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In house crickets [Acheta domesticus (L.)] a single mating early in adult life sufficed to induce egg laying for the duration of the life of a female. Female house crickets mated readily shortly after adult emergence but oviposition did not commence until about 12–14 days after emergence, even though females matured eggs by 7 days. The egg-laying factor associated with mating remained active during prolonged periods of substrate deprivation during which the female did not oviposit. If the spermatophore was removed prematurely shortly after a mating, the long-term, egg-laying response was truncated and was correlated with a dramatic decline in the fertility of eggs which were oviposited. The egg-laying stimulus appeared to act in the spermatheca, apparently through neural means, since denervation of the spermatheca abolished mating-induced oviposition. These results indicate that the oviposition factor found in the testes is able to act for long periods of time and has to be present continually in order to be effective. Furthermore, the long-term oviposition stimulus in the house cricket may be different from prostaglandin E2 which induces a prompt ovipositional response.  相似文献   

The blood volume, osmolality, and sugar concentration increase; the blood protein and lipid concentration decrease; and the blood ions and NPS concentration do not change during apolysis from the 7th to 8th instar of larval Acheta domesticus. The patterns of change in all blood constituents are basically identical in both of the last two larval instars. Blood volume increase is directly related to growth, but not directly to total body water. Blood protein concentration increases in exact relation to growth, resulting in a doubling of concentration by midinstar and a small decrease over the last 2 to 3 days. The concentration of clottable protein remains constant; the soluble protein concentration increase probably providing cuticular proteins prior to and following ecdysis. Blood lipid concentration increases steadily throughout both instars, even during the non-feeding phase. Total blood carbohydrate concentration decreases greatly in the first 2 days of an instar, then remains relatively constant for the remainder of the instar. Blood trehalose concentration is 85% of the total carbohydrate concentration throughout the instar, but drops to 65% with a corresponding increase in ‘other sugars’ with the onset of apolysis on the last day. Growth demands probably exceed dietary supply of amino acids resulting in a 50% decrease in NPS concentration in the first half of the instar, then NPS concentration increases in spite of a declining feeding rate because growth demands cease. Within the normal blood ion lability range, the principle blood ions, sodium and chloride, vary in an inverse proportion to NPS and sugar concentration at least in the first two-thirds of the instar. Thus blood osmolality is constant except for an unexplained drop in the last 2 days of an instar.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) synthetase was present in the testes, seminal vesicles, and spermatophores of the male house cricket, Acheta domesticus. The enzyme was not detected in bursa copulatrix, spermatheca, spermathecal canal, and oviducts from virgin females, while substantial activity was measured in the same tissue from mated females. The female appears to receive the enzyme from the spermatophore. A PGE2-like material was detected by radioimmunoassay in A. domesticus testes and to a lesser extent in the remainder of the male reproductive tract. PG went undetected in virgin female reproductive tissues, while the same tissues from mated females contained an average of 589 pg of PGE2-like material per female. In in vivo studies, injected PGE1, PGE2, and to a smaller degree PGF stimulated oviposition by virgin females. Moreover, N-acetyl-p-aminophenol, a PG synthetase inhibitor, suppressed oviposition in mated females. Post-copulatory PG biosynthesis in the female reproductive tract might be partially responsible for triggering oviposition in A. domesticus. Since PG synthetase appears to be acquired from the male, it could be considered a primer pheromone.  相似文献   

