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Changes in prothoracic gland morphology were correlated to developmental events and ecdysteroid titres (20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents) during the last-larval instar in Spodoptera littoralis. After ecdysis to the last-larval instar the haemolymph ecdysteroid titre remained at about 45 ng/ml, when the prothoracic glands appeared quiescent. The first signs of distinct gland activity, indicated by increased cell size and radial channel formation, were observed at about 12 h prior to the cessation of feeding (36 h after the last-larval moult), accompanied by a gradual increase in ecdysteroid titre to 110 ng/ml haemolymph, at the onset of metamorphosis. During this phase ecdysteroid titres remained at a constant level (140–210 ng/ml haemolymph) and prothoracic gland cellular activity was absent for a short period. The construction of pupation cells occurred when haemolymph ecdysteroids titres increased to 700 ng/ml. A rapid increase in ecdysteroids began on the fourth night (1600 ng/ml haemolymph) reaching a maximal level (4000 ng/ml haemolymph) at the beginning of the fourth day. In freshly moulted pupae a relatively high ecdysteroid titre (1100 ng/ml haemolymph) was still observed, although during a decrease to almost negligible levels. The increase in ecdysteroid level during the third and the fourth nights of the last-larval instar was correlated with the period when almost all the prothoracic gland cells showed signs of high activity. Neck-ligation experiments indicated the necessity of head factors for normal metamorphosis up to the second to third day of the instar. The possibility that the prothoracic glands are under prothoracicotropic hormone regulation at these times is discussed.  相似文献   

The ecdysteroid titres of last-instar prediapausing, diapausing and nondiapausing larvae of Ostrinia nubilalis were determined by radioimmunoassay. In the nondiapause larvae a major peak of ecdysteroid activity preceded pupation by 24 h and continued through the pupal ecdysis. This peak was correlated with head and thorax critical periods as well as with changes in behaviour and physiology marking the transition from feeding larva to prepupa. Nondiapause larvae also displayed a rise in ecdysteroid titre during the feeding phase of development. This rise was approx one tenth that of the major peak and lasted 32 h. It was not correlated with any overt changes in larval physiology or behaviour. The diapause ecdysteroid profile was distinctive in that the levels measured were all lower than the lowest of the nondiapause curve. No peaks were observed in the diapause titres. Prepupal changes such as spinning and the cessation of feeding were not correlated with any increase in ecdysteroid levels. During diapause termination, under a long-day photoperiod, no increases in ecdysteroid titre were observed for the first 10 days. After 12 days individuals began to show ecdysteroids above the diapause levels. Pupation started after 16 long days.  相似文献   

The level of ecdysteroids in Sarcophaga bullata was determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA) from the time of larviposition (0 hr) until adult eclosion. Five distinct peaks of ecdysteroid activity were recorded. The first two, which occurred midway through the duration of the stadia (14 and 30 hr, respectively), resulted in larval/larval moults (24 and 44 hr). The third peak of ecdysteroid activity commenced at 131 hr and was associated with formation of the white prepuparium. The fourth peak was sustained over a long time period (from 79 hr post pupariation to 120 hr) and resulted in pupal/adult apolysis and the definition of the adult form. The last elevation of the ecdysteroid titre at approx. 160 hr post pupariation) was associated with the synthesis and secretion of adult cuticle.  相似文献   

Eclosion hormone was found to control the stereotypic adult eclosion behaviour of Lymantria dispar, the gypsy moth. A bioassay for hormonal activity was developed utilizing pharate adult females, and comparisons were made with the Manduca wing assay. The distribution of eclosion hormone activity was confined to the central nervous system tissues including the protocerebrum, corpora allata/corpora cardiaca complex, thoracic and the last abdominal ganglion. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres were determined daily throughout pupal-adult development, and the peak activity period was found in 3–4 day pupae. Eclosion hormone activity in the brain and corpora allata/corpora cardiaca complex started to increase when the ecdysteroid titre dropped to background levels. Eclosion hormone in the brain peaked in the pharate adult stage, was released in the haemolymph 1 h prior to eclosion, which coincides with the depletion of activity in the retrocerebral complex, and fell to undetectable levels after the adult emerged.  相似文献   

