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Male crickets of the species Teleogryllus commodus express circadian rhythms in both their stridulatory and locomotory behaviours. Both forms of activity show the same free-running period (τ) in either DD (23·4 hr) or LL (25·1 hr). Although some overlap is seen between periods of locomotion and stridulation, the majority of each activity is found in different phases of the circadian cycle: locomotion occurs mainly in the subjective day and stridulation in the subjective night. Entraining LD cycles with photoperiods of 12 hr produce exogenous effects that can obscure endogenous components of the rhythms. Red light (λ>600 nm) causes the period to lengthen and RD cycles can entrain both rhythms. Single white light pulses of 2 or 6 hr did not produce significant phase shifts, but did cause τ to shorten when given in the subjective night. The significance of these observations is discussed. Given the results obtained to date, it is not likely that each rhythm is under the control of a separate circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone binding proteins (JHBPs) were extracted from the haemolymph of adult desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, and Mediterranean field crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus. The JHBPs were purified by polyethyleneglycol precipitation, filtration through molecular weight cut off filters and chromatography on a HiTrap heparin column. The juvenile hormone (JH) binding activity of the extracts was measured using a hydroxyapatite assay and the purification progress was monitored by native gel chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The haemolymph JHBPs of both insects are hexamers composed of seemingly identical subunits. The JHBP of the locust has a native Mr of 480 kDa with subunits of 77 kDa, whereas the JHBP of the cricket has a Mr of 510 kDa with subunits of 81 kDa. The locust JHBP binds JH III with moderate affinity (KD = 19 nM). Competition for binding of JH II and JH I was about 2 and 5 times less, respectively. The cricket JHBP also has a moderate affinity for JH III (KD = 28 nM), but surprisingly, competition for binding of JH II was equal to that of JH III and JH I competed about 3 times higher. No sequence information was obtained for the locust JHBP, but the N-terminal sequence of the cricket JHBP shows ca. 56% sequence homology with a hexamerin from Calliphora vicina. Antisera raised against the purified JHBPs were used to measure age- and sex-dependent changes in haemolymph JHBP titres and to confirm that the JHBPs of both species are immunologically different.  相似文献   

This paper describes the nature and titre of juvenile hormone at different developmental stages of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, determined by a selective mass-spectroscopic detection technique, High levels of juvenile hormone III were observed in long-day beetles, whereas low titres occurred in pre-diapause and diapause adults. The level of juvenile hormone III in larvae was low compared with reproductive adults, whereas hardly any juvenile hormone could be detected in pupae. We were not able to detect juvenile hormones I or II. The results agree well with previously reported data using the Galleria bioassay.  相似文献   

The juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) activity in Galleria mellonella larvae was measured after exposure to different experimental conditions that affect larval-pupal transformation. The data show that stimulation of production of JHE is closely coupled with the developmental signals that intiate larval-pupal metamorphosis. Injury, which delays pupation, delays the appearance of JHE activity if the larvae are injured within 48 hr after the last larval moult. Chilling of day-0 larvae induces a supernumerary larval moult and inhibits the appearance of JHE. However, JHE activity increases in chilled larvae when their commitment for an extra larval moult is reversed by starvation. Starvation is effective in reversing the commitment for an extra larval moult if commenced within 48 hr after chilling, thereby suggesting a critical period for that commitment. These data suggest that the stimulus for JHE synthesis and/or release occurs approximately within 48 hr after the last larval ecdysis. A series of studies involving implantation of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and fat body into chilled, as well as chilled and ligated larvae suggest that a factor from the brain is involved in stimulation or production of JHE in Galleria larvae.JH, which suppresses JHE activity in day-3, -5 and early day-6 Galleria larvae, stimulates the production of JHE in late day-6 larvae, suggesting that reprogramming in larval fat body may occur on day 6 of the last larval stadium.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) synthesized and secreted in vitro by the corpora allata of mated adult Leucophaea maderae females was determined to be JH III (methyl-10,11-epoxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-dodecadienoate).The haemolymph titre of JH was determined during maturation of the terminal oöcytes in the first reproductive cycle of L. maderae. In virgin females, JH is not detectable in the haemolymph during the first eight days following adult emergence; however, by 10 days after emergence, trace quantities of JH are apparent. Mating stimuli induce a dramatic increase in the concentration of haemolymph JH, with a peak occurring approximately 12 days after mating; thereafter, the JH concentration declines until it has reached an undetectable level 19 days after mating, at the time of chorion deposition.During ovarian maturation, changes in the rates of synthesis of vitellogenin by the fat body and DNA by the ovary correlate closely with the haemolymph titre of JH. However, no such correlation exists between the JH titre and the extensive ovarian protein synthesis that occurs in L. maderae coincident with chorion formation.The effects of JH I and JH III on both vitellogenin synthesis and ovarain DNA synthesis are statistically similar.  相似文献   

