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The status of the reproductive system is investigated in five species of Teleostei from the Teterev River and the Kiev Reservoir (Ukraine), descendants of F42–F7 generations of fish exposed to radiation from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Twenty years after the accident, a wide range of morphofuinctional anomalies of this system is present in fish. The most significant of them are: asymmetry and anomalous morphology of gonads, proliferation of connective tissue—sterilization, mass destruction of follicular and sex cells of various developmental stages, and hermaphroditism. Among the investigated species, disturbances of reproductive glands were preset to the highest extent in pike Esox lucius and crucian carp Carassius carassius. In the series of investigated generations the maximum frequency of occurrence of gonad anomalies was noted in F4 and F5, due to prolonged mutagenesis (Dubinin, 1986).  相似文献   

Two young women vacationing in Kiev just after the Chernobyl accident received light radioactive contamination in and on their bodies, and on their clothing. The internal and external body contaminations were determined using a whole body counter and a pure germanium detector on two dates, 80 days apart. The total body activity that could not be diminished by washing corresponded to 50 kBq at the time of contamination. Important internal radionuclides were 131I, 137Cs and 134Cs causing a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.4 mSv. The biological half-life of Cs was 60 days. In the clothing 16 different radionuclides, including 239Np, were found at various levels of activity.  相似文献   

Petridou et al. [1] have reported an increase in infant leukemia in Greek children born between 1/7/86 and 31/12/87 and have linked this increase to in utero radiation exposure due to the Chernobyl accident. Subsequently, Michaelis et al. [2] have reported a similar trend for Germany but found that it was not correlated to the levels of contamination. For Belarus, which was much more severely affected, a similar but much weaker trend is found. Received: 2 January 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

A complex relationship between glutathione level in plasma in human population (children living in radionuclide-contaminated regions and the Chernobyl liquidators) exposed to chronic low-level radiation after the Chernobyl accident was demonstrated. The obtained experimental data indicate different responses of the human glutathione system to low (from 0.1 to 20 cSv) and high (from 20 to 150 cSv) doses of ionizing radiation.Translated from Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No. 1, 2005, pp. 9–17.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Ivanenko, Burlakova.  相似文献   

Childhood leukemia (ICD 204–208 [1]) incidence rates in the different regions of Belarus are reported for a period before and after the Chernobyl accident (1982–1994). There are, at this point, no recognizable trends towards higher rates.  相似文献   

In the development of strategies for countermeasures aimed at the rehabilitation of contaminated areas, essential is to identify criteria for assessing their effectiveness and factors influencing the priority of the criteria chosen. A method is suggested for assessing effectiveness of countermeasures in agriculture based on a multicriterium analysis of radiologic, economic, regulatory and socio-psychological indicators characterizing the use of countermeasures. Rating of countermeasures strategies is presented depending on financing of works on the rehabilitation of the Chernobyl affected areas.  相似文献   

We studied long-lasting consequences of the low-doses irradiation on the immune system of 71 clean-up workers who participated in the emergency work after the Chernobyl Plant accident in 1986 and 25 healthy donors from Belarus. In sera of the workers the level of autoantibodies to thyroid gland antigens (thyroglobulin and microsomal fraction of thyroid gland) was increased in 48% of cases, the level of autoantibodies to lens oculis antigen was increased in 44% of cases; the level of circulating immune complexes was elevated in 55%, and the serum level of thyroglobulin in 60% of people. Immunological disorders were found without any definite clinical evidences of diseases and this allows us to consider the examined contingent as a group of risk for the development of autoimmune pathology in the future.  相似文献   

Health effects as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred in 1986 are considered in the paper. Wrong prognosis of the health effects with respect to mortality and morbidity among the population exposed to low radiation doses is shown. Proven increase in thyroid cancer cases among people who were children aged from 0 to 18 at the time of the accident is shown. Linear relationship between thyroid cancer cases and dose to thyroid ranged from 0.2 to 4.0 Gy is considered. An additional absolute risk of thyroid cancer in children varies in the range 1.9-2.6 cases per 10(4) person-year Gy. During the fifteen years following the accident no cases of acute and chronic radiation sickness have been revealed because the population living in contaminated areas received low radiation doses. Also, exposures to low radiation doses did not result in excess of malignant tumors among population. In some cases the outcomes of acute radiation sickness were as follows: radiation damages to the skin, cancer cataracts, development of oncopathology.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the effects of irradiation of different biota species after the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

