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Mechanisms of Carbon Sequestration in Soil Aggregates   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Soil and crop management practices have a profound impact on carbon (C) sequestration, but the mechanisms of interaction between soil structure and soil organic C (SOC) dynamics are not well understood. Understanding how an aggregate stores and protects SOC is essential to developing proper management practices to enhance SOC sequestration. The objectives of this article are to: (1) describe the importance of plants and soil functions on SOC sequestration, (2) review the mechanisms of SOC sequestration within aggregates under different vegetation and soil management practices, (3) explain methods of assessing distribution of SOC within aggregates, and (4) identify knowledge gaps with regards to SOC and soil structural dynamics. The quality and quantity of plant residues define the amount of organic matter and thus the SOC pool in aggregates. The nature of plant debris (C:N ratio, lignin content, and phenolic compound content) affects the rate of SOC sequestration. Mechanisms of interaction of aggregate dynamics with SOC are complex and embrace a range of spatial and temporal processes within macro- ( > 250 μ m e.c.d.) and microaggregates ( < 250 μ m e.c.d.). A relevant mechanism for SOC sequestration within aggregates is the confinement of plant debris in the core of the microaggregates. The C-rich young plant residues form and stabilize macroaggregates, whereas the old organic C is occluded in the microaggregates. Interactions of clay minerals with C rich humic compounds in correlation with clay mineralogy determine the protection and storage of SOC. Principal techniques used to assess the C distribution in aggregates include the determination of total organic C in different aggregate size fractions, isotopic methods to assess the turnover and storage of organic C in aggregates, and computed tomography and X-ray scattering to determine the internal porosity and inter-aggregate attributes. The literature is replete with studies on soil and crop management influences on total organic C and soil aggregation. However, research reports on the interactions of SOC within aggregates for C sequestration are scanty. Questions still remain on how SOC interacts physically and chemically with aggregates, and research is needed to understand the mechanisms responsible for the dynamics of aggregate formation and stability in relation to C sequestration.  相似文献   

Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from agriculture is related to increasing and protecting soil organic matter (SOM) concentration. Agricultural soils can be a significant sink for atmospheric carbon (C) through increase of the SOM concentration. The natural ecosystems such as forests or prairies, where C gains are in equilibrium with losses, lose a large fraction of the antecedent C pool upon conversion to agricultural ecosystems. Adoption of recommended management practices (RMPs) can enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to fill the large C sink capacity on the world's agricultural soils. This article collates, reviews, and synthesizes the available information on SOC sequestration by RMPs, with specific references to crop rotations and tillage practices, cover crops, ley farming and agroforestry, use of manure and biosolids, N fertilization, and precision farming and irrigation. There is a strong interaction among RMPs with regards to their effect on SOC concentration and soil quality. The new equilibrium SOC level may be achieved over 25 to 50 years. While RMPs are being adapted in developed economies, there is an urgent need to encourage their adoption in developing countries. In addition to enhancing SOC concentration, adoption of RMPs also increases agronomic yield. Thus, key to enhancing soil quality and achieving food security lies in managing agricultural ecosystems using ecological principles which lead to enhancement of SOC pool and sustainable management of soil and water resources.  相似文献   

Net benefits of bioenergy crops, including maize and perennial grasses such as switchgrass, are a function of several factors including the soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestered by these crops. Life cycle assessments (LCA) for bioenergy crops have been conducted using models in which SOC information is usually from the top 30 to 40?cm. Information on the effects of crop management practices on SOC has been limited so LCA models have largely not included any management practice effects. In the first 9?years of a long-term C sequestration study in eastern Nebraska, USA, switchgrass and maize with best management practices had average annual increases in SOC per hectare that exceed 2?Mg?C?year?1 (7.3?Mg?CO2?year?1) for the 0 to 150 soil depth. For both switchgrass and maize, over 50?% of the increase in SOC was below the 30?cm depth. SOC sequestration by switchgrass was twofold to fourfold greater than that used in models to date which also assumed no SOC sequestration by maize. The results indicate that N fertilizer rates and harvest management regimes can affect the magnitude of SOC sequestration. The use of uniform soil C effects for bioenergy crops from sampling depths of 30 to 40?cm across agro-ecoregions for large scale LCA is questionable.  相似文献   

