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Alkavervir (Veriloid®), a new derivative of veratrum viride was used in the treatment of hypertension in ten children with acute nephritis. The patients had a variety of complications associated with hypertension—heart failure, convulsions, vomiting and headache. In all of them the blood pressure decreased soon after the drug was given.  相似文献   

From an analysis of a recent series of 99 cases of acute perforated appendicitis in childhood several conclusions appeared valid.1. The majority of infants and young children with acute perforated appendicitis do not exhibit the signs of localization of peritoneal irritation so characteristically seen in older children and adults. Hence if a history compatible with acute perforated appendicitis is present and there is evidence of peritoneal irritation on repeated examinations, patients of this age group may be assumed to have the disease and should be prepared and operated upon with minimal delay. Early operation after a maximum of several hours of preparation with parenteral hydration, nasogastric suction and antibiotics is the treatment of choice.2. In nine patients in the present series with temperature and rapid pulse that did not fall to safe levels with the usual preoperative preparation, mild hypothermia appeared to reduce the risk of anesthesia and operation.3. The use of intraperitoneal drains in children with acute perforated appendicitis is associated with a definite reduction in the incidence of postoperative intraperitoneal abscesses and with a probable reduction in the number of serious wound infections.  相似文献   

Patients with basilar artery disease show their first symptoms by characteristic ischemic attacks. If the attending physician correctly diagnoses the condition and initiates anticoagulant therapy before a catastrophic episode occurs, there is reason to believe that the disease may be arrested temporarily.  相似文献   

The presenting manifestations of polycythemia vera are often complications involving the vascular system. These include myocardial infarction, cerebro-vascular accidents and ischemic changes in the extremities.The concept of increased atherogenesis in cases of polycythemia vera has been questioned. A possible mechanism by which small, otherwise subclinical atheromatous plaques produce ischemic symptoms in patients with polycythemia vera is discussed. The blood in polycythemic patients has been shown to have an increased viscosity resulting in a prolonged circulation time. If a small atheromatous plaque is present in association with increased blood viscosity, this combination may well produce ischemic symptoms. This explains why treatment of polycythemia vera, with restoration of blood to normal viscosity, often reverses the patient''s ischemic symptoms.Two cases of polycythemia vera here reported, in which the presenting manifestations were gangrenous extremities, emphasize the need for prompt diagnosis and treatment of polycythemia vera. In the first case, early recognition and treatment of polycythemia vera successfully reversed the ischemic changes in the extremities, while failure of early recognition and treatment in the second case resulted in two major amputations.  相似文献   

A study was made of the cases of 200 patients with demonstrated cerebral atrophy. In patients under 70 years of age cerebral atrophy was twice as common in men as women. Over 70 years the ratio was reversed. The incidence of cerebral atrophy was relatively high in the age group 35 to 50.Convulsions were present in more than a third of the 200 patients. Neurological abnormalities were present in 51 per cent of the entire series. Significant personality deviations were observed in 31 per cent. Although the electroencephalogram was abnormal in many patients, it appeared to be of little aid in the diagnosis of the cerebral atrophy. The spinal fluid did not seem to be consistently altered in any significant or diagnostic manner.Most of the patients in the 35 to 50 year age group did not have the symptoms characteristic of Alzheimer''s disease, and in only a few cases did the symptoms resemble those of other recognized disease entities.  相似文献   

Misleading symptoms were responsible for failure to make the diagnosis of symptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm in 15 patients. The presenting complaints appeared to be specific for other diseases, such as genitourinary disease, diverticulitis, intra-abdominal neoplasm and functional large intestinal disorders. A correct diagnosis was ultimately made in 12 patients and aneurysmectomy was performed. In three patients, who died of ruptured aneurysm, the diagnosis was not made until postmortem examination.An awareness of the atypical symptoms of aneurysms, careful physical examination and appropriate x-ray studies will lead to the diagnosis of symptomatic aortic aneurysms. Early resection will result in a lower mortality rate.  相似文献   

Bronchial asthma in children may be difficult to diagnose. Education of the parents regarding allergic conditions, specifically bronchial asthma, is exceedingly important in order to assure satisfactory treatment and clinical results.Chest symptoms of unexplained origin in early life should immediately arouse suspicion of allergic disease. Other causes of asthmatic symptoms must be borne in mind and excluded before a positive diagnosis of bronchial asthma is established.Of the many factors to be considered in investigating a child with asthma, a comprehensive history is most essential. The climate to which the patient is exposed and the psychic influences must be taken into account. Physical examination, x-ray films and laboratory procedures should be carefully executed. Skin testing, especially with food allergens, should not be relied upon to give all the information in allergic disease. Some form of diet trial, such as elimination diets, should be used if sensitivity to food is suspected.  相似文献   

A study of childhood accidents was begun by the Alameda-Contra Costa Medical Association to determine the incidence of various kinds of accidents, the causes and possible means of prevention. Hospitals, the State Department of Public Health and county and city health departments gave willing assistance when their aid was sought.Data gathered thus far have served to better identify the problems and can be used to set priorities for various phases of future study.  相似文献   

Of 2,807 specimens from blood donors and men in industry, 340 or 12 per cent had serum protein-bound iodine values of 4.0 micrograms or less per 100 cc.In a selected group of 610 “white collar” workers, 52 or 8.5 per cent had similar low values.Careful reexamination of a sample of the latter group indicated that at least 75 per cent of them had hypothyroidism needing treatment.Further analysis of the factors producing hypothyroidism and the validation of the incidence found is warranted. If the incidence observed in this study is confirmed, these findings indicate that 6 per cent to 9 per cent, or more than a million middle aged American men have hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

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