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The chondrocranium of the suckermouth armored catfish Ancistrus cf. triradiatus was studied. Its development is described based on specimens ranging from small prehatching stages with no cartilage visible, to larger posthatching stages where the chondrocranium is reducing. Cleared and stained specimens, as well as serial sections, revealed a cartilaginous skeleton with many features common for Siluriformes, yet several aspects of A. cf. triradiatus are not seen as such in other catfishes, or to a lesser extent. The skull is platybasic, but the acrochordal cartilage is very small and variably present, leaving the notochord protruding into the hypophyseal fenestra in the earlier stages. The ethmoid region is slender, with a rudimentary solum nasi. A lateral commissure and myodomes are present. The larger posterior myodome is roofed by a prootic bridge. The maxillary barbel is supported by a conspicuous cartilaginous rod from early prehatching stages. The ceratohyal has four prominent lateral processes. Infrapharyngobranchials I-II do not develop. During ontogeny, the skull lengthens, with an elongated ethmoid, pointing ventrally, and a long and bar-shaped hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate. Meckel's cartilages point medially instead of rostrally.  相似文献   

Development in the osteocranium of Corydoras aeneus was studied based on 48 cleared and stained specimens and 10 series of serial sections. Development overall follows the general trends observed in siluriform development, with ossifications appearing as a response to functional demands. Early development of the skull occurs in two distinct phases. In a first phase, several new bony elements, all of dermal origin and related to feeding, appear shortly after yolk depletion (4.4 mm SL). Between 5 and 8 mm SL, developmental priorities seem to shift to size increase of the cartilaginous skull and no new bony elements appear. Finally, a second phase of osteogenesis occurs from 8 to 18 mm SL, in which all remaining dermal and perichondral bones appear. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Callichthyids take a basal position in the loricarioid evolutionary lineage leading up to an algae scraping feeding mechanism in the loricariid family. Therefore, the study of the morphology and development of a callichthyid representative would contribute to a better knowledge on the differences in cranial morphology and their impact on feeding ecology within this superfamily. Therefore, development in the chondrocranium of Corydoras aeneus was studied based on 22 cleared and stained specimens and 6 series of serial sections. The latter sections were also digitized and used for 3D reconstructions. Development overall follows the typical siluriform trends in chondrocranial development. Even the low complexity of the chondrocranium at hatching fits the trend observed in other siluriforms, although other studies showed loricarioid hatchlings to generally show more complex chondrocrania. In contrast to other catfish, in C. aeneus, the notochord was never found to protrude into the hypophyseal fenestra. In addition, also differing from other siluriforms, a commissura lateralis is present, a state also reported for Ancistrus cf. triradiatus (Geerinckx et al., [2005] J Morphol 266:331-355). The splanchnocranium again has the typical siluriform shape during its ontogeny, with the presence of a compound hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate, although not fused to the neurocranium or interhyal at any time during ontogeny, a state described earlier for Callichthys callichthys (Hoedeman, [1960a] Bull Aquat Biol 1:73-84; Howes and Teugels, [1989] J Zool Lond 219:441-456). The most striking difference found in comparison to other catfishes, however, involves thebranchial basket, which arises as a single element with a further differentiation from the middle arches on in both a rostral and caudal direction.  相似文献   

In the South American catfish family Loricariidae, the opercle has been decoupled from the lower jaw, and has also lost its function in expiration. While many loricariid species have a small and slightly mobile opercle with reduced opercular musculature, within the hypostomine subfamily a novel opercular mechanism has developed that erects a tuft of enlarged odontodes anterior to the opercle. This defensive mechanism is examined in Ancistrus cf. triradiatus. The opercle has a prominent anterior process and the orientation of the reinforced articulation hinge to the hyomandibular bone has shifted. The opercular musculature is well developed, with a hypertrophied dilatator operculi that extends deep inside the skull roof bones and toward the midline, over the brain, but below the superficial skull roof. Hence the frontal, sphenotic, parieto-supraoccipital and compound pterotic bones consist of a dorsal, superficial part and a deeper part separating the brain from the muscle: two functional skull roofs are thus formed. The impact on the path of the cranial sensory canals is substantial, moving canals away from the skull surface. Hypertrophy of cranial muscles is known from many teleosts, but the invasion of such large muscles into the skull, which is drastically modified and literally hollowed out, has never been described before. These cranial modifications are greater in males than in females, related to the territorial behavior of the former, in which the erectile spines are usually used.  相似文献   

