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Fractionation of methanolic extracts of haemolymph on thin layer chromatography, followed by bioassay, has been used to measure the titres of adipokinetic hormones I and II in the haemolymph of flown locusts. These titres have been correlated with the elevation in haemolymph lipid. Haemolymph lipid elevates in a biphasic manner during locust flight. A rise in lipid occurs during the first 10 min of flight. Lipid levels then plateau between 10 and 20 min. A second, more pronounced elevation begins at 20 min and continues for up to 60 min. The titre of adipokinetic hormone I elevates 10–15 min after flight commences while that of hormone II elevates between 15–30 min. Adipokinetic hormone I contributes 80% of the activity at 30 min but only 45% at 60 min. It is suggested that the elevation in haemolymph lipid during the first 10 min of flight may not be induced by adipokinetic hormone I or II. The role of octopamine in this initial elevation is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

In the two-fuel system for flight of the migratory locust, the haemolymph carbohydrate concentration falls during flight periods of up to 1 hr, the decrease being greater in case the pre-flight carbohydrate level is higher. The increase in the lipid concentration from the onset of flight is virtually independent of the initial lipid concentration. Flight intensity affects these changes in substrate concentrations: the carbohydrate level decreases more rapidly if flight speed is higher, whereas the increase in lipid concentration is delayed at higher flight speeds. Respiratory carbon dioxide production is elevated rapidly during flight and reaches over eight times the resting level. From the rate of 14CO2 production after labelling of the haemolymph diglyceride pool it is concluded that diglycerides contribute to providing the energy for flight from the earliest stage of flying activity; diglyceride oxidation increases until maximum utilization is attained after some 45 min of flight. The decline in haemolymph carbohydrate concentration due to flying activity results in a decrease of haemolymph osmolarity. Free amino acids, particularly taurine, increase markedly in the haemolymph during flight; yet their concentration only partially counterbalances the fall in haemolymph osmolarity.  相似文献   

In Locusta migratoria suspended from a flight balance, flight speed relative to the air and the lift were recorded throughout adult life. During continuous flight at all ages flight speed and lift decrease, but during maturation both aerodynamic parameters increase. These parameters appear to be dominated by the wing-stroke frequency in a more or less constant relationship. Locusts only 2 days old can maintain altitude in free flight. It is concluded that the basic neuronal flight pattern is determined at the last moult and that only the motoroutput frequency increases to approximately match the body weight, which increases with age.  相似文献   

Between 10 and 20 per cent of the total glycogen phosphorylase in the fat body of mature Locusta migratoria of both sexes is in the active form. Injection of an aqueous corpus cardiacum (CC) extract results in a rapid activation: within 2 min the level of active phosphorylase is significantly increased and full activation is reached within 10 to 20 min. As little as 0.002 CC gland equivalents stimulate fat body glycogen phosphorylase significantly and maximum activation is obtained with 0.05 CC gland equivalents. From experiments with known quantities of injected synthetic adipokinetic hormone (SAKH), it appears that this hormone cannot account for all the activation. This is supported by results obtained when extracts of carefully isolated storage lobes are injected; at the dose used here these have no adipokinetic activity, but activate fat body phosphorylase. Furthermore, when locusts are ‘stressed’ by rotation, although no adipokinetic hormone is released, an activation of phosphorylase occurs. Starvation causes also an increase in the active form of the enzyme. The fat body receptor sites of the locust recognise also the crustacean red pigment concentrating hormone (RPCH), whose structure closely resembles that of the locust adipokinetic hormone, leading to activation of the phosphorylase. However, RPCH is about 2.5–5 times less potent than SAKH. Crude CC extracts of a stick insect (Carausius morosus), a cockroach (Periplaneta americana) and the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) activate locust fat body phosphorylase, although this last extract has no effect on lipid elevation. On the other hand, CC extracts of the death's head hawk moth (Acherontia atropos) and purified crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone from a crayfish (Orconectes limosus) have no effect.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of nervus corpus cardiacum I (NCCI) resulted in the propagation of a compound action potential into the storage and glandular lobes of the corpus cardiacum (CC) of Locusta migratoria. The compound action potential was abolished in the presence of both sodium-free saline and tetrodotoxin (TTX). Calcium-free saline had variable effects.The release of a neurosecretory protein (estimated following precipitation with an antiserum directed against neurosectetory protein) was examined after treatment with high potassium saline and electrical stimulation of NCC I. Release was induced by elevated potassium salines and by the propagation of a compound action potential along NCC I. The release was calcium-dependent. TTX and sodium-free saline abolished the electrically-induced release of protein. Concomitant with the release of protein was the release of a factor with diuretic activity, illustrating that hormones are also being released along with the neurosecretory protein. The release of this protein was dependent upon the frequency of electrical stimulation (up to approx. 5 Hz) and the patterning of electrical stimulation. This neurosecretory protein which has previously been shown to be very similar in both size and amino acid composition to the pituitary neurophysins, now also shares the characteristic of being released along with hormone.  相似文献   

