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D.A. VEAL, J.E. TRIMBLE AND A.J. BEATTIE. 1992. Myrmecia gulose (Australian bull ant) produce secretions from their metapleural exocrine glands which have broad spectrum antimicrobial properties. Such secretions are probably of importance in disease control in bull ant communities. These antimicrobial secretions are stable at 100°C, resistant to proteolytic enzymes and are active over a wide pH range. Of the organisms tested only endospores of Bacillus cereus were found to be resistant. The antimicrobial agent(s) are absorbed by cells and result in cell lysis. The secretions do not interfere with any growth-related processes. These observations demonstrate that insects may be a source of novel antimicrobial agent(s).  相似文献   

Myrmecia gulosa (Australian bull ant) produce secretions from their metapleural exocrine glands which have broad spectrum antimicrobial properties. Such secretions are probably of importance in disease control in bull ant communities. These antimicrobial secretions are stable at 100 degrees C, resistant to proteolytic enzymes and are active over a wide pH range. Of the organisms tested only endospores of Bacillus cereus were found to be resistant. The antimicrobial agent(s) are absorbed by cells and result in cell lysis. The secretions do not interfere with any growth-related processes. These observations demonstrate that insects may be a source of novel antimicrobial agent(s).  相似文献   

1. Graded and discrete receptor potentials are recorded from the visual cells of the Australian Bulldog-ant. The intensity dependence of the graded responses is described by a new formula [Eq. (3)]. While the frequency of the discrete potentials in relation to the number of light quanta fits best a Poisson distribution, the graded potentials are best described by a logarithmic Gaussian distribution. 2. It is shown that the non-linear summation of single bumps and the reduction of the bump amplitude lead to a logarithmic intensity dependence. 3. The frequency spectrum of single bumps is measured with a Fast-Fourier-Analysis. It is observed that the harmonic frequencies have a negative slope around 12 dB/octave. 4. A difference is found in the higher harmonics of bumps generated at lower light intensities from those generated at higher light intensities. It is shown that this difference becomes more obvious if the bumps are further divided into short and longer latency groups. 5. From these results, it is concluded, that there is a mutual influence between neighbouring visual cells. Using this influence as a basis, a model of the low electric coupling between the cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the nine species groups of the predominately Australian ant genus Myrmecia were inferred using 38 Myrmecia species and an outgroup using DNA sequences from two nuclear genes (622nt from 28S rRNA and 1907nt from the long-wave opsin gene). Nothomyrmecia macrops was selected as the most appropriate outgroup based on recent reliable studies showing monophyly of Myrmecia with Nothomyrmecia. The four species groups with an occipital carina (those of gulosa, nigrocincta, urens, and picta) were found to form a paraphyletic and basal assemblage out of which the five species groups lacking an occipital carina (those of aberrans, mandibularis, tepperi, cephalotes, and pilosula) arise as a strongly supported monophyletic assemblage. Monophyly was supported for four groups (those of gulosa, nigrocincta, picta, and mandibularis) but the situation is unclear for four others (those of urens, aberrans, tepperi, and pilosula). The aberrans group appears to be basal within the group lacking an occipital carina; a previous suggestion that it is the sister group to the rest of the genus is thus not supported.  相似文献   

