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The variable domain V3 in the outer glycoprotein gp 120 of HIV-1 is a highly important region with respect to immune response during the course of viral infection. Neutralizing antibodies are produced against this domain; in addition, it has been shown to be a functionally active epitope for T helper and cytotoxic T cells. The high degree of amino acid variability in individual HIV-isolates, however, limits the use of the V3-domain in approaches to vaccine development. In order to characterize the residues important for antibody interaction and binding to MHC class I proteins, we constructed a consensus sequence of the V3-domain with broad reactivity [1] and used synthetic peptides derived from this consensus with individual residues altered to alanine. These peptides were used as antigens in ELISA tests to define the amino acids which are important for binding to human and rabbit/anti-peptide immunoglobulins. In addition, we used these alanine-derived peptides in interaction studies with human HLA-A2.1 and mouse H-2Dd by testing their capacity to stabilize the respective MHC class I protein complexes on the surface of mutant cell lines T2 and RMA-S transfected with Dd gene. The experimental tests allowed us to define individual residues involved in antibody and MHC-protein interaction, respectively. In a further approach, we used those results to design interaction models with HLA-A2.1 and H-2Dd. Therefore, a structural model for H-2Dd was built that exhibits an overall similar conformation to the parental crystal structure of HLA-A2.1. The resulting interaction models show V3-peptide bound in an extended β-conformation with a bulge in its centre for both H-2Dd and HLA-A2.1 complexes. The N- and C-termini of V3 peptide reside in conserved pockets within both MHC-proteins. Anchoring residues could be determined that are crucial for the binding of the respective MHC class I haplotype. The cross-reactivity of V3-peptide in enhancing the expression of two different MHC class I molecules (H-2Dd and HLA-A2.1) is shown to be based on similar peptide binding that induces an almost identical peptide conformation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The third hypervariable (V3) loop of HIV-1 gp120 has been termed the principal neutralizing determinant (PND) of the virus and is involved in many aspects of virus infectivity. The V3 loop is required for viral entry into the cell via membrane fusion and is believed to interact with cell surface chemokine receptors on T cells and macrophages. Sequence changes in V3 can affect chemokine receptor usage, and can, therefore, modulate which types of cells are infected. Antibodies raised against peptides with V3 sequences can neutralize laboratory-adapted strains of the virus and inhibit syncytia formation. Fab fragments of these neutralizing antibodies in complex with V3 loop peptides have been studied by X-ray crystallography to determine the conformation of the V3 loop. RESULTS: We have determined three crystal structures of Fab 58.2, a broadly neutralizing antibody, in complex with one linear and two cyclic peptides the amino acid sequence of which comes from the MN isolate of the gp120 V3 loop. Although the peptide conformations are very similar for the linear and cyclic forms, they differ from that seen for the identical peptide bound to a different broadly neutralizing antibody, Fab 59.1, and for a similar peptide bound to the MN-specific Fab 50.1. The conformational difference in the peptide is localized around residues Gly-Pro-Gly-Arg, which are highly conserved in different HIV-1 isolates and are predicted to adopt a type II beta turn. CONCLUSIONS: The V3 loop can adopt at least two different conformations for the highly conserved Gly-Pro-Gly-Arg sequence at the tip of the loop. Thus, the HIV-1 V3 loop has some inherent conformational flexibility that may relate to its biological function.  相似文献   

An effective HIV-1 vaccine probably will need to be able to induce broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies (bNAbs) in order to be efficacious. The many bNAbs that have been isolated from HIV-1 infected patients illustrate that the human immune system is able to elicit this type of antibodies. The elucidation of the structure of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer has further fueled the search for Env immunogens that induce bNAbs, but while native Env trimer mimetics are often capable of inducing strain-specific neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against the parental virus, they have not yet induced potent bNAb responses. To improve the performance of Env trimer immunogens, researchers have studied the immune responses that Env trimers have induced in animals; they have evaluated how to best use Env trimers in various immunization regimens; and they have engineered increasingly stabilized Env trimer variants. Here, we review the different approaches that have been used to increase the stability of HIV-1 Env trimer immunogens with the aim of improving the induction of NAbs. In particular, we draw parallels between the various approaches to stabilize Env trimers and ones that have been used by nature in extremophile microorganisms in order to survive in extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

