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The stress-activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK), a member of the subgroup of mammalian kinases, appears to play an important role in regulating inflammatory responses, including cytokine secretion and apoptosis. The upstream mediators that link extracellular signals with the p38 MAPK signaling pathway are currently unknown. Here we demonstrate that pp125 focal adhesion kinase-related tyrosine kinase RAFTK (also known as PYK2, CADTK) is activated specifically by methylmethane sulfonate (MMS) and hyperosmolarity but not by ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation, or cis-platinum. Overexpression of RAFTK leads to the activation of p38 MAPK. Furthermore, overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of RAFTK (RAFTK K-M) inhibits MMS-induced p38 MAPK activation. MKK3 and MKK6 are known potential constituents of p38 MAPK signaling pathway, whereas SEK1 and MEK1 are upstream activators of SAPK/JNK and ERK pathways, respectively. We observe that the dominant-negative mutant of MKK3 but not of MKK6, SEK1, or MEK1 inhibits RAFTK-induced p38 MAPK activity. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that treatment of cells with 1, 2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid, tetra(acetoxymethyl)-ester, a membrane-permeable calcium chelator, inhibits MMS-induced activation of RAFTK and p38 MAPK. Taken together, these findings indicate that RAFTK represents a stress-sensitive mediator of the p38 MAPK signaling pathway in response to certain cytotoxic agents.  相似文献   

Cellular remodeling during progression of dilation involves focal adhesion contact reorganization. However, the signaling mechanisms and structural consequences leading to impaired cardiomyocyte adhesion are poorly defined. These events were studied in tropomodulin-overexpressing transgenic mice that develop dilated cardiomyopathy associated with chronic elevation of intracellular calcium. Analysis of tropomodulin-overexpressing transgenic hearts by immunoblot and confocal microscopy revealed activation and redistribution of signaling molecules known to regulate adhesion. Calcium-dependent pyk2/related focal adhesion tyrosine kinase (RAFTK) showed changes in expression and phosphorylation state, similar to changes observed for a related downstream target molecule of pyk2/RAFTK termed focal adhesion kinase. Paxillin, the target substrate molecule for focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation, was redistributed in tropomodulin-overexpressing transgenic hearts with enhanced paxillin phosphorylation and cleavage. Certain aspects of the in vivo signaling phenotype including increased paxillin phosphorylation could be recapitulated in vitro using neonatal rat cardiomyocytes infected with recombinant adenovirus to overexpress tropomodulin. In addition, increasing intracellular calcium levels with ionomycin induced pyk2/RAFTK phosphorylation, and adenovirally mediated expression of wild-type pyk2/RAFTK resulted in increased phospho-pyk2/RAFTK levels and concomitant paxillin phosphorylation. Collectively, these results delineate a cardiomyocyte signaling pathway associated with dilation that has potential relevance for cardiac remodeling, focal adhesion reorganization, and loss of contractility.  相似文献   

The coordinated interplay of substrate adhesion and deadhesion is necessary for cell motility. Using MCF-7 cells, we found that insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) induces the adhesion of MCF-7 to vitronectin and collagen in a dose- and time-dependent manner, suggesting that IGF-I triggers the activation of different integrins. On the other hand, IGF-I promotes the association of insulin receptor substrate 1 with the focal adhesion kinase (FAK), paxillin, and the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, resulting in FAK and paxillin dephosphorylation. Abrogation of SHP-2 catalytic activity with a dominant-negative mutant (SHP2-C>S) abolishes IGF-I-induced FAK dephosphorylation, and cells expressing SHP2-C>S show reduced IGF-I-stimulated chemotaxis compared with either mock- or SHP-2 wild-type-transfected cells. This impairment of cell migration is recovered by reintroduction of a catalytically active SHP-2. Interestingly, SHP-2-C>S cells show a larger number of focal adhesion contacts than wild-type cells, suggesting that SHP-2 activity participates in the integrin deactivation process. Although SHP-2 regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase activity, the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor PD-98059 has only a marginal effect on MCF-7 cell migration. The role of SHP-2 as a general regulator of cell chemotaxis induced by other chemotactic agents and integrins is discussed.  相似文献   

