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The morphology of winter buds, shoot growth and branching architecturewas studied in evergreen broad-leaved trees of subtropical/warm-temperaterain forests of southern and central Japan. Winter buds werecategorized into three types based on external morphology anddevelopmental processes: naked, hypsophyllary and scaled buds.Each shoot tip with intermittent growth was covered with a smallnumber of immature leaves or hypsophylls when growth ceased.Hypsophylls protect the apical meristem during its resting period,hence we termed them hypsophyllary buds. In trees with nakedbuds, immature leaves resumed their growth and developed tomature leaves the following spring; thus these trees had nospecial organs to cover shoot tips during winter. In trees withhypsophyllary buds, some hypsophylls covering the shoot tipsthrough the year were shed without further growth when new shootsstarted to grow in the spring. In trees with scaled buds, newlygrowing shoots had hypsophyllary buds at their tips in spring.After the completion of stem elongation, the buds were replacedby scaled buds (often covered with more than 30 scales) in summer.These scaled buds grew during autumn and winter until a newflush of growth the following spring. The three bud types correspondedto forest stratification in the northern-limit forest: the nakedbuds of Rubiaceae and Myrsinaceae in the ground layer; the hypsophyllarybuds of various families (e.g. Symplocaceae, Myrsinaceae) inthe understorey; and the scaled buds of Fagaceae and Lauraceaein the forest canopy. The position and activity of buds on abranch were reflected in the architectural patterns of the treesin different layers of the forest. The scaled-bud trees hadwell-protected, abundant axillary buds and are probably suitedto survive in the forest canopy (with frequent disturbances),whereas the single terminal bud of hypsophyllary-bud trees cansurvive in the less disturbed, resource-limited understoreyof the forest.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Bud structural type; bud formation; bud growth; shoot elongation; shoot-growth cycle; branching architecture; forest stratification.  相似文献   

In a field experiment to investigate the physiological causesof variation in yield between autumn- and spring-sown wheatand between old and new varieties, the grain yields of the winterwheats were 3-15 per cent, greater than of the spring ones andthe new varieties Cappelle-Desprez and Jufy I yielded 40-70per cent, more than Squarehead's Master and Atle. Nitrogen fertilizerincreased the yields of Cappelle-Desprez and Jufy I more thanof Atle, and decreased the yield of Squarehead's Master by makingit lodge. Until ear emergence the winter varieties had greater leaf-areaindices (L) and dry weights, but smaller net assimilation rates(E), than the spring varieties. Square-head's Master had greaterL but smaller E, and similar dry weight to Cappelle-Desprez.Jufy I had similar E to Atlc, but greater L and dry weight.Nitrogen increased L and dry weight, but decreased E. All thedifferences in E between varieties and nitrogen treatments couldbe explained by the opposite effects on L, that is to say, thedifferences in E were caused by variation in mutual shadingarising from the differences in L and not by changes in leafphysiology. L of winter wheat reached its maximum at the end of May, butL of spring wheat continued to increase until ear emergence.Afterwards Ldecreased more rapidly for winter than for springwheat, so that eventually spring wheat had the greater L. Thesedifferences in the time changes of L partially compensated forthe shorter growth period of spring wheat, and tended to equalizethe grain yield from winter and spring sowings. After ear emergence total dry weight of winter varieties continuedto be greater than of spring ones, but the difference in dryweight of ears was much smaller because ear: shoot dry-weightratio was greater for the spring varieties. Total dry weight,ear dry weight and ear: shoot ratio were all greater in thenew than in the old varieties. Leaf area duration (D) afterear emergence was slightly greater for the winter than for thespring varieties and similar for old and new. The apparent efficiencyof this leaf area in grain production, measured by the grainleaf ratio (ratio of grain dry weight to D), was similar forwinter and spring varieties but greater for new than for old.This suggests that Cappelle-Desprez and Jufy I have higher grainyields because their ears photosynthesize more than do the earsof Squarehead's Master and Atle. Before ear emergence winter varieties had more shoots than springones, and old varieties more than new. After ear emergence therewere only small differences in numbers of ears; percentage survivalwas greater for spring than for winter and for new than forold varieties. Differences in dry weight between varieties were not causedby differences in nitrogen uptake.  相似文献   