SPC3 is a multibranched peptide containing eight identical GPGRAF motifs which are derived from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 gp120 V3 loop consensus sequence. This molecule was reported to prevent the infection of CD4+ cells by various HIV-1 and HIV-2 strains. However, the molecular mode of action of SPC3 remains unclear. Here, we investigated the possibility that SPC3 could interact with alpha/beta-chemokine receptors following observations that, first, the V3 loop is likely to be involved in alpha/beta-chemokine receptor-dependent HIV entry and, second, natural ligands of these receptors are potent inhibitors of cell infection. To address this point, we examined the effects of SPC3 on Xenopus oocytes either uninjected or expressing exogenous human CXCR4 alpha-chemokine receptors. Extracellular applications of micromolar concentrations of SPC3 onto Xenopus oocytes trigger potent inward chloride currents which can be inhibited by increasing extracellular Ca2+ concentration. This effect can be blocked by chloride channel antagonists and is highly specific to SPC3 as it is not triggered by structural analogs of SPC3. The SPC3-induced chloride conductance in oocytes is alpha/beta-chemokine receptor dependent because: (i) SPC3 alters the sensitivity of this channel to external applications of human recombinant MIP-1alpha, a natural ligand of human CCR5 receptor, and (ii) the amplitude of the inward current could be increased by the expression of exogenous human CXCR4 chemokine receptor. The effect of SPC3 appears to rely on the activation of a phospholipase A2 signaling pathway, but is not affected by changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, or by alterations in Gi/Go protein, adenylate cyclase, phospholipase C or protein kinase C activity. Altogether, the data indicate that SPC3 is capable of activating a surface alpha/beta-chemokine-like receptor-mediated signaling pathway in competent cells, thereby triggering, either directly or indirectly, a Ca2+-inactivated chloride conductance.  相似文献   

The model describing the structure and conformational preferences of the HIV-Haiti V3 loop in the geometric spaces of Cartesian coordinates and dihedral angles was generated in terms of NMR spectroscopy data published in literature. To this end, the following successive steps were put into effect: (i) the NMR-based 3D structure for the HIV-Haiti V3 loop in water was built by computer modeling methods; (ii) the conformations of its irregular segments were analyzed and the secondary structure elements identified; and (iii) to reveal a common structural motifs in the HIV-Haiti V3 loop regardless of its environment variability, the simulated structure was collated with the one deciphered previously for the HIV-Haiti V3 loop in a water/trifluoroethanol (TFE) mixed solvent. As a result, the HIV-Haiti V3 loop was found to offer the highly variable fragment of gp120 sensitive to its environment whose changes trigger the large-scale structural rearrangements, bringing in substantial altering the secondary and tertiary structures of this functionally important site of the virus envelope. In spite of this fact, over half of amino acid residues that reside, for the most part, in the functionally important regions of the gp120 protein and may present promising targets for AIDS drug researches, were shown to preserve their conformational states in the structures under review. In particular, the register of these amino acids holds Asn-25 that is critical for the virus binding with primary cell receptor CD4 as well as Arg-3 that is critical for utilization of CCR5 co-receptor and heparan sulfate proteoglycans. The conservative structural motif embracing one of the potential sites of the gp120 N-linked glycosylation was detected, which seems to be a promising target for the HIV-1 drug design. The implications are discussed in conjunction with the literature data on the biological activity of the individual amino acids for the HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop.  相似文献   

