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惠州西湖游浮植物群落对生态系统修复的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年对广东惠州西湖实施了生态系统修复示范工程,示范区目前沉水植物丰富,水体常年清澈见底。通过2008年6月至2009年5月对示范区和未进行生态修复的平湖逐月进行浮游植物调查,研究了浮游植物群落对湖泊生态系统修复的响应。结果表明,与未修复的平湖相比,示范区浮游植物数量及群落结构均发生了很大变化。示范区全年浮游植物平均生物量和细胞丰度分别为0.31 mg/L和2.75×106cells/L,均远低于未修复的平湖的3.27 mg/L和197.46×106cells/L;平湖中蓝藻在全年大部分时间占有绝对优势,一些热带富营养化水体中的代表种类(假鱼腥藻)成为优势种类;而示范区蓝藻不占优势,取而代之的是一些隐藻、硅藻和甲藻门的种类。另外,示范区浮游植物丰富度增加,年平均Margalef物种丰富度指数为3.70,显著高于平湖的2.68。因此,重建以沉水生植物为优势的生态系统是抑制浮游植物发展和改善湖泊水环境的有效途径。  相似文献   

Knowledge and understanding about how the Earth functions and supports life create the foundation for ecological literacy. Industrialisation, urbanisation and population growth have resulted in changed relationships between many human communities and the natural world. A potential consequence is a compromised capability to make well-informed decisions about how to live sustainably. To gain a measure of ecological literacy within the South Australian community, we collaborated with senior scientists and educators to develop and apply an instrument with the capacity to determine indicative levels of ecological knowledge and understanding. A formal, variable credit, multiple-choice assessment instrument was distributed online to groups and individuals within diverse community sectors and industries. Quantitative analyses of scores indicated that levels of ecological knowledge and understanding within a self-selected sample of over one thousand individuals ranged from very low to extremely high, with the majority of respondents achieving moderate to high scores. This instrument has a demonstrated capacity to determine indicative levels of ecological literacy within and between individuals and groups. It is able to capture mastery of ecological knowledge and understanding achieved through both formal and informal pathways. Using the results, we have been able to establish a range of standards and an aspirational target score for the South Australian community. The value of this work is in its potential to deliver insights into relationships between humans and the rest of the natural world, and into characteristics of eco-literate individuals and communities, that might not otherwise emerge.  相似文献   

Living organisms constantly interact with their habitats, selectively taking up compounds from their surroundings to meet their particular needs but also excreting metabolic products and thus modifying their environment. The small size, ubiquity, metabolic versatility, flexibility, and genetic plasticity (horizontal transfer) of microbes allow them to tolerate and quickly adapt to unfavorable and/or changing environmental conditions. The consumption of resources and the formation of metabolic products by spatially separated microbial populations constitute the driving forces that lead to chemical gradient formation. Communication and cooperation, both within and among bacterial species, have produced the properties that give these organisms a selective advantage. Observations of a wide range of natural habitats have established that bacteria do not function as individuals; rather, the vast majority of bacteria in natural and pathogenic ecosystems live in biofilms, defined as surface-associated, complex aggregates of bacterial communities that are attached to solid substrates and embedded in a polymer matrix of their own production. The spatial configurations of biofilms reach levels of complexity nearing those of multicellular eukaryotes. Microbial consortia have played important roles throughout the history of life on Earth, from the microbial mats (a type of biofilm) that were probably the first ecosystems in the early Archean, to the complex microbiota of the intestinal tract of different animals.  相似文献   

