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The inhibition of host-seeking behaviour that accompanies vitellogenesis in the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, was examined by the removal and implantation of ovaries. Mosquitoes ovariectomized before a blood meal and between 1 and 6 hr after a blood meal responded to a host at 48 hr after a blood meal. However, when ovariectomy was delayed until 10 hr after the meal or later, most mosquitoes did not respond to the host. When a partial ovary was present for only the first 12 hr after a meal, there was no host-seeking inhibition at 48 hr, and only 58% of females with one complete ovary present during this time interval responded. Howver, these same amounts of ovarian tissue inhibited host-seeking when they remained for 48 hr after a meal. Vitellogenic ovaries from donors blood-fed 8–24 hr before, implanted into sugar-fed recipients, did not affect the host-seeking behaviour of these recipients. Ovaries removed and reimplanted before the blood meal inhibited host-seeking at 72 hr after the blood meal only in the absence of oviposition from intact ovaries. It is concluded that 2 humoral factors are involved in the promotion of host-seeking inhibition: the first factor is produced by the ovaries, and after reaching a critical threshold in the haemolymph, stimulates the release of a second factor that acts directly to inhibit mosquito behaviour. An ovary which retains 2 or fewer eggs after oviposition terminates the inhibition via nervous pathways. The role of 20-hydroxyecdysone in the behavioural inhibition is discussed.  相似文献   

The corpora allata are inhibited during pregnancy in ovoviviparous Eublaberus posticus, and yolk is not deposited in the basal oöcytes for the entire or almost the entire gestation period.Precocious oöcyte development occurs if the oötheca is removed but this can be prevented by substituting a plastic oötheca for the true egg case in the uterus. Implantation of a uterus containing an oötheca into the abdomen of a female whose oötheca is removed does not prevent precocious oöcyte development even though many of the eggs in the implant grow and stretch the donor uterus. These experiments argue against the hypothesis that an ‘agent’ from the uterine eggs or stretched uterus inhibits the activity of the corpora allata (CA), and supports the hypothesis that inhibition from the uterus is mechanical.Cyclical activity of neurosecretory cells in certain abdominal ganglia in one species of ovoviviparous cockroach has been correlated with the cyclical inhibition of the oöcytes during pregnancy. Mechanoreceptors are found in the uteri of several ovoviviparous species including Eublaberus.In Eublaberus transecting the nerve cord between various ganglia in pregnant females only results in a marked decrease in the percentage of famales showing precocious oöcyte development when the nerves posterior to the sixth abdominal ganglion are severed. However, the results are the same if these nerves are severed after removing the oötheca. It is suggested that pressure of the oötheca on mechanoreceptors in the uterus, or cessation of pressure (after removal of the oötheca), result in sensory information being transmitted to the last abdominal ganglion which affect the CA, perhaps indirectly by controlling the activity of the neurosecretory cells in various abdominal ganglia.  相似文献   

The implantation of active corpora allata into intact Locusta females during growth accelerates pre-vitellogenic oöcyte growth and vitellogenesis. Localised stimulation of yolk deposition follows the implantation of active corpora allata between the ovarioles demonstrating a gonadotrophic rôle for the corpus allatum hormone. Electrocoagulation of the median neurosecretory cells of the brain prevents vitellogenesis whilst pre-vitellogenic oöcyte growth occurs normally. Implantation of active corpora allata into females with ablated cerebral neurosecretory cells promotes vitellogenesis in a proportion of test animals although mature oöcytes are never produced.It is suggested that the rôle of the median neurosecretory cells during egg development in Locusta is primarily concerned with the activation and maintenance of activity of the corpora allata. The corpus allatum hormone acts both metabolically and gonadotrophically.  相似文献   

