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The determining factors in congestive heart failure as well as in shock are more often extracardiac than in the heart itself. Carbon dioxide tension in the blood is as important as the oxygen tension. Carbon dioxide is a hemodynamic agent of the first magnitude. It can be quickly increased or decreased by altering the ventilation of the lungs. It is a prime factor in determining whether the circulation fails from a lack or from suffocation by an excess.  相似文献   

1. It is possible to determine by the colorimetric method the rate of production of carbon dioxide by the cardiac ganglion of Limulus. 2. Carbon dioxide formation in the cardiac ganglion was found to run parallel to the rate of heart beat for different temperatures. 3. The conclusion seems justified that the rate of cardiac rhythm of Limulus depends upon a chemical reaction in the nerve cells of the cardiac ganglion and that this reaction is associated with the production of carbon dioxide since the rate of beat and the rate of CO2 production are similarly affected by changes in temperature.  相似文献   

The relative importance of dissolved oxygen and dissolved carbon dioxide in determining the lethal effect of an environment for rainbow trout and perch has been investigated with an apparatus which controls the concentrations of these gases in a body of water. It is shown that concentrations of carbon dioxide which sometimes occur in polluted streams can more than double the minimum concentration of dissolved oxygen necessary for the survival of half a population of rainbow trout fingerlings for 24 hr. Increase in temperature between 12·5 and 19·5°C. shortens period of survival in solutions containing up to 67 p. p. m. CO2. Within the range of dissolved oxygen concentration which is lethal in the presence of 59 p. p. m. CO2 or more, perch are more resistant than rainbow trout in the lower, but less resistant in the higher, oxygen concentrations. The relation between carbon dioxide concentration and the oxygen tension at which rainbow trout blood is half saturated with oxygen is similar to the relation between carbon dioxide concentration and the oxygen tension at which the median period of survival of this species is I hr.  相似文献   

