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 Prediction of the means and genetic variances in segregating generations could help to assess the breeding potential of base populations. In this study, we investigated whether the testcross (TC) means and variances of F3 progenies from F1 crosses in European maize can be predicted from the TC means of their parents and F1 crosses and four measures of parental genetic divergence: genetic distance (GD) determined by 194 RFLP or 691 AFLPTM 1 markers, mid-parent heterosis (MPH), and absolute difference between the TC means of parents (∣P1−P2∣). The experimental materials comprised six sets of crosses; each set consisted of four elite inbreds from the flint or dent germplasm and the six possible F1 crosses between them, which were evaluated for mid-parent heterosis. Testcross progenies of these materials and 20 random F3 plants per F1 cross were produced with a single-cross tester from the opposite heterotic group and evaluated in two environments. The characters studied were plant height, dry matter content and grain yield. The genetic distance between parent lines ranged between 0.17 and 0.70 for RFLPs and between 0.14 and 0.57 for AFLPs in the six sets. Testcross-means of parents, F1 crosses, and F3 populations averaged across the six crosses in a particular set generally agreed well for all three traits. Bartlett’s test revealed heterogeneous TC variances among the six crosses in all sets for plant height, in four sets for grain yield and in five sets for dry matter content. Correlations among the TC means of the parents, F1 crosses, and F3 populations were highly significant and positive for all traits. Estimates of the TC variance among F3 progenies for the 36 crosses showed only low correlations with the four measures of parental genetic divergence for all traits. The results demonstrated that for our material, the TC means of the parents or the parental F1 cross can be used as predictors for the TC means of F3 populations. However, the prediction of the TC variance remains an unsolved problem. Received: 4 August 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   

H V Tang  R Chang  D R Pring 《Genetics》1998,149(1):383-403
The efficiency of marker-assisted selection (MAS) depends on the power of quantitative trait locus (QTL) detection and unbiased estimation of QTL effects. Two independent samples N = 344 and 107 of F2 plants were genotyped for 89 RFLP markers. For each sample, testcross (TC) progenies of the corresponding F3 lines with two testers were evaluated in four environments. QTL for grain yield and other agronomically important traits were mapped in both samples. QTL effects were estimated from the same data as used for detection and mapping of QTL (calibration) and, based on QTL positions from calibration, from the second, independent sample (validation). For all traits and both testers we detected a total of 107 QTL with N = 344, and 39 QTL with N = 107, of which only 20 were in common. Consistency of QTL effects across testers was in agreement with corresponding genotypic correlations between the two TC series. Most QTL displayed no significant QTL x environment nor epistatic interactions. Estimates of the proportion of the phenotypic and genetic variance explained by QTL were considerably reduced when derived from the independent validation sample as opposed to estimates from the calibration sample. We conclude that, unless QTL effects are estimated from an independent sample, they can be inflated, resulting in an overly optimistic assessment of the efficiency of MAS.  相似文献   

Several QTLs for cell wall degradability and lignin content were previously detected in the F288 × F271 maize RIL progeny, including a set of major QTLs located in bin 6.06. Unexpectedly, allelic sequencing of genes located around the bin 6.06 QTL positions revealed a monomorphous region, suggesting that these QTLs were likely “ghost” QTLs. Refining the positions of all QTLs detected in this population was thus considered, based on a linkage map densification in most important QTL regions, and in several large still unmarked regions. Re-analysis of data with an improved genetic map (173 markers instead of 108) showed that ghost QTLs located in bin 6.06 were then fractionated over two QTL positions located upstream and downstream of the monomorphic region. The area located upstream of bin 6.06 position carried the major QTLs, which explained from 37 to 59 % of the phenotypic variation for per se values and extended on only 6 cM, corresponding to a physical distance of 2.2 Mbp. Among the 92 genes present in the corresponding area of the B73 maize reference genome, nine could putatively be considered as involved in the formation of the secondary cell wall [bHLH, FKBP, laccase, fasciclin, zinc finger C2H2-type and C3HC4-type (two genes), NF-YB, and WRKY]. In addition, based on the currently improved genetic map, eight QTLs were detected in bin 4.09, while only one QTL was highlighted in the initial investigation. Moreover, significant epistatic interaction effects were shown for all traits between these QTLs located in bin 4.09 and the major QTLs located in bin 6.05. Three genes related to secondary cell wall assembly (ZmMYB42, COV1-like, PAL-like) underlay QTL support intervals in this newly identified bin 4.09 region. The current investigations, even if they were based only on one RIL progeny, illustrated the interest of a targeted marker mapping on a genetic map to improve QTL position.  相似文献   

