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The Lake Victoria Region (LVR) encompasses the large lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Edward, George and Kivu, as well as scores of small satellite lakes within the parent catchments. Taken as a whole, the LVR originally harbored a unique fish fauna that included in excess of 600 endemic species of cichlid fishes. As a result of human influence, including a commercial fishery and the introduction of several exotic species, nearly 200 cichlid species and several endemic genera have become extinct from lakes Victoria and Kyoga. Recently, we have discovered that some of the apparently extinct taxa survive as extant representatives in the satellite lakes. Here, we summarize the findings of our ecological survey of the fish species of the satellite lakes. We also discuss the results of some preliminary genetic analyses, and highlight major genetic and ecological changes in the fish fauna that have taken place in the regional fishery. Minor lakes now play a crucial role in conserving the endangered species of the entire region, and also as living museums of East African ecological history. Our findings allude to the historical importance of minor satellite lakes as natural refugia for the fishes of the Lake Victoria Region, a region characterized by a history of geological and climatic instability.  相似文献   

Marbled lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus in Lake Victoria and two nearby smaller lakes were found to have high levels of DNA sequence variation in their mitochondrial control regions (35 haplotypes in 61 fish) but no population genetic structure (ΦST= 0·00). In contrast, marbled lungfish in Lake Baringo, Kenya, appeared to be fixed for a single control region haplotype, which occurred at low frequency in the other lakes. Using FLUCTUATE software, the female effective population size in Lake Victoria during the late Pleistocene was estimated to be c. 500 000, similar to the value estimated for the present-day population. These observations suggest that, during the late Pleistocene dry period, a large marbled lungfish population survived either in wet refugial areas within the lake basin or in surrounding areas. Marbled lungfish were reported to have been introduced into Lake Baringo 30 years ago with a founding population of only three individuals. The lack of control region variation in the Lake Baringo population is consistent with that situation.  相似文献   

Labeobarbus altianalis and L. bynni bynni are hexaploid cyprinid fishes in the genus Labeobarbus. In the Great Lakes region of Africa, these two large-bodied barbs exhibit considerable morphological variations. Their intraspecific classification, currently based on geographical distribution and morphological variation, is of limited application due to the overlapping nature of the water systems. Patterns of genetic variation in the Albertine and Victoria drainage basins in Uganda were assessed using mitochondrial sequences of the control region (470 basepairs) and the cytochrome b gene (627 basepairs). At the control region 36 distinct haplotypes were observed in a total of 177 individuals. Relatively low overall nucleotide diversity (π = 0.010) was observed. Hierarchical analysis of the molecular variance revealed significant differentiation between populations in the total sample (F ST = 0.172, p < 0.001), among populations within each basin (F SC = 0.047, p < 0.001), but no significant subdivision among basins (F CT = 0.131, p > 0.05). Phylogenetic analysis of the control region haplotypes resulted in a star-shaped phylogeny, with no clusters that reflect current taxonomic designation, morphotypes or basins. Phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome b gene sequences resulted in a tree topology similar to that observed for the control region. Thus the morphological characteristics separating the two species are intraspecific variation and the whole sample probably belongs to the same species.  相似文献   

The fish stocks of Lakes Kyoga and Victoria have changed since Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.), was introduced, and this is reflected in the prey ingested by the predator. Initially, haplochromine cichlids constituted the main prey of most sizes of Nile perch. As the stocks of these have declined, Caridina nilotica (Roux) and Anisopteran nymphs have become the dominant food of the juveniles, while Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin), juvenile Nile perch and Oreochromis niloticus (L.) have become the main food of larger Nile perch. Apart from R. argentea , most of the native fish species of these lakes have disappeared. The stocks of Nile perch in Lake Kyoga, to which it was introduced earlier than to Lake Victoria, have declined after dominating the fishery since 1965. and have been superseded by O. niloricus . an introduced herbivore. Similar changes are now occurring in Lake Victoria. The Nile perch might not maintain the high yield realized in the two lakes when haplochromines were abundant. It is therefore necessary to exercise caution with high and long-term investments aimed specifically at developing the Nile perch fishery.  相似文献   

