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Female promiscuity has broad implications for individual behaviour, population genetics and even speciation. In the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, females will mate with almost any male presented to them, despite receiving no recorded direct benefits. Previous studies have shown that female crickets can benefit from polyandry through increased hatching success of their eggs. There is evidence that this effect is driven by the potential of polyandrous females to avoid fertilizing eggs with sperm from genetically incompatible males. We provide direct evidence supporting the hypothesis that polyandry is a mechanism to avoid genetic incompatibilities resulting from inbreeding. Using microsatellite markers we examined patterns of paternity in an experiment where each female mated with both a related and an unrelated male in either order. Overall, unrelated males were more successful in gaining paternity than were related males, but this effect was driven by a much greater success of unrelated males when they were the first to mate.  相似文献   

We have developed a new set of 27 polymorphic markers for each of two cricket species, Gryllus bimaculatus and Gryllus campestris. Initially, 14 published G. bimaculatus loci were tested in G. campestris; however, only five loci were polymorphic. Therefore, we isolated an additional 50 new microsatellite loci from G. bimaculatus and tested these in both species. In a minimum of 20 individuals, 27 of the new loci were polymorphic in G. bimaculatus and 25 in G. campestris.  相似文献   

Olfactory learning in insects is a useful model for studying neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory, but memory storage capacity for olfactory learning in insects has not been studied. We investigate whether crickets are capable of simultaneously memorizing seven odour pairs. Fourteen odours were grouped into seven A/B pairs, and crickets in one group were trained to associate A odours with water reward and B odours with saline punishment for all the seven pairs. Crickets in another group were trained with the opposite stimulus arrangement. Crickets in all the groups exhibited significantly greater preference for the odours associated with water reward for all the seven odour pairs. We conclude that crickets are capable of memorizing seven odour pairs at the same time.  相似文献   

In the cricket ear, sound acts on the external surface of the tympanum and also reaches the inner surface after travelling in at least three pathways in the tracheal system. We have determined the transmission gain of the three internal sound pathways; that is, the change of amplitude and phase angle from the entrances of the tracheal system to the inner surface of the tympanum. In addition, we have measured the diffraction and time of arrival of sound at the ear and at the three entrances at various directions of sound incidence. By combining these data we have calculated how the total driving force at the tympanum depends on the direction of sound. The results are in reasonable agreement with the directionality of the tympanal vibrations as determined with laser vibrometry.At the frequency of the calling song (4.7 kHz), the direction of the sound has little effect on the amplitudes of the sounds acting on the tympanum, but large effects on their phase angles, especially of the sound waves entering the tracheal system at the contralateral side of the body. The master parameter for causing the directionality of the ear in the forward direction is the sound wave entering the contralateral thoracic spiracle. The phase of this sound component may change by 130–140° with sound direction. The transmission of sound from the contralateral inputs is dominated by a very selective high-pass filter, and large changes in amplitude and phase are seen in the transmitted sounds when the sound frequency changes from 4 to 5 kHz. The directionality is therefore very dependent on sound frequency.The transmission gains vary considerably in different individuals, and much variation was also found in the directional patterns of the ears, especially in the effects of sounds from contralateral directions. However, the directional pattern in the frontal direction is quite robust (at least 5 dB difference between the 330° and 30° directions), so these variations have only little effect on how well the individual animals can approach singing conspecifics.Abbreviations CS contralateral spiracle - CT contralateral tympanum - IS ipsilateral spiracle - IT ipsilateral tympanum - P the vectorial sum of the sounds acting on the tympanum  相似文献   

Size preference for artificial refuges was examined in the adult field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus under laboratory conditions. Blinded crickets were placed individually in a container consisting of a circular arena and six different-sized artificial refuges (triangular tent-like shelters). The crickets were allowed to walk freely inside the container for a constant period. Size preference was evaluated by determining cumulative stay period in each shelter. When the depth of the shelters varied from 60 to 160 mm at 20-mm intervals, and the width was fixed at 30 mm, both males and females tended to remain in relatively longer shelters (≥ 140 mm). Females, in particular, exhibited a distinct preference for the longest shelter (160 mm). The width of the shelters was then varied from 20 to 40 mm at 4-mm intervals, and the depth was fixed at 100 mm. Although males did not show selectivity to specific shelters, females tended to select a shelter with a particular width (32 mm). These results suggest that adults of G. bimaculatus have size preferences for refuges under blinded conditions. However, the preferences may involve sexual differences as well.  相似文献   