Indian sandalwood (Santalum album), a commercially importantroot hemi-parasitic angiosperm, was partnered singly in potculture with one of three nitrogen-fixing legumes or a eucalypthost. Xylem (tracheal) sap of stems of host and parasite andethanolic extracts of endophytic tissue of haustoria of theparasite were analysed for amino acids, organic acids and sugarsto determine which sets of solutes were available to and obtainedby the parasite from different hosts. There were high concentrationsof asparagine, followed by glutamate, aspartate and  相似文献   

Soil carbon (C) dynamics and sequestration are controlled by interactions of chemical, physical and biological factors. These factors include biomass quantity and quality, physical environment and the biota. Management can alter these factors in ways that alter C dynamics. We have focused on a range of managed sites with documented land use change from agriculture or grassland to forest. Our results suggest that interactions of soil type, plant and environment impact soil C sequestration. Above and below ground C storage varied widely across sites. Results were related to plant type and calcium on sandy soils in our Northern sites. Predictors of sequestration were more difficult to detect over the temperature range of 12.4°C in the present study. Accrual of litter under pines in the moist Mississippi site limited C storage in a similar manner to our dry Nebraska site. Pre-planting heterogeneity of agricultural fields such as found in Illinois influences C contents. Manipulation of controls on C sequestration such as species planted or amelioration of soil quality before planting within managed sites could increase soil C to provide gains in terrestrial C storage. Cost effective management would also improve soil C pools positively affecting soil fertility and site productivity.  相似文献   

Orchard understory represents an important component of the orchards, performing numerous functions related to soil quality, water relations and microclimate, but little attention has been paid on its effect on soil C sequestration. In the face of global climate change, fruit producers also require techniques that increase carbon (C) sequestration in a cost-effective manner. Here we present a case study to compare the effects of understory management (sod culture vs. clean tillage) on soil C sequestration in four subtropical orchards. The results of a 10-year study indicated that the maintenance of sod significantly enhanced the soil C stock in the top 1 m of orchard soils. Relative to clean tillage, sod culture increased annual soil C sequestration by 2.85 t C ha-1, suggesting that understory management based on sod culture offers promising potential for soil carbon sequestration. Considering that China has the largest area of orchards in the world and that few of these orchards currently have sod understories, the establishment and maintenance of sod in orchards can help China increase C sequestration and greatly contribute to achieving CO2 reduction targets at a regional scale and potentially at a national scale.  相似文献   

R. Lal 《植物科学评论》2003,22(2):151-184
An increase in atmospheric concentration of CO2 from 280?ppmv in 1750 to 367?ppmv in 1999 is attributed to emissions from fossil fuel combustion estimated at 270±30?Pg C and land use change at 136±55?Pg. Of the emissions from land use change, 78±12?Pg is estimated from depletion of soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. Most agricultural soils have lost 50 to 70% of their original SOC pool, and the depletion is exacerbated by further soil degradation and desertification. The restoration of degraded soils, conversion of agriculturally marginal lands to appropriate land use, and the adoption of recommended management practices on agricultural soils can reverse degradative trends and lead to SOC sequestration. Technological options for SOC sequestration on agricultural soils include adoption of conservation tillage, use of manures, and compost as per integrated nutrient management and precision farming strategies, conversion of monoculture to complex diverse cropping systems, meadow-based rotations and winter cover crops, and establishing perennial vegetation on contours and steep slopes. The global potential of SOC sequestration and restoration of degraded/desertified soils is estimated at 0.6 to 1.2?Pg C/y for about 50 years with a cumulative sink capacity of 30 to 60?Pg. The SOC sequestration is a costeffective strategy of mitigating the climate change during the first 2 to 3 decades of the 21st century. While improving soil quality, biomass productivity and enhanced environment quality, the strategy of SOC sequestration also buys us time during which the non-carbon fuel alternatives can take effect.  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration in soils is considered to be an important option for the mitigation of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations as a result of climate change. High carbon accumulation was observed in Lei bamboo (Phyllostachys praecox) soils when using large amounts of organic material in a mulching technique. Soil samples were collected from Lei bamboo fields in a chronosequence. The composition and stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the bamboo soils was investigated by a combination of 13C CPMAS NMR analysis and with a decomposition incubation experiment in the laboratory. SOC content decreased in the first 5 years after planting of Lei bamboo from the original paddy soil and increased strongly subsequently. The stability of SOC after application of the winter mulch was higher as compared to the original paddy soil with no mulching, indicating that SOC can be stored effectively within Lei bamboo fields under intensive management.  相似文献   

