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Introduction of Pro residues into helix interiors results in protein destabilization. It is currently unclear if the converse substitution (i.e., replacement of Pro residues that naturally occur in helix interiors would be stabilizing). Maltose-binding protein is a large 370-amino acid protein that contains 21 Pro residues. Of these, three nonconserved residues (P48, P133, and P159) occur at helix interiors. Each of the residues was replaced with Ala and Ser. Stabilities were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) as a function of pH and by isothermal urea denaturation studies as a function of temperature. The P48S and P48A mutants were found to be marginally more stable than the wild-type protein. In the pH range of 5-9, there is an average increase in T(m) values of P48A and P48S of 0.4 degrees C and 0.2 degrees C, respectively, relative to the wild-type protein. The other mutants are less stable than the wild type. Analysis of the effects of such Pro substitutions in MBP and in three other proteins studied to date suggests that substitutions are more likely to be stabilizing if the carbonyl group i-3 or i-4 to the mutation site is not hydrogen bonded in the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Two major strategies are currently used for stabilizing proteins: in vitro evolution and computational design. Here, we used gene libraries of the beta1 domain of the streptococcal protein G (Gbeta1) and Proside, an in vitro selection method, to identify stabilized variants of this protein. In the Gbeta1 libraries, the codons for the four boundary positions 16, 18, 25, and 29 were randomized. Many Gbeta1 variants with strongly increased thermal stabilities were found in 11 selections performed with five independent libraries. Previously, Mayo and co-workers used computational design to stabilize Gbeta1 by sequence optimization at the same positions. Their best variant ranked third within the panel of the selected variants. None of the ten computed sequences was found in the Proside selections, because several computed residues for positions 18 and 29 were not optimal for stability.  相似文献   

A previously developed computer program for protein design, RosettaDesign, was used to predict low free energy sequences for nine naturally occurring protein backbones. RosettaDesign had no knowledge of the naturally occurring sequences and on average 65% of the residues in the designed sequences differ from wild-type. Synthetic genes for ten completely redesigned proteins were generated, and the proteins were expressed, purified, and then characterized using circular dichroism, chemical and temperature denaturation and NMR experiments. Although high-resolution structures have not yet been determined, eight of these proteins appear to be folded and their circular dichroism spectra are similar to those of their wild-type counterparts. Six of the proteins have stabilities equal to or up to 7kcal/mol greater than their wild-type counterparts, and four of the proteins have NMR spectra consistent with a well-packed, rigid structure. These encouraging results indicate that the computational protein design methods can, with significant reliability, identify amino acid sequences compatible with a target protein backbone.  相似文献   

Hydrogen bonding is a key contributor to the specificity of intramolecular and intermolecular interactions in biological systems. Here, we develop an orientation-dependent hydrogen bonding potential based on the geometric characteristics of hydrogen bonds in high-resolution protein crystal structures, and evaluate it using four tests related to the prediction and design of protein structures and protein-protein complexes. The new potential is superior to the widely used Coulomb model of hydrogen bonding in prediction of the sequences of proteins and protein-protein interfaces from their structures, and improves discrimination of correctly docked protein-protein complexes from large sets of alternative structures.  相似文献   

蛋白质工程:从定向进化到计算设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲戈  朱彤  蒋迎迎  吴边  孙周通 《生物工程学报》2019,35(10):1843-1856
定向进化通过建立突变体文库与高通量筛选方法,快速提升蛋白的特定性质,是目前蛋白质工程最为常用的蛋白质设计改造策略。近十年随着计算机运算能力大幅提升以及先进算法不断涌现,计算机辅助蛋白质设计改造得到了极大的重视和发展,成为蛋白质工程新开辟的重要方向。以结构模拟与能量计算为基础的蛋白质计算设计不但能改造酶的底物特异性与热稳定性,还可从头设计具有特定功能的人工酶。近年来机器学习等人工智能技术也被应用于计算机辅助蛋白质设计改造,并取得瞩目的成绩。文中介绍了蛋白质工程的发展历程,重点评述当前计算机辅助蛋白质设计改造方面的进展与应用,并展望其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