We examined the mandibles of 377 individuals representing 25 species, 12 genera, 5 tribes, and 2 subfamilies of the Loricariidae, a species‐rich radiation of detritivorous–herbivorous neotropical freshwater fishes distinguished by having a ventral oral disk and jaws specialized for surface attachment and benthic feeding. Loricariid mandibles are transversely oriented and bilaterally independent, each rotating predominantly around its long axis, although rotational axes likely vary with mandibular geometry. On each mandible, we measured three traditional and three novel morphological parameters chosen primarily for their functional relevance. Five parameters were linear distances and three of these were analogous to traditional teleost in‐ and out‐levers for mandibular adduction. The sixth parameter was insertion area of the combined adductor mandibulae muscle (AMarea), which correlated with adductor mandibulae volume across a subset of taxa and is interpreted as being proportional to maximum force deliverable to the mandible. Multivariate analysis revealed distributions of phylogenetically diagnosed taxonomic groupings in mandibular morphospace that are consistent with an evolutionary pattern of basal niche conservatism giving rise to multiple adaptive radiations within nested clades. Correspondence between mandibular geometry and function was explored using a 3D model of spatial relationships among measured parameters, potential forces, and axes of rotation. By combining the model with known loricariid jaw kinematics, we developed explicit hypotheses for how individual parameters might relate to each other during kinesis. We hypothesize that the ratio [AMarea/tooth row length2] predicts interspecific variation in the magnitude of force entering the mandible per unit of substrate contacted during feeding. Other newly proposed metrics are hypothesized to predict variation in aspects of mandibular mechanical advantage that may be specific to Loricariidae and perhaps shared with other herbivorous and detritivorous fishes. 2011. © 2011Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Body shape of four distinct populations of Ancistrus cryptophthalmus from different caves in the São Domingos karst area and the local epigean (surface) Ancistrus species were compared using geometric morphometrics. Angélica and Bezerra catfishes were closer to each other and successively to the studied sample of epigean catfishes than to Passa Três and São Vicente I catfishes. Greater similarity between catfishes from the Angélica‐Bezerra cave system to epigean catfishes than to other cave catfishes may represent a plesiomorphic feature. On the other hand, the present analyses allowed the distinction between Passa Três and São Vicente I catfishes, which inhabited the same cave system. Topographic isolation due to the presence of several waterfalls interposed between the stream reaches where these catfishes live may explain such morphological differentiation. Also, the presence of a waterfall downstream of the reach where the Angélica sample was obtained may have contributed to the partial isolation of these catfishes from those living in Bezerra Cave. Differences in population sizes probably influenced the degrees of morphological differentiation observed among the cave populations. The mosaic distribution of character states indicated that the four populations of A. cryptophthalmus have evolved rather independently, but the continuous variation suggests a recent connection between these populations, perhaps with a limited gene flow. Considering other features such as reduction of eyes and pigmentation, and changes in body shape, a separate species status for the epigean and hypogean Ancistrus species from the São Domingos karst area has been maintained.  相似文献   

Tropical South America possesses the largest ichthyofauna of any continental region. To test whether palaeohydrological changes may have been the causes of such diversification, the 'hydrogeological' hypothesis, the phylogenetic relationships of 51 representatives of the catfish genus Hypostomus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) were inferred using mitochondrial D-loop haplotype sequences. Specimens were collected in all main tropical South American rivers systems east to the Andes. The major interrelationships found with the D-loop data were confirmed with a subset of 21 species using complete internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences. The phylogenetic analysis indicate that the genus Hypostomus can be divided into four monophyletic clades. The historical biogeographical analysis of each of these clades allows the identification of seven major cladogenetic events. Using calibrated D-loop and ITS molecular clocks, date estimations were attributed to each of these cladogenetic events allowing a linkage between four of them with documented hydrogeological changes. Comparisons with published distribution patterns of unrelated fish groups indicate that several of the reconstructed and dated hydrogeological-cladogenetic events may have acted at a large scale on the diversification of Neotropical freshwater fish fauna during late Tertiary.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - The reproductive traits of two loricariid catfishes, Ancistrus multispinis and Pareiorhaphis hypselurus, from tributaries of the Mampituba river basin, southern...  相似文献   