A pathogen survey of the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, in the Western District of Victoria, Australia, during 1979 revealed that cricket paralysis virus (CrPV) was present in 42.7% of the 232 sites sampled. The fungus Metarhizium anisopliae was detected in 5.2% of the sites and represents a new pathogen record for T. commodus. The distribution of both pathogens throughout the sites sampled appeared to be random. There was a positive correlation between sample size and the likelihood of detecting a pathogen, while analysis showed that approximately 30% of the sites were probably virus free. The results are discussed in terms of the potential of CrPV and M. anisopliae as biological control agents for the black field cricket.  相似文献   

Twenty four juvenile hormone (JH) mimics of several different chemical classes were applied to freshly laid eggs of Rhodnius prolixus. Activity of the JH mimics was assessed in terms of their ability to inhibit eclosion. All chemical classes tested except one of the natural JHs and two very closely related long chain compounds contained members which inhibited eclosion; the most active chemicals were derivatives of geranyl para-aminobenzoic acid esters and aryl methylene dioxyphenyl ethers. In general, those chemicals of a particular class which had highest morphogenetic activity when applied to last instar larvae, were also most active in inhibiting eclosion. However, not all structure/activity relationships of JH mimics for last instar larvae were applicable to eggs; in particular the presence of a terminal epoxide group increased activity greatly for eggs but only slightly for last instar larvae. The dose per unit weight to inhibit eclosion is far greater than the equivalent dose to disrupt normal metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis during pregnancy was investigated after determining the normal rates of synthesis in pregnancy and the second gonadotrophic cycle in Diploptera punctata by direct in vitro radiochemical assay.The low rate of juvenile hormone synthesis during early pregnancy is maintained by three factors: (1) the small ovary which is incapable of eliciting increased rates of juvenile hormone synthesis (2) an inhibitory centre in the brain acting via intact nerves to the corpora allata (similar to that in virgin females) and (3) an inhibitory centre in the brain acting via the haemolymph (elicited by embryos in the brood sac).The existence of two inhibitory centres in the brain is supported by the additive effect of denervating the corpora allata and removing embryos. Whereas these operations alone activated the corpora allata in 54 and 31% of the females, respectively, together they activated 87%, similar to the 91% activated by denervation alone in late pregnancy.The inhibition which remains after denervation of the corpora allata can be removed by decapitation and restored by implantation of the protocerebrum from a pregnant female but not from one developing oöcytes.The inhibition elicited by embryos in the brood sac can be overcome by introduction of a stimulatory ovary and/or substitution of active corpora allata.  相似文献   

The application of juvenile hormone I or ZR 512 to neck-ligated, day-5 fifth instar (V5) larvae reduced the time to pupation in a dose-dependent manner when compared to neck-ligated controls treated with methyl epoxy stearate. Haemolymph ecdysteroid titres determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA) reflected the ability of juvenile hormone I and ZR 512 to stimulate larval-pupal development, i.e. the ecdysteroid titres were similar to those of normally developing larvae although the ecdysteroid peak elicited by ZR 512 lagged that in the normal titre by 1 day, while that elicited by juvenile hormone I lagged the ecdysteroid peak in normal larvae by 2 days. Neck-ligated V5 larvae that were untreated ultimately pupated and the haemolymph ecdysteroid peak eliciting pupation in these animals was 7 μg/ml haemolymph, almost double that of normal animals and ZR 512- and juvenile hormone I-treated, ligated larvae. The data indicated that juvenile hormone I does stimulate the prothoracic glands but to determine whether this stimulation was direct or indirect, an in vitro approach was taken. Prothoracic glands from V5, V6 and V7 larvae were incubated in vitro under conditions in which they could be stimulated by prothoracicotropic hormone, and were exposed to concentration of free juvenile hormones I, II, III or ZR 512 ranging from 10?5M to 10?10M. In no case were the prothoracic glands stimulated in a dose-dependent manner that would be indicative of hormone activation. Similar results were obtained when juvenile hormone bound to binding protein was incubated with the prothoracic glands. Studies with the acids of the three juvenile hormone homologues revealed them to be ineffective in activating prothoracic glands, although juvenile hormone III acid does appear to inhibit the synthesis of ecdysone by day-0 pupal prothoracic glands. The significance of the latter effect is unknown. It is concluded from these data that juvenile hormone can, indeed, activate late larval prothoracic glands in situ, but does so indirectly.  相似文献   