Male-killing bacteria are maternally inherited agents that cause death of sons of infected females. Their transmission rate is commonly high but imperfect and also sensitive to different environmental factors. Therefore, the proportion of infected females should be reduced in each generation. In order to explain male-killers spread and persistence in host population, a mechanism resulting in the relative increase of infected females must outweigh the losses caused by the imperfect transmission. The resource release hypothesis states that the males’ death results in increased resources available to sibling females which would otherwise be used by their male siblings. Infected females are then expected: to be larger than uninfected females in natural populations; or to have higher viability; or to have shorter development times; or any combination of these outcomes. Here, we tested the resource release hypothesis by measuring body size of infected and uninfected wild-caught Drosophila melanogaster females and carried out other fitness related measures in the laboratory. Wild-caught infected females produced more daughters than uninfected females in their first days in the laboratory. However, although no significant difference in viability was found in a controlled experiment with infected and uninfected flies from a standard laboratory strain, there was a decrease in development time probably mediated by reduced competition. Fitness effects conditioned by the host genetic background are pointed out as a possible explanation for this difference between wild and laboratory flies. Our findings are discussed in the context of the resource advantage hypothesis.  相似文献   

Growth of the sub-terminal follicle is hindered by the terminal oöcyte itself during maturation until its ovulation. An inhibition identical to that exercised by the sub-terminal oöcyte exists at the level of the third follicle. The inhibitory substance passes from one oöcyte to the next through the interfollicular tissue. Sub-terminal oöcytes have no particular action on the terminal follicles.Vitellogenesis requires stimulation from the tissues proximal to the ovariole. Both the oviduct and the interfollicular tissue could play a role in this stimulation. Chorionation is seen to be an autonomous mechanism.  相似文献   

Direct radiochemical determinations of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis by corpora allata (CA) isolated from starved and re-fed Periplanteta americana have been employed to elucidate the humoral mechanisms involved in the modulation of reproductive activity in response to food availability. When starvation was initiated in mature adult females at the time of formation of an oötheca the next oötheca was normally deposited 5 to 6 days later, a delay of 2–3 days, and a third oötheca was formed by only 50% of starved females. The terminal oöcytes in the remaining females were either resorbed or maintained in an arrested state. Ovarian development had effectively ceased after 2 weeks of starvation but recommenced within 3 days of re-feeding. The CA of most starved females exhibited 2 activity cycles following food withdrawal. The first peak occurred on day 1 of the starvation period and was coincident with the timing for fed controls. The second peak was delayed by about 2 days and the activity of the CA then declined to the extent that glands from animals starved for more than 11 days were completely inactive. Feeding, after 10 or 16 days starvation, resulted in a resumption of CA activity which was detectable in some animals within 24 hr, and very high rates of JH biosynthesis were found 4 or 5 days later. The results suggest that P. americana can readily and efficiently modulate egg production in response to food supply, and that control is effected through alterations in JH production by the CA. The use of farnesenic acid as a biochemical probe indicates that CA inactivity after long periods of starvation does not arise because malnutrition has caused complete metabolic shut-down in the glands, and that JH biosynthesis is basically modulated at a control point prior to the last two enzymic stages in the pathway.  相似文献   

The combined stimuli from feeding, drinking, mating and crowding are required for the highest rates of oöcyte development in maturing adult female Periplaneta americana. A graded series of “sexually suppressed” females can be produced by withholding one or more of these stimuli, and this stepwise retardation of ovarian development appears to be achieved by a progressive increase in corpus allatum restrain. It seems that all of these environmental cues are centrally integrated such that juvenile hormone-dependent processes can proceed at an appropriate pace. Water availability is evidently the most important factor. Water-deprived females are sexually unreceptive, and are found to have very low rates of juvenile hormone biosynthesis and ovarian development. This holds true even when they are provided with food. In contrast, 75% of starved females are sexually receptive if allowed free access to drinking water. At the same time they have enhanced corpus allatum activity, and show significant oöcyte growth.The mode of regulation of corpus allatum function in adult female P. americana appears to be significantly different to the model proposed for the cockroaches Leucophaea maderae and Diploptera punctata. Allatotropic signals may be more important than inhibitory signals in the former species. The glands continue to be moderately active in fed, mated female P. americana after NCA-1 section (although a major peak of corpus allatum activity is not obvious), and the rate of oöcyte development is not greatly reduced. However, NCA-1 mediated inhibition of juvenile hormone biosynthesis is less readily demonstrated. We could observe no enhancement of corpus allatum activity nor stimulation of oöcyte growth after unilateral NCA-1 section when the operation was performed on starved virgins, and the same result was found after bilateral NCA-1 section when starvation or virginity were separately enforced. A slight stimulation of juvenile hormone biosynthesis, together with a small increase in oöcyte development, could only be demonstrated after both NCA-1 were cut in starved virgins.We conclude that neurally mediated corpus allatum inhibition in has yet to be adequately verified, and that the available evidence does not contradict the theory that juvenile hormone biosynthesis in adult females could be regulated predominantly by chemicals released into the haemolymph.  相似文献   