The waveform and the free-running period of circadian rhythms in constant conditions are often modulated by preceding lighting conditions. We have examined the modulatory effect of variable length of light phase of a 24h light cycle on the ratio of activity (alpha) and rest phase (rho) as well as on the free-running period of the locomotor rhythm in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. When experienced the longer light phases, the alpha/rho-ratio was smaller and the free-running period was shorter. The magnitude of changes in alpha/rho-ratio was dependent on the number of cycles exposed, while the free-running period was changed by a single exposure, suggesting that there are separate regulatory mechanisms for the waveform and the free-running period. The neuronal activity of the optic lobe showed the alpha/rho-ratio changing with the preceding photoperiod. When different photoperiodic conditions were given to each of the two optic lobe pacemakers, the alpha/rho-ratio of a single pacemaker was rather intermediate between those of animals treated with either of the two conditions. These results suggest that the storage of the photoperiodic information occurs at least in part in the optic lobe pacemaker, and that the mutual interaction between the bilateral optic lobe pacemakers is involved in the photoperiodic modulation.  相似文献   

Abstract .1. To benefit from the putative genetic advantages of multiple mating with multiple partners, female insects would be expected to select against mating with the same male twice when another potential partner is present.
2. This paper examined whether female Gryllus bimaculatus (Gryllidae) preferred to mate with a novel partner over a partner with which they had mated previously.
3. Females presented with a choice preferred significantly to mate with novel males over previously mated males, and preferred to do so even when the potentially confounding influence of male–male competition was controlled for.
4. The potential advantages of such a mate choice pattern and possible ways in which the choice is mediated are discussed.  相似文献   

Transgenic insects have been artificially produced to study functions of interesting developmental genes, using insect transposons such as piggyBac. In the case of the cricket, however, transgenic animals have not yet been successfully artificially produced. In the present study, we examined whether the piggyBac transposon functions as a tool for gene delivery in embryos of Gryllus bimaculatus. We used either a piggyBac helper plasmid or a helper RNA synthesized in vitro as a transposase source. An excision assay revealed that the helper RNA was more effective in early Gryllus eggs to transpose a marker gene of eGFP than the helper plasmid containing the piggyBac transposase gene driven by the G. bimaculatus actin3/4 promoter. Further, only when the helper RNA was used, somatic transformation of the embryo with the eGFP gene was observed. These results suggest that the piggyBac system with the helper RNA may be effective for making transgenic crickets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The precision of auditory lateralization was determined behaviourally for the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus L. A forced-choice Y-maze test was devised in which the cricket, on entering the test arena, could not — in contrast to free phonotactic approaches — change its walking direction until after it had passed through a narrow wire-mesh tunnel. For a sound frequency of 4.7 kHz, matching the species' calling frequency, the minimum audible angle for correct side discrimination was 15°. For stimulus angles smaller than 15° from the longitudinal body axis, the crickets walked randomly to either side; stimulus angles greater than 25° resulted in all crickets turning correctly. These data reveal a sharply tuned lateral sensitivity for the auditory pathway of crickets, with an optimum at the species' calling frequency of 4.7 kHz (when compared with 3.5 and 6.0 kHz). The results for the forced-choice test are compared with the walking pattern during free phonotactic approaches, in order to determine the possible strategy underlying the acoustic orientation behaviour of the cricket.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Agonistic encounters of juvenile male crickets were analyzed behaviourally. In a pairing between adult and juvenile male crickets, the juvenile crickets were usually beaten by...  相似文献   