Genome-based prediction of testcross values in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the first large-scale experimental study on genome-based prediction of testcross values in an advanced cycle breeding population of maize. The study comprised testcross progenies of 1,380 doubled haploid lines of maize derived from 36 crosses and phenotyped for grain yield and grain dry matter content in seven locations. The lines were genotyped with 1,152 single nucleotide polymorphism markers. Pedigree data were available for three generations. We used best linear unbiased prediction and stratified cross-validation to evaluate the performance of prediction models differing in the modeling of relatedness between inbred lines and in the calculation of genome-based coefficients of similarity. The choice of similarity coefficient did not affect prediction accuracies. Models including genomic information yielded significantly higher prediction accuracies than the model based on pedigree information alone. Average prediction accuracies based on genomic data were high even for a complex trait like grain yield (0.72–0.74) when the cross-validation scheme allowed for a high degree of relatedness between the estimation and the test set. When predictions were performed across distantly related families, prediction accuracies decreased significantly (0.47–0.48). Prediction accuracies decreased with decreasing sample size but were still high when the population size was halved (0.67–0.69). The results from this study are encouraging with respect to genome-based prediction of the genetic value of untested lines in advanced cycle breeding populations and the implementation of genomic selection in the breeding process.  相似文献   

Intracellular compartmentation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and N-malonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (MACC) in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kanzler) and barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Gerbel) leaves was studied using different methods: first, the isolation of intact vacuoles from protoplasts and, second, a non-aqueous fractionation procedure. The two methods gave similar results. ACC concentrations were similar in the extravacuolar space and in the vacuole, whereas MACC was accumulated in the vacuolar space. Transport studies revealed that no specific carrier for ACC exists at the tonoplast. MACC transfer across the tonoplast was enhanced by 120% in the presence of ATP. MACC competitively inhibited malate transport into the vacuole indicating that the same transfer system catalyzes the transfer of the two dicarboxylates.
It is concluded that malonylation of ACC is not a prerequisite for the transport of ACC through the tonoplast.  相似文献   

In crop species, most QTL (quantitative trait loci) mapping strategies use segregating populations derived from an initial cross between two lines. However, schemes including more than two parents could also be used. We propose an approach using a high-density restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) map established on six F 2 populations derived from diallel crosses among four inbred lines and the phenotypic performances of two types of replicated progenies (F 3 and topcross). The QTL is supposed to be on the marker locus considered. Three linear model tests for the detection of QTL effects (T 1, T 2 and T 3) are described and their power studied for the two types of progeny. T 1 tests the global genetic effects of the QTL (additivity and dominance) and T 2 tests only additive effects assuming dominance is absent when it could exist. The models of these two tests assume that the main effects of QTL alleles are constant in different genetic backgrounds. The additive model of test T 3 considers the six F 2 populations independently, and T 3 is the equivalent of the classical mean comparison test if we neglect dominance; it uses only contrasts between the homozygote marker classes. The results show that T 2 is much more powerful than T 3. The power of T 1 and T 2 depends on the relative sizes of the additive and dominance effects, and their comparison is not easy to establish. Nevertheless, T 2 seems to be the more powerful in most situations, indicating that it is often more interesting to ignore dominance when testing for a QTL effect. For a given size of genetic effects, the power is affected by the total number of individuals genotyped in F 2 and the recombination rate between the marker locus and the putative QTL. The approach presented in this paper has some drawbacks but could be easily generalized to other sizes of diallels and different progeny types.  相似文献   