Aim Predictions of aquatic ecosystem change with global warming require basic data that accurately reflect the environmental conditions underlying species distributions. However, in remote arctic areas such baseline data are scarce. We assess the influence of environmental variables on chironomid distribution and taxon richness in shallow, isothermal lakes in a poorly studied arctic region. We pay particular attention to community variation along the treeline ecotonal zone where many environmental variables change abruptly in a relatively small area. Location Lake transect in Finnish Lapland spanning from boreal coniferous forest to arctic tundra. Methods Chironomid assemblages were determined from surface‐sediment samples of 50 shallow (< 10 m) natural lakes. Abundance and taxon richness data were related to 24 limnological variables using canonical ordination techniques (DCA, CCA, RDA). A Monte Carlo permutation procedure was used to assess the explanatory power of single variables. Between‐vegetation zone differences of richness were tested for statistical significance using one‐way anova . Results In total, 7771 chironomid head capsules were identified, consisting of 13 species, 10 species groups, four subgenera, 41 genera, four genus groups, five types and three with uncertain taxonomic affiliation. A hump‐shaped relationship between taxon richness and elevation was noted along the study transect with a peak in taxon richness occurring in mountain birch woodland lakes at middle elevations, decreasing then towards both warmer and colder ends of the elevation/temperature gradient. Of the individual parameters, sediment organic content, total organic carbon, pH, and lake‐specific air temperature accounted for the greatest amount of variation in the chironomid data. Main conclusions Maximum taxon richness occurred at mid‐elevations where aquatic algae also reached their maximum diversity. This area coincides with an ecotonal transitional zone, which seems more likely to account for the peak in species richness. Our study demonstrates that the factors most strongly affecting chironomids in Finnish Lapland (i.e. temperature, and ecosystem features) are those that with great probability will also change as a result of future climate change. This will likely have an effect on the distribution of chironomids in subarctic and arctic areas.  相似文献   

Geochemical processes in the Lake Fryxell Basin (Victoria Land,Antarctica)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Major ion, nutrient, transition metal, and cadmium concentrations are presented for nine meltwater streams flowing into Lake Fryxell, a permanently stratified lake with an anoxic hypolimnion in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. For the major ions, stream compositions are considered in terms of dissolution of marine-derived salts and chemical weathering of local rocks. Although Lake Fryxell has undergone significant evaporative concentration, only calcite, of the simple salts, is predicted to precipitate. Geochemical budgets indicate, however, that large quantities of K, Mg, and SO4 have also been removed from the lake. Reverse weathering may be an important sink for K and Mg, although magnesium removal with calcium carbonate phases is also likely. Assuming constancy of composition over recent geologic time, all of the salts in the Fryxell water column could have been delivered under present flows in about three thousand years (chloride age).Comparison of nutrient concentrations in these meltwater streams with other flowing waters in the world reveals that the Fryxell streams are strikingly deficient in NO3-N but not PO4-P. The apparent nitrogen deficiency in Lake Fryxell itself can be attributed to the low annual stream loadings of this nutrient.Stream concentrations and loadings are also presented for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Cd. Dissolved metal concentrations correlate roughly with average crustal abundances, suggesting that chemical weathering is the major source for these elements. Vertical metal profiles within Lake Fryxell itself appear to be governed by the formation of insoluble sulfide phases, or, in the case of Mn, by MnHPO4. However, dissolved nickel levels in sulfide-bearing waters are much higher than can be explained in terms of metal-sulfide equilibria, and we suspect that significant organic complexing of this metal is occurring in the deeper waters.  相似文献   

