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Paralarvae of the family Gonatidae were sampled in the Gulfof Alaska during spring 2001–2003. Taxonomic characterswere determined to allow identification of the specimens tospecies. The dorsal head chromatophore pattern (DHCP) was themost robust character and allowed identification to speciesfor the first time without requiring the removal and examinationof the radula. Six different DHCPs were found among the sixspecies in the study area. The 1140 specimens collected consistedof the following six species: Berryteuthis anonychus (759),Berryteuthis magister (71), Gonatopsis borealis (155), Gonatuskamtschaticus (1), Gonatus madokai (4) and Gonatus onyx (143).The specimens had a size range of 3.0–20.63 mm dorsalmantle length with the majority of specimens smaller than 10 mm.All species showed an increasing trend in abundance from theshelf (0–200 m) to the slope (200–1000 m)to the basin (>1000 m) except G. onyx in 2001 and 2002.Wide variation in distribution and abundance was found for thefour most abundant species; however, in general, B. anonychuswas most abundant and widely distributed, followed by Gonatopisborealis, Gonatus onyx and B. magister. (Received 28 April 2006; accepted 1 February 2007)  相似文献   

A simple model was developed to examine the vertical distribution of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus ecotypes in the water column, based on their adaptation to light intensity. Model simulations were compared with a 14-year time series of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus cell abundances at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Data were analysed to examine spatial and temporal patterns in abundances and their ranges of variability in the euphotic zone, the surface mixed layer and the layer in the euphotic zone but below the base of the mixed layer. Model simulations show that the apparent occupation of the whole euphotic zone by a genus can be the result of a co-occurrence of different ecotypes that segregate vertically. The segregation of ecotypes can result simply from differences in light response. A sensitivity analysis of the model, performed on the parameter alpha (initial slope of the light-response curve) and the DIN concentration in the upper water column, demonstrates that the model successfully reproduces the observed range of vertical distributions. Results support the idea that intermittent mixing events may have important ecological and geochemical impacts on the phytoplankton community at Station ALOHA.  相似文献   

Symbiotic reef corals occupy the entire photic zone; however, most species have distinct zonation patterns within the light intensity gradient. It is hypothesized that the presence of specific symbionts adapted to different light regimes may determine the vertical distribution of particular hosts. We have tested this hypothesis by genetic and in situ physiological analyses of the algal populations occupying two dominant eastern Pacific corals, over their vertical distribution in the Gulf of California. Our findings indicate that each coral species hosts a distinct algal taxon adapted to a particular light regime. The differential use of light by specific symbiotic dinoflagellates constitutes an important axis for niche diversification and is sufficient to explain the vertical distribution patterns of these two coral species.  相似文献   

The microstructure, morphology and ontogenetic development ofstatoliths and age and growth of 405 planktonic paralarvae and117 juveniles belonging to 10 species of gonatid squids (Cephalopoda,Oegopsida) were studied in the region of the continental slopein the western part of the Bering Sea (57°00'–61°30'N,163°00'E–179°20'W). The statolith microstructureof all species was characterized by the presence of a largedroplet-shaped nucleus and bipartite postnuclear zone dividedinto two by the first stress check, except for Berryteuthismagister which had only one stress check and an undivided postnuclearzone. In Gonatus spp., completion of development of the postnuclearzone coincided with full development of the central hook onthe tentacular club. Daily periodicity of statolith growth incrementswas validated by maintaining 13 paralarvae of the four mostabundant species in captivity. All species might be subdividedinto two groups based on statolith microstructure, i.e. specieswith a central position of the nucleus within the first statolithcheck (Gonatopsis spp., Egonatus tinro and B.magister) and specieswith the nucleus shifted to the inner side of the first statolithcheck (Gonatus spp.). Comparative analysis of statolith morphologyshowed that paralarval statoliths have species-specific charactersthat allowed the construction of keys to identify species ofgonatid paralarvae based on their statoliths. Analysis of paralarvalgrowth using statoliths revealed that these cold-water planktonicgonatid paralarvae have fast growth rates, attaining a mantlelength of 7–10 mm at 15–20 days and 20–25mm at 35–70 days.  相似文献   

Absolute abundance of rotifers was assessed from 5 to 80 km across the continental shelf off of the southern Oregon coast (U.S.A.) in the northeast Pacific Ocean. A total of 97 vertically stratified water samples were collected at 49 stations from two depths, 3 and 30 m. Coastal upwelling conditions were indicated, with decreased temperature, increased salinity and higher chlorophyll-a concentrations closer to shore. Two rotifer genera, Synchaeta and Trichocercaoccurred within 16 km of shore with densities increasing closer to shore. Synchaeta reached densities of 64 inds l–1 while Trichocerca was sparse (<1 inds. l–1). Rotifers were most abundant at 3 m and the densest aggregations appear to be associated with estuary outlets, suggesting that estuaries may be important in exporting rotifers to nearshore coastal waters.  相似文献   