Summary Newly eclosed callow workers of the primitive ant genusMyrmecia were not attacked by workers from different conspecific colonies. This was true for three different species ofMyrmecia and for three experimental approaches. This finding contradicts the much quoted anedotal report ofHaskins andHaskins (1950). Aggression against conspecific alien worker controls was always significantly greater than aggression against callows. However, contrary to theHaskins' report, intraspecific aggression inMyrmecia rarely resulted in mortality. Nevertheless, in all six species ofMyrmecia kept in the laboratory, mortality did result from frequent intra-colony aggression between workers. Possible explanations are discussed for this unexpected aggression within colonies.Resume Dans le genre de fourmi primitiveMyrmecia, des ouvrières récemment écloses n'ont pas été attaquées par des ouvrières provenant de colonies étrangères de même espèce. Ceci a été établi pour trois espèces deMyrmecia et par trois approches expérimentales. Ce résultat contredit les données anecdotiques, souvent citées deHaskins etHaskins (1950). L'agression, dans des groupes d'ouvrières étrangères homospécifiques, a été toujours significativement plus grande que l'agression contre des ouvrières immatures. Cependant, contrairement au résultats deHaskins etHaskins, l'agression homospécifique chezMyrmecia a rarement entraîné de la mortalité. Néanmoins, dans chacune des six espèces deMyrmecia entretenues au laboratoire, une certaine mortalité se produit par suite des attaques fréquentes entre ouvrières de la même société. Quelques explications possibles sont discutées pour cette agression inattendue au sein des sociétés.
L'agression intraspécifique chez les fourmis primitives du genreMyrmecia

Insects use antennal sensilla to not only detect chemical and mechanical cues but also to sense changes in temperature, humidity and CO2 levels. Very little is known about the variation in numbers, size and structure of sensilla in ants. Here we describe in detail the array of sensilla on the apical segment of the antennae of the nocturnal Australian bull ant Myrmecia pyriformis. Using scanning electron microscopy techniques we identified eight types of sensilla: trichodea curvata, basiconica, trichodea, coelocapitular, chaetica, trichoid II, ampullacea and coeloconica. Mapping the spatial location of each sensillum revealed distinct distribution patterns for different types of sensilla which were consistent across different individuals. We found, in most cases, the number of sensilla increases with the size of the apical antennomere, which in turn increases with body size. Conversely, the size of sensilla did not appreciably increase with the size of the apical antennomere. We discuss the size, numbers and distribution of sensilla of M. pyriformis compared to other ant species. Lastly, given the inconsistent use of sensillum nomenclature and difficulties associated in reliable identification we have attempted to consolidate the ant sensilla literature to make possible interspecific comparisons.  相似文献   

Summary Food-storage abilities of both minor and major workers of the dimorphic antColobopsis nipponicus were examined to prove the hypothesis that major workers of this species have a trophic role in addition to a defensive one. Both worker subcastes accumulated water, that was supplied with water-soluble food, as well as fat, that probably originated from food given. However, the major workers accumulated much larger amounts of water and fat than did the minor workers. Difference in water accumulation increased as food supply increased. In spite of their difference in body weight, the residual amount of fat after starvation did not differ between the two subcastes. Although the amount of stored fat increased with colony size in both subcastes, the stored fat per dry weight of the major worker was significantly larger than that of the minor worker regardless of the colony size. When workers of a colony were starved, minor workers with a single major worker survived significantly longer than those without a major worker. In addition, about half the behavioral acts of major workers were regurgitation for minor workers. These results demonstrate that major workers ofC. nipponicus functioned as a trophic caste. On the basis of the results, quantitative relationships of storage abilities between the two worker subcastes are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of queens per colony and the number of matings per queen are the most important determinants of the genetic structure of ant colonies, and understanding their interrelationship is essential to the study of social evolution. The polygyny-vs.-polyandry hypothesis argues that polygyny and polyandry should be negatively associated because both can result in increased intracolonial genetic variability and have costs. However, evidence for this long-debated hypothesis has been lacking at the intraspecific level. Here, we investigated the colony genetic structure in the Australian bulldog ant Myrmecia brevinoda. The numbers of queens per colony varied from 1 to 6. Nestmate queens within polygynous colonies were on average related (r(qq) = 0.171 ± 0.019), but the overall relatedness between queens and their mates was indistinguishable from zero (r(qm) = 0.037 ± 0.030). Queens were inferred to mate with 1-10 males. A lack of genetic isolation by distance among nests indicated the prevalence of independent colony foundation. In accordance with the polygyny-vs.-polyandry hypothesis, the number of queens per colony was significantly negatively associated with the estimated number of matings (Spearman rank correlation R = -0.490, P = 0.028). This study thus provides the rare intraspecific evidence for the polygyny-vs.-polyandry hypothesis. We suggest that the high costs of multiple matings and the strong effect of multiple mating on intracolonial genetic diversity may be essential to the negative association between polygyny and polyandry and that any attempt to empirically test this hypothesis should place emphasis upon these two key underlying aspects.  相似文献   

