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In the Sierra Nevada, distributions of forest tree species are largely controlled by the soil-moisture balance. Changes in temperature or precipitation as a result of increased greenhouse gas concentrations could lead to changes in species distributions. In addition, climatic change could increase the frequency and severity of wildfires. We used a forest gap model developed for Sierra Nevada forests to investigate the potential sensitivity of these forests to climatic change, including a changing fire regime. Fuel moisture influences the fire regime and couples fire to climate. Fires are also affected by fuel loads, which accumulate according to forest structure and composition. These model features were used to investigate the complex interactions between climate, fire, and forest dynamics. Eight hypothetical climate-change scenarios were simulated, including two general circulation model (GCM) predictions of a 2 × CO2 world. The response of forest structure,species composition, and the fire regime to these changes in the climate were examined at four sites across an elevation gradient. Impacts on woody biomass and species composition as a result of climatic change were site specific and depended on the environmental constraints of a site and the environmental tolerances of the tree species simulated. Climatic change altered the fire regime both directly and indirectly. Fire frequency responded directly to climate's influence on fuel moisture, whereas fire extent was affected by changes that occurred in either woody biomass or species composition. The influence of species composition on fuel-bed bulk density was particularly important. Future fires in the Sierra Nevada could be both more frequent and of greater spatial extent if GCM predictions prove true. Received 5 May 1998; accepted 4 November 1998.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems can act as sinks of carbon and thus mitigate anthropogenic carbon emissions. When forests are actively managed, treatments can alter forests carbon dynamics, reducing their sink strength and switching them from sinks to sources of carbon. These effects are generally characterized by fast temporal dynamics. Hence this study monitored for over a decade the impacts of management practices commonly used to reduce fire hazards on the carbon dynamics of mixed-conifer forests in the Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Soil CO2 efflux, carbon pools (i.e. soil carbon, litter, fine roots, tree biomass), and radial tree growth were compared among un-manipulated controls, prescribed fire, thinning, thinning followed by fire, and two clear-cut harvested sites. Soil CO2 efflux was reduced by both fire and harvesting (ca. 15%). Soil carbon content (upper 15 cm) was not significantly changed by harvest or fire treatments. Fine root biomass was reduced by clear-cut harvest (60–70%) but not by fire, and the litter layer was reduced 80% by clear-cut harvest and 40% by fire. Thinning effects on tree growth and biomass were concentrated in the first year after treatments, whereas fire effects persisted over the seven-year post-treatment period. Over this period, tree radial growth was increased (25%) by thinning and reduced (12%) by fire. After seven years, tree biomass returned to pre-treatment levels in both fire and thinning treatments; however, biomass and productivity decreased 30%-40% compared to controls when thinning was combined with fire. The clear-cut treatment had the strongest impact, reducing ecosystem carbon stocks and delaying the capacity for carbon uptake. We conclude that post-treatment carbon dynamics and ecosystem recovery time varied with intensity and type of treatments. Consequently, management practices can be selected to minimize ecosystem carbon losses while increasing future carbon uptake, resilience to high severity fire, and climate related stresses.  相似文献   

Using mechanical treatments to mimic natural disturbances is becoming a standard management and restoration approach. In the Sierra Nevada, as throughout much of western North America, much of aspen habitat is in poor health. Because of the high ecological value of healthy aspen, and its limited extent on the landscape, restoration to reverse the decline and improve stand health has become a management priority in the region. To evaluate the ecological effects of mechanically removing competing conifers to restore aspen in the Sierra Nevada, we compared vegetation characteristics and bird abundance in treated and untreated aspen stands on the Lassen National Forest before and up to 13 years after mechanical conifer removal. Treatments reduced total canopy cover and increased herbaceous cover and the number of aspen stems, while shrub and overstory aspen covers were unchanged. Of 10 aspen focal bird species, 7 increased in abundance following treatment relative to controls, including all species associated with early seral aspen habitat and cavity nesting species; none declined. In contrast, of the six conifer focal species, the four associated with denser conifer habitat declined as a result of the treatments. The two species associated with conifer edges and understory cover increased. Our results demonstrate mechanical conifer removal treatments can provide ecologically meaningful changes in habitat for the avian community and are an effective tool for restoring ecological values of degraded aspen habitat for birds in the Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

