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Sinefungin, a C-nucleoside antibiotic, displays a high antiparasitic action. The effect of free and microencapsulated sinefungin was compared on BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania donovani; the encapsulated form proved more effective by one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT; EC mediated synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) is a two-step process, consisting of the formation of AdoMet and the subsequent cleavage of the tripolyphosphate (PPPi) molecule, a reaction induced, in turn, by AdoMet. The fact that the two activities--AdoMet synthesis and tripolyphosphate hydrolysis--can be measured separately is particularly useful when the site-directed mutagenesis approach is used to determine the functional role of the amino acid residues involved in each. This report describes the mutational analysis of the amino acids involved in both the ATP and L-methionine binding sites of Leishmania donovani MAT (GenBank accession number AF179714) the aetiological agent of visceral leishmaniasis. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to substitute neutral residues for the basic amino acid (Lys168, Lys256, Lys276, Lys280 and His17), acidic residues (Asp19, Asp121, Asp166, Asp249, Asp277 and Asp288) and Phe241 involved in AdoMet synthesis and PPPi hydrolysis. With the exception of D116N, none of these mutants was able to synthesize AdoMet at a significant rate, although H17A, H17N, K256A, K280A, D19N, D121N, D166N, D249N and D282N showed measurable tripolyphosphatase activity. Finally, the C-terminus domain of L. donovani MAT was truncated at three points (F382Stop, D375Stop, F368Stop), deleting a 3(10) one-turn helix motif in all three cases. Whilst none of the truncated proteins conserved MAT activity, they were able to hydrolyse PPPi, albeit at a lower rate than the wild-type enzyme. A fourth protein with an internal deletion (E376DeltaF382) in the C-terminal domain conserved high tripolyphosphatase activity, which was not, however, induced by 50 microM AdoMet.  相似文献   

The present study concerns RNA metabolism of Leishmania donovani and its changes during exposure to higher temperatures. The incorporation of labeled precursors into RNA was found to be greatly decreased during incubation at 37 °C in comparison with that at the optimum temperature of growth (22 °C). The decreased incorporation was shown to be mainly due to augmented template RNA degradation. The RNA-polymerase activity remained unaffected at the elevated temperature, but the uptake of labeled uracil was markedly inhibited.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,59(7):PL175-PL180
Diamidines are known to possess potent antiprotozoal activity due to their property of binding with DNA minor groove. Pentamidine or 1, 5-bis-(4′-amidinophenoxy)pentane, is the most known aromatic diamidine and is used to treat cases of antimony resistant leishmaniasis. Yet, it suffers from limited clinical application due to its adverse and toxic side effects. A set of four structural analogs of pentamidine along with the known antileishmanial diamidines viz., pentamidine, berenil and dibromopropamidine, were tested for their effect on growth of Leishmania donovani promastigotes in vitro using 3H-thymidine incorporation as the growth parameter. In view of structural similarity between amidino moiety of diamidines and guanidino group of l-arginine and also the previous report from this laboratory regarding presence of a novel arginine transporter in Leishmania donovani promastigotes, a parallel study was also conducted with the analogs and standard diamidines for their inhibitory effect on leishmanial arginine transport function. Bisbenzyl pentamidine and biscyclopropyl pentamidine were identified as considerably more potent inhibitors of growth and arginine transport function of leishmania promastigotes in vitro than the parent drug, pentamidine. A linear correlation was established between inhibition of parasite growth and arginine transport with regard to standard diamidines as well as novel analogs. Inhibition of arginine transport by dibromopropamidine and Pentamidine was competitive. The diamidines possibly gain entry into leishmania cells through arginine transporter.  相似文献   

