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The spatial distribution of redfish Sebastes mentella in the pelagic zone of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean (the Irminger Sea and the Labrador Sea) is investigated. Analysis of the data on size-age composition, sex ratio, ratio of mature and immature specimens, rate of maturation, composition of the parasite fauna, infestation level, infestation with the copepod Sphyrion lumpi, and occurrence of pigment formations on the body of redfish from the investigated areas indicate the absence of stable isolated aggregations of this species in the oceanic pelagial of the North Atlantic. Pelagic aggregations are formed of rapidly maturating specimens migrated from the slopes of Greenland. The spatial variation of the size-age composition of redfish depends on the life cycle and regional hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

Data on the spatial-bathymetric distribution, size and age composition, sex ratio, and feeding of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella in the pelagial of the northern Atlantic (Irminger and Labrador seas) during mating are provided. From 1982 to 1999, the mating of S. mentella took place in the central and southern parts of the Irminger Sea (56°–62° N, 30°–43° W); since 2000 it took place in two geographically isolated areas: in the water area of the open part of the Labrador Sea, at sites of the south of the Irminger Sea adjacent to it (54°–58° N, 38°–50° W), and above the western slopes of the Reykjanes Ridge (62°–65° N, 25°–34° W). It is assumed that during mating in the northern area mixed aggregations of two ecological groups of S. mentella—an oceanic group that distributes in the pelagial and a bottom group that inhabits the slopes of Iceland—are formed. The formation of isolated areas of mating of the species is determined by the orientation of feeding migrations that are simultaneously migrations to spawning grounds. Fish of medium sizes migrate to spawning grounds in the southwestern direction, while large fish migrate in the northern direction; the fertilization of females in these areas occurs at the end of summer. In S. mentella, the seasonal and age differences in food composition are clearly pronounced. With the onset of mating, the males’ intensity of feeding in both regions decreases by a factor of 1.5–2.0, while females continue to feed actively.  相似文献   

On the basis of the results of complex interdisciplinary investigations of the population composition and structure of the beaked redfish Sebastes mentella of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, its three populations are discerned relatively isolated from each other by the system of permanent marine currents—North Atlantic, Flemish-Cape, and Norway-Barents Sea. The population structure of the species in the southern part of its area corresponds to the model of a local stock. Interaction of the North Atlantic and the Norway-Barents Sea populations well correspond to the model of fluctuating stocks. Redfish aggregations in different biotopes (mesobenthal and mesopelagial) are intrapopulational epigenetic groups. In the period of warm and anomalously warm years, a part of mature specimens from the pelagial of the North Irminger Sea make an irreversible migration to the southern part of the Norwegian Sea and form there mixed aggregations of fish from the North Atlantic and Norway-Barents Sea populations. With consideration of the effect of climatic–oceanological processes, a principally new scheme is elaborated describing the process of seasonal migrations of redfish in the mesobenthal and mesopelagial. The previous views on direction of return migrations of redfish of the Norway-Barents Sea population are reconsidered. Juveniles from the western part of the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen not only supplement the demersal aggregations but also migrate to the pelagial of the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

Results of comparative analysis of several ecologo-populational characteristics and fauna of parasites of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella from the pelagial of the Irminger Sea and slopes of Greenland are provided. It was established that the nursery area of the species in this part of the northern Atlantic is located in the shelf and shallow-water sites of the Greenland slopes. Near the nursery area, at deepwater sites of the Greenland slope, aggregations of mainly immature specimens (68–86%) with an average length of 35–38 cm are located, and, in the oceanic pelagial, there are mainly mature specimens (91–95%) with a length of more than 30 cm. Considerable similarity and specific features of fauna of parasites of S. mentella from the southeastern slope of Greenland and the pelagial of the Irminger Sea indicate the belonging of fish aggregations in these areas to a single intraspecies group and the migration of maturing specimens from the slope to the pelagial. A conclusion is made that the aggregations of S. mentella in the pelagial of the Irminger and Labrador seas represent a pelagic ecological group formed by rapidly maturing specimens; a near-bottom ecological group at deepwater sites of the slope of Greenland is formed by slowly maturing specimens. No mass migration of the redfish from deepwater areas to shallow sites of the slope and to the oceanic pelagial of the northern Atlantic was recorded.  相似文献   