Although the results we have recorded merely serve to indicate the possibilities of this interesting field of investigation, we have sufficient data to enable us to draw certain general conclusions. In the first place it is evident that the bloods of the more highly developed marine invertebrates, such as the active Crustacia and the Cephalopods, are specially adapted for the carriage of carbon dioxide. The quantity of carbon dioxide taken up by the blood of Maia, Palinurus, or Octopus at any given tension of the gas is, in general, about twice or three times as great as that which is taken up by sea water under the same conditions. On the other hand, the blood of a slow, creeping form, such as Aplysia, or of a sessile animal such as the ascidian Phallusia shows no more adaptation for the carriage of carbon dioxide than does sea water. But our estimations of the CO2 content of the blood as it circulates in the bodies of these more active invertebrates show that the conditions of transport of this gas differ considerably in some respects from those which obtain in mammals. For the invertebrate blood in the body contains only a relatively small quantity of carbon dioxide, averaging in the forms we examined from 3 to 10 cc. per 100 cc. of blood. This forms a marked contrast with the condition found in mammals where even the arterial blood contains about 50 cc. of CO2 per 100 cc. of blood. The invertebrate, therefore, works at a very low CO2 tension. There is a twofold significance in this circumstance. In the first place, it means that only the first portion of the carbon dioxide dissociation curve is in use in the respiratory mechanism. Now an inspection of our curves will show that at these low carbon dioxide tensions the dissociation curves tend to be steeper than at higher tensions. As we intend to show in a later paper it can be proved mathematically that, other things being equal, a blood with a carbon dissociation curve of moderate steepness, i.e. one in which the carbon dioxide content of the blood increases fairly rapidly with increase of carbon dioxide tension, is a more efficient carrier of the gas from the tissues to a respiratory surface than a blood in which the dissociation curve is either steeper or flatter. It would seem as if the active invertebrates avoid the use of too flat a part of their CO2 dissociation curves by working over the initial steeper portion. Furthermore, it is seen that over the range of this initial steep portion of the curves the changes of reaction produced by the uptake of carbon dioxide are much smaller than at higher tensions of the gas; for these initial portions of the curves are more nearly parallel to the lines of constant reaction calculated for a temperature of 15°C. according to Hasselbalch''s method (10) on the assumption that the whole of the combined CO2 is in the form of sodium bicarbonate. It is evident also that on this assumption the hydrogen ion concentration of the blood of invertebrates (with the exception of the tunicates) would appear to be practically the same as that of the warm-blooded vertebrates—a conclusion confirmed by the direct measurements of Quagliariello (9). On the other hand, our measurements do not lend support to the idea put forward by Collip (4) that in order to maintain an appropriate faintly alkaline reaction an invertebrate needs to retain carbon dioxide in its blood at a comparatively high tension. This idea was based on the observation that at comparatively high CO2 tensions the blood of invertebrates contains considerably more sodium bicarbonate than does sea water. But our curves show that this is no longer true at the lower values of carbon dioxide tension, the amount of sodium bicarbonate falling off more rapidly in the blood than in the sea water with diminution of the carbon dioxide tension so that in order to maintain an appropriate reaction in the blood only a comparatively small tension of CO2 is required. The largest amount of carbon dioxide that we found present in the circulating blood of any of the types examined was 9.7 cc. per 100 cc. of blood in the case of Maia, and in most cases the amount was considerably less. But even this lowest value corresponds to a tension of CO2 of only about 3 mm., so that the tension gradient across the gill membrane must be even less than this. We would emphasize rather the circumstances that as the portion of the dissociation curve over which the reaction is approximately constant is of but small extent, it is necessary that in an active form like Octopus the carbon dioxide produced should be removed rapidly lest an accumulation of it should cause the limits of normal reaction to be exceeded; and this need is correlated with the extreme efficiency of the respiratory apparatus in this animal. It is interesting to notice that the mammal which, in order to obtain an appropriate reaction in the blood, has to work at relatively high carbon dioxide tensions where the dissociation curve is comparatively flat, secures a steeper physiological CO2 dissociation curve in the body, and with it a more efficient carriage of carbon dioxide and a more constant reaction in the circulating fluid, in virtue of the effect of oxygenation on the carbon dioxide-combining power of its blood (3, 6). Returning now to the consideration of the actual form of the dissociation curves we have obtained—it is a significant fact that it is in those forms such as Maia, Palinurus, and Octopus whose bloods are rich in proteins—particularly hemocyanine—that the initial steep portion of the curve is observed. This suggests that in these forms the blood proteins act as weak acids and expel carbon dioxide from the blood at the low tensions which include the physiological range, just as in vertebrates the hemoglobin similarly displaces carbonic acid from its combination with alkali metal. On the other hand the cœlomic fluid of Aplysia contains no pigment and only 0.00672 per cent of protein nitrogen (Bottazzi (11)) and shows no initial rapidly ascending portion of the CO2 dissociation curve. This is supported by the observation of Quagliariello (9) that the acid-neutralising power of the blood of an invertebrate is roughly proportional to its protein content. It seems as if the proteins of invertebrate blood like the blood proteins of vertebrates, exist in the form of sodium salts which are capable of giving up sodium for the transport of carbon dioxide as sodium bicarbonate. That this is so in the case of hemocyanine follows from the fact that the isoelectric point of this pigment occurs at a hydrogen ion concentration of 2.12 x 10–5 N, i.e. at a pH of 4.67 (Quagliariello (12)) so that in the alkaline blood of the invertebrates possessing it, hemocyanine will act as a weak acid. It is probable that the initial steep portion of the carbon dioxide dissociation curves which we have found to be of such importance in the respiration physiology of Octopus, Palinurus, and Maia is produced by the competition of this acid with carbonic acid for the available sodium of the blood.  相似文献   

Ventilatory response to carbon dioxide, as an index of respiratory centre sensitivity, was measured in 50 normal subjects. Their personality was documented in terms of extraversion and neuroticism scores by the Eysenck Personality Inventory. A significant correlation was found between extraversion score and ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in women (P < 0·005) but not in men. No correlation was found between ventilatory responsiveness and neuroticism score in either sex. It is suggested that the degree of extraversion may play some part in determining the level of ventilation adopted, and hence of arterial carbon dioxide tension, if and when women develop lung disease such as asthma.  相似文献   