We investigated whether an immune response is associated with growth, female reproduction and survival costs in the house cricket. Using different intensities of challenge immune (implantation of one piece of nylon (1N) and two nylons (2N), with their respective sham-challenge and control groups) with body size and exoskeleton thickness as response variables, growth costs were determined for both sexes. A similar methodology was followed for reproduction costs, in which egg number and size, and female survival were measured as response variables. It was also determined whether mated and virgin females showed different immune responses. Body size decreased with immune challenge but only in the 2N treatment. Exoskeleton thickness increased in both sham-challenge groups and the 1N group but decreased in the 2N group. Egg number decreased more in the sham-challenge groups followed by the 1N and 2N groups. The 2N group showed the largest egg size at the end of the experiment. In these females, 2N group died first followed by the 1N, two nylon sham and one nylon sham groups. Finally, mated females showed a lower immune response than virgin females. These results are consistent with ecological immunity theory. The discovery of exoskeleton-related costs of immunity and injury may have important implications for experimental design in studies of the cost of immunity.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclase (E.C. was investigated in the accessory reproductive gland of the male house cricket, Acheta domesticus, which is known to accumulate exceptionally high levels of guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP). Accessory gland guanylate cyclase activity was linear with time for at least one hour, and with enzyme concentration to about 5 mg soluble protein per ml. Activity was dependent on Mn2+ and was maximal at pH 7.3 to 8.0. Sodium fluoride had no effect on activity, but sodium azide was slightly stimulatory. About 80% of the activity was sedimentable at 16,000 g, and both soluble and particulate activities were increased slightly in the presence of Triton X-100. Kinetic analysis indicated half-maximal velocity at 85 μM GTP in the presence of excess Mn2+, and reciprocal plots were concave upward. Changes in activity during maturation of the gland were small, and did not provide evidence for a regulatory role of guanylate cyclase in the accumulation of accessory gland cyclic GMP. The regulation and rôle of cyclic GMP in the accessory gland are discussed.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Coast 《Peptides》2011,32(3):500-508
Serotonin stimulates secretion by Malpighian tubules (MT) of a number of insects, and functions as a diuretic hormone in Rhodnius prolixus and in larval Aedes aegypti. Serotonin is here shown to be a potent stimulant of secretion by MT of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, with an apparent EC50 of 9.4 nmol L−1, although its diuretic activity is just 25% of the maximum achievable with either the native CRF-related peptide, Achdo-DH, or a crude extract of the corpora cardiaca. In this respect, the diuretic activity of serotonin is similar to that of the cricket kinin Achdo-KI, and when tested together their actions are not additive, which suggests they target the same transport process. Consistent with this suggestion, the activity of serotonin is chloride-dependent and is associated with a non-selective stimulation of NaCl and KCl transport. In common with Achdo-KI, serotonin has no effect on cAMP production by isolated MT, and both act synergistically with exogenous 8bromo-cAMP in stimulating fluid secretion, most likely by promoting the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. A number of serotonin agonists and antagonists were tested to determine the pharmacological profile of receptors on cricket MT. The results are consistent with the diuretic activity of serotonin being mediated through a 5-HT2-like receptor.  相似文献   

The distribution of energy during the last stadium of the house cricket at two temperatures was the main theme of this study. Food consumption, growth, and oxygen consumption were greater in the first half of the stadium at both 25 and 35°C. An RQ > 1 indicated the conversion of carbohydrates to lipids during the first half of the instar at both temperatures. The duration of the stadium increased from 6 days at 35°C to 14 days at 25°C. The same maximal weight, protein content and lipid content were attained at both 25 and 35°C. A weight loss (mostly in stored lipids) after the midstadium peak weight was greater at the lower temperature. The absorption efficiency and the production of metabolic wastes were not affected by temperature, but the metabolic efficiency was much higher at 35 than at 25°C during the first half as well as the latter half of the stadium. Although during the first half of the stadium more energy was ingested, absorbed, and made available for growth at 25 than at 35°C, only slightly more growth occurred at 25°C. During the last half of the stadium less energy was ingested at 25 than at 35°C, and much more growth occurred at 35°C because of the even greater heat loss at 25 than at 35°C. Therefore at a lower temperature cricket larvae eat slightly more and reach the same maximal weight as at a higher temperature, but they end up smaller because they waste more energy during the extended duration of the stadium at the lower temperature.  相似文献   

Upon isolation, abdomens of adult female house crickets (Acheta domesticus) produced abdominal and ovipositor movements characteristic of normal oviposition. Oviposition behaviour was thus released even in reproductively mature or immature virgins where under normal conditions it was never observed. Decapitation was not sufficient to release oviposition behaviour but transection of the ventral nerve cord between the thorax and the abdomen of immobilized females evoked the response. These observations indicate that the motor programmes for certain components of the oviposition sequence reside in the abdominal ganglia. Moreover, the prerequisite circuitry for ovipositional posturing of the abdomen and ovipositor appears to be functional prior to sexual maturity and insemination, primed by mating, and subject to inhibition by the thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