Results of studies of the structure and specific features of formation of aggregations of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella in the Norwegian Sea pelagial are provided. Data on the biological characteristics of S. mentella from different regions of the Norwegian Sea pelagial do not allow us to consider its aggregations as separate populations. On the basis of comparative analysis of the structure of aggregations in the Norwegian Sea and of population parameters and specific features of the life cycle of S. mentella in different parts of the Atlantic Ocean, its complex intraspecies organization at sites of overlapping of two largest populations—North Atlantic and Norwegian-Barents Sea-was established. The formation of pelagic aggregations in the water area of the Norwegian Sea occurs due to migration of maturing and mature individuals from the adjoining water areas. In the southern areas of the Norwegian Sea, dominant recruitment comes from the pelagial of the northeastern part of the Irminger Sea, which is promoted by the direction of streams of the North-Atlantic Current; it is not excluded either that fish can migrate to the southern part of the sea from the slopes of the Faeroes, Faeroes-Icelandic threshold, and the western coast of Norway. Migration to the northern areas of the sea is mainly performed by rapidly maturing fish from the rearing region from the western slopes of the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen Archipelago. The presence of seasonal migrations hinders the formation in the pelagial of perch isolated groups and promotes their migration.  相似文献   

The analysis is conducted of the biological and genetic characteristics of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella from the open part of the Norwegian Sea. A similarity of the studied sample with analogous groups of deepwater redfish from the Northeast Atlantic in biological parameters and their dynamics is revealed. Polymorphism is registered in three of the nine studied enzyme loci: malic enzyme (NADF-dependent malatedehydrogenase), MEP-1*; phosphoglucomutase from the liver, PGM-2*; and glucose-6-phosphateisomerase, PGI*. A pairwise comparison of allele frequencies shows a similarity of the samples of deepwater redfish from the enclave of the Norwegian Sea. In addition, based on a pairwise analysis, significant differences are absent between the samples with similar biological characteristics from the open part of the Norwegian Sea and the Irminger Sea.  相似文献   

Cardinal fish are commercially valuable species. In the Colombian Caribbean Sea E. occidentalis and E. pandionis occurred in 37and 35% of tows during a research trawl survey (>200 m), respectively and the biology of these vulnerable species is unknown. The aim of this work is to describe the spatial distribution patterns of biomass, size structure and morphometric relationships of E. occidentalis and E. pandionis in deep waters of the Colombian Caribbean Sea. The samples were collected by trawling in depths between 200 and 550 m. No statistical differences were found in size by sexes in both species. In female and male E. occidentalis the growth was isometric, while in female and male E. pandionis it was positive allometric. E. occidentalis occurred mainly in the northern zone of Colombian Caribbean Sea, with highest aggregations off Santa Marta and Riohacha. E. pandionis was distributed in the northern area between Santa Marta and Riohacha and in the southern area between Cartagena and Morrosquillo Gulf. However, before the exploitation of these species is considered, further research is required to determine basic life history traits, such as growth, reproduction, recruitment, and mortality.  相似文献   

Species composition, ratio, distribution, and size composition of Zoarcidae on the shelf and the upper part of the continental slope of the northern part of Japan at depths of 5 to 700 m were analyzed on the basis of four trawl surveys. In the studied area, nine species of Zoarcidae were found: Bilabria sp., Bothrocara hollandi, Davidijordania lacertina, Lycodes japonicus, L. nakamurae, L. cf. yamatoi, L. tanakae, L. toyamensis, and L. cf. ushakovi. Data on catches, density of distribution at different depths, and size composition are listed for each species. Four species: B. hollandi, L. tanakae, L. nakamurae, and L. cf. yamatoi have the greatest biomass and numbers among zoarcids in the northern part of the Sea of Japan. It was shown that zoarcids from the northern part of the Sea of Japan, similar to most demersal fish, perform seasonal migrations from the depths of 200 to 500 m, which they inhabit in the summer period, to depths larger than 400 m in the winter. It was found that the most common species of Zoarcidae (B. hollandi, L. tanakae, L. nakamurae, L. cf. yamatoi, and L. toyamensis) dwell mainly in waters of the intermediate water mass and the upper part of the Sea of Japan water mass. These species are abundant at depths larger than 200 m, which permits assigning them to a mesobenthal ecological group. All of the studied species of Zoarcidae from the given region are stenothermal—the temperature range of their habitation is below 2°C, as a rule, from 0.3 to 2.5°C.  相似文献   