Biofuels have gained importance recently and the use of maize biomass as substrate in biogas plants for production of methane has increased tremendously in Germany. The objectives of our research were to (1) estimate variance components and heritability for different traits relevant to biogas production in testcrosses (TCs) of maize, (2) study correlations among traits, and (3) discuss strategies to breed maize as a substrate for biogas fermenters. We evaluated 570 TCs of 285 diverse dent maize lines crossed with two flint single-cross testers in six environments. Data were recorded on agronomic and quality traits, including dry matter yield (DMY), methane fermentation yield (MFY), and methane yield (MY), the product of DMY and MFY, as the main target trait. Estimates of variance components showed general combining ability (GCA) to be the major source of variation. Estimates of heritability exceeded 0.67 for all traits and were even much greater in most instances. Methane yield was perfectly correlated with DMY but not with MFY, indicating that variation in MY is primarily determined by DMY. Further, DMY had a larger heritability and coefficient of genetic variation than MFY. Hence, for improving MY, selection should primarily focus on DMY rather than MFY. Further, maize breeding for biogas production may diverge from that for forage production because in the former case, quality traits seem to be of much lower importance.  相似文献   

RFLP markers and predicted testcross performance of maize sister inbreds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Inbreds selfed from the same F2 or backcross population are referred to as sister inbreds. In some situations, maize (Zea mays L.) sister inbreds may not have testcross data available for best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of single-cross performance. This study evaluated the usefulness of BLUP and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based coefficients of coancestry ( f ) in predicting the testcross performance of sister inbreds. Parental contributions (p) were estimated from 70 RFLP loci for 15 inbreds that comprised three sister inbreds selfed from each of five F2 populations. Estimates of p were subsequently used to calculate RFLP-based f. Grain yield, moisture, and stalk lodging data were obtained for 2265 single crosses tested by Limagrain Genetics in multilocation trials from 1990 to 1995. Performance of the sister inbreds when crossed to several inbred testers was predicted from the performance of the tested single crosses and RFLP-based f. Correlations between predicted and observed performance, obtained with a delete-one cross-validation procedure, were erratic and mostly low for all three traits. Correspondence was poor between ranks for predicted and observed general combining ability of the sister inbreds. The results suggested that the proportion of the genome derived by a sister inbred from a given parental inbred does not solely determine its testcross performance. The failure of BLUP and RFLP-based f to consistently predict testcross performance indicated that actual field testing will continue to be necessary for preliminary evaluation of sister inbreds. Received : 17 March 1997 / Accepted : 18 April 1997  相似文献   

Mineral nutrition and growth of tropical maize as affected by soil acidity   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Soil constraints linked to low pH reduce grain yield in about 10% of the maize growing area in tropical developing countries. The aim of this research was to elucidate the reasons for this maize yield reduction on an oxisol of Guadeloupe. The field experiment had two treatments: the native non-limed soil (NLI, pH 4.5, 2.1 cmol Al kg–1, corresponding to 20% Al saturation), and the same soil limed 6 years prior to the experiment (LI, pH 5.3, 0 cmol Al kg–1). The soils were fertilized with P and N. The above-ground biomass, root biomass at flowering, grain yield and yield components, leaf area index (LAI), light interception, radiation-use-efficiency (RUE), P and N uptake, soil water storage, and soil mineral N were measured during the maize cycle. The allometric relationships between shoot N concentration, LAI and above-ground biomass in LI were similar to those reported for maize cropped in temperate regions, indicating that these relationships are also useful to describe maize growth on tropical soils without Al toxicity. In NLI, soil acidity severely affected leaf appearance, leaf size and consequently the LAI, which was reduced by 60% at flowering, although the RUE was not affected. Therefore, the reduction in the above-ground biomass (30% at flowering) and grain yield (47%) were due to the lower LAI and light interception. At flowering, the root/shoot ratio was 0.25 in NLI and 0.17 in LI, and the root biomass in NLI was reduced by 64% compared to LI. Nitrogen uptake was also reduced in NLI in spite of high soil N availability. Nevertheless, shoot N concentration vs aboveground biomass showed a typical decline in both treatments. In NLI, the shoot P concentration vs above-ground biomass relationship showed an increase in the early stages, indicating that P uptake and root-shoot competition for the absorbed P in the early plant stages controlled the establishment and the development of the leaf area.  相似文献   


Key Message

Twelve major QTL in five optimal clusters and several epistatic QTL are identified for maize kernel size and weight, some with pleiotropic will be promising for fine-mapping and yield improvement.