In polygynous (multiple queens per nest) colonies of socialinsects, queens can increase their reproductive share by layingmore eggs or by increasing the proportion of eggs that developinto reproductive individuals instead of workers. We used polymorphicmicrosatellite loci to determine the genetically effective contributionof queens to the production of gynes (new queens), males, and2 different cohorts of workers in a polygynous population ofthe ant Formica exsecta. For this purpose, we developed a newmethod that can be used for diploid and haplodiploid organismsto quantify the degree of reproductive specialization amongbreeders in societies where there are too many breeders to ascertainparentage. Using this method, we found a high degree of reproductivespecialization among nest-mate queens in both female- and male-producingcolonies (sex ratio is bimodally distributed in the study population).For example, a high effective proportion of queens (25% and79%, respectively) were specialized in the production of malesin female- and male-producing colonies. Our analyses furtherrevealed that in female-producing colonies, significantly fewerqueens contributed to gyne production than to worker production.Finally, we found significant changes in the identity of queenscontributing to different cohorts of workers. Altogether, thesedata demonstrate that colonies of F. exsecta, and probably thoseof many other highly polygynous social insect species, are composedof reproductive individuals differing in their investment togynes, males, and workers. These findings demonstrate a newaspect of the highly dynamic social organization of complexanimal societies.  相似文献   

Intraspecific phenotypic diversification in social organisms often leads to formation of physical castes which are morphologically specialized for particular tasks within the colony. The optimal caste allocation theory argues that specialized morphological castes are efficient at specific tasks, and hence different caste ratios should affect the ergonomic efficiency, hence reproductive output of the colony. However, the reproductive output of different caste ratios has been documented in few species of insects with equivocal support for the theory. This study investigated whether the ratios of nonreproductive and reproductive morphs affect the reproductive output of a recently discovered social trematode, Philophthalmus sp., in which the nonreproductive members are hypothesized to be defensive specialists. A census of natural infections and a manipulative in vitro experiment demonstrated a positive association between the reproductive output of trematode colonies and the ratio of nonreproductive to reproductive morphs in the presence of an intra‐host trematode competitor, Maritrema novaezealandensis. On the contrary, without the competitor, reproductive output was negatively associated with the proportion of nonreproductive castes in colonies. Our findings demonstrate for the first time a clear fitness benefit associated with the nonreproductive castes in the presence of a competitor while illustrating the cost of maintaining such morphs in noncompetitive situations. Although the proximate mechanisms controlling caste ratio remain unclear in this trematode system, this study supports the prediction that the fitness of colonies is influenced by the composition of specialized functional morphs in social organisms, suggesting a potential for adaptive shifts of caste ratios over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

The Australian endemic ant Nothomyrmecia macrops is considered one of the most ‘primitive’ among living ants. We investigated the genetic structure of colonies to determine queen mating frequencies and nestmate relatedness. An average of 18.8 individuals from each of 32 colonies, and sperm extracted from 34 foraging queens, were genotyped using five highly variable microsatellite markers. Queens were typically singly (65%) or doubly mated (30%), but triple mating (5%) also occurred. The mean effective number of male mates for queens was 1.37. No relationship between colony size and queen mate number was found. Nestmate workers were related by b=0.61 ± 0.03, significantly above the threshold under Hamilton’s rule over which, all else being equal, altruistic behaviour persists, but queens and their mates were unrelated. In 25% of the colonies we detected a few workers that could not have been produced by the resident queen, although there was no evidence for worker reproduction. Polyandry is for the first time recorded in a species with very small mature colonies, which is inconsistent with the sperm‐limitation hypothesis for the mediation of polyandry levels. Facultative polyandry is therefore not confined to the highly advanced ant genera, but may have arisen at an early stage in ant social evolution.  相似文献   

