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A new Bifidobacterium species is described based on the study of ten Gram-positive strains with fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase activity. They are part of a phenotypic group comprising 141 strains isolated from raw milk and raw milk cheeses in French raw milk cheese factories. This group was separated by a numerical analysis based on API 50CH, API 32A tests and growth at 46 degrees C. A strong similarity of 16S rRNA sequences (99.8%) was shown between strain FR62/b/3(T) and Bifidobacterium psychraerophilum LMG 21775(T). However, low DNA-DNA relatedness was observed between their DNAs (31%). The new isolates are able to grow at low temperatures (all ten strains up to 5 degrees C) and strain FR62/b/3(T) grows under aerobic conditions, as does B. psychraerophilum. However, contrary to B. psychraerophilum, they do not ferment L-arabinose, D-xylose, arbutin or melezitose, but they do acidify lactose. The DNA G+C content of FR62/b/3(T) is 56.4mol%. Therefore, the name Bifidobacterium crudilactis sp. nov. is proposed, with its type strain being FR62/b/3(T) (=LMG 23609(T)=CNCM I-3342(T)).  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate Shiga toxin-producing Eschericha coli (STEC) prevalence in 1039 French raw milk cheeses including soft, hard, unripened and blue mould cheeses, and to characterize the STEC strains isolated (virulence genes and serotypes). METHODS AND RESULTS: STEC strains were recovered from cheese samples by colony hybridization. These strains were then serotyped and genetically characterized. These strains (32 STEC) were then recovered from 18 of 136 stx-positive samples: 19 strains had stx2 variant genes stx(2vh-a) (n = 2), stx(2NV206) (n = 2), stx(2EDL933) (n = 4) and stx2d (n = 11). Thirty strains had the stx1 gene and one strain, the eae gene. Combinations of stx2 and stx1 genes were present in 17 (81%) of the STEC strains. Nineteen strains belonged to the O6 serogroup and the other strains belonged to the O174, O175, O176, O109, O76, O162 and O22 serogroups in decreasing frequency. CONCLUSIONS: No conclusion can be drawn at the moment concerning the potential risk to consumers because the O6:H1 serotype has already been found associated with the haemolytic uremic syndrome and almost no isolate had the eae gene. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The large number of STEC strains recovered from the cheese samples evaluated in this study emphasizes the health risks associated with raw milk cheeses. This further emphasizes the immediate need to identify and implement effective pre- and postharvest control methods that decrease STEC carriage by dairy cattle and to eliminate contamination of their cheeses during processing.  相似文献   

Of 101Escherichia coli isolates from raw meat, food handlers and equipment 24.8% showed enterotoxigenicity, 22.7% surface hydrophobicity and there was a high incidence of resistance towards metal ions such as mercury, cadmium and silver. Only 6% of the strains were colicin producers. Significant statistical correlation was observed between enterotoxin production and cadmium and mercury ion resistance.
Résumé Center une souches d'Escherichia coli ont été, isolées de viandes crues, de manutantionneurs de nourriture et d'equipement de boucherie. Elles exhibent une enterotoxigénécité à concurrence de 24.8%, une hydrophobicité de surface à concurrence de 22.7%. Il y a une grande fréquence de résistance vis-à-vis d'ions métalliques comme le mercure, le cadmium et l'argent. A peine 6% des souches sont productrices de colicine. Il y a une corrélation significative sur le plan statistique entre la production d'enterotoxines et la résistance aux ions cadmium et mercure.

Aims: Our main objective was to optimize the enrichment of Escherichia coli O26 in raw milk cheeses for their subsequent detection with a new automated immunological method. Methods and Results: Ten enrichment broths were tested for the detection of E. coli O26. Two categories of experimentally inoculated raw milk cheeses, semi‐hard uncooked cheese and ‘Camembert’ type cheese, were initially used to investigate the relative efficacy of the different enrichments. The enrichments that were considered optimal for the growth of E. coli O26 in these cheeses were then challenged with other types of raw milk cheeses. Buffered peptone water supplemented with cefixim–tellurite and acriflavin was shown to optimize the growth of E. coli O26 artificially inoculated in the cheeses tested. Despite the low inoculum level (1–10 CFU per 25 g) in the cheeses, E. coli O26 counts reached at least 5·104 CFU ml?1 after 24‐h incubation at 41·5°C in this medium. Conclusions: All the experimentally inoculated cheeses were found positive by the immunological method in the enrichment broth selected. Significance and Impact of the Study: Optimized E. coli O26 enrichment and rapid detection constitute the first steps of a complete procedure that could be used in routine to detect E. coli O26 in raw milk cheeses.  相似文献   

