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Microtubules are long polymers of αβ-tubulin heterodimers. They undergo a process known as dynamic instability, in which the ends of a microtubule switch stochastically between phases of slow growth and rapid shrinkage. The molecular mechanisms inducing the depolymerization of microtubules were attributed to the hydrolysis of the guanosine triphosphate (GTP) nucleotide bound to the β-tubulin. The hydrolysis of GTP is thought to cause microtubule instability by promoting outward curving of the protofilaments constituting the microtubule lattice. The bending of protofilaments is associated with the structural transformation of a tubulin dimer from straight to curved conformations. However, the nature of intrinsic bending of the dimer remains elusive. This study uses molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and coarse-grained analysis to reveal the intrinsic bending, as well as the local structural rearrangements, of the unassembled tubulin dimer as the dimer relaxes from its lattice-constrained, straight conformation of a zinc-induced tubulin sheet. The effect of the nucleotide state on dimer-bending is investigated by the introduction of γ-phosphate into the β-tubulin to form GTP-bound tubulin. In agreement with recent experimental studies that proposed nucleotide-independent curved conformations, both guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-bound and GTP-bound tubulin dimers were found to have curved conformations, but with a tendency toward smaller bending in the GTP-tubulin than in the GDP-tubulin. The perturbation induced through the introduction of γ-phosphate is posited to play a role in straightening the intradimer bending. The local structural rearrangements of GDP-tubulin because of the bending mode of motion of the dimer reveal that one of the three functional domains, the intermediate domain, exhibits significantly lower bending deformation compared with the others, signifying a dynamic connection to the functionally defined domains.  相似文献   

Colchicin, podophylotoxin and indibulin are natural cytostatics that are used in the treatment of neoplasms. But applications of those compounds are rather restricted due to the high toxicity and low specificity. It seems very promising to investigate possibility to design new analogs of the above mentioned drugs that will possess higher cytostatic activity and less toxicity. For this purpose we see computer modeling experiments of tubulin and above mentioned compounds interaction as a powerful approach to design new artificial cytostatics with desired properties. In the current study the CHARMM software of protein-ligand interaction molecular dynamics method has been used. Particularly the following strategy has been applied. Molecules of the cytostatits have been positioned at several random positions around binding sites of tubulin and after energy minimization several binding sites have been identified on the tubulin macromolecule. In these binding sites structural changes that may be responsible for tubulin polymerization have been detected.  相似文献   

Colchicine, podophylotoxin, and indibulin are natural cytostatics that are used in the treatment of neoplasms. However, application of the compounds is restricted due to their high toxicity and low specificity. Computational experiments modeling tubulin interactions with the cytostatics seem a promising approach to design new analogues of the above-mentioned drugs with higher cytostatic activity and lower toxicity. Therefore, the CHARMM software was used to examine the macromolecules using molecular dynamics and mechanics methods. Particularly, a procedure was applied according to which molecules of each studied cytostatics were placed at several various random positions around the predicted binding site on tubulin. As a result, cytostatic binding regions were identified on the tubulin molecule. It was shown that, during the interaction, structural alterations occurred in these regions that may be responsible for tubulin polymerization. Thus, alterations have been revealed for the first time in the structure of tubulin in the regions of cytostatic binding that can substantially affect its function.  相似文献   