Savannahs are widespread vegetation type in Sudanian zone of Africa. As protected areas are often assumed to be the best way to conserve biodiversity, we assessed the effectiveness of the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin, for maintaining savannah woody species composition, diversity and structure. Square plots of 900 m2 were randomly established in protected and surrounding unprotected savannahs, and all woody species (dbh ≥ 1 cm) were recorded and identified. Species composition, Importance Value Index, densities, basal area and diversity indexes were assessed in relation to conservation status. The results showed that DCA based on presence/absence species data did not separate clearly protected savannahs from unprotected ones. However, some species were prominent in unprotected savannahs while others showed the same scheme in protected ones. Diversity indexes indicated a good distribution of species in the two savannah types. The woody density showed a higher value in protected than unprotected savannah at shrub layer level. The basal area was significantly higher in the protected savannah than unprotected one at the two woody layer levels. It can be concluded that biodiversity conservation in surrounding unprotected areas should be of great importance to increase biodiversity conservation by protected area whether specific actions were implemented.  相似文献   

Catfishes of the family Pangasiidae are an important group that contributes significantly to the fisheries of the Mekong River basin. In recent times the populations of several catfish species have declined, thought to be due to overfishing and habitat changes brought about by anthropogenic influences. The Mekong giant catfish Pangasianodon gigas Chevey, 1913 is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. In the present study, we assessed the level of genetic diversity of nine catfish species using sequences of the large subunit of mitochondrial DNA (16S rRNA). Approximately 570 base pairs (bp) were sequenced from 672 individuals of nine species. In all species studied, haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity ranged from 0.118±0.101 to 0.667±0.141 and from 0.0002±0.0003 to 0.0016±0.0013, respectively. Four haplotypes were detected among 16 samples from natural populations of the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish. The results, in spite of the limited sample size for some species investigated, indicated that the level of genetic variation observed in wild populations of the Mekong giant catfish (haplotype diversity=0.350±0.148, nucleotide diversity=0.0009±0.0008) is commensurate with that of some other related species. This finding indicates that (1) wild populations of the Mekong giant catfish might be more robust than currently thought or (2) present wild populations of this species carry a genetic signature of the historically larger population(s). Findings from this study also have important implications for conservation of the Mekong giant catfish, especially in designing and implementing artificial breeding programme for restocking purposes.  相似文献   

Insights into the generation of diversity in both plants and animals have relied heavily on studying speciation in adaptive radiations. Russia's Lake Baikal has facilitated a putative adaptive radiation of cottid fishes (sculpins), some of which are highly specialized to inhabit novel niches created by the lake's unique geology and ecology. Here, we test evolutionary relationships and novel morphological adaptation in a piece of this radiation: the Baikal cottid genus, Cottocomephorus, a morphologically derived benthopelagic genus of three described species. We used a combination of mitochondrial DNA and restriction site associated DNA sequencing from all Cottocomephorus species. Analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b haplotypes was only able to two resolve two lineages: Cgrewingkii and Ccomephoroides/inermis. Phylogenetic inference, principal component analysis, and faststructure of genome-wide SNPs uncovered three lineages within Cottocomephorus: Ccomephoroides, Cinermis and Cgrewingkii. We found recent divergence and admixture between Ccomephoroides and Cinermis and deep divergence between these two species and Cgrewingkii. Contrasting other fish radiations, we found no evidence of ancient hybridization among Cottocomephorus species. Digital morphology revealed highly derived pelagic phenotypes that reflect divergence by specialization to the benthopelagic niche in Cottocomephorus. Among Cottocomephorus species, we found evidence of ongoing adaptation to the pelagic zone. This pattern highlights the importance of speciation along a benthic-pelagic gradient seen in Cottocomephorus and across other adaptive fish radiations.  相似文献   

