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The splenic sinuses in the spleens of 5 human beings and 7 albino rats have been studied in the light microscope and electron microscope after fixation in Dalton's fluid and Palade's fluid and embedding in n-butyl methacrylate. Splenic sinuses are tortuous vascular channels of large but variable diameter which represent the first venous vessels in the spleen and make up almost the entire red pulp in man and in rats. These vessels are composed of reticulo-endothelial cells flattened to endothelial form and sheathed by a netted reticulum. The luminal surface of the endothelium is made highly irregular by delicate and variable cytoplasmic protrusions, slender corridors separating adjacent endothelial cells, anastomotic openings to other sinuses, bulgings of entire cells, and even thrusts of endothelium spanning the sinai lumen. The supporting reticulum presents a well developed latticed appearance in tangential sections of sinuses, but in most cuts is punctate or linear. The reticulum is composed of strands without limiting membranes, which, in substance, are amorphous and resemble basement membrane. Material identical in appearance to the substance of the reticulum may be present in the endothelium, suggesting that the reticulum is formed by endothelial cells. The endothelium also contains deposits of presumed ferritin and hemosiderin. The extreme luminal bulgings of endothelium suggest production of circulating monocytes or lymphocytes by detachment of endothelial cells. Sinuses are patent and collapsed to varying degrees. Patent sinuses are separated by collapsed sinuses and these collapsed sinuses appear to constitute splenic (Billroth) cords.  相似文献   

大鼠海马触液神经元的分布特征及其纤维联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用HRP追踪与电镜结合的方法研究了大白鼠海马接触脑脊液神经元的分布特征和皮质内联系。光镜观察在海马的多形细胞层和锥体细胞层等处可见散在的神经元被标记,而在室管膜层标记的细胞较多,它们分布于交织成网的阳性纤维中。透射电镜可见海马室管膜层的HRP反应阳性的神经细胞、树突末稍及神经胶质细胞。在海马室管膜上也见到了被标记的神经纤维。同时在海马室管膜层内还发现未标记的阴性轴突与被HRP标记的阳性树突构成的轴-树突触。上述结果提示海马为接触脑脊液神经元存在的部位之一,其接触脑脊液神经元并受到其它神经元的突触调控  相似文献   

Representative viruses of the RI-APC group were observed with the electron microscope in thin sections of infected HeLa cells. The viral particles varied in density, were approximately 60 mµ in diameter and had a center to center spacing when close packed of about 65 mµ. Many of the less dense particles exhibited an internal body averaging 24 mµ in diameter. It was suggested that within the nucleus the virus differentiated from dense granular and reticular material and formed crystals. Disintegration of the crystals and disruption of the nuclear membrane with release of virus into the cytoplasm appeared to occur at any stage. No evidence to suggest development of the virus in the cytoplasm was obtained. It was possible to deduce the structure of the viral crystal from the electron micrographs. The viral particles are packed in a cubic body—centered lattice. Correlative histochemical observations in the light microscope which are now in progress revealed that the crystals and non-crystalline aggregates of virus were strongly Feulgen-positive.  相似文献   

1. An electron microscope study at high resolution of the corneal epithelium of the normal mature and immature mouse revealed new information regarding the submicroscopic appearance of these cells. 2. Two thin dense lines separated by a less dense area constituted the structure of the limiting surface membrane of epithelial cells; the thickness of this membrane was about 80 A. 3. Some differences in the appearance of the cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells from the immature mouse cornea and the appearance of the cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells from the adult mouse cornea were observed. 4. The basement membrane appeared as a dense band about 600 A wide separating the basal epithelial cells from the substantia propria. Suggestions of periodicity were seen in some phosphotungstic acid-treated specimens. 5. Round bodies believed to be bacteria were seen on the surface of the outer epithelial cells in the adult mouse cornea but not in the immature, unopened eye.  相似文献   

The dictyosome (Golgi body) in the secondary spermatocyte of the cricket appears in electron micrographs as a duplex structure composed of (a) a group of parallel double-membraned lamellae and (b) a group of associated vacuoles arranged along the compact lamellae in a chain-like fashion. This arrangement of ultramicroscopic structure for the dictyosomes is strikingly comparable to that described for the Golgi apparatus of vertebrates. Accordingly, the two are considered homologous structures. Associated with the duplex structure of the dictyosomes is a differentiated region composed of small vacuoles. This is thought to represent the pro-acrosome region described in light microscope preparations. In the spermatid the dictyosomes fuse, giving rise to the acroblast. Like the dictyosomes, the acroblasts are made up of double-membraned lamellae and associated vacuoles. In addition, a differentiated acrosome region is present which, in some preparations, may display the acrosome vacuole and granule. Both the dictyosomes and acroblasts are distinct from mitochondria.  相似文献   