Cycles of oögenesis in Melanoplus sanguinipes overlap to the extent that there are always 2 and occasionally 3 sets of vitellogenic oöcytes in the ovarioles at any one time. Three phases of vitellogenic oöcyte development can be distinguished: (1) An initial 24-hour phase of slow development (1.0–1.2 mm, 0.05–0.10 mm3). (2) A phase of rapid oöcyte growth (1.2–3.5 mm, 0.1–1.3 mm3). The duration of this phase is 2 days in the first cycle and 3 days in subsequent cycles. (3) A final phase of rapid oöcyte growth and maturation (3.5–4.5 mm, 1.3–2.8 mm3). Including the time taken for oviposition the duration of this latter phase is 3 days. Phases 1, 2 and 3 of cycles n + 2, n + 1 and n, respectively, overlap entirely. Activity of the corpora allata was measured using a radio-biosynthetic technique. A period of increased corpus allatum activity coincides with the initial part of phase 2 in each cycle. Each set of oöcytes is, thus, subject to 2 and occasionally 3 peaks of corpus allatum activity during development. Using these data a model of the control of oöcyte development has been devised  相似文献   

The corpora allata of castrated females of Nauphoeta grow only very slightly and do not reach a volume greater than that of the glands of normal females during gestation. These small corpora allata are, however, active and are responsible for the synthesis of vitellogenin (female specific protein) in large amounts. Besides vitellogenin the other haemolymph proteins are also synthesized and accumulated in the haemolymph in much higher concentrations than in normal females. Implanted oöcytes grow in castrated as well as in normal females at about the same rate until the tenth day of the oöcyte maturation period. Thereafter they only grow in castrated females. If castrated and normal females are decapitated, their protein content decreases. At the same time the growth stimulating capacity of their haemolymph decreases at a much faster rate. If oöcytes are implanted in castrated and decapitated females after 4 days they cannot grow any more although the vitellogenin titre of the haemolymph is still much higher than it is at any time in normal females. It can be concluded that vitellogenin alone cannot induce oöcyte growth and that juvenile hormone is necessary as well for vitellogenin synthesis as for its incorporation into the oöcytes. However, in insects rich in vitellogenin juvenile hormone leads to a more rapid oöcyte growth than in insects containing only small amounts of this protein.  相似文献   

The corpora allata (CA) and median neurosecretory cells (MNC) of Phormia regina and Sarcophaga bullata become active with increasing age of the fly, on a diet of sugar alone. To prevent or retard oögenesis the CA or MNCs must be removed shortly after emergence, with subsequent protein meals. Topical JH application partially compensates for CA or MNC removal. This shows that the MNC activate the CA, and not vice versa. The trauma of either operation slightly depresses egg development.Injection of ecdysone into both species in the stage of initial yolk deposition causes the primary oöcytes to degenerate. This leads to development of the penultimate oöcytes. Older and younger egg stages are not sensitive to ecdysone. In P. regina the application of JH to females with developing primary oöcytes stimulates yolk deposition in the penultimate oöcytes.  相似文献   

