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A minimal food web model was constructed comprising one grazing and one detritus food chain coupled by nutrient cycling and generalist carnivores to investigate how prey preference by carnivores may affect the strength of trophic cascades across a gradient of nutrient enrichment. The equilibrium or mean abundance of each food web component and the magnitude of the carnivore effect on lower trophic levels were calculated for different values of the prey preference and nutrient input parameters. Our model predicts that nutrient enrichment increases the mean abundances of carnivores, autotrophs and detritus, but the magnitude of this effect is dependent on the prey preference term. On the other hand, herbivores and detritivores are relatively unaffected by enrichment but are strongly affected by carnivore preference. Carnivores have a negative effect on herbivores and a positive effect on autotrophs and detritus, whereas the effect on detritivores can be both positive and negative. At high preference for herbivores, carnivores have a positive effect on detritivores, because the positive effect of increased detritus availability due to reduced herbivore grazing outweighs the negative effect of predation. At high preference for detritivores, the balance is changed in the other direction. We argue that in systems where authochtonous primary production is the major source of detritus, herbivores can control the rates of detritus production and have indirect effects on detritivores, which may feed back into effects on herbivores through their shared enemies. This positive feedback is probably one mechanism affecting the resilience of alternative stable states in shallow lakes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Author Contributions  J.L.A. conceived the model and the study, J.R. wrote the Matlab programs and ran the simulations and J.L.A. wrote most of the paper.  相似文献   

Bioenergy crops may help achieve multiple energy, economic, and environmental objectives in the US Midwest, but a portfolio of crops must first be developed and tested in comparison to the current standard, maize (Zea mays L.). The nascent, but long-term and ongoing Landscape Biomass Project in Boone County, Iowa, USA examines five cropping systems including continuous maize, a modified maize–soy [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation, nurse cropped maize–switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), double-cropped triticale (Triticosecale?×?Whit.)/sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), and intercropped triticale–aspen (Crandon [Populus alba?×?Populus grandidentata]) over an elevation gradient. Here, we report perennial establishment and crop productivity across five landscape positions during the first 4 years (2009–2012) of this experiment. Perennials (switchgrass and aspen) established successfully across the gradient with minimal effect of landscape position. Continuous maize had the highest biomass yields both within and over growing seasons, but they declined over time. In comparison, the diversified and perennial systems had lower, but stable or increasing yields over time, despite extreme weather conditions. Landscape position did not consistently influence biomass yield; its effect depended on year and cropping system. Cropping system productivity was generally consistent across the landscape within a given year with greater variability between years. Findings help explain why landscape is often disregarded in Midwestern crop management: it does not seem to substantially drive crop, and thus economic, performance in the short term. Conversely, related Landscape Biomass studies find landscape influences important ecosystem functions (e.g., soil carbon storage) and should be an integral management consideration.  相似文献   

Symbiont redundancy in obligate insect–fungal systems is thought to buffer the insect host against symbiont loss and to extend the environmental conditions under which the insect can persist. The mountain pine beetle is associated with at least three well-known and putatively obligate ophiostomatoid fungal symbionts that vary in their environmental tolerances. To better understand the spatial variation in beetle–fungal symbiotic associations, we examined the community composition of ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the mountain pine beetle as a function of latitude and elevation. The region investigated represents the leading edge of a recent outbreak of mountain pine beetle in western Canada. Using regression and principal components analysis, we identified significant spatial patterns in fungal species abundances that indicate symmetrical replacement between two of the three fungi along a latitudinal gradient and little variation in response to elevation. We also identified significant variation in the prevalence of pair-wise species combinations that occur within beetle galleries. Frequencies of pair-wise combinations were significantly different from what was expected given overall species abundances. These results suggest that complex processes of competitive exclusion and coexistence help determine fungal community composition and that the consequences of these processes vary spatially. The presence of three fungal symbionts in different proportions and combinations across a wide range of environmental conditions may help explain the success of mountain pine beetle attacks across a broad geographic range.  相似文献   

Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is a key integrator of C uptake and energy flow in many terrestrial ecosystems. As such, ecologists have long sought to understand the factors driving variation in this important ecosystem process. Although total annual precipitation has been shown to be a strong predictor of ANPP in grasslands across broad spatial scales, it is often a poor predictor at local scales. Here we examine the amount of variation in ANPP that can be explained by total annual precipitation versus precipitation during specific periods of the year (precipitation periods) and nutrient availability at three sites representing the major grassland types (shortgrass steppe, mixed-grass prairie, and tallgrass prairie) spanning the broad precipitation gradient of the U.S. Central Great Plains. Using observational data, we found that precipitation periods and nutrient availability were much stronger predictors of site-level ANPP than total annual precipitation. However, the specific nutrients and precipitation periods that best predicted ANPP differed among the three sites. These effects were mirrored experimentally at the shortgrass and tallgrass sites, with precipitation and nutrient availability co-limiting ANPP, but not at the mixed-grass site, where nutrient availability determined ANPP exclusive of precipitation effects. Dominant grasses drove the ANPP response to increased nutrient availability at all three sites. However, the relative responses of rare grasses and forbs were greater than those of the dominant grasses to experimental nutrient additions, thus potentially driving species turnover with chronic nutrient additions. This improved understanding of the factors driving variation in ANPP within ecosystems spanning the broad precipitation gradient of the Great Plains will aid predictions of alterations in ANPP under future global change scenarios.  相似文献   

Omnivory has been implicated in both diffusing and intensifying the effects of consumer control in food chains. Some have postulated that the strong, community level, top-down control apparent in lakes is not expressed in terrestrial systems because terrestrial food webs are reticulate, with high degrees of omnivory and diverse plant communities. In contrast, lake food webs are depicted as simple linear chains based on phytoplankton-derived energy. Here, we explore the dynamic implications of recent evidence showing that attached algal (periphyton) carbon contributes substantially to lake primary and secondary productivity, including fish production. Periphyton production represents a cryptic energy source in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes that is overlooked by previous theoretical treatment of trophic control in lakes. Literature data demonstrate that many fish are multi-chain omnivores, exploiting food chains based on both littoral and pelagic primary producers. Using consumer-resource models, we examine how multiple food chains affect fourth-level trophic control across nutrient gradients in lakes. The models predict that the stabilizing effects of linked food chains are strongest in lakes where both phytoplankton and periphyton contribute substantially to production of higher trophic levels. This stabilization enables a strong and persistent top down control on the pelagic food chain in mesotrophic lakes. The extension of classical trophic cascade theory to incorporate more complex food web structures driven by multi-chain predators provides a conceptual framework for analysis of reticulate food webs in ecosystems.  相似文献   

As the human demand for freshwater natural resources such as fish and drinking water increases, we may rely more heavily on models to predict the response of aquatic ecosystems to natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Theses models in turn implicitly depend on the underlying spatial distribution of organisms. In terrestrial ecosystems, increased natural resource utilization has transformed habitat and changed the spatial distribution of organisms, with subsequent negative effects on biota. Recent studies in lakes demonstrate that human development of lakeshores alters the physical habitat and nutrient cycles. The impact of such disturbance by humans on the spatial distribution of aquatic organisms, however, remains unknown. Here we quantify the effect of lakeshore development on the spatial distribution of fishes in 23 lakes in the US Pacific Northwest. We found a significant decrease in the spatial aggregation of fishes with increased shoreline development by humans, reflecting a loss of refugia and resource heterogeneity that favors aggregation among fishes. We also found that lakes with a high perimeter–surface-area ratio and a relatively shallow littoral zone had much higher levels of fish aggregation, suggesting the importance of terrestrial inputs to lakes. Finally, we found a marginally significant decrease in fish spatial aggregation with increased total phosphorus concentration, but no effect of chlorophyll concentration, water transparency, the predator–prey ratio, or number of species on fish spatial distributions. These results suggest that anthropogenic modification of shorelines is significantly altering the spatial distribution of important aquatic organisms, and that these changes may have important implications for predictive modeling of ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