从医疗器械应用的角度出发,提出了一种改进的二氧化碳激光治疗机的功率参数计量方法。采用单片机通过数模转换器(DAC)产生连续模拟量的参考电压值控制激光器的输出功率,具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that nitrite is an important storage form and source of NO in biological systems. Controversy remains, however, regarding whether NO formation from nitrite occurs primarily in tissues or in blood. Questions also remain regarding the mechanism, magnitude, and contributions of several alternative pathways of nitrite-dependent NO generation in biological systems. To characterize the mechanism and magnitude of NO generation from nitrite, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, chemiluminescence NO analyzer, and immunoassays of cGMP formation were performed. The addition of nitrite triggered a large amount of NO generation in tissues such as heart and liver, but only trace NO production in blood. Carbon monoxide increased NO release from blood, suggesting that hemoglobin acts to scavenge NO not to generate it. Administration of the xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitor oxypurinol or aldehyde oxidase (AO) inhibitor raloxifene significantly decreased NO generation from nitrite in heart or liver. NO formation rates increased dramatically with decreasing pH or with decreased oxygen tension. Isolated enzyme studies further confirm that XO and AO, but not hemoglobin, are critical nitrite reductases. Overall, NO generation from nitrite mainly occurs in tissues not in the blood, with XO and AO playing critical roles in nitrite reduction, and this process is regulated by pH, oxygen tension, nitrite, and reducing substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

A. C. Powles  E. J. Campbell 《CMAJ》1978,118(5):501-4,552
The mixed venous carbon dioxide tension (PVCO2) can be measured at the bedside by a rebreathing equilibrium technique that is quick, simple and noninvasive. Only one brief period of rebreathing is required. The technique is accurate even when the lungs are not normal, and gives a graphic record that allows verification of the accuracy of the estimate. The PVCO2 is affected mainly by changes in alveolar ventilation and cardiac output. It can be measured instead of the arterial carbon dioxide tension (PACO2) to follow changes in alveolar ventilation when the cardiac output is normal (PaCO2 = 0.8 PVCO2). When the cardiac output is abnormal, measurement of both PaCO2 and PvCO2 is useful in determining how much the cardiac output is reduced. Consideration of the relation between oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production suggests that the equation PaCO2 = 0.8 PVCO2 - 12 indicates a reduction in cardiac output that may impair the oxygen supply to tissues. Simple corrections can be applied to allow for variations in arterial oxygen saturation and hemoglobin concentration that will affect this relationship.  相似文献   

The effects of acid--base alterations produced by changing bicarbonate (metabolic type), carbon dioxide tension (respiratory type), or both bicarbonate and carbon dioxide tension (compensated type) on skeletal muscle twitch tension, intracellular pH, and intracellular potassium were studied in vitro. Hemidiaphragm muscles from normal rats and rats fed a potassium-deficient diet were used. Decreasing the extracellular pH by decreasing bicarbonate or increasing CO2 in the bathing fluid produced a decrease in intracellular pH, intracellular K+, and muscle twitch tension. However, at a constant extracellular pH, an increase in CO2 (compensated by an increase in bicarbonate) produced an increase in intracellular K+ and twitch tension in spite of a decrease in intracellular pH. The effect on twitch tension of the hemidiaphragms showed a rapid onset, was reversible, persisted until the buffer composition was changed, and was independent of synaptic transmission. It is concluded that the twitch tension of the skeletal muscle decrease with a decrease in intracellular K+. The muscle tension also decreases with an increase in the ratio of intracellular and extracellular H+ concentration. However, there is no consistent relationship between muscle tension and extracellular or intracellular pH. The muscle tension of the diaphragms taken from K+-deficient rats is more sensitive to variations in CO2, PH, and bicarbonate concentration of the medium than that of the control rat diaphragms.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):197-204
Carbon dioxide radical adducts of the spin trapping agent, α-phenyl N-t-butyl nitrone (PBN), have been observed to occur in the urine and bile of rats exposed to carbon tetrachloride as well as in perfusates of liver in which the perfusion medium contained carbon tetrachloride (Connor er al., J. Biol. Chem., 261, 4542, (1986)). The carbon dioxide adduct was proven to be derived from CCI, by use of 13-C-labelled compound. These adducts were not observed in the liver itself suggesting that they might be rapidly secreted from the liver. However, using isolated hepatocytes, we have demonstrated that the carbon dioxide radical adduct can be observed directly in the liver cells as it is formed. Since this water-soluble adduct cannot be extracted by non-aqueous solvents such as chloroform or toluene, its formation in liver in vivo or in perfused livers was not detected. Lowering the oxygen tension in the system diminished the intensity of production of the carbon dioxide adduct, consistent with the adduct being produced as a result of ·OOCCl3 generation. It is not clear the extent to which this adduct is formed as a result of the ·CO2 radical or is produced by metabolic oxidation of the trichloromethyl radical adduct of PBN per se to the carbon dioxide radical adduct. The intensity of the signal of the carbon dioxide radical adduct suggests that adduct conversion may be the route of formation since it seems unlikely that a sufficient amount of the halocarbon could be metabolized to ·COCl or ·CO2 radicals to generate a signal of the magnitude involved. The ·CO2 adduct is readily observed in intact hepatocytes, but the ·CCl3 adduct is not (although we know the ·CCl3 adduct has been produced in these cells), indicating that the ·CO2 adduct is present in considerable abundance compared to the ·CCl3 adduct.  相似文献   