A database of hydrogen-deuterium exchange results has been compiled for proteins for which there are published rates of out-exchange in the native state, protection against exchange during folding, and out-exchange in partially folded forms. The question of whether the slow exchange core is the folding core (Woodward C, 1993, Trends Biochem Sci 18:359-360) is reexamined in a detailed comparison of the specific amide protons (NHs) and the elements of secondary structure on which they are located. For each pulsed exchange or competition experiment, probe NHs are shown explicitly; the large number and broad distribution of probe NHs support the validity of comparing out-exchange with pulsed-exchange/competition experiments. There is a strong tendency for the same elements of secondary structure to carry NHs most protected in the native state, NHs first protected during folding, and NHs most protected in partially folded species. There is not a one-to-one correspondence of individual NHs. Proteins for which there are published data for native state out-exchange and theta values are also reviewed. The elements of secondary structure containing the slowest exchanging NHs in native proteins tend to contain side chains with high theta values or be connected to a turn/loop with high theta values. A definition for a protein core is proposed, and the implications for protein folding are discussed. Apparently, during folding and in the native state, nonlocal interactions between core sequences are favored more than other possible nonlocal interactions. Other studies of partially folded bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Barbar E, Barany G, Woodward C, 1995, Biochemistry 34:11423-11434; Barber E, Hare M, Daragan V, Barany G, Woodward C, 1998, Biochemistry 37:7822-7833), suggest that developing cores have site-specific energy barriers between microstates, one disordered, and the other(s) more ordered.  相似文献   

Li X  Jacobson MP  Zhu K  Zhao S  Friesner RA 《Proteins》2007,66(4):824-837
We have developed a new method (Independent Cluster Decomposition Algorithm, ICDA) for creating all-atom models of proteins given the heavy-atom coordinates, provided by X-ray crystallography, and the pH. In our method the ionization states of titratable residues, the crystallographic mis-assignment of amide orientations in Asn/Gln, and the orientations of OH/SH groups are addressed under the unified framework of polar states assignment. To address the large number of combinatorial possibilities for the polar hydrogen states of the protein, we have devised a novel algorithm to decompose the system into independent interacting clusters, based on the observation of the crucial interdependence between the short range hydrogen bonding network and polar residue states, thus significantly reducing the computational complexity of the problem and making our algorithm tractable using relatively modest computational resources. We utilize an all atom protein force field (OPLS) and a Generalized Born continuum solvation model, in contrast to the various empirical force fields adopted in most previous studies. We have compared our prediction results with a few well-documented methods in the literature (WHATIF, REDUCE). In addition, as a preliminary attempt to couple our polar state assignment method with real structure predictions, we further validate our method using single side chain prediction, which has been demonstrated to be an effective way of validating structure prediction methods without incurring sampling problems. Comparisons of single side chain prediction results after the application of our polar state prediction method with previous results with default polar state assignments indicate a significant improvement in the single side chain predictions for polar residues.  相似文献   

The burial of nonpolar surface area is known to enhance markedly the conformational stability of proteins. The contribution from the burial of polar surface area is less clear. Here, we report on the tolerance to substitution of Ser75 of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A), a residue that has the unusual attributes of being buried, conserved, and polar. To identify variants that retain biological function, we used a genetic selection based on the intrinsic cytotoxicity of ribonucleolytic activity. Cell growth at 30 degrees C, 37 degrees C, and 44 degrees C correlated with residue size, indicating that the primary attribute of Ser75 is its small size. The side-chain hydroxyl group of Ser75 forms a hydrogen bond with a main-chain nitrogen. The conformational stability of the S75A variant, which lacks this hydrogen bond, was diminished by DeltaDeltaG = 2.5 kcal/mol. Threonine, which can reinstate this hydrogen bond, provided a catalytically active RNase A variant at higher temperatures than did some smaller residues (including aspartate), indicating that a secondary attribute of Ser75 is the ability of its uncharged side chain to accept a hydrogen bond. These results provide insight on the imperatives for the conservation of a buried polar residue.  相似文献   