In order to proceed through their life cycle, protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania cycle between sandflies and mammals. This change of environment correlates with the differentiation from the promastigote stage (insect form) to the amastigote stage (intracellular mammalian form). The molecular basis underlying this major transformation is poorly understood so far; however, heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) appears to play a pivotal role. To further elucidate this process we identified proteins expressed preferentially in either of the two life cycle stages. By using two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis we observed defined changes in the protein pattern. A total of approximately 2000 protein spots were visualized. Of these, 31 proteins were present only in promastigotes. The abundance of 65 proteins increased during heat-induced in vitro amastigote differentiation, while a decreased abundance is observed for four proteins late in amastigote differentiation. Further analyses using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprinting 67 protein spots were identified representing 41 different proteins known from databases and eight hypothetical proteins. Further studies showed that most of the stage-specific proteins fall into five groups of functionally related proteins. These functional categories are: (i) stress response (e.g. heat, oxidative stress); (ii) cytoskeleton and cell membrane; (iii) energy metabolism and phosphorylation; (iv) cell cycle and proliferation; and (v) amino acid metabolism. Very similar changes in the 2-D protein pattern were obtained when in vitro amastigote differentiation was induced either by pharmacological inhibition of HSP90 or by a combination of heat stress and acidic pH supporting the critical role for HSP90 in life cycle control.  相似文献   

Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT, EC synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) is a two-step process consisting of the formation of AdoMet and the subsequent cleavage of the tripolyphosphate (PPPi) molecule, a reaction induced, in turn, by AdoMet. The fact that the two activities, AdoMet synthesis and tripolyphosphate hydrolysis, can be measured separately is particularly useful when the site-directed mutagenesis approach is used to determine the functional role of the amino acid residues involved in each. The present report describes the cloning and subsequent functional refolding, using a bacterial expression system, of the MAT gene (GenBank accession number AF179714) from Leishmania donovani, the etiological agent of visceral leishmaniasis. The absolute need to include a sulfhydryl-protection reagent in the refolding buffer for this protein, in conjunction with the rapid inactivation of the functionally refolded protein by N-ethylmaleimide, suggests the presence of crucial cysteine residues in the primary structure of the MAT protein. The seven cysteines in L. donovani MAT were mutated to their isosterical amino acid, serine. The C22S, C44S, C92S and C305S mutants showed a drastic loss of AdoMet synthesis activity compared to the wild type, and the C33S and C47S mutants retained a mere 12% of wild-type MAT activity. C106S mutant activity and kinetics remained unchanged with respect to the wild-type. Cysteine substitutions also modified PPPi cleavage and AdoMet induction. The C22S, C44S and C305S mutants lacked in tripolyphosphatase activity altogether, whereas C33S, C47S and C92S retained low but detectable activity. The behavior of the C92S mutant was notable: its inability to synthesize AdoMet combined with its retention of tripolyphosphatase activity appear to be indicative of the specific involvement of the respective residue in the first step of the MAT reaction.  相似文献   

The metabolism of leucine by Leishmania donovani was investigated. Washed promastigotes were incubated with [1-14C]- or [U-14C]leucine or [1-14C]alpha-ketoisocaproate (KIC) and 14CO2 release was measured. The amount of KIC-derived acetyl-CoA oxidized in the citric acid cycle was computed. Promastigotes from mid-stationary phase cultures oxidized each of these labeled substrates less rapidly than cells from late log phase cultures, and significantly less acetyl-CoA derived from KIC oxidation was oxidized in the citric acid cycle. Glucose was a stronger inhibitor than was acetate of CO2 formation in the citric acid cycle in log phase promastigotes, but the reverse was observed in cells from mid-stationary phase. Alanine also inhibited leucine catabolism, but glutamate had little effect. Acute hypo-osmotic stress did not affect leucine catabolism, but hyper-osmotic stress caused appreciable inhibition of leucine oxidation. Cells grown under hypo- or hyper-osmotic conditions showed no changes in the effects of hypo- or hyper-osmotic stress on leucine catabolism, i.e. L. donovani is not an osmoconformer with respect to leucine metabolism. Leucine utilization in L. donovani was insensitive to a number of drugs that affect leucine metabolism in mammalian cells, indicating that the leucine pathway in L. donovani is not regulated in the same manner as in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Lipophosphoglycan (LPG) is a major glycolipid present on the membrane of Leishmania promastigotes and amastigotes. We have previously shown that preincubation of peripheral blood monocytes with purified LPG inhibits IL-1 production, chemotactic locomotion, and luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LDCL). In the present study we tested the effect of LPG present on live parasites on monocyte activity. For this purpose, we used two mutant strains deficient in LPG and two LPG-containing strains. One pair was Leishmania major and the other Leishmania donovani. Monocytes in suspension were infected with the different parasite strains and tested for chemotactic locomotion and LDCL at different times between 1 and 72 hr after infection. In parallel, the percentage of infected monocytes was measured in stained cytospin preparations. The results obtained showed that at 1 hr of incubation only the LPG-containing strains inhibited chemotaxis, while the mutant strains showed a normal response. From 4 hr of incubation onwards, the mutant strains also inhibited monocyte chemotactic locomotion. LDCL was only slightly inhibited by the LPG-containing strains after 1 hr, because of a high level of spontaneous stimulation, probably due to phagocytosis. At 24 and 72 hr all strains inhibited LDCL. These results suggest that LPG is responsible for early inhibition of macrophage activity, but that other factors are responsible for inhibition at later stages of in vitro infection. The model described here might represent a useful tool to further analyze the mechanisms involved in immune evasion of Leishmania parasites.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani: amastigote inhibition and mode of action of berberine   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Berberine, an alkaloid from Berberis aristata Linnaeus, may be a useful drug for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. In both the 8-day and long-term models of Leishmania donovani infection in hamsters, it markedly diminished the parasitic load and proved to be less toxic than pentamidine. It rapidly improved the hematological picture of infected animals. Like pentamidine, it inhibited in vitro multiplication of amastigotes in macrophage culture and their transformation to promastigotes in cell free culture. Manometric studies showed that both drugs had inhibitory action on both the endogenous and the glucose-stimulated respiration of amastigotes. They inhibited incorporation of [14C]adenine, [14C]uracil, and [3H]thymidine into nucleic acids, and of [14C]leucine into the protein of amastigotes, indicating an inhibitory action on macromolecular biosynthesis. They also decreased deoxyglucose uptake. Using spectrophotometric, spectrofluorimetric, and circular dichroism techniques, berberine was found to interact in vitro with nuclear DNA from L. donovani promastigotes.  相似文献   