Fifty-three strains of Micrococcaceae isolated from Spanish sheep's milk cheeses were subjected to numerical analysis using 43 unit characters. At the 80% similarity level ( S SM) nine clusters (49 strains) were observed. At the 53% similarity level ( S J) nine clusters were also found. Cluster composition was not markedly affected by the coefficient used. Novobiocin-resistant, coagulase-negative staphylococci formed clusters of closely related species. However, novobiocin-sensitive, coagulase-negative strains fell into heterogeneous groups. The test that best separated the nine groups formed with both coefficients ( S SM and S J) was urease production. Aesculin hydrolysis, haemolytic activity ( S SM), oxidation of mannose and phosphatase production were also useful characters.  相似文献   

The rate of L-valine transport in whole cells of Leuconostoc was at the maximum at 30 degrees C, pH 6.0 in the presence of an energy source. Transport was inhibited by 40-55%, in the presence of the ionophores (valinomycin, nigericin or monensin), and uncouplers (carbonyl cyanide-m-chloro-phenylhydrazone or 2,4-dinitrophenol) confirming the previously described delta p-driven branched-chain amino acid transport system described in cytoplasmic membranes (Winters et al., 1991, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 57, 3350-3354). Sulfhydryl group reagents (p-chloro-mercuribenzoate, iodoacetate and N-ethyl maleimide) all inhibited valine transport by 60-70%, indicating that valine is actively transported at high valine concentration. Three kinetically distinguishable transport systems were identified for each strain using whole cells, confirming results obtained with membranes. L-valine transport Kt and Vmax could be an additional tool to estimate the biodiversity of 18 Leuconostoc strains belonging to the dominant flora of French raw milk cheeses. Kt values varied from 20 to 510 nmol/l for the very high affinity system, from 26 to 427 pmol/l for the high affinity system and from 0.65 to 4.40 mmol/l for the low affinity system. No correlation existed between valine transport rates and a particular strain's ability to acidify milk or complex media, suggesting that valine transport is not a growth-limiting function in species of the genus Leuconostoc.  相似文献   

Five multiresistant strains ofEscherichia coli were isolated from the rumen fluid of young calves. Resistance to tetracycline and ampicillin was found to be associated with the transfer of a 6.4 kbp plasmid present in two investigated strains.  相似文献   

Summary 143 psychrotrophic bacteria were isolated and identified from 53 cooled raw bulk milk samples. The most encountered isolates were Pseudomonas fluorescens and P. fluorescens-like organisms, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Acinetobacter lwoffii, Aeromonas hydrophila and enterobacteria. The strongest activity was displayed by the pseudomonads, especially the P. fluorescens-like organisms. All the excreted proteases examined were heat-stable: the best inactivation was obtained after a heat-treatment of 1 h at 55°C and 2 min at 140°C. At temperatures of 80, 90 and 100°C often increasing heat-resistance was observed.  相似文献   

Diversity among lactococci isolated from ewes' raw milk and cheese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. GAYA, M. BABÍN, M. MEDINA and M. NUÑEZ.1999.The technological and genetic characteristics of lactococci present in ewes' raw milk and 1-d-old ewes' raw milk cheeses sampled over a 1-year period were investigated. The proportion of lactic acid bacteria isolates from milk samples able to decrease milk pH by more than 1·25 units after 6 h incubation at 30 °C reached 14·5% in spring vs 10·7% in summer, 8·3% in autumn and 3·0% in winter. In 1-d-old cheese samples, the proportion of lactic acid bacteria able to lower milk pH by more than 1·25 units increased up to 32·3% in spring vs 23·4% in summer, 8·0% in autumn and 10·3% in winter. Fast acid-producing lactic acid bacteria mainly belonged to the genus Lactococcus . Using polymerase chain reaction protocols, fast acid-producing lactococci were grouped as 61  Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis , 13  L. lactis subsp. cremoris and 14  L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting of fast acid-producing lactococci, using two primers, resulted in 21 different RAPD patterns for L. lactis subsp. lactis isolates, nine RAPD patterns for L. lactis subsp. cremoris isolates and three RAPD patterns for L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis isolates. Up to 19 different RAPD patterns were found for L. lactis isolates from cheeses made in a particular month.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli was isolated from 58% (11/19) of retail soft and semi-soft cheeses tested, but E. coli O157 : H7 was not detected. The presence of E. coli in retail cheeses and the lack of baseline data on the prevalence of serotype O157 : H7 strains prompted us to survey ingredients and the environment in 15 cheese and dairy plants. Escherichia coli O157 : H7 was not detected in any of the 1104 samples tested, including 42 raw milk samples. These results suggest that serotype O157 : H7 is not prevalent within dairy product ingredients and processing environments.  相似文献   