Reversible adsorption of carbon dioxide on amine surface-bonded silica gel   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Carbon dioxide adsorbs reversibly on a silica gel containing 3-aminopropyl groups bonded to surface atoms of silicon. These act as the active sites for the chemisorption of CO2 at room temperature which is liberated by temperature programmed desorption at about 100 °C. The material is capable of adsorbing about 10 STP cm3 of dry CO2 per gram and can be regenerated upon heating. It might be used as scrubber for carbon dioxide from industrial gaseous streams. Adsorption of humid CO2 produces a small amount of formaldehyde which suggests activation of the carbon dioxide molecule.  相似文献   

In resting conscious dogs physiological dead space was calculated using the Bohr equation and measurements of arterial and mixed expired carbon dioxide tension. Whenever dogs inhaled carbon dioxide mixtures (5-10%) that had normal or low oxygen concentrations, the calculated dead space became negative. This paradox was based on the fact that the mixed expired carbon dioxide tension in resting hypercapnic dogs. Under these circumstances carbon dioxide was produced from the lung as measured by gas analyses and blood analyses. By the lung as measured by gas analyses and blood analyses. By reasoning this implies that "alveolar" carbon dioxide tension was higher than pulmonary venous carbon dioxide tension. The negative carbon dioxide gradient persisted at 14 days of chronic hypercapnia and reverted to normal within 10 min of breathing air after chronic hypercapnia. These findings suggest that the exchange of carbon dioxide in the lung cannot be explained solely on the basis of passive diffusion.  相似文献   

Respirometry is a precious tool for determining the activity of microbial populations. The measurement of oxygen uptake rate is commonly used but cannot be applied in anoxic or anaerobic conditions or for insoluble substrate. Carbon dioxide production can be measured accurately by gas balance techniques, especially with an on-line infrared analyzer. Unfortunately, in dynamic systems, and hence in the case of short-term batch experiments, chemical and physical transfer limitations for carbon dioxide can be sufficient to make the observed carbon dioxide evolution rate (OCER) deduced from direct gas analysis very different from the biological carbon dioxide evolution rate (CER).To take these transfer phenomena into account and calculate the real CER, a mathematical model based on mass balance equations is proposed. In this work, the chemical equilibrium involving carbon dioxide and the measured pH evolution of the liquid medium are considered. The mass transfer from the liquid to the gas phase is described, and the response time of the analysis system is evaluated.Global mass transfer coefficients (K(L)a) for carbon dioxide and oxygen are determined and compared to one another, improving the choice of hydrodynamic hypotheses. The equations presented are found to give good predictions of the disturbance of gaseous responses during pH changes.Finally, the mathematical model developed associated with a laboratory-scale reactor, is used successfully to determine the CER in nonstationary conditions, during batch experiments performed with microorganisms coming from an activated sludge system. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 53: 243-252, 1997.  相似文献   

