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Bottom-ice algae within Antarctic sea ice were examined using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. The detailed structure of the bottom-ice algal community growing in the platelet and congelation layers of solid pieces of sea ice was evident for the first time in chlorophyll imaging mode. Strands of fluorescence representing algal cells were clearly visible growing upward into brine channels in a fine network. Images of effective quantum yield (ФPSII) revealed that the ФPSII of algae embedded in the sea ice was approximately 0.5. Furthermore, ФPSII decreased slightly with distance from the ice-water interface.The response of Antarctic sea ice algae to changes in irradiance and salinity, and the effects of slowly warming and melting the ice block sample were examined using this system. The ФPSII of bottom-ice algae decreased as irradiance increased and salinities decreased. Bottom-ice algae appear to be most vulnerable to changes in their environment during the melting process of the ice, and this suggests that algae from this region of the ice may not be able to cope with the stress of melting during summer.Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging provides unprecedented imagery of chlorophyll distribution in sea ice and allows measurement of the responses of sea ice algae to environmental stresses with minimal disruption to their physical habitat. The results obtained with this method are comparable to those obtained with algae that have been melted into liquid culture and this indicates that previous melting protocols reveal meaningful data. In this chlorophyll imaging study, rapid light curves did not saturate and this may prevent further use of this configuration.  相似文献   

Decontamination of ice cores is a critical issue in phylogenetic studies of glacial ice and subglacial lakes. At the Vostok drill site, a total of 3650 m of ice core have now been obtained from the East Antarctic ice sheet. The ice core surface is coated with a hard-to-remove film of impure drilling fluid comprising a mixture of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and foranes. In the present study we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to analyze the bacterial content of the Vostok drilling fluid sampled from four depths in the borehole. Six phylotypes were identified in three of four samples studied. The two dominant phylotypes recovered from the deepest (3400 and 3600 m) and comparatively warm (-10 degrees C and -6 degrees C, respectively) borehole horizons were from within the genus Sphingomonas, a well-known degrader of polyaromatic hydrocarbons. The remaining phylotypes encountered in all samples proved to be human- or soil-associated bacteria and were presumed to be drilling fluid contaminants of rare occurrence. The results obtained indicate the persistence of bacteria in extremely cold, hydrocarbon-rich environments. They show the potential for contamination of ice and subglacial water samples during lake exploration, and the need to develop a microbiological database of drilling fluid findings.  相似文献   

Antarctic subglacial lakes have, over the past few years, been hypothesised to house unique forms of life and hold detailed sedimentary records of past climate change. Testing this hypothesis requires in situ examinations. The direct measurement of subglacial lakes has been considered ever since the largest and best-known lake, named Lake Vostok, was identified as having a deep water-column. The Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE) programme, set up by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to oversee subglacial lakes research, state that prior exploration of smaller lakes would be a “prudent way forward”. Over 145 subglacial lakes are known to exist in Antarctica, but one lake in West Antarctica, officially named Ellsworth Subglacial Lake (referred to hereafter as Lake Ellsworth), stands out as a candidate for early exploration. A consortium of over 20 scientists from seven countries and 14 institutions has been assembled to plan the exploration of Lake Ellsworth. An eight-year programme is envisaged: 3 years for a geophysical survey, 2 years for equipment development and testing, 1 year for field planning and operation, and 2 years for sample analysis and data interpretation. The science experiment is simple in concept but complex in execution. Lake Ellsworth will be accessed using hot water drilling. Once lake access is achieved, a probe will be lowered down the borehole and into the lake. The probe will contain a series of instruments to measure biological, chemical and physical characteristics of the lake water and sediments, and will utilise a tether to the ice surface through which power, communication and data will be transmitted. The probe will pass through the water column to the lake floor. The probe will then be pulled up and out of the lake, measuring its environment continually as this is done. Once at the ice surface, any water samples collected will be taken from the probe for laboratory analysis (to take place over subsequent years). The duration of the science mission, from deployment of the probe to its retrieval, is likely to take between 24 and 36 h. Measurements to be taken by the probe will provide data about the following: depth, pressure, conductivity and temperature; pH levels; biomolecules (using life marker chips); anions (using a chemical analyzer); visualisation of the environment (using cameras and light sources); dissolved gases (using chromatography); and morphology of the lake floor and sediment structures (using sonar). After the probe has been retrieved, a sediment corer may be dropped into the lake to recover material from the lake floor. Finally, if time permits, a thermistor string may be left in the lake water to take time-dependent measurements of the lake’s water column over subsequent years. Given that the comprehensive geophysical survey of the lake will take place in two seasons during 2007–2009, a two-year instrument and logistic development phase from 2008 (after the lake’s bathymetry has been assessed) makes it possible that the exploration of Lake Ellsworth could take place at the beginning of the next decade.  相似文献   

