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Summary Morphological and metabolic changes on the salivary chromosomes of Sciara coprophila were followed during the later half of the fourth larval instar.Cytological maps were prepared for five successive stages from mid-fourth instar to the prepupal stage. These maps, which constitute a revision of those published earlier by Crouse, summarized our cytological findings and were the basis for studies on DNA replication of these chromosomes.Similar to earlier studies in Chironomidae, differences in the puffing pattern were noted between the anterior and the posterior portions of the salivary gland. The most striking difference was noted in region 2B on chromosome III which produces a large puff only in nuclei from the anterior part of the gland. Other autosomal puffs, although present in both parts of the gland, showed constant differences in size.An increase in the number of bands from mid-fourth to late fourth instar was observed. The new bands are all of the light-staining kind.In Sciara the puffed area may include a large number of bands in addition to the bands which originated the puff. The maximal extent of puffs was determined in terms of chromosomal map regions and the number of bands subject to obliteration.In the autoradiographic experiments use was made of H3-thymidine as DNA precursor. The aim of these studies was to detect any asynchronies in the replication time of bands. In fact, marked differences in the relative rates of uptake of H3-thymidine of a number of bands in a certain proportion of chromosomes have been observed, while others showed uniform incorporation. Since these latter were found with higher frequency the period of uniform labeling must comprise a larger part of the replication cycle then the periods of localized labeling. To assess the validity and constancy of the observed patterns of unequal incorporation, a semiquantitative analysis was carried out. It showed that the bands showing localized uptake may be separated into two broad groups. In one of these groups are the centromere regions and certain chromosomal ends, which are presumably heterochromatic. The other group comprises most of the puff sites and bulbs. Since late replication is characteristic of heterochromatin, we assumed that bands of the former group (C) replicate late in the cycle, while puffs and bulbs start replication early, and the period of equal labeling is intermediate. Other intermediate labeling patterns were observed and are described.It is known that in the fourth instar from two to three DNA replications occur in the salivary gland nuclei, the last of which coincides with puffing. Several stages may be distinguished in the puffing process based on morphology and rates of isotope uptake of the puffs. The first sign of puffing is a very high rate of incorporation at puffs. It is maintained throughout this last DNA synthesis period and only declines when all other chromosomal regions have ceased to replicate. A pattern of high and exclusive uptake at the heterochromatic sites (pattern C) was never observed in this replication; instead puffs are the last regions to terminate DNA synthesis.These results are discussed in relation to several current problems, such as, asynchronous DNA replication, the problem of metabolic DNA, and the concept of the heterochromatic state.Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty of Pure Science, Department of Zoology, Columbia University, New York. This work has been supported by U.S. Public Health Training Grant No. 2Tl-GM-216-05; partial support has been received also from Grants GB 42 and G-14043 from the National Science Foundation to Dr. H. V. Crouse.  相似文献   

Drosophila salivary glands were explanted and incubated with 3H-uridine (or 3H-thymidine) in Ringer's solution (Ephrussi-Beadle modified saline) adjusted to pH values in the integral range, 4 to 10. The results of autoradiographic investigations indicate a differential effect of altering Ringer pH on 3H-uridine as opposed to 3H-thymidine incorporation: a) Relatively uniform levels of chromosomal incorporation of 3H-thymidine occurred over the range of test pH. Some decrease of incorporation was noted at pH 5 and some increase at pH 9. b) Chromosomal incorporation of 3H-uridine was severely depressed at pH 4 and 7 relative to the high incorporation levels observed at other pH values. Controlling pH of Ephrussi-Beadle Ringer's solution in such experiments seems a necessity. This appears especially important for studies involving 3H-uridine incorporation.  相似文献   

Using a computer-based system for model building and analysis, three-dimensional models of 24 Drosophila melanogaster salivary gland nuclei have been constructed from optically or physically sectioned glands, allowing several generalizations about chromosome folding and packaging in these nuclei. First and most surprising, the prominent coiling of the chromosomes is strongly chiral, with right-handed gyres predominating. Second, high frequency appositions between certain loci and the nuclear envelope appear almost exclusively at positions of intercalary heterochromatin; in addition, the chromocenter is always apposed to the envelope. Third, chromosomes are invariably separated into mutually exclusive spatial domains while usually extending across the nucleus in a polarized (Rabl) orientation. Fourth, the arms of each autosome are almost always juxtaposed, but no other relative arm positions are strongly favored. Finally, despite these nonrandom structural features, each chromosome is found to fold into a wide variety of different configurations. In addition, a set of nuclei has been analyzed in which the normally aggregrated centromeric regions of the chromosomes are located far apart from one another. These nuclei have the same architectural motifs seen in normal nuclei. This implies that such characteristics as separate chromosome domains and specific chromosome-nuclear envelope contacts are largely independent of the relative placement of the different chromosomes within the nucleus.  相似文献   