Bacteria and yeasts are important sensory factors of raw-milk cheeses as they contribute to the sensory richness and diversity of these products. The diversity and succession of yeast populations in three traditional Registered Designation of Origin (R.D.O.) Salers cheeses have been determined by using phenotypic diagnoses and Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Isolates were identified by phenotypic tests and the sequencing of the D1-D2 domains of the 26S rRNA gene. Ninety-two percent of the isolates were identified as the same species in both tests. Yeast-specific primers were designed to amplify the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene for SSCP analysis. The yeast species most frequently encountered in the three cheeses were Kluyveromyces lactis, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida zeylanoides and Debaryomyces hansenii. Detection of less common species, including Candida parapsilosis, Candida silvae, Candida intermedia, Candida rugosa, Saccharomyces unisporus, and Pichia guilliermondii was more efficient with the conventional method. SSCP analysis was accurate and could be used to rapidly assess the proportions and dynamics of the various species during cheese ripening. Each cheese was clearly distinguished by its own microbial community dynamics.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to identify and characterize heat stable proteinases of psychrotrophic proteolytic bacteria isolated from raw milk. METHODS AND RESULTS: A strain of Klebsiella oxytoca producing a high proteolytic activity when cultured on milk was isolated. Maximum proteolytic activity was observed at the stationary phase during growth on milk or casein-peptone broth. The bacterium demonstrated the capability to grow at 7 degrees C, classified as psychrotrophic. The crude enzyme showed optimum activity at 37 degrees C, and pH 5.0 and 7.0. The proteinase was very resistant to heat, maintaining 74% of initial activity after incubation at 142 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: A heat stable protease of a psychrotrophic strain of K. oxytoca was identified and partially characterized. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Thermal stable proteases may constitute a serious problem to ultra-high temperature (UHT) processed milk, leading to undesirable physical and sensory alterations.  相似文献   

PCR for verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) was positive in 4.6% of 2,440 raw meat samples; only beef, sheep, and venison samples were positive. None of the isolated VTEC strains belonged to serogroup O157. Additional virulence factors were detected in only a minority of strains, suggesting that most of these meat VTEC isolates are not pathogenic.  相似文献   

EightEscherichia coli strains were characterized by determining their adhesion to xylene, surface free energy, zeta potential, relative surface charge, and their chemical composition. The latter was done by applying X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). No relationship between the adhesion to xylene and the water contact angles of these strains was found. Three strains had significantly lower surface free energies than the other strains. Surface free energies were either obtained from polar and dispersion parts or from Lifshitz-van der Waals and acid/base parts of the surface free energy. A correlation (r=0.97) between the polar parts and the electron-donor contributions to the acid/base part of the surface free energy was found. The zeta potentials of all strains, measured as a function of pH (2–11), were negative. Depending on the zeta potential as a function of pH, three groups were recognized among the strains tested. A relationship (r=0.84) was found between the acid/base component of the surface free energy and the zeta potential measured at pH=7.4. There was no correlation between results of XPS and IR studies. Data from the literature of XPS and IR studies of the gram-positive staphylococci and streptococci were compared with data from the gram-negativeE. coli used in this study. It appeared that in these three groups of bacteria, the polysaccharide content detected by IR corresponded well with the oxygen-to-carbon ratio detected by XPS.  相似文献   

Forty microbial strains isolated from raw milk samples and black and green olives were grown in MP5 (mineral pectin 5) medium containing 0.5% lemon pectin. All strains synthesized an extracellular polygalacturonase. Rhodotorula sp. ONRh9 (0.44 U x mL(-1)) and Leuconostoc sp. LLn1 (0.16 U x mL(-1)), which had a more active polygalacturonase in MP5 medium, were studied in MAPG5 medium containing polygalacturonic acid. Highest biomass and polygalacturonase production by these two strains were observed for polygalacturonic acid concentrations of 10 g x L(-1) (Rhodotorula sp. ONRh9) and 5 g x L(-1) (Leuconostoc sp. LLn1) and for initial pH values of 6 (Rhodotorula sp. ONRh9) and 5.5 (Leuconostoc sp. LLn1). The two strains grown in fermenters in MAPG5 medium generated the following results: with controlled initial pH, Rhodotorula sp. produced maximum biomass (DO) and polygalacturonase (PG) after 20 h (DO, 3.86; PG, 0.24 U x mL(-1)) of growth, and this level was sustained until the end of the culture; Leuconostoc sp. LLn1 synthesized more cells and polygalacturonase between 4 h (DO, 1.80; PG, 0.17 U x mL(-1)) and 24 h (DO, 3.90; PG, 0.27 U x mL(-1)) of culture. With uncontrolled initial pH, the cultures produced maximum biomass and polygalacturonase after 20 h (DO, 3.30; PG, 0.26 U x mL(-1)) for Rhodotorula sp. ONRh9 and 10 h (DO, 2.84; PG, 0.17 U x mL(-1)) for Leuconostoc sp. LLn1.  相似文献   