Antibodies derived from non-human sources must be modified for therapeutic use so as to mitigate undesirable immune responses. While complementarity-determining region (CDR) grafting-based humanization techniques have been successfully applied in many cases, it remains challenging to maintain the desired stability and antigen binding affinity upon grafting. We developed an alternative humanization approach called CoDAH (“Computationally-Driven Antibody Humanization”) in which computational protein design methods directly select sets of amino acids to incorporate from human germline sequences to increase humanness while maintaining structural stability. Retrospective studies show that CoDAH is able to identify variants deemed beneficial according to both humanness and structural stability criteria, even for targets lacking crystal structures. Prospective application to TZ47, a murine anti-human B7H6 antibody, demonstrates the approach. Four diverse humanized variants were designed, and all possible unique VH/VL combinations were produced as full-length IgG1 antibodies. Soluble and cell surface expressed antigen binding assays showed that 75% (6 of 8) of the computationally designed VH/VL variants were successfully expressed and competed with the murine TZ47 for binding to B7H6 antigen. Furthermore, 4 of the 6 bound with an estimated KD within an order of magnitude of the original TZ47 antibody. In contrast, a traditional CDR-grafted variant could not be expressed. These results suggest that the computational protein design approach described here can be used to efficiently generate functional humanized antibodies and provide humanized templates for further affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Antibodies derived from non-human sources must be modified for therapeutic use so as to mitigate undesirable immune responses. While complementarity-determining region (CDR) grafting-based humanization techniques have been successfully applied in many cases, it remains challenging to maintain the desired stability and antigen binding affinity upon grafting. We developed an alternative humanization approach called CoDAH (“Computationally-Driven Antibody Humanization”) in which computational protein design methods directly select sets of amino acids to incorporate from human germline sequences to increase humanness while maintaining structural stability. Retrospective studies show that CoDAH is able to identify variants deemed beneficial according to both humanness and structural stability criteria, even for targets lacking crystal structures. Prospective application to TZ47, a murine anti-human B7H6 antibody, demonstrates the approach. Four diverse humanized variants were designed, and all possible unique VH/VL combinations were produced as full-length IgG1 antibodies. Soluble and cell surface expressed antigen binding assays showed that 75% (6 of 8) of the computationally designed VH/VL variants were successfully expressed and competed with the murine TZ47 for binding to B7H6 antigen. Furthermore, 4 of the 6 bound with an estimated KD within an order of magnitude of the original TZ47 antibody. In contrast, a traditional CDR-grafted variant could not be expressed. These results suggest that the computational protein design approach described here can be used to efficiently generate functional humanized antibodies and provide humanized templates for further affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Torshin IY  Harrison RW 《Proteins》2001,43(4):353-364
Electrostatic interactions are important for protein folding. At low resolution, the electrostatic field of the whole molecule can be described in terms of charge center(s). To study electrostatic effects, the centers of positive and negative charge were calculated for 20 small proteins of known structure, for which hydrogen exchange cores had been determined experimentally. Two observations seem to be important. First, in all 20 proteins studied 30-100% of the residues forming hydrogen exchange core(s) were clustered around the charge centers. Moreover, in each protein more than half of the core sequences are located near the centers of charge. Second, the general architecture of all-alpha proteins from the set seems to be stabilized by interactions of residues surrounding the charge centers. In most of the alpha-beta proteins, either or both of the centers are located near a pair of consecutive strands, and this is even more characteristic for alpha/Beta and all-beta structures. Consecutive strands are very probable sites of early folding events. These two points lead to the conclusion that charge centers, defined solely from the structure of the folded protein may indicate the location of a protein's hydrogen exchange/folding core. In addition, almost all the proteins contain well-conserved continuous hydrophobic sequences of three or more residues located in the vicinity of the charge centers. These hydrophobic sequences may be primary nucleation sites for protein folding. The results suggest the following scheme for the order of events in folding: local hydrophobic nucleation, electrostatic collapse of the core, global hydrophobic collapse, and slow annealing to the native state. This analysis emphasizes the importance of treating electrostatics during protein-folding simulations.  相似文献   