Nitellopsis obtusa (Charales, Charophyceae) are widely distributed from Europe to Asia; however, this species has been recorded in only the five lakes in central Honshu in Japan. This species was thought to be extinct in Japan, but was rediscovered in limited areas of Lake Kawaguchi in central Honshu. More recently, we discovered more Japanese populations of N. obtusa in Lake Biwa in western Honshu, and it became clear that the species had a broader distribution in Japan than originally believed. In addition, although only male or female thalli have been collected at each lake, both male and female thalli were found from Lake Biwa. This is the first report of a potentially sexual population of N. obtusa in Japan. The DNA sequences of three chloroplast DNA markers, including both coding and non‐coding regions, were identical in all specimens from Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Nojiri (Central Honshu), and differed from those of Lake Biwa and German specimens. Although Japanese and German specimens were genetically similar, Japanese specimens displayed considerable genetic diversity according to locality.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies were carried out on samples of Parapteronotus hasemani, Sternarchogiton preto and Sternarchorhamphus muelleri (Apteronotidae, Gymnotiformes) from the Amazon basin. The first two species exhibited both a 2n = 52 karyotype, but differed in their karyotypic formulae, distribution of constitutive heterochromatin, and chromosomal location of the NOR. The third species, Sternarchorhamphus muelleri, was found to have a 2n = 32 karyotype. In all three species the DAPI and chromomycin A3 staining results were consistent with the C-banding results and nucleolar organizer region (NOR) localization. The 18S rDNA probe confirmed that there was only one pair of ribosomal DNA cistron bearers per species. The telomeric probe did not reveal interstitial telomeric sequences (ITS). The karyotypic differences among these species can be used for taxonomic identification. These data will be useful in future studies of these fishes and help understanding the phylogenetic relationships and chromosomal evolution of the Apteronotidae.  相似文献   

The species composition, distribution and diversity of macrophytes in Lake Ziway were determined at the end of dry and wet seasons along nine littoral sites during 2010 using a belt transect method. Some physicochemical parameters were also measured. Fourteen macrophyte species were identified with low species diversity for the lake (H' value of 1.805). The macrophyte species composition of the lake has undergone many changes during the last few decades. Arundo donax, which was never reported earlier, attained the highest relative density (30.7%) and frequency (30.5%) in this study, followed by Echinochloa colona, Potamogeton schweinfurthii, Cyperus articulatus, Typha latifolia and Cyperus papyrus. The average densities of A. donax, C. articulatus, E. colona and Pistia stratiotes were positively correlated with nutrients, whereas the density of the other species had negative correlation with physicochemical variables (CCA). Generally, the present macrophyte composition and abundance indicates healthy ecological condition of the lake. But if nutrient levels continue to increase and water levels continue to decline, we expect further changes in macrophyte composition and especially a shift towards invasive floating species.  相似文献   

Eutrophication contributes to the proliferation of alien invasive weed species such as water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes. Although the South American moth Niphograpta albiguttalis was released in South Africa in 1990 as a biological control agent against water hyacinth, no post-release evaluations have yet been conducted here. The impact of N. albiguttalis on water hyacinth growth was quantified under low-, medium- and high-nutrient concentrations in a greenhouse experiment. Niphograpta albiguttalis was damaging to water hyacinth in all three nutrient treatments, but significant damage in most plant parameters was found only under high-nutrient treatments. However, E. crassipes plants grown in high-nutrient water were healthier, and presumably had higher fitness, than plants not exposed to herbivory at lower-nutrient levels. Niphograpta albiguttalis is likely to be most damaging to water hyacinth in eutrophic water systems, but the damage will not result in acceptable levels of control because of the plant's high productivity under these conditions. Niphograpta albiguttalis is a suitable agent for controlling water hyacinth infestations in eutrophic water systems, but should be used in combination with other biological control agents and included in an integrated management plan also involving herbicidal control and water quality management.  相似文献   

Uncovering which environmental factors govern community diversity patterns and how ecological processes drive community turnover are key questions related to understand the community assembly. However, the ecological mechanisms regulating long‐term variations of bacterioplankton communities in lake ecosystems remain poorly understood. Here we present nearly a decade‐long study of bacterioplankton communities from the eutrophic Lake Donghu (Wuhan, China) using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing with MiSeq platform. We found strong repeatable seasonal diversity patterns in terms of both common (detected in more than 50% samples) and dominant (relative abundance >1%) bacterial taxa turnover. Moreover, community composition tracked the seasonal temperature gradient, indicating that temperature is a key environmental factor controlling observed diversity patterns. Total phosphorus also contributed significantly to the seasonal shifts in bacterioplankton composition. However, any spatial pattern of bacterioplankton communities across the main lake areas within season was overwhelmed by their temporal variabilities. Phylogenetic analysis further indicated that 75%–82% of community turnover was governed by homogeneous selection due to consistent environmental conditions within seasons, suggesting that the microbial communities in Lake Donghu are mainly controlled by niche‐based processes. Therefore, dominant niches available within seasons might be occupied by similar combinations of bacterial taxa with modest dispersal rates throughout different lake areas.  相似文献   