Structure of the tubulin dimer   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Microtubules are formed from a 110,000-dalton dimeric subunit called tubulin. Two forms of 55,000-dalton monomer, alpha and beta, are found in all microtubule preparations. The dimers could thus theoretically be either heterodimers (alphabeta) or homodimers (alphaalpha and betabeta). This problem was investigated by stigated by chemical cross-linking using several bifunctional reagents, of which one, dimethyl-3,3-(tetrame thylenedioxy) dipropionimidate dihydrochloride (DTDI), was able to make intradimer bonds in tubulin. When soluble chick brain tubulin was cross-linked with DTDI and analyzed by electrophoresis in an acrylamide gel system capable of resolving alphaalpha, alphabeta, and betabeta, 60 to 90% of the cross-linked dimer was alphabeta. If tubulin was incubated at 24 degrees prior to cross-linking with DTDI the total yield of cross-linked dimer increased with time, indicating that tubulin was forming loose aggregates. The relative amounts of cross-linked dimer alphaalpha and betabeta also increase with time, indicating that soluble tubulin is largely alphabeta, and suggesting that cross-linked alphaalpha and betabeta arise from nonspecific aggregation during tubulin purification. The aggregation observed by cross-linking with DTDI was strongly influenced by colchicine and Vinca alkaloids in a pattern similar to the effects of these drugs on tubulin polymerization.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations are presented for a Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase I complex (consisting of the protein, the primer-template DNA strands, and the incoming nucleotide) subjected to external forces. The results obtained with a force applied to the DNA template strand provide insights into the effect of the tension on the activity of the enzyme. At forces below 30 pN a local model based on the parameters determined from the simulations, including the restricted motion of the DNA bases at the active site, yields a replication rate dependence on force in agreement with experiment. Simulations above 40 pN reveal large conformational changes in the enzyme-bound DNA that may have a role in the force-induced exonucleolysis observed experimentally.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of tubulin and the substructure of the tubulin dimer   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The alpha and beta subunits of tubulin each have a single highly reactive site for a variety of proteases that divides each subunit into two unequal regions. The position of cleavage is not the same for alpha and beta, since alpha is consistently cleaved into about 38- and 14-kDa pieces, while beta is cleaved into about 34- and 21-kDa pieces. The larger fragment is amino-terminal in both subunits as shown: by size reduction of the smaller fragment by subtilisin (which cleaves at the extreme carboxyl-terminal end), but no change in size of the larger fragment; by the charge/mass ratios of the proteolytic fragments; and by sequence analysis which locates trypsin cleavage after residue 339 (alpha) and chymotrypsin cleavage after residue 281 (beta). Since this cleavage pattern of the alpha and beta subunits is found for very different proteases, we suggest that it is determined by structural features of the tubulin molecule. The two pieces of each subunit remain associated following cleavage. While both cleavage sites are exposed in the free dimer, assembly of dimers into microtubules or sheets protects the internal site against cleavage. By contrast, the carboxyl-terminal subtilisin-sensitive sites remain exposed. Based on these results we propose a model for the substructure of the tubulin dimer that accommodates internal cleavage in the dimer but not the polymer, access to the COOH termini in both forms, and the orientation of the dimer in the polymer.  相似文献   

Detailed molecular dynamics simulations performed to study the nature of lipid raft domains that appear in model membranes are reviewed in this paper. The described simulations were performed on hydrated bilayers containing binary mixtures of cholesterol with phospholipids and also on ternary mixtures containing cholesterol, a phospholipid with a high main transition temperature Tm, and a phospholipid with a low transition temperature Tm. These simulations provide qualitative and semi-quantitative information about cholesterol-lipid interactions and also a testing ground for major assumptions made to explain the nature of lipid rafts in model membranes.  相似文献   

Anisotropic network model (ANM) is used to analyze the collective motions of restriction enzyme EcoRI in free form and in complex with DNA. For comparison, three independent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, each of 1.5 ns duration, are also performed for the EcoRI-DNA complex in explicit water. Although high mobility (equilibrium fluctuations) of inner and outer loops that surround the DNA is consistent in both methods and experiments, MD runs sample different conformational subspaces from which reliable collective dynamics cannot be extracted. However, ANM employed on different conformations from MD simulations indicates very similar collective motions. The stems of the inner loops are quite immobile even in the free enzyme and form a large, almost fixed, pocket for DNA binding. As a result, the residues that make specific and non-specific interactions with the DNA exhibit very low fluctuations in the free enzyme. The vibrational entropy difference between the EcoRI complex and free protein + unkinked DNA is positive (favorable), which may partially counteract the unfavorable enthalpy difference of DNA kink formation. Dynamic domains in EcoRI complex and cross-correlations between residue fluctuations indicate possible means of communication between the distal active sites.  相似文献   