Dunce1, amnesiac, turnip and rutabaga, mutants of Drosophila melanogaster deficient in olfactory learning and/or memory, were tested for visual learning ability and memory. All these mutants are able to learn conditioned visual information, but not as well as the corresponding wildtype CS. Memory of all four mutants is reduced during the first 30 min after training, but indistinguishable from that of the wildtype two hours after conditioning.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for the initiation of a second oöcyte maturation cycle were investigated by measuring oöcyte growth, vitellogenin titre, and corpus allatum activity after injection of juvenile hormone and/or removal of the egg-case from pregnant females and by performing ovary and corpus allatum transplant experiments.Egg-case removal in late pregnancy results in immediate oöcyte growth, whereas in early pregnancy oöcyte growth is resumed only after a lapse of time, even after injection of juvenile hormone. This, however, induces an immediate increase in the haemolymph vitellogenin titre. A single injection of 2 or 10 μg of juvenile hormone II first stimulates some oöcyte growth after this lapse of time and later activates the corpora allata, which in turn leads to completion of oöcyte maturation. A repeat injection of 10 μg stimulates continuous oöcyte growth without activating the corpora allata. In the presence of an egg case, activation of the corpora allata is suppressed, even after injection of 2 μg of juvenile hormone III, and the oöcytes do not grow. Injection of higher doses stimulates oöcyte growth and leads to expulsion of the egg case in up to 95% of the females. This, however, is not a direct consequence of the increase in size of the ovaries. Ovary transplant experiment show that in young pregnant females the second generation of oöcyte is not yet competent for growth and that ovaries which are competent can mature in young pregnant females, treated with juvenile hormone, whose egg case has been removed.The results are summarized in a model demonstrating the various factors involved in regulating corpus allatum activity in oöcyte maturation and pregnancy and after application of juvenile hormone. We prepose that the corpus allatum activating effect of exogenous juvenile hormone is mediated by the growing oöcyte and that this activation can be suppressed by the continuous presence of exogenous juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Oviposition and oögenesis can be inhibited in female Rhodnius prolixus by ecdysone given by the digestive tract. The inhibition is dose-dependent, and doses higher than 4.0 ng ecdysone/mg body weight drastically reduce the size and shape of the whole ovaries. In ecdysone-treated insects, normal oviposition and oögenesis can be re-established by a subsequent blood meal without ecdysone, or by the application of a juvenile hormone analogue.These results suggest that ecdysone inhibits juvenile hormone production.  相似文献   

In the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea the incorporation of a protein of low solubility into the oöcytes begins at day 5 of its adult life. An immunologically identical protein appears in the haemolymph two days earlier. The concentration of this protein, i.e. ‘vitellogenin’ in the haemolymph increases up to the onset of yolk incorporation into the oöcytes. During ovarian development no correlation could be detected between vitellogenin titre and several other parameters (ovary dry weight, length of the basal oöcytes, haemolymph protein concentration, body weight and age when ovulation occurred). In young females vitellogenin titre depends on the age, i.e. the volume of the corpora allata and hence on the presence and the titre of JH. During the period of egg maturation the total haemolymph protein concentration generally tends to drop while materials not precipitable by trichloracetic acid circulate at higher concentration after ecdysis and before ovulation.Early decapitation prevents vitellogenin synthesis and oöcyte growth, but when JH is applied to decapitated females, the normal vitellogenin titre is re-established, ovarian development, however, cannot be fully resumed. A dose-response curve shows that serial application of the hormone is much more effective than single large doses. Farnesylmethylester, a JH mimic, is about a hundred times less active, but more persistent than JH. Copulation seems to enhance the synthesis and release of endogenous JH, while food and water uptake are necessary to guarantee and optimal ovarian development. JH and high vitellogenin titre never restore ovarian development in females deprived of food and/or water or in those decapitated shortly after ecdysis.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, blood feeding rates, oögenesis and fat body development were utilized to assess the effects of photoperiod and temperature in the conditioning of adult female Culiseta inornata for aestivation. Long-day (16L:8D) and short-day (8L:16D) photoperiods were examined in combination with temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C. All tested individuals were reared from egg to adult under one of six possible regimes.Blood feeding occurred in approximately 60% of the females subjected to short-day conditions. Females subjected to long-day regimes exhibited gonotrophic concordance (the inhibition of blood feeding), evidenced by a decrease in overall blood-feeding rate to 20%. Inhibition of blood feeding by long-day females decreased in a linear fashion with increasing temperature. No interaction of the effects of photoperiod and temperature upon blood feeding was apparent. Examination of the ovarioles of post-blood feeding females, reared under each of the above conditions, revealed no evidence of gonotrophic dissociation (the inhibition of oögenesis despite continued blood feeding).Fat body hypertrophy occurred in females reared under long-day conditions, whereas hypotrophy of this tissue was apparent in short-day females. No significant difference in fat body development occurred between parous and nulliparous females reared under long-day photoperiod conditions. Short-day blood-fed females reared at 15°C deposited a significantly greater amount of fat than short-day blood fed females reared at 20° and 25°C, and short-day nonbloodfed females reared at 15°, 20°, and 25°C. The primary stimulus for fat body hypertrophy appears to be long-day photoperiod conditions. Temperature exerted little discernible effect upon this process, and there was no interaction between the effects of photoperiod and temperature upon the degree of fat body development.  相似文献   