Considerable amounts of ecdysteroids are produced during each ovarian cycle in adult females of Locusta when vitellogenesis is almost completed. The hormonal molecules are synthesized at the end of the maturation of the terminal oöcytes during each cycle, at the time when vitellogenesis is almost completed. No synthesis takes place in the absence of ovarian development (allatectomy, ovariectomy), whereas extirpation of the prothoracic glands at the beginning of adult life does not affect ecdysteroid production. More than 95% of the total ecdysteroid content of female adults can be recovered from the ovaries. In vitro studies show that the ovaries produce ecdysteroids and convert labelled cholesterol into ecdysone. Microsurgical experiments indicate that this synthesis takes place in the follicle cells surrounding the oöcyte. The newly synthesized ecdysteroids do not enter massively into the blood, but pass into the oöplasm where they are progressively converted to polar compounds; as a result, at the end of each ovarian cycle, egg-laying corresponds to the disappearance of ecdysteroids from the female insects, the hormonal molecules can easily be recovered from the eggs. A gas chromatographic analysis coupled to mass spectrometry shows that the principal ecdysteroid synthesized by the adult females of Locusta is by far ecdysone. Ecdysterone, the paramount ecdysteroid of the larvae of Locusta, is not present in noticeable amounts in the female adult of this species.  相似文献   

The role of the oviducal nerves during egg-laying in Locusta migratoria has been examined. Section of the oviducal nerves did not inhibit egg-laying in any observable way. Electrical stimulation of the oviducal nerves resulted in a contraction of the common and lower lateral oviducts which propelled ovulated eggs up towards the ovaries. Recordings from oviducal nerves using chronically implanted electrodes showed that electrical activity was low during actual egg-laying, but high at times when egg-laying was not occurring (i.e. during digging behaviour, or following interruption of egg-laying). During these periods of high activity recurrent bursts of action potentials occurred. Similar patterns of electrical activity were recorded in semi-intact preparations using suction electrodes applied to exposed oviducal nerves of locusts which had been interrupted during the process of egg-laying. High frequency bursts of activity were recorded simultaneously from both left and right oviducal nerves.It is concluded that one function of the oviducal nerves is to inhibit egg-laying at inappropriate times, by inducing contractions of the oviducts which propel eggs back towards the ovaries. These nerves therefore provide a physiological basis for part of the adaptive ovipositional activities of locusts.  相似文献   

In tethered Locusta migratoria suspended from a flight balance, flight performance, wing-stroke frequency, stroke angle, and stroke plane angle were studied throughout adult life. No correlation between flight performance and age was found in adults older than 2 days. During continuous flight in locusts of all ages the wing-stroke frequency and the wing-stroke angle of both wings decreases, and the wing-stroke plane angle (forewing) increases slightly. Within 2 weeks of adult life the wing-stroke frequency increases by a factor of ca. 2, whereas the wing-stroke angles and the stroke plane angles remain constant.  相似文献   

