. These observations validated previous theoretic predictions about instability of genetic redundancy. However, departing from the general neutral mode, intriguingly, our analysis revealed the presence of natural selection in stabilizing functional overlap between SSD pairs. These selected pairs, both WGD and SSD, tend to have decelerated functional evolution, have higher propensities of co-clustering into the same protein complexes, and share common interacting partners. Our study revealed the general principles for the long-term retention of genetic redundancy.  相似文献   

Efficient expression of multiple genes is critical to yeast metabolic engineering for the bioproduction of bulk and fine chemicals. A yeast polycistronic expression system is of particular interest because one promoter can drive the expression of multiple genes. 2A viral peptides enable the cotranslation of multiple proteins from a single mRNA by ribosomal skipping. However, the wide adaptation of 2A viral peptides for polycistronic-like gene expression in yeast awaits in-depth characterizations. Additionally, a one-step assembly of such a polycistronic-like system is highly desirable. To this end, we have developed a modular cloning (MoClo) compatible 2A peptide-based polycistronic-like system capable of expressing multiple genes from a single promoter in yeast. Characterizing the bi-, tri-, and quad-cistronic expression of fluorescent proteins showed high cleavage efficiencies of three 2A peptides: E2A from equine rhinitis B virus, P2A from porcine teschovirus-1, and O2A from Operophtera brumata cypovirus-18. Applying the polycistronic-like system to produce geraniol, a valuable industrial compound, resulted in comparable or higher titers than using conventional monocistronic constructs. In summary, this highly-characterized polycistronic-like gene expression system is another tool to facilitate multigene expression for metabolic engineering in yeast.  相似文献   

Complex diseases involve both a genetic component and a response to environmental factors or lifestyle changes. Recently, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have succeeded in identifying hundreds of polymorphisms that are statistically associated with complex diseases. However, the association is usually weak and none of the associated allelic forms is either necessary or sufficient for the disease occurrence. We argue that this promotes a network view, centred on functional redundancy. We adapted reliability theory to the concerned sub-network, modelled as a parallel array of functional modules. In our model, as long as one module remains active, the function correlated with the respective disease is ensured and disease does not occur. Genetic factors reduce the initial number of available modules while environment, contingent surroundings, personal history, epigenetics, and some intrinsic stochasticity influence their persistence time. This model reproduces age-specific incidence curves and explains the influence of environmental changes. It offers a new paradigm, according to which disease occurs due to a lack of functional elements, depending on many idiosyncratic factors. Genetic risk assessed from GWAS is only a statistical notion with no direct interpretation at the individual level. However, genomic profiling could be useful at population level in devising models to guide decisions in health care policy.  相似文献   

The yeast RNA gene products are essential for mRNA splicing in vitro   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
A J Lustig  R J Lin  J Abelson 《Cell》1986,47(6):953-963
The yeast rna mutations (rna2-rna11) are a set of temperature-sensitive mutations that result in the accumulation of intron-containing mRNA precursors at the restrictive temperature. We have used the yeast in vitro splicing system to investigate the role of products of the RNA genes in mRNA splicing. We have tested the heat lability of the in vitro mRNA splicing reaction in extracts isolated from mutant and wild-type cells. Extracts isolated from seven of the nine rna mutants demonstrated heat lability in this assay, while most wild-type extracts were stable under the conditions utilized. We have also demonstrated that heat inactivation usually results in the specific loss of an exchangeable component by showing that most combinations of heat-inactivated extracts from different mutants complement one another. In three cases (rna2, rna5, and rna11), the linkage of the in vitro defect to the rna mutations was ascertained by a combination of reversion, tetrad, and in vitro complementation analyses. Furthermore, each heat-inactivated extract was capable of complementation by at least one fraction of the wild-type splicing system. Thus many of the RNA genes are likely to code for products directly involved in and essential for mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

The possible correlation between the degree of degradation in the polymer matrix and the release of indicator products was investigated. The degree of degradation was measured by following the molar mass changes by size exclusion chromatography, while indicator products were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The degree of degradation in polyethylene and polyethylene vinyl acetate matrix after thermooxidation was found to be in correlation with the amount of dicarboxylic acids and lactones formed during aging, while the degree of degradation in photooxidized polyethylene could be predicted from the amount of dicarboxylic acids. The relative amount of lactones compared to the relative amount of dicarboxylic acids increased if the oxidation temperature was increased. However, the total amount of indicator products was in correlation with the remaining number average molar mass and the number of chain scissions caused by oxidation. The amount of butanedioic acid and butyrolactone correlated well with the total amount of dicarboxylic acids and lactones, respectively. Thus, instead of the whole compound classes, butanedioic acid or butyrolactone alone could be used as indicators of oxidation. The detected correlation offers a novel tool for making lifetime predictions and studying the long-term properties of polymeric materials.  相似文献   

Environmentally induced changes in rRNA gene redundancy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J N Timmis  J Ingle 《Nature: New biology》1973,244(138):235-236

甲醇营养型酵母表达系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲醇营养型酵母越来越被人们用作外源基因的表达系统。本文综述其在表达质粒构建,表达株的筛选,表达产物的糖链加工以及它分拣外源蛋白进入过氧化物酶体等的特点,不仅具有广泛的商业用途,而且在理论研究特别是膜蛋白结构与功能方面也有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

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