Shoot and root growth rate, carbohydrate accumulation (includingfructan), reducing sugar content and dry matter percentage weremeasured in six wheat cultivars, ranging from winter to springtypes, grown at either 5 or 25 °C. At 5 °C (comparedwith 25 °C), the relative growth rate (RGR) of shoots wassimilarly reduced in all cultivars, but the RGR of shoots wasmore affected in winter wheats. This difference resulted insmaller root:shoot ratios than in spring wheats, which alsodeveloped more first-order lateral roots. A direct relationshipbetween carbohydrate accumulation at low temperatures and reductionin root growth was established. These results suggest that differentialshootvs.root growth inhibition at low temperature may play akey role in carbohydrate accumulation at chilling temperatures.This differential response might lead to improvements in survivalat temperatures below 0 °C, regrowth during spring, andwater and nutrient absorption at low temperatures.Copyright1997 Annals of Botany Company Wheat; Triticum aestivum; low temperatures; root growth; root: shoot ratio; sugar accumulation  相似文献   

Several morphological, anatomical and physiological changesand their relationship with differential root vs. shoot growthinhibition at low temperature (5°C) were studied in springand winter wheat cultivars. Root:shoot ratios, expressed eitheras a function of root and shoot fresh weight or as a functionof root and leaf areas, increased at low temperature and thisincrement was more pronounced in spring cultivars than in winterones. Although winter cultivars developed relatively smallerroot systems at 5°C, this characteristic was counterbalancedby a lower stomatal frequency and increased thickness of epidermalcell walls in leaves unfolded at this temperature, relativeto spring cultivars. Likewise, at 5°C a decrease in theosmotic potential of shoots and roots was observed in parallelwith sugar accumulation; this decrease was more marked in wintercultivars. These results indicate a differential morpho-anatomicaland physiological plasticity of winter and spring cultivarsduring development at low temperature. The possible associationbetween these changes and plant water economy at low temperaturesis discussed. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Spring wheat, winter wheat, Triticum aestivum, low temperature, root:shoot ratio, root surface area, stomatal frequency, osmotic potential  相似文献   

The effect of N fertilization on the relative carbon partitioningto the roots of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb ), grownunder field conditions, was studied with a 14C-labelling techniqueon three regrowths representing contrasting growing seasonsUnder non-limiting N growing conditions, the relative carbonpartitioning to the roots averaged 17.0, 15 8, and 11 1% inthe summer, autumn, and spring regrowths, respectively The relativecarbon partitioning to the roots increased during the summerand autumn regrowths but decreased during the spring regrowthIn the absence of N fertilization, the relative carbon partitioningto the roots averaged 31 3, 26 5, and 26 7 in the summer, autumn,and spring regrowths, respectively The results were interpretedin terms of a functional equilibrium between the shoots andthe roots It was concluded that, for a dense canopy of a perennialgrass growing under fluctuating conditions of solar radiationand temperature, the relative growth of the roots compared tothe relative growth of the total biomass is primarily a functionof the shoot biomass Festuca arundinacea Schreb, carbon, partitioning, nitrogen, root growth, fertilization, grass  相似文献   

云南横坑切梢小蠹生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶辉  吕军 《昆虫学报》2004,47(2):223-228
横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor (Hartig)是云南松Pinus yunnanensis Franchet的主要次期性害虫之一。1980年以来,该虫与纵坑切梢小蠹T. piniperda(L.)一起在中国西南部大量发生,导致数十万公顷云南松林受害。本文报道了横坑切梢小蠹在云南地区的生活史、生长、发育、繁殖等生物学特征。横坑切梢小蠹年生活史为一代,前后两代在冬春季有部分重叠。成虫羽化于4月下旬开始陆续,5 月下旬结束。成虫羽化后即飞到树冠上蛀食枝梢,直到11月发育成熟,开始繁殖。在此期间,每头成虫可以蛀食4~6个枝梢。横坑切梢小蠹在云南没有越冬习性。繁殖期从11月至次年3月。成虫主要在已经受到纵坑切梢小蠹危害的树木的中、下部产卵。繁殖期较纵坑切梢小蠹约迟1周。由于横坑切梢小蠹从枝梢到树干对云南松持续危害,对树木的危害性较在其它地区更为严重。横坑切梢小蠹利用受到纵坑切梢小蠹蛀害的树木繁殖产卵,加强了蠹虫对云南松树的危害,加速了受害树木的死亡进程。横坑切梢小蠹的上述生物生态学特征是该虫对云南松造成严重危害的重要原因。从横坑切梢小蠹虫体和虫坑中检测到伴生真菌云南半帚孢Leptographium yunnanensis。横坑切梢小蠹对该菌的带菌率在蛀梢期为11.5%;在蛀干中期约为10%~26%。  相似文献   