The spatial and bathymetric distribution of the Greenland smooth cockle, Serripes groenlandicus, in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan has been studied based on the data of three dredge surveys conducted in 2010–2012. The bathymetric range of the species habitat is 20–75 m; the densest aggregations are associated with sandy silt sediments in the central part of the bay at depths of 55–60 m. The surveyed area of S. groenlandicus aggregation is 2255 km2; the total area is believed to be 3430 km2. The estimated total species biomass averages 8731 t, ranging within 8538–9831 t.  相似文献   

The composition of common species in some macrozoobenthos groups that are considered as potential indicators of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VME), in the Anadyr Bay area, Bering Sea have been determined based on the results of four benthic surveys using a benthic grab sampler (1985, 2005) and a bottom trawl (2008, 2012). These are soft corals (Gersemia rubiformis), sponges (Myxilla incrustans, Halichondria panicea, and Semisuberites cribrosa), ascidians (Halocynthia aurantium and Boltenia ovifera), bryozoans (Cystisella saccata and Flustra foliacea), barnacles (Chirona evermanni), and the brittle star (Gorgonocephalus eucnemis). The distribution of these animals has been mapped. Aggregations of immobile sestonophages (the former five groups) are formed on hard coarse-grained and mixed sediments in waters with higher hydrodynamic activity (along the southwestern and northeastern coasts of the Anadyr Bay, mainly at depths of 80–90 m). In some cases, sponges and bryozoans in the southern part of the area can descend to a depth of 250 m (in the Navarin Canyon). The mobile filterer G. eucnemis forms aggregations mainly on soft sediments in the central part of Anadyr Bay, at depths of 50–270 m, in the area of a localized spot of near-bottom cold water. According to the results of trawl surveys conducted in 2008 and 2012, the mean biomass of the sponges, the brittle star G. eucnemis, and the sea squirt B. ovifera did not change, whereas the mean biomass of the barnacle Ch. evermanni and sea peach H. aurantium decreased by 6.5 and 3.7 times, respectively. Since the level of trawl fishing activity in the region is not high, the hypothesis has been proposed that the decrease in the abundance of the latter two species is presumably caused by the natural dynamics of their population or can be related to the factor of randomness, as these species are caught in their mosaically distributed local aggregations.  相似文献   

In the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan, skate Bathyraja parmifera in catches of the bottom trawl occurs at depths of 40 to 830 m at the near-bottom temperature of 0.4–4.9°C. Throughout the year, the skate performs migrations within the continental slope and, in the feeding period, inhabits mainly the depth range of 300 to 500 m. Maximal average density of aggregations of B. parmifera is observed in waters of northern Primorye; minimal average density is observed in Peter the Great Bay and on the Yamato Bank. In catches, skates with a length of 17–130 cm and a weight of 0.5–18.8 kg are recorded; however, fish with a length of 80–115 cm dominate. Individuals with a length of up to 40 cm feed mainly on amphipods, and larger immature and adult individuals feed on decapods, cephalopods, and fish. The value of the daily ration of B. parmifera with its growth decreases from 2.4 to 0.9% of the body weight. Specific ecological features of B. parmifera are a cause of its considerable underfishing by the bottom trawl; therefore, the total resource of this species in the considered region may be at the level of maximal estimates obtained during surveys and comprise no less than 20000 t.  相似文献   

Hamaticolax resupinus n. sp. is described from specimens collected from the gill cavities of Coelorinchus mediterraneus Iwamoto & Ungaro and Coryphaenoides mediterraneus (Giglioli) (Gadiformes: Macrouridae) caught in the Western Mediterranean Sea at depths between 1,236 and 1,626 m. Hamaticolax resupinus n. sp. closely resembles H. maleus Oldewage, 1994, but differs from the latter by its smaller body size and in having a genital double-somite in the female that is markedly wider than the free abdominal somites and has strongly convex lateral margins. The new species is only the second bomolochid found on a macrourid host and is the first from depths in excess of 1,200 m. Hamaticolax resupinus n. sp. also represents the first parasitic copepod recorded from Coe. mediterraneus and only the third one from Cor. mediterraneus worldwide.  相似文献   

The structure and seasonal dynamics of marine algal communities dominated by Cystoseira crinita Duby, 1830 were studied in the northeastern Black Sea at depths of 2, 5, and 10 m. Seasonal fluctuations were found to be mainly manifested in biomass changes of the dominant species C. crinita at depths of 2 and 5 m. No seasonal changes in the studied parameters of communities were found at a depth of 10 m. The mean annual production of C. crinita was 1472.3 g/m2, with the maximum at a depth of 5 m (2148.1 g/m2). The minimum production was observed at a depth of 10 m. At all depths, the production of C. crinita was highest in the spring; this index had zero values in the fall and winter.  相似文献   