In this work, we report a molecular dynamics simulations study of protonated sumatriptan (pSMT) in a fully hydrated bilayer of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidyl-choline at the fluid lamellar phase. The simulations were carried out at three different drug/lipid stoichiometries, 1:75, 1:10 and 1:3, under NPT conditions. Our results show partition of pSMT between the lipid head-water interphase and water phase. The main interactions that stabilized the systems were hydrogen bonds, salt bridges and cation-π. Besides, pSMT molecules have no access to the hydrophobic region of the bilayer at the studied concentrations. From an atomistic point of view, this work could contribute to the discussion of drug-membrane interactions regarding the limitation of sumatriptan to cross the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Yu J  Ha T  Schulten K 《Nucleic acids research》2004,32(22):6683-6695
Homologous recombination plays a key role in the restart of stalled replication forks and in the generation of genetic diversity. During this process, two homologous DNA molecules undergo strand exchange to form a four-way DNA (Holliday) junction. In the presence of metal ions, the Holliday junction folds into the stacked-X structure that has two alternative conformers. Experiments have revealed the spontaneous transitions between these conformers, but their detailed pathways are not known. Here, we report a series of molecular dynamics simulations of the Holliday junction at physiological and elevated (400 K) temperatures. The simulations reveal new tetrahedral intermediates and suggest a schematic framework for conformer transitions. The tetrahedral intermediates bear resemblance to the junction conformation in complex with a junction-resolving enzyme, T7 endonuclease I, and indeed, one intermediate forms a stable complex with the enzyme as demonstrated in one simulation. We also describe free energy minima for various states of the Holliday junction system, which arise during conformer transitions. The results show that magnesium ions stabilize the stacked-X form and destabilize the open and tetrahedral intermediates. Overall, our study provides a detailed dynamic model of the Holliday junction undergoing a conformer transition.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to analyze the conformational preferences and binding modes of epothilones A and B as a source of structural information regarding the antitumor properties of these species. Our results suggest that the conformation of free and tubulin-bound epothilones is strongly influenced by the presence of a methyl group at C12 and that epothilones A and B exploit the binding cavity in a unique and different way. The binding sites of epothilones A and B share a common region of association (Leu215, Leu217, His227, Leu228, Ala231, Phe270, Gly360, and Leu361), but lead to different ligand–residue interactions. Average interaction energies predict a larger stabilization for the epothilone B–tubulin complex, which is mainly driven by the enhancement of the electrostatic component of ligand–residue interactions compared to the epothilone A–tubulin complex. These structural and energetic results can be useful to account for the activity difference between epothilones A and B, and to design more active and potent analogs that resemble the mechanism of action of epothilones against cancer cells.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) light chain dimer using particle mesh Ewald (PME) and cutoff methods of treating electrostatic interactions were performed. The results indicate that structural parameters (RMSD, radius of gyration, solvent accessible surface) are very similar for both schemes; however, PME simulation shows increased mobility of side chains. This leads to larger fluctuations in the distance between the monomers in the dimer molecule, and, as a consequence, results in decreased number of interactions across the dimer interface. The wall clock time of the simulations was also compared. It was shown that the PME method is approximately 30% faster than the cutoff method for the system studied on a single processor.Figure Backbone order parameters for PME (red) and cutoff (green) calculations. Thick, horizontal lines show stable secondary structures  相似文献   

Silk materials are receiving significant attention as base materials for various functional nanomaterials and nanodevices, due to its exceptionally high mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and degradable characteristics. Although crystalline silk regions are composed of various repetitive motifs with differing amino acid sequences, how the effect of humidity works differently on each of the motifs and their structural characteristics remains unclear. We report molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on various silkworm fibroins composed of major motifs (i.e. (GAGAGS)n, (GAGAGA)n, and (GAGAGY)n) at varying degrees of hydration, and reveal how each major motifs of silk fibroins change at each degrees of hydration using MD simulations and their structural properties in mechanical perspective via steered molecular dynamics simulations. Our results explain what effects humidity can have on nanoscale materials and devices consisting of crystalline silk materials.  相似文献   

Mitra A  Sept D 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(7):3252-3258
Taxol is a commonly used antitumor agent that hyperstabilizes microtubules and prevents cell division. The interaction of Taxol with tubulin and the microtubule has been studied through a wide array of experimental techniques; however, the exact molecular mechanism by which Taxol stabilizes microtubules has remained elusive. In this study, through the use of large-scale molecular simulations, we show that Taxol affects the interactions between the M and H1-S2 loops of adjacent tubulin dimers leading to more stable interprotofilament interactions. More importantly, we demonstrate that Taxol binding leads to a significant increase in the dynamics and flexibility of the portion of β-tubulin that surrounds the bound nucleotide and makes contact with the α-monomer of the next dimer in the protofilament. We conclude that this increase in flexibility allows the microtubule to counteract the conformational changes induced by nucleotide hydrolysis and keeps the protofilaments in a straight conformation, resulting in a stable microtubule.  相似文献   

Marchut AJ  Hall CK 《Proteins》2007,66(1):96-109
Aggregation in the brain of polyglutamine-containing proteins is either a cause or an associated symptom of nine hereditary neurodegenerative disorders including Huntington's disease. The molecular level mechanisms by which these proteins aggregate are still unclear. In an effort to shed light on this important phenomenon, we are investigating the aggregation of model polyglutamine peptides using molecular-level computer simulation with a simplified model of polyglutamine that we have developed. This model accounts for the most important types of intra- and inter-molecular interactions-hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions-while allowing the folding process to be simulated in a reasonable time frame. The model is used to examine the folding of isolated polyglutamine peptides 16, 32, and 48 residues long and the folding and aggregation of systems of 24 model polyglutamine peptides 16, 24, 32, 36, 40, and 48 residues long. Although the isolated polyglutamine peptides did form some alpha and beta backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds they did not have as many of these bonds as they would have if they had folded into a complete alpha helix or beta sheet. In one of the simulations on the isolated polyglutamine peptide 48 residues long, we observed a structure that resembles a beta helix. In the multi-chain simulations we observed amorphous aggregates at low temperatures, ordered aggregates with significant beta sheet character at intermediate temperatures, and random coils at high temperatures. We have found that the temperature at which the model peptides undergo the transition from amorphous aggregates to ordered aggregates and the temperature at which the model peptides undergo the transition from ordered aggregates to random coils increase with increasing chain length. Our finding that the stability of the ordered aggregates increases as the peptide chain length increases may help to explain the experimentally observed relation between polyglutamine tract length and aggregation in vitro and disease progression in vivo. We have also observed in our simulations that the optimal temperature for the formation of beta sheets increases with chain length up to 36 glutamine residues but not beyond. Equivalently, at fixed temperature we find a transition from a region dominated by random coils at chain lengths less than 36 to a region dominated by relatively ordered beta sheet structures at chain lengths greater than 36. Our finding of this critical chain length of 36 glutamine residues is interesting because a critical chain length of 37 glutamine residues has been observed experimentally.  相似文献   