The partition of 14C labelled current assimilates to root insimulated swards of Lolium perenne cv. S24 was measured duringthe transition from vegetative growth in autumn to reproductivegrowth in spring under close to natural conditions of lightand temperature. Assimilate partitioning was also measured in‘established’ swards cut three times during thegrowing season and in vegetative ‘seedling’ swardsgrowing in autumn and in spring. All measurements were madewhen the swards had achieved more than 90 per cent light interception,and all swards were abundantly supplied with water and mineralnutrients. During autumn there was a gradual decrease in the proportionof assimilates partitioned to the roots in both the ‘established’and the ‘seedling’ swards. In the established swards,partition to roots was low over winter, increased during earlyspring, but decreased dramatically, later in the spring, whenstem elongation began. In contrast, in the unvernalized vegatativeseedling swards in spring, partition to roots remained high. The seasonal pattern of assimilate partitioning is consideredin relation to changes in the natural environment and the rateat which the crop fixed carbon in photosynthesis. A decreasein the proportion of assimilates partitioned to roots duringlate spring was significant in increasing the production ofshoot at that time but seasonal differences in partition contributedvery little to the marked differences in shoot growth betweenthe spring and autumn crop. Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, partition of assimilates, flowering  相似文献   

Recent studies (Rapacz 1999) have shown that cultivars of spring-type oilseed rape are able to cold-acclimate to the level comparable with winter cultivars, but only after prehardening which results both in the increase of photosynthetic activity and in growth cessation. It is commonly known that under field conditions spring-type cultivars could not survive winter. Present studies were undertaken to explain the reasons for low winter hardiness of spring type rape plants. Six cultivars of spring and two of winter rape were sown in the open-air vegetation room at the end of August. The obtained results indicate that the degree of frost damage in spring-type plants increased in the course of winter and this increase was parallel to elongation of generative shoots observed after periods of warming. Each spring cultivar was completely killed by frost just after its generative shoot reached 15–20 cm, irrespective of its frost resistance level, determined previously under laboratory conditions. In the case of winter cultivars survival rate was consistent with laboratory-estimated frost resistance. It is suggested that spring rape could not survive winter because of its limited ability to prevent shoot elongation during winter at temperatures slightly above 0 °C. It was also found that less efficient photosynthetic electron transport in autumn was observed in these spring cultivars in which the elongation of generative shoots was observed already during the first warm break in winter.  相似文献   

Buds of sweet orange, harvested from shoots of different timeof flushing and from different positions along the shoot, wereused to examine whether lack of burst of inserted buds was acharacteristic of the bud. Bursting of inserted buds was significantlyslower in buds taken from (a) older branches (b) shoots producedunder winter conditions, and (c) basal rather than apical budson the same shoot. The slowness to burst when transferred matched a tendency todormancy in buds on shoot segments grown in vitro, suggestingthat the variation in budburst was intrinsic to the bud. Budburstwas correlated with the extent of secondary bud development;the majority of buds from apical regions of the shoot had developeda secondary bud by the time of implantation, but basal budshad not. Adequate vascular connections with the host tissueswere found in both burst and unburst buds. Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, sweet orange, buds, endodormancy, budding  相似文献   

