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In the solitary egg-larval parasitoid Chelonus inanitus (Braconidae) both polydnavirus and the parasitoid larva manipulate host development. Parasitization leads to a premature drop in juvenile hormone titre and a precocious onset of metamorphosis in the 5th larval instar. The C. inanitus bracovirus (CiBV) alone causes a reduction in host ecdysteroid titres at the pupal cell formation stage and prevents pupation. Here we report three new findings. (1) We show that parasitization causes a reduction in haemolymph ecdysteroid titre immediately after the moult to the 5th instar; similarly low values were seen in nonparasitized larvae after the moult to the 6th instar. These data along with parasitoid removal experiments indicate that the low ecdysteroid titre after the moult is a very early sign of the upcoming metamorphosis. (2) In vitro experiments with prothoracic glands and brain extracts showed that CiBV affects both prothoracic glands and prothoracicotropic hormone after the stage of pupal cell formation. (3) In the haemolymph of parasitized larvae the ecdysteroid titre increased in the late cell formation stage, i.e. immediately before egression of the parasitoid. In vitro experiments showed that late 2nd instar parasitoids release ecdysteroids and are thus very likely responsible for the rise in host ecdysteroids.  相似文献   

Changes in prothoracic gland morphology were correlated to developmental events and ecdysteroid titres (20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents) during the last-larval instar in Spodoptera littoralis. After ecdysis to the last-larval instar the haemolymph ecdysteroid titre remained at about 45 ng/ml, when the prothoracic glands appeared quiescent. The first signs of distinct gland activity, indicated by increased cell size and radial channel formation, were observed at about 12 h prior to the cessation of feeding (36 h after the last-larval moult), accompanied by a gradual increase in ecdysteroid titre to 110 ng/ml haemolymph, at the onset of metamorphosis. During this phase ecdysteroid titres remained at a constant level (140–210 ng/ml haemolymph) and prothoracic gland cellular activity was absent for a short period. The construction of pupation cells occurred when haemolymph ecdysteroids titres increased to 700 ng/ml. A rapid increase in ecdysteroids began on the fourth night (1600 ng/ml haemolymph) reaching a maximal level (4000 ng/ml haemolymph) at the beginning of the fourth day. In freshly moulted pupae a relatively high ecdysteroid titre (1100 ng/ml haemolymph) was still observed, although during a decrease to almost negligible levels. The increase in ecdysteroid level during the third and the fourth nights of the last-larval instar was correlated with the period when almost all the prothoracic gland cells showed signs of high activity. Neck-ligation experiments indicated the necessity of head factors for normal metamorphosis up to the second to third day of the instar. The possibility that the prothoracic glands are under prothoracicotropic hormone regulation at these times is discussed.  相似文献   

