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Bennett  Elena M. 《Ecosystems》2017,20(1):31-37
Ecosystems - How are ecosystem services conceptualized, analyzed, and forecast into the future? How can ecosystem service science be advanced to improve environmental decision-making at all scales?...  相似文献   

Humans are primary drivers of declining abundances and extirpation of large carnivores worldwide. Management interventions to restore biodiversity patterns, however, include carnivore reintroductions, despite the many unresolved ecological consequences associated with such efforts. Using multistate capture–mark–recapture models, we explored age‐specific survival and cause‐specific mortality rates for 134 pumas (Puma concolor) monitored in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem during gray wolf (Canis lupus) recovery. We identified two top models explaining differences in puma survivorship, and our results suggested three management interventions (unsustainable puma hunting, reduction in a primary prey, and reintroduction of a dominant competitor) have unintentionally impacted puma survival. Specifically, puma survival across age classes was lower in the 6‐month hunting season than the 6‐month nonhunting season; human‐caused mortality rates for juveniles and adults, and predation rates on puma kittens, were higher in the hunting season. Predation on puma kittens, and starvation rates for all pumas, also increased as managers reduced elk (Cervus elaphus) abundance in the system, highlighting direct and indirect effects of competition between recovering wolves and pumas over prey. Our results emphasize the importance of understanding the synergistic effects of existing management strategies and the recovery of large, dominant carnivores to effectively conserve subordinate, hunted carnivores in human‐dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

This article briefly discusses the evolution of ecosystem approaches, and illustrates the use of ecosystem approaches to assess human health and well-being in a mining context. It discusses the various elements that help distinguish such approaches from other approaches. Well-being here is understood broadly in terms of its “constituents” and “determinants,” of which health is an important constituent. Ecological, health, and social assessments highlighted a number of impacts from mining activity in Goa, India. These generated a list of issues of concern that were validated by stakeholders—community, industry, and government—which served as a basis for the development of tools to track mining-induced changes in health and well-being. The article concludes by reflecting on some of the challenges posed by the use of ecosystem approaches to assessing human health and well-being.  相似文献   

It is natural to study astronomy outdoors, but it is not quite as natural to study astronomy during the daytime. This lesson uses the Earth's closest star as a subject of study within the schoolyard. The importance of the rising sun is combined with hands-on inquiry in which students explore the properties of shadows. Students (a) complete a modified Know and Need to Know (KNK) chart about shadows, (b) complete task cards to help direct their inquiry, (c) develop two rules about shadows and the sun, and (d) reflect upon the experience through a writing assignment.  相似文献   

A survey of recent publications in behavioural biology suggests that research in this field often lacks a formal approach linking theory and empiricism, which implies that there is scope for improvement. Frequently, hypotheses guiding empirical work are merely based on plausibility arguments, which is not necessarily wrong and may be useful especially at the early stages of an investigation. Behavioural studies based on a theoretical framework usually test qualitative predictions from a general model either with data from natural situations or by experimental scrutiny. Rarely, a quantitative approach is used where a model is parameterized by existing data and therefore generates precise, testable predictions. In general, there is a lack of awareness that much more is to be learnt from a mismatch between predictions and data than from accordance. The latter is prone to cause the ‘pseudo‐proof fallacy’, which is widespread in behavioural ecology. Behavioural physiology, on the other hand, often suffers a lack of proper theoretical models. Much can be gained in both fields if empiricists and theoreticians collaborate more closely towards the ultimate aim – to unravel the mechanisms of behaviour at both, ultimate and proximate levels.  相似文献   

Foxes in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are reported to show high frequencies of blonde and gray coat colors. A survey of park sighting records showed that the frequency of the novel coat colors significantly increases at elevations greater than 2300 m, suggesting some form of elevational isolation. We evaluated the degree of genetic separation between the high-elevation foxes (>2300 m) and contiguous populations of foxes at mid-elevations (1600–2300m). Low-elevation (>1600 m) foxes from North Dakota, >1000 km straight line distance from our populations, were used as a control group. We genotyped 15 high-elevation, 15 mid-elevation, and 10 low-elevation foxes at 10 microsatellite loci each. Heterozygosity was significantly lower in both the high-elevation and mid-elevation populations compared to the low-elevation foxes. The genetic differentiation was significantly greater between the high-elevation and mid-elevation foxes than between the mid-elevation and low-elevation foxes. Similarly, estimates of RST and FST suggest less gene flow occurs between the contiguous high- and mid-elevation fox populations than between the mid- and low-elevation fox populations separated by > 1000 km. The assignment test further supports this hypothesis. Although further work is needed, we suggest that the high-elevation foxes are remnant populations from the Wisconsin glaciation and should be managed as a unique population.  相似文献   

This review describes recent advances in the analysis of metabolism using quantitative genetics. It focuses on how recent metabolic quantitative trait loci (QTL) studies enhance our understanding of the genetic architecture underlying naturally variable phenotypes and the impact of this fundamental research on agriculture, specifically crop breeding. In particular, the role of whole-genome duplications in generating quantitative genetic variation within a species is highlighted and the potential uses of this phenomenon presented. Additionally, the review describes how new observations from metabolic QTL mapping analyses are helping to shape and expand the concepts of genetic epistasis.  相似文献   

