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OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of image morphometry in distinguishing various follicular lesions of the thyroid in cytologic smears. STUDY DESIGN: Archival fine needle aspiration smears of 10 cases each of follicular hyperplasia, follicular adenoma, follicular carcinoma and follicular variant of papillary carcinoma were used for the study. All cases were histopathologically proven. At least 100 random nuclei from each case were subjected to analysis with an image cytometer. Area, convex area, length, width, perimeter, convex perimeter and roundness of nuclei were measured using a 40 x objective (1 pixel = 0.446 micron). RESULTS: ANOVA showed that all the nuclear variables studied were significantly different (P < .05) in follicular hyperplasia as compared to follicular carcinoma and papillary carcinoma. All nuclear variables except roundness were also significantly different (P < .05) between follicular hyperplasia and follicular adenoma. However, between follicular adenoma, follicular carcinoma and papillary carcinoma there was considerable overlap of nuclear morphometric parameters. CONCLUSION: Image morphometry may help to distinguish nonneoplastic follicular lesions (hyperplasia) from neoplastic lesions (adenomas and carcinomas). However, to distinguish benign from malignant follicular lesions, image morphometry might not improve the accuracy of standard cytologic examination.  相似文献   

Allelotyping of follicular thyroid tumors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To elucidate further the genetic mechanisms for follicular thyroid tumor development and progression, we allelotyped follicular thyroid tumors and other thyroid lesions from 92 patients. In general, a low frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was found, the highest being for chromosomes 3q, 10q, 11p, 11q, 13q, and 22q (10%–15%). However, detailed study of LOH of these chromosome arms with regard to the different histopathological diagnoses indicates that a locus on chromosome 10q may be involved in follicular thyroid tumor progression. In addition, the majority of Hürthle cell adenomas showed LOH on either chromosome 3q or 18q, in contrast to the other tumor types. This discrepancy in genetic alterations may contribute to the divergent clinical features occurring in these tumors.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of the follicle population greater than or equal to 100 X 10(5) micron 3 or a mean diameter of greater than or equal to 275 micron and assessment of the rate of atresia in ovaries of pregnant and pseudopregnant rats revealed no evidence for the presence of rhythmic follicular maturation during the prolonged dioestrous period. During the first 4-5 days of the dioestrous period, follicles developed to preovulatory size (volume class 5, i.e. greater than or equal to 1000 X 10(5) micron 3 = diam. greater than or equal to 576 micron) reaching the normal number of ovulating follicles in cyclic animals in pregnant rats, but only half that number in pseudopregnant rats. These follicles collapsed on the 5th to 8th days of the dioestrous period and full numbers of preovulatory follicles were not found thereafter until the end of pregnancy and pseudopregnancy. Follicles of smaller sizes (classes 1-4: 100-999 X 10(5) micron 3), however, were present throughout the prolonged dioestrous period. The rate of atresia in the follicle population had increased by the 2nd day and remained from then on at 26.5 +/- 4.5% in the pregnant and 34.3 +/- 1.9% in the pseudopregnant rats. Atretic follicles in the advanced stages of atresia, mostly derived from follicles of classes 1-3, persisted and accumulated at the end of the dioestrous period. The continuous presence of follicles and the constant rate of atresia during the dioestrous period indicate continuous follicular replacements and refute the idea of follicular quiescence during pregnancy and pseudopregnancy. Copulation and electrical stimulation of the cervix seemed to reduce the formation of the new crop of follicles the next morning and the pool of small antral follicles normally maintained after oestrus in cyclic animals. Nevertheless, the smaller crop and pool of follicles seemed able to provide a sufficient number of preovulatory follicles at the end of pregnancy and a sufficient number of ovulations at the end of pseudopregnancy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of silver staining of nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in the preoperative diagnosis of follicular lesions in the thyroid with computer-aided morphometric analysis of the silver dots. STUDY DESIGN: Forty-eight cytologic smears of the thyroid were divided into 3 groups according to the results of postoperative histopathologic examination: hyperplastic nodules in nodular goiter (NG) (20), follicular thyroid adenoma (FTA) (20) and follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) (8). They were silver stained. The slides were analyzed with a computerized system for image analysis. Nearly 20 variables describing AgNORs were calculated (related to the area of the dots, number of dots and intranuclear localization of the dots). RESULTS: Only assessment of the total area of AgNORs in the nucleus allowed distinguishing between malignant and benign lesions. It was possible to determine the cutoff value of the total area of AgNORs in the nucleus (3.00 microns 2), limiting FTC from other lesions (observed ranges: NG, 1.64-2.87 microns 2; FTA, 1.81-2.85 microns 2; FTC, 3.01-3.97 microns 2). Evaluation of the mean number of AgNORs per nucleus did not improve the diagnosis of malignancy. CONCLUSION: Computer-aided morphometric analysis of silver dots may be useful in the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid lesions.  相似文献   