Sea ice is an analog environment for several of astrobiology’s near-term targets: Mars, Europa, Enceladus, and perhaps other Jovian or Saturnian moons. Microorganisms, both eukaryotic and prokaryotic, remain active within brine channels inside the ice, making it unnecessary to penetrate through to liquid water below in order to detect life. We have developed a submersible digital holographic microscope (DHM) that is capable of resolving individual bacterial cells, and demonstrated its utility for immediately imaging samples taken directly from sea ice at several locations near Nuuk, Greenland. In all samples, the appearance and motility of eukaryotes were conclusive signs of life. The appearance of prokaryotic cells alone was not sufficient to confirm life, but when prokaryotic motility occurred, it was rapid and conclusive. Warming the samples to above-freezing temperatures or supplementing with serine increased the number of motile cells and the speed of motility; supplementing with serine also stimulated chemotaxis. These results show that DHM is a useful technique for detection of active organisms in extreme environments, and that motility may be used as a biosignature in the liquid brines that persist in ice. These findings have important implications for the design of missions to icy environments and suggest ways in which DHM imaging may be integrated with chemical life-detection suites in order to create more conclusive life detection packages.  相似文献   

Antarctic subglacial environments host microbial ecosystems and are proving to be geochemically and biologically diverse. The Taylor Glacier, Antarctica, periodically expels iron-rich brine through a conduit sourced from a deep subglacial aquifer, creating a dramatic red surface feature known as Blood Falls. We used Illumina MiSeq sequencing to describe the core microbiome of this subglacial brine and identified previously undetected but abundant groups including the candidate bacterial phylum Atribacteria and archaeal phylum Pacearchaeota. Our work represents the first microbial characterization of samples collected from within a glacier using a melt probe, and the only Antarctic subglacial aquatic environment that, to date, has been sampled twice. A comparative analysis showed the brine community to be stable at the operational taxonomic unit level of 99% identity over a decade. Higher resolution sequencing enabled deconvolution of the microbiome of subglacial brine from mixtures of materials collected at the glacier surface. Diversity patterns between this brine and samples from the surrounding landscape provide insight into the hydrological connectivity of subglacial fluids to the surface polar desert environment. Understanding subice brines collected on the surfaces of thick ice covers has implications for analyses of expelled materials that may be sampled on icy extraterrestrial worlds.  相似文献   

Europa’s chaos and lenticulae features may have originated by thermal diapirs related to convective plumes. Warm ice plumes could be habitable, since their temperature is close to the ice melting temperature. Moreover, thermal plumes intruding into the lower stagnant lid warm several kilometers of country ice above 230 K for periods of 105 years, and hundreds of meters above 240 K for periods of 104 years. Diapir coalescence generating chaos areas should provide a large zone with temperature above ∼240 K for thousands of years. A temperature above ∼230 K is potentially interesting for astrobiology, since it corresponds to the lowest temperature at which microbial metabolic activity in Antarctic ice has been reported. So, the warming by thermal plumes could cause an aureole of biological activation/reactivation in the country ice. Adaptation of life to either high salinity or low temperature is similar: it requires the synthesis of compatible solutes, like trehalose or glycerol, which are efficient cryoprotectants. We therefore propose that the future astrobiological exploration of Europa should include the search for compatible solutes in chaos and lenticulae features.  相似文献   