Kernel size and weight are important target traits in maize (Zea mays L.) breeding programs. Here, we report a set of quantitative trait loci (QTL) scattered through the genome and significantly controlled the performance of four kernel traits including length, width, thickness and weight. From the cross V671 (large kernel) × Mc (small kernel), 270 derived F2:3 families were used to identify QTL of maize kernel-size traits and kernel weight in five environments, using composite interval mapping (CIM) for single-environment analysis along with mixed linear model-based CIM for joint analysis. These two mapping strategies identified 55 and 28 QTL, respectively. Among them, 6 of 23 coincident were detected as interacting with environment. Single-environment analysis showed that 8 genetic regions on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9 clustered more than 60 % of the identified QTL. Twelve stable major QTLs accounting for over 10 % of phenotypic variation were included in five optimal clusters on the genetic region of bins 1.02–1.03, 1.04–1.06, 2.05–2.07, 4.07–4.08 and 9.03–9.04; the addition and partial dominance effects of significant QTL play an important role in controlling the development of maize kernel. These putative QTL may have great promising for further fine-mapping with more markers, and genetic improvement of maize kernel size and weight through marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   

Yuan L  Tang J  Wang X  Li C 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38696
During maize development and reproduction, shading stress is an important abiotic factor influencing grain yield. To elucidate the genetic basis of shading stress in maize, an F(2:3) population derived from two inbred lines, Zhong72 and 502, was used to evaluate the performance of six traits under shading treatment and full-light treatment at two locations. The results showed that shading treatment significantly decreased plant height and ear height, reduced stem diameter, delayed day-to-tassel (DTT) and day-to-silk (DTS), and increased anthesis-silking interval (ASI). Forty-three different QTLs were identified for the six measured traits under shading and full light treatment at two locations, including seven QTL for plant height, nine QTL for ear height, six QTL for stem diameter, seven QTL for day-to-tassel, six QTL for day-to-silk, and eight QTL for ASI. Interestingly, three QTLs, qPH4, qEH4a, and qDTT1b were detected under full sunlight and shading treatment at two locations simultaneously, these QTL could be used for selecting elite hybrids with high tolerance to shading and high plant density. And the two QTL, qPH10 and qDTS1a, were only detected under shading treatment at two locations, should be quit for selecting insensitive inbred line in maize breeding procedure by using MAS method.  相似文献   

The activities of antioxidative enzymes and contents of proline and total phenolics were assayed in roots of two maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes grown in a medium containing nitrate (NO3 ) or both nitrogen forms, nitrate and ammonium (NH4 +/NO3 ). An increase in the activities of class III peroxidases (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), ascorbate oxidase (AO) and proline content, and decrease in phenolic content were observed in NH4 +/NO3 in comparison with NO3 grown plants. When polyethylene glycol (PEG) was added to both nitrogen treatments, the content of total phenolics and proline was increased, especially in NH4 +/NO3 treatment. The PEG treatment decreased enzyme activities in NH4 +/NO3 grown plants, but in NO3 grown plants activities of POD and SOD were increased, opposite to decreased APX and AO. Isoelectric focusing demonstrated increased activities of acidic POD isoforms in PEG treated NO3 grown plants, and lower activities of both, acidic and basic isoforms in NH4 +/NO3 grown plants.  相似文献   