Recent research has concluded that forest wildfires in the western United States are becoming larger and more frequent. A more significant question may be whether the ecosystem impacts of wildfire are also increasing. We show that a large area (approximately 120000 km2) of California and western Nevada experienced a notable increase in the extent of forest stand-replacing (“high severity”) fire between 1984 and 2006. High severity forest fire is closely linked to forest fragmentation, wildlife habitat availability, erosion rates and sedimentation, post-fire seedling recruitment, carbon sequestration, and various other ecosystem properties and processes. Mean and maximum fire size, and the area burned annually have also all risen substantially since the beginning of the 1980s, and are now at or above values from the decades preceding the 1940s, when fire suppression became national policy. These trends are occurring in concert with a regional rise in temperature and a long-term increase in annual precipitation. A close examination of the climate–fire relationship and other evidence suggests that forest fuels are no longer limiting fire occurrence and behavior across much of the study region. We conclude that current trends in forest fire severity necessitate a re-examination of the implications of all-out fire suppression and its ecological impacts. Author Contributions: Jay Miller designed the study, performed research, analyzed data, and wrote the article. Hugh Safford performed research, analyzed data, and wrote the article. Michael Crimmins performed research and analyzed data. Andi Thode designed the study and performed research.  相似文献   

Extensive areas of the tropics have been converted into pasture for cattle ranching. Frequently, abandoned pasture does not revert to forest. The goal of this project was to identify barriers to lowland moist forest regeneration in highly degraded grasslands in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. The barriers we considered were seed source, seed predation, competition with grasses, microclimate and soil limitations on plant growth, and fire. Seed dispersal into the grasslands is limited to within 10 meters of forest fragments, but this barrier can be overcome by sowing seeds and planting seedlings and by establishing perches to attract dispersers. In these degraded grasslands, seed predation was lower than in the adjacent forest patches, and there was no evidence that grasses inhibited the establishment of woody species. The most important barrier was the severe degradation of the soils. In much of the area, the A and B horizons have been eroded away, leaving saprolite at the soil surface. Seedlings of two fast-growing pioneer species, Ochroma pyramidale and Cochlospermum vitifolium, grew to a maximum height of only 2.5 and 12 cm, respectively, during the first eight months. The slow plant growth in the degraded grassland soils compared to forest soils was associated with lower levels of cation-exchange capacity, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Even if these barriers could be overcome, the frequent and extensive use of fire in the region must be controlled to avoid killing established woody plants.  相似文献   