Simultaneous quantitative determination of the three naturally occurring juvenile hormones in insects (JH-I, JH-II and JH-III) was performed on haemolymph samples of both normally developing locusts and locusts implanted with active corpora allata, using capillary gas chromatography with electron capture detection.In fourth instar female larvae, 24–48 hr after the third ecdysis, as well as in adult females, 18 days after the imaginal ecdysis, only JH-III was detected. In fifth instar female larvae JH-III was present in very low concentrations, if at all.After implantation of four pairs of corpora allata taken from young fourth instar female larvae or one pair or corpora allata taken from adult females into fifth instar female larvae 0–24 hr after ecdysis, an elevation of the JH-III titre was observed. Neither JH-I nor JH-II could be detected. The amount of JH-III, already elevated 2 hr after implantation, remained high for several days in comparison to that of control insects. On the third day after the subsequent moult the JH-III level was comparable to that of normally developing fifth instar larvae. Factors involved in the achievement of the haemolymph JH-titre are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytological development in the fat body of adult female Locusta migratoria, related to vitellogenin synthesis, has been studied by light and electron microscopy. In the newly-emerged adult, the cells are filled with lipid droplets, which indent the nucleus, and with fields of glycogen, while ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum are scarce. Correlated with the onset of vitellogenin synthesis, about day 8 of adult life, the nucleus enlarges, lipid droplets and glycogen decrease, and rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes become the most abundant organelles. These changes reflect a conversion of the principal role of the fat body from nutrient storage to the synthesis and secretion of protein. They are prevented by allatectomy, and restored by subsequent treatment with the juvenile hormone analogue, ZR-515. Late in the first gonotrophic cycle, about day 20, dense bodies, vesicle-containing bodies and lysosomes are seen, indicating recycling of cellular materials. Five days after ZR-515 treatment, when protein synthesis has declined, the rough endoplasmic reticulum appears in arrays adjacent to lipid droplets, possibly awaiting reactivation. By the use of ferritin-labelled antivitellin immunoglobulin, vitellogenin has been localized intracellularly in the RER saccules and Golgi vesicles, and extracellularly in channels between the folded plasma membranes, showing sites of accumulation and secretion of this protein.  相似文献   

Newly laid eggs of Locusta migratoria contain impressively high concentrations of conjugated 2-deoxyecdysone and conjugated ecdysone of maternal origin. These molecules are metabolized during embryonic development, the changes concerning not only the ecdysteroid genins but also the conjugating moieties. In the present paper the fates of the maternal conjugates were followed during embryogenesis in the eggs. The conjugates were separated both by silica gel TLC and reverse-phase HPLC and measured, before and after hydrolysis, by RIA. Fluctuations of radioactive ecdysteroid conjugates were also investigated in eggs laid by females subjected to massive injections of tritiated cholesterol. The results are discussed in relation to recent data on identification of ecdysteroid conjugates in Locusta and a model for the sequences of metabolic events leading from maternal ecdysteroid conjugates to the embryonic ecdysteroids is proposed.  相似文献   

The large white butterfly Pieris brassicae L. (also called cabbage white) is very common in Europe, Asia and the northern region of Africa, and has also been found in South Africa during approximately the last 20 years. The species is considered a pest insect, with larvae attacking brassicaceous crops. The adult is a strong migratory flyer and new territory can be infested this way. As a first step to investigate methods for combating this pest species, the present study aims to determine the complement of adipokinetic peptides, here generically referred to as adipokinetic hormones (AKHs), which are required to regulate the mobilization of fuels for insect flight. Biological assays, as well as mass spectrometry, reveal information about the presence, structure and function of AKHs in P. brassicae: a methanolic extract of the corpora cardiaca has hypertrehalosaemic activity in cockroaches, does not cause hyperlipaemia in locusts, and has adipokinetic activity in P. brassicae itself. Liquid‐chromatography electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry reveals three peptides that can be associated with the AKH family: the non‐amidated undecapeptide Vanca‐AKH (pELTFTSSWGGK‐OH), the nonapeptide Manse‐AKH (pELTFTSSWG amide) and the novel octapeptide Piebr‐AKH (pELTFSSGW amide). Sequence confirmation of all three assigned structures is obtained from matching mass spectrometry spectra from synthetic and native peptides. Moreover, the synthetic peptides Manse‐AKH and Piebr‐AKH have significant hyperlipaemic (=adipokinetic) activity when injected into newly‐emerged adult cabbage white butterflies. The non‐amidated Vanca‐AKH is, apparently, incompletely processed Manse‐AKH without hormonal activity. Simulated dispersal flight is able to release AKHs, as indicated by the higher concentration of lipids in the haemolymph of adult P. brassicae after activity and rest periods.  相似文献   