The ability to understand and ultimately predict ecosystem response to multiple pressures is paramount to successfully implement ecosystem-based management. Thresholds shifts and nonlinear patterns in ecosystem responses can be used to determine reference points that identify levels of a pressure that may drastically alter ecosystem status, which can inform management action. However, quantifying ecosystem reference points has proven elusive due in large part to the multi-dimensional nature of both ecosystem pressures and ecosystem responses. We used ecological indicators, synthetic measures of ecosystem status and functioning, to enumerate important ecosystem attributes and to reduce the complexity of the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (NES LME). Random forests were used to quantify the importance of four environmental and four anthropogenic pressure variables to the value of ecological indicators, and to quantify shifts in aggregate ecological indicator response along pressure gradients. Anthropogenic pressure variables were critical defining features and were able to predict an average of 8-13% (up to 25-66% for individual ecological indicators) of the variation in ecological indicator values, whereas environmental pressures were able to predict an average of 1-5 % (up to 9-26% for individual ecological indicators) of ecological indicator variation. Each pressure variable predicted a different suite of ecological indicator’s variation and the shapes of ecological indicator responses along pressure gradients were generally nonlinear. Threshold shifts in ecosystem response to exploitation, the most important pressure variable, occurred when commercial landings were 20 and 60% of total surveyed biomass. Although present, threshold shifts in ecosystem response to environmental pressures were much less important, which suggests that anthropogenic pressures have significantly altered the ecosystem structure and functioning of the NES LME. Gradient response curves provide ecologically informed transformations of pressure variables to explain patterns of ecosystem structure and functioning. By concurrently identifying thresholds for a suite of ecological indicator responses to multiple pressures, we demonstrate that ecosystem reference points can be evaluated and used to support ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

Imagery of ecological systems can be used to observe organisms, to observe rare events and to document long-term changes in ecological systems. Here we describe two systems used for archiving and sharing imagery with ecological researchers in the United States and Taiwan, discuss the database design and interface issues and how they were resolved and present some examples of their use. The Shan-Ping Bee Camera System monitors a bee colony at the Shan-Ping Forest Ecological Garden in south-central Taiwan. The Virginia Ecocam System uses wirelessly-connected web cameras to capture imagery from remote barrier islands of the Virginia Coast Reserve. Both systems provide multiple tools to retrieve and display images for research use using a relational database to store and query image metadata, but store the images in either a file system or using a Storage Resource Broker (SRB).  相似文献   

An ecosystem approach to community health seeks to investigate human health concerns from an ecological perspective. The goal is to improve the health of community members by instituting sustainable ecosystem management strategies that will preserve the health of both the ecosystem and its inhabitants. This article reports on a study in a rural community in Ghana that employed an ecosystem approach to community health planning. Adopting a participatory action research approach, a research team comprised of representatives from various local government departments collaborated with local residents to identify major community health problems, their underlying causes, and possible intervention strategies. The findings illustrate the usefulness of the ecosystem approach to mobilizing community-based interventions to addressing environmental determinants of human health.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly clear that social learning and culture occur much more broadly, and in a wider variety of animal communities, than initially believed. Recent research has expanded the list to include insects, fishes, elephants, and cetaceans. Such diversity allows scientists to expand the scope of potential research questions, which can help form a more complete understanding of animal culture than any single species can provide on its own. It is crucial to understand how culture and social learning present in different communities, as well as what influences community structure and culture may have on one another, so that the results across these different studies may most effectively inform one another. This review presents an overview of social learning in species across a spectrum of community structures, providing the necessary infrastructure to allow a comparison of studies that will help move the field of animal culture forward.  相似文献   



Ecosystem management requires organizing, synthesizing, and projecting information at a large scale while simultaneously addressing public interests, dynamic ecological properties, and a continuum of physicochemical conditions. We compared the impacts of seven water level management plans for Lake Ontario on a set of environmental attributes of public relevance.

Methodology and Findings

Our assessment method was developed with a set of established impact assessment tools (checklists, classifications, matrices, simulations, representative taxa, and performance relations) and the concept of archetypal geomorphic shoreline classes. We considered each environmental attribute and shoreline class in its typical and essential form and predicted how water level change would interact with defining properties. The analysis indicated that about half the shoreline of Lake Ontario is potentially sensitive to water level change with a small portion being highly sensitive. The current water management plan may be best for maintaining the environmental resources. In contrast, a natural water regime plan designed for greatest environmental benefits most often had adverse impacts, impacted most shoreline classes, and the largest portion of the lake coast. Plans that balanced multiple objectives and avoided hydrologic extremes were found to be similar relative to the environment, low on adverse impacts, and had many minor impacts across many shoreline classes.