Loch Lomond is the second largest body of freshwater in Great Britain. It is a long, narrow lake (36.4 km long, 8.8 km wide). The northern basin is fjord-like and surrounded by a mountainous, base-poor, rocky catchment. In contrast, the southern basin is much broader and shallower with a mainly lowland, calcareous, agricultural catchment. This causes a trophic gradient along the length of the loch that runs from the oligotrophic northern basin to the more mesotrophic southern basin. Rotifer samples were collected at monthly intervals between May and October 2002 at three locations along the length of the loch. More than 12 species were found, the commonest of which were Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) and Trichocerca stylata (Gosse). Although the species composition of the rotifer community varied very little among the sites, rotifer abundance increased markedly from north to south, apparently reflecting the trophic gradient along the length of the loch. The results suggest that rotifer abundance may be a more sensitive indicator of trophic state, and changes in trophic state, than species composition.  相似文献   

Phenotypic changes in the mammalian mandible can occur at different spatial and temporal scales. We investigated mandibular size and shape variation in three extant closely related dolphins (Cetacea, Odontoceti): Tursiops truncatus, Stenella coeruleoalba and Delphinus delphis in order to test the hypothesis that similar phenotypic changes occur across the same geographical gradient. Our data included 219 specimens representative of the following geographic locations: the Mediterranean Sea, the eastern north Atlantic and the North Sea. Each mandibula was photographed laterally and spatial positioning of eight homologous 2D landmarks was recorded. After applying generalised Procrustes analysis (GPA), intraspecific variation was first investigated between sexes and among populations to allow further pooling of samples. Size and shape differences among populations and species were investigated through multivariate ordination techniques (PCA), Procrustes ANOVA and allometric analyses. In all three species, Mediterranean populations clearly differed in mandible shape from the extra-Mediterranean ones. Among the three, the direction of geographic phenotypic changes was significantly similar in the striped and common dolphin, while the bottlenose dolphin was the most divergent species, differing both in size and allometric trajectory. Shape variation of the two former species highlighted a morphological convergence in the Atlantic, and a phenotypic divergence in the Mediterranean. Shape differences among the three dolphin species were interpreted in the light of different prey preferences, feeding strategies and habitat partitioning to avoid direct competition.  相似文献   

Many fishes use a powerful bite of the oral jaws to captureor tear their prey. This behavior has received less study fromfunctional morphologists and physiologists than suction feeding,and presents an opportunity to examine motor control of fishfeeding across alternative prey-capture strategies. We usedelectromyography to compare muscle activity patterns of thefeeding bite in five teleost fishes representing at least threelineages in which biting has been independently acquired: twoparrotfish (Cetoscarus bicolor and Scarus iseri), a wrasse (Cheilinuschlorourus), and two serrasalmines, a pacu (Piaractus brachypomus)and a piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri). Multivariate analysisindicated that muscle activity patterns differed significantlyamong species, although a four-way ANOVA designed to test fordifferences within a phylogenetic hierarchy revealed that thebiting motor pattern was largely similar for both narrow andbroad phylogenetic comparisons. A comparison of the motor patternsof biting and suction feeding species revealed that biters hadsignificantly shorter durations of the epaxialis and sternohyoideusand significantly longer relative onset times of the epaxialis,adductor mandibulae, and sternohyoideus. Character mapping oftiming variables suggested that short relative onset times areprimitive for suction feeders and that this characteristic isgenerally retained in more advanced species. Despite these differences,all species overlap extensively in multivariate EMG space. Ourresults demonstrate that change in the feeding motor patternhas accompanied morphological and behavioral change in transitionsfrom suction to biting, which suggests that the neuromotor systemhas not acted as a constraint on the evolution of the feedingsystem in fishes.  相似文献   