Changes in composition of the principal low molecular mass thiols of Leishmania donovani were monitored during the transformation of promastigotes, first to stationary phase metacyclic forms and then to amastigotes. No consistent variation in the thiol composition of the parasite which could account for the known increase in resistance of metacyclic and amastigote lifecycle forms to oxidant stress could be established. Amastigotes cultivated at 37 degrees C also produced ovothiol A, as judged by incorporation of radiolabel from [3-methyl]methionine and [14C]histidine, and the incorporation of radiolabel from [35S]cysteine into ovothiol A represented about 10-15% of the total label recovered in ovothiol A, glutathione and trypanothione. Amastigotes were less susceptible than promastigotes to the effects of the redox cyclers paraquat and menadione and grew in culture in the presence of up to 20 mM buthionine sulfoximine, which completely blocked the synthesis of glutathione and its spermidine conjugates. Glutathione and trypanothione biosynthesis is, therefore, not necessary for the replication of L. donovani amastigotes in culture. Inhibition of the formation of glutathione and trypanothione did not result in an upregulation of ovothiol A production.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani promastigotes, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis, survive inside macrophages by inhibiting phagosomal maturation. The main surface glycoconjugate on promastigotes, lipophosphoglycan (LPG), is crucial for parasite survival. LPG has several detrimental effects on macrophage function, including inhibition of periphagosomal filamentous actin (F-actin) breakdown during phagosomal maturation. However, in RAW 264.7 macrophages pre-stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon gamma (IFNgamma), known to up-regulate inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitric oxide (NO) production, L. donovani promastigotes are unable to inhibit periphagosomal F-actin breakdown and phagosomal maturation proceeds normally. Moreover, the iNOS inhibitor aminoguanidine, blocked the positive effects of LPS/IFNgamma suggesting that NO is a key player in F-actin remodeling. In conclusion, production of NO by stimulated macrophages seems to allow phagosomal maturation following uptake of L. donovani promastigotes, suggesting a novel mechanism whereby NO facilitates killing of an intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