An 131I environmental transfer model – adapted for Belorussian conditions – was applied to estimate thyroid doses for different population groups. For this purpose the available data were analysed and the important radioecological parameters assessed, i.e. (a) the elimination rate of 131I from grass due to weathering and growth dilution, (b) the initial interception of 131I by vegetation, (c) the transfer coefficient for 131I from grass to cow's milk, (d) the yield of pasture grass and (e) the milk consumption rate. Additionally, the influence of applied countermeasures has been taken into account, such as the interruption of locally produced milk consumption, and the appropriate correction factors have been estimated. As a result, the average age-dependent thyroid doses were assessed for the Belorussian population. The highest average doses in children (> 1 Gy) have been estimated for the Bragin, Khoiniki, Narovlia and Vetka raions of the Gomel oblast. The thyroid exposure tends to decrease from the southeastern (closest to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant areas) to the northwestern part of the republic. When comparing the assessed thyroid doses with dose estimates derived from direct 131I activity measurements in thyroids (for the locations with more than 15 direct measurements), the results agree fairly well. The model calculation may perhaps overestimate thyroid doses of the population residing in the settlements of the central and northern parts of Belarus, distant from the areas with direct measurements of 131I activities in soil, grass and milk. These thyroid dose estimates may serve as a basis for further epidemiological studies and risk analyses.  相似文献   

Aim: We studied whether incidence of all cancer sites combined was associated with the radiation exposure due to fallout from the Chernobyl accident in Finland. An emphasis was on the first decade after the accident to assess the suggested “promotion effect”. Methods: The segment of Finnish population with a stable residence in the first post-Chernobyl year (2 million people) was studied. The analyses were based on a 250 m × 250 m grid squares covering all of Finland and all cancer cases except cancers of the breast, prostate and lung. Cancer incidence in four exposure areas (based on first-year dose due to external exposure <0.1 mSv, 0.1–1.3, 0.3–0.5, or ≥0.5 mSv) was compared before the Chernobyl accident (1981–1985) and after it (1988–2007) taking into account cancer incidence trends for a longer period prior to the accident (since 1966). Results: There were no systematic differences in the cancer incidence in relation to radiation exposure in any calendar period, or any subgroup by sex or age at accident. Conclusion: The current large and comprehensive cohort analysis of the relatively low levels of the Chernobyl fallout in Finland did not observe a cancer promotion effect.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis performed 4-13 years after the Chernobyl accident showed an elevated frequency of acentrics, chromatid exchanges, dicentrics and rings in Chernobyl cleanup workers compared to the control group. Cytogenetic data were analyzed according to the information on exposure to radiation (the year when the cleanup workers worked at the Chernobyl station, doses rates, time elapsed since exposure to radiation, and cytogenetic examination) and some lifestyle factors. The data obtained suggested that some types of chromosome aberrations could be influenced by the action of different environmental factors or lifestyle factors. The frequency of acentrics was correlated with the age of the cleanup workers, and the increased chromatid exchange frequency was attributed to smoking. The numbers of dicentrics and rings suggested a genotoxic effect of ionizing radiation that is still present over 13 years after the exposure.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study was performed on Chernobyl cleanup workers, on their children, on persons evacuated from contaminated aeria (adult and children), on so named "veterans of particular risk" irradiated due to the accidents on the nuclear plant, testing of nuclear weapons etc. and on control donors. The yield of stable (FISH analysis) and of unstable chromosome aberrations, micronuclei in both lymphocytes and erythrocytes, HPRT mutations was found to be increased in exposed groups as compared to control ones. In children of liquidators and in evacuated children we observed genomic instability and increased in vitro chromosomal radiosensitivity. Acceleration of age accumulation of translocations characterized the exposed population in comparison with control group. People with the highest level of routine chromosome aberrations had cardiovascular and digestive diseases more often likely than those with the lowest level. In frame of International Project ECP-6--"Biological dosimetry" the dose-responses for dicentrics and translocations were constructed in dose range 0-100 cGy of gamma-irradiation on the base of data of 8 laboratories. On cancer patients undergone whole-body gamma-irradiation (every day at the dose 11.5 cGy to a total of dose 57.5 cGy) we constructed the dose-responses for the dicentrics and translocations and compared them with the dose-responses for these aberrations after the in vitro irradiation of lymphocytes of the same patients. For the dicentrics the effectiveness of the in vivo irradiation was less than of the in vitro one. No differences were found for translocations.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of the Chernobyl accident investigation 5-10 and 24 years after are summarized. The genomic instability, adaptive response formation, genome damage and oxidative status have been investigated. The studies were performed on cells in culture, mice, children and adults living in contaminated areas and liquidators. On cells in culture after exposition in the accident zone and culturing thereafter in laboratory conditions the cell proliferative activity decrease; the late cell death, the frequency of cells with micronuclei and giant cells increasing have been observed. In the progeny of exposed cells the enhancement of radiosensitivity has been noticed. So we can suppose that in cultured cells exposition in the zone of the accident the genomic instability is induced which results in many disturbances. At the organism level in mice exposed in the Chernobyl zone the radiosensitivity increase and the decrease of endotheliocytes density in brain tissue has been observed. On the stimulated by PHA blood lymphocytes of children the increase of the frequency of cells with micronuclei more than 2 time have been noticed. In all groups investigated, the decrease of individuals with significant adaptive response was observed. In children and adults inhabitants the increase of radiosensitivity after low dose of irradiation has been noticed. 24-year after the accident it was discovered that in liquidators lymphocytes the frequency of cells with micronuclei, with chromosome type aberrations, with DNA double strand breaks have been increased; the reactive oxygen species (ROS) were decreased in comparison with the control population. We can suppose that genomic instability induced in residents of contaminated regions and liquidators long after the accident results in the genetic apparatus damage, radiosensitivity enhancement, hypoxia that represent risk factors and increase the probability of tumour and non-tumour diseases. The development of these pathological processes may happen in much more remote periods.  相似文献   