The last larval moult of Galleria mellonella is induced by an elevation of ecdysteroid titre to more than 200 ng/g. After ecdysis the titre remains very low until 70 hr of the last-instar when a slight elevation in ecdysteroid concentration initiates the onset of metamorphosis. An ecdysteroid peak (275 ng/g), which occurs between 108 and 144 hr, is associated with wandering and cocoon spinning. Pupal ecdysis follows about 20 hr after a large ecdysteroid peak (780 ng/g) with a maximum in slowly-mobile prepupae (160 hr of the last larval instar). The ecdysteroid decrease between the two peaks coincides with the period when the larvae exposed to unfavourable conditions enter diapause. The pupal-adult moult is initiated by a high ecdysteroid peak (1500–2500 ng/g) in early pupae and imaginal cuticle is secreted in response to a smaller peak (ca. 500 ng/g) in the middle of pupal instar.Until early pupae, the ecdysteroid content is regulated by the prothoracic glands. In decapitated larvae the glands become spontaneously active after 30–40 days and the body titre of ecdysteroids undergoes an increase; the glands revert to inactivity when the insects accomplish secretion of pupal cuticle. A similar ecdysteroid increase occurs within 10 days when the decapitated larvae receive implants of brains releasing the prothoracicotropic neurohormone (PTTH). In either case, the pupation-inducing increase of ecdysteroids is 3 times higher than the large ecdysteroid peak in the last-instar of intact larvae. This indicates that the function of prothoracic glands in intact larvae is restrained, probably by the juvenile hormone (JH). Exogenous JH suppresses the spontaneous activation of the prothoracic glands in decapitated larvae and reduces the ecdysteroid concentration in those larvae (both decapitated and intact), whose glands were activated by PTTH. Furthermore, JH influences the PTTH release from the brain in situ: depending on JH concentration and the age and size of treated larvae, the PTTH liberation is either accelerated or delayed.Neither in G. mellonella larvae, nor in the diapausing pupae of Hyalophora cecropia and Celerio euphorbiae, does JH directly activate the prothoracic glands. It is suggested that the induction of the moult by JH in decerebrate insects, which has been observed in some species, is either due to indirect stimulation of ecdysteroid production or to increased sensitivity of target tissues to ecdysteroids. In G. mellonella, a moult occurs at a 5–15 times lower than usual ecdysteroid concentration when the last-instar larvae are exposed to JH.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid levels were determined during the period of the adult reproductive cycle in the ovovivparous fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata. Low levels were found in males during the 10 days following eclosion while the entire adult female showed a significant peak of ecdysteroid activity at 190 h post eclosion (i.e. during embryogenesis). When the female reproductive tract was analyzed it was observed that the ovaries became vitellogenic a short time after a protein meal was offered at 96 h post eclosion: at 140 h, ecdysteroid activity was recorded in the developing oöcytes. The major peak of ecdysteroids during the reproductive cycle was found in developing embryos at 190 h. The significance of these releases of ecdysteroids is discussed in relation to major embryonic developmental events.  相似文献   


Testes from young fifth instar Ostrinia nubilalis produced very small amounts of ecdysteroids while those from larvae that had purged their gut produced considerably more immunodetectable ecdysteroid in vitro. Larval testes that had fused produced 2.2 times more ecdysteroid than those that remained separate. It was the sheath of the testes rather than the contents that was physiologically active. Synthesis was questionable in testes from day-1 pupae and was not observed in testes from pharate pupae, from day-2 pupae or from pharate adults. Thus, synthesis only occurred at specific times in the life cycle. Ecdysteroid profiles for testes from wandering larvae whose testes had fused showed a net increase in all normally observed ecdysteroids, with the greatest increase being in 20-hydroxyecdysone. For testes from day-1 pupae, the nature of the ecdysteroid profile changed after 24 h of incubation, with some ecdysteroids showing increases and other decreases. There appear to be considerable differences among species regarding the times of testis synthesis and the amounts and nature of the ecdysteroids synthesized.  相似文献   

A haemolymph ecdysteroid titre of the fifth (last)-larval instar of the hemipteran, Rhodnius prolixus has been determined by radioimmunoassay. During the last-larval stadium the ecdysteroid titre increases from a negligible level in the unfed insect to a detectable level within minutes following a blood meal. The titre reaches a plateau of ~50–70 ng/ml at 3–4 hr and this level is maintained until day 5–6, the time of the head-critical period in Rhodnius. At the head-critical period the titre begins to increase again, this time dramatically, reaching a peak of ~ 3500 ng/ml at day 13. From day 14 to ecdysis (day 21) the titre declines to a low level, ~ 30 ng/ml. Basal levels of ecdysteroids, ~ 15 ng/ml, were detectable in young adult males and females. A survey of haemolymph volumes during the last-larval instar indicates that the changes in the ecdysteroid titre reflect changes in the rates of ecdysteroid synthesis, and not changes in haemolymph volume. Excretion of ecdysteroids varies systematically during the instar, suggesting that control of ecdysteroid excretion may be important in regulation of the haemolymph titre. Qualitative analysis of the haemolymph ecdysteroid RIA activity revealed the presence of only ecdysone and 20-hydroxy-ecdysone. For the large peak preceding larval-adult ecdysis, 20-hydroxy-ecdysone was the predominant hormone. These results indicate that there may be two periods of release of prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) from the brain in Rhodnius, one immediately following the blood meal and the second on day 5 or 6. The significance of these times of PTTH release is discussed in relation to classical evidence of the timing of moulting hormone action, the response of target tissues, and with more recent findings on the timing of release of neurosecretory material from the brain of Rhodnius during moulting.  相似文献   