Summary Intranuclear rodlets are seen in thyroid follicular cells of woodchucks fixed during summer and fall. They are not observed in winter and spring animals. A functional significance of these structures is suggested.Supported in part by PHS 05429-13-5 (P.P. Krupp, Department of Anatomy) and PHS R01 10254 (E.A. Sims, Metabolic Unit, Department of Medicine)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the discriminatory capacity of textural variables to classify the nuclei of breast tumor cells as benign or malignant, using a statistical approach. STUDY DESIGN: Image analysis techniques were used to automatically segment nuclei of cells obtained by fine needle aspiration and Papanicolaou stained. The sample comprised 95 cases of malignant lesions and 47 cases of benign lesions (approximately 25 nuclei per case), and 27 textural variables were measured. Two methods were used to analyze the data: classification and regression trees (CART) and discriminant analysis. RESULTS: The variance in gray levels was the most decisive variable in the CART analysis, correctly classifying 57% and 97% of benign and malignant cases, respectively. Discriminant analysis yielded the best results, correctly classifying 79% and 85% of benign and malignant cases, respectively. CONCLUSION: The classifier obtained by a statistical approach to the textural analysis of Papanicolaou-stained nuclei did not prove useful for diagnostic discrimination. Staining techniques that are not chromatin specific are highly variable, and other features have proven more effective with this type of staining.  相似文献   

Calcium-activated cation channel in rat thyroid follicular cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the patch-clamp single-channel current recording technique, a cation channel in the contraluminal membrane of rat thyroid follicular cells has been characterized. The channel has a unit conductance of about 35 pS and is equally permeable to sodium and potassium. The pattern of channel opening and closing is independent of the membrane potential. The channel is only operational when the ionized calcium concentration in the fluid which is in contact with the inside of the membrane is at least 1 microM. This conductance pathway can be classified as a calcium dependent non-selective cation channel and could explain stimulant-evoked depolarizations in the thyroid follicular cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies of follicular thyroid tumors have shown loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on the short arm of chromosome 3 in carcinomas, and on chromosome 10 in atypical adenomas and carcinomas, but not in common adenomas. We studied LOH on these chromosomal arms in 15 follicular thyroid carcinomas, 19 atypical follicular adenomas and 6 anaplastic (undifferentiated) carcinomas. Deletion mapping of chromosome 10 using 15 polymorphic markers showed that 15 (37.5%) of the tumors displayed LOH somewhere along the long arm. Thirteen of these tumors showed deletions involving the telomeric part of chromosome 10q, distal to D1OS 187. LOH on chromosome 3p was found in 8 (20%) cases. Seven of these also showed LOH on chromosome 10q. In eight cases LOH was seen on chromosome 10q but not 3p. In comparison, the retinoblastoma gene locus at chromosome 13q showed LOH in 22% of the tumors. Most of these also had deletions on chromosome 10q. The results indicate that a region at the telomeric part of 10q may be involved in progression of follicular thyroid tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze smears of 197 thyroid follicular tumors (adenoma and carcinoma). STUDY DESIGN: Several types of artificial neural networks (ANN) of various designs were used for diagnosis of thyroid follicular tumors. The typical complex of cytologic features, some nuclear morphometric parameters (area, perimeter, shape factor) and density features of chromatin texture (mean value and SD of gray levels) were defined for each tumor. RESULTS: The ANN was trained by means of cytologic features characteristic for a thyroid follicular adenoma and a follicular carcinoma. At subsequent testing, the correct cytologic diagnosis was established in 93% (25 of 27) of cases. The morphometry increased the accuracy of diagnosis for follicular tumors in up to 97% (75 of 78) of cases. ANN correctly distinguished an adenoma or a carcinoma in 87% (73 of 84) of cases when using color microscopic images of tumors. CONCLUSION: The usage of ANN has raised sensitivity of cytologic diagnosis of follicular tumors to 90%, compared with a usual cytologic method (sensitivity of 56%). The automatic classification of thyroid follicular tumors by means of ANN is prospective.  相似文献   