Several porphyrin derivatives were reported to have anti-HIV-1 activity. Among them, meso-teta(4-carboxyphenyl)porphine (MYCPP) and other carboxyphenyl derivatives were the most potent inhibitors (EC50 < 0.7 μM). MTCPP bound to the HIV-1 enveloope glycoprotein gp120 and to full-length V3 loop peptides corresponding to several HIV-1 isolates but not to other peptides from gp120+gp41. However, it remained possible that MTCPP bound to HIV-1 envelop glycoprotein gp120 and to full-length V3 loop peptides corresponding to several HIV-1 isolates but not to other peptides from gp120+gp41. However, it remained possible that MTCPP bound to regions on gp120 which cannot be mimicked by peptides. Further characterization of the binding domain for MTCPP is important for understanding the antiviral activity of porphyrins and for the design of anit-HIV-1 drugs interfering with functions of the virus envelope. Results presented here show that: (i) deletion of the V3 loop from the gp120 sequence resulted in drastically diminished MTCPP binding, suggesting that the V3 loop is the dominant if not the only target site on gp120; (ii) this site was only partially mimicked by full-length V3 loop peptides; (iii) MTCPP binding to the gp120 V3 loop elicited allosteric effects resulting in decreased accessibility of the CD4 receptor binding site; (iv) the binding site for MTCPP lies within the central portion of the V3 loop (KSIHIGPGRAFY for the HIV-1 subtype B consensus sequence) and does not involve directly the GPG apex of the loop. These results may help in designing antiviral compounds with improved activity.  相似文献   

The V1/V2 region and the V3 loop of the human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) envelope (Env) protein are targets for neutralizing antibodies and also play an important functional role, with the V3 loop largely determining whether a virus uses CCR5 (R5), CXCR4 (X4), or either coreceptor (R5X4) to infect cells. While the sequence of V3 is variable, its length is highly conserved. Structural studies indicate that V3 length may be important for interactions with the extracellular loops of the coreceptor. Consistent with this view, genetic truncation of the V3 loop is typically associated with loss of Env function. We removed approximately one-half of the V3 loop from three different HIV-1 strains, and found that only the Env protein from the R5X4 strain R3A retained some fusion activity. Loss of V1/V2 (DeltaV1/V2) was well tolerated by this virus. Passaging of virus with the truncated V3 loop resulted in the derivation of a virus strain that replicated with wild-type kinetics. This virus, termed TA1, retained the V3 loop truncation and acquired several adaptive changes in gp120 and gp41. TA1 could use CCR5 but not CXCR4 to infect cells, and was extremely sensitive to neutralization by HIV-1 positive human sera, and by antibodies to the CD4 binding site and to CD4-induced epitopes in the bridging sheet region of gp120. In addition, TA1 was completely resistant to CCR5 inhibitors, and was more dependent upon the N-terminal domain of CCR5, a region of the receptor that is thought to contact the bridging sheet of gp120 and the base of the V3 loop, and whose conformation may not be greatly affected by CCR5 inhibitors. These studies suggest that the V3 loop protects HIV from neutralization by antibodies prevalent in infected humans, that CCR5 inhibitors likely act by disrupting interactions between the V3 loop and the coreceptor, and that altered use of CCR5 by HIV-1 associated with increased sensitivity to changes in the N-terminal domain can be linked to high levels of resistance to these antiviral compounds.  相似文献   