The effects of flight upon the level of cyclic AMP in the fat body of Locusta migratoria have been examined. Flight induced two phases of cyclic AMP elevation; the first during the initial 10 min of flight, the second between 20–30 min of flight. Neck-ligated locusts have increased levels of cyclic AMP after 10 min of flight, indicating that the adipokinetic hormones are not necessary for this elevation. Injection of 6 mg trehalose, a procedure known to delay the release of adipokinetic hormones, prevented the increases seen at 10 and 30 min of flight. Injection of synthetic adipokinetic hormone I increased the levels of cyclic AMP within 5 min, and these were maintained for up to 15 min. The roles of octopamine and the adipokinetic hormones in increasing fat body cyclic AMP, and thereby regulating haemolymph lipid, during flight are discussed.  相似文献   

Severance of nervi corporis allati I (NCA I) in day-1 adult female Locusta migratoria resulted in a significant decrease and a loss of the characteristic pattern of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by the corpora allata as determined by radiochemical assay. This decrease in the rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis was not reflected in basal oöcyte growth. The lengths of the oöcytes were the same in NCA-transectioned and in the sham-operated females. The effect of severance of both NCA I and NCA II on juvenile hormone biosynthesis and ovarian maturation was similar to the effect of NCA I severance only.Rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis by corpora allata of fourth-instar larvae exhibited a maximum of activity in the middle of the stadium. The severance of NCA I early in the stadium resulted in a very low rate of juvenile hormone biosynthesis and a disappearance of this peak. In NCA I-transectioned larvae, the duration of the stadium was significantly increased although larvae moulted into normal fifth instar.  相似文献   

Both adipokinetic hormone and octopamine have a stimulating effect on lipid release from locust fat body in vitro, when incubated in diluted haemolymph. The presence of adipokinetic hormone results in the formation of the flight-specific haemolymph lipoprotein A+ accepting the increased amount of lipids released into the incubation medium. In contrast, interconversions of lipoproteins do not occur when octopamine is added to the incubation medium, which is in line with the expectations: the lipid-mobilizing effect of octopamine is a limited and short-term effect. When fat body tissue is incubated with isolated haemolymph protein fractions, the lipid-mobilizing effect of adipokinetic hormone only occurs when the incubation medium contains both lipoprotein, Ay and protein fraction C, resulting in the formation of lipoprotein A+. In similar control incubations with the hormone omitted, some lipoprotein A+ is also formed (concomitant with a slight amount of lipid released), though significantly less than in incubations with hormone. Besides a stimulating function on lipolytic processes in the fat body, adipokinetic hormone is suggested to influence haemolymph lipoprotein rearrangement. A possible counteracting function of another factor in the haemolymph is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Walking activity of 3-day-old adult female Gryllus bimaculatus (de Geer) (Ensifera, Gryllidae) was measured over 24 h. A high level of locomotor activity during the scotophase was found, which was two- to three-fold higher than that during the photophase. The titre of lipid in the haemolymph was relatively low 2 h after lights on, increased significantly 2 h after lights off, although, 2 h after lights on in the next photophase, the lipid titre had decreased to the basal level. Topical application of homologous Grybi-adipokinetic hormone (AKH) (100 pmol in 20% 2-propanol) led to a significant increase in haemolymph lipids, comparable with the maximal increase caused by injection of AKH (3 pmol in water). Topical application of AKH also stimulated locomotor activity in crickets (maximal stimulation 1.8-fold with 100 pmol Grybi-AKH). The results suggest that AKH penetrates the cuticle quickly. It is assumed that AKH stimulates locomotory activity at least in part via the increase of haemolymph lipid titres; however, the stimulation of locomotor activity via a direct neuromodulatory effect of AKH cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Locusta migratoria larvae were submitted to electrical stimulation of the protocerebral neurosecretory cells (median neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis and lateral neurosecretory cells), during the last larval instar. The effects of the treatment were observed both on the duration of the stage and on the variations in haemolymph ecdysone levels. In untreated larvae, there was an initial ecdysone peak at the beginning of day 5, which was followed by 4 larger peaks between days 6 and 8. Stimulation of the median neurosecretory cells at the beginning of the instar resulted in the formation of one very large hormonal peak at the end of day 3: a day and a half earlier than in the control groups. Moulting was likewise accelerated. Stimulation also increased the size of the peaks, as compared with the controls. Stimulation of the lateral neurosecretory cells had a weaker ecdysiotropic effect; neither the number nor the size of the peaks were changed, though, like ecdysis, they occurred earlier. Stimulation of the deutocerebrum had no effect on either ecdysone titres or moulting. Electrical stimulation of the median neurosecretory cells at the end of day 5, that is after the occurrence of the first ecdysone peak, shortened the larval stage while having no significant effect on ecdysone levels in the haemolymph. The neuroendocrine control of ecdysis in Locusta is discussed.  相似文献   