1. The occurrence of unresolved complexes of cryptic species may hinder the identification of the main ecological drivers of biodiversity when different cryptic taxa have different ecological requirements. 2. We assessed factors influencing the occurrence of Synchaeta species (monogonont rotifers) in 17 waterbodies of the Trentino‐South Tyrol region in the Eastern Alps. To do so, we compared the results of using unresolved complexes of cryptic species, as is common practice in limnological studies based on morphological taxonomy, and having resolved cryptic complexes, made possible by DNA taxonomy. 3. To identify cryptic species, we used the generalised mixed Yule coalescent (GMYC) model. We investigated the relationship between the environment and the occurrence of Synchaeta spp. by multivariate ordination using two definitions of the units of diversity, namely (i) unresolved species complexes (morphospecies) and (ii) putative cryptic species (GMYC entities). Our expectation was that resolving complexes of cryptic species could provide more information than using morphospecies. 4. As expected, DNA taxonomy provided greater taxonomic resolution than morphological taxonomy. Further, environmental‐based multivariate ordination on cryptic species explained a significantly higher proportion of variance than that based on morphospecies. Occurrence of GMYC entities was related to total phosphorus (TP), whereas no relationship could be found between morphospecies and the environment. Moreover, different cryptic species within the same morphospecies showed different, and even opposite, preferences for TP. In addition, the wide geographical distribution of haplotypes and cryptic species indicated the absence of barriers to dispersal in Synchaeta.  相似文献   

Tick species density and diversity on Aldabran tortoises was investigated in relation to the habitat range and size of each tortoise. Identification of tick infestation patterns forms an important aspect of effective tick control. Ten Aldabran tortoises were de‐ticked and monitored over the course of 2 months. Tick species found were Amblyomma sparsum, Amblyomma nuttalli, Amblyomma hebraeum and Boophilus decoloratus, with the most prevalent species found being A. sparsum. Tick loads varied considerably from 20 to 214 ticks per tortoise, with most ticks collected from the head/neck region. Tortoises ranging outside Haller Park had higher tick loads (70–214) compared with tortoises ranging within Haller Park (20–99). Tick load was not correlated with tortoise size. Results indicate that tick loads are related to the habitat range of the tortoises and may indirectly also be related to food preference and host food availability. Implications of the findings and appropriate tick control measures are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of larval, pupal, and adult stages of the alkali fly Ephydra hians Say were examined in relation to location, benthic substrate type, and shoreline features at Mono Lake. Generation time was calculated as a degree-day model for development time at different temperatures, and compared to the thermal environment of the lake at different depths.Larvae and pupae have a contagious distribution and occur in greatest abundance in benthic habitats containing tufa (a porous limestone deposit), and in least abundance on sand or sand/mud substrates. Numbers increase with increasing area of tufa present in a sample, but not on other rocky substrates (alluvial gravel/cobble or cemented sand). Standing stock densities are greatest at locations around the lake containing a mixture of tufa deposits, detrital mud sediments, and submerged vegetation. Shoreline adult abundance is also greatest in areas adjacent to tufa. The shore fly (ephydrid) community varies in composition among different shoreline habitats and shows a zonation with distance from shore.The duration of pupation (from pupa formation to adult eclosion) becomes shorter as temperature increases. The temperature dependence of pupa development time is not linear and results in prolonged time requirements to complete development at temperatures below 20 °C. About 700 to 1000 degree-days are required to complete a generation. Degree-days of time available in nature declines by 10 to 50% at depths of 5 and 10 metres relative to surface waters (depending on the extent of mixing), resulting in fewer possible generations. Essentially no growth would be expected at 15 m, where temperature seldom exceeds the developmental minimum. It is concluded that reduced substrate availability and low temperatures may limit productivity of the alkali fly at increasing depths in Mono Lake.  相似文献   

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