Failures in the drinking water distribution system cause gastrointestinal outbreaks with multiple pathogens. A water distribution pipe breakage caused a community-wide waterborne outbreak in Vuorela, Finland, July 2012. We investigated this outbreak with advanced epidemiological and microbiological methods. A total of 473/2931 inhabitants (16%) responded to a web-based questionnaire. Water and patient samples were subjected to analysis of multiple microbial targets, molecular typing and microbial community analysis. Spatial analysis on the water distribution network was done and we applied a spatial logistic regression model. The course of the illness was mild. Drinking untreated tap water from the defined outbreak area was significantly associated with illness (RR 5.6, 95% CI 1.9–16.4) increasing in a dose response manner. The closer a person lived to the water distribution breakage point, the higher the risk of becoming ill. Sapovirus, enterovirus, single Campylobacter jejuni and EHEC O157:H7 findings as well as virulence genes for EPEC, EAEC and EHEC pathogroups were detected by molecular or culture methods from the faecal samples of the patients. EPEC, EAEC and EHEC virulence genes and faecal indicator bacteria were also detected in water samples. Microbial community sequencing of contaminated tap water revealed abundance of Arcobacter species. The polyphasic approach improved the understanding of the source of the infections, and aided to define the extent and magnitude of this outbreak.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Mangrove wetlands are some of the most important locations of organic carbon (OC) sequestration and storage in the world on a per area basis. The high stocks of soil OC are driven by...  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the influence of water availability on plant population spatial patterns. We studied changes in the spatial patterns of Caragana stenophylla along a climatic drought gradient within the Inner Mongolian Plateau, China. We examined spatial patterns, seed density, “nurse effects” of shrubs on seedlings, transpiration rates and water use efficiency (WUE) of C. stenophylla across semi-arid, arid, and intensively arid zones. Our results showed that patches of C. stenophylla populations shifted from a random to a clumped spatial pattern towards drier environments. Seed density and seedling survival rate of C. stenophylla decreased from the semi-arid zone to the intensively arid zone. Across the three zones, there were more C. stenophylla seeds and seedlings underneath shrub canopies than outside shrub canopies; and in the intensively arid zone, there were almost no seeds or seedlings outside shrub canopies. Transpiration rates of outer-canopy leaves and WUE of both outer-canopy and inner-canopy leaves increased from the semi-arid zone to the intensively arid zone. In the intensively arid zone, transpiration rates and WUE of inner-canopy leaves were significantly lower and higher, respectively, than those of outer-canopy leaves. We conclude that, as drought stress increased, seed density decreased, seed proportions inside shrubs increased, and “nurse effects” of shrubs on seedlings became more important. These factors, combined with water-saving characteristics associated with clumped spatial patterns, are likely driving the changes in C. stenophylla spatial patterns.  相似文献   

The distribution of viral and other microbial abundances as well as the concentrations of dissolved DNA (D-DNA) along a trophic gradient in the northern Adriatic Sea were determined. Virus abundances, covering a range of 1.2 × 109 to 8.7 × 1010 liter-1 were on average 2.5-fold higher in eutrophic than in mesotrophic stations. A 2.5-fold enrichment was also measured for chlorophyll a concentrations, whereas the densities of bacteria and heterotrophic nanoflagellates were only approximately 1.5-fold higher. The frequency of bacteria containing mature phage increased linearly with bacterial abundance. Assuming that mature phage is only visible during the last 14 to 27% of the latent period (L. M. Proctor, A. Okubo, and J. A. Fuhrman, Microb. Ecol. 25:161-182, 1993), we estimated that between 3.5 and 7.3% of the bacterial population was infected at mesotrophic stations versus between 7.0 and 19.5% at eutrophic stations, indicating that the bacterial mortality due to viral lysis might increase with the degree of eutrophication. The frequency of bacteria with mature phage and the burst size varied significantly with the bacterial morphotype; rod-shape cells, the most abundant morphotype, showed low infection rates but a high burst size. Concentrations of D-DNA varied significantly with season but not with trophic conditions. The estimated percentage of viral DNA on total D-DNA concentrations averaged 17.1% (range, 0.7 to 88.3%). Some kind of interaction between heterotrophic nanoflagellates and viruses is proposed. We conclude (i) that the significance of viruses varies with changing trophic conditions and (ii) that viral activity may play a significant role in food web structure under changing trophic conditions.  相似文献   

