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Here, we report the purification, amino acid sequence and a preliminary biological characterization of a peptide, sr7a, from the venom of Conus spurius, a vermivorous species collected in the Yucatan Channel, Mexico. The peptide consists of 32 amino acid residues (CLQFGSTCFLGDDDICCSGECFYSGGTFGICS&; &, amidated C-terminus) and contains six cysteines arranged in the pattern (C-C-CC-C-C) that characterizes the O-superfamily of conotoxins. This superfamily includes several pharmacological families (omega-, kappa-, muO-, delta- and gamma-conotoxins) that target Ca(2+), K(+), Na(+) and pacemaker voltage-gated ion channels. Compared with other O-conotoxins that were purified from venoms, this peptide displays sequence similarity with omega-SVIA (from Conus striatus), delta-TxVIA/B (from Conus textile), omega-CVID (from Conus catus) and kappa-PVIIA (from Conus purpurascens). At a dose of 250 pmol, peptide sr7a elicited hyperactivity when injected intracranially into mice and produced paralysis when injected into the pedal muscle of freshwater snails, Pomacea paludosa, but it had no apparent effect after intramuscular injection into the limpet Patella opea or the freshwater fish Lebistes reticulatus.  相似文献   

The total synthesis of the Gla-containing "sleeper" peptide (Gly-Glu-Gla-Gla-Leu-Gln-Gla-Asn-Gln-Gla-Leu-Ile-Arg-Gla-Lys-Ser-Asn-NH2 ) from Conus geographus is described. A new strategy for the synthesis of acid-sensitive peptide amides was developed, which allowed complete deprotection and cleavage of the L-gamma-carboxyglutamate-containing peptide from the 2,4-dimethoxybenzhydrylamine resin. Synthetic sleeper peptide, after preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) purification, was shown to be identical with the native peptide by all criteria (coelution experiments of HPLC, sequence analysis, and biological activity). In addition, a developmental switch in the behavioral symptoms induced by the peptide after intracerebral administration in mice was documented. At low doses of the peptide (4-30 pmol/g), a sleeplike state was induced in mice under 2 weeks old; in contrast, older mice became markedly hyperactive. It is proposed that, in the presence of Ca2+, the sleeper peptide assumes an alpha-helical configuration in which all the gamma-carboxyglutamate residues are located on the same side of the alpha-helix.  相似文献   

A major, very hydrophobic peptide, sr5a, was purified from the venom duct of Conus spurius specimens collected in the Yucatan Channel, Mexico. Its amino acid sequence (IINWCCLIFYQCC; calculated monoisotopic mass assuming two disulfide bridges 1616.68 Da) was determined by automatic Edman degradation after reduction and alkylation, and confirmed by mass spectrometry (ESI monoisotopic mass, 1616.60; MALDI monoisotopic mass 1616.42 Da). The primary structure of sr5a showed the pattern that characterizes the family of the T-1-conotoxins, which belong to the T-superfamily of conotoxins. The disulfide bonds were determined by partial reduction and alkylation with N-ethylmaleimide, followed by total reduction and alkylation with 4-vinylpyridine, and automatic Edman sequencing. The connectivity of the Cys residues (I-III, II-IV) is the same as that found in the T-1-conotoxin family. When injected intracranially (2.0 nmol) into mice, peptide sr5a caused depressed behavioral activity.  相似文献   

Peptide sr11a was purified from the venom of Conus spurius, a vermivorous cone snail collected in the Yucatan Channel, in the Western Atlantic. Its primary structure was determined by automatic Edman degradation after reduction and alkylation. Its molecular mass, as determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (average mass 3650.77 Da), confirmed the chemical data (calculated average mass, 3651.13 Da). The sequence of peptide sr11a (CRTEGMSCgamma gamma NQQCCWRSCCRGECEAPCRFGP&; gamma, gamma-carboxy-Glu; &, amidated C-terminus) shows eight Cys residues arranged in the pattern that defines the I-superfamily of conotoxins. Peptide sr11a contains two gamma-carboxy-Glu residues, a post-translational modification that has been found in other I-conotoxins from species that live in the West Pacific: r11e from the piscivorous Conus radiatus, and kappa-BtX from the vermivorous Conus betulinus. Peptide sr11a is the eighth I-conotoxin isolated from a Conus venom and the first I-conotoxin from a species from the Western Atlantic. Peptide sr11a produced stiffening of body, limbs and tail when injected intracranially into mice.  相似文献   