Topical application of JHA to fifth instar nymphs of Oncopeltus fasciatus, immediately following ecdysis from the fourth instar, decreases the duration of the fifth instar by approximately 36 hr in addition to inducing a supernumerary larval moult. JHA appears to accelerate the time of subsequent ecdysis in two ways: first, the onset of ecdysone secretion is accelerated, and is accompanied by a similarly premature initiation of mitotic activity in epidermal cells. This is the classical prothoracicotropic action of JH. Second, the period between the onset of mitotic activity and the time of ecdysis itself is shortened. That is, once cellular activities associated with the moulting cycle are triggered by ecdysone, such activities are completed more rapidly in the presence of JHA. It appears that the larval-larval moult induced by JHA requires intrinsically less time to accomplish than a normal metamorphic moult.  相似文献   

Abstract. Strophingia ericae (Curtis) (Homoptera: Psylloidea) takes one or two years to complete its life cycle. In both cases eggs hatch over a prolonged period from midsummer, possibly extending into the following spring at high altitude, and instars overlap in time. Instar III is the predominant overwintering stage in the lowland, annual cycle, whereas in the upland, biennial cycle most first-year nymphs overwinter in instars I and II and most second-year nymphs in instar V. When moved to the laboratory, instars IV and V from a predominantly annual population showed accelerated development in response to elevated temperatures and to long days in both mid-winter and early spring. In the biennial life cycle, short autumn days retard instar V development but the response to photoperiod disappears by the end of winter. Exposure to LD 18 : 6 h retarded development of early instars in the annual population, resulting in an accumulation in instar III. The proportion of overwintering instars I and II rises with increase in altitude and moult to instar III becomes progressively delayed. Nymphs that reach instar III under long daylengths in the year following hatching are channelled towards the biennial cycle. Exposure of a predominantly biennial population to 15 °C and LD 18 : 6 h after midsummer, thus avoiding autumn conditions, promoted the rapid development of overwintered nymphs, switching the cycle from biennial to annual.  相似文献   

Regulation of ecdysteroid production in lepidopteran prepupae was studied using a parasitic wasp (C. near curvimaculatus) which specifically suppresses host prepupal ecdysteroid production after the induction of precocious host metamorphosis. At the developmental stage at which the hemolymph of the unparasitized metamorphosing host has its maximum titer of prepupal ecdysteroids, the hemolymph of 4th instar "truly parasitized" hosts (hosts with a surviving endoparasite) had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. However, during the photophase about 12 h later, just prior to emergence of the parasite larva, an ecdysteroid peak was observed in the host hemolymph. Fourth instar pseudoparasitized prepupal hosts (in which the endoparasite was not present or died early in development) exhibited a sustained suppression in the hemolymph ecdysteroid titer. Small 5th instar pseudoparasitized hosts, which normally would molt to a 6th instar prior to metamorphosis, but which precociously attained the prepupal stage, also had a strongly reduced ecdysteroid titer. The late increase observed in truly parasitized hosts could be completely prevented by surgical removal of the parasite 24 h earlier, resulting in a titer similar to that in pseudoparasitized hosts. HPLC analysis of ecdysteroids in normal, truly parasitized, and 4th or 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae showed that both ecdysone and 20-OH ecdysone* were suppressed in truly and pseudoparasitized prepupae, with ecdysteroid levels being lowest in pseudoparasitized hosts. These data, and those of Brown and Reed-Larsen (Biol Contr 1, 136 [1992]), showing endoparasite secretion of ecdysteroids just prior to its emergence from the host, strongly indicate that: (1) the prepupal peak in truly parasitized hosts originates from the endoparasite, and (2) the low level of ecdysteroids in pseudoparasitized hosts results from the host's intrinsic inability to express a normal level of prepupal ecdysteroid titer. While precocious 4th or 5th instar prepupae of similar size had similarly suppressed ecdysteroid titers, smaller 4th instar prepupae had a lower ecdysteroid titer than larger, precocious 5th instar prepupae. Rare 5th instar pseudoparasitized prepupae that were of nearly normal size showed a prepupal ecdysteroid titer distinctly greater than those of the usual smaller, precocious 5th instar prepupae. The data suggest that the competence of the host to express a normal hemolymph titer of prepupal ecdysteroids is more closely correlated with the size of the prepupae than with the instar attained.  相似文献   