Doppler radar actographs have been used to measure the fall in locomotor activity following feeding in mid-fifth instar nymphs of Locusta migratoria. Filling the crops of the insects with agar via a cannula, reduced activity in a similar manner. Haemolymph from recently-fed donors injected into insects which had been deprived of food, likewise reduced locomotor activity compared with haemolymph from deprived donors. Injections of nutrients were ineffective, but homogenates of the storage lobes of the copora cardiaca from food-deprived donors proved effective compared with similar homogenates from newly-fed donors. It is suggested that neurosecretion released from the corpora cardiaca, known to occur following crop-filling, leads to a reduction in locomotor activity.  相似文献   

The role of the adipokinetic hormone (AKH) in the control of protease, amylase and lipase activities is examined using the cockroach Periplaneta americana and the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as model species. The effects of Peram‐CAH‐I and ‐II on the activity of cockroach digestive enzymes in the gastric caeca and midgut are measured both in vivo and in vitro. The results show the activity of proteases, amylases and lipases in both parts of the gut: amylase activity is higher in the gastric caeca than in the midgut; lipase activity presents the opposite trend; and protease activity is similar in both organs. The applied hormones stimulate the activity of all digestive enzymes, although this stimulation is not uniform; AKHs affect enzymes selectively, and in some cases unequally, in the gastric caeca and midgut. No substantial differences between Peram‐CAH‐I and ‐II stimulation are recorded. The in vitro results demonstrate that AKH stimulates digestive enzyme activity directly. In agreement with the cockroach results, enzymatic activity in D. melanogaster larvae producing nonfunctional AKH is lower than that in the larvae with ectopically expressed Akh gene, where enzyme activity reaches or even exceeds that of the controls. Overall, the results demonstrate the active role of AKHs in the stimulation of digestive enzyme activity in insects.  相似文献   

Allatostatin-like immunoreactivity (ALI) is widely distributed in processes and varicosities on the fore-, mid-, and hindgut of the locust, and within midgut open-type endocrine-like cells. ALI is also observed in cells and processes in all ganglia of the central nervous system (CNS) and the stomatogastric nervous system (SNS). Ventral unpaired median neurons (VUMs) contained ALI within abdominal ganglia IV-VII. Neurobiotin retrograde fills of the branches of the 11th sternal nerve that innervate the hindgut revealed 2-4 VUMs in abdominal ganglia IV-VIIth, which also contain ALI. The VIIIth abdominal ganglion contained three ventral medial groups of neurons that filled with neurobiotin and contained ALI. The co-localization of ALI in the identified neurons suggests that these cells are the source of ALI on the hindgut. A retrograde fill of the nerves of the ingluvial ganglia that innervate the foregut revealed numerous neurons within the frontal ganglion and an extensive neuropile in the hypocerebral ganglion, but there seems to be no apparent co-localization of neurobiotin and ALI in these neurons, indicating the source of ALI on the foregut comes via the brain, through the SNS.  相似文献   

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