Courtship song and immune function in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been assumed that sexual ornaments have evolved to reveal males' health and vigour for females. Choosy females may indirectly use ornaments as an indicator of the presence and effectiveness of genes for resistance against parasites. In this study we tested whether females of the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, can use courtship song as a cue for choosing males with high immunocompetence, measured as encapsulation rate of nylon implants and lytic activity of haemolymph. We found that female crickets preferred courtship songs from males with a high encapsulation rate. Female crickets also had a tendency to prefer courtship songs with high tick rate and long high-frequency tick duration. These preferred song components were positively correlated with encapsulation rate, but negatively correlated with lytic activity of the male. In contrast to previous studies of crickets, there was no correlation between male weight and encapsulation rate or lytic activity. There is some evidence in another cricket species that the ability to encapsulate pathogens is heritable. Thus, in light of this study it seems possible that by preferring males according to their courtship song, females might benefit by increasing the parasite resistance of their offspring.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 503–510.  相似文献   

The compound eye of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus contains a specialized dorsal rim area (DRA) populated by distinct blue-sensitive photoreceptors responsible for perception of polarized light. The rest of the eye is dominated by green-sensitive photoreceptors. Using patch clamp we studied dissociated ommatidia of nocturnal adults and diurnal eight-instar nymphs with the goals (1) of characterizing the biophysical properties of cricket photoreceptors in general and (2) describing the functionally dissimilar blue- and green-sensitive photoreceptors in terms of voltage-gated channel composition and signal coding. Despite different lifestyles, adult and nymph photoreceptors were indistinguishable. No significant circadian changes were observed in K+ currents. In contrast, prominent differences were seen between blue- and green-sensitive photoreceptors. The former were characterized by relatively low absolute sensitivity, high input resistance, slow quantum bumps with long latencies, small light-induced and K+ currents and low steady-state depolarization. Information rate, a measure of photoreceptor performance calculated from voltage responses to bandwidth-limited white noise-modulated light contrast, was 87 ± 8 bits s?1 in green-sensitive photoreceptors vs. 59 ± 14 bits s?1 in blue-sensitive photoreceptors, implying a limited role of DRA in the perception of visual contrasts. In addition, evidence of electrical coupling between photoreceptors is presented.  相似文献   

The number and distribution of descending brain neurons have been investigated in the cricket. The results are based on retrograde labeling of these cells with either Lucifer yellow or Neurobiotin via whole or small split portions of the cervical connectives. Various groups of cells and single neurons have been identified, and the morphology of more than 40 cells is described. Nearly 200 descending brain neurons can be stained via one cervical connective. Their perikarya are concentrated in clusters that occur ipsi- and contralateral to the filled connective and that lie dorsal and ventral in the brain. Descending cells only arborize in the nonglomerular neuropils of the brain and never branch in the optic lobe. Cells descending ipsilaterally never arborize in the contralateral hemisphere, whereas contralateral descending neurons often branch in both hemispheres. Irrespective of soma position, cells can arborize in the ventral and/or dorsal neuropils of the brain. Neurons with somata in the protocerebrum often have branches in the deutocerebrum and vice versa. The main arborizations of the cells from the prominent ventral i5 group are found in the same part of the protocerebrum. In contrast, various cells arborize in the ventral posterior deutocerebrum, but their somata are not located in different clusters. Thus, neurons from the same cluster may, but need not necessarily, arborize in the same brain area.  相似文献   