This paper examines foliar nitrogen (N) levels, photosynthesis,transpiration, water use efficiency and tissue water relationsof the xylem-tapping root hemi-parasiteSantalum albumin potculture with various N2-fixing woody hosts, a non-fixing host(a eucalypt), or in the absence of a host. Foliar N concentrationsofSantalumwere significantly greater than corresponding hostsand higher when on N2-fixing hosts than on the eucalypt, orwithout a host. Strong positive relationships were evident inSantalumbetweenfoliar N concentration, rates of net photosynthesis and instantaneouswater use efficiencies. Photosynthesis rate and water use efficiencyofSantalumwere generally lower than in corresponding hosts,but transpiration rates were not noticeably different betweenassociations.  相似文献   

Minesoils are drastically influenced by anthropogenic activities. They are characterized by low soil organic matter (SOM) content, low fertility, and poor physicochemical and biological properties, limiting their quality, capability, and functions. Reclamation of these soils has potential for resequestering some of the C lost and mitigating CO2 emissions. Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration rates in minesoils are high in the first 20 to 30 years after reclamation in the top 15 cm soil depth. In general, higher rates of SOC sequestration are observed for minesoils under pasture and grassland management than under forest land use. Observed rates of SOC sequestration are 0.3 to 1.85 Mg C ha? 1 yr? 1 for pastures and rangelands, and 0.2 to 1.64 Mg C ha? 1 yr? 1 for forest land use. Proper reclamation and postreclamation management may enhance SOC sequestration and add to the economic value of the mined sites. Management practices that may enhance SOC sequestration include increasing vegetative cover by deep-rooted perennial vegetation and afforestation, improving soil fertility, and alleviation of physical, chemical and biological limitations by fertilizers and soil amendments such as biosolids, manure, coal combustion by-products, and mulches. Soil and water conservation are important to SOC sequestration. The potential of SOC sequestration in minesoils of the US is estimated to be 1.28 Tg C yr?1, compared to the emissions from coal combustion of 506 Tg C yr? 1.  相似文献   

Bioenergy Crops and Carbon Sequestration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions constitute a global problem. The need for agricultural involvement in GHG mitigation has been widely recognized since the 1990s. The concept of C sinks, C credits, and emission trading has attracted special interests in herbaceous and woody species as energy crops and source of biofuel feedstock. Bioenergy crops are defined as any plant material used to produce bioenergy. These crops have the capacity to produce large volume of biomass, high energy potential, and can be grown in marginal soils. Planting bioenergy crops in degraded soils is one of the promising agricultural options with C sequestration rates ranging from 0.6 to 3.0 Mg C ha?1 yr?1. About 60 million hectares (Mha) of land is available in the United States and 757 Mha in the world to grow bioenergy crops. With an energy offset of 1 kg of C in biomass per 0.6 kg of C in fossil fuel, there exists a vast potential of offsetting fossil fuel emission. Bioenergy crops have the potential to sequester approximately 318 Tg C yr?1 in the United States and 1631 Tg C yr?1 worldwide. Bioenergy crops consist of herbaceous bunch-type grasses and short-rotation woody perennials. Important grasses include switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), elephant grass (Pennissetum purpureum Schum.), tall fescue (Fetusca arundinacea L.), etc. Important among short-rotation woody perennials are poplar (Populus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), mesquite (Prosopis spp.), etc. The emissions of CO2 from using switchgrass as energy crop is 1.9 kg C Gj?1 compared with 13.8, 22.3, and 24.6 kg C Gj?1 from using gas, petroleum, and coal, respectively. Mitigation of GHG emissions cannot be achieved by C sinks alone, a substantial reduction in fossil fuel combustion will be necessary. Carbon sequestration and fossil fuel offset by bioenergy crops is an important component of a possible total societal response to a GHG emission reduction initiative.  相似文献   