The Lake Ontario ecosystem assessment provided information that can inform decisions about water management and the environment. No approach and set of methods will perfectly and unarguably accomplish integrated ecosystem assessment. For managing water levels in Lake Ontario, we found that there are no uniformly good and bad options for environmental conservation. The scientific challenge was selecting a set of tools and practices to present broad, relevant, unbiased, and accessible information to guide decision-making on a set of management options.  相似文献   

The sustainable use of resources requires that management practices and institutions take into account the dynamics of the ecosystem. In this paper, we explore the role of local ecological knowledge and show how it is used in management practices by a local fishing association in a contemporary rural Swedish community. We focus on the local management of crayfish, a common-pool resource, and also address the way crayfish management is linked to institutions at different levels of Swedish society. Methods from the social sciences were used for information gathering, and the results were analyzed within the framework of ecosystem management. We found that the practices of local fishing association resemble an ecosystem approach to crayfish management. Our results indicate that local users have substantial knowledge of resource and ecosystem dynamics from the level of the individual crayfish to that of the watershed, as reflected in a variety of interrelated management practices embedded in and influenced by institutions at several levels. We propose that this policy of monitoring at several levels simultaneously, together with the interpretation of a bundle of indicators and associated management responses, enhances the possibility of building ecological resilience into the watershed. Furthermore, we found that flexibility and adaptation are required to avoid command-and-control pathways of resource management. We were able to trace the development of the local fishing association as a response to crisis, followed by the creation of an opportunity for reorganization and the recognition of slow ecosystem structuring variables, and also to define the role of knowledgeable individuals in the whole process. We discuss the key roles of adaptive capacity, institutional learning, and institutional memory for successful ecosystem management and conclude that scientific adaptive management could benefit from a more explicit collaboration with flexible community-based systems of resource management for the implementation of policies as experiments. Received 26 April 2000; accepted 13 October 2000.  相似文献   

Adaptations to Flooding Stress: From Plant Community to Molecule   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract: This review highlights four major topics in plant flooding research: the processes underlying vegetation zonation in the floodplain, the challenges of using model species to reveal adaptive responses in shoots and roots, the role of micro-organisms in flooded soils in relation to plant growth, and the molecular regulation of the hormone ethylene which is heavily involved in the adaptation reaction of flood-resistant plants. Model species and vegetation strategies are used to unravel mechanisms of vegetation zonation in the river flood-plain. In the case of woodlands, hydrological conditions determine to a large extent their zonation patterns under natural conditions. For softwood species, such as Salicaceae, the interaction between water levels and timing of seed dispersal is the dominating process determining their establishment success on river banks. Their strategy is well adapted to irregular, high and prolonged floods. Hardwood species, Quercus, Fraxinus, UImus and Acer, are flood-sensitive and inhabit the higher sites. They mainly have heavy seeds and germinate under shaded conditions. The most shade-tolerant hardwood species are the least well adapted to flooding. Anthropogenically influenced parts of the floodplain are characterized by grasslands with elevation level and management practices determining the species composition. Low-lying grasslands have flood-tolerant species; elevated zones are seldom flooded and have flooding-sensitive species. Following Grime (1998[59]), plant species of major vegetation types within the floodplain zone can be divided into three categories–dominants, subordinates and transients–illustrating the diversity in plant species in relation to environmental properties. Model species that are indicative of the different conditions in the various zones are chosen to help in the understanding of morphological and physiological adaptations at the plant level. The formation of aerenchymatous roots and the capacity to elongate shoot parts upon submergence are among the main responses of surviving plants. The role of hormones in the adaptation reaction is emphasized. Owing to high porosities in roots of flood-tolerant plants, radial oxygen loss greatly influences nitrification and denitrification processes in the flooded soil. Nutrient cycles are restored by root-derived oxygen and the oxygenated rhizosphere is detoxified. A new development in flooding ecology is the unravelling of the molecular regulation of hormonally controlled processes. The expression of an ethylene receptor gene in Rumex palustris is highlighted. This paper ends with some suggestions for future flooding research.  相似文献   