The nucleolar-like bodies or micronucleoli of Sciara coprophila salivary gland nuclei have been studied with phase contrast, the Nomarski optics, Azure B staining, and electron microscopy. In the late fourth instar the main nucleolus formed at the X-chromosome may become extensively fragmented and may appear as a large aggregate of micronucleoli. At about the same time large numbers of micronucleoli in a more peripheral location are also found. Studies in partially squashed and stained nuclei, as well as in unfixed glands have shown that, at a time when the nucleolar material is abundant, the X-NOR is highly ramified with its branches permeating much of the nuclear space. These observations make it appear probable that most or all of the nucleolar material, even the more peripherally located, is actually in contact with the main nucleolar organizer or its branches. On the other hand, many chromosomal bands are also in close association with micronucleoli. At the level of electron microscopy some of the associations between chromo somal bands and micronucleoli are very intimate with the nucleolar material often found deep within the band. In other instances there seems to be physical continuity between extensions of band chromatin and certain areas of the fibrillar component. The bands in question could be the sites of secondary nucleolar organizers. In the electron microscope a large aggregate of micronucleoli, interspersed with portions of chromatin can often be seen in an approximately central location. This is interpreted as the main nucleolus with portions of its NOR. Both the main nucleolus and the more peripheral micronucleoli are indistinguishable in their fine structure and show the components typically found in nucleoli, i.e., fibrils and granules. On the other hand the fine structure of both RNA and DNA puffs is strikingly different.Supported by funds from Public Service Grants GM 12191 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and 5 RO 1 AM 10016-06 from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases (to Dr. A. M. Garcia).  相似文献   

The polytene salivary gland nucleus of Drosophila melanogaster has been isolated and fractionated by microsurgery at physiological pH and ionic strength. This procedure permits observation of native components of the nucleus including polytene chromosomes, nucleoli, micronucleoli and the nuclear envelope. The three dimensional organisation of the chromosomes within the nucleus is seen to vary as a function of time and can be externally controlled. Evidence is adduced for previously unrecorded stage-related changes in the physical state of the polytene chromosomes. The first en face electron micrographs of the isolated D. melanogaster salivary gland nuclear envelope are presented. In addition, direct light microscopic observations are reported of a new sub-nuclear structure (organelle?) consisting of characteristic beaded fibres, some of which interconnect different chromosomal segments, while others connect the chromosomes to the nuclear envelope. These new structures are candidates for the physical basis of the “tracks in the cell nucleus” phenomenon seen indirectly by other approaches or could have some other, as yet undefined, role.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of the morphology of the proximal region of the salivary gland X-chromosome of D. melanogaster following a number of different staining procedures. Azur B was found to be the most satisfactory staining method for identification of the nucleolus. The states of eu- and heterochromatization (sensu Prokofyeva-Belgovskaya) of the bands in the proximal region—particulary striking in the mirror-image duplication of the R(1)2, ring-X, chromosome—contribute to the variability in the banding-pattern, and consequently the refractoriness of this region to cytological investigation. No nucleolus was ever found to be associated with the group of bands presumed to be the Y-chromosome.This investigation was supported in part by a U.S. Public Health Service Research Grant, GM 15009, from the Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, and in part by a grant from the Finnish National Research Council for Sciences.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]UTP into RNA by isolated polytene salivary gland nuclei of Chironomus thummi was investigated under different incubation conditions; the labeled RNA fractions were characterized by electrophoresis. The results suggested that at two characteristic ionic conditions most of the RNA synthesized was the product of RNA polymerase I or RNA polymerase II as distinguished by their differential sensitivities to α-amanitin. Electrophoretical analysis of the RNA synthesized under conditions favouring polymerase I showed that this RNA population consisted mainly of four distinct molecular weight fractions within a range between 2.8 × 104 and 2.5 × 106. Under conditions favouring polymerase II two fractions were detected: one with a broad molecular weight distribution around 0.4 × 106 containing considerable amounts of poly(A)-bearing RNA molecules, and a second with a peak at a molecular weight of 2.8 × 104.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes were studied in the cells undergoing secretory differentiation in zone I of the tubules of the uropygial gland of White Plymouth Rock chickens. A layer of basal cells and four secretory stages are recognized as the cells migrate from the periphery to the lumen of tubules and progressively elaborate a secretion product. Basal cells, containing rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes, rest on the basement membrane and are the source from which secretory cells arise. Dilated perinuclear cisternae and the proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the form of vesicles, invaginated sacs and cusp-shaped cisternae indicate the onset of lipgenesis in stage I cells. The perinuclear cisternae are more dilated and the endoplasmic reticulum is composed on saccules and cisternae in stage II cells. Stage III cells are characterized by concentric lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum surrounding secretory droplets. Dilated cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum and secretory droplets both contain a reticular substance. The perinuclear cisternae of stage III cells have returned to normal dimensions. Large mature lucent secretory droplets, lined with electron-dense material, fill the cytoplasm ostage IV cells which degenerate and release their secretory product into the tubule lumen. Spherical membrane-bound compartments containing a mottled substance of moderate electron density occur in basal cells and all subsequent secretory stages. These mottled bodies are surrounded by saccules of endoplasmic reticulum in stage II cells and are intimately associated with secretory droplets in stage III cells, but there is no evidence that they give rise to secretory droplets and their role in secretory differentiation is unknown.  相似文献   

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