Development of first instar larvae of Gonia cinerascens, which rest in the muscles of host caterpillars, is triggered by the release of the host's ecdysteroids when the juvenile hormone is absent. Ecdysteroids act on the parasitoid directly and at the same time induce physiological and biochemical changes in the host, which are indispensable for the parasitoid's development. These changes do not occur when metamorphosis of the host is suppressed with the juvenile hormone. Normally the parasitoids initiate development at the larval-pupal transformation of the host, but under experimental conditions, they do so whenever a high ecdysteroid titre is coupled with the proper internal environment in the host, that is in decapitated caterpillars, isolated host abdomens, and when implanted into host pupae. Activated parasitoids moult into the second instar and migrate to the exuvial space of the host; this migratory behaviour is also triggered by ecdysteroids and may be induced experimentally in the first instar parasitoids. Unknown clues direct the migrating parasitoids under the wings and appendages of the host pharate pupal stage. The second instar parasitoids, which anchor to the integument of the host pupae, apparently develop independently of the host's hormones: they can produce third instar larvae, pupae, and adult flies when cultured in vitro.  相似文献   

The effects of extracts (petroleum ether, ethanol, water) of Ajuga reptans on the moult cycle were investigated in the last-larval instar of Periplaneta americana. Petroleum ether, as well as ethanol extracts, delay the onset of the imaginal moult. At the same time, when 100% of the control animals had moulted, only 30% of the treated animals had moulted. Water extract shows only a slight effect. In animals treated with an ethanol extract, a gradual involution of the cytoplasm of prothoracic gland cells is seen, depending on the duration of the treatment. Consequently the portion of intracellular spaces significantly increases. As seen by radioimmunoassay, at any time after the last-larval moult, ecdysteroid production by the prothoracic glands from animals treated with ethanolic Ajuga extracts stays at the low level of the intermoult animals. The fact that the secretion of the ecdysial glands remains at the low intermoult level suggests (along with other contributing facts) that there is an inhibitory influence on the gland rather than a cytotoxic effect.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in ecdysteroid production by explanted prothoracic glands (PG) during the penultimate and last larval instars parallel changes in ecdysteroid titer in the hemolymph. The in vitro output of ecdysteroids increases up to 30-fold when PG are co-cultured with the brain. Maximal amounts of ecdysteroids are produced when both PG and brain are taken from larvae at the time of the molt-inducing ecdysteroid peaks (days 2–3 in the penultimate and days 5–6 in the last instar), and also from day 3 last instar larvae that exhibit a small rise of hemolymph ecdysteroids. Detailed investigations on penultimate instar larvae revealed that their PG become sensitive to the stimulation on day 1 (about 24 h after ecdysis), but the stimulatory brain potential is restricted to days 2 and 3. Both the stimulatory capacity of the brain and the sensitivity of PG are lost on days 4 and 5, i.e., after the ecdysteroid surge on day 3. PG explanted from young adults do not secrete appreciable amounts of ecdysteroids but can be stimulated to ecdysteroid production with active larval brains. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:85–93, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Time of day related changes in ecdysteroid secretion by the prothoracic gland of last instar nymphs were studied using in vitro coincubations of prothoracic glands and brains under a 12-h light:12-h dark cycle. The experiments reveal that the cells of the prothoracic gland of the cockroach nymphs do not have an endogeneous circadian oscillator determining rhythmicity of ecdysteroid secretion. PTTH release in the scotophase is responsible for the peak of ecdysteroid production during the photophase.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest a novel regulatory mechanism for diapause regulation in the gypsy moth. We propose that ecdysteroids play a role in the induction and maintenance of the pharate first instar larval diapause in this species. A 55 kDa gut protein that is indicative of diapause is expressed in intact and neck-ligated pharate larvae but is not expressed when a ligature is placed posterior to the prothorax, site of the prothoracic gland. Guts cultured in vitro for 12 h cease to synthesize the 55 kDa protein, but synthesis of the protein resumes if the culture medium is enriched with a prothorax extract from pharate larvae or a prothoracic gland extract from fifth instar larvae. Injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone or the ecdysteroid agonist, RH-5992, into isolated abdomens stimulates synthesis of the diapause-specific 55 kDa protein, suggesting that the essential factor from the prothorax is an ecdysteroid. KK-42, an imidazole derivative known to inhibit ecdysteroid biosynthesis, averts diapause when applied to prediapausing pharate first instar larvae, but this effect can be countered by application of 20-hydroxyecdysone or RH-5992, i.e. KK-42 treated pharate larvae that are exposed to an ecdysteroid or RH-5992 readily enter diapause. A chilling period (120 days at 5 degrees C) is normally adequate to prompt an immediate termination of diapause when pharate larvae are transferred to 25 degrees C, but if such larvae are held in hanging drop cultures with ecdysteroids they fail to terminate diapause. Together, these results suggest that ecdysteroids are essential for the induction and maintenance of diapause and imply that a drop in the ecdysteroid titer is essential for diapause termination. Copyright 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  相似文献   