The signal to induce diapause in H. virescens comes early in development (prior to the third instar in most insects), but the signal to break diapause can come shortly after entrance into diapause at pupation. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in both diapause-bound and non-diapause-bound Heliothis virescens larvae were similar in the first two thirds of the last-larval instar, when similar changes in morphology and behaviour occurred. However, the number of stepwise increases in titre and the timing of the steps was different in the two groups of larvae. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres in the last third of the instar were approx, five times higher in non-diapause than in diapause-bound larvae. In diapausing pupae, haemolymph ecdysteroid titres dropped to levels found in larvae which had completed two thirds of the last instar. When diapausing pupae were warmed to break diapause, haemolymph ecdysteroid titres rose again. However, 2 of the 4 high ecdysteroid levels detected in pupae developing after diapause break were considerably lower than those detected for non-diapause pupae.  相似文献   

Data about electrical recordings from the tympanic organ of the flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, to acoustic stimuli is presented. The stimuli had a frequency that ranged from 5 to 100 kHz, with minimal intensities of 40 to 50 db (Odb = 0.0002 dynes/cm2) and maximal up to 110 db. The tympanic organ of E. kuehniella responded in the whole range of frequencies used and showed two sensitivity maxima, one at 20 kHz and the other at 60 kHz. It responded from 45 to 110 db. The electrical activity of the tympanic nerve consisted of a spontaneous discharge of a type B cell and a tonic discharge in response to acoustic stimulation, produced by four acoustic sense cells, called A1, A2, A3, and A4. All these acoustic sense cells respond in the whole frequency range used and they differ in the heights of their action potentials and in their sensitivity to acoustic stimuli. The possible biological significance of hearing in pyralid moths is discussed.  相似文献   

Relations between ecdysteroid levels and pupal development were studied in the temperature-sensitive mutant ecd-1, shifted from 20°C to 29°C at different stages. Ecdysteroid titration, using radioimmunoassays, revealed that the mid-pupal peak of ecdysteroids was not affected when the shift was performed at pupariation although, in this condition, pupae died at emergence. A qualitative study of ecdysteroid content using HPLC failed to show the lack of any specific product. If the shift was performed 24 hr before pupariation, the ecdysteroid level decreased significantly while animals died before emergence but after a mid-pupal peak (around 75% of pupal life). However, double-shift experi-experiments showed that, even though a partial rescue of pupal development occurred (7% emergence), a normal mid-pupal peak was not restored. Furthermore, the temperature-sensitive periods for the decrease in the ecdysteroid mid-pupal peak and for the lack of emergence were not the same. Altogether, these results suggest that a decrease in ecdysteroids might not be the primary effect of the ecd-1 mutation, as the developmental anomalies observed at the end of pupariation seemed independent of the ecdysteroid levels.  相似文献   

Summary Testis follicles of Lepidoptera contain a large somatic cell termed Verson's cell. The present study focuses on the structure of Verson's cells and neighbouring germ cells in the Mediterranean mealmoth, Ephestia kuehniella (Pyralidae), using electron microscopy, antitubulin immunofluorescence, and phalloidin incubation for the visualization of microfilaments. Verson's cells of young larvae are connected with the follicle boundary and show large areas containing packages of glycogen particles, whereas Verson's cells of pupae lie freely within the testis follicle and are largely devoid of glycogen. Both developmental stages of Verson's cells have in common the presence of a dense cytoplasmic network of microtubules. A juxtanuclear subset of the cytoplasmic microtubule array is recognized by an antibody against acetylated microtubules. This indicates that more stable microtubules exist in this region. Microfilaments are arranged parallel to the cytoplasmic microtubules. The microtubule-microfilament-complex forms a cytoskeleton that may keep larger organelles, such as mitochondria and lysosomes, in a juxtanuclear position. Chromatin within the nuclei of Verson's cells is largely decondensed and nuclear pores are abundant. This indicates a high synthetic activity within the cells. The development of cells directly attached to Verson's cells, viz. prespermatogonia, may be controlled by the Verson's cells. Prespermatogonia, which differ in cytoplasmic density from spermatogonia further away from Verson's cells, may represent stem cells that give rise to spermatogonia and somatic cyst cells upon detachment from Verson's cells. This suggestion is compatible with the low division rate of prespermatogonia.  相似文献   