We report the 2.7 A resolution structure of a chimeric rhinovirus, MN-III-2, that displays part of the HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop and elicits HIV-neutralizing antibodies. The V3 loop insert is dominated by two type I beta turns. The structures of two adjacent tripeptides resemble those of analogous segments in three Fab/V3 loop peptide complexes. Although two of the three corresponding antibodies bind and neutralize MN-III-2 well, only one of the three can bind without significant rearrangement. These results suggest that the V3 loop insert: (1) can share some local conformational similarity to V3 loop sequences presented on different structural frameworks; (2) must be able to adopt multiple conformations, even in a relatively constrained environment; and (3) may mimic the conformational variability of the epitope on HIV-1, increasing the likelihood of eliciting appropriate neutralizing immune responses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure of the V3 loop of the HIV-1 gp120 molecule at the atomic level. The total energy of each member of the antibody-complexed 16-mer V3 conformer data set of Sharon et al. (PDB 1NJ0) was determined by the Hartree–Fock-self-consistent field (HF-SCF) method and with the GROMOS96 force field. There was no correlation between the results of the classical GROMOS96 force field analysis and the ab initio HF-SCF quantum mechanical analysis of the energy of the V3-loop-peptide conformers. HF-SCF optimization (AM1) of conformer geometries yielded structures in which HIS315 is displaced from its original position in the combining site of human antibody fragment 447-52D, but with the hairpin turn intact. The hairpin shape of the V3 loop remained detectable, albeit distorted, even with perturbation by a lithium dicationic electrostatic force field and by substitution of the PRO320 at the crown of the V3 hairpin by a GLY. These data suggest that the hairpin conformation is at least partially stable to long-range electrostatic perturbations, either with or without PRO in the tip of the crown of the V3-hairpin loop. Figure Molecular geometry of HIV-1 V3 conformer model 5 and a GLY320 substituted model 5. Space-filling models were obtained with ViewMol3D [Sharon et al. (2002) PDB 1NJ0]). Red=oxygen, blue=nitrogen, black=carbon, white=hydrogen and purple=lithium. End-to-end distance (D) was obtained with ViewMol3D and is in Ångströms. Geometry optimized GLY320 Model 5, D=4.74 ÅThis revised version was published online in October 2004 with corrections to the Graphical Abstract.  相似文献   

To identify structural constraints and amino acid sequences important for antibody recognition of the third variable domain (V3) of HIV-1 gp120, we have studied the solution conformation of three 35-mer circular V3 loop peptides derived from HIV-1 strains which differ in syncytium- (SI) and non-syncytium-inducing (NSI) capacity. In addition to 2D NMR and CD analyses, fluid- and solid-phase immunoassays were performed using V3-specific antibodies to V3 peptides and gp120 derived from different strains of HIV-1. NMR and CD spectroscopy indicated that circular and linear V3 loops exist in water as a dynamic ensemble of multiple conformations. Amino acid substitutions and biochemical modifications of the V3 loop were found to affect antibody binding depending on the presentation of the antigens. From NMR observations and immunological experiments, we provide evidence for a V3 loop specific monoclonal antibody interaction which is directed predominantly against linear epitopes rather than against discontinuous epitopes. The absence of a single defined solution conformation of 35-mer circular V3 peptides should be taken into account when using V3-related peptides to investigate structural elements in the V3 domain of the gp120 envelope protein of HIV-1 involved in biological processes of the virus.  相似文献   

The V3 epitope is a known target for HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies (NAbs), and V3-scaffold fusion proteins used as boosting immunogens after gp120 DNA priming were previously shown to induce NAbs in rabbits. Here, we evaluated whether the breadth and potency of the NAb response could be improved when boosted with rationally designed V3-scaffold immunogens. Rabbits were primed with codon-optimized clade C gp120 DNA and boosted with one of five V3-cholera toxin B fusion proteins (V3-CTBs) or with double combinations of these. The inserts in these immunogens were designed to display V3 epitopes shared by the majority of global HIV-1 isolates. Double combinations of V3-CTB immunogens generally induced more broad and potent NAbs than did boosts with single V3-CTB immunogens, with the most potent and broad NAbs elicited with the V3-CTB carrying the consensus V3 of clade C (V3(C)-CTB), or with double combinations of V3-CTB immunogens that included V3(C)-CTB. Neutralization of tier 1 and 2 pseudoviruses from clades AG, B, and C and of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC)-grown primary viruses from clades A, AG, and B was achieved, demonstrating that priming with gp120 DNA followed by boosts with V3-scaffold immunogens effectively elicits cross-clade NAbs. Focusing on the V3 region is a first step in designing a vaccine targeting protective epitopes, a strategy with potential advantages over the use of Env, a molecule that evolved to protect the virus by poorly inducing NAbs and by shielding the epitopes that are most critical for infectivity.  相似文献   