SHPTP1 (PTP1C, HCP, SHP) is an SH2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase expressed predominantly in hematopoietic cells. A frameshift mutation in the SHPTP1 gene causes the motheaten (me/me) mouse. These mice are essentially SHPTP1 null and display multiple hematopoietic abnormalities, most prominently hyperproliferation and inappropriate activation of granulocytes and macrophages. The me/me phenotype suggests that SHPTP1 negatively regulates macrophage proliferative pathways. Using primary bone marrow-derived macrophages from me/me mice and normal littermates, we examined the role of SHPTP1 in regulating signaling by the major macrophage mitogen colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) (also known as macrophage colony-stimulating factor). Macrophages from me/me mice hyperproliferate in response to CSF-1. In the absence of SHPTP1, the CSF-1 receptor (CSF-1R) is hyperphosphorylated upon CSF-1 stimulation, suggesting that SHPTP1 dephosphorylates the CSF-1R. At least some CSF-1R-associated proteins also are hyperactivated. SHPTP1 is associated constitutively, via its SH2 domains, with an unidentified 130-kDa phosphotyrosyl protein (P130). P130 and SHPTP1 are further tyrosyl phosphorylated upon CSF-1 stimulation. Tyrosyl-phosphorylated SHPTP1 binds to Grb2 via the Grb2 SH2 domain. Moreover, in me/me macrophages, Grb2 is associated, via its SH3 domains, with several tyrosyl phosphoproteins. These proteins are hyperphosphorylated on tyrosyl residues in me/me macrophages, suggesting that Grb2 may recruit substrates for SHPTP1. Our results indicate that SHPTP1 is a critical negative regulator of CSF-1 signaling in vivo and suggest a potential new function for Grb2.  相似文献   

In addition to protein phosphorylation, redox-dependent post-translational modification of proteins is emerging as a key signaling system that has been conserved throughout evolution and that influences many aspects of cellular homeostasis. Both systems exemplify dynamic regulation of protein function by reversible modification, which, in turn, regulates many cellular processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. In this article we focus on the interplay between phosphorylation- and redox-dependent signaling at the level of phosphotyrosine phosphatase-mediated regulation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). We propose that signal transduction by oxygen species through reversible phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibition, represents a widespread and conserved component of the biochemical machinery that is triggered by RTKs.  相似文献   

Male "viable motheaten" (me(v)) mice, with a naturally occurring mutation in the gene of the SH2 domain protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, are sterile. Known defects in sperm maturation in these mice correlate with an impaired differentiation of the epididymis, which has similarities to the phenotype of mice with a targeted inactivation of the Ros receptor tyrosine kinase. Ros and SHP-1 are coexpressed in epididymal epithelium, and elevated phosphorylation of Ros in the epididymis of me(v) mice suggests that Ros signaling is under control of SHP-1 in vivo. Phosphorylated Ros strongly and directly associates with SHP-1 in yeast two-hybrid, glutathione S-transferase pull-down, and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Strong binding of SHP-1 to Ros is selective compared to six other receptor tyrosine kinases. The interaction is mediated by the SHP-1 NH(2)-terminal SH2 domain and Ros phosphotyrosine 2267. Overexpression of SHP-1 results in Ros dephosphorylation and effectively downregulates Ros-dependent proliferation and transformation. We propose that SHP-1 is an important downstream regulator of Ros signaling.  相似文献   