It is known that juvenile hormone plays an important role in the regulation of labour division and of the different life spans, and that the microclimate of the bee hive is characterized by its high CO2 concentration and its varying temperature depending on the presence of brood.We have investigated the influence of microclimates characteristic of breeding and broodless areas on the juvenile hormone titre in the haemolymph and whole body extracts, on the corpora allata in vitro activity, on the degradation of juvenile hormone and on the dry weight of the hypopharyngeal glands using bees of known ages. A microclimate of 35°C and 1.5% CO2, as observed in the breeding area, induces a rapid and pronounced increase in the juvenile hormone titre. On the other hand, this titre remains low in bees kept at 27°C and 1.5% CO2, a microclimate associated with broodless combs. Rates of juvenile hormone synthesis by corpora allata in vitro were found to be extremely low, even in the presence of farnesenic acid, and not related to the juvenile hormone titre. In vitro incubation of juvenile hormone in haemolymph revealed no degradation while injected juvenile hormone was found to be degraded and taken up by the gut at rates only weakly correlated with the juvenile hormone titre.We propose a hypothetical model for the regulation of the juvenile hormone titre as well as the course of labour division by the varying microclimates observed in the bee hive.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Whole body extractions from larval and adult apterous forms of Megoura viciae , and from adult Aphis fabae , were analysed for the known insect juvenile hormones (JHs) by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometric method. Low levels of JH III were detected in both aphid species, the first identification of a juvenile hormone from an homopteran insect. Although the mean titre in adult M. viciae is higher in long-day than in short-day reared insects (0.12±0.03 v. 0.04±0.01 ng/g), titres were variable and measurements overlapped. The results are discussed in the context of the hormonal control of aphid polymorphism and the question of identity of homopteran and hemipteran JH.  相似文献   

Analysis of extracts of hemolymph obtained from sexually mature alate females of Solenopsis invicta from monogyne colonies resulted in identification of juvenile hormone III (JH III). The average amount of JH III was 0.32±0.04 pmol/μmolof hemolymph. Topical application of 0.038 pmol of JH III was sufficient to stimulate alates to shed their wings in the presence of the queen. The time in which alates were induced to dealate decreased linearly with increasing concentrations of JH III from 0.038 to 3.8 pmol. However, higher JH III concentrations deviated from linearity and did not reach dealation times comparable with those that occur after mating flights. Thus, it appears that the mechanism of dealation that occurs when female alates are out of the influence of their queen is different from the one associated with mating flights. Application of 0.42 μmol of precocene II inhibited dealation of alates in queenless colonies. However, this inhibition was reversed after applying 38 pmol JH III to precocene-treated alates. The sizes of corpora allata (CA) from sexuals treated with JH III did not differ from those of controls. However, the sizes of CA were reduced in alates treated with precocene II. The results indicated that JH was important to dealation.  相似文献   

Mating in Platynota stultana resulted in the termination of calling, the gradual reduction of pheromone in the pheromone glands to non-detectable levels (<0.1 ng/♀) within 14 h, and oviposition of the first batch of eggs 20–24 h after copulation. Decapitation of virgin females resulted in a similar decline in pheromone titre, and also eliminated oviposition and calling. Pheromone production appears to be controlled via the head. Mating probably terminates neural or hormonal input required for pheromone production and/or removes neural or hormonal inhibition of pheromone degradation. A juvenile hormone analogue (ZR-512) and juvenile hormones I, II and III applied exogenously to virgin females elicited oviposition comparable to mated females and terminated calling within 48 h. The juvenile hormone analogue also appeared to block pheromone production in virgin females. These results suggest that juvenile hormone may be involved in the switch from virgin to mated behaviour in this species.  相似文献   