The ability to consistently distinguish real protein structures from computationally generated model decoys is not yet a solved problem. One route to distinguish real protein structures from decoys is to delineate the important physical features that specify a real protein. For example, it has long been appreciated that the hydrophobic cores of proteins contribute significantly to their stability. We used two sources to obtain datasets of decoys to compare with real protein structures: submissions to the biennial Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction competition, in which researchers attempt to predict the structure of a protein only knowing its amino acid sequence, and also decoys generated by 3DRobot, which have user‐specified global root‐mean‐squared deviations from experimentally determined structures. Our analysis revealed that both sets of decoys possess cores that do not recapitulate the key features that define real protein cores. In particular, the model structures appear more densely packed (because of energetically unfavorable atomic overlaps), contain too few residues in the core, and have improper distributions of hydrophobic residues throughout the structure. Based on these observations, we developed a feed‐forward neural network, which incorporates key physical features of protein cores, to predict how well a computational model recapitulates the real protein structure without knowledge of the structure of the target sequence. By identifying the important features of protein structure, our method is able to rank decoy structures with similar accuracy to that obtained by state‐of‐the‐art methods that incorporate many additional features. The small number of physical features makes our model interpretable, emphasizing the importance of protein packing and hydrophobicity in protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

We report the computational redesign of the protein-binding interface of calmodulin (CaM), a small, ubiquitous Ca(2+)-binding protein that is known to bind to and regulate a variety of functionally and structurally diverse proteins. The CaM binding interface was optimized to improve binding specificity towards one of its natural targets, smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (smMLCK). The optimization was performed using optimization of rotamers by iterative techniques (ORBIT), a protein design program that utilizes a physically based force-field and the Dead-End Elimination theorem to compute sequences that are optimal for a given protein scaffold. Starting from the structure of the CaM-smMLCK complex, the program considered 10(22) amino acid residue sequences to obtain the lowest-energy CaM sequence. The resulting eightfold mutant, CaM_8, was constructed and tested for binding to a set of seven CaM target peptides. CaM_8 displayed high binding affinity to the smMLCK peptide (1.3nM), similar to that of the wild-type protein (1.8nM). The affinity of CaM_8 to six other target peptides was reduced, as intended, by 1.5-fold to 86-fold. Hence, CaM_8 exhibited increased binding specificity, preferring the smMLCK peptide to the other targets. Studies of this type may increase our understanding of the origins of binding specificity in protein-ligand complexes and may provide valuable information that can be used in the design of novel protein receptors and/or ligands.  相似文献   

Computational protein design (CPD) predictions are highly dependent on the structure of the input template used. However, it is unclear how small differences in template geometry translate to large differences in stability prediction accuracy. Herein, we explored how structural changes to the input template affect the outcome of stability predictions by CPD. To do this, we prepared alternate templates by Rotamer Optimization followed by energy Minimization (ROM) and used them to recapitulate the stability of 84 protein G domain β1 mutant sequences. In the ROM process, side-chain rotamers for wild-type (WT) or mutant sequences are optimized on crystal or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structures prior to template minimization, resulting in alternate structures termed ROM templates. We show that use of ROM templates prepared from sequences known to be stable results predominantly in improved prediction accuracy compared to using the minimized crystal or NMR structures. Conversely, ROM templates prepared from sequences that are less stable than the WT reduce prediction accuracy by increasing the number of false positives. These observed changes in prediction outcomes are attributed to differences in side-chain contacts made by rotamers in ROM templates. Finally, we show that ROM templates prepared from sequences that are unfolded or that adopt a nonnative fold result in the selective enrichment of sequences that are also unfolded or that adopt a nonnative fold, respectively. Our results demonstrate the existence of a rotamer bias caused by the input template that can be harnessed to skew predictions toward sequences displaying desired characteristics.  相似文献   