Psychrophilic and psycrotrophic organisms are important in global ecology as a large proportion of our planet is cold. Two-third of sea-water covering more than 70% of Earth is cold deep sea water with temperature around 2 degrees C, and more than 90% of freshwater is in polar ice-sheets and mountain glaciers. Though biological activity in snow and ice had been believed to be extremely limited, various specialized biotic communities were recently discovered at glaciers of various part of the world. The glacier is relatively simple and closed ecosystem with special biotic community containing various psychrophilic and psycrotrophic organisms. Since psychrophilic organisms was discovered in the deep ice-core recovered from the antarctic ice-sheet and a lake beneath it, snow and ice environments in Mars and Europa are attracting a great deal of scientific attention as possible extraterrestrial habitats of life. This paper briefly reviews the results of the studies on ecology of psychrophilic organisms living in snow and ice environments and their physiological and biochemical adaptation to low temperature.  相似文献   

Field studies on three perennially ice-covered Antarctic oasis lakes with little or no outflow disclosed a unique biological phenomenon. Benthic algal mats dominated by the prokaryotic Phormidium frigidum Fritsch and several pennate diatoms growing in shallower, more brightly illuminated areas beneath 4 to 5.5 m of ice accumulate and entrap bubbles of photosynthetically produced oxygen. Clumps of this gas-filled mat tear loose from the gravelly substrate, lift off and float to the bottom of the lake ice. Some of these floating mat pieces become frozen into newly forming ice with the onset of winter. Through the combination of ablation of ice from the upper surface and the formation of new ice from below, algal mat pieces reach the upper lake surface in 5–10 years. Here, they are lyophilized by polar winds and dispersed in at least a partially viable state. The process of mat lift-off and escape is important in removing nutrients and salts from these lakes and helps to perpetuate their oligotrophic state. Neutron activation and X-ray dispersive analyses of elements in the algal mats along with other analyses, field observations, and calculations suggest that significant quantities of organic matter, select minerals and salts are lost from the lakes annually through this process whose magnitude has not been recognized previously.  相似文献   

The climate record of glacially transported sediments in prograded wedges around the Antarctic outer continental shelf, and their derivatives in continental rise drifts, may be combined to produce an Antarctic ice sheet history, using numerical models of ice sheet response to temperature and sea-level change. Examination of published models suggests several preliminary conclusions about ice sheet history. The ice sheet's present high sensitivity to sea-level change at short (orbital) periods was developed gradually as its size increased, replacing a declining sensitivity to temperature. Models suggest that the ice sheet grew abruptly to 40% (or possibly more) of its present size at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary, mainly as a result of its own temperature sensitivity. A large but more gradual middle Miocene change was externally driven, probably by development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and Polar Front, provided that a few million years' delay can be explained. The Oligocene ice sheet varied considerably in size and areal extent, but the late Miocene ice sheet was more stable, though significantly warmer than today's. This difference probably relates to the confining effect of the Antarctic continental margin. Present-day numerical models of ice sheet development are sufficient to guide current sampling plans, but sea-ice formation, polar wander, basal topography and ice streaming can be identified as factors meriting additional modelling effort in the future.  相似文献   

The timing of the first appearance of animals is of crucial importance for understanding the evolution of life on Earth. Although the fossil record places the earliest metazoans at 572–602 Ma, molecular clock studies suggest a far earlier origination, as far back as ~850 Ma. The difference in these dates would place the rise of animal life into a time period punctuated by multiple colossal, potentially global, glacial events. Although the two schools of thought debate the limitations of each other's methods, little time has been dedicated to how animal life might have survived if it did arise before or during these global glacial periods. The history of recent polar biota shows that organisms have found ways of persisting on and around the ice of the Antarctic continent throughout the Last Glacial Maximum (33–14 Ka), with some endemic species present before the breakup of Gondwana (180–23 Ma). Here we discuss the survival strategies and habitats of modern polar marine organisms in environments analogous to those that could have existed during Neoproterozoic glaciations. We discuss how, despite the apparent harshness of many ice covered, sub-zero, Antarctic marine habitats, animal life thrives on, in and under the ice. Ice dominated systems and processes make some local environments more habitable through water circulation, oxygenation, terrigenous nutrient input and novel habitats. We consider how the physical conditions of Neoproterozoic glaciations would likely have dramatically impacted conditions for potential life in the shallows and erased any possible fossil evidence from the continental shelves. The recent glacial cycle has driven the evolution of Antarctica's unique fauna by acting as a “diversity pump,” and the same could be true for the late Proterozoic and the evolution of animal life on Earth, and the existence of life elsewhere in the universe on icy worlds or moons.  相似文献   