Wildfires and harvesting are important disturbances to forest ecosystems, but their effects on soil microbial communities are not well characterized and have not previously been compared directly. This study was conducted at sites with similar soil, climatic, and other properties in a spruce-dominated boreal forest near Chisholm, Alberta, Canada. Soil microbial communities were assessed following four treatments: control, harvest, burn, and burn plus timber salvage (burn-salvage). Burn treatments were at sites affected by a large wildfire in May 2001, and the communities were sampled 1 year after the fire. Microbial biomass carbon decreased 18%, 74%, and 53% in the harvest, burn, and burn-salvage treatments, respectively. Microbial biomass nitrogen decreased 25% in the harvest treatment, but increased in the burn treatments, probably because of microbial assimilation of the increased amounts of available NH4+ and NO3 due to burning. Bacterial community composition was analyzed by nonparametric ordination of molecular fingerprint data of 119 samples from both ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) and rRNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. On the basis of multiresponse permutation procedures, community composition was significantly different among all treatments, with the greatest differences between the two burned treatments versus the two unburned treatments. The sequencing of DNA bands from RISA fingerprints revealed distinct distributions of bacterial divisions among the treatments. Gamma- and Alphaproteobacteria were highly characteristic of the unburned treatments, while Betaproteobacteria and members of Bacillus were highly characteristic of the burned treatments. Wildfire had distinct and more pronounced effects on the soil microbial community than did harvesting.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of sedimentloadings from an abandoned hydraulic miningsite on potential trout spawning gravels, largeaquatic macroinvertebrates, and fish growth,survival and reproduction in the South YubaRiver (Nevada County) California. Effects ofsediment loadings, which are transported to theSouth Yuba River via Humbug Creek, wereinvestigated by comparing data from sites onthe South Yuba River upstream and downstream ofHumbug Creek. The study did not find anydeleterious effects of sediment loadings onfish survival and reproduction (based onsnorkel survey data), or large aquaticmacroinvertebrate populations. In addition,the lack of a significant difference in thepercentage of 0.30 to 3.35 mm material insubstrate samples suggests that sediment loadsare not affecting trout spawning gravels. Incontrast, Sacramento pikeminnow(Ptychocheilus grandis) growth appears to beaffected by both water temperatures andsediment loadings. Downstream of Humbug Creek,growth during the first year was significantlyfaster, based on calculated standard lengths atthe age 1 annulus, but condition factor wassignificantly lower than above Humbug Creek.  相似文献   

Fire suppression and changing climate have resulted in increased large wildfire frequency and severity in the western United States, causing carbon cycle impacts. Forest thinning and prescribed burning reduce high-severity fire risk, but require removal of biomass and emissions of carbon from burning. During each fire a fraction of the burning vegetation and soil organic matter is converted into charcoal, a relatively stable carbon form. We sought to quantify the effects of pre-fire fuel load and type on charcoal carbon produced by biomass combusted in a prescribed burn under different thinning treatments and to identify more easily measured predictors of charcoal carbon mass in a historically frequent-fire mixed-conifer forest. We hypothesized that charcoal carbon produced from coarse woody debris (CWD) during prescribed burning would be greater than that produced from fine woody debris (FWD). We visually quantified post-treatment charcoal carbon content in the O-horizon and the A-horizon beneath CWD (> 30 cm diameter) and up to 60 cm from CWD that was present prior to treatment. We found no difference in the size of charcoal carbon pools from CWD (treatment means ranged from 0.3–2.0 g m-2 of A-horizon and 0.0–1.7 g m-2 of O-horizon charcoal) and FWD (treatment means ranged from 0.2–1.7 g m-2 of A-horizon and 0.0–1.5 g m-2 of O-horizon charcoal). We also compared treatments and found that the burn-only, understory-thin and burn, and overstory-thin and burn treatments had significantly more charcoal carbon than the control. Charcoal carbon represented 0.29% of total ecosystem carbon. We found that char mass on CWD was an important predictor of charcoal carbon mass, but only explained 18–35% of the variation. Our results help improve our understanding of the effects forest restoration treatments have on ecosystem carbon by providing additional information about charcoal carbon content.  相似文献   

Selected nutrient amendments were evaluated for their capacity to enhance growth and nutrition of established but stunted Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) saplings on an acidic Sierra Nevada surface mine. The amendments were applied by topdressing at three rates each and consisted of Forestcote 22‐4‐6 + Minors, a controlled‐release formulation; Free Flow 29‐3‐4 and Hydro Agri 21‐7‐14, two conventional fertilizers, with the former featuring urea as the predominant N source, whereas that for the latter was exclusively ammoniacal and nitrate forms; and Milorganite 6‐2‐0 + Iron, an organic amendment based on municipal biosolids. All formulations reinvigorated sapling growth, generally more so as the amounts supplied increased, with the Free Flow and Hydro Agri amendments marginally more stimulative than Forestcote and Milorganite. Foliar analysis revealed that fertilized saplings had more N, with concentrations that generally rose with amounts supplied, and P but less Mn and Al than the control. Enhanced N nutrition in particular but also that of P probably accounted for most of the growth stimulation by the amendments, as availability of both in the soil was limiting. Of the two metallic elements, reduced Mn was likely most critical because concentrations encountered here were exceedingly elevated overall, including that in the soil, although soil Al was also high. These results suggest that a variety of nutritional amendments can be employed in forest restoration on surface mine sites and those similarly degraded, including sites for which dry climates greatly influence the selection of remedial practices.  相似文献   