Little is known concerning environmental factors that may control the distribution of virioplankton on large spatial scales. In previous studies workers reported high viral levels in eutrophic systems and suggested that the trophic state is a possible driving force controlling the spatial distribution of viruses. In order to test this hypothesis, we determined the distribution of viral abundance and bacterial abundance and the virus-to-bacterium ratio in a wide area covering the entire Adriatic basin (Mediterranean Sea). To gather additional information on factors controlling viral distribution on a large scale, functional microbial parameters (exoenzymatic activities, bacterial production and turnover) were related to trophic gradients. At large spatial scales, viral distribution was independent of autotrophic biomass and all other environmental parameters. We concluded that in contrast to what was previously hypothesized, changing trophic conditions do not directly affect virioplankton distribution. Since virus distribution was coupled with bacterial turnover times, our results suggest that viral abundance depends on bacterial activity and on host cell abundance.  相似文献   

Physiology and Growth of Wheat Across a Subambient Carbon Dioxide Gradient   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Two cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 'Yaqui 54' and'Seri M82', were grown along a gradient of daytime carbon dioxideconcentrations ([CO2]) from near 350-200 µmol CO2 mol-1air in a 38 m long controlled environment chamber. Carbon dioxidefluxes and evapotranspiration were measured for stands (plantsand soil) in five consecutive 7·6-m lengths of the chamberto determined potential effects of the glacial/interglacialincrease in atmospheric [CO2] on C3 plants. Growth rates andleaf areas of individual plants and net assimilation per unitleaf area and daily (24-h) net CO2 accumulation of wheat standsrose with increasing [CO2]. Daytime net assimilation (PD, mmolCO2 m-2 soil surface area) and water use efficiency of wheatstands increased and the daily total of photosynthetic photonflux density required by stands for positive CO2 accumulation(light compensation point) declined at higher [CO2]. Nighttimerespiration (RN, mmol CO2 m-2 soil surface) of wheat, measuredat 369-397 µmol mol-1 CO2, apparently was not alteredby growth at different daytime [CO2], but RN /PD of stands declinedlinearly as daytime [CO2] and PD increased. The responses ofwheat to [CO2], if representative of other C3 species, suggestthat the 75-100% increase in [CO2] since glaciation and the30% increase since 1800 reduced the minimum light and waterrequirements for growth and increased the productivity of C3plants.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Atmospheric carbon dioxide, carbon accumulation, evapotranspiration, light compensation point, net assimilation, respiration, Triticum aestivum, water use efficiency, wheat  相似文献   

Carbon (C) inputs and nutrient availability are known to affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. However, general rules regarding the operation of these factors across a range of soil nutrient availabilities and substrate qualities are unidentified. “Priming” (stimulated decomposition by labile C inputs) and ‘preferential substrate utilization’ (retarded decomposition due to shifts in community composition towards microbes that do not mineralize SOC) are two hypotheses to explain effects of labile C additions on SOC dynamics. For effects of nutrient additions (nitrogen and phosphorus) on SOC dynamics, the stoichiometric (faster decomposition of materials of low carbon-to-nutrient ratios) and ‘microbial mining’ (that is, reduced breakdown of recalcitrant C forms for nutrients under fertile conditions) hypotheses have been proposed. Using the natural gradient of soil nutrient availability and substrate quality of a chronosequence, combined with labile C and nutrient amendments, we explored the support for these contrasting hypotheses. Additions of labile C, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and combinations of C and N and C and P were applied to three sites: 2-year fallow grassland, mature grassland and forest, and the effects of site and nutrient additions on litter decomposition and soil C dynamics were assessed. The response to C addition supported the preferential substrate hypothesis for easily degradable litter C and the priming hypothesis for SOC, but only in nitrogen-enriched soils of the forest site. Responses to N addition supported the microbial mining hypothesis irrespective of C substrate (litter or SOC), but only in the forest site. Further, P addition effects on SOC support the stoichiometric hypothesis; P availability appeared key to soil C release (priming) in the forest site if labile C and N is available. These results clearly link previously contrasting hypotheses of the factors controlling SOC with the natural gradient in litter quality and nutrient availability that exists in ecosystems at different successional stages. A holistic theory that incorporates this variability of responses, due to different mechanisms, depending on nutrient availability and substrate quality is essential for devising management strategies to safeguard soil C stocks.  相似文献   