A novel toxin, omega-conotoxin (omega-CgTX), from the venom of the fish-eating marine mollusc Conus geographus has been purified and biochemically characterized. Recently, this omega-conotoxin has been shown to inhibit the voltage-activated entry of Ca2+, thus providing a potentially powerful probe for exploring the vertebrate presynaptic terminal [Kerr, L. M., & Yoshikami, D. (1984) Nature (London) 308, 282-284]. The toxin is a basic 27 amino acid peptide amide with three disulfide bridges. An unusual feature is a remarkable preponderance of hydroxylated amino acids. The sequence of omega-CgTx GVIA is Cys-Lys-Ser- Hyp-Gly5-Ser-Ser-Cys-Ser-Hyp10-Thr-Ser-Tyr-Asn-Cys15-C ys-Arg-Ser- Cys-Asn20-Hyp-Tyr-Thr-Lys-Arg25-Cys-Tyr-NH2.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of conotoxin TVIIA, a 30-residue polypeptide from the venom of the piscivorous cone snail Conus tulipa, has been determined using 2D 1H NMR spectroscopy. TVIIA contains six cysteine residues which form a 'four-loop' structural framework common to many peptides from Conus venoms including the omega-, delta-, kappa-, and muO-conotoxins. However, TVIIA does not belong to these well-characterized pharmacological classes of conotoxins, but displays high sequence identity with conotoxin GS, a muscle sodium channel blocker from Conus geographus. Structure calculations were based on 562 interproton distance restraints inferred from NOE data, together with 18 backbone and nine side-chain torsion angle restraints derived from spin-spin coupling constants. The final family of 20 structures had mean pairwise rms differences over residues 2-27 of 0.18+/-0.05 A for the backbone atoms and 1.39+/-0.33 A for all heavy atoms. The structure consists of a triple-stranded, antiparallel beta sheet with +2x, -1 topology (residues 7-9, 16-20 and 23-27) and several beta turns. The core of the molecule is formed by three disulfide bonds which form a cystine knot motif common to many toxic and inhibitory polypeptides. The global fold, molecular shape and distribution of amino-acid sidechains in TVIIA is similar to that previously reported for conotoxin GS, and comparison with other four-loop conotoxin structures provides further indication that TVIIA and GS represent a new and distinct subgroup of this structural family. The structure of TVIIA determined in this study provides the basis for determining a structure-activity relationship for these molecules and their interaction with target receptors.  相似文献   

A novel conotoxin, pc16a, was isolated from the venom of Conus pictus. This is the first peptide characterized from this South-African cone snail and it has only 11 amino acid residues, SCSCKRNFLCC*, with the rare cysteine framework XVI and a monoisotopic mass of 1257.6Da. Two peptides were synthesized with two possible conformations: globular (pc16a_1) and ribbon (pc16a_2). pc16a_1 co-eluted with the native peptide, which indicates a disulfide connectivity I-III, II-IV. The structure of pc16a_1 was determined by NMR. Both synthetic peptides were used to elucidate the biological activity. Bioassays were performed on crickets, ghost shrimps, larvae of the mealworm beetle and mice, but no effect was seen. Using two-electrode voltage clamp, a range of voltage-gated ion channels (Na(v) and K(v)) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors were screened, but again no activity was found. Hence, the specific target of pc16a still remains to be discovered.  相似文献   

The isolation, purification, and biochemical characterization of the novel peptide Contryphan-Vn, extracted from the venom of the Mediterranean marine snail Conus ventricosus, is reported. Contryphan-Vn is the first Conus peptide described from a vermivorous species and the first purified from the venom of the single Mediterranean Conus species. The amino acid sequence of Contryphan-Vn is As with other contryphans, Contryphan-Vn contains a d-tryptophan residue, is amidated at the C-terminus, and maintains the five-residue intercystine loop size. However, Contryphan-Vn differs from the known contryphans by the insertion of the Asp residue at position 2, by the lack of hydroxylation of Pro(4), and, remarkably, by the presence of the basic residue Lys(6) within the intercystine loop. Although the biological function(s) of contryphans is still unknown, these characteristics suggest distinct molecular target(s) and/or function(s) for Contryphan-Vn.  相似文献   