1. Slices of swede tissue placed under nitrogen produce carbondioxide and ethanol in equal amounts after an initial phaselasting about 1.5 hours. During this initial phase some 2 µM./g.fr. wt. of extra carbon dioxide is produced. The productionof such extra carbon dioxide is not affected by iodoacetate,fluoride, or arsenite which inhibit glycolysis or by dinitrophenolwhich stimulates glycolysis. Slices incubated in air in thepresence of cyanide also produce extra carbon dioxide. 2. A second extra burst of carbon dioxide can be induced aftersome hours of anaerobiosis by treating slices with methyleneblue, DPN, or TPN, or as a result of a short air experience. 3. Experiments with labelled sugars support the view that theextra carbon dioxide originates ultimately from carbohydrate,being released, it is proposed, in the oxidative decarboxylationof either pyruvate or 6-phosphogluconate. Carbon dioxide productionthen continues so long as oxidants are available in the cell,finally coming to a standstill when cell components reach theirreduced states.  相似文献   

Free flap surgical procedures are technically challenging, and anastomosis failure may lead to arterial or venous occlusion and flap necrosis. To improve myocutaneous flap survival rates, more reliable methods to detect ischemia are needed. On the basis of theoretical considerations, carbon dioxide tension, reflecting intracellular acidosis, may be suitable indicators of early ischemia. It was hypothesized that tissue carbon dioxide tension increased rapidly when metabolism became anaerobic and would be correlated with acute venoarterial differences in lactate levels, potassium levels, and acid-base parameters. Because metabolic disturbances have been observed to be less pronounced in flaps with venous occlusion, it was hypothesized that tissue carbon dioxide tension and venoarterial differences in lactate and potassium levels and acid-base parameters would increase less during venous occlusion than during arterial occlusion. In 14 pigs, latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flaps were surgically isolated, exposed to acute ischemia for 150 minutes with complete arterial occlusion (seven subjects) or venous occlusion (seven subjects), and reperfused for 30 minutes. After arterial occlusion, pedicle blood flow decreased immediately to less than 10 percent of baseline flow. Blood flow decreased more slowly after venous occlusion but within 3 minutes reached almost the same low levels as observed during arterial occlusion. Venous oxygen saturation decreased from approximately 70 percent to approximately 20 percent, whereas oxygen uptake was almost arrested. Tissue carbon dioxide tension increased to two times baseline values in both groups (p < 0.01). The venoarterial differences in carbon dioxide tension, pH, base excess, glucose levels, lactate levels, and potassium levels increased significantly (p < 0.01). Tissue carbon dioxide tension measured during the occlusion period were closely correlated with venoarterial differences in pH, base excess, glucose levels, lactate levels, and potassium levels (median r2, 0.67 to 0.92). After termination of arterial or venous occlusion, more pronounced hyperemia was observed in the arterial occlusion group than in the venous occlusion group (p < 0.05). Oxygen uptake (p < 0.05) and venoarterial differences in lactate and potassium levels (p < 0.05) were significantly more pronounced in the arterial occlusion group. In the venous occlusion group, with less pronounced hyperemia, venoarterial differences in acid-base parameters remained significantly different from baseline values before occlusion (p < 0.01). The data indicate that tissue carbon dioxide tension can be used to detect anaerobic metabolism, caused by arterial or venous occlusion, in myocutaneous flaps. The correlations between carbon dioxide tension and venoarterial differences in acid-base parameters were excellent. Because carbon dioxide tension can be measured continuously in real time, such measurements are more likely to represent a clinically useful parameter than are venoarterial differences.  相似文献   