Non-linear, unimodal techniques are suitable for estimation of environmental properties in the northeast (NE) Pacific based on fossil diatom taxa (species and/or species groups) found in modern (core-top) sediments. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), a constrained ordination technique, discerned best-fit relationships among two multivariate datasets (the floral and the environmental) and thus yielded insight into the environmental variables that best explain the species variance within diatom populations. Based on these insights, we developed predictive functions for annual Primary Productivity (PP) and seasonal range of sea Sea-Surface Temperature using unimodal models and cross validation techniques. Estimates of annual PP (r2jack = 0.92; RMSEP = 91.94 gC/m2/y) explained the highest percentage of variance in the core-top diatom record (22.1%).  相似文献   

Early life-history stages of the nudibranch Janolus fuscus (superfamily Arminoidea) were reared in the laboratory and collected from the field to document embryology, larval morphology, and pre-and post-metamorphic growth. This species produces Type B egg masses containing an average of 23,063 viable embryos. The spiral holoblastic cleavage pattern resembled that of other nudibranchs, with early cell divisions occurring roughly at 4-h intervals at 11-13 °C. Embryos progress through a gastrula stage with cellular extensions covering the blastopore and a trochophore-like stage before hatching as veliger larvae after 10-18 days. Veligers ranged in size from 125-153.8 μm at hatching, with size being positively correlated with the duration of encapsulated development. After a 36-41-day larval period, some veligers ceased growing at 266 μm and showed signs of approaching competence. Four larvae settled and two metamorphosed into 280-μm juveniles on the bryozoan prey of the adults, Bugula pacifica, 46 and 54 days post-hatching. Average growth of pre-ovipositional (<19 mm) J. fuscus was more rapid (8.79% per day) than growth of ovipositional individuals (3.52% per day). Growth continued to a maximum of 57 mm in the laboratory, with an estimated total lifespan of about 5 months. These data, which agree with concurrent field observations, suggest a subannual life cycle.  相似文献   

Fossil diatom total abundances (# valves/g) in 54 surface-sediment samples from the northeast (NE) Pacific Ocean reflect the position of high primary production associated with coastal upwelling and that possible biases associated with dilution or dissolution are small. Diatom species assemblages, defined by Q-mode factor analysis in 30 samples with abundant diatoms, are related to modern oceanographic properties. Five statistical assemblages, given by five specific diatom species and/or groups, are related to upwelling (Chaetoceros spores), subtropical (Thalassionema nitzschioides), subarctic (Rhizosolenia hebetata), transitional (Neodenticula seminae) and freshwater (freshwater diatoms) ecological environments. These factors are significantly correlated with primary productivity, temperature, nutrient concentrations and salinity, although the strongest relationship is that between diatom assemblages and productivity. However, it is not possible to distinguish between coastal and open-ocean (curl-driven) upwelling based on Chaetoceros spores relative percentages by themselves or on the floral factors.  相似文献   

Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries include competition for prey (catch), marine mammal entanglement in fishing gear, and catch removal off fishing gear (depredation). We estimated the magnitude of sperm whale depredation on a major North Pacific longline fishery (sablefish) using data collected during annual longline surveys. Sperm whale depredation occurs while the longline gear is off‐bottom during retrieval. Sperm whales were observed on 16% of longline survey sampling days, mostly (95% of sightings) over the continental slope. Sightings were most common in the central and eastern Gulf of Alaska (98% of sightings), occasional in the western Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands, and absent in the Bering Sea. Longline survey catches were commonly preyed upon when sperm whales were present (65% of sightings), as evidenced by damaged fish. Neither sperm whale presence (P = 0.71) nor depredation rate (P = 0.78) increased significantly from 1998 to 2004. Longline survey catch rates were about 2% less at locations where depredation was observed, but the effect was not significant (P = 0.34). Estimated sperm whale depredation was <1% of the annual sablefish longline fishery catch off Alaska during 1998 to 2004.  相似文献   