A novel conotoxin belonging to the 'four-loop' structural class has been isolated from the venom of the piscivorous cone snail Conus tulipa. It was identified using a chemical-directed strategy based largely on mass spectrometric techniques. The new toxin, conotoxin TVIIA, consists of 30 amino-acid residues and contains three disulfide bonds. The amino-acid sequence was determined by Edman analysis as SCSGRDSRCOOVCCMGLMCSRGKCVSIYGE where O = 4-transL-hydroxyproline. Two under-hydroxylated analogues, [Pro10]TVIIA and [Pro10,11]TVIIA, were also identified in the venom of C. tulipa. The sequences of TVIIA and [Pro10]TVIIA were further verified by chemical synthesis and coelution studies with native material. Conotoxin TVIIA has a six cysteine/four-loop structural framework common to many peptides from Conus venoms including the omega-, delta- and kappa-conotoxins. However, TVIIA displays little sequence homology with these well-characterized pharmacological classes of peptides, but displays striking sequence homology with conotoxin GS, a peptide from Conus geographus that blocks skeletal muscle sodium channels. These new toxins and GS share several biochemical features and represent a distinct subgroup of the four-loop conotoxins.  相似文献   

A novel 31-residue toxin, named as7a, was isolated and characterized from the venom of Conus austini, a vermivorous cone snail collected in the western Gulf of Mexico. The complete amino acid sequence, TCKQKGEGCSLDVgammaCCSSSCKPGGPLFDFDC, was determined by automatic Edman sequencing after reduction and alkylation. The sequence shows six Cys residues arranged in the pattern that defines the O-superfamily of conotoxins, and the sequence motif -gammaCCS-, which has only been found in the gamma-conotoxin family. The molecular mass of the native peptide was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry, which confirmed the chemical analyses and suggested a free C-terminus. The purified peptide elicited toxic effects in the freshwater snail Pomacea paludosa after intramuscular injection, but it had no effect when injected intracerebrally into mice. The structural similarity of peptide as7a to other gamma-conotoxins suggests that modulation of pacemaker channels could be responsible for its biological activity.  相似文献   

The cone snail is the only invertebrate system in which the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase (or gamma-carboxylase) and its product gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) have been identified. It remains the sole source of structural information of invertebrate gamma-carboxylase substrates. Four novel Gla-containing peptides were purified from the venom of Conus textile and characterized using biochemical methods and mass spectrometry. The peptides Gla(1)-TxVI, Gla(2)-TxVI/A, Gla(2)-TxVI/B and Gla(3)-TxVI each have six Cys residues and belong to the O-superfamily of conotoxins. All four conopeptides contain 4-trans-hydroxyproline and the unusual amino acid 6-l-bromotryptophan. Gla(2)-TxVI/A and Gla(2)-TxVI/B are isoforms with an amidated C-terminus that differ at positions +1 and +13. Three isoforms of Gla(3)-TxVI were observed that differ at position +7: Gla(3)-TxVI, Glu7-Gla(3)-TxVI and Asp7-Gla(3)-TxVI. The cDNAs encoding the precursors of the four peptides were cloned. The predicted signal sequences (amino acids -46 to -27) were nearly identical and highly hydrophobic. The predicted propeptide region (-20 to -1) that contains the gamma-carboxylation recognition site (gamma-CRS) is very similar in Gla(2)-TxVI/A, Gla(2)-TxVI/B and Gla(3)-TxVI, but is more divergent for Gla(1)-TxVI. Kinetic studies utilizing the Conusgamma-carboxylase and synthetic peptide substrates localized the gamma-CRS of Gla(1)-TxVI to the region -14 to -1 of the polypeptide precursor: the Km was reduced from 1.8 mm for Gla (1)-TxVI lacking a propeptide to 24 microm when a 14-residue propeptide was attached to the substrate. Similarly, addition of an 18-residue propeptide to Gla(2)-TxVI/B reduced the Km value tenfold.  相似文献   