1. Observations on the morphological changes of mitochondria preparatory to the formation of the nebenkern, as well as changes within the nebenkern, are reported. 2. Mitochondria enlarge and divide during the meiotic divisions. 3. The mitochondria of the spermatid elongate, become filamentous, form a crescent, and partially encircle the nucleus. 4. Nodes which develop on either end of the crescent become entwined as they move toward each other. 5. The two nodes coalesce to form a filamentous or early type nebenkern which is described by others as chromophilic. 6. Internal rearrangement and partial dissolution of the filaments result in the development of the late or chromophobic nebenkern which separates into two distinct bodies. 7. The nebenkern moieties send out processes toward the centrosome, and after making contact, elongate and occupy part of the space between the tail filaments and sheath of the spermatozoon.  相似文献   

1. It is generally agreed that the blackening of osmium tetroxide by unsaturated lipid is too unpredictable to demonstrate lipid in tissues.
2. At neutral pH osmium tetroxide combines with the double bonds in the lipoproteins of cellular membranes (mitochondria, etc.) and the deep colour reaction of ethyl gallate with this osmium provides good staining of lipid for the light microscope.
3. Osmium taken up by tissue proteins at neutral pH is only a small fraction of that taken up by the lipid. (After acid fixatives osmium tetroxide is a general protein stain.)
4. The uptake of Sudan black B by partition from dilute solution is a specific test for lipid, but in normally fixed tissue most of the structural lipid is 'bound' and is not accessible to the dye.
5. Cautious treatment of fixed tissue with dilute sodium hypochlorite will unmask this lipid for viewing by the light microscope.
6. Direct fixation with neutral osmium tetroxide is an effective method for visualizing lipid for the electron microscope (as in the ethyl gallate method for the light microscope). But the poor penetration of osmium limits its use in this way.
7. After formol/glutaraldehyde fixation much of the lipid in the tissues is 'bound' and does not take up osmium. It can be unmasked by a saturated aqueous solution of thymol.
8. The unmasked lipid can then be rendered more osmiophil by partition in a solution of the highly unsaturated terpene farnesol, thus increasing the uptake of osmium in a renewed application.
9. Some of the novel observations on tissue lipids made by these methods are reviewed.  相似文献   

Sections of the stenotele type of nematocyst of Chlorohydra hadleyi have revealed that the stenotele, upon firing, completely everts its stylets and spines and the long, thin tubule, much as the eversion of the tubule of the nematocyst of the jewel anemone (Picken, 1953; Robson, 1953). Alternative mechanisms for supplying the energy necessary to forcefully discharge the stenotele contents are discussed as well as the possible significance of several regions containing highly ordered periodic structure. The origin of nematocysts as kinetosomal derivatives is discussed as a possibility suggested by the symmetry of the stenotele contents and the structure, location, and function of the cnidocil.  相似文献   

Certain phenomena affecting contrast obtained from tissue sections with the electron microscope have been investigated and a technique is described for reducing destruction by the electron beam of fine details in sections. It has been concluded that loss of embedding material is slightly higher at exposed surfaces of sections than it is at surfaces covered by substrate film. Covering of both surfaces of sections with thin films of formvar, collodion, or carbon materially improves the general appearance, reduces distortion, and sometimes reduces loss of tissue mass from the section as result of exposure to the electron beam. This improvement is considered to result from the relatively high melting-point of the covering films which serve to eliminate or reduce surface-tension or other forces operating in methacrylate softened by the electron beam.  相似文献   

Scott , Flora Murray , Virginia Sjaholm, and Edwin Bowler (U. California, Los Angeles.) Light and electron microscope studies of the primary xylem of Ricinus communis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 162-173. Illus. 1960.–The development of annular and spiral vessels in Ricinus communis has been examined under light and electron miscroscopes. Under the light microscope it is seen that spiral elements make up the bulk of the primary xylem. Pits and plasmodesmata are ubiquitous and are demonstrable in vertical and end walls. Plasmodesmata are evident in spiral thickenings. During tissue growth, intercellular spaces are formed between surrounding cells and developing vessels. These circum-vessel spaces are first lined with and later occluded by suberinlike substances. Traces of a material similar in microchemical reaction are laid down in the middle lamella. A suberin-like lining, termed in this paper the lipid lining, stainable with dimethylaminoazobenzene, occurs in mature living vessel elements. Innumerable minute fat-like droplets, refringent, and stainable with Sudan III, Sudan Black and also with osmic acid, occur in the outer cytoplasm and appear to be attached to the vessel lining by fine protoplasmic strands. They presumably are the source of the wall deposits. After the death of the protoplast, the vessel walls appear completely suberized. When contiguous cells are removed by treatment with I2ki-H2SO4, their site and the site of the intercellular spaces remain marked by linear suberized ridges on the vessel wall. Annular and spiral thickenings arise as cellulose strands and begin to lignify only when the vessel reaches maximum diameter. In transverse section, the broken end of an extracted spiral thickening appears stratified. Under the electron microscope, pits and plasmodesmata are evident in procambial and in differentiating xylem elements in all walls. Annular and spiral thickening are distinguishable first as closely woven microfibrillar cellulose bands. As lignin is deposited in the microfibrillar mesh, the thickenings become dense to the electron beam. Irradiation with the full strength of the electron beam distinguishes between spiral thickenings in younger and older vessels. Older spirals remain apparently unchanged. Younger spirals instantly swell, volatilize in part, and assume a moniliform outline. The bead-like swellings consist of a matrix partly transparent to the electron beam and an internal framework of a material comparatively dense to the electron beam. Similar intense irradiation differentiates between younger and older vessel linings. Older linings appear unchanged, while the younger react violently, volatilize in part and stabilize as an irregular coagulum set in a basic mesh. The volatilized substances appear as granules on lining surface or on substrate. The changing microfibrillar pattern of the cell wall is observed from the procambial stage to the final deposition of the lipid vessel lining.  相似文献   