A quintessential urban estuary is the lower Passaic River in northeastern New Jersey, USA. This system is environmentally degraded and its ecosystem is functionally limited. Birds in this river are of particular interest for ecological assessment and environmental management because they are conspicuous, ecologically important, and their habitat requirements encompass the full range of ecosystems associated with the estuary. In this article, we present the results of a 1-year seasonal bird survey of the lower 6 miles of the Passaic River. We contrast our survey results with those from other waterways in the region that have stressor issues similar to the Passaic (i.e., contaminants, pathogens, physical disturbance, etc.), but which have substantially more wetlands habitat available for birds (i.e., fewer habitat constraints). Our objective was to evaluate the influence of habitat availability or constraints on bird use in such systems. The results of our survey and comparison to conditions of other regional waterways demonstrate that the lack of wetland and associated shoreline habitat in the lower Passaic River is likely the primary constraint on bird use of the system. Future investigations of individual stressors in this region should identify the habitat constraints in the decision matrix for judging management options.  相似文献   

Species diversity is important for a range of ecosystem processes and properties, including the resistance to single and multiple stressors. It has been suggested that genetic diversity may play a similar role, but empirical evidence is still relatively scarce. Here, we report the results of a microcosm experiment where four strains of the marine diatom Skeletonema marinoi were grown in monoculture and in mixture under a factorial combination of temperature and salinity stress. The strains differed in their susceptibility to the two stressors and no strain was able to survive both stressors simultaneously. Strong competition between the genotypes resulted in the dominance of one strain under both control and salinity stress conditions. The overall productivity of the mixture, however, was not related to the dominance of this strain, but was instead dependent on the treatment; under control conditions we observed a positive effect of genetic richness, whereas a negative effect was observed in the stress treatments. This suggests that interactions among the strains can be both positive and negative, depending on the abiotic environment. Our results provide additional evidence that the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship is also relevant at the level of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Ecosystem scientists will increasingly be called on to inform forecasts and define uncertainty about how changing planet conditions affect human well-being. We should be prepared to leverage the best tools available, including big data. Use of the term ‘big data’ implies an approach that includes capacity to aggregate, search, cross-reference, and mine large volumes of data to generate new understanding that can inform decision-making about emergent properties of complex systems. Although big-data approaches are not a panacea, there are large-scale environmental questions for which big data are well suited, even necessary. Ecosystems are complex biophysical systems that are not easily defined by any one data type, location, or time. Understanding complex ecosystem properties is data intensive along axes of volume (size of data), velocity (frequency of data), and variety (diversity of data types). Ecosystem scientists have employed impressive technology for generating high-frequency, large-volume data streams. Yet important challenges remain in both theoretical and infrastructural development to support visualization and analysis of large and diverse data. The way forward includes greater support for network science approaches, and for development of big-data infrastructure that includes capacity for visualization and analysis of integrated data products. Likewise, a new paradigm of cross-disciplinary training and professional evaluation is needed to increase the human capital to fully exploit big-data analytics in a way that is sustainable and adaptable to emerging disciplinary needs.  相似文献   

Gene expression data, in conjunction with information on genetic variants, have enabled studies to identify expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) or polymorphic locations in the genome that are associated with expression levels. Moreover, recent technological developments and cost decreases have further enabled studies to collect expression data in multiple tissues. One advantage of multiple tissue datasets is that studies can combine results from different tissues to identify eQTLs more accurately than examining each tissue separately. The idea of aggregating results of multiple tissues is closely related to the idea of meta-analysis which aggregates results of multiple genome-wide association studies to improve the power to detect associations. In principle, meta-analysis methods can be used to combine results from multiple tissues. However, eQTLs may have effects in only a single tissue, in all tissues, or in a subset of tissues with possibly different effect sizes. This heterogeneity in terms of effects across multiple tissues presents a key challenge to detect eQTLs. In this paper, we develop a framework that leverages two popular meta-analysis methods that address effect size heterogeneity to detect eQTLs across multiple tissues. We show by using simulations and multiple tissue data from mouse that our approach detects many eQTLs undetected by traditional eQTL methods. Additionally, our method provides an interpretation framework that accurately predicts whether an eQTL has an effect in a particular tissue.  相似文献   

A technique for proteasome isolation from the rat liver has been developed, which allows isolation of a 26S proteasome fraction free from 20S proteasome admixture. The technique includes consecutive stages of protein fractionation by precipitation with different concentrations of ammonium sulfate, gel filtration on Sepharose 2B, and ultracentrifugation.  相似文献   

Effective conservation and management of primates depend on our ability to accurately assess and monitor populations through research. Camera traps are proving to be useful tools for studying a variety of primate species, in diverse and often difficult habitats. Here, we discuss the use of camera traps in primatology to survey rare species, assess populations, and record behavior. We also discuss methodological considerations for primate studies, including camera trap research design, inherent biases, and some limitations of camera traps. We encourage other primatologists to use transparent and standardized methods, and when appropriate to consider using occupancy framework to account for imperfect detection, and complementary techniques, e.g., transect counts, interviews, behavioral observation, to ensure accuracy of data interpretation. In addition, we address the conservation implications of camera trapping, such as using data to inform industry, garner public support, and contributing photos to large-scale habitat monitoring projects. Camera trap studies such as these are sure to advance research and conservation of primate species. Finally, we provide commentary on the ethical considerations, e.g., photographs of humans and illegal activity, of using camera traps in primate research. We believe ethical considerations will be particularly important in future primate studies, although this topic has not previously been addressed for camera trap use in primatology or any wildlife species.  相似文献   

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