Previous studies analyzed the importance of old leaves conservancy for wintergreen species plant growth only after early spring old leaves elimination. However, carbon and nutrient resources for growth could have already been translocated from old leaves to shoots during autumn. In this work, the effect of old leaves absence on the leaf mass per area (LMA, g m−2) and nutrient concentration of new spring leaves, shoot growth, and flowering was studied in Aristotelia chilensis, an Andean Patagonic woody wintergreen species of Argentina. Plants were studied after autumn defoliation (AD) or late winter defoliation (WD) and results were compared to those of undamaged control plants (CO). The new leaves LMA and mineral nutrient (N, P, K, and Mg) concentration values did not decrease in AD or WD compared to CO plants. Conversely, CO plants showed higher flowering intensity and shoot lengthening compared to AD or WD plants. There were not remarkable differences regarding the defoliation time, though non-flowering shoots grew in a lesser degree than the flowering shoots in WD plants. It was concluded that A. chilensis old leaves cohort is an important source to shoot growth and flowering but their absence does not affect the new leaves structure or nutritional status from early spring in either AD or in WD plants. New leaves formation probably is guaranteed by resources (carbon and nutrients) previously stored in stems or even in the buds containing the preformed leaves since March, by the end of summer. Provided the availability of complete resources for the new leaf flush independently of the old leaves A. chilensis would restore the carbon balance as soon as possible to resume the growth of heterotrophic tissues at normal rates. Endogenous response to counterbalance the old leaves absence on non-flowering shoots was more effective when there was greater lag time between defoliation and shoot growth resume. Flowering and non-flowering shoots compete for the available resources when A. chilensis have not yet expanded leaves and shoots supporting reproductive structures were stronger sinks compared to non-flowering shoots in WD plants.  相似文献   

MAGGS  D. H. 《Annals of botany》1957,21(4):539-554
In order to ascertain growth-rates of scions free from rootstocklimitations, shoot- and root-scions were induced to grow veryrapidly by grafting them on to heavily pruned rootstocks. Underthese conditions the growth-rates of shoot-scions did not followthe same order as the root-scions of the same varieties; thegrowth-rates of root and shoot scions relative to one anotherwere in accordance with the hypothesis that the growth-rateof a composite tree wan the resultant of the growth-rates ofits component varieties. Varietali differences in shoot weightwere attributable largely to differences in the proportion ofleafage on the shoots, average increments in shoot weight pergram of leaf being nearly the aame for all varieties; withinvarieties, the lighter shoots had less increment per gram ofleaf than the heavier, despite, in some cases, a higher proportionof leafage.  相似文献   

Shoot polymorphism and patterns of sylleptic branching and shoottip abscission in two Zizyphus species are reported. Z. mauritiana(ber) produced three types of proleptic shoots: vigorous, normaland spur-type, by reiteration or following pruning;Z. oenopliahad only one type of shoot. Both species revealed up to thirdorder sylleptic branching on the vigorous proleptic shoots witha characteristic pattern and rhythm. Bud dormancy breaking chemicalsgiven as pre-pruning foliar sprays in ber, did not alter thepattern of sylleptic branching. Zizyphus oenoplia produced morefirst and second order sylleptic branches compared to Z. mauritiana.All main axes and 97% of first order sylleptic branches ofZ.mauritiana abscised their apical buds during summer, but inZ. oenoplia all main axes and 54% of first order sylleptic branchesremained active. Shoot tip abscission was almost complete onthe higher order sylleptic branches of both species. Activefirst order branches in Z. oenoplia were confined to the tophalf of the shoot. Both species had a few dormant apical budsduring the summer on their sylleptic branches, emerging mostlyfrom the middle portion of the shoot. Some of the most vigorousfirst order branches of Z. oenoplia, which had dormant apicalbuds during summer, showed a change in the frequency of syllepticbranching when they resumed growth following monsoon showers.These characteristic growth and branching patterns may haveadaptive value for canopy development under arid and semi-aridconditions. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Ber, branching pattern, shoot polymorphism, shoot tip abscission, sylleptic branching, Zizyphus mauritiana, Zizyphus oenoplia.  相似文献   

The influence of shoot architectural position on growth andbranching pattern of young Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manettiex Carrière trees were studied. Extension growth andtype of axillary products (lateral bud, sylleptic short or longshoots) of annual shoots of increasing branching order (mainstem, branches and branchlets) were recorded weekly during the1993 growing season. Annual final shoot length, duration ofextension, and maximum extension rate decreased with increasingbranching order. Sylleptic axillary shoots occurred only onannual shoots of the main stem and branches and were producedwhen extension rate was at its highest. Differences in growthrate and final length of annual shoots, according to their architecturalposition, were related to differences in the total number anddiversity of types of sylleptic axillary shoots produced. Itis suggested that types and numbers of sylleptic axillary shootsproduced are linked with threshold values for both final lengthand extension rate of the parent shoot. Copyright 1999 Annalsof Botany Company Atlas cedar, extension growth, sylleptic branching, tree architecture, morphology.  相似文献   