The relationships between the release of factors from the head after blood-feeding, subsequent levels of ecdysteroids and vitellin, and the ultimate maturation of eggs in Aedes aegypti were investigated. Females were decapitated at various times after a blood meal, at 20 or 48 h after feeding the animals were dissected and divided into two groups, those with arrested oöcytes (yolk length < 100 μm) and those with maturing oöcytes (yolk length > 100 μm). These yolk lengths correspond with the levels of oöcyte growth believed to accompany the proposed initiation and promotion phases of egg development. Animals dissected at 20 h were assayed for ecdysteroid by radioimmunoassay; those dissected at 48 h were assayed for vitellin by rocket immunoelectrophoresis.Non-blood-fed unoperated females contained 8% as much ecdysteroid as blood-fed controls and no measurable vitellin. Females with arrested oöcytes (< 100 μm) were obtained only if decapitations were performed before 8 h; these females had about 20% of the ecdysteroids and 8% of the vitellogenin normally found in blood-fed animals. Females decapitated between 2 and 8 h with maturing oöcytes contained 50–60% as much ecdysteroid and vitellin as blood-fed unoperated controls. Normal ecdysteroid and vitellin levels were reached only when decapitations were delayed for 12 and 24 h, respectively. The number of developing oöcytes was also decreased by early decapitation and was closely correlated with vitellin levels.We conclude that the egg development neurosecretory hormone is released twice, once before 8 h and once after 8 h, to control ecdysteroid levels. We also suggest the presence of other factors from the head that control vitellin levels, the number of developing oöcytes, and the early growth of the oöcyte (initiation).  相似文献   

In Spodoptera littoralis, testicular sperm release occurs in a daily rhythm, which is controlled by endogenous circadian oscillator located in the male reproductive system. Although this rhythm is essential for male fertility, factors that initiate and maintain daily sperm release are not understood. In this study, we investigated a modulatory role for ecdysteroids in the sperm release rhythm and identified the source of ecdysteroids in adult males. We found that the onset of sperm release occurs two days pre-eclosion and coincides with a significant decrease in haemolymph ecdysteroids levels. 20-HE injection into the pupae prior to the first sperm release delayed its initiation and disrupted the developing rhythm in a dose dependent manner. 20-HE injection into adults depressed the number of sperm bundles leaving the testes. A day before the initial sperm release, ecdysteroid levels in the haemolymph and testes begin to oscillate in a circadian fashion. Ecdysteroid rhythms continue throughout imaginal life and correlate with the rhythm of sperm release. In each cycle, testicular sperm release coincides with a trough in testicular ecdysteroid concentration. Rhythmic changes in ecdysteroid levels are regulated by an endogenous circadian oscillator that continues to function in decapitated males. The generation of a complete cycle of ecdysteroid release by testes cultured in vitro indicates that this oscillator is located in the gonads. The haemolymph ecdysteroid levels are significantly lower and arrhythmic in males with removed testes, indicating that the testes are an important ecdysteroid source that may contribute to oscillations in haemolymph ecdysteroid levels.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Granulosis virus-infected Trichoplusia ni (Hûbner) larvae exhibited an increased larval life span with no supernumerary moult and no pupation. Weight gain was not affected. Insects infected shortly after hatching were slower in reaching the fourth and fifth stadia than were control insects. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres were lower in virus-infected insects than control insects, but these differences were only significant ( P <0.05) in the fifth stadium. Electron microscopic examination of the pro thoracic glands revealed extensive granulosis virus infection, and glands from virus-infected insects produced no RIA-detectable ecdysteroids in vitro. Injection of 20-OII-ecdysone into virus-infected larvae at various concentrations and times did not induce pupation.  相似文献   