Antibody PG9 is a prototypical member of a class of V1/V2-directed antibodies that effectively neutralizes diverse strains of HIV-1. We analyzed strain-specific resistance to PG9 using sequence and structural information. For multiply resistant strains, mutations in a short segment of V1/V2 resulted in gain of sensitivity to PG9 and related V1/V2 neutralizing antibodies, suggesting both a common mechanism of HIV-1 resistance to and a common mode of recognition by this class of antibodies.  相似文献   

Abstract Rabbit antibodies were induced against a free cyclic peptide representing the chimeric sequence of a consensus V3 loop of HIV-1 gp120. The reactivity of these antibodies was tested in a biosensor system (BIAcore, Pharmacia AB, Uppsala, Sweden) and in ELISA with the peptide immunogen in its cyclic and linear forms, as well as with peptides corresponding to the V3 region of different HIV-1 variants. The antibodies reacted with all the peptides tested both in ELISA and in biosensor assays and recognized the cyclic form of the chimeric peptide better than the linear form. Although antibodies raised against the V3 region of particular HIV-1 variants cross-react with other HIV-1 strains, it seems that the use of a chimeric peptide as immunogen improved the cross-reactivity spectrum of recognition of the antibodies. The anti-V3 antibodies were also tested for their ability to neutralize in vitro four HIV-1 laboratory strains. Only the HIVMN variant was found to be neutralized. Compared to conventional solid phase immunoassays, the BIAcore presents several advantages for measuring the differential reactivity of peptide analogues. In view of their broadly cross-reactive potential, antibodies raised against a consensus sequence should be useful in immunodiagnosis of viral antigenic variants.  相似文献   

The humoral response to HIV-1 infection has been demonstrated by a variety of immunoassays utilizing viral proteins. While several assays detect HIV-1 infection with high sensitivity and great specificity, little progress has been made to develop immunoassays correlative with disease progression and viral transmission. Antibodies toward the V3 domain of HIV-1 envelope can prevent virus infection and block virus-mediated cell fusion in vitro. Such properties may be critical to the course of the disease. Furthermore, understanding the role of neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 during infection in humans and generating biologically relevant neutralizing antibodies are paramount to developing an efficacious AIDS vaccine. In this study we explored peptide binding and neutralization assays and their relation to predicting disease progression and viral transmission. Biologically relevant polyclonal and monoclonal neutralizing antibodies that were derived from natural HIV-1 infection of humans, experimental infections of chimpanzees, and viral envelope protein peptide immunizations were characterized. Comparison of V3-specific monoclonal antibodies by antigen-limited ELISA and a quantitative HIV-1 neutralization assay demonstrated a less than optimal predictive relationship between binding and neutralization potency. On the other hand, polyclonal sera from goats immunized with V3-specific peptides derived from three different HIV-1 strains, as well as sera from other HIV-1-infected individuals demonstrated correlation between binding affinity and neutralization.  相似文献   