Computational protein design (CPD) is a useful tool for protein engineers. It has been successfully applied towards the creation of proteins with increased thermostability, improved binding affinity, novel enzymatic activity, and altered ligand specificity. Traditionally, CPD calculations search and rank sequences using a single fixed protein backbone template in an approach referred to as single-state design (SSD). While SSD has enjoyed considerable success, certain design objectives require the explicit consideration of multiple conformational and/or chemical states. Cases where a "multistate" approach may be advantageous over the SSD approach include designing conformational changes into proteins, using native ensembles to mimic backbone flexibility, and designing ligand or oligomeric association specificities. These design objectives can be efficiently tackled using multistate design (MSD), an emerging methodology in CPD that considers any number of protein conformational or chemical states as inputs instead of a single protein backbone template, as in SSD. In this review article, recent examples of the successful design of a desired property into proteins using MSD are described. These studies employing MSD are divided into two categories-those that utilized multiple conformational states, and those that utilized multiple chemical states. In addition, the scoring of competing states during negative design is discussed as a current challenge for MSD.  相似文献   

The accurate design of new protein–protein interactions is a longstanding goal of computational protein design. However, most computationally designed interfaces fail to form experimentally. This investigation compares five previously described successful de novo interface designs with 158 failures. Both sets of proteins were designed with the molecular modeling program Rosetta. Designs were considered a success if a high‐resolution crystal structure of the complex closely matched the design model and the equilibrium dissociation constant for binding was less than 10 μM. The successes and failures represent a wide variety of interface types and design goals including heterodimers, homodimers, peptide‐protein interactions, one‐sided designs (i.e., where only one of the proteins was mutated) and two‐sided designs. The most striking feature of the successful designs is that they have fewer polar atoms at their interfaces than many of the failed designs. Designs that attempted to create extensive sets of interface‐spanning hydrogen bonds resulted in no detectable binding. In contrast, polar atoms make up more than 40% of the interface area of many natural dimers, and native interfaces often contain extensive hydrogen bonding networks. These results suggest that Rosetta may not be accurately balancing hydrogen bonding and electrostatic energies against desolvation penalties and that design processes may not include sufficient sampling to identify side chains in preordered conformations that can fully satisfy the hydrogen bonding potential of the interface.  相似文献   

Effects of amino acid substitutions at four fully buried sites of the ubiquitin molecule on the thermodynamic parameters (enthalpy, Gibbs energy) of unfolding were evaluated experimentally using differential scanning calorimetry. The same set of substitutions has been incorporated at each of four sites. These substitutions have been designed to perturb packing (van der Waals) interactions, hydration, and/or hydrogen bonding. From the analysis of the thermodynamic parameters for these ubiquitin variants we conclude that: (i) packing of non-polar groups in the protein interior is favorable and is largely defined by a favorable enthalpy of van der Waals interactions. The removal of one methylene group from the protein interior will destabilize a protein by approximately 5 kJ/mol, and will decrease the enthalpy of a protein by 12 kJ/mol. (ii) Burial of polar groups in the non-polar interior of a protein is highly destabilizing, and the degree of destabilization depends on the relative polarity of this group. For example, burial of Thr side-chain in the non-polar interior will be less destabilizing than burial of Asn side-chain. This decrease in stability is defined by a large enthalpy of dehydration of polar groups upon burial. (iii) The destabilizing effect of dehydration of polar groups upon burial can be compensated if these buried polar groups form hydrogen bonding. The enthalpy of this hydrogen bonding will compensate for the unfavorable dehydration energy and as a result the effect will be energetically neutral or even slightly stabilizing.  相似文献   