Impacts of climate change on polar seas The polar seas in the Arctic and Antarctic are characterized by extreme cold and the prevalence of sea ice, which provides a unique polar habitat but also strongly affects the pelagic and benthic biota beneath. Life conditions for the marine fauna and flora differ considerably between the Arctic and Southern Oceans, as a result of contrasts in geography, geological history, as well as seasonal dynamics in light regime, sea ice cover and, hence, biological production. Climate change is particularly obvious in the Arctic Ocean and off the Antarctic Peninsula where warming results in a rapid shrinkage of the summer sea ice cover. Such decline threatens the sea‐ice communities and their associated fauna and will also have far reaching effects for the plankton and benthos of the polar seas.  相似文献   

For almost 50 years the planet Mars has been investigated using spacecraft. The search for evidence of life on this planet is among the main tasks of these investigations. This paper discusses some results of the expeditions to Mars and the targets of the future exploration of Europa, one of the four Galileo moons of Jupiter. The search for possible evidence of life on Europa is also a part of new projects. Physical conditions on Mars and Europa are comparable to those on the Earth.  相似文献   

A bacterial ice-binding protein from the Vostok ice core   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacterial and yeast isolates recovered from a deep Antarctic ice core were screened for proteins with ice-binding activity, an indicator of adaptation to icy environments. A bacterial strain recovered from glacial ice at a depth of 3,519 m, just above the accreted ice from Subglacial Lake Vostok, was found to produce a 54 kDa ice-binding protein (GenBank EU694412) that is similar to ice-binding proteins previously found in sea ice diatoms, a snow mold, and a sea ice bacterium. The protein has the ability to inhibit the recrystallization of ice, a phenotype that has clear advantages for survival in ice.  相似文献   

Microbial life beneath a high arctic glacier   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The debris-rich basal ice layers of a high Arctic glacier were shown to contain metabolically diverse microbes that could be cultured oligotrophically at low temperatures (0.3 to 4 degrees C). These organisms included aerobic chemoheterotrophs and anaerobic nitrate reducers, sulfate reducers, and methanogens. Colonies purified from subglacial samples at 4 degrees C appeared to be predominantly psychrophilic. Aerobic chemoheterotrophs were metabolically active in unfrozen basal sediments when they were cultured at 0.3 degrees C in the dark (to simulate nearly in situ conditions), producing (14)CO(2) from radiolabeled sodium acetate with minimal organic amendment (> or =38 microM C). In contrast, no activity was observed when samples were cultured at subfreezing temperatures (< or =-1.8 degrees C) for 66 days. Electron microscopy of thawed basal ice samples revealed various cell morphologies, including dividing cells. This suggests that the subglacial environment beneath a polythermal glacier provides a viable habitat for life and that microbes may be widespread where the basal ice is temperate and water is present at the base of the glacier and where organic carbon from glacially overridden soils is present. Our observations raise the possibility that in situ microbial production of CO(2) and CH(4) beneath ice masses (e.g., the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets) is an important factor in carbon cycling during glacial periods. Moreover, this terrestrial environment may provide a model for viable habitats for life on Mars, since similar conditions may exist or may have existed in the basal sediments beneath the Martian north polar ice cap.  相似文献   

Antarctica is the continent with the harshest climate on the Earth. Antarctic lakes, however, usually presents liquid water, at least during part of the year or below the ice cover, especially those from the sub-Antarctic islands and the maritime Antarctic region where climatic conditions are less extreme. Planktonic communities in these lakes are mostly dominated by microorganisms, including bacteria and phototrophic and heterotrophic protists, and by metazooplankton, usually represented by rotifers and calanoid copepods, the latter mainly from the genus Boeckella. Here I report and discuss on studies performed during the last decade that show that there is a potential for top–down control of the structure of the planktonic microbial food web in sub-Antarctic and maritime Antarctic lakes. In some of the studied lakes, the effect of copepod grazing on protozoa, either ciliates or flagellates, depending on size of both the predator and the prey, could promote cascade effects that would be transmitted to the bacterioplankton assemblage.  相似文献   