A new species, Melanostigma olgae sp. n., is described from the Southern Ocean. The type series was obtained along the South Sandwich Islands (Scotia Sea, Western Antarctic) at the depths of 800?850 m. The new species differs from the other representatives of Melanostigma genus by the original combination of the features of the seismosensory system, axial skeleton, and coloration. The homologization of the structural elements (senses) of the head canals of the lateral line has been done for the first time for the Melanostigma. Morphology of M. olgae allows considering this species as the most evolutionary advanced within the representatives of this genus inhabiting the Southern Ocean. The key of the Antarctic species of the genus Melanostigma is provided.  相似文献   

Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) occur throughout the circumpolar north; however, their distributions at localized scales are not well understood. The seasonal habitat associations and diet preferences across life-history stages of this keystone species are also poorly known, thereby impeding effective regulatory efforts in support of conservation objectives. The distribution of Arctic Cod in the Canadian Beaufort Sea was assessed using bottom trawling in shelf and slope habitats between 20 and 1000 m depths. Highest catch biomasses occurred at 350 and 500 m depth slope stations, coinciding with >0 °C temperatures in the Pacific–Atlantic thermohalocline and Atlantic water mass. Calanus glacialis, Calanus hyperboreus, Themisto libellula, and Themisto abyssorum were identified as key prey species in the diet of Arctic Cod, comprising approximately 86 % of total biomass in guts. Hierarchical cluster analysis with a SIMPROF test identified five statistically significant (p < 0.05) diet groups among gut samples. Arctic Cod shifted from a primarily Calanus diet at shelf stations (<200 m depth) to a Themisto diet in slope habitats (>200 m depth) coinciding with an associated increase in fish standard length with depth. Smaller Arctic Cod fed primarily on Calanus copepods and larger Arctic Cod fed primarily on the larger Themisto species. The habitat and diet associations presented here will inform knowledge of structural and functional relationships in Arctic marine ecosystems, aid in mitigation and conservation efforts, and will enhance our ability to predict the effects of climate change on the local spatial and depth associations of this pivotal marine fish.  相似文献   

A study of epibiosis of the brown alga Costaria costata in the sublittoral zone of Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan during the spring and summer of 2016 showed that hermit crabs of the following four species accounted for approximately 85% of the total biomass: Pagurus proximus, P. minutus, P. brachiomastus, and P. middendorffii. Of these, the most abundant one (96.5% of the total number of hermit crabs) was P. proximus, the mean aggregation density of which on C. costata (429 ± 221 ind./m2) was higher by an order of magnitude than that in the adjacent area of the bouldery bottom. The size ranges of males and females of this species in aggregations on boulders and those on C. costata were similar, with a predominance of larger individuals on algae. In the size–frequency distribution, three groups of individuals corresponding to three size–age cohorts were differentiated. The male-to-female ratio was 1 : 1.7. Hermit crab aggregations on C. costata are ephemeral; their existence is determined by the duration of the period of algae development, that is, from late spring to the middle of the summer.  相似文献   

A total of 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from RAPD products in the Xinjiang Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus grubei). The number of alleles (Na) per locus varied from 2 to 10. Observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosities ranged from 0.64 to 0.92, and from 0.63 to 0.88, respectively. Considerable differences were found among HBH, FH and FY populations in the number of alleles, effective number of alleles, number of genotypes at all of these loci. These new RAPD-SSR markers have provided a helpful tool for genetic analyses and resources conservation of T. arcticus grubei. Five additional fish species, Amur grayling (Thymallus grubii), Taimen (Hucho taimen), Sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicus), Lenok (Brachymystax lenok) and Red seam bream (Pagrosomus major) were assessed for cross-species amplification. Three of the five species showed at least one polymorphic locus. In addition, seven loci were found to be polymorphic in at least one species.  相似文献   

A new species of the eel cod Muraenolepis kuderskii sp. nova from the Scotia Sea, South Georgia, from depths of 440–605 m is described. The species belongs to the group of “few-rayed” species having less than 150 rays in the dorsal fin and less than 114 rays in the anal fin. According to general body proportions, M. kuderskii is closely related to high-latitude Antarctic species M. trunovi; however, it differs from the latter and all other species of the group of “few-rayed” eel cods in a short chin barbel, small sizes of the eye, a short antebranchial distance, a short anteanal distance, and a long postanal distance.  相似文献   

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