Summary The intact male nymph cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus DeGeer, was found to show mating-like behavior, that is, courtship-like behavior (CSLB) and copulation-like behavior (CPLB), in the 7th and 8th (last) instars. The 8th instar nymph exhibited less CSLB and CPLB than the adult but much more than the 7th instar nymph. The movement patterns of CSLB and CPLB were essentially the same as those of adults except for motor acts requiring the use of the genitalia. CSLB was short and often ceased spontaneously before it switched to CPLB. CPLB also ended earlier than in adults. The occurrence of CSLB and CPLB was almost zero the few days around ecdysis. The nymph was very sensitive to disturbance, so that he often stopped courtship for more than 30 min after stimulation. CSLB was similarly induced in the male nymph (8th instar) by pairing with a female adult, male adult, female nymph (8th) and male nymph (8th). The female nymph (8th) was observed to mount not only the male adult but also the male nymph (8th). A fixed time sexual refractoriness forming a basis of cyclical mating activity was not present after CPLB in the nymph. It appeared in association with the emergence of spermatophore protrusion behavior around day 3 after the imaginal molt. In fledglings, there were some transitions during the sexual maturation process, such as failures in hook hanging, spermatophore extrusion, and spermatophore transfer to the female. The decerebration experiments on nymphs and fresh adults agreed with behavioral observations. These results suggest that the development of mating behavior in the male cricket is a process of enhancement of basic motor patterns but not a process of addition of new movements by changes in pattern generation circuits in the central nervous system.Abbreviations CPLB copulation-like behavior - CPPT interval between copulation and spermatophore protrusion - CSCP interval between calling song and copulation - CSLB courtship-like behavior - CSS courtship song - PTCS interval between spermatophore protrusion and calling song - SPE spermatophore extrusion  相似文献   

Adult crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) were maintained under a 12-h light:12-h dark cycle (LD 12:12). After oviposition, their eggs were incubated under different lighting regimens at 23 degrees C, and temporal profiles of egg hatching were examined. When the eggs were incubated in LD 12:12 or in DL 12:12 with a phase difference of 12h from LD 12:12, throughout embryogenesis, 88% to 97% of hatching occurred within 3 h of the dark-light transition on days 17 and 18 of embryogenesis; the phases of the egg-hatching rhythms in the LD 12:12 and DL 12:12 groups differed by about 12 h. In eggs incubated in constant darkness (DD) throughout embryogenesis, a circadian (about 24 h) rhythm of hatching was found, and the phase of the rhythm was similar to that seen in eggs incubated in LD 12:12, but not DL 12:12, throughout embryogenesis. When eggs that had been incubated in DD after oviposition were transferred to DL 12:12 in the middle or later stages of embryogenesis and were returned to DD after three cycles of DL 12:12, the rhythm of hatching synchronized (entrained) to DL 12:12. However, when eggs in the earlier stages of embryogenesis were transferred from DD to DL 12:12 and returned to DD after three cycles, 52% to 94% of hatching did not entrain to DL 12:12. To determine whether photoperiodic conditions to which the parents had been exposed influenced the timing of egg hatching, adult crickets were maintained in DL 12:12, and their eggs were incubated in LD 12:12, DL 12:12, or DD throughout embryogenesis. The egg-hatching rhythm was also found in the eggs incubated under these three lighting regimens. In DD, the phase of the rhythm was similar to that seen in eggs incubated in DL 12:12, not LD 12:12, throughout embryogenesis. The results indicate that in the cricket, the timing of egg hatching is under circadian control and that the circadian rhythm of hatching entrains to 24-h light:dark cycles, but only if the light:dark cycles are imposed midway through embryogenesis. Therefore, by midembryogenesis, a circadian clock has been formed in the cricket, and this is entrainable to light:dark cycles. In addition, the photoperiodic conditions to which the parents (probably the mothers) have been exposed influence the timing of hatching, suggesting that maternal factors may regulate the timing of egg hatching.  相似文献   

The deflection sensitivities of cercal filiform hairs of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, were determined by direct measurement. The tangential velocity of deflecting hair shafts in response to stimulus air motion was measured in situ by a laser-Doppler velocimeter with surface scattering of the shaft. The velocity of the stimulus air motion in a small wind tunnel was calibrated by the same velocimeter with smoke from a joss-stick. The mobility of the hair was obtained from former measurements with reference to the latter calibration of the single apparatus. A Gaussian white noise signal was employed as a stimulus waveform, and the stimulus-response transfer function was calculated through a cross-correlation method, which provides greater precision and wider frequency for a longer period of measurement. The mobility of hair was expressed in deflection amplitudes and phase shifts in reference to the velocity sinusoid of a stimulus at various frequencies. The measurements established the following conclusions. The wind receptor hairs comprise an array of mechanical band-pass filters whose best frequencies are inversely proportional to the length. The motion dynamics of the wind-receptor hairs have strong damping. Accepted: 24 February 1998  相似文献   

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