The effects of pulsed acidification on invertebrate densities and drift, and water chemistry, in a high altitude Sierra Nevada stream were measured using artificial stream channels. Water was diverted from the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River, California, U.S.A., through twelve replicate channels; however, low flow in the summer of 1985 eliminated all but four of these channels. Channels were stocked with natural substrates and organisms from the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River. After a three week acclimation period, we simulated a low pH rain event by adding acid (H2SO4 and HNO3) to two of the channels, reducing pH to 5.0 for 6 hours. The other two channels acted as controls (pH 6.4). During acid additions, Baetis spp. drift in acidified channels was ca. 7 times higher than in control channels (F = 39.02, p < 0.025; data fourth root transformed, ANOVA), and the percentage of drifting baetids that was dead was significantly higher in acidified than control channels (46% vs. 0%, F = 29.86, p < 0.05; arcsine square root transformed data, ANOVA). Other taxa showed no significant drift responses, and benthic densities of all taxa showed no effects two days after acidification, probably owing to rapid recolonization by invertebrate drift in influent waters. Stream chemistry data are presented; heavy metal concentrations did not significantly increase in the 2 m stream channels.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of ungulates on epigeal arthropod communities in two common plant communities of the high mountains of the Sierra Nevada (southeast Spain). We have compared the abundance, biomass, diversity and specific composition of arthropod communities in grazed and ungrazed plots experimentally excluded from ungulates. In general, we found that arthropods were more abundant and diverse in grazed than in ungrazed plots. However, the effect of ungulates depended on the variable considered (diversity versus abundance versus biomass). Moreover, ungulates also affected species composition. This means that without affecting diversity, ungulates can still have a strong effect on arthropod communities by changing species composition. Also, the relationship between ungulates and arthropods differed depending on the year of study and the sampling period. In conclusion, our study indicates that to extrapolate the results obtained for a group of insects, a habitat or a sampling period is not appropriate for the conservation of arthropod communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The cryptic plumage and nocturnal nature of the great gray owl (Strix nebulosa) make it difficult to study in its densely forested habitat. We investigated whether the vocalizations of individual great gray owls could be distinguished and used as a tool for population survey and monitoring. We recorded 312 territorial calls produced by 14 male and 11 female great gray owls between March and July 2006 and 2007 in the Sierra Nevada range of California, USA. We recorded 19 owls on multiple occasions within a season and 8 owls between seasons. We extracted 17 frequency and 15 temporal variables from the sonograms of each call. Discriminant analysis selected 9 variables and classified 92.8% of calls to the correct individual within a season; 71.4% of calls were classified to the correct individual between seasons. Our results indicate that territorial calls could be used to monitor individual great gray owls for both short- and long-term studies. Vocal individuality could be useful as a noninvasive method to improve census estimates and yield information on site fidelity, turnover rates, seasonal movements, and behavioral traits of great gray owls.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT California Black Rails (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus) have a disjunct and poorly understood distribution. After a new population was discovered in Yuba County in 1994, we conducted call playback surveys from 1994 to 2006 in the Sierra foothills and Sacramento Valley region to determine the distribution and residency of Black Rails, estimate densities, and obtain estimates of site occupancy and detection probability. We found Black Rails in 164 small, widely scattered marshes distributed along the lower western slopes of the Sierra Nevada foothills from just northeast of Chico (Butte County) to Rocklin (Placer County). Marshes were surrounded by unsuitable habitat, creating a patchy or metapopulation structure. We observed Black Rails nesting and found that they are year‐round residents. Assuming perfect detectability, we estimated a mean density of 1.78 rails/ha. Assuming a detection probability of 0.5, this estimate increases to a mean density of 3.55 rails/ha. The probability of detecting occupancy with a single call playback survey at a marsh was high (= 0.84), and the estimated proportion of marshes occupied (across all years) was 0.58. Irrigation ditches were the primary water source for 75% of the marshes with Black Rails. Our results indicate that Black Rails are more widespread in the Sierra foothills than previously known, and the foothills distribution appears to be discontinuous with populations in the San Francisco Bay‐Delta Estuary. Occupancy surveys may be an improved method for monitoring population trends of this secretive marsh bird where habitat patches are highly fragmented.  相似文献   