Telomerase (TA) activity is known to be present in malignant tumor cells, but not in most somatic differentiated cells. TA shows relatively high activity in thyroid cancer cells, but reports vary. This fact prompted us to elucidate whether cell component inhibitors of TA in the thyroid follicles can modulate its activity. The activity of TA extracted from Hela cells was inhibited by mixing with the supernatant fraction of human thyroid tissue extract. To examine the effect of iodine, thyroid hormones (?-T3 and ?-T4) and human thyroglobulin (hTg) contained in the thyroid follicles, ?-T3, ?-T4 and hTg were added to the TRAP assay system in vitro, using TA from Hela cells. Iodine, ?-T3 and ?-T4 did not affect TA activity, but hTg inhibited the TA activity in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 of hTg: ca 0.45 μM: inhibiting concentration of hTg was from 0.15 μM to 3.0 μM). The hTg inhibition was not evident in the RT-PCR system, suggesting no effect of hTg on Taq DNA polymerase activity. The hTg inhibition of TA activity was attenuated by dNTP but not significantly by TS primer. These data suggest that hTg contained in thyroid follicular cells of various thyroid diseases may affect the TA activity measured in biopsied thyroid specimens, and that the reduction of the TA activity by hTg may induce slow progression and growth, and low grade malignancy of thyroid cancer, particularly differentiated carcinoma.  相似文献   

Telomerase (TA) activity is known to be present in malignant tumor cells, but not in most somatic differentiated cells. TA shows relatively high activity in thyroid cancer cells, but reports vary. This fact prompted us to elucidate whether cell component inhibitors of TA in the thyroid follicles can modulate its activity. The activity of TA extracted from Hela cells was inhibited by mixing with the supernatant fraction of human thyroid tissue extract. To examine the effect of iodine, thyroid hormones (l-T3 and l-T4) and human thyroglobulin (hTg) contained in the thyroid follicles, l-T3, l-T4 and hTg were added to the TRAP assay system in vitro, using TA from Hela cells. Iodine, l-T3 and l-T4 did not affect TA activity, but hTg inhibited the TA activity in a dose-dependent manner (IC(50) of hTg: ca 0.45 microM: inhibiting concentration of hTg was from 0.15 microM to 3.0 microM). The hTg inhibition was not evident in the RT-PCR system, suggesting no effect of hTg on Taq DNA polymerase activity. The hTg inhibition of TA activity was attenuated by dNTP but not significantly by TS primer. These data suggest that hTg contained in thyroid follicular cells of various thyroid diseases may affect the TA activity measured in biopsied thyroid specimens, and that the reduction of the TA activity by hTg may induce slow progression and growth, and low grade malignancy of thyroid cancer, particularly differentiated carcinoma.  相似文献   

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