This study addressed the question of how the epiphyses of growing mammals change their external shape and internal architecture during postnatal development. Ontogenetic transformations in the external form and internal structure of the fore‐ and hindlimb epiphyses were examined in a mixed cross‐sectional sample of Didelphis virginiana using two methods: morphometric analysis of linear epiphyseal dimensions and histological staining of serially sectioned epiphyses. Metric data indicate that Virginia opossums are born with relatively short hindlimbs and long forelimbs, but by the time they are weaned their hindlimbs are longer than their forelimbs. Functional integration of the locomotor system in D. virginiana involves a decoupling of fore‐ and hindlimb growth rates so that between birth and weaning, femoral length, diaphyseal cross‐sectional area, and articular surface area increase at a significantly faster rate than the corresponding humeral dimensions. Histological results demonstrate that these differences in growth rate are reflected in morphology of the humeral and femoral growth plate and epiphyseal cartilages. The humeral cartilages exhibit a level of cellular organization characteristic of more mature limb elements at earlier developmental stages compared to the femoral cartilages, which assume this anisotropic structure relatively later in postnatal development. Results presented here also reveal that the formation of articular cartilage and the initiation of epiphyseal ossification in D. virginiana are both correlated with the development of independent positional behaviors prior to weaning. These histological data, therefore, suggest that mechanical loading associated with the postnatal onset of locomotor and postural development may provide an important stimulus for the progression of ossification and the formation of articular cartilage in the epiphyses of growing mammals. J. Morphol. 239:283–296, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Synopsis Armored catfish, Ancistrus spinosus, graze substrates in a central Panamanian stream. They ingest both attached algae and sediment that settles onto substrates. During the dry season, this sediment is organic-rich (18–24% ash-free dry weight), and is derived from decomposing periphyton and vegetation from the surrounding, largely deciduous forest. This sediment, however, is not a food for Ancistrus, and in fact imposes energetic costs. These costs were estimated to be 15–22% of the daily energy budgets of 10 g individuals held under experimental conditions. In the stream, the presence of thick sediment on substrates increases the tendency for small Ancistrus to seek out larger individuals or areas cleared by them. Clearing of substrates by larger individuals may be particularly important to smaller Ancistrus during the dry season, when sediment-free substrate in stream pools is in short supply.  相似文献   

The osteology of the appendicular skeleton and its postnatal development are described in Bachia bicolor, a serpentiform lizard with reduced limbs. The pectoral girdle is well developed and the forelimb consists of a humerus, ulna, radius, five carpal elements (ulnare, radiale, distal carpals 4–3, centrale), four metacarpals (II, III, IV, V) and phalanges (phalangeal formula X‐2‐2‐2‐2). In the hindlimb, the femur is small and slender, and articulates distally with a series of ossified amorphous and extremely reduced elements that correspond to a fibula, tibia and proximal and distal tarsals 4 and 3. The pelvic girdle consists of ischium, pubis and ilium, but its two halves are widely separated; the ilium is the least reduced element. We describe the ossification and development during postnatal skeletal ontogeny, especially of epiphyseal secondary centres, ossifications of carpal elements, apophyseal ossifications and sesamoids. Compared to other squamates, B. bicolor shows an overall reduction in limb size, an absence of skeletal elements, a fusion of carpal elements, an early differentiation of apophyseal centres, and a low number of sesamoids and apophyseal centres. These observations suggest that the reductions are produced by heterochronic changes during postnatal development and probably during embryonic development; therefore the appendicular skeleton exhibits a pattern of paedomorphic features.  相似文献   