Studies that assess the distribution of benefits provided by ecosystem services across urban areas are increasingly common. Nevertheless, current knowledge of both the supply and demand sides of ecosystem services remains limited, leaving a gap in our understanding of balance between ecosystem service supply and demand that restricts our ability to assess and manage these services. The present study seeks to fill this gap by developing and applying an integrated approach to quantifying the supply and demand of a key ecosystem service, carbon storage and sequestration, at the local level. This approach follows three basic steps: (1) quantifying and mapping service supply based upon Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) processing and allometric models, (2) quantifying and mapping demand for carbon sequestration using an indicator based on local anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and (3) mapping a supply-to-demand ratio. We illustrate this approach using a portion of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area of Minnesota, USA. Our results indicate that 1735.69 million kg carbon are stored by urban trees in our study area. Annually, 33.43 million kg carbon are sequestered by trees, whereas 3087.60 million kg carbon are emitted by human sources. Thus, carbon sequestration service provided by urban trees in the study location play a minor role in combating climate change, offsetting approximately 1% of local anthropogenic carbon emissions per year, although avoided emissions via storage in trees are substantial. Our supply-to-demand ratio map provides insight into the balance between carbon sequestration supply in urban trees and demand for such sequestration at the local level, pinpointing critical locations where higher levels of supply and demand exist. Such a ratio map could help planners and policy makers to assess and manage the supply of and demand for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Energy crops are fast-growing species whose biomass yields are dedicated to the production of more immediately usable energy forms, such as liquid fuels or electricity. Biomass-based energy sources can offset, or displace, some amount of fossil-fuel use. Energy derived from biomass provides 2 to 3% of the energy used in the U.S.A.; but, with the exception of corn-(Zea mays L.)-to-ethanol, very little energy is currently derived from dedicated energy crops. In addition to the fossil-fuel offset, energy cropping might also mitigate an accentuated greenhouse gas effect by causing a net sequestration of atmospheric C into soil organic C (SOC). Energy plantations of short-rotation woody crops (SRWC) or herbaceous crops (HC) can potentially be managed to favor SOC sequestration. This review is focused primarily on the potential to mitigate atmospheric CO2 emissions by fostering SOC sequestration in energy cropping systems deployed across the landscape in the United States. We know that land use affects the dynamics of the SOC pool, but data about spatial and temporal variability in the SOC pool under SRWC and HC are scanty due to lack of well-designed, long-term studies. The conventional methods of studying SOC fluxes involve paired-plot designs and chronosequences, but isotopic techniques may also be feasible in understanding temporal changes in SOC. The rate of accumulation of SOC depends on land-use history, soil type, vegetation type, harvesting cycle, and other management practices. The SOC pool tends to be enhanced more under deep-rooted grasses, N-fixers, and deciduous species. Carbon sequestration into recalcitrant forms in the SOC pool can be enhanced with some management practices (e.g., conservation tillage, fertilization, irrigation); but those practices can carry a fossil-C cost. Reported rates of SOC sequestration range from 0 to 1.6 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 under SRWC and 0 to 3 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 under HC. Production of 5 EJ of electricity from energy crops—a perhaps reasonable scenario for the U.S.A.—would require about 60 Mha. That amount of land is potentially available for conversion to energy plantations in the U.S.A. The land so managed could mitigate C emissions (through fossil C not emitted and SOC sequestered) by about 5.4 Mg C ha?1 yr?1. On 60 Mha, that would represent 324 Tg C yr?1—a 20% reduction from current fossil-fuel CO2 emissions. Advances in productivity of fast-growing SRWC and HC species suggest that deployment of energy cropping systems could be an effective strategy to reduce climate-altering effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and to meet global policy commitments.  相似文献   

It is generally predicted that global warming will stimulate primary production and lead to more carbon (C) inputs to soil. However, many studies have found that soil C does not necessarily increase with increased plant litter input. Precipitation has increased in arid central Asia, and is predicted to increase more, so we tested the effects of adding fresh organic matter (FOM) and water on soil C sequestration in an arid region in northwest China. The results suggested that added FOM quickly decomposed and had minor effects on the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to a depth of 30 cm. Both FOM and water addition had significant effects on the soil microbial biomass. The soil microbial biomass increased with added FOM, reached a maximum, and then declined as the FOM decomposed. The FOM had a more significant stimulating effect on microbial biomass with water addition. Under the soil moisture ranges used in this experiment (21.0%–29.7%), FOM input was more important than water addition in the soil C mineralization process. We concluded that short-term FOM input into the belowground soil and water addition do not affect the SOC pool in shrubland in an arid region.  相似文献   