alpha-Conotoxins from marine snails are known to be selective and potent competitive antagonists of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Here we describe the purification, structural features and activity of two novel toxins, SrIA and SrIB, isolated from Conus spurius collected in the Yucatan Channel, Mexico. As determined by direct amino acid and cDNA nucleotide sequencing, the toxins are peptides containing 18 amino acid residues with the typical 4/7-type framework but with completely novel sequences. Therefore, their actions (and that of a synthetic analog, [gamma15E]SrIB) were compared to those exerted by the alpha4/7-conotoxin EI from Conus ermineus, used as a control. Their target specificity was evaluated by the patch-clamp technique in mammalian cells expressing alpha(1)beta(1)gammadelta, alpha(4)beta(2) and alpha(3)beta(4) nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. At high concentrations (10 microm), the peptides SrIA, SrIB and [gamma15E]SrIB showed weak blocking effects only on alpha(4)beta(2) and alpha(1)beta(1)gammadelta subtypes, but EI also strongly blocked alpha(3)beta(4) receptors. In contrast to this blocking effect, the new peptides and EI showed a remarkable potentiation of alpha(1)beta(1)gammadelta and alpha(4)beta(2) nicotinic acetylcholine receptors if briefly (2-15 s) applied at concentrations several orders of magnitude lower (EC(50), 1.78 and 0.37 nm, respectively). These results suggest not only that the novel alpha-conotoxins and EI can operate as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor inhibitors, but also that they bind both alpha(1)beta(1)gammadelta and alpha(4)beta(2) nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with very high affinity and increase their intrinsic cholinergic response. Their unique properties make them excellent tools for studying the toxin-receptor interaction, as well as models with which to design highly specific therapeutic drugs.  相似文献   

Mollusc-specific toxins from the venom of Conus textile neovicarius.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three peptide toxins exhibiting strong paralytic activity to molluscs, but with no paralytic effects on arthropods or vertebrates, were purified from the venom of the molluscivorous snail Conus textile neovicarius from the Red Sea. The amino acid sequences of these mollusc specific toxins are: TxIA, WCKQSGEMCNLLDQNCCDGYCI-VLVCT (identical to the so called 'King Kong peptide'); TxIB, WCKQSGEMCNVLDQNCCDGYCIVFVCT; TxIIA, WGGYSTYC gamma VDS gamma CCSDNCVRSYCT (gamma = gamma-carboxyglutamate). There is a similarity of the Cys framework of these toxins to that of the omega-conotoxins; however, their net negative charges, high content of hydrophobic residues and uneven number of Cys residues in TxIIA, are highly unusual for conotoxins. When assayed on isolated cultured Aplysia neurons, all three toxins induced membrane depolarization and spontaneous repetitive firing. The TxI toxins also induce a marked prolongation of the action potential duration, which is sodium dependent. These effects differ significantly from the blocking activities of piscivorous venom conotoxins. These mollusc specific conotoxins may therefore serve as new and selective probes for ion-channel functions in molluscan neuronal systems.  相似文献   

Natural venoms are promising sources of candidate therapeutics including antibiotics. A recently described potent antimicrobial peptide latarcin 2a (Ltc 2a) from Lachesana tarabaevi spider venom shows a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. This peptide consists of 26 amino acid residues and therefore its production using chemical synthesis, although trivial, is costly. We describe an easy approach to Ltc 2a production in Escherichia coli using the conventional fusion partner thioredoxin. Latarcin 2a synthetic gene was cloned into the expression vector pET-32b, which was then used to transform E. coli BL21(DE3) strain. His-tagged fusion purification was achieved using metal-chelate affinity chromatography. Since no methionine residues are present in the latarcin 2a sequence, cyanogen bromide could be effectively utilized to separate the target product from the carrier protein. Reverse-phase HPLC was used as the final step of purification; the final yield was 3 mg/L of bacterial culture. To increase the yields, we attempted incorporation of Ltc 2a tandem repeats into the fusion protein; however, production rates greatly decreased due to enhanced fusion toxicity. Moreover, we probed constructs to produce an Ltc 2a dimer and the Ltc 2a propeptide to study their functional properties. Recombinant peptides were produced at appreciable yields and biological tests to determine their activities were performed. Latarcin 2a is the first linear peptide from spider venom and one of the first membrane-active peptides from venomous animals to be biosynthetically produced.  相似文献   