The development of cartilaginous structures in cultured sea bream Sparus aurata larvae and the timing of their ossification was studied. In cultivated sea bream larvae the first cartilaginous structure to be identified was hypural 1 at 4.1 mm notochord length ( L N). By 5.3 mm L N, prior to the onset of ossification, it was possible to distinguish the following cartilaginous structures: all 23 neural arches, all 13 haemal arches and two of the four pairs of parapophyses. The neural arches 1–4 and 15–23 were formed on the notochord and elongated dorsally, while neural arches 5–14 appeared on the dorsal side of the spinal cord and elongated ventrally. Initiation of ossification occurred at 5.7–6.0 mm standard length ( L S) when the cartilaginous ontogeny of the vertebral column was completed. Ossification was coincident with dorsal flexion at the posterior end of the notochord and occurred in a sequential manner: (1) dorsoanteriorly, the cartilaginous neural arches and the centra were the first structures to ossify; (2) ventrad at the centre, at 7.0–7.5 mm L S; (3) posteriorly at 7.1 mm L S the hypural complex and urostyle (24th centrum) were ossified; and (4) dorsad at the centre (neural arches and spines).  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the axial skeleton, in particular the caudal skeleton, is described from embryos to adult specimens in common wolffish, Anarhichas lupus. The eggs were incubated at constant temperatures of 7.0, 11.0 and 13.0 °C. High egg mortality and structural changes in skeletal development (fusion of parts, absence of distal radials and most of dorsal and anal fin rays, abnormal neural arches and dorsal fin rays) were observed at 13 °C. The frequencies of some anomalies were lower at 11 °C than at 13 °C. The main reason of structural changes of the skeleton at high temperature is the breaking of normal correlations between developmental rates of some cartilaginous structures and other tissues and organs of the embryo. These data suggest an epigenetic mechanism of skeletal evolution.  相似文献   

The morphological changes in the gill chloride cells of the armored catfish, Hypostomus tietensis , were investigated after 15 days' exposure to either distilled or hard water. The thickness of the water–blood barrier in the lamellae increased significantly in fish kept in distilled water due to the high proliferation of chloride cells. The apical surface of about 68% of chloride cells was sharply reduced by the development of an apical crypt with a sponge-like surface, although no change in the chloride cell fractional area was found. In contrast, H. tietensis kept in Na+, Cl and Ca2+ rich water displayed no significant changes in the number of chloride cells or in their apical surface morphology compared with the control fish. Chloride cell response to ion challenge in H. tietensis suggested the involvement of different strategies to maintain homeostasis in ion-poor water, which may be related to the life history of species.  相似文献   

Hypoptopomatinae and Neoplecostominae include about 250 valid species, a substantial portion of loricariid catfishes. Although the relationships among the members of these subfamilies have been inferred by many authors, the most recent hypotheses based on morphological and molecular data differ widely. Herein, we provide new data on the morphology of the central nervous system, and evaluate the usefulness of these characters in phylogenetic inference. To accomplish this, we characterized the gross brain morphology of those catfishes, and analyzed 54 neuroanatomical characters in a total of 40 terminal taxa representing Hypoptopomatinae and Neoplecostominae, and also members of Delturinae and Hypostominae as outgroups. Hypoptopomatinae and Neoplecostominae are recovered as separate subfamilies, and most of our results are compatible with morphology‐based analyses. We conclude that neuroanatomy provides an informative source of new characters with strong phylogenetic signal at all recovered taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Several morphological features characterizing Loricariidae or suckermouth-armoured catfishes (Siluriformes, Teleostei) are related to their ability to attach onto substrates with their sucker mouth, and to scrape algae and other food items from these substrates. Suspensorial and opercular muscles are among those muscles usually involved in respiration (and feeding). In several loricariids including the genus Ancistrus, the opercular musculature is decoupled from the respiratory mechanisms. Results show that the adductor arcus palatini is relatively large throughout the whole ontogeny, while the levator arcus palatini is minute. It develops in association with the dilatator operculi, which exhibits substantial growth only in the juvenile and adult stages. The levator and adductor operculi are connected during early ontogeny, and anterior fibres of the latter muscle differentiate into the adductor hyomandibulae, a muscle previously thought to be absent in loricariids. Relative muscle sizes and orientations, as well as articular transformations and the transition from cartilaginous to bony skeletal elements, indicate ontogenetic transformations in the skeleto-muscular system, affecting and steering functionalities.  相似文献   

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