Forests with nitrogen-fixing trees (N–fixers) typically accumulate more carbon (C) in soils than similar forests without N–fixing trees. This difference may develop from fundamentally different processes, with either greater accumulation of recently fixed C or reduced decomposition of older soil C. We compared the soil C pools under N–fixers with Eucalyptus (non–N–fixers) at four tropical sites: two sites on Andisol soils in Hawaii and two sites on Vertisol and Entisol soils in Puerto Rico. Using stable carbon isotope techniques, we tracked the loss of the old soil organic C from the previous C4 land use (SOC4) and the gain of new soil organic C from the C3, N–fixer, and non–N–fixer plantations (SOC3). Soils beneath N–fixing trees sequestered 0.11 ± 0.07 kg m−2 y−1 (mean ± one standard error) of total soil organic carbon (SOCT) compared with no change under Eucalyptus (0.00 ± 0.07 kg m−2 y−1; P = 0.02). About 55% of the greater SOCT sequestration under the N–fixers resulted from greater retention of old SOC4, and 45% resulted from greater accretion of new SOC3. Soil N accretion under the N–fixers explained 62% of the variability of the greater retention of old SOC4 under the N–fixers. The greater retention of older soil C under N–fixing trees is a novel finding and may be important for strategies that use reforestation or afforestation to offset C emissions. Received 12 March 2001; accepted 5 October 2001.  相似文献   

Elephant and fire are considered to be among the most important agents that can modify the African savanna ecosystem. Although the synergistic relationship between these two key ecological drivers is well documented, it has proved much more difficult to establish the relative effects they have on savanna vegetation structure at a fine-scale over time. In this study, we explore the comparative impacts of fire and elephant on 2,522 individually identified large trees (≥5 m in height) in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Data were collected from 21 transects first surveyed in April 2006 and resurveyed in November 2008, to determine the relative importance of past damage by these agents on subsequent impacts and mortality. The occurrence of fire or elephant damage in 2006 affected the amount of tree volume subsequently removed by both these agents; elephant removed more tree volume from previously burned trees and the impact of subsequent fire was higher on previously burned or elephant-utilized trees than on undamaged trees. Mortality was also affected by an interaction between previous and recent damage, as the probability of mortality was highest for trees that suffered from fire or elephant utilization after being pushed over. Subsequent fire damage, but not elephant utilization, on debarked trees also increased the probability of mortality. Mortality was twice (4.6% per annum) that of trees progressing into the ≥5 m height class, suggesting an overall decline in large tree density during the 30-month study period. The responses of large trees were species and landscape-specific in terms of sensitivity to elephant and fire impacts, as well as for levels of mortality and progression into the ≥5 m height class. These results emphasize the need for fine-scale site-specific knowledge for effective landscape level understanding of savanna dynamics.  相似文献   

生物固碳途径研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
生物固碳是地球碳循环过程的重要组成部分。自然界已经发现了六条天然生物固碳途径,但自然途径不仅能量利用效率低下,而且人工改造提升固碳效率难度大。随着合成生物学的发展,新的人工固碳途径不断涌现。相对于天然途径,人工固碳途径具有路线短、耗能少、原子经济性高等优点,有望在不久的将来能够替代天然固碳途径,实现固碳效率的大幅提高,是解决人类能源与环境问题的有效途径之一。主要总结了天然固碳途径和人工固碳途径的代谢原理和关键固碳酶的酶学特征,并对未来发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

A multi-compartment model was developed to summarize existing data and predict soil carbon sequestration beneath switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) in the southeastern USA. Soil carbon sequestration is an important part of sustainable switchgrass production for bioenergy because soil organic matter promotes water retention, nutrient supply, and soil properties that minimize erosion. A literature review was undertaken for the purpose of model parameterization. A sensitivity analysis of the model indicated that predictions of soil carbon sequestration were affected most by changes in aboveground biomass production, the ratio of belowground-to-aboveground biomass production, and mean annual temperature. Simulations indicated that the annual rate of soil carbon sequestration approached steady state after a decade of switchgrass growth while predicted mineral soil carbon stocks were still increasing. A model-based experiment was performed to predict rates of soil carbon sequestration at different levels of nitrogen fertilization and initial soil carbon stocks (to a 30-cm depth). At a mean annual temperature of 13°C, the predicted rate of soil carbon sequestration varied from ?28 to 114?g?C?m?2?year?1 (after 30?years) and was greater than zero in 11 of 12 simulations that varied initial surface soil carbon stocks from 1 to 5?kg?C?m?2 and nitrogen fertilization from 0 to 18?g?N?m?2?year?1. The modeling indicated that more research is needed on the process of biomass allocation and on nitrogen loss from mature plantations, respectively, to improve our understanding of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in switchgrass agriculture.  相似文献   

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