Tests were carried out to determine the effect of manufacturing procedures for a Camembert-type cheese from raw goats' milk on the growth and survival of Staphylococcus aureus organisms added to milk at the start of the process, and to study the possible presence of staphylococcal enterotoxin A in these cheeses. The initial staphylococcal counts were, respectively, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 log cfu ml−1. Cheese was prepared following the industrial specifications and ripened for 41 d. Detection of enterotoxins was done by the Vidas SET test and by an indirect double-sandwich ELISA technique using antienterotoxin monoclonal antibodies. Generally, numbers of microbes increased at a similar rate during manufacture in all cheeses until salting. During the ripening period, the aerobic plate count population and Staph. aureus levels remained stable and high. There was an approximately 1 log reduction of Staph. aureus in cheeses made with an initial inoculum of Staph. aureus greater than 103 cfu ml−1 at the end of the ripening period (41 d) compared with the count at 22 h. The level of staphylococcal enterotoxin A recovered varied from 1 to 3·2 ng g−1 of cheese made with an initial population of 103–106 cfu ml−1. No trace of enterotoxin A was detected in cheeses made with the lowest Staph. aureus inoculum used in this study.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop a duplex real‐time PCR assay targeting enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) type III effector TccP/TccP2‐encoding genes which are pivotal to EHEC‐mediated actin cytoskeleton reorganization in human intestinal epithelial cells. Methods and Results: The specificity of the assay was demonstrated with DNA from EHEC reference strains and non‐E. coli bacterial species. The detection limit was determined as five tccP or tccP2 copies per reaction. The assay was then evaluated on a large collection of 526 E. coli strains of human, animal, food and environmental origins. The results showed that tccP was restricted to a limited number of serotypes (i.e. O5:H?, O55:H7, O125:H6 and O157:H7). The tccP2 gene was present in a higher number of serotypes including the five most frequent EHEC serotypes (i.e. O26:H11, O103:H2, O111:H8, O145:H28 and O157:H7), and a few other serotypes that caused human infections (i.e. O4:H?, O45:H2 and O55:H7). A minority of O26:H11 and O103:H2 strains however tested negative for tccP2, though it is not known whether the lack of tccP2 affected their pathogenic potential. Real‐time PCR analysis of 400 raw milk cheeses revealed the presence of tccP and/or tccP2 genes in 19·75% of the cheese enrichment suspensions. Conclusions: A highly specific and sensitive duplex real‐time PCR method was developed for rapid and simultaneous detection of tccP and tccP2. Unpasteurized dairy products may be contaminated with E. coli strains carrying tccP and/or tccP2. Significance and Impact of the Study: The developed real‐time PCR assay represents a valuable alternative to conventional PCR tests and should be useful for characterization of the virulome of pathogenic E. coli strains.  相似文献   

E. coli strains were isolated from the urine of patients with acute cystitis in general practice and from the faeces of a comparable reference group of healthy individuals. These strains were serotyped and tested for virulence in an experimental mouse model. Of 30 cystitis-strains 18 were virulent, and of 30 faeces-strains 15 were virulent. It is concluded that the cystitis-strains were not more often virulent than the faeces-strains. O antigens commonly found among urinaryE. coli isolates were present in 60% of the cystitis-strains and in 37% of the faeces-strains. K antigens commonly found in urinaryE. coli strains were present in 33% of the cystitis-strains and in 12% of the faeces-strains. Neither the presence of common urinary O-antigens, nor the presence of common urinary K antigens could be associated with virulence of the isolated strains. However, it is suggested that certain O and K antigens (O2, O6, K23) may be associated with virulence for the urinary tract.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - The aim of this study was isolation and identification of the high-level aminoglycoside-resistant (HLAR) enterococci in raw milk and dairy products and to analyze their...  相似文献   

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