We report a very fast and accurate physics-based method to calculate pH-dependent electrostatic effects in protein molecules and to predict the pK values of individual sites of titration. In addition, a CHARMm-based algorithm is included to construct and refine the spatial coordinates of all hydrogen atoms at a given pH. The present method combines electrostatic energy calculations based on the Generalized Born approximation with an iterative mobile clustering approach to calculate the equilibria of proton binding to multiple titration sites in protein molecules. The use of the GBIM (Generalized Born with Implicit Membrane) CHARMm module makes it possible to model not only water-soluble proteins but membrane proteins as well. The method includes a novel algorithm for preliminary refinement of hydrogen coordinates. Another difference from existing approaches is that, instead of monopeptides, a set of relaxed pentapeptide structures are used as model compounds. Tests on a set of 24 proteins demonstrate the high accuracy of the method. On average, the RMSD between predicted and experimental pK values is close to 0.5 pK units on this data set, and the accuracy is achieved at very low computational cost. The pH-dependent assignment of hydrogen atoms also shows very good agreement with protonation states and hydrogen-bond network observed in neutron-diffraction structures. The method is implemented as a computational protocol in Accelrys Discovery Studio and provides a fast and easy way to study the effect of pH on many important mechanisms such as enzyme catalysis, ligand binding, protein-protein interactions, and protein stability.  相似文献   

De novo design of the hydrophobic core of ubiquitin.   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have previously reported the development and evaluation of a computational program to assist in the design of hydrophobic cores of proteins. In an effort to investigate the role of core packing in protein structure, we have used this program, referred to as Repacking of Cores (ROC), to design several variants of the protein ubiquitin. Nine ubiquitin variants containing from three to eight hydrophobic core mutations were constructed, purified, and characterized in terms of their stability and their ability to adopt a uniquely folded native-like conformation. In general, designed ubiquitin variants are more stable than control variants in which the hydrophobic core was chosen randomly. However, in contrast to previous results with 434 cro, all designs are destabilized relative to the wild-type (WT) protein. This raises the possibility that beta-sheet structures have more stringent packing requirements than alpha-helical proteins. A more striking observation is that all variants, including random controls, adopt fairly well-defined conformations, regardless of their stability. This result supports conclusions from the cro studies that non-core residues contribute significantly to the conformational uniqueness of these proteins while core packing largely affects protein stability and has less impact on the nature or uniqueness of the fold. Concurrent with the above work, we used stability data on the nine ubiquitin variants to evaluate and improve the predictive ability of our core packing algorithm. Additional versions of the program were generated that differ in potential function parameters and sampling of side chain conformers. Reasonable correlations between experimental and predicted stabilities suggest the program will be useful in future studies to design variants with stabilities closer to that of the native protein. Taken together, the present study provides further clarification of the role of specific packing interactions in protein structure and stability, and demonstrates the benefit of using systematic computational methods to predict core packing arrangements for the design of proteins.  相似文献   

In order to generate protein assemblies with a desired function, the rational design of protein–protein binding interfaces is of significant interest. Approaches based on random mutagenesis or directed evolution may involve complex experimental selection procedures. Also, molecular modeling approaches to design entirely new proteins and interactions with partner molecules can involve large computational efforts and screening steps. In order to simplify at least the initial effort for designing a putative binding interface between two proteins the Match_Motif approach has been developed. It employs the large collection of known protein–protein complex structures to suggest interface modifications that may lead to improved binding for a desired input interaction geometry. The approach extracts interaction motifs based on the backbone structure of short (four residues) segments and the relative arrangement with respect to short segments on the partner protein. The interaction geometry is used to search through a database of such motifs in known stable bound complexes. All matches are rapidly identified (within a few seconds) and collected and can be used to guide changes in the interface that may lead to improved binding. In the output, an alternative interface structure is also proposed based on the frequency of occurrence of side chains at a given interface position in all matches and based on sterical considerations. Applications of the procedure to known complex structures and alternative arrangements are presented and discussed. The program, data files, and example applications can be downloaded from https://www.groups.ph.tum.de/t38/downloads/.  相似文献   

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