Eighth instar female house crickets at 35°C developed faster, gained slightly more wet weight, and consumed less food, water, and oxygen than at 25°C. The duration of the 8th stadium at 25°C was 13 days (undisturbed), but was 14 days when disturbed by daily weighing. The duration of the 8th stadium at 30°C was 8 days and at 35°C was 6 days. During the first half of the 8th stadium at 25, 30, and 35°C, there was a high rate of food and water consumption resulting in statistically equal maximum dry weight achievement (124 mg). Respiratory quotients greater than one during this time indicated the conversion of ingested carbohydrate to fat. During the latter half of the 8th stadium, food and water consumption declined and the crickets lost weight. The period of weight loss was proportionally much longer at 25°C than at 30 or 35°C. Respiratory quotients lower than 1.0 during the latter half of the 8th stadium at 30 and 35°C indicated the metabolism of stored lipids. The respiratory quotient at 25°C never fell below 1.0, possibly because some food remained in the gut. The absorption efficiency was not influenced by temperature (25–35°C). Though the caloric content of the faeces was lower at 25°C than at 30 or 35°C, which correlated to the much longer time for food passage at 25°C than at 35°C, the difference in total calories egested was insufficient to alter the absorption efficiency. A longer period of reduced feeding and greater dry weight loss during the latter half of the 8th stadium at 25°C resulted in a lower metabolic efficiency at 25°C than at 30 or 35°C. Eighth instar crickets in response to a step-function transfer from 30°C–25 or 35°C showed an immediate (<1 hr) and complete metabolic adjustment which was not affected by the temperature history during the 7th stadium. House crickets did not exhibit temperature acclimation in the range 20–40°C, the metabolic rate being determined by ambient temperature. The Q10 for oxygen consumption in the range 20–40°C was about 2.  相似文献   

The blood volume increased during normal feeding, and did not decrease during fasting at the end of the stadium. The unexpectedly high blood volume of starved crickets might be an adaptation to increase chances for moulting via stretch receptor stimulation.The amount of blood amino acids was not changed by feeding, but increased with fasting or starvation. Thus amino acid levels in the blood were not directly related to amino acid input from the gut.The blood protein concentration did not change during starvation, but the amino acid concentration was 33% higher in starved crickets that drank water as opposed to those given saline to drink. Thus amino acid levels in the blood were not related directly to blood protein concentration.The blood amino acid concentration was 19–22 mM/l in response to salt intake by feeding crickets or starved crickets drinking saline. The concentration was 32–38 mM/l when the crickets were fasting prior to and after ecdysis or when starved with water to drink during the time when they would normally be feeding. The increase of amino acids during fasting was due to a proportional increase in all amino acids augmented by a 3 × increase in tyrosine. The increase during salt depleting starvation was due to a doubling of the two predominant amino acids proline and glycine. Proline and glycine were not increased in starved crickets drinking saline, thus starvation was not the reason for the increase. This is the first instance where specific amino acids have been implicated in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Waveform and spectral analysis were made on the call song of the cricket, Acheta domesticus. Sounds produced by unrestrained male crickets were led directly to a computer where discrete Fourier transforms were performed on selected segments of the call song. The findings revealed essentially pure tone carrier frequencies which result from the rate at which the individual teeth of the pars stridens are struck by the plectrum. An electrophysiologically determined audiogram showed good agreement with the dominant frequency of the call song, but was less sensitive and more broadly tuned than hearing curves of most fiels crickets.  相似文献   