Environmental factors, including dietary fats, are implicated in colonic carcinogenesis. Dietary fats modulate secondary bile acids including deoxycholic acid (DCA) concentrations in the colon, which are thought to contribute to the nutritional-related component of colon cancer risk. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, that DCA differentially regulated the site-specific phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). DCA decreased adhesion of HCA-7 cells to the substratum and induced dephosphorylation of FAK at tyrosine-576/577 (Tyr-576/577) and Tyr-925. Tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK at Tyr-397 remained unaffected by DCA stimulation. Interestingly, we found that c-Src was constitutively associated with FAK and DCA actually activated Src, despite no change in FAK-397 and an inhibition of FAK-576 phosphorylation. DCA concomitantly and significantly increased association of tyrosine phosphatase ShP2 with FAK. Incubation of immunoprecipitated FAK, in vitro, with glutathione-S-transferase-ShP2 fusion protein resulted in tyrosine dephosphorylation of FAK in a concentration-dependent manner. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides directed against ShP2 decreased ShP2 protein levels and attenuated DCA-induced FAK dephosphorylation. Inhibition of FAK by adenoviral-mediated overexpression of FAK-related nonkinase and gene silencing of Shp2 both abolished DCA's effect on cell adhesion, thus providing a possible mechanism for inside-out signaling by DCA in colon cancer cells. Our results suggest that DCA differentially regulates focal adhesion complexes and that tyrosine phosphatase ShP2 has a role in DCA signaling.  相似文献   

This review deals with the analysis of modern literature about structure, catalytical activity, biological role and practical usage of protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45, which is widely distributed in the membranes of hematopoietic cells. The enzyme location makes it a highly sensitive test for estimation of development of such pathological states as immunological and neoplastic diseases, malignant tumors and transplantation responses of tissue tearing away. Unequal enzyme isoforms expressed in various leucocyte cell lines at different stages of development and differentiation are typical of those species. The existence of multiple isoforms is not used only to determine various cell lines, but also causes existence of variable adhesion requirements resulting in local restriction of activity and changes in the substrate binding. There is no doubt that definition of substrate molecules, influence of proteintyrosinephosphatase CD45 translocation and regulation of its activity by other ligands are important questions. Solution of these problems will be useful for searching the correctional means of dysfunctions of the tissues, enriched with protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45.  相似文献   

Bifunctional sensor transmitter modules of two-component systems exert both positive and negative control on the receiver domain of the cognate response regulator. In negative control, the transmitter module accelerates the rate of phospho-receiver dephosphorylation. This transmitter phosphatase reaction serves the important physiological functions of resetting response regulator phosphorylation level and suppressing cross-talk. Although the biochemical reactions underlying positive control are reasonably well understood, the mechanism for transmitter phosphatase activity has been unknown. A recent hypothesis is that the transmitter phosphatase reaction is catalysed by a conserved Gln, Asn or Thr residue, via a hydrogen bond between the amide or hydroxyl group and the nucleophilic water molecule in acyl-phosphate hydrolysis. This hypothetical mechanism closely resembles the established mechanisms of auxiliary phosphatases such as CheZ and CheX, and may be widely conserved in two-component signal transduction. In addition to the proposed catalytic residues, transmitter phosphatase activity also requires the correct transmitter conformation and appropriate interactions with the receiver. Evidence suggests that the phosphatase-competent and autokinase-competent states are mutually exclusive, and the corresponding negative and positive activities are likely to be reciprocally regulated through dynamic control of transmitter conformations.  相似文献   

The stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) is induced in response to ionizing radiation and other DNA-damaging agents. Recent studies indicate that activation of JNK is necessary for induction of apoptosis in response to diverse agents. Here we demonstrate that methylmethane sulfonate (MMS)-induced activation of JNK is inhibited by overexpression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL, but not by caspase inhibitors CrmA and p35. By contrast, UV-induced JNK activity is insensitive to Bcl-xL. The results demonstrate that treatment with MMS is associated with an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase (RAFTK)/proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2), an upstream effector of JNK and that this phosphorylation is inhibited by overexpression of Bcl-xL. Furthermore, overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of RAFTK (RAFTK K-M) inhibits MMS-induced JNK activation. The results indicate that inhibition of RAFTK phosphorylation by MMS in Bcl-xL cells is attributed to an increase in tyrosine phosphatase activity in these cells. Hence, treatment of Bcl-xL cells with sodium vanadate, a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, restores MMS-induced activation of RAFTK and JNK. These findings indicate that RAFTK-dependent induction of JNK in response to MMS is sensitive to Bcl-xL, but not to CrmA and p35, by a mechanism that inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation and thereby activation of RAFTK. Taken together, these findings support a novel role for Bcl-xL that is independent of the caspase cascade.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a significant role in blood-brain barrier breakdown and angiogenesis after brain injury. VEGF-induced endothelial cell migration is a key step in the angiogenic response and is mediated by an accelerated rate of focal adhesion complex assembly and disassembly. In this study, we identified the signaling mechanisms by which VEGF regulates human brain microvascular endothelial cell (HBMEC) integrity and assembly of focal adhesions, complexes comprised of scaffolding and signaling proteins organized by adhesion to the extracellular matrix. We found that VEGF treatment of HBMECs plated on laminin or fibronectin stimulated cytoskeletal organization and increased focal adhesion sites. Pretreating cells with VEGF antibodies or with the specific inhibitor SU-1498, which inhibits Flk-1/KDR receptor phosphorylation, blocked the ability of VEGF to stimulate focal adhesion assembly. VEGF induced the coupling of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to integrin alphavbeta5 and tyrosine phosphorylation of the cytoskeletal components paxillin and p130cas. Additionally, FAK and related adhesion focal tyrosine kinase (RAFTK)/Pyk2 kinases were tyrosine-phosphorylated by VEGF and found to be important for focal adhesion sites. Overexpression of wild type RAFTK/Pyk2 increased cell spreading and the migration of HBMECs, whereas overexpression of catalytically inactive mutant RAFTK/Pyk2 markedly suppressed HBMEC spreading ( approximately 70%), adhesion ( approximately 82%), and migration ( approximately 65%). Furthermore, blocking of FAK by the dominant-interfering mutant FRNK (FAK-related non-kinase) significantly inhibited HBMEC spreading and migration and also disrupted focal adhesions. Thus, these studies define a mechanism for the regulatory role of VEGF in focal adhesion complex assembly in HBMECs via activation of FAK and RAFTK/Pyk2.  相似文献   

The Murine double-minute clone 2 (Mdm2) onco-protein is the principal regulator of the tumour suppressor, p53. Mdm2 acts as an E3-type ubiquitin ligase that mediates the ubiquitylation and turnover of p53 under normal, unstressed circumstances. In response to cellular stress, such as DNA damage, the Mdm2–p53 interaction is disrupted. Part of the mechanism of uncoupling p53 from Mdm2-mediated degradation involves hypo-phosphorylation of a cluster of phosphorylated serine residues in the central acidic domain of Mdm2. Here, we show that two of the residues within this domain that are phosphorylated in vivo, Ser-260 and Ser-269, are phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro. Treatment of cells with the CK2 inhibitor, 4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-2-azabenzimidazole (TBB), leads to the induction of p53 and downstream targets of p53 including Mdm2 itself and p21. These data are consistent with the idea that CK2-mediated phosphorylation of Mdm2 may regulate Mdm2-mediated p53 turnover.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase 3beta is tyrosine phosphorylated by PYK2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK3beta) is a Ser/Thr kinase that is involved in numerous cellular activities. GSK3beta is activated by tyrosine phosphorylation. However, very little is known about the tyrosine kinases that are responsible for phosphorylating GSK3beta. In this report, we investigated the ability of the calcium-dependent tyrosine kinase, proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2) to tyrosine phosphorylate GSK3beta. In transfected CHO cells, it was demonstrated that PYK2 tyrosine phosphorylates GSK3beta in situ. The two kinases also coimmunoprecipitated. Furthermore, GSK3beta was tyrosine phosphorylated in vitro by an active, wild type PYK2, but not by the inactive, kinase dead form of PYK2. Therefore, this study is the first to demonstrate that GSK3beta is a substrate of PYK2 both in vitro and in situ.  相似文献   

In Metazoans a number of cellular functions are controlled by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) during development and in postnatal life. The execution of these programs requires that signals of adequate strength are delivered for the appropriate time within precise spatial boundaries. Several RTK inhibitors have been identified in invertebrate and mammalian organisms. Because they are involved in tuning and termination of receptor signals, negative regulators of RTK activity fulfill a fundamental function in the control of receptor signaling.  相似文献   

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