Culture supernatants of metabolically labeled Leishmania donovani promastigotes were shown to contain approximately 40 electrophoretically distinct released protein compounds. Of these, approximately 20 were glycoproteins which contained terminal mannose residues, as judged by their specific binding to concanavalin A-agarose beads. Smaller subsets of the released glycoproteins were bound by agarose-conjugated Lens culinaris, Ricinus communis, and peanut lectins. Promastigote mannose-containing released glycoproteins were isolated by concanavalin A affinity chromatography and used to immunize a rabbit. This antiserum recognized the parasite-released mannose-containing glycoproteins, including the soluble acid phosphatase, both by immunoprecipitation from solution and in immunoblot analyses. In an antibody bridged enzyme assay this polyspecific serum was also capable of binding native acid phosphatase out of solution and bridging it to the denatured enzyme on SDS-PAGE transblots. Although this antiserum was raised against all 20 released glycoproteins, in agarose gels its major precipitin activity was against the secreted soluble acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe an in vitro culture system for the generation and propagation of axenic amastigotes from the well characterised 1S-CL2D line of Leishmania donovani. Fine structure analyses of these in vitro-grown amastigotes demonstrated that they possessed morphological features characteristic of L. donovani tissue-derived amastigotes. Further, these axenic amastigotes (LdAxAm) were shown to synthesise and release a secretory acid phosphatase isoform similar to that produced by intracellular amastigotes. Such LdAxAm also expressed surface membrane 3'-nucleotidase enzyme activity similar to that of tissue-derived amastigotes. Moreover, LdAxAm, in contrast to promastigotes, expressed significant levels of the amastigote-specific A2 proteins. In addition, LdAxAm, derived from long term cultures of Ld 1S-CL2D promastigotes, had significant infectivity for both human macrophages in vitro and for hamsters in vivo. Thus, the in vitro culture system described herein provides a useful tool for the generation of large quantities of uniform populations of axenic amastigotes of the L. donovani 1S-CL2D line. The availability of such material should greatly facilitate studies concerning the cell and molecular biology of this parasite developmental stage.  相似文献   

Natural resistance to the growth of Leishmania donovani in mice is controlled by a gene (Lsh) which is expressed, in an unknown fashion, in macrophages. Early net growth rate of the parasite is much higher in mice strains bearing the susceptible allele (Lshs) than in resistant (Lshr) mice. Intracellular events occurring in the Kupffer cells during this period have been studied at the ultrastructural level. It was found that the number of dividing amastigotes per thin section of infected cell was approximately 10-fold greater in susceptible (B10.A SgSn) than in resistant (A/J) strains of mice, both 7 and 14 days following infection. These findings support the hypothesis that high natural resistance to leishmaniasis (Lshr) is expressed as a microbistatic effect, exerted within the parasitized macrophage of the host.  相似文献   

The defined medium of Steiger and Teiger conditioned by growth oif Leishmania domovani strain 3S promastigotes served as the primary source of parasite exometabolites. Four fractions of the conditioned medium were recovered by Sephadex G-25 column chromatography. These fractions shared immunologic determinants, but differed in their molecular weights, affinity of Sephadex G-25, and absorption spectra. Degradation and/or aggregation of one of the fractions (Fraction IV) appeared to yield substances found in the remaining three fractions. Furthermore, by appropriate manipulations, Fraction IV could be transformed into substances resembling those described by previous workers, eg., excretory factor (EF) or antigenically active glycoproteins (AAGP). The present findings suggest that the primary exometabolite released by L. donovani is a samll glycopeptide-like molecule; however, in media conditioned by growth of promastigotes and during isolation procedures, aggregation and/or degradation processes yield higher molecular weight substances which vary in size and physico-chemical properties.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants requiring S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) for growth have been selected in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Two classes of mutants have been found. One class corresponds to the simultaneous occurrence of mutations at two unlinked loci SAM1 and SAM2 and presents a strict SAM requirement for growth on any medium. The second class corresponds to special single mutations in the gene SAM2 which lead to a residual growth on minimal medium but to normal growth on SAM supplemented medium or on a complex medium like YPGA not containing any SAM. These genetic data can be taken as an indication that Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses two isoenzymatic methionine adenosyl transferases (MAT). In addition, SAM1 and SAM2 loci have been identified respectively with the ETH-10 and ETH2 loci previously described.Biochemical evidences corroborate the genetic results. Two MAT activities can be dissociated in a wild type extract (MATI and MATII) by DEAE cellulose chromatography. Mutations at the SAM1 locus lead to the absence or to the modification of MATII whereas mutations at the SAM2 locus lead to the absence or to the modification of MATI. Moreover, some of our results seem to show that MATI and MATII are associated in vivo.  相似文献   

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