A reduced point charge distribution is used to model Ubiquitin and two complexes, Vps27 UIM-1–Ubiquitin and Barnase–Barstar. It is designed from local extrema in charge density distributions obtained from the Poisson equation applied to smoothed molecular electrostatic potentials. A variant distribution is built by locating point charges on atoms. Various charge fitting conditions are selected, i.e. from either electrostatic Amber99 (Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement) Coulomb potential or forces, considering reference grid points located within various distances from the protein atoms, with or without separate treatment of main and side chain charges. The program GROMACS (Groningen Machine for Chemical Simulations) is used to generate Amber99SB molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories of the solvated proteins modelled using the various reduced point charge models (RPCMs) so obtained. Point charges that are not located on atoms are considered as virtual sites. Some RPCMs lead to stable MD trajectories. They, however, involve a partial loss in the protein secondary structure and lead to a less-structured solute solvation shell. The model built by fitting charges on Coulomb forces calculated at grid points ranging between 1.4 and 2.0 times the van der Waals radius of the atoms, with a separate treatment of main chain and side chain charges, appears to best approximate all-atom MD trajectories.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Luo Y  Deng Y  Mu Y  Wei G 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e38191
The aggregation of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP or amylin) is associated with the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Increasing evidence suggests that the interaction of hIAPP with β-cell membranes plays a crucial role in cytotoxicity. However, the hIAPP-lipid interaction and subsequent membrane perturbation is not well understood at atomic level. In this study, as a first step to gain insight into the mechanism of hIAPP-induced cytotoxicity, we have investigated the detailed interactions of hIAPP monomer and dimer with anionic palmitoyloleolyophosphatidylglycerol (POPG) bilayer using all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Multiple MD simulations have been performed by employing the initial configurations where the N-terminal region of hIAPP is pre-inserted in POPG bilayer. Our simulations show that electrostatic interaction between hIAPP and POPG bilayer plays a major role in peptide-lipid interaction. In particular, the N-terminal positively-charged residues Lys1 and Arg11 make a dominant contribution to the interaction. During peptide-lipid interaction process, peptide dimerization occurs mostly through the C-terminal 20-37 region containing the amyloidogenic 20-29-residue segment. Membrane-bound hIAPP dimers display a pronounced ability of membrane perturbation than monomers. The higher bilayer perturbation propensity of hIAPP dimer likely results from the cooperativity of the peptide-peptide interaction (or peptide aggregation). This study provides insight into the hIAPP-membrane interaction and the molecular mechanism of membrane disruption by hIAPP oligomers.  相似文献   

A solvation term based on the solvent accessible surface area (SASA) is combined with the CHARMM polar hydrogen force field for the efficient simulation of peptides and small proteins in aqueous solution. Only two atomic solvation parameters are used: one is negative for favoring the direct solvation of polar groups and the other positive for taking into account the hydrophobic effect on apolar groups. To approximate the water screening effects on the intrasolute electrostatic interactions, a distance-dependent dielectric function is used and ionic side chains are neutralized. The use of an analytical approximation of the SASA renders the model extremely efficient (i.e., only about 50% slower than in vacuo simulations). The limitations and range of applicability of the SASA model are assessed by simulations of proteins and structured peptides. For the latter, the present study and results reported elsewhere show that with the SASA model it is possible to sample a significant amount of folding/unfolding transitions, which permit the study of the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding at an atomic level of detail.  相似文献   

The transient opening of a backdoor in the active‐site wall of acetylcholinesterase, one of nature's most rapid enzymes, has been suggested to contribute to the efficient traffic of substrates and products. A crystal structure of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase in complex with the peripheral‐site inhibitor aflatoxin is now presented, in which a tyrosine at the bottom of the active‐site gorge rotates to create a 3.4‐Å wide exit channel. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the opening can be further enlarged by movement of Trp84. The crystallographic and molecular dynamics simulation data thus point to the interface between Tyr442 and Trp84 as the key element of a backdoor, whose opening permits rapid clearance of catalysis products from the active site. Furthermore, the crystal structure presented provides a novel template for rational design of inhibitors and reactivators, including anti‐Alzheimer drugs and antidotes against organophosphate poisoning.  相似文献   

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