Lammas shoots are flushes formed by some woody species later in the growing season. Having less time to develop, tissue formation is suggested to be incomplete leading to a higher peridermal water loss during consecutive months. In this study, we analysed morphological and anatomical parameters, peridermal conductance to water vapour and the level of native embolism in mid-winter and late-winter of lammas shoots and normal spring shoots of the apple varieties Malus domestica ‘Gala’ and ‘Nicoter’. Lammas shoots showed a significantly higher shoot cross-sectional area due to larger pith and corticular parenchyma areas. In contrast, phloem was significantly thicker in spring shoots. No pronounced differences were observed in xylem and collenchyma thickness or mean hydraulic conduit diameter. The phellem of spring shoots was composed of more suberinised cells compared to lammas shoots, which led to a significantly higher peridermal conductance in the latter. The amount of native embolism in mid-winter did not differ between shoot types, but in late-winter lammas shoots were more embolised than spring shoots. Data show that the restricted vegetation period of lammas shoots affects their development and, in consequence, their transpiration shield. This may also pose a risk for winter desiccation.  相似文献   

The dominant Antarctic copepod species Calanoides acutus, Calanuspropinquus, Rhincalanus gigas and Metridia gerlachei were investigatedwith respect to their abundance, vertical distribution, developmentalstage composition, dry weight and lipid content. The specimenswere sampled during three expeditions to the eastern WeddellSea in summer (January/February 1985), late winter/early spring(October/November 1986) and autumn (April/May 1992) between0 and 1000 m depth to follow the seasonal development of thepopulations. Three species were most abundant in April, onlyC.propinquus reached highest concentrations in February. A seasonalmigration pattern was evident in all four species, but was mostpronounced in C.acutus. In October/November, they inhabiteddeeper water layers, their ascent started by mid-November andin mid-February the species concentrated in the upper 50 m,except for M.gerlachei (50–100 m). Their descent was observedin April/May. The stage composition changed dramatically withseason, the older developmental stages (CIII–CVI) dominatedthe populations in late winter/early spring, whereas youngerstages (CI and CII) prevailed during summer (C.acutus, C.propinquus)or autumn (R.gigas, M.gerlachei). Only C.acutus ceased feedingin autumn and diapaused at depth. Strong differences betweenseasons were also detected in dry weight and lipid levels, withminima in late winter/early spring and maxima in summer (C.acutus,R.gigas) or autumn (C.propinquus, M.gerlachei). Lipid reservesseem to be most important for the older stages of C.acutus andC.propinquus. Based on these seasonal data, different life cyclestrategies are suggested for the four species.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for producing axillary shoots fromseedling apices and adventitious shoots from petioles and leaf-derivedcallus of sugar beet cultivars. The rate of adventitious shootregeneration from petioles was influenced by temperature, BAPconcentration of the medium, and the time in culture of theseedling apices from which the petioles were excised. Petiolesectioning confirmed that adventitious shoots originated inthe sub-epidermal parenchyma. Two distinct types of callus wereproduced from leaf explants, but only white friable callus wascapable of shoot development. This callus developed from browntissue and was composed of thin-walled cells with dense cytoplasmand prominent nuclei. Green compact callus with thick-walledlignified cells developed from green tissue, but did not produceshoots. Successful seed sterilization and shoot regenerationfrom petiole explants and callus was cultivar-dependent. Adventitiousshoots were rooted and successfully transplanted to pottingcompost under glasshouse conditions. Key words: Adventitious shoots, axillary shoots, callus, sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)  相似文献   

The population dynamics of annual shoots in four clonal patches of Miscanthus sinensis was surveyed in terms of clone persistence. Over a study period of 3 years, a stable net shoot number was attained through a balanced replacement of old shoots by tillering 2–3 times a year. The birth rate was significantly correlated with the average monthly temperature. This suggests that a warm climate advances the date of tillerings, and shoots become taller as they emerge earlier. Five cohorts were identified, corresponding to shoots that were born in spring, early summer, summer, autumn and early winter. The autumn cohorts were more numerous and had a greater longevity than the other cohorts; they were thus were best suited for overwintering and, consequently, maintaining the population from one generation to the next. The shoots of earlier cohorts grew too tall to survive the cold of winter, which might cause freezing injury, while later cohorts shoots excelled in overwintering because of their shortness. However, if the delayed shoots are very short, they will also have difficulty in surviving the early season of growth. Therefore, M. sinensis shoots have an optimum size for survival.  相似文献   