白刺珠心组织及其营养功能的超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白刺具厚珠心,珠心组织发达。原胚期,根据超微结构特征,珠心组织大体可区分为三层:外围不活跃细胞层、特化细胞层和胚囊外围解体细胞层。珠心细胞解体时,细胞壁首先以微纤丝状态分散,原生质不同程度破坏,并累积脂滴。近胚囊壁降解后,珠心细胞即成为开放细胞,原生质团游离到胚囊周围。胚囊壁在珠孔区和合点区间断,因之,珠心细胞的游离原生质团可直接迁入胚囊内。在胚囊壁和中央细胞质膜之间存在明显间隙区域,其中有大量壁旁体存在,是珠心细胞降解物质进入胚囊的另一重要途径。  相似文献   

The process of myoblast fusion was observed in embryonic chick skeletal muscle cells grown in monolayer cultures at the fine structural level. At the first step, the sarcolemmas of cells destined to fuse are closely applied to each other. They are linked in some places by fasciae adherentes; in other places, engulfment of small processes of one cell by another is seen. At a somewhat more advanced stage of myogenesis, vesicles and tubules are formed between the adjacent cytoplasms; presumably, the apposed membranes have opened at several points and their edges have fused to each other. Finally, remnants of cell membranes (vesicles and tubules) disappear completely, and the confluent cytoplasm is formed. The cytoplasmic contents of the multinucleated cells are often poorly admixed, giving the cytoplasm a mosaic appearance in which different zones can be designated as arising from separate cells. This observation suggests, however, that there is slow diffusion of myoblast contents (ribosomes and, possibly, other materials) into the myotube. In agreement with the previous works at the light microscopic level, the present study suggests the occurence of fusion between mononucleated cells, between mononucleated cells and multinucleated myotubes, and between nascent multinucleated myotubes.  相似文献   

Glycogen is present in the rabbit retina in monoparticulate form. Beta particles (~ 229 A) are abundant in Müller cell cytoplasm, particularly in its inner portion, decreasing in number outwards along the cell. They are slightly larger (~ 250 A) and much scarcer in neurons, though regularly present in the juxtanuclear Golgi region of ganglion cells. When the retina was incubated in a glucose-free medium, it was rapidly depleted of native glycogen. On further incubation in medium containing glucose-3H plus unlabeled glucose, glycogen reappeared in the form of beta particles of the same size and distribution as native ones, while radioautography revealed the appearance of amylase-labile radioactivity in the same locations. This newly formed glycogen was not associated with any particular organelle. The rate of synthesis, as judged from the amount of radioactivity, was high in the inner portion of Müller cells and declined uniformly toward the cell outer end, following a logarithmic gradient. The rate of synthesis was low in ganglion cells, at best approaching values in the outer portion of Müller cells. The concentration of glycogen in the inner portion of Müller cells is consistent with the view that it may be the source of glucose for the anaerobic glycolysis prevailing in the inner retina.  相似文献   

Developing oocytes, ranging from approximately 0.1 to 1.0 mm in diameter, in Necturus were studied with the electron microscope. The outer layer of the nuclear envelope is actively engaged in the formation of vesicular elements along most of its surface, especially in smaller oocytes. Groups of vesicles appear to be released into the ooplasm at about the same time, resulting in long chains of individual vesicles immediately adjacent to the nuclear membrane. This process is repeated so that chains of vesicles grouped in rather ordered ranks extend progressively into the surrounding cytoplasm. Eventually, the cytoplasm becomes more concentrated with chains of vesicles and the distance between the individual rows becomes less. Very soon after a chain of vesicles has been budded off from the nuclear membrane, fine intervesicular connections appear between certain of the vesicles comprising the rows. Several of the vesicles in a row may then fuse, forming short, flattened cisternae. Fusion of vesicles continues, individual rows of vesicles become more closely packed and, finally, regions appear in the cytoplasm which have the appearance of annulate lamellae. Further growth of the lamellae appears to occur by the progressive fusion of vesicles at the ends of those lamellae already present, as well as by the addition of other fusing rows of vesicles.  相似文献   

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