The results of studies on the zooplankton in the cooler reservoir of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant following the 1986 disaster are presented. The study region also included the waterbodies and watercourses situated within the 30-km-wide right-of-way zone. Species composition, vertical and horizontal distribution, abundance, and biomass have been studied. A total of 101 species of invertebrates were found: 43 species of rotifers, 42 cladocerans, and 16 copepods. Among all the species found, almost 90% of the total zooplankton abundance and biomass were composed of indicator species: representatives of g. Brachionus, Asplanchna priodonta, Synchaeta spp., Euchlanis dilatata, Chydorus sphaericus, Bosmina longirostris, and Acanthocyclops americanus. The veligers of zebra mussel were found in the plankton of the investigated water-bodies. In the Kiev Reservoir, their abundance during the summer period may be high: >1 million spec./m3).  相似文献   

In this article scenarios have been developed, which simulate screening effects in ecological and cohort studies of thyroid cancer incidence among Ukrainians, whose thyroids have been exposed to 131I in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident. If possible, the scenarios were based on directly observed data, such as the population size, dose distributions and thyroid cancer cases. Two scenarios were considered where the screening effect on baseline cases is either equal to or larger than that of radiation-related thyroid cancer cases. For ecological studies in settlements with more than ten measurements of the 131I activity in the human thyroid in May–June 1986, the screening bias appeared small (<19%) for all risk quantities. In the cohort studies, the excess absolute risk per dose was larger by a factor of 4 than in the general population. For an equal screening effect on baseline and radiation-related cancer (Scenario 1) the excess relative risk was about the same as in the general population. However, a differential screening effect (Scenario 2) produced a risk smaller by a factor of 2.5. A comparison with first results of the Ukrainian–US-American cohort study did not give any indication that a differential screening effect has a marked influence on the risk estimates. The differences in the risk estimates from ecological studies and cohort studies were explained by the different screening patterns in the general population and in the much smaller cohort. The present investigations are characterized by dose estimates for many settlements which are very weakly correlated with screening, the confounding variable. The results show that under these conditions ecological studies may provide risk estimates with an acceptable bias.  相似文献   

According to reports by the former USSR government, IAEA and WHO, no case of acute radiation effects was recognized among inhabitants who were evacuated from the 30-km zone around the Chernobyl site soon after the accident on April 26, 1986. Along with the collapse of the USSR, however, several documents appeared that report the occurrence of acute radiation effects among inhabitants. In order to check the possibility of acute radiation effects among evacuees, we evaluated the external dose of evacuees until their evacuation based on the data about the radiation situation soon after the accident. Our estimates indicate that a substantial number of inhabitants in some villages could have received more than 0.5 Sv that is recognized by ICRP and UNSCEAR as a threshold dose for a clinically significant depression of the blood-forming function of bone marrow. Some of them could have received more than 1 Sv.  相似文献   

Summary A similar pattern of variation with time in observed maxima of daily dose equivalent rates in human thyroids (TD - µSv·d–1) and of daily fallout radioactivities (FR - kBq·m–2) has been found after the Chernobyl accident. An estimate of the time-lag between the maxima in TD lines and the preceding FR peaks was made of about seven days for adult and nine days for juveniles. Applying this time-lag it was possible to estimate transfer factors from the fall-out to thyroid dose equivalent: the highest estimated values were 221 µSv/kBq·m–2 for adult and 641 µSv/kBq·m–2 for juvenile thyroids. These values differ from those published by UNSCEAR (United Nations 1988), which have been calculated for various regions of Czechoslovakia, from ingestion and inhalation intake estimates. A broad variation of transfer factor values could be expected to result from such transfer calculations using ingestion and inhalation estimates. The findings also support the concept of a need for prolonged iodine prophylaxy after emissions of radioiodine into the environment.Abbreviations TD dose equivalent rates in thyroids [µSv·d–1] - FR fall-out radioactivity (-ies) [kBq·m–2]  相似文献   

Earlier assessments led to the conclusion that due to the added radiation after the Chernobyl accident, childhood leukemia in Belarus was not recognisably increased in the years 1987–1994 compared to the years 1982–1986, i.e. the period before the accident. The present paper gives the data of the continued follow-up (1995–1998) which was conducted by the Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Minsk. In line with the earlier observations no increase has been identified. The incidence rates have been compared to the data of the newly established Belarussian Childhood Cancer Registry and a tentative explanation is given for apparent differences between the rates from our follow-up and the data reported earlier by the Belarussian Childhood Cancer Registry. Received: 20 May 2001 / Accepted: 10 September 2001  相似文献   

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