The effects of NO?3 and NH+4 nutrition on the rates of dark incorporation of inorganic carbon by roots of hydroponically grown Zea mays L. cv. 712 and on the metabolic products of this incorporation, were determined in plants supplied with NaH14CO3 in the nutrient solution. The shoots and roots of the plants supplied with NaH14CO3 in the root medium for 30 min were extracted with 80%; (v/v) ethanol and fractionated into soluble and insoluble fractions. The soluble fraction was further separated into the neutral, organic acid, amino acid and non-polar fractions. The amino acid fraction was then analyzed to determine quantities and the 14C content of its individual components. The rates of dark incorporation of inorganic carbon calculated from H14CO?3 fixation and attributable to the activity of phosphoenolpyuvate carboxylase (EC, were 5-fold higher in ammonium-fed plants than in nitrate-fed plants after a 30-min pulse of 14C. This activity forms a small, but significant component of the carbon budget of the root. The proportion of 14C located in the shoots was also significantly higher in ammonium-fed plants than in nitrate-fed plants, indicating more rapid translocation of the products of dark fixation to the shoots in plants receiving NH+/sp4 nutrition. Ammonium-fed plants favoured incorporation of 14C into amino acids, while nitrate-fed plants allocated relatively more 14C into organic acids. The amino acid composition was also dependent on the type of nitrogen supplied, and asparagine was found to accumulate in ammonium-fed plants. The 14C labelling of the amino acids was consistent with the diversion of 14C-oxaloacetate derived from carboxlyation of phosphoenolpyruvate into the formation of both asparatate and glutamate. The results support the conclusion that inorganic carbon fixation in the roots of maize plants provides an important anaplerotic source of carbon for NH+4 assimilation.  相似文献   

Summary A model to study genetic effects at the level of a population of testcross progenies is presented. As there is no dominance for the testcross value, with the restriction of epistasis to pairs of loci, only additive x additive epistasis can contribute to the variance among progenies. To estimate the variance among progenies due to epistasis, it is necessary to have the population structured in families of full sibs, half sibs or S1, with only a few plants per family tested in combination with the tester. Using a two-way mating design to produce the families, it is possible to estimate the variance due to additive x additive epistasis. The consequence of the presence of epistasis is studied at the level of recurrent selection for combining ability with the tester. It seems that epistasis itself does not change the efficiency of the breeding methods considered. However, when the population from intercrossing is structured in families, it could be efficient to use a combined selection when the heritability is very low. In this case it would be efficient to produce full-sib families (by single-pair matings) at the level of intercrossing. The best procedure is to produce such families at the same time as crossing with the tester. In comparison to the classical scheme of selection for combining ability with a tester, such a modification increases the efficiency of selection 41.1% if an off-season generation can be used.  相似文献   

Simultaneous improvement in grain yield and related traits in maize hybrids and their parents (inbred lines) requires a better knowledge of genotypic correlations between family per se performance (FP) and testcross performance (TP). Thus, to understand the genetic basis of yield-related traits in both inbred lines and their testcrosses, two F 2:3 populations (including 230 and 235 families, respectively) were evaluated for both FP and TP of eight yield-related traits in three diverse environments. Genotypic correlations between FP and TP, $ \hat{r}_{\text{g}} $ (FP, TP), were low (0–0.16) for grain yield per plant (GYPP) and kernel number per plant (KNPP) in the two populations, but relatively higher (0.32–0.69) for the other six traits with additive effects as the primary gene action. Similar results were demonstrated by the genotypic correlations between observed and predicted TP values based on quantitative trait loci positions and effects for FP, $ \hat{r}_{\text{g}} $ (M FP, Y TP). A total of 88 and 35 QTL were detected with FP and TP, respectively, across all eight traits in the two populations. However, the genotypic variances explained by the QTL detected in the cross-validation analysis were much lower than those in the whole data set for all traits. Several common QTL between FP and TP that accounted for large phenotypic variances were clustered in four genomic regions (bin 1.10, 4.05–4.06, 9.02, and 10.04), which are promising candidate loci for further map-based cloning and improvement in grain yield in maize. Compared with publicly available QTL data, these QTL were also detected in a wide range of genetic backgrounds and environments in maize. These results imply that effective selection based on FP to improve TP could be achieved for traits with prevailing additive effects.  相似文献   