The seasonal development of autotrophic picoplankton was investigated in seven Danish lakes representing a eutrophication gradient. Highest cell abundance between 1.5 to 6 × 105 cells ml−1 were found in mid-summer. Minor peaks were observed in spring. In winter, densities were below 103 ml−1. The highest relative picoplankton contribution to total autotrophic biomass also occurred in mid-summer. In the eutrophic lakes and one humic lake the average seasonal contribution of picoplankton to total chlorophyll was below 1% increasing to 5-8% in the meso- and oligotrophic clear water lakes. During short periods the proportion of picoplankton did reach 25%. The higher relative importance of picoplankton in less productive lakes was not due to higher actual chlorophyll concentrations, but due to a much more pronounced response by larger algae at higher nutrient loading. Both cyanobacteria and eukaryote organisms were present as picoplankton. Only eukaryotes were found in one eutrophic lake and an acidic, humic lake. In the eutrophic lakes eukaryote picoplankton was dominant; both with respect to cell densities and biovolume, whereas cyanobacteria dominated the two meso-oligotrophic lakes. Autotrophic picoplankton were present in all lake types, however their importance seemed to be less in most eutrophic lakes than in less productive, meso-oligotrophic lakes.  相似文献   

There has long been debate regarding the primacy of bottom-up and top-down effects as factors shaping ecosystems. The exploitation ecosystems hypothesis (EEH) predicts that predators indirectly benefit plants because their top-down effects limit herbivores’ consumption of plants, and that the strength of trophic cascade increases with increasing primary productivity. However, in arid environments, pulses of primary productivity produced by irregular rainfall events could decouple herbivore–plant and predator–prey dynamics if high conversion efficiency from seed biomass to consumers allows the rapid build-up of consumer populations. Here, we test predictions of the EEH in an arid environment. We measured activity/abundances of dingoes, red kangaroos and grasses, and diet of dingoes, in landscapes where dingoes were culled or not culled over 3 years. Dingo activity was correlated with rainfall, and their tracks were less frequent at culled sites. Kangaroo abundance was greater at sites where dingoes were culled and increased with rainfall in the previous 6 months. Grass cover was greater at sites where dingoes were not culled and increased with rainfall in the previous 3 months. During a period of average rainfall, dingoes primarily consumed rodents and increased their consumption of kangaroos during a period of drier conditions. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that suppression of an apex predator triggers a trophic cascade, but are at odds with the EEH’s prediction that the magnitude of trophic cascades should increase with primary productivity. Our study demonstrates that temporal fluctuations in primary productivity can have effects on biomasses of plants and consumers which are in many ways analogous to those observed along spatial gradients of primary productivity.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the strength of herbivore top-down control represents an important source of variation in plant fitness measures and community structure and function. By measuring seed predator (larvae of a Noctuid moth) and parasitoid impacts on Ruellia nudiflora across a broad spatial scale in Yucatan (Mexico), this study addressed the following: (1) to what extent does seed predator and parasitoid attack intensity associated with R. nudiflora vary spatially? (2) Does parasitoid attack result in a positive indirect effect on the plant, and does the intensity of this effect vary spatially? During the peak of fruit production (late June–early July) of 2005, we collected fruits from 21 R. nudiflora populations and grouped them into four regions: center, east, north and south. For each fruit we recorded: observed seed number, number of seeds eaten, seed predator presence, parasitoid presence and number of seeds ‘saved’ by parasitoids. Seed predators attacked ca 30 percent of fruits/plant on average, while parasitoids were found in 24 percent of seed predator-attacked fruits. Results indicated spatial variation in seed predator and parasitoid attack levels; interestingly, a contrasting spatial gradient of attack intensity was observed: populations/regions with greatest parasitoid attack levels usually had the lowest seed predator attack levels and vice versa, suggesting top-down control of parasitoids on seed predators. We observed a weak overall indirect impact of parasitoids on R. nudiflora (4% seeds ‘saved’ on average), which nonetheless varied strongly across populations (e.g., close to 14% seeds saved at one population). Findings indicate a geographical structuring of interaction strengths across populations, as well as spatial variation in the strength of parasitoid cascading effects on plant reproduction.  相似文献   

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