Preventing cell entry of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is of interest for the development of innovative therapies. We previously reported a specific interaction between HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein 120 (gp120) and Tat at the cell surface, which enhances virus attachment and entry. We also identified a gp120-mimicking peptide, CT319, that competes with gp120 for Tat binding, thus inhibiting HIV-1 infection. Here we report a molecular dissection of gp120 regions involved in this mechanism. Our findings identify the V1/V2 loop of gp120 as involved in Tat binding, and define this interaction as functionally relevant for HIV-1 entry into host cells.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) envelope glycoprotein (GP) 120 interacts with CD4 and the CCR5 coreceptor for viral entry. The V3 loop in GP120 is a crucial region for determining coreceptor usage during viral entry, and a variety of amino acid substitutions has been observed in clinical isolates. To construct an HIV-1 V3 loop library, we chose 10 amino acid positions in the V3 loop and incorporated random combinations (27,648 possibilities) of the amino acid substitutions derived from 31 R5 viruses into the V3 loop of HIV-1(JR-FL) proviral DNA. The constructed HIV-1 library contained 6.6 x 10(6) independent clones containing a set of 0-10 amino acid substitutions in the V3 loop. To address whether restricted steric alteration in the V3 loop could confer resistance to an entry inhibitor, TAK-779, we selected entry inhibitor-resistant HIV-1 by increasing the concentration of TAK-779 from 0.10 to 0.30 microM in PM1-CCR5 cells with high expression of CCR5. The selected viruses at passage 8 contained five amino acid substitutions in the V3 loop without any other mutations in GP120 and showed 15-fold resistance compared with the parental virus. These results indicated that a certain structure of the V3 loop containing amino acid substitutions derived from 31 R5 viruses can contribute to the acquisition of resistance to entry inhibitors binding to CCR5. Taken together, this type of HIV-1 V3 loop library is useful for isolating and analyzing the specific biological features of HIV-1 with respect to alterations of the V3 loop structure.  相似文献   

The broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibody 2G12 binds to a carbohydrate-dependent epitope involving three major potential N-linked glycosylation sites (PNGS) of gp120 (N295, N332, and N392). Through analysis of the sensitivity to 2G12 of pseudotyped viruses carrying envelope proteins from HIV-1 clade B-infected long-term nonprogressors, we selected two naturally occurring env clones with opposite sensitivities to 2G12, albeit harboring the 3 particular PNGS known to be essential for 2G12 binding (N295, N332, and N392). The resistant clone presented a long and potentially heavily glycosylated V1V2 loop and an additional PNGS (N302) in the V3 loop. The sensitive clone harbored a short V1V2 loop and lacked the PNGS at N302. We created chimeric envelope genes by swapping the V1V2 domains of the two env clones. The influence of N302 on 2G12 sensitivity was assessed by PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis. Both the exchange of the V1V2 domain and the introduction of the PNGS at N302 on the 2G12-sensitive clone induced a significant decrease in sensitivity to 2G12. In contrast, the reverse V1V2 exchange and the removal of the PNGS at N302 on the 2G12-resistant clone increased sensitivity to 2G12, confirming the influence of these regions on 2G12 sensitivity. Our results, supported by a molecular-modeling study, suggest that both the V1V2 loop and an additional PNGS in V3 might limit access to the 2G12 epitope.  相似文献   

An immunogenic sequence from the V3 loop of the MN isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), His-Ile-Gly-Pro-Gly-Arg-Ala-Phe, was transplanted onto a surface loop of the VP2 capsid protein of human rhinovirus 14. To optimize for virus viability and immunogenicity of the transplanted sequence, the HIV sequence was flanked by (1) a cysteine residue that could form a disulfide bond and (2) randomized amino acids (in either of two arrangements) to generate numerous presentations of the Cys-Cys loop. The location for engineering in VP2 was chosen by searching the geometries of disulfide-bound loops in known protein structures. A model for the structure of the transplanted V3 loop sequence was developed using molecular dynamics and energy minimization calculations. Proteolytic digestion with and without reducing agent demonstrated the presence of the disulfide bond in the chimeric virus examined. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies directed against the V3 region of the HIV-1MN strain potently neutralized two chimeric viruses. Guinea pig antisera against two chimeric viruses were able to neutralize HIV-1MN and HIV-1ALA-1 in cell culture. The ability of chimeric viruses to elicit antibodies capable of neutralizing the source of the transplanted sequence could be favorable for vaccine development.  相似文献   

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