1. We examined responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to pulsed acidification experiments in twelve streamside channels located in the Sierra Nevada, California. Experiment 1 consisted of a single 8 h acid addition, and Experiment 2 consisted of two 8 h acid additions administered 2 weeks apart. Replicated treatments (four reps/ treatment) consisted of a control (pH 6.5–6.7) and pH levels of 5.1–5.2 and 4.4–4.6. Invertebrate drift was monitored continuously and benthic densities were determined before and after acid addition. 2. Drift responses to pH reduction were: (i) increased drift during acidification in pH 5.2 and pH 4.6 treatment channels, often with depressed post-acidification drift in treatment channels relative to controls (exhibited by Baetis only). Depressed post-acidification drift in treatment channels appeared to be due to low benthic densities because a positive relationship between benthic and drift densities was noted for most common taxa; (ii) increased drift rates during acidification only at pH 4.6 (Epeorus, Drunella, Paraleptophlebia, Zapada, and Simulium); (iii) decreased drift at pH 5.2 and/or pH 4.6 relative to control channels (Rhyacaphila and chironomid larvae); (iv) no significant response to acidification (Ameletus, Amiocentrus, Dixa and Hydroporus). 3. A high proportion (45–100%) of acid-induced drift in Baetis, Epeorus, and chironomid larvae could be attributed to dead, drifting individuals. 4. Except for chironomids, most common invertebrates (i.e. Baetis and Paraleptophlebia) showed reduced benthic densities in treatment relative to control channels after acidification. 5. For sensitive taxa, drift was enhanced and benthic densities reduced by single (Experiment 1) and initial [Experiment 2(a)] acid pulses. Drift responses to a second acid pulse [Experiment 2(b)] were not as pronounced as those to the single or initial acid pulses [Experiments 1 and 2(a)], and the second acid pulse had no additional effect on benthic density.  相似文献   