Is Lake Prespa Jeopardizing the Ecosystem of Ancient Lake Ohrid?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Prespa and Lake Ohrid, located in south-eastern Europe, are two lakes of extraordinary ecological value. Although the upstream Lake Prespa has no surface outflow, its waters reach the 160 m lower Lake Ohrid through underground hydraulic connections. Substantial conservation efforts concentrate on oligotrophic downstream Lake Ohrid, which is famous for its large number of endemic and relict species. In this paper, we present a system analytical approach to assess the role of the mesotrophic upstream Lake Prespa in the ongoing eutrophication of Lake Ohrid. Almost the entire outflow from Lake Prespa is found to flow into Lake Ohrid through karst channels. However, 65% of the transported phosphorus is retained within the aquifer. Thanks to this natural filter, Lake Prespa does not pose an immediate threat to Lake Ohrid. However, a potential future four-fold increase of the current phosphorus load from Lake Prespa would lead to a 20% increase (+0.9 mg P m−3) in the current phosphorus content of Lake Ohrid, which could jeopardize its fragile ecosystem. While being a potential future danger to Lake Ohrid, Lake Prespa itself is substantially endangered by water losses to irrigation, which have been shown to amplify its eutrophication.  相似文献   

Burial is one of the most fundamental processes in contexts of massbalance calculations for substances (such as nutrients, organics, metals and radionuclides) in lakes. Substances can leave a lake by two processes, outflow, i.e., the transport to a downstream system, and burial, i.e., the transport by sedimentation from the lake biosphere to the geosphere. This work gives for the first time, to there best of the author's knowledge, a review on the factors and processes regulating burial and presents a general model for burial. This approach accounts for bottom dynamic conditions (i.e., where areas of fine sediment erosion, transport and accumulation prevail), sedimentation, bioturbation, mineralisation, and the depth and age of the bioactive sediment layer. This approach has been critically tested with very good results for radiocesium, radiostrontium, many metals, calcium from liming and phosphorus, but it has not been presented before in a comprehensive way. This model for burial is meant to be used in massbalance models based on ordinary differential equations (i.e., box models) in contexts where burial is not a target y‐variable but a necessary model variable (an x‐variable). This means that there are also specific demands on this approach, e.g., it must be based on readily accessible driving variables so that it is not too difficult to use the model in practice within the context of an overall lake model. The factors influencing burial, e.g., the deposition of materials and the depth of the bioactive sediment layer, are also needed in calculations of sediment concentrations and to determine amounts of substances or pollutants in sediments. To carry out such calculations, one also needs information on sediment bulk density, water content and organic content. This paper also presents new empirical models for such calculations to be used in the new model for burial.  相似文献   

Sarah Pink 《Ethnos》2013,78(2):163-188
This article explores the relationship between activism, sociality and place. It analyses a case-study of selected social relations produced through activities related to an urban social movement - the UK network of the international Cittàslow (Slow City) movement. It specifically examines how social relationships contribute to the human agency that Cittàslow activism involves. In a recent Cultural Studies analysis of the Cittàslow movement, Wendy Parkins and Geoffrey Craig (2006) Parkins, Wendy and Geoffrey, Craig. 2006. Slow Living, Oxford: Berg. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] have suggested that Cittàslow ‘communities’ drive processes of change. Here, following social anthropologists (Creed 2006; Amit in Amit &; Rapport 2002) who call for an interrogation of the concept of ‘community’ in its local and academic uses, I propose a different analytical route. I suggest that Cittàslow activism is better understood by analysing how agency is produced through actual local embodied social relationships.  相似文献   

The interactions an animal has with its prey, predators, neighbors, and competitors are known as ecological interactions. Making effective decisions during ecological interactions poses fundamental challenges for the nervous system. Among these are the need to filter relevant information out of complex and ever-changing sensory scenes, to balance competing objectives, and to generate robust behavior amid the strong mutual feedbacks that occur during interactions with other animals. Here, I review recent advancements in the study of ecological decision-making. Using research with fishes, I illustrate how knowledge of ethology and brain circuitry are converging to yield a more holistic understanding of how the brain solves these problems to produce robust sequences of natural behavior.  相似文献   

生态因子对森林生态系统稳定性影响的数学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对河南省森林生态类型划分的基础上,应用主成分分析、模糊聚类和遂步判别分析的方法,对森林生态系统的稳定性进行了研究,结果表明:影响森林生态系统稳定性的因子主要有6个,即:森林覆被率、人口密度、土壤侵蚀模数、大风日数、降水集中率和地形;河南省森林生态系统按其稳定程度可分为5个等级;应用逐步判别分析是建立稳定性判别模式的较好方法。  相似文献   

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