The free (non-conjugated) ecdysteroid in the ovaries during the first gonadotrophic cycle of Diploptera punctata was identified as 20-hydroxyecdysone. The hormone, quantified by radioimmunoassay and by ultraviolet absorbance, was detectable in the ovary toward the end of vitellogenesis; the quantity increased rapidly during chorion formation. Ovaries with chorionated eggs contained 67 μg of 20-hydroxyecdysone per g fresh weight. The haemolymph free-ecdysteroid, not identified physicochemically, was quantified by radioimmunoassays. The highest concentration was observed at adult emergence; the titre declined between days 1–3 and then remained at a relatively constant level through oviposition (which occurs between day 7 and 8); titres in pregnant females were higher. Ovariectomized females exhibited the same pattern of ecdysteroid titres in the haemolymph as the sham operated controls throughout the period corresponding to the first gonadotrophic cycle. Thus the ovary may not be the only source of haemolymph ecdysteroid related to reproduction in adult females.  相似文献   

In the last-larval instar of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, a switch from excretion of uric acid to storage in the fat body occurs during transition from the feeding to the wandering stage. Neuroendocrine control of this change from excretion to storage was demonstrated by neck-ligation experiments with synchronously reared larvae. Results indicate that a neurohormone is released from the head 24–30 hr before the initiation of wandering and coincident with the first release of ecdysone that initiates metamorphosis. Direct involvement of the moulting hormone was shown by the effects of multiple injections of 20-hydroxyecdysone into the abdomen of larvae that had been ligated before the release of hormone. Urate levels in the fat body were 20- to 100-fold higher from hormone-injected larvae as from saline inject controls. Topically applied juvenile hormone or methoprene reversed the 20-hydroxyecdysone-induced storage of urate. Increased levels of uric acid in the haemolymph during pupal development result from the presence of juvenile hormone, and the abrupt decrease in uric acid concentration in the haemolymph just prior to pupal ecdysis results from a decreased titre of juvenile hormone. Applications of methoprene prevented the decrease in uric acid levels in the haemolymph.  相似文献   

Examination was made of the effect of alternating light and darkness (LD 12:12) and constant light (LL) conditions on length of development and fecundity of the moth, Ephestia kuehniella. It was found the conditions applied cause acceleration of larval development on an average by 3 days in comparison with development under constant darkness conditions (DD). The fecundity of the insects examined decreases considerably under the experimental conditions.When pharate adults are kept in light for 18 hr per 24-hr period on the 6th to 7th day of their development, males incapable of fertilizing females are produced.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission electron microscopy was used to study the development of the flagellar base and the flagellar necklace during spermatogenesis in a moth (Ephestia kuehniella Z.). Until mid-pachytene, two basal body pairs without flagella occur per cell. The basal bodies, which contain a cartwheel complex, give rise to four flagella in late prophase I. The cartwheel complex appears to be involved in the nucleation of the central pair of axonemal microtubules. In spermatids, there is one basal body; this is attached to a flagellum. At this stage, the nine microtubular triplets of the basal body do not terminate at the same proximal level. The juxtanuclear triplets are shifted distally relative to the triplets distant from the nuclear envelope. Transition fibrils and a flagellar necklace are formed at the onset of axoneme elongation. The flagellar necklace includes Y-shaped elements that connect the flagellar membrane and the axonemal doublets. In spindle-containing spermatocytes, the flagellar necklace is no longer detectable. During spermatid differentiation, the transition fibrils move distally along the axoneme and a prominent middle piece appears. Our observations and those in the literature indicate certain trends in sperm structure. In sperms with a short middle piece, we expect the presence of a flagellar necklace. The distal movement of the transition fibrils or equivalent structures is prevented by the presence of radial linkers between the flagellar membrane and the axonemal doublets. On the other hand, the absence of a flagellar necklace at the initiation of spermiogenesis enables the formation of a long middle piece. Thus, in spermatozoa possessing an extended middle piece, a flagellar necklace may be missing.  相似文献   