At small spatial and temporal scales, genetic differentiation is largely controlled by constraints on gene flow, while genetic diversity across a species' distribution is shaped on longer temporal and spatial scales. We assess the hypothesis that oceanographic transport and other seascape features explain different scales of genetic structure of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera. We followed a hierarchical approach to perform a microsatellite‐based analysis of genetic differentiation in Macrocystis across its distribution in the northeast Pacific. We used seascape genetic approaches to identify large‐scale biogeographic population clusters and investigate whether they could be explained by oceanographic transport and other environmental drivers. We then modelled population genetic differentiation within clusters as a function of oceanographic transport and other environmental factors. Five geographic clusters were identified: Alaska/Canada, central California, continental Santa Barbara, California Channel Islands and mainland southern California/Baja California peninsula. The strongest break occurred between central and southern California, with mainland Santa Barbara sites forming a transition zone between the two. Breaks between clusters corresponded approximately to previously identified biogeographic breaks, but were not solely explained by oceanographic transport. An isolation‐by‐environment (IBE) pattern was observed where the northern and southern Channel Islands clustered together, but not with closer mainland sites, despite the greater distance between them. The strongest environmental association with this IBE pattern was observed with light extinction coefficient, which extends suitable habitat to deeper areas. Within clusters, we found support for previous results showing that oceanographic connectivity plays an important role in the population genetic structure of Macrocystis in the Northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Angel  M.V.  Pugh  P.R. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):161-179
Analyses of day/night changes in the bathymetric distribution of micronektonic biomass at 16 stations in the northeastern Atlantic, sampled between 1978 and 1994, provided quantitative estimates of the organic carbon fluxes associated with diel vertical migration of individual taxa of micronekton. Gelatinous taxa contributed 50–80% of the integrated standing crop by volume but, apart from tunicates, contributed relatively little to the active migratory fluxes when expressed in terms of carbon. Total micronektonic migratory fluxes into the upper 200 m ranged from 12.5 to 58 mgC per m2. At 15 stations, fish and pteropods provided 50–80% of the fluxes into the upper 100, 200 and 400 m. At one station, tunicates (pyrosomes) contributed substantially. Wherever tunicates or the medusa Pelagia were swarming, migrations by other taxa appear to be suppressed. The mean proportions of the stock (in terms of biomass) of each of the dominant migratory taxa entering and leaving the upper 100 m were 23% for tunicates, 18% for fish, 22% for pteropods, 8% for decapod crustaceans and 23% for euphausiids. The maximum proportions for these five taxa were 90%, 60%, 75%, 25% and 75%, respectively. Similar estimates of the mean fluxes into and out of the upper 400 m were generally higher: 19% for tunicates, 39% for fish, 28% for pteropods, 49% for decapods and 55% for euphausiids; the respective maxima were 99%, 74%, 99%, 72% and 91%. It is estimated for fish that if these migrations occur throughout the year, they will result in an active carbon export (both POC and DOC) from the wind-mixed layer and immediate sub-thermocline depths of about 500% of the mean annual standing stock. If this estimate can be extended to other taxa, then the material fluxes resulting from these active migrations will be quantitatively similar to those resulting from the deposition of phytodetritus at temperate latitudes.  相似文献   

Thousands of man-made synthetic chemicals are released to oceans and compose the anthropogenic dissolved organic carbon (ADOC). Little is known about the effects of this chronic pollution on marine microbiome activities. In this study, we measured the pollution level at three sites in the Northeast Subarctic Pacific Ocean (NESAP) and investigated how mixtures of three model families of ADOC at different environmentally relevant concentrations affected naturally occurring marine bacterioplankton communities' structure and metabolic functioning. The offshore northernmost site (North) had the lowest concentrations of hydrocarbons, as well as organophosphate ester plasticizers, contrasting with the two other continental shelf sites, the southern coastal site (South) being the most contaminated. At North, ADOC stimulated bacterial growth and promoted an increase in the contribution of some Gammaproteobacteria groups (e.g. Alteromonadales) to the 16 rRNA pool. These groups are described as fast responders after oil spills. In contrast, minor changes in South microbiome activities were observed. Gene expression profiles at Central showed the coexistence of ADOC degradation and stress-response strategies to cope with ADOC toxicities. These results show that marine microbial communities at three distinct domains in NESAP are influenced by background concentrations of ADOC, expanding previous assessments for polar and temperate waters.  相似文献   