Five edaphically-restricted or -endemic butterflies, mostly associated with serpentine, are shown to be distributed in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada in addition to their previously documented areas of occupancy in the California North Coast Ranges. Two species are absolutely limited by the edaphic restriction of their host plants, while the other three seemingly are not. The controversies concerning the origins of serpentine endemism in plants apply to butterflies as well. Long-term relictualism can presumably apply only at the metapopulation level, not the local population level, due to the frequency of fire in these habitats. Development and habitat-conversion trends pose a high risk to the long-term survival of these species in the Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Changes in species composition of the periphyton of an oligotrophic. Sierra Nevada stream continuously dosed for 1 year at three concentrations of copper (2.5, 5 and 10 μg 1?1 CuT; approximately 12, 25 and 50 ng 1?1 Cu2+) were determined. 2. The numerically most abundant taxa were Bacillariophyceae (Achnanthes minutissima, Cocconeis placentula, Cymbella microcephala, C. sinuata, Fragilaria conslruens, F. crotonensis. Navicula spp., Synedra acus and S. rumpens), and the Cyanophyta Lyngbya spp., a co-dominant during spring and summer. 3. Population densities of Lyngbya spp. were markedly reduced at all test concentrations of copper. Population densities of the principal Chlorophyta (Spirogyra spp. and Cladophora spp.) and the diatom Amphipleura pellucida were reduced at 5 μg 1?1 CUT. Of the twenty-two most abundant taxa, sixteen were reduced in abundance by continuous exposure to 10 μg 1?1 CuT. 4. There was no commensurate reduction in standing crop (total number of individuals of all taxa). Achnanthes minutissima, a co-dominant in the control, was the primary replacement species. Other taxa that were more abundant at 5 μg1?1 CuT than in the control were Ceratoneis arcus, Cocconeis placentula, Navicula spp. and Synedra rumpens. Only A. minutissima and Calothrix spp. were more abundant at 10 μg 1?1 than in the control. 5. Three resemblance measures (Canberra metric, Bray-Curtis and Dice) and diversity (Brillouin's) were evaluated for detecting differences in species composition among experimental stream sections. The Canberra metric, an index sensitive to proportional rather than absolute differences, was the most informative of these indices.  相似文献   

Aim The goal of this study was to understand better the role of interannual and interdecadal climatic variation on local pre‐EuroAmerican settlement fire regimes in fire‐prone Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) dominated forests in the northern Sierra Nevada Mountains. Location Our study was conducted in a 6000‐ha area of contiguous mixed Jeffrey pine‐white fir (Abies concolor Gordon & Glend.) forest on the western slope of the Carson Range on the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Methods Pre‐EuroAmerican settlement fire regimes (i.e. frequency, return interval, extent, season) were reconstructed in eight contiguous watersheds for a 200‐year period (1650–1850) from fire scars preserved in the annual growth rings of nineteenth century cut stumps and recently dead pre‐settlement Jeffrey pine trees. Superposed epoch analysis (SEA) and correlation analysis were used to examine relationships between tree ring‐based reconstructions of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and pre‐EuroAmerican fire regimes in order to assess the influence of drought and equatorial and north Pacific teleconnections on fire occurrence and fire extent. Results For the entire period of record (1650–1850), wet conditions were characteristic of years without fires. In contrast, fire years were associated with drought. Drought intensity also influenced fire extent and the most widespread fires occurred in the driest years. Years with widespread fires were also preceded by wet conditions 3 years before the fire. Widespread fires were also associated with phase changes of the PDO, with the most widespread burns occurring when the phase changed from warm (positive) to cold (negative) conditions. Annual SOI and fire frequency or extent were not associated in our study. At decadal time scales, burning was more widespread during decades that were dryer and characterized by La Niña and negative PDO conditions. Interannual and interdecadal fire–climate relationships were not stable over time. From 1700 to 1775 there was no interannual relationship between drought, PDO, and fire frequency or extent. However, from 1775 to 1850, widespread fires were associated with dry years preceded by wet years. This period also had the strongest association between fire extent and the PDO. In contrast, fire–climate associations at interdecadal time scales were stronger in the earlier period than in the later period. The change from strong interdecadal to strong interannual climate influence was associated with a breakdown in decadal scale constructive relationships between PDO and SOI. Main conclusions Climate strongly influenced pre‐settlement pine forest fire regimes in northern Sierra Nevada. Both interannual and interdecadal climatic variation regulated conditions conducive to fire activity, and longer term changes in fire frequency and extent correspond with climate‐mediated changes observed in both the northern and southern hemispheres. The sensitivity of fire regimes to shifts in modes of climatic variability suggests that climate was a key regulator of pine forest ecosystem structure and dynamics before EuroAmerican settlement. An understanding of pre‐EuroAmerican fire–climate relationships may provide useful insights into how fire activity in contemporary forests may respond to future climatic variation.  相似文献   

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