At a temperature of 24°C, freshly hatched second stage larvae (L2) of Rotylenchulus reniformis take 2 weeks to complete moulting and become either adult males or immature females. Measurements of different nematode stages were made using a computer-interfaced digitizer (CID). This proved to be more rapid and reproducible than conventional techniques.Moulting and development were followed in individual living specimens viewed under Nomarski optics and oil immersion. The mean loss in body volume of these specimens from L2 to immature female is about 17% compared with about 19% for the mean loss in body volume from L2 to male. The mean volumes for a total of 70 randomly selected living specimens measured are 95·6 pi for L2s, 72·9 pl for immature females and 74·2 pl for males. Mean losses in body volume during moulting calculated from these randomly selected stages were slightly higher than those observed for individuals, being about 24% for the immature female and about 22% for the male.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Evidence is presented for a circadian control of locomotory activity in the larval stadia of the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus Walker. Under light—dark cycles (LD), maximal activity occurs around the L/D transition and/or in the hours preceding it. Free-running rhythm patterns longer than 24 h are observed in constant light. Re-entrainment to phase advances in the LD cycle is also accompanied by several transient cycles. However, free-running rhythms under constant darkness or transients when exposed to LD cycle delays were not found. LD cycles during the eighth stadium set the phase of a free-running rhythm in the adult, even if the nymph does not show a rhythm. Nymphal activity is often erratic and is disrupted periodically by the moulting cycle, but moulting does not interrupt the operation of the circadian system. The daily timing of the moult itself is not under circadian control.  相似文献   

Whole reproductive tracts of male house crickets, Acheta domesticus, incubated with arachidonic acid and glutathione yielded an average of 17 ug of prostaglandin (PG) E2/g of tissue. Biosynthesized PGE2 was identified by mass spectroscopy. A compound with thin layer and gas chromatographic properties identical to PGE1 was isolated from spermatophores of house crickets. This appears to be the first report of the occurrence of a PG in an insect species. The possible role of PG in insect reproduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Larvae of Acheta domesticus were reared on artificial diets both singly and in groups of six. The growth of group-reared larvae was significantly faster, and survival of singly reared larvae was greatly reduced. Survival of singly reared larvae was raised to that of grouped larvae when 1% wheat-germ oil was added to the diet. Wheat-germ oil also improved the growth of grouped larvae and of singly reared female larvae. The fatty acid composition of body lipid was similar, except for linolenic acid, whether the larvae were singly or group-reared, or whether wheat-germ oil was fed or not. These results are discussed from the point of view of the mechanism of the group effect.  相似文献   

Histological and histochemical methods have been employed to study the formation and growth of the exoskeleton in relation to the moulting cycle of the crab Menippe rumphii (Fabricius). In the premoult condition the epidermal cells secrete a two-layered cuticle. Later these layers are widened by the secretions coming from the reserve cells, tegumental glands, and the Leydig cells. The fully formed cuticle of the intermoult crab is divisible into four layers, epicuticle, exocuticle, mesocuticle, and endocuticle.Histochemical observations on different cells have revealed that the tegumental glands secrete both neutral and acid mucopolysaccharides. The reserve cells are positive to PAS, BPB, Sudan Black B and Alizarin Red S techniques indicating the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and mineral calcium. The Leydig cells are loaded with enzymes, including alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, lipase, and phenoloxidase. Other histochemical tests have been employed to investigate the formation of different layers of the cuticle.  相似文献   

Growth of larvae of Acheta domesticus to the adult stage on an artificial diet was improved significantly by the addition of 0.1% rutin to the diet. Fecundity was also increased. These results cannot be explained by a stimulation of feeding by rutin. They appear to be due to an effect on the utilization of the food, brought about possibly by an action on gut movement, on gut transport or on the microbiol flora.  相似文献   

Crickets have two types of mechanisms for the reception of environmental sounds: (1) the tympanal organs in the two forelegs and (2) the freely articulated setal receptors on the abdominal ceri. The cercal setal receptors have hitherto received much less experimental attention as decoders of biologically significant sounds than have the tympano-receptors. In the present study the cercal auditory system of Acheta domesticus was examined electrophysiologically to determine its auditory frequency sensitivity, the tuning characteristics of individual units, and the synchronization between nerve impulses and stimulus frequency. Both pre- and postsynaptic units were examined in the fifth abdominal ganglion; several of the observed response patterns were compared with those of homologous cercal sensory neurons in Periplaneta americana. The results show that (1) A. domesticus possesses an elaborate array of cercal receptors which are highly sensitive to sounds, (2) the cercal setal receptors are more sensitive and numerous in the cricket than in the cockroach, and (3) the cercal auditory system can decode stimulus information by narrow tuning in individual cells and by synchronous discharge patterns; firing frequencies range up to 300 Hz in presynaptic sensory units and 60 Hz in the postsynaptic giants. The response patterns were related to the structure of the receptor and the behavioural adaptations of the insect.  相似文献   

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