A key step in identifying global change impacts on species and ecosystems is to quantify effects of multiple stressors. To date, the science of global change has been dominated by regional field studies, experimental manipulation, meta‐analyses, conceptual models, reviews, and studies focusing on a single stressor or species over broad spatial and temporal scales. Here, we provide one of the first studies for coastal systems examining multiple stressor effects across broad scales, focused on the nursery function of 20 estuaries spanning 1,600 km of coastline, 25 years of monitoring, and seven fish and invertebrate species along the northeast Pacific coast. We hypothesized those species most estuarine dependent and negatively impacted by human activities would have lower presence and abundances in estuaries with greater anthropogenic land cover, pollution, and water flow stress. We found significant negative relationships between juveniles of two of seven species (Chinook salmon and English sole) and estuarine stressors. Chinook salmon were less likely to occur and were less abundant in estuaries with greater pollution stress. They were also less abundant in estuaries with greater flow stress, although this relationship was marginally insignificant. English sole were less abundant in estuaries with greater land cover stress. Together, we provide new empirical evidence that effects of stressors on two fish species culminate in detectable trends along the northeast Pacific coast, elevating the need for protection from pollution, land cover, and flow stressors to their habitats. Lack of response among the other five species could be related to differing resistance to specific stressors, type and precision of the stressor metrics, and limitations in catch data across estuaries and habitats. Acquiring improved measurements of impacts to species will guide future management actions, and help predict how estuarine nursery functions can be optimized given anthropogenic stressors and climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

The study is based on data (n=244) from light-saturation experiments utilizing artificial incubation under fluorescent light. Values of maximum photosynthetic rate,P max, and the light intensity at which it takes place,I max, are estimated by non-linear regression using stepwise Gauss-Newton iterations. Estimated values ofP max ranged from 0.85 to 5.48 mg C (mg Chla·h)?1;I max varied from 2.35 to 5.52 cal (cm2·h)?1. The effects of time (months) and depth (illumination levels) and their interaction are evaluated by analysis of covariance using a linear model. A significant time-depth interaction is noted: The maximum specific primary productivity occurred in the surface layers during March, at the 50% light level during April, and at 1% level during May. Estimates ofP max from simulated in situ primary productivity experiments for the same period are lower than those from light-saturation experiments. A comparison of data from light-saturation and simulated in situ experiments indicated that effects of duration of experiments and the quality of available light may affect primary productivity data considerably.  相似文献   


The conventional approach to the measurement of mortality conceptualizes mortality as a function of the age distribution of deaths. Because at contemporary mortality levels the great bulk of deaths are concentrated at the high ages, measures based on deaths are insensitive to mortality changes over most of the life span. An alternative is to conceptualize mortality as a function of the age distribution of death rates. When this is done, large differentials in mortality by sex and by race emerge from the data, calling attention to serious social issues that have been masked by conventional mortality indicators.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of resources is likely to have dramatic effects on the behaviors of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton, which in turn are likely to have strong effects on ecological dynamics such as predation, growth, and mating. The objective of this study was to determine whether vertically thin layers of extreme prey concentration affect the vertical distribution of larval Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi). We employed 2-m tall experimental tanks equipped with video cameras that scanned the vertical extent of the tanks to investigate the effects of thin layers on the vertical distribution of 5- and 10-day-old herring larvae. Three treatments were established: (1) a thin layer of prey (rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis) through density (salinity) stratification, (2) homogeneous vertical distribution of both prey and density, and (3) density (salinity) stratification, but with a homogeneous distribution of prey. We found that in all treatments the majority of larval herring were at the surface, near the light, despite the absence of a peak in rotifer abundance at this depth in some instances. However, there were also clear effects of the thin layers—secondary subsurface peaks in herring abundance occurred at the mid-depths in the stratified tanks, in and around the thin layers. In addition, our results provide some evidence that thin layers specifically, rather than prey patches generally, influence the vertical distribution of larval herring, i.e., larvae may use the physical properties of thin layers to locate and distribute themselves, instead of reacting solely to the prey patches. Thus thin layers can affect directly the vertical distribution of larval herring, and perhaps indirectly their horizontal distribution, as herring larvae live in environments (e.g., estuaries) where advective transport is also often vertically heterogeneous.  相似文献   

Particle trap samples (VERTEX) from 4 locations in the northeast Pacific were used to compare centric and pennate diatoms with nassellarian and spumellarian radiolarians. The proportion of pennates and nassellarians were highest at VERTEX 3 from the northeast tropical oceans, off the west coast of Mexico. Colonial radiolarians were characteristic of warm, high saline waters from the southern edge of the north Pacific central gyre, north of Hawaii (VERTEX 4), while pennate diatoms were abundant. The subtropic oceanic Pacific (VERTEX 5A) had more pennate diatoms, while VERTEX (5C), in a coastal cyclonic eddy located west of California, had an even proportion of centric and pennate diatoms. Comparison of major faunas and flora at various oceanic sites of present siliceous sedimentation in conjunction with atmospheric, hydrographic and chemical data, can be helpful in reconstructing paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental conditions of the past oceans throughout the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

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