Testis and head extracts of sterile male intersemispecific hybrid Drosophila paulistorum are pathogenic when injected into Ephestia kuehniella larvae. The time and frequency of death of the recipients is a function of the extract concentration. Extracts of Ephestia recipients are pathogenic and will kill E. kuehniella larvae and D. paulistorum adults. Larval Drosophila recipients of these extracts survive through pupation. A majority of these recipients fail to eclose. Those animals which do survive to the adult stage and which are fertile demonstrate the same pattern of sterility among their progeny as is found in D. paulistorum hybrids and recipients of D. paulistorum extracts. The results indicate that the pathogenicity of the extracts is due to the mycoplasma-like microorganisms which are responsible for the male intersemispecific hybrid sterility in D. paulistorum. The mycoplasma-like microorganisms grow rapidly in E. kuehniella hosts, with a division time of approximately 1.8 hr, and they retain their host specificity for the semispecies of D. paulistorum.  相似文献   

水生鳞翅类——螟蛾科水螟亚科   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
尤平 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):595-598
从成虫、卵、幼虫、蛹及生物学等方面介绍了鳞翅目的主要水生类群———螟蛾科水螟亚科Nymphulinae的主要特征及其幼虫的主要生活类型。水螟幼虫的生活型可分为Nymphula型、Parapoynx型、Potamomusa型、Eoophyla型和Nymphicula型。各生活型的主要类群及生活特征也予以说明。目的是为了使读者对该类群有正确的认识,以引起人们的重视。  相似文献   

李良德  王定锋  李慧玲  张辉  吴光远 《昆虫学报》2015,58(10):1063-1071
【目的】蜕皮激素受体(ecdysteroid receptor, EcR)是一种超家族核受体,它能与超气门蛋白USP组成异源二聚体复合物EcR/USP,调节20 羟基蜕皮酮(20E)的生物活性,进而调控昆虫的发育、变态及繁殖等生命过程。本研究旨在克隆茶尺蠖 Ectropis obliqua Prout EcR基因全长,并了解该基因的编码蛋白特征和时空表达模式。【方法】通过RT-PCR方法并结合RACE技术,克隆茶尺蠖EcR的基因全长,通过生物信息学软件和在线网站分析茶尺蠖EcR的生物学特性,通过实时荧光定量PCR(real-time quantitative PCR, qRT-PCR)技术比较茶尺蠖 EcR 在不同发育时期和6龄幼虫不同组织中的相对表达含量。【结果】克隆并鉴定了茶尺蠖EcR基因,将其命名为 Eo-EcR(基因登录号: KP869130.1),Eo-EcR全长2 268 bp,含有1 728 bp开放阅读框,编码576个氨基酸。系统进化树和氨基酸同源性比对表明,Eo-EcR具有相对保守的进化特性,特别是与鳞翅目昆虫的保守性最高。三级结构模拟和功能结构域预测表明,Eo-EcR具有3个经典的结构模型,并以α螺旋为主,功能位点单一且为C4型锌指结构。qRT-PCR结果表明,Eo-EcR在5龄和6龄幼虫期以及成虫期表达量较高,在其他龄期表达量变化不大;同时在前胸腺表达量最高,在血淋巴表达量最低。【结论】明确了Eo-EcR的核苷酸序列及编码蛋白特征,明确了Eo-EcR的时空表达特性。该研究结果为进一步研究Eo-EcR的分子功能和基于Eo-EcR为靶标杀虫剂的研制奠定分子基础。  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural organization ofPieris epidermis during the last larval and early pupal instars is described. Two cell types can be distinguished: dark cells containing xanthommatin granules and clear cells containing potassium urate granules. All cells undergo analogous changes during the period studied i.e. a synthetic phase followed by a lytic phase. At the same time, the nucleoli undergo four successive morphological changes closely related to the pigment cycle.  相似文献   