In oxygen affinity characteristics bird blood appears to haveseveral features that distinguish it from mammalian blood. Fordomesticated species at least the range of oxygen half saturationvalues is extremely wide. A difference in the shape of the oxygendissociation curve has been recorded by several authors withan increase in sigmoidocity with increasing oxygen saturation.There is evidence that the oxygen affinity determining organicphosphate of bird red blood cells inositol pentaphosphate (IP5)is relatively metabolically inert. This suggests that modulationof blood oxygen affinity is primarily achieved by altering theIP5 hemoglobin interaction rather than varying IP5 levels perse. In contrast to mammals carbon dioxide has no direct effecton whole blood oxygen affinity for some bird species (hen chickgoose) or it may cause the oxygen affinity to increase (pigeonflamingo). Carbon dioxide is a blood oxygen affinity modulatorof some flexibility its effect in both direction and magnitudebeing dependent on the hemoglobin type red cell pH and organicphosphate levels. The physiological significance of these distinguishingfeatures is discussed.  相似文献   

Euthanasia of chickens, young and mature rats, and mice was assessed using chloroform, carbon dioxide and ether. Behavioural patterns were recorded to give some indication of the stress involved. Carbon dioxide induced collapse faster (11.2 +/- 0.4 s) than chloroform (18.9 +/- 0.4 s) or ether (greater than 60 s). With regard to the time taken to death, in carbon dioxide mice had the shortest time (48 +/- 10 s) and mature rats had the longest time (135 +/- 10 s). In chloroform, the only difference was the delayed onset of death (127 +/- 10 s) in the chicken. Behavioural patterns were similar for the chicken in carbon dioxide and chloroform, except for wing flapping, even when unconscious, in carbon dioxide. Chloroform is recommended as more aesthetically acceptable for euthanasia of chickens. Carbon dioxide is recommended for the euthanasia of both rats and mice, considering behavioural criteria. Ether is unsuitable as a euthanasia method as it is dangerous, slow acting and an irritant.  相似文献   

The mechanism of carbon dioxide saturation of alkaline nutrient medium for the purpose of autotrophic cultivation of microalgae is studied. Carbon dioxide desorption from aqueous solutions of sodium hydrocarbonate is investigated and the influence of chemical equilibria in the solutions on the cultivation of carbon dioxide supply is discussed. It is pointed out that these solutions can be considered to be carriers of the assimilable carbon source for the microalgae cultivation, most efficient at pH 8.5. A comparative estimation of the carbon dioxide and the hydrocarbonic ion as assimilable components of the chemical equilibria under study was done, leading to the conclusion that the more probable component in an alkaline medium autotrophic microalgae cultivation is carbon dioxide. A scheme of bisource feeding of the photosynthetic process, with carbon dioxide for the autotrophic microalgae cultivation in a alkaline nutrient medium, providing a stable and economical cultivation process, is proposed.  相似文献   

Bicarbonate is a recycling substrate for cyanase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyanase is an inducible enzyme in Escherichia coli that catalyzes bicarbonate-dependent decomposition of cyanate to ammonia and bicarbonate. Previous studies provided evidence that carbamate is an initial product and that the kinetic mechanism is rapid equilibrium random (bicarbonate serving as substrate as opposed to activator); the following mechanism was proposed (Anderson, P. M. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 2282-2888; Anderson, P. M., and Little, R. M. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 1621-1626). (formula; see text) Direct evidence for this mechanism was obtained in this study by 1) determining whether CO2 or HCO3- serves as substrate and is formed as product, 2) identifying the products formed from [14C]HCO3- and [14C] OCN-, 3) identifying the products formed from [13C] HCO3- and [12C]OCN- in the presence of [18O]H2O, and 4) determining whether 18O from [18O]HCO3- is incorporated into CO2 derived from OCN-. Bicarbonate (not CO2) is the substrate. Carbon dioxide (not HCO3-) is produced in stoichiometric amounts from both HCO3- and OCN-. 18O from [18O]H2O is not incorporated into CO2 formed from either HCO3- or OCN-. Oxygen-18 from [18O]HCO3- is incorporated into CO2 derived from OCN-. These results support the above mechanism, indicating that decomposition of cyanate catalyzed by cyanase is not a hydrolysis reaction and that bicarbonate functions as a recycling substrate.  相似文献   

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