An account is given of the behaviour of workers of Myrmecia gulosa in the presence of formic acid and undecane (substances produced by its normal prey Camponotus). Comparative studies with three other species of Myrmecia are described.  相似文献   

In social animals, inbreeding depression may manifest by compromising care or resources individuals receive from inbred group members. We studied the effects of worker inbreeding on colony productivity and investment in the ant Formica exsecta. The production of biomass decreased with increasing inbreeding, as did biomass produced per worker. Inbred colonies produced fewer gynes (unmated reproductive females), whereas the numbers of males remained unchanged. As a result, sex ratios showed increased male bias, and the fraction of workers increased among the diploid brood. Males raised in inbred colonies were smaller, whereas the weight of gynes remained unchanged. The results probably reflect a trade-off between number and quality of offspring, which is expected if the reproductive success of gynes is more dependent on their weight or condition than it is for males. As males are haploid (with the exception of abnormal diploid males produced in very low frequencies in this population), and therefore cannot be inbred themselves, the effect on their size must be mediated through the workers of the colony. We suggest the effects are caused by the inbred workers being less proficient in feeding the growing larvae. This represents a new kind of social inbreeding depression that may affect sex ratios as well as caste fate in social insects.  相似文献   

In many social hymenopteran species, workers possess functional ovaries that are physiologically inactive in the presence of queens. We investigated the ovarian regulatory mechanism of workers and reproductives in a queenless ponerine ant, Diacamma sp., using histological and molecular techniques. In this ant, clear reproductive differentiation occurs via a highly sophisticated dominance behavioral interaction called “gemmae mutilation”. This clear and rapid bifurcation of reproductive physiology allows us to elucidate the detailed ovarian differentiation process. Histological characteristics of functional ovaries (fusomes and ring canals) were found in both workers and reproductives, suggesting that early oogenesis is not blocked in workers. Since insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS) is known to control insect reproduction, orthologs of 2 positive IIS regulators, insulin receptor and serine-threonine kinase Akt (protein kinase B), were cloned in Diacamma (DiaInR, DiaAkt); their expression patterns during reproductive differentiation were examined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; DiaInR and DiaAkt were strongly expressed in the gasters of reproductives. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of ovaries indicated that DiaInR and DiaAkt were expressed in nurse cells, oocytes, and upper germarial regions of reproductives but not of workers. Our data suggest that the IIS pathway accounts for reproductive differentiation in late oogenesis.  相似文献   

Neuroectodermal tumors of childhood provide a unique opportunity to examine the role of genes potentially regulating neuronal growth and differentiation because many cell lines derived from these tumors are composed of at least two distinct morphologic cell types. These types display variant phenotypic characteristics and spontaneously interconvert, or transdifferentiate, in vitro. The factors that regulate transdifferentiation are unknown. Application of antisense approaches to the transdifferentiation process has allowed us to explore the precise role that N-myc may play in regulating developing systems. We now report construction of an episomally replicating expression vector designed to generate RNA antisense to part of the human N-myc gene. Such a vector is able to specifically inhibit N-myc expression in cell lines carrying both normal and amplified N-myc alleles. Inhibition of N-myc expression blocks transdifferentiation in these lines, with accumulation of cells of an intermediate phenotype. A concomitant decrease in growth rate but not loss of tumorigenicity was observed in the N-myc nonamplified cell line CHP-100. Vector-generated antisense RNA should allow identification of genes specifically regulated by the proto-oncogene N-myc.  相似文献   

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