The weight increase of silk glands in isolated larval abdomens is enhanced by brain implants which stimulate RNA and protein synthesis. It is proposed that, in intact last-instar larvae, a blood-borne factor from the brain promotes silk gland activity during the facultative feeding period. In the post-feeding larvae, some starving larvae and in isolated larval abdomens the silk glands regress. The regression is accelerated and the glands degenerate under the action of 20-hydroxyecdysone. This effect is not associated with an increase in protease and RN-ase activities. In the normal larvae, the protease activity increases gradually during the last instar to a maximum at the time of regression and drops in the degenerating glands. RN-ase activity is maintained at a high level in the fully active, regressing and degenerating glands The results indicate that regression and degeneration of the silk glands are caused by structural cell reorganization rather than by an appearance of cytolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The existence of ecdysteroids in the haemolymph of adult Periplaneta americana has been demonstrated for the first time. It appears that 20-hydroxyecdysone is responsible for most of the observed RIA activity. There is a relatively high titre (28.7 ± 3.7 ng/ml) in females immediately after adult emergence, a decrease over the next 5 days, and a new peak (20.3 ± 4.1 ng/ml) towards the end of the first gonotrophic cycle. The post-emergence peak is also apparent in males, and the titre similarly falls over the next few days. However, the subsequent increase does not occur and the second peak is evidently lacking. The female-specific peak can be abolished by surgical removal of the ovaries, and its appearance is similarly prevented when ovarian development is precluded by allatectomy. The evidence suggests that the ovaries are a major source of haemolymph ecdysteroids in adult females of this species. It remains to be seen whether the female-specific peak is merely the result of an inconsequential leakage from developing oöcytes, or is indeed the secretion of a true hormone with a specific function, possibly the suppression of corpus allatum activity at the time of chorion formation. Certainly, we find no evidence for any involvement of haemolymph ecdysteroids in the suppression of juvenile hormone biosynthesis which accompanies enforced virginity or prolonged starvation in P. americana.The significance of these results is discussed both in relation to other titre determinations and to the evolution of corpus allatum regulation in the Blattaria, with additional comments concerning the humoral environment that prevails when certain juvenile hormone-dependent genes are expressed in the adult female.  相似文献   

High temperatures cause a variety of physiological stress responses in insects, including increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause oxidative damage. This study investigated the effects of thermal stress on ROS generation, the expression of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) at the mRNA and protein levels, the activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT), and apoptosis in hemocytes of Chilo suppressalis larvae. Results indicated that thermal stress significantly elevated the level of ROS and antioxidant enzyme activity in C. suppressalis larvae. Real-time quantitative PCR showed that hsp70 gene expression was induced by heat stress. Flow cytometric results revealed that the expression profile of Hsp70 at the protein level was in agreement with that at the mRNA level. The expression of Hsp70 at both the mRNA and protein levels reached a maximum at 36 °C in larval hemocytes. Exposure to tested temperatures did not cause any significant change in the rate of apoptosis in larval hemocytes. These results suggest that thermal stress leads to oxidative stress and that antioxidant enzymes and the Hsp70 play an important role in reducing oxidative damage in C. suppressalis larvae.  相似文献   

Initially, nuclear import of the ecdysteroid receptor (EcR) in vertebrate cells (CHO-K1 and COS-7) does not afford a heterodimerization partner. Later on, EcR is retained in the nucleus only in the presence of a heterodimerization partner. Ultraspiracle (Usp) is more efficient compared to its vertebrate orthologue RXR and leads to an exclusively nuclear localization of EcR even in the absence of ligand. The DNA binding domain of the heterodimerization partner is important for retainment of EcR in the nucleus as shown by Usp4 (Usp(R130C)), which has lost its DNA binding capability. The C-terminal end of Usp (Usp(Delta205-508)) encompassing the C-terminal part of the D-domain and the E- and F-domains are essential for retainment of EcR in the nucleus. Nuclear localization is further influenced by cell-specific factors, since hormone and heterodimerization stabilizes the EcR protein in a cell-specific way.  相似文献   

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