Chassot  André  Stamp  Peter  Richner  Walter 《Plant and Soil》2001,231(1):123-135
Suboptimal soil conditions are known to result in poor early growth of maize (Zea mays L.) in no-tillage (NT) systems in contrast with conventional tillage (CT) systems. However, most studies have generally focused on maize roots at later growth stages and/or do not give details on root morphology. In a 2-year field study at two locations (silt loam and loam soils) in the Swiss midlands, we investigated the impacts of tillage intensity, NT vs. CT, and NP-fertilizer sidebanding on the morphology, vertical and horizontal distribution, and nutrient uptake of maize roots at the V6 growth stage. The length density (RLD) and the length per diameter-class distribution (LDD) of the roots were determined from soil cores taken to a depth of 0.5 m and at distances of 0.05 and 0.15 m from both sides of the maize row. The temperature of the topsoil was lower, and the bulk density and penetration resistance were greater in the topsoil of NT compared with CT. The growth and the development of the shoot were slower in NT. RLD was greater and the mean root diameter smaller in CT than in NT, while the vertical and horizontal distribution of roots did not differ between CT and NT. RLD increased in the zone enriched by the sidebanded fertilizer, independent of the tillage system, but LDD did not change. The poorer growth of the roots and shoots of maize seedlings was presumably caused by the lower topsoil temperature in NT rather than by mechanical impedance. The placement of a starter fertilizer at planting under NT is emphasized.  相似文献   

Grain weight is one of the three direct yield components, being developed through a dynamic process of grain filling in maize. In this study, 258 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between a dent corn and a popcorn inbred were evaluated for grain fresh and dry weight at 10, 20, 30, and 40?days after pollination (DAP) and the activities of ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (AGPP), granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS), and soluble starch synthase (SSS) at 30 DAP. Grain-filling rate (GFR) and increasing rate of fresh weight (FWIR) were calculated during all periods. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping was conducted for all traits. Meta-QTL (mQTL) was revealed by meta-analysis using BioMercator. Totally, 161 QTL were detected for six traits. QTL on chromosomes 1, 7, and 10 were detected in most cases, with 43, 54, and 28 QTL, respectively. For each trait, 1?C4 QTL were detected but no QTL for GBSS. Three mQTL at bins 7.02?C7.03, 1.03?C1.04, and 10.05?C10.06 included 47, 24, and 23 QTL detected in this study. Together with 28 QTL for grain weight detected in our previous research, they included 53, 28, and 25 QTL, respectively. Five identified expressed sequence tags (EST), five candidate genes with related functions, and QTL for grain weight in other research were co-located in these regions. It is worth concentrating further research on these regions to develop near-isogenic lines (NILs) of common QTL and their chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSL). Also, cloning and function validation for co-located EST and candidate genes could facilitate identification of genes for grain development and final weight.  相似文献   

He XH  Zhang YM 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24575
Epistasis plays an important role in genetics, evolution and crop breeding. To detect the epistasis, triple test cross (TTC) design had been developed several decades ago. Classical procedures for the TTC design use only linear transformations Z(1), Z(2) and Z(3), calculated from the TTC family means of quantitative trait, to infer the nature of the collective additive, dominance and epistatic effects of all the genes. Although several quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approaches in the TTC design have been developed, these approaches do not provide a complete solution for dissecting pure main and epistatic effects. In this study, therefore, we developed a two-step approach to estimate all pure main and epistatic effects in the F(2)-based TTC design under the F(2) and F(∞) metric models. In the first step, with Z(1) and Z(2) the augmented main and epistatic effects in the full genetic model that simultaneously considered all putative QTL on the whole genome were estimated using empirical Bayes approach, and with Z(3) three pure epistatic effects were obtained using two-dimensional genome scans. In the second step, the three pure epistatic effects obtained in the first step were integrated with the augmented epistatic and main effects for the further estimation of all other pure effects. A series of Monte Carlo simulation experiments has been carried out to confirm the proposed method. The results from simulation experiments show that: 1) the newly defined genetic parameters could be rightly identified with satisfactory statistical power and precision; 2) the F(2)-based TTC design was superior to the F(2) and F(2:3) designs; 3) with Z(1) and Z(2) the statistical powers for the detection of augmented epistatic effects were substantively affected by the signs of pure epistatic effects; and 4) with Z(3) the estimation of pure epistatic effects required large sample size and family replication number. The extension of the proposed method in this study to other base populations was further discussed.  相似文献   

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