Ramet size equalisation in a clonal plant,Phragmites australis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B. Ekstam 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):440-446
The influence of shading from older generations of dead culms (standing litter) on density, growth rate and development of size structure at the ramet level was investigated in a pure stand of Phragmites australis by experimental neutral shading of plots after removal of standing litter. Initial differences in height distribution between autumn and spring cohorts disappeared in the course of shoot growth. The Gini coefficients of shoot heights and estimated shoot weights indicated that the size structure of the shoots became more equal with increasing mean size in both shaded and unshaded plots. Relative growth rate for height (RHGR) and weight of individual shoots was negatively related to shoot size during the early and presumably storage-dependent growth period, suggesting a strong support for growth of smaller shoots. No etiolation was indicated by mean or maximum height in shaded and unshaded plots, or by the relationship between shoot height and weight. Mean shoot density was significantly lower in shaded than in unshaded plots in one of two shade treatment years. A regression model indicated a small but significant effect of shoot density on the approximately linear relationship between RHGR and the logarithm of height. The growth rate of small shoots was slightly larger at low than at high shoot density. Therefore, it is suggested that the shade from standing litter in P. australis stands can decrease shoot natality in the spring cohort, and thereby increase the support to fewer small shoots.  相似文献   

Shoot Growth and Mortality Patterns of Urtica dioica, a Clonal Forb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth and mortality patterns of the clonal forb Urticadioica were investigated at the level of the individual shootin two growing seasons, 1991 and 1992, in a natural stand. Shootheight and diameter at ground level of each shoot tagged inspring were measured repeatedly five times during the growingseason. Dry weights of these repeatedly measured shoots wereestimated using an allometric relationship between dry weight,height and diameter of harvested shoots. A large decrease inshoot density occurred with stand development from the beginningof the growing season in both the years: (1) shoot survivalrate was about 30% at the end of the growing season; (2) shootmortality rate per 10 x 10 cm subplot between censuses was positivelydependent on shoot density per subplot; (3) the mortality rateof individual shoots was negatively dependent on shoot size(height, diameter and weight) at each growing stage, suggestingone-sided competition between living and dying shoots; (4) shootsize (height, diameter and weight) variability in terms of thecoefficient of variation and skewness decreased in accordancewith shoot mortality. Symmetric competition between living shootswas detected by regression analysis based on a model for individualshoot growth considering the degree of competitive asymmetry.However, the competitive effect on individual shoot growth wasvery small (nearly absent). The mortality pattern of Urticadioica indicates that shoot self-thinning occurred from theearly growing stage as in non-clonal crowded monospecific stands,and contrasts with many clonal plants where shoot self-thinningrarely occurs or, if any, is confined only to a short periodof the later growing stage. The pattern of growth and competitionbetween living shoots of Urtica dioica contrasts with non-clonalcrowded plants undergoing intense competition (usually asymmetric)between individuals, but is a common feature of many clonalplants where shoot competition is supposed to be reduced by'physiological integration' between shoots. These form a newpattern not reported yet for clonal plants. It is pointed outthat clonal plants show a wider spectrum of the growth, competitionand mortality patterns of shoots than non-clonals. Some possiblemechanisms for the pattern of Urtica dioica are discussed.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Shoot competition, diffusion model, individual shoot growth, shoot self-thinning, shoot size variability, Urtica dioica L  相似文献   

LESHEM  B. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(3):413-415
Carnation meristems cultured in vitro grow into shoots of threetypes: normal, translucent and succulent. The apical meristemof succulent shoots was of the mantle-core type and it lackedpro-vascular tissue. The leaf had large vacuolated mesophyllcells, fewer stomata (often plugged), and no plate meristem.A higher agar concentration in the medium increased the percentageof normal shoots developing. This supports other indicationsthat the water potential of the medium affects morphogenesis. carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus L, meristem culture, abnormal plantlets, shoot meristem  相似文献   

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