Corpora allata from Diploptera punctata females at adult ecdysis or at the end of the last-larval stadium, when implanted into decapitated females, underwent a cycle of juvenile hormone synthesis similar in timing and magnitude to that of glands implanted into control animals which had been starved and allatectomized. Starvation did not alter the cycle in rates of juvenile hormone synthesis of sham-operated animals.Decapitation of ovariectomized animals resulted in no cycle in rates of juvenile hormone synthesis by implanted adult corpora allata; however, implantation of an ovary along with the corpora allata into decapitated, ovariectomized hosts resulted in a cycle of juvenile hormone synthesis. In control animals, which retained their heads but were starved and allatectomized as well as ovariectomized, the implanted corpora allata showed a cycle of juvenile hormone synthesis only when implanted with an ovary. The maximal rates of juvenile hormone synthesis by the corpora allata in both experimental and control conditions were lower than normal, likely due to the repeated trauma of surgery. However, at no time from eclosion to the end of the first gonotrophic period was the brain necessary for the cyclic response of the corpora allata to the presence of the ovary.  相似文献   

In field collections of the Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus, soldiers averaged less than 10%. The proportion of soldiers increased to about 25% or higher when termites were kept in the laboratory, as did the juvenile hormone III (JH III) titers for both workers and soldiers. In laboratory experiments with a proportion of soldiers 25% or higher, very few new pre-soldiers were formed and the JH titer in existing soldiers remained constant. On the contrary, workers from groups containing less than 25% soldiers formed more pre-soldiers. In such cases, both workers and soldiers showed higher JH titers. Newly formed soldiers also had higher JH titers than older soldiers. It is speculated that populations containing higher soldier proportions inhibit further soldier differentiation, eventually holding the JH titers under the threshold or suppressing the activity of corpora allata resulting in lower JH titers in workers.  相似文献   

保幼激素的代谢   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李胜  蒋容静  曹梅讯 《昆虫学报》2004,47(3):389-393
保幼激素的代谢由保幼激素酯酶、保幼激素环氧水解酶和保幼激素二醇激酶等共同催化完成。在这些代谢酶的作用下,保幼激素代谢成保幼激素酸、保幼激素二醇、保幼激素酸二醇和保幼激素二醇磷酸。作者总结了保幼激素代谢的研究方法;按实验室和昆虫种类为线索,归纳和概括了每一种保幼激素代谢酶的研究进程;对保幼激素酯酶和保幼激素环氧水解酶作了序列分析;最后对保幼激素的代谢研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Metabolites of the 6,7,10,11 bisepoxide juvenile hormone III (JHB3), and other potential juvenoids, were tested for juvenile hormone activity using early instar or early stage pupae of Drosophila melanogaster. Importantly, methyl farnesoates were tested as they might have JH-like activity on Dipteran juveniles. Larvae were exposed to compounds in medium, or the compounds were applied to white puparia. In the assays employed in the present study, there was no indication for JH activity associated with the metabolites of JHB3. The activity of methyl farnesoate (MF) was higher than that of JH III and far greater than bisepoxide JH III. As opposed to the two endogenous juvenile hormones, methyl farnesoate has weak activity in the white puparial bioassay. When fluorinated forms of methyl farnesoate, which is unlikely to be converted to JH, were applied to Drosophila medium to which fly eggs were introduced, there was a high degree of larval mortality, but no evidence of subsequent mortality at the pupal stage. One possible explanation for the results is that methyl farnesoate is active as a hormone in larval stages, but has little activity at the pupal stage where only juvenile hormone has a major effect.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to establish the times of onset and termination of the juvenile hormone-sensitive period for metamorphosis in fifth-instar larvae of Rhodnius. Small regions of the abdominal integument were exposed to discrete pulses of the juvenile hormone analogue ZR-515 (methoprene) by applying small drops of a mixture in paraffin to the dorsum at various times after a bloodmeal and removing these drops after different time intervals. The diffusion coefficient of the analogue in the integument was estimated and used together with estimates of its metabolism to determine the lag times between application of the analogue and its rise to above threshold concentration in the epidermis, and between removal of the analogue source and its fall to below threshold concentration in the epidermis. These lag times were estimated to be 1.5 and 24h, respectively. Knowledge of the lag times makes it possible to establish the limits of the juvenile hormone-sensitive period or metamorphosis from the responses of larvae to variously-timed pulses of the analogue. The juvenile hormone-sensitive period has the following properties. For the population as a whole it lasts from about day 3 to about day 9 after a bloodmeal. Any individual in that population, however, only requires the presence of juvenile hormone during a 2 to 4-day period. The exact duration of an individual's sensitive period within these limits is a stochastic event. Surprisingly, for any individual, a pulse of juvenile hormone is equally effective when experienced early as when experienced late during its juvenile hormone-sensitive period.  相似文献   

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