Larvae of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana, infected with C. fumiferana entomopoxvirus (CfEPV) continue to feed and grow without undergoing metamorphosis and die as moribund larvae. The lethal dose (LD(50)) and lethal time (LT(50)) values for fourth instar larvae are 2.4 spheroids and 25.2 days, respectively. One hundred percent of the control fourth instar larvae, which were fed water instead of virus, pupated by 18 days post feeding (PF). Only 30% of the larvae that were fed the LD(50) dose and none of the larvae that were fed the LD(95) dose pupated by 18 days PF. Of the control larvae, 95% became adults by 24 days PF, whereas in the treated group only 2% of larvae that were fed the LD(50) dose and none of the larvae that were fed the LD(95) dose became adults by 24 days PF. Some of the virus-treated larvae died as either larval/pupal or pupal/adult intermediates. These phenotypic effects were similar to the larval/pupal and pupal/adult intermediates, resulting from treating larvae with juvenile hormone (JH) or its analogs, which suggests that EPV may cause such abnormalities by modulating JH and/or ecdysteroid titers. In untreated sixth instar larvae the JH titer decreased to low levels by 24 h after ecdysis and remained low throughout larval life. EPV-fed sixth instar larvae had 2112 pg/ml on day 0, 477 pg/ml on day 1 and 875 pg/ml on day 8 of the sixth instar. Control larvae contained 860 ng of ecdysteroids per ml hemolymph on day 8 of the sixth instar, whereas EPV-treated larvae of the same age (30 days PF) had only 107 ng of ecdysteroids per ml of hemolymph. Thus, EPV infection results in increased JH titer and decreased ecdysteroid titer. Northern hybridization analysis was performed using RNA isolated from control and EPV-fed larvae and cDNA probes for (i) juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), which is JH inducible, (ii) Choristoneura hormone receptor 3 (CHR3), which is ecdysteroid inducible, and (iii) larval specific diapause associated protein 1 (DAP1), whose expression is larval specific. EPV-treated larvae showed higher levels of JHE and DAP1 mRNA and lower levels of CHR3 mRNA, indicating that they had higher levels of JH and lower levels of ecdysteroids. Thus, our data show that EPV prevents metamorphosis by modulating ecdysteroid and JH levels.  相似文献   

An imidazole compound (KK-42), a potent inhibitor of ecdysone synthesis, was applied to the female pharate adult of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, to control ecdysteroid accumulation in developing ovaries and mature eggs. KK-42 applied on day 2 or later completely suppressed an increase in ecdysteroid content in developing ovaries. The inhibitory action of KK-42 was restricted to vitellogenic follicles, i.e., those in which active ecdysteroid synthesis is occurring. Ecdysteroid content in the mature eggs of moths remained at the level accumulated in ovaries before KK-42 application. Thus, KK-42 was shown to be a novel agent to suppress the ecdysteroid accumulation in eggs. Eggs containing different amounts of ecdysteroids showed different levels of embryonic development. About 80% of the eggs which contained less than 10 ng free ecdysteroids/g eggs were not fertilized. More than 80% of the eggs containing less than 40 ng/g eggs of free ecdysteroids initiated embryogenesis but failed to hatch. Larvae hatched from almost all eggs which accumulated free ecdysteroids of more than 150 ng/g. Thus, maternal ecdysteroids appear to be required at different titers for fertilization, embryogenesis, and hatching of the silkworm larvae. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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