Changes in follicle cell morphology were correlated with changes in rates of protein synthesis and DNA synthesis by the ovary during ovarian maturation in Leucophaea maderae. During the vitellogenic period of oöcyte development, which lasts approx, 15 days, morphological changes in the follicle cells are accompanied by moderate rates of ovarian protein synthesis and rapid rates of ovarian DNA synthesis. At approx. 15 days after mating, the shape of the follicle cells changes from cuboidal to squamous, ovarian DNA synthesis is arrested, and ovarian protein synthesis increases slightly. During the final period of oöcyte development, which lasts approx, two days, the interfollicular channels between the follicle cells have disappeared and the squamous follicle cells, which contain an extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum, deposit a chorion around the mature oöcyte. These morphological changes are accompanied by a radical increase in ovarian protein synthesis, while ovarian DNA synthesis remains arrested. Immediately before ovulation, ovarian protein synthesis starts to decline, reaching a minimal level 24 hr post-ovulation.Ovarian maturation is dependent on the presence of juvenile hormone (JH) only during the vitellogenic stage of oöcyte development. Decapitation of insects at any point during the first 10 days after mating arrests the synthesis of DNA and retards the synthesis of protein by the ovary, resulting in degeneration of the oöcyte. Subsequent injection of JH restores both events to normal levels within 72 hr. Decapitation on or after the tenth day following mating does not alter normal oöcyte development, chorion deposition, ovulation or egg case formation.Primary induction of protein synthesis in ovaries from virgin females can be achieved by either an in vivo or in vitro exposure of the tissue to JH, thus confirming a site of action for JH to be ovarian tissue. Electrophoretic analysis of the soluble proteins from JH-exposed ovaries in vivo reveals that JH stimulates general protein synthesis, rather than the synthesis of a specific major protein such as vitellogenin.  相似文献   

In experiments on the synthesis of the vitellogenic protein, farnesylmethylester, a juvenile hormone (JH) analogue, was injected into female Nauphoeta cinerea larvae at various stages during their development. Two and 4 days after injection, 2 μl of haemolymph were assayed in a vitellogenin immunodiffusion test. In second last and last instar larvae less than 6 days before adult ecdysis, high doses (100 μg) of farnesylmethylester are necessary to induce vitellogenin synthesis, whereas older last stage larvae and decapitated adults respond to small doses (1 μg) with the synthesis of vitellogenin. It seems that the competence to synthesize the vitellogenic protein changes at the time of induction of the moulting process. If farnesylmethylester is injected into last instar larvae with a supposedly high titre of ecdysone, the vitellogenic protein can be detected in the haemolymph of a small percentage of animals only.Oöcyte maturation can be observed in last instar larvae injected after the fifth to ninth day with farnesylmethylester. The observed volume changes of the corpora allata suggest that an absence of JH for a short time is necessary for the oöcytes to become competent to grow. Last instar larvae treated with farnesylmethylester become larval-adult intermediates with partly developed oöcytes, demonstrating a simultaneous juvenilizing and gonadotropic influence of the JH analogue. In last instar larvae injected with farnesylmethylester a partial degeneration of already maturing oöcytes is induced at the time when the ecdysone titre is supposedly high and the possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

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