A novel anti-mollusk conopeptide pn4c was isolated from the Conus pennaceus venom by repeated HPLC fractionation based on the activity against freshwater snails. The primary structure of pn4c was determined by the mass spectrometric de novo sequencing analysis. In addition, pn3a was isolated from the same fraction containing pn4c, as a peptide with unknown functions.  相似文献   

Cao L  Li Z  Zhang R  Wu Y  Li W  Cao Z 《Peptides》2012,36(2):213-220
Bacterial infection poses an increasing threat to global public health and new types of antibacterial agents are urgently needed to respond to the threat. Scorpion venom contains series of bioactive peptides, among which antibacterial peptide is an important part. Herein, a new antimicrobial peptide StCT2 was characterized from the venomous gland cDNA library of the Scorpiops tibetanus. The full-length cDNA of StCT2 is 369 nucleotides encoding the precursor that contains a putative 24 residues signal peptide, a presumed 14 residues mature peptide, and a putative 37 residues acidic propeptide at the C-terminus. The minimal inhibition concentrations (MICs) of StCT2 for Staphylococcus aureus were 6.25-25μg/ml, including antibiotic-resistant strains such as methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA). StCT2 was further found to show high in vivo antimicrobial activity by an S. aureus infection mouse model. StCT2 exerted its antimicrobial activity via a rapid bactericidal mechanism. Taken together, these results demonstrate the efficacy and general mechanism of StCT2 antimicrobial action and the therapeutic potential of StCT2 as a new antimicrobial peptide.  相似文献   

Many venomous organisms produce toxins that disrupt neuromuscular communication to paralyze their prey. One common class of such toxins comprises nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists (nAChRs). Thus, most toxins that act on nAChRs are targeted to the neuromuscular subtype. The toxin characterized in this report, alpha-conotoxin GIC, is a most striking exception. The 16-amino acid peptide was identified from a genomic DNA clone from Conus geographus. The predicted mature toxin was synthesized, and synthetic toxin was used in all studies described. alpha-Conotoxin GIC shows no paralytic activity in fish or mice. Furthermore, even at concentrations up to 100 microm, the peptide has no detectable effect on the human muscle nicotinic receptor subtype heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In contrast, the toxin has high affinity (IC(50) approximately 1.1 nm) for the human alpha3beta2 subunit combination, making it the most neuronally selective nicotinic antagonist characterized thus far. Although alpha-conotoxin GIC shares some sequence similarity with alpha-conotoxin MII, which is also a potent alpha3beta2 nicotinic antagonist, it is much less hydrophobic, and the kinetics of channel block are substantially different. It is noteworthy that the nicotinic ligands in C. geographus venom fit an emerging pattern in venomous predators, with one nicotinic antagonist targeted to the muscle subtype (thereby causing paralysis) and a second nicotinic antagonist targeted to the alpha3beta2 nAChR subtype (possibly inhibiting the fight-or-flight response).  相似文献   

Kevin G. Krajniak 《Peptides》1991,12(6):1295-1302
The pericardial organs and thoracic ganglia of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus were resected and extracted. The extracts were fractionated by HPLC and the fractions analyzed by a radioimmunoassay (RIA) to FMRFamide. Multiple peaks of immunoreactivity were present and one of these, upon fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-ms) and microsequencing, yielded the sequence GYNRSFLRFamide. The amount of this peptide in each crab is between 7 and 13 pmol. Several incomplete sequences were also characterized, suggesting a precursor with multiple copies of peptides related to GYNRSFLRFamide might occur. The peptide caused a dose-dependent increase in heart rate; threshold was 10 to 30 nM, and the EC50 was 323±62 nM. A structure-activity study of GYNRSFLRFamide on the crab heart suggests that, for full potency, a peptide should be at least a heptapeptide with the sequence XXZFLRFamide, where X is any amino acid and Z is either asparagine or serine.  相似文献   

The apamin sequence has been synthesized by the solid-phase procedure. The synthetic peptide showed the same physiochemical and chemical properties as natural apamin in the following tests: paper electrophoresis, amino acid analyses after acid and enzymatic hydrolyses, sequence analysis, electrophoreses after tryptic and chymotryptic digestions. Synthetic apamin was as active as natural apamin in the neurotoxic assay in mice (LD50, after subcutaneous injection, for the 20-g mouse: 58 mug).  相似文献   

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