The naphthalene-based fluorescent probes Patman and Laurdan detect bilayer polarity at the level of the phospholipid glycerol backbone. This polarity increases with temperature in the liquid–crystalline phase of phosphatidylcholines and was observed even 90 °C above the melting temperature. This study explores mechanisms associated with this phenomenon. Measurements of probe anisotropy and experiments conducted at 1 M NaCl or KCl (to reduce water permittivity) revealed that this effect represents interactions of water molecules with the probes without proportional increases in probe mobility. Furthermore, comparison of emission spectra to Monte Carlo simulations indicated that the increased polarity represents elevation in probe access to water molecules rather than increased mobility of relevant bilayer waters. Equilibration of these probes with the membrane involves at least two steps which were distinguished by the membrane microenvironment reported by the probe. The difference in those microenvironments also changed with temperature in the liquid–crystalline phase in that the equilibrium state was less polar than the initial environment detected by Patman at temperatures near the melting point, more polar at higher temperatures, and again less polar as temperature was raised further. Laurdan also displayed this level of complexity during equilibration, although the relationship to temperature differed quantitatively from that experienced by Patman. This kinetic approach provides a novel way to study in molecular detail basic principles of what happens to the membrane environment around an individual amphipathic molecule as it penetrates the bilayer. Moreover, it provides evidence of unexpected and interesting membrane behaviors far from the phase transition.  相似文献   

Summary Amos Lake is a shallow, permanently cold, maritime Antarctic lake which is almost totally anoxic for much of the 9 month period of winter ice cover each year. The lake catchment is a source of considerable nutrient enrichment for the lake due to the presence, in summer, of large numbers of seals and seabirds. A dense growth of phytoplankton was supported by this enrichment and, in turn, was a source of nutrients for the diverse microflora of the lake. The phytoplankton had a very high assimilation efficiency and an apparent high tolerance of anoxia. Bacterioplankton numbers and activity were closely linked to algal activity and both groups showed a strong seasonality typical of polar systems. Anaerobic bacteria (notably sulphate reducers and methanogens) were not as significant as anticipated, being largely restricted to the deeper lake trough region and possibly subject to substrate limitation later in the anoxic period. The results are discussed in the context of previous findings for other maritime Antarctic lakes.  相似文献   

Dark Dune Spots (DDSs) are transitional geomorphologic formations in the frost-covered polar regions of Mars. Our analysis of the transformations and arrangements of subsequent stages of DDSs into time sequence revealed their: (i) hole-like characteristics,(ii) development and formation from the bottom of the frosted layer till the disapperance of the latter, (iii) repeated (seasonal and annual) appearance in a pattern of multiple DDSs on the surface, and (iv) probable origin. We focused our studies on a model in which DDSs were interpreted as objects triggered by biological activity involvedin the frosting and melting processes. We discuss two competing interpretations of DDSs: development by defrosting alone, and by defrosting and melting enhanced by the activity of Martian Surface Organisms (MSOs). MSOs are hypothetical Martian photosynthetic surface organisms thought to absorb sunlight. As a result they warm up by late winter and melt the ice around them, whereby their growth and reproduction become possible. The ice cover above the liquid water lens harbouring the MSOs provides excellent heat and UV insulation, preventsfast evaporation, and sustains basic living conditions until the ice cover exists. When the frost cover disappears MSOs go to a dormant, desiccated state. We propose further studies to be carried out by orbiters and landers travelling to Mars and by analysis of partial analogues on earth.  相似文献   

Ecological research on extreme environments can be applied to exobiological problems such as the question of life on Mars. If life forms (fossil or extant) are found on Mars, their study will help to solve fundamental questions about the nature of life on Earth. Extreme environments that are beyond the range of adaptability of their inhabitants are defined as "absolute extreme". Such environments can serve as terrestrial models for the last stages of life in the history of Mars, when the surface cooled down and atmosphere and water disappeared. The cryptoendolithic microbial community in porous rocks of the Ross Desert in Antarctica and the microbial mats at the bottom of frozen Antarctic lakes are such examples. The microbial communities of Siberian permafrost show that, in frozen but stable communities, long-term survival is possible. In the context of terraforming Mars, selected microorganisms isolated from absolute extreme environments are considered for use in creation of a biological carbon cycle.  相似文献   

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