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Twelve singly embedded isolates (SEV) and two multiply embedded isolates (MEV) of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses from Heliothis larvae were compared by time-mortality assays in neonate H. zea larvae. The isolates could be separated into six groups based on differences in the 50% survival time (ST50) values. Isolates with identical restriction endonuclease (REN) profiles did not differ significantly in their ST50 values, whereas isolates with several different REN cleavage sites also had significantly different ST50 values. With the exception of one isolate from India, the singly embedded isolates acted faster than the multiply embedded isolates.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to determine effects of cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus on diapausing Heliothis virescens. Most virus-infected individuals died in the larval stage. Infected pupae yielded as many moths as healthy. Females from surviving virus-infected larvae produced fewer eggs than those from healthy larvae, but there was no statistical difference in longevity of adults between healthy and infected groups. Infected moths yielded lower than normal quantities of extracted fatty acids.  相似文献   

Third-instar Spodoptera exempta larvae were fed on young maize leaves treated with 20 μl of polyhedral inclusion body (PIB) suspension of concentrations that varied from 1.6 × 102 to 1.6 × 109 PIBs/ml. Daily observations were kept on mortality rates. A probit analysis on the results gave an LD50 value of 48.4 PIBs/larva (lower and upper fiducial limits 39.2 and 59.4 PIBs/larva, respectively), and an LT50 that varied from 146.2 to 221.3 hr, depending on the dosage. LD and LT values obtained show the high pathogenicity of S. exempta nuclear polyhedrosis virus to its host.  相似文献   

Armyworm, Mythimna (Pseudaletia) separata, a serious pest of 12 agricultural crops, was artificially infected with its nuclear polyhedrosis virus to study the modes of virus transmission among the laboratory population. Virus transmitted by transovum and transovarial modes passed through polyhedra-fed moths to their progeny.  相似文献   

A protein that can precipitate nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) in vitro was isolated from the digestive juice of silkworm larvae (Bombyx mori) by the procedures of gel filtration and ion-exchange and hydroxylapatite column chromatography. The SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic and the ultracentrifugal analyses showed that the purified substance was a homogenous simple protein. The molecular weight of the purified protein was 27,000–28,000 and the sedimentation coefficient was 2.61 S. This protein had an additional activity to inactivate NPV of B. mori in vitro, somewhat analogous to serological neutralization by serum proteins. Electron microscope observations showed that amorphous materials could be found on the surface of envelopes and that the nucleocapsids disappeared.  相似文献   

The hypertrophy nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta, causes a unique gradient of infected cells to form on the trachea. The movement and invasion of the virus apparently were not through adjacent intercellular membranes. The enveloped viruses emerged from the initially infected cell into an area between the cell plasma membrane and basal lamina, and then entered the uninfected tracheal cell either by lateral attachment and fusion of the viral envelope and the plasma membrane or by viropexis. The two methods of viral invasion into the cell suggest the presence of at least two phenotypically different enveloped viruses. Viropexis was initiated with an alignment of the peplomer spikes with regularly spaced, short radial striations on the inner coat of the plasma membrane. At a late state in viropexis, the viral envelope fused with the vacuole membrane, and an opening developed below the site of membrane fusion through which the nucleocapsid might enter the cytoplasm. Some nucleocapsids in membrane-lined vesicles resulting from viropexis appeared to be in a state of dissolution. Naked nucleocapsids were found along the nuclear envelope and within the nucleoplasm. No uncoating of the nucleocapsids was observed at the nucleopores, but uncoating seemed to occur in the nucleoplasm. Nucleocapsids were also found in the cytoplasm of nonsusceptible fat body cells, in which virus replication was not observed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the replication and serial passage of Heliothis zea nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) in a H. zea cell line. It was demonstrated that long-term serial passages of the H. zea NPV in homologous host cell culture decreased both the total number of polyhedral inclusion bodies (PIBs) produced and the infectivity of the supernatant as measured by TCID50. The growth curve indicated that infectious material was released from cells 24 hr postinfection (p.i.) and approached a maximal titer 3 days p.i. The kinetics of H. zea NPV decay at 4°, 27°, and 37°C were determined. Infectivity was not detected after 3 weeks at 37°C, but approximately 103.5 TCID50/ml activity was still present after 3 and 8 weeks storage at 27° and 4°C, respectively. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of single embedded virions in the inoculated cells.  相似文献   

Factors involved in the dissolution of polyhedra of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) by digestive fluid collected from fifth stage Trichoplusia ni larvae were studied in vitro. Observations were made at timed intervals using phase contrast microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. When digestive fluid was heated at 50°C proteases retained activity. Exposure of polyhedra to digestive fluid previously heated to 50°C resulted in polyhedral matrix dissolution and envelope disruption in a manner similar to that of unheated digestive fluid, only delayed slightly. After exposure of polyhedra for 3 min, only enveloped virons were observed. Heating the digestive fluid to 60° or higher inactivated the proteases and altered the effect on polyhedra. Dissolution of the occlusion body matrix occurred but the polyhedral envelope remained and only a few weakened areas were observed in its structure. Within the polyhedral envelope, enveloped virons were not observed, only nucleocapsids and capsids. Exposure of polyhedra to 0.1 m sodium carbonate buffer at pHs of 9.5 or higher had effects similar to those of the digestive fluid with heat (60°C)-inactivated proteases. The addition of trypsin and chymotrypsin to the 0.1 m sodium carbonate buffer had no effect, while the addition of a bacterial protease (Streptomyces griseus) at pHs of 9.5 or higher resulted in dissolution of the matrix and disruption of the polyhedral envelope like the digestive fluid. Material infectious to TN-368 cells was obtained by exposure of AcNPV to T. ni digestive fluid. Maximum infectivity resulted from a 5-min exposure to unheated digestive fluid, with a dramatic decrease in infectivity with longer exposure. Exposure to digestive fluid with heat (60°C)-inactivated proteases resulted in a slower release of infectious material from the occlusion body, with a steady increase in the level of infectivity throughout the 30-min digestion period.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the relative susceptibility to a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of three populations of light-brown apple moth Epiphyas postvittana: a resistant laboratory strain (CAN), a susceptible laboratory strain (BAR), and a field population. CAN was found to be 50 times more resistant than BAR and 160 times more resistant than the field line. Experiments on hybrid crosses of resistant and susceptible strains showed that resistance is genetically determined. This serves as a warning of the possible selection of virus-resistant strains of insect pests, where viral insecticides are being used in the field.  相似文献   

In the larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, the regeneration of midgut cells infected with a cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV), a flacherie virus (FV), and a small DNA virus (SDV) was studied. Large numbers of newly developed cells appeared in the CPV-infected part of the midgut epithelium just before larval molt, and along with their development, the CPV-infected old columnar cells were discharged into the midgut lumen during the molt. On the other hand, in the uninfected portion of the midgut only a few cells developed, and no columnar cells were discharged. Similarly, the marked replacement of midgut epithelial cells during larval molt was also observed in larvae infected with CPV + FV. In the larvae infected with CPV + SDV, the columnar cells lost their regenerative ability, and because of the exfoliation of infected columnar cells, the midgut epithelium consisted mainly of uninfected goblet cells at a late stage of infection. The degree of epithelial regeneration varied with the silkworm strain and the dosage of the virus.  相似文献   

Several plaque assay techniques employing TN-368 or IPLB-SF 21AE cells were evaluated for their usefulness in detecting and distinguishing MP (many polyhedra) and FP (few polyhedra) plaque variants of Galleria mellonella nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Both plaque morphologies were produced using either cell line. Of the overlays tested, the buffered 0.6% methylcellulose overlay yielded the most plaques and was best suited for titration. It was also the easiest overlay to prepare and use. The largest plaques were obtained using either cell line with the 1.0 or 0.75% agarose overlays. Plaque variants were most easily distinguished under 1.0 or 0.75% agarose overlays with IPLB-SF 21 cells. The 0.9% MC overlay was the only overlay which did not allow detection of FP plaques. However, FP plaques were detected using a buffered modification of this overlay. It is concluded that the FP variant of G. mellonella NPV is not a host-dependent phenomenon, and that its detection can be influenced by overlay formulation.  相似文献   

Variations in the resistance to nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) were found in three populations of Spodoptera littoralis. The LD50 for the most resistant population was 1.07 × 104 PIB/5th instar larva as compared to 8.4 × 102 and 5.8 × 102 PIB/larva in the other two populations. The effect of NPV persisted in larvae which survived and pupated. Some of the pupae died, and those which survived produced normally shaped adults. While fecundity was sharply reduced in the less resistant populations, the effect on the most tolerant population was less pronounced. A 3-year-old inoculum, stored unprotected from daylight and without cooling, was much less effective even against the most sensitive larval population as compared to a relatively fresh and refrigerated batch. Larvae in their 6th instar proved to be approximately 10-fold more resistant to the NPV than 5th instar ones, while the difference in weight was only about twice. These variations in resistance to NPV are also discussed from the point of view of applying S. littoralis NPV in pest control schemes.  相似文献   

During a study of the ultrastructure of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis, various types of nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions were found in fat body tissue heavily infected with the virus. Virogenic stroma was present in the nuclei of most infected cells. Bundles of fibrous material were observed in the nuclei and cytoplasm of cells containing polyhedral bodies. Other nuclear inclusions included concentric multilayered material, vacuoles, and membrane structures.  相似文献   

Nuclear polyhedrosis in tracheal cells caused by the hypertrophy strain of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HNPV) has many morphological and developmental features that distinguish it from that caused by the typical strain (TNPV). The most obvious difference is the morphogenic sequence due to the relatively slow virogenic development in HNPV-infected cells, in which are found extensive membranous profiles similar to viral envelopes, electron dense granules, large fibrous bodies, and microtubules. These structures also occur in TNPV-infected cells but are far less abundant and conspicuous. Fibrous bodies found in the cytoplasm and nucleus appear to be morphologically identical. Cellular distortion in a hypertrophied tracheal cell is seen as tearing of mestracheon folds between cells, separation of septate desmosomes, and attenuation in the cellular sheath.  相似文献   

A cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) from Chrysodeixis eriosoma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) replicated in Spodoptera frugiperda cells. Low rates of infection were achieved, even at high multiplicities of infection and TCID50 assays showed that there was negligible release of virus particles from infected cells. In an infected focus assay, based on formation of PIB, the dose-response data demonstrated that a single particle could initiate infection. No loss of infectivity occurred in virus preparations stored at 4°, ?20°, or ?90°C, but infectivity of virus stored at 20°C declined sharply. A small isometric virus contaminant was present in some CPV preparations and its interaction with the CPV is discussed. Limited CPV infection was achieved in Trichoplusia ni cells, but attempts to infect Aedes aegypti cells were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

High pH values (>11.0) cause the dissolution of occlusion bodies of the granulosis virus (GV) of Pseudaletia unipuncta and subsequent inactivation of the virus within 24 hr. The GV is also inactivated within 48 hr by 0.04% formaldehyde. The GV is found in the intestinal lumen of infective third stage nematodes (dauer juveniles) of Neoaplectana carpocapsae when development occurs in GV-infected hosts. The GV in these dauer juveniles retains its infectivity even when the nematodes are placed into an alkaline solution with pH values of 11.1 or 12.1 or in 0.04% formaldehyde up to 336 hr. However, significant loss of infectivity of GV occurs when the nematodes are in formaldehyde but not at high pH values. The dauer juveniles are ensheathed by the second stage cuticle. This cuticle probably protects the GV in the intestinal lumen of the nematode from the high pH and formaldehyde.  相似文献   

Two strains of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (baculovirus) infect larvae of the armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta. The hypertrophy strain (HNPV) produces a gradient of infected epithelial cells along the tracheae indicating the movement of infectious material to adjacent cells. Cytopathology of the eclipse period up to the appearance of the virogenic stroma has been separated into three phases during which the chromatin disappears and is replaced by dense interconnected strands of fibrils and dense punctate bodies. Cellular hypertrophy occurs in phase 1 and the virogenic stroma appears in phase 3. The typical strain (